
Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Few Tweets from the Sister Wives This Week

Well, tonight's the night we find out just how serious Truely's illness was. And, as many of you have noted, the TLC spin machine has been working overtime dealing with the negative backlash of using a child's illness as a cliffhanger to boost ratings for the Browns reality show, Sister Wives.

I think TLC and the Browns (particularly Kody) deserved the negativity expressed this week. This is not a family, it's a catastrophe!

Just take a look at some of the tweets from this week...

I've never been a fan of Robyn. It's like she has no ability at all to read social cues. For example, most of the comments on their TLC FB page expressed concern for Truely, with many offering prayers hoping for her getting well. So what does Robyn do? She showed her fans that she was incapable of empathy, sympathy or any human behavior that show she cares about other people. Instead of saying how worried she was about bonus child Truely's health scare, she sends an odd tweet about her baby Solomon.

She just doesn't get it...

Thank goodness Janelle does understand. These two tweets from her shows how much she cared - Hey Robyn, you need to take some notes!

And it seems Janelle's real estate career is off and running. As usual, she is the only adult Brown holding down a legitimate job outside of TLC's gravy train.

Looks like Meri is suffering from the same "social disease" as Robyn...her tweets are either about herself (and her celebrity) or letting her fans know which offspring of Kody Brown is most important to her.
Can Meri be more delusional?

Yeah, sure Meri you were just having some fun all right...

Finally, Christine has fired off some tweets today of her thoughts with  pictures of Truely during her hospital stay.

I'm looking over the tweets from tonight (1/26/14) ...looks like Robyn's a day late and a dollar short as usual.


  1. all of the Brown's are in complete damage control on twitter right now. Robyn and Meri are completely discusting . Covering each others asses for the poor priorities of all of them. All the time spent selling the virtues of sisterwives has been show to be a god robyn and meri are each re writing what everyone saw with their own eyes. I think they are very afraid of how this makes them look and its not good. get a barf bucket before reading their tweets..its sickening

  2. Is that all these people do is party? Planning a "recommitment" party, having a my child goes off to college party (even though she had a graduation party), all while a child is sick. I think the real poop party is the one that has a cake that costs $8500.

  3. well color me FLABBERGASTED that Meri considers herself a CELEBRITY. of course she was like "...oh I kid, I kid..." but i think she told the truth in the initial tweet, she believes that she's a celeb. She's not an effing celeb. please.

  4. One cute and sweet moment on the show that I will not snark on: Kody doing the helium balloon and singing 'Truely Scrumptious' to Truely. That was sweet and it was nice to see him pay her some attention. She seems to get ignored a lot. Hopefully it's just editing.

    1. I don't think Kody doing the helium voice for Truely was as much sweet, as it was just a way for him to get more attention from the cameras.It's hard for me to see anything he does in a positive light,because at the end of the day, it's all about Kody!

    2. I agree Anony 6:20 - that was definitely to bring the attention to himself, not for any other reason. This is the same man that knew his daughter had been sick for days and instead of going over to check on her after car shopping or if calling Christine if she had already left for the Dr., instead went up and laid on Robyn's bed. He was tired from car shopping. Meanwhile Meri had car shopped as well and was downstairs trying to put a party together for the whole family. This sorry excuse of a boy-man continues to make me sick week after week.

    3. I thought it was kind of cute. I loved Truely's reaction to it. I am not a Kody fan but I do think this really scared him.

  5. Did ANYONE else notice the scene where Janelle had NO MAKEUP ON...???? OMG. it must take her an hour to put her face on every day.

    1. I haven't watched the show yet but I did see that mentioned on twitter. Do you have a screen-cap?

    2. I was startled because I always think of Janelle as being low-maintenance but she obviously wears a lot of make up when filiming on a regular basis.

    3. Anon - I can't screencap from my TV, but it was a 9:44 PM. 43-44 minutes into the show. I realize another anon person thinks Janelle looked good w/o makeup but I beg to differ. her skin is bad, her eyebrows are so pale as to disappear into her blotchy skin, she had bags under her eyes that had their own bags...and of course the Kody Kold Sore on the lower right.

    4. "The Kody Kold Sore" - perfect description!

  6. Robyn, Kody, and Meri were blasting tweets during the show tonight. I couldn't tell if it was to do damage control or for attention because this episode wasn't only about them. Robyn's tweet had some BS about Truely saying she was glad Robyn was her mom too. I think she lies to manipulate. I'm glad that baby is ok and hopefully the adults and Kody pay more attention to the "offspring" going forward.

    1. Agree - Robyn is going into her alter ego, She-Rah and making up the most ridiculous stories....seriously we are to believe that Truely said that? She is probably trying to get into Kody's good graces. Oh and it was her daughter that was hanging on Kody when he walked in the door to talk about the situation at the hospital. Why are her girls so needy with Kody? It's really icky.

  7. I think Janelle looked really good without makeup......she looked a lot younger to me without it.

    I think the fact that Christine tweeted the last pic, the one of little Truely crying, was rude and in very poor taste. I can't imagine ANY parent wanting to take a picture of their sick/upset/crying child let alone post it on the internet. What a total douche and how shameful of a Mother, IMO.

    I think they are totally lying, on tonight's show Christine claimed that they'd taken Truely to the doctor and had been told she had the flu.........but frankly I think that is a blatant lie and that the FIRST time that seriously ill little girl EVER went to the doctor was when we see Christine scooping her up and taking her in the van.

    Before tonight's show was last week's (I didn't see it all). How great that they let all of these kids run around outside in bare feet. I can only imagine how filthy their carpets and floors are, not to mention their beds/sheets. Can't blame the kids, blame the grubby parents.

    I'm glad Pariah has gone off to college, won't be sad to not have to see her mopey, entitled mug as quite as often. Poor Meri and Pariah, how inconsiderate of little Truely to get sick and put a "damper" (as Meri called it) on Pariah's big departure. What selfish b*tches. I can't even stand to look at either of them, their ugliness oozes out of them.

    I wish people would just stop watching this trash show and that TLC would pull the plug on it. It's such total garbage. I want to vomit when I read the gushing posts of praise on the various Sisterwives' FB pages, where people (mostly women!) nearly trip over themselves expressing their love and adoration and devotion to this group of grifting arseholes.

    1. I agree with you Christine did not take Truely to the doctor previously (I think Robyn mentioned 3 times). That's probably the work of the TLC spin doctors trying to put a sympathetic spin on the parenting skills of Kody and Christine. I think they have been very lucky but I hope Christine understands that a sick child can become dehydrated in at the North Pole as well as the air conditioned comfort of the Las Vegas desert in summer. And that the outcome of IGNORING A SICK CHILD by not monitoring her fluid intake and urine output while she's sick is kidney failure.

      Someone needs to ask her why they ignored Aspyn insisting something was seriously wrong with Truely.

    2. Yes! Aspyn was the Brown whose opinion and observations made the most sense!! She was right to be skeptical, of the parental units especially! If only if only if only she had been HEARD!

    3. Yes well, big CELEBRITIES like Meri are accustomed to always hearing the word "yes" and seldom tolerate being inconvenienced! The NERVE of Truely for throwing a such serious "damper" into Meri's plans with her grave illness!

    4. depends on their definition of doctor..chiropracter..healer..palm reader..who knows

  8. OMG I can't believe the BLATANT LIES! Someone tweeted about how awful it was that they would allow Truely to be so sick for 5 days before taking her to a doctor and this was Meri's BS response:

    Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1 2h

    "@Shanenid:I'm sorry, who waits 5 days to take your child to doctor? Aspyn say it, not responsible" @rosecolored6 took her 3 times prior.

    1. Yep. LIES. Stupid Kody writes...."Dr. Mendoza is our pediatric doc. We wish we could have seen him sooner. " So they went 3 times before? Where did they go? Maybe Kody's fever diagnosis counted as a doctor visit? I think his Helium voice came from the gas flowing from his head. He's too lazy to get with his wives and tweet the correct lie.

    2. I have seen three different doc, nurse practitioners at my sons pediatrician. On a sick visit I can't be sure to get the doc I most prefer to see. I go to whoever has a slot. I would not take a child with the flu to the doc unless they had a fever for several days or some other symptom that was not relieved enough with a pain med, warm bath, to allow proper rest at night. Not sleeping for us means ear ache. If I take to the doc because the coughing last a week I am shown the paper on the door showing a cough lasts two weeks. If I take for a fever on day four I am shown a paper on the door that say a fever can last five days. Christine took her to the doc. Christine saw her child do something she hadn't ever seen a child do while having the flu and took her to the doc. That is what you are suppose to do.

  9. Have Sol's feet ever touched the floor?? He's always being carried or on someone's lap! I doubt this boy would EVER be slumped in the corner on the floor!

    1. I agree about them always carrying King Sol around. I do have to say, though, it seems Robyn is the only one who does get her kids medical care. She does have the medical lien on her house for a hospital bill and I believe in the episode she said something about how the pediatrician is "really good" and if he said go to the hospital it's serious. I think she is the one who recommended that doctor to Christine. I absolutely do not believe they took Truely to the doctor at any time before that. No way. Why wasn't it filmed? They film EVERYTHING else including an overly dramatic scraped toe, they would have something on film somewhere even of Christine driving off the Dr. I call Shenanigans!!

    2. I believe they took her and I believe they didn't film it because noone thought it was a big deal. Why film someone talking their child to the doctor for the doctor to say go home they have the flu. My guess is the camera men didn't know it was serious so why film it.

    3. I wondered if King Sol's feet had ever touched the ground either when I saw his first tentative steps on the new grass they had installed. I remember my daughter's first few cautious forays onto the lawn from her baby quilt spread out on while she was still crawling. It was quite funny.

  10. OMG! -- not only does Sobyn LIE and claim that Truely had been taken to the doctor (by Christine) "3 times" prior to her being hospitalized, she claims (in her tweet) that it took those 3 visits "before their pediatrician got it right." Holy crap! So not only are they LYING on national TV but they're essentially slandering their doctor and blaming him for taking so long to diagnose. If I were him I'd sue for libel. There is no way in the world that 3 visits to any doctor over a period of 5 days would result in the doctor not picking up on this child being very unwell/dehydrated/lethargic and in need of bloodwork to be done. Why lying dicks.

    1. Doctor can't say a damned thing, due to HIPPA restrictions on privacy. So the Browns can trash him as much as they want.

    2. If Christine took Truly to the doctor 3 times, then why did they not film it. Why just film the one time taking her to the doctor. I am sure she had to make an appointment. Why not go to the ER right away. Iam sure Kody said that the ER was going to cost more money. This famiy disgusts me. And Meri, you are no $&/-:ing celebrity.

    3. No kidding - either they did indeed go to the doctor "3 times before the pediatrician got it right" (eyeroll) or "the pediatrician is really good," not both. These two two situations are mutually exclusive! It's not as though Truely had some exotic or rare condition that was difficult to diagnose. If there had been three prior doctor's visits, I would imagine urinalysis and a standard blood panel would have been ordered at some point, particularly as Truely's health declined. Kidney failure would have turned up in both tests. Not buying it, sorry!

    4. They didn't film the doc exams. They filmed the doc saying to the camera that she presented with symptoms that require an ER visit immediately. Lovely to publicize for current and future parents. She didn't have that symptom until day five. A doc can't diagnose kidney failure without such a symptom. The flu started on day one, the kidney failure was a complication that presented at a later date.

    5. I'm sorry. That's simply not true. Blood work will indicate kidney failure, but MOST importantly, lack of urine production, lack of fluid intake and lethargy would have been the PRIME indicators. NOT crossed eyes. That's a very late indicator and it means things are critical. Boiled down, THE PARENTS SHOULD HAVE CLUED IN TO THE EARLY SIGNS MUCH SOONER. The teenage daughter did. Why didn't they????

  11. I missed all but the last few minutes, and I was glad that we actually got to see Truly for a few minutes at the end of the show when she was feeling better. She is so cute, just a darling.

  12. @Cynical Jinx, thank you for posting this so quickly after tonight's show. I had been feeling a tad agitated about this upcoming episode all week. It was nice to have a place to "go" once I finished watching it to share thoughts and read the opinions of others.

    I also ran all through the tweets of the Browns. I complimented Aspyn for trying to do right by her sister. I also gave Truely credit for her incredible strength. She's a brave little girl. I noticed that Mariah was watching the Grammys and was posting quotes from the Macklemore song "Same Love", so I cheekily asked her what the parents' reaction would be if she decided to admit an alternate sexual orientation as her life's path. We shall see if she replies. I only bothered to do this because she greatly annoyed me with her answer to the question about why she wasn't watching the show about her sister. She said "because I LIVED it". Well, no, Mariah, actually you didn't! And it's fortunate for Truely, that while SHE is the one who actually "lived" it, she is seemingly now on the road to recovery. I am hoping that the after care for Truely will be sufficient and she will not suffer from any long term problems. I wouldn't bother trying to tweet any of this type of message to Mariah. It would only fall on deaf princess ears and be deleted.

    1. Mariah is so selfish. She didn't care when Truely "LIVED" it and she doesn't care now. She is nasty.

    2. Pariah wasn't even there when Tuely was going through that or deal. How can she say she lived it? That girl is really disgusting me more and more every day.

    3. And don't forget, Meri also spent at least a week with Mariah when she moved her into the dorm! (or so we were led to believe from tweeter)

  13. I use to like this show in the beginning when they acted like a loving family. They are no longer a loving family. It's all for themselves. They want everyone to accept their lifestyle of cheating but look down upon everyone else. I hope that Children Services steps in and take a look at this family after what has happened to this poor little girl. It is clear these children are being neglected while their parents go off and spend money. I use to really like Meri, stress "use to" for the crying crap every week is a joke. Empty nest? She should be happy she was able to have a child. While she sits and cries and feels sorry for herself, there are many people, like myself, who can not have children at all. I would love to have the joy of one of these children that these people take for granted. I agree with other posters, Christine acts like a child who can not handle any adult task beside giving birth. I praise Janelle for working, raising children and having a sense of self. The inbreeding needs to stop. These people are clearly what happens when it continues.

    1. "They want everyone to accept their lifestyle..but look down on everyone else"

      Exactly! They rip on monogamy and have actually said they pity women in monogamous relationships. Dude, if you want to be accepted without judgement then the first thing you need to do is be accepting!

      Hey, could that be a new tee shirt or piece of jool-ree? BE ACCEPTING SWEETIE!

  14. just another someone thrown under the bus that went on camera with these people, and then discredited because they dont take responibility for their actions

    1. If you're referring to the pediatrician that told Christine to take Truely to the hospital (and was thrown under the bus by Robyn's tweet) I believe it was Kody who finally tweeted a thank you to the pediatrician yesterday - damage control to correct Robyn's stupid tweet.

  15. God these people are sickening, everyone wandering off to there own drummer and one gets sick and they just step over her like a bunched up rug

  16. This episode...holy hell! First of all, when someone is sick with the flu everyone knows they must stay hydrated. Why a parent wasn't on top of this for Truely, I'll never know. Five parents in that family and no one could look out for a sick child? Aspyn is a great older sister and very mature, but she is still very young and shouldn't be the one looking after her. And since no parent took the illness too seriously, Aspyn probably figured the crossed eyes were no big deal.

    Secondly...Meri and Mariah said the right things at Mariah's party but they both looked irritated and put out, rather than concerned. Really want to be a doctor but you have no real interest or concern about your baby sister who could very well die(at that point)? And Meri talking about it being a damper on Mariah leaving...I'm at a loss for words on that one.

    Aspyn mentioned how hard it must be for Mariah to leave when Truely is so sick...holy cow is that family trained to constantly worry about Meri and Mariah's feelings! And the sad part is that Mariah really doesn't give a shit about anyone but wasn't too hard for Mariah to leave Truely, because if it were her, sobfest would have been a large part of the show! And why did Mariah get such a nice car? A trip to Europe, an expensive private college, and a nice car...while everyone else makes do. Aspyn drives a red beater. Mariah is the priority. Yuck.

    The editing of the show pissed me off...I actually teared up over Truely..she was on death's door and then she was ready to go home. Very quick transitioning and I felt jerked around by it.

    As far as Brown Twitter antics go: Meri as a celebrity-that's laughable. Any notoriety you have is because you share a husband and you are miserable over it!

    1. It sounds like Aspyn cares just as much about Mariah as she does Truely. She is a legal adult. She can take care of a kid with the flu or fever or cold for a couple of hours. She did notice the symptom. She was paying attention. She is good and capable person.

  17. I think it's odd how uncomfortable they were just talking on the phone to Kody while all together. That shows me that they must not spend much time together. Talking about intimate relationships is one thing but to have a general conversation in front of each other should be commonplace - that is if they actually spent time together as one family.

  18. I don't think Meri understands the difference between fame and infamy. You aren't a celebrity, you are a poster child for why polygamy doesn't work.

    1. So who is the poster child for why monogamy doesn't work? Elizabeth Taylor? Tori Spelling?

    2. The difference is that there ARE happy, healthy monogamous marriages. Polygamy as practiced by fundamentalist mormons cannot be healthy. All the power rests with the men...women can only enter heaven through a man. They must keep the man happy, because if they don't another woman will. If you fall out of favor with the man and he divorces you, you are eternally screwed.

    3. I haven't seen anyone trying to create an entire television show about how monogamy is the only way to get to the ultimate eternal reward. The Browns set out to prove to the world that they are a healthy, well-adjusted family and that polygamy is just another form of "normal". They have done just the opposite. They have proven what many many people had assumed to be true, that polygamy is highly dysfunctional and not healthy for the kids.

      I honestly started watching this show with an open mind. Hey, maybe this is just a lifestyle that I'm not familiar with, maybe this could be OK and I'm just not educated about it? Wow, have they ever educated me on all the reasons polygamy doesn't work and should not be recognized under the law. These people are sickening, entitled grifters. Oh, I mean "celebrities" ;o)

    4. Polygamy as practiced by fundamentalist mormons cannot be healthy. All the power rests with the men...women can only enter heaven through a man

      Don't forget that mainstream LDS also believe that a woman is called into heaven by her priesthood holder - i.e. her husband. Of course, this is only for couples who are married (sealed) in the temple for all time and eternity. And that unmarried women can be sealed posthumously to a man.

      I haven't seen anyone trying to create an entire television show about how monogamy is the only way to get to the ultimate eternal reward.

      Please don't give TLC any ideas on another reality show! But the fact that not too long ago, monogamist couples who chose to live together rather than get married were said to be "living in sin" - and unrepentant sinners don't go to heaven.

    5. A trip to Europe...

      Thank you for reminding me about Mariah's trip to Europe, Clockwork Angel! Isn't it amazing that trip wasn't mentioned at all in the episodes showing her graduation, Kody's bromance, the wives trip to SF and Truely's illness !!

    6. Gee..I wonder why it was never mentioned. After they complain that they don't know how they will pay for their houses, I want to know how that trip was paid for and when are the rest of the kids getting a trip like that...

  19. It's funny, many people think that Solomon is treated so special, I always thought he was treated normally and the other small children were neglected. It's normal to me to tote your toddler around and fuss over him or her. I always thought Truely was ignored and left to be parented by her siblings.

    I can't stand Robin, but she seems to parent her children, she actually knows what goes on with them. Both Christine and Janelle have made comments about their older children being the ones who have so much responsibility in their households. I think they both continued to pop out children not because they wanted more kids but to get Kody's attention. Neither seems to be a very good parent.

    1. Yea it really bothered me that Truely seemed to be passed off from sister to sister as Christine had to go off and do other things. Becuase picking out flowers for you "commitment ceremony" is so much more important than taking care of a sick child! Even if I "just" had the flu, my mother would have stayed home with me instead of going to pick out flowers

  20. I hope that they are telling the truth and that Truely really was taken to the doctor 3 times prior to the hospitalization. However, if Truely was diagnosed with the flu and was that lethargic, none of them should have been out flower shopping and planning a party with an $8500 cake. Once it was declared an emergency, I thought that most of the adults acted in a responsible manner. I actually think Kody was genuinely upset and freaked out. I thought most of the adults acted in caring and responsible ways. Even if Meri and Mariah were not exactly oozing with sympathy over the situation, at least Meri did not demand that Kody join them on the college move-in. (but seriously that is how low my expectations are from Meri and Mariah).

    I can’t snark about the illness of precious Truely, she is a small child! I just felt kind of sad last night that she went through that and that she easily could have died. Scary stuff.

    A couple of observations. When Robyn had to wake Kody up from his nap, it sounded like he said “Yes, dammit” when Robyn came in. (although he hopped to when he heard the news). Why act like taking Mariah car shopping was such a ‘surprise’ when she clearly knew she was going to get a car and didn’t even act the least bit excited. Why even show that part of the show, what did it really add? And Meri and Mariah are clearly trying to win the “Most unpleasant reality celebrity” on next year’s Emmy Awards, they are both such unpleasant people, they just suck the joy right out of the room.

    And there is some serious lying going on. Either the show is a complete lie and the ladies really do not despise one another or they just tweet dishonest feelings. There were all these tweets about how much they are there for each other, etc….so are the tweets lies or is the entire show a lie? Because that stuff does not add up.

    1. CPA C, it's been a long time since I've taken a child that little to the doctor, but I do remember that one of the first things they do is "pinch" the skin on the back of their hand to check for dehydration because it is so easy to miss and so deadly in little people. I don't believe that they went in three times. Lethargy like that in a toddler with no fever or any other overt symptoms (coughing, runny nose, etc.) would make them look pretty closely--if not the first time then surely the second visit.

    2. I worked in Pediatrics for 20 years. Any time we saw a child that young we would test skin turgor,as Snark above mentioned and done a blood test which would immediately show us the dehydration and kidney problem. I imagined the child was probably not eating or drinking and the parents did not notice because flowers and cakes were much more important to them. Children can get dehydrated quickly. Most mothers of 6 kids would have grasped that fact and gotten the child help immediately. I think in this situation Aspyn is the "mother" to her younger siblings.

    3. I think in this situation Aspyn is the "mother" to her younger siblings

      And that's why Aspyn seemed so happy to be getting away by moving on campus! From what I can tell (and some of you guys, too) apparently the "parents" of the Browns have been the elder teenagers - Logan for Janelle's family unit, Aspyn and Mykelti for the Christine family unit. Even Robyn relied on her sister Taralyce (and possibly yet another unannounced sister) to help her out. Now it makes sense why Aspyn pledged a sorority and is now singing the praises of "sisterhood". It must be liberating for her to be in an environment where she isn't expected to be the unpaid nanny of her younger siblings.

      Of course with just one teenager Meri didn't need help, but why wasn't she helping out her fellow sisterwives?

      Well, one look in their book Becoming Sister Wives answers that question: Christine felt Meri went overboard when punishing her bonus children. Christine's calling out Meri on this behavior led to the breakdown of their friendship.

    4. CJ, I was thinking the same thing. These kids had to take care of the siblings because the "laid back" (that's a euphemism for lazy and irresponsible) mothers don't parent.

      Watching Aspyn sob made me wonder if Christine chastised her for not doing more for Truely or for not contacting Christine and telling her how serious it was. Poor Aspyn probably feels guilty for what happened to Truely.

      I hope Aspyn gets to just go be a kid and have no responsibilities beyond her schoolwork and her own personal laundry. Study abroad Aspyn!

    5. In a way Mariah was forced into an adult role in her household, too. It is very apparent that she was Meri's confidant and emotional support to some extent.

    6. I think Aspyn's breakdown was because Kody and Christine ignored her when she (and Mykelti) told them Truely was really sick! And I agree that Christine and Kody most likely did chastise her for questioning their (Kody's) judgment. We already heard Kody say that he knew what a fever felt like and Truely did not have a fever. I also feel that Christine waited those 5 days because she was standing by her priesthood holder's uninformed opinion that Truely only had the flu. She waited 5+ days and only finally sought medical help because Truely's eyes were crossed! How many times did she say that on the show? There were no 3 trips to the doctor, that's just damage control!

    7. In a way Mariah was forced into an adult role in her household, too. It is very apparent that she was Meri's confidant and emotional support to some extent.

      But there's a difference between being your parent's confidant vs being the nanny. And I think Mariah's entitlement issues are the proof. Mariah may have moved into the "honors" dorm, but she didn't pledge a sorority. Something tells me Aspyn is more popular with her peers than Mariah could ever be...and it seems Mariah travels back to Vegas every holiday!

    8. in last weeks episode when christine said to the cameras "Aspyn runs this house"
      basically takes care of everything, and what was she going to do when aspyn goes away to college ..well right there should be a clue that christine was not in charge of this childs illness and i hope christine reinforces to aspyn its not her fault the baby got sick

    9. "But there's a difference between being your parent's confidant vs being the nanny."

      Completely agree. Mariah acts like an entitled child most of the time and it's not the same as what Logan and Aspyn have had to do. But when I started to think about it...the dysfunction in this family has caused the teens of the original moms to take on adult roles, albeit a little differently in Meri's household. And this is why I think polygamy is a crock of of the parental figures is incompetent, narcissistic, and spread thin. The other is hurt, jealous, and worried. The teens have had to fill in the gaps. The teens in Janelle and Christine's family have had to be parental figures and help run the households. It's just that Meri is so messed up and isolated, Mariah was involved in conversations and comforting her mother when it should have been an adult doing so. And I really hadn't thought about that before. It's kind of shitty for Meri to do that because along with spoiling Mariah, she has royally screwed up Mariah's emotional health and social skills.

      "I think Aspyn's breakdown was because Kody and Christine ignored her when she (and Mykelti) told them Truely was really sick! And I agree that Christine and Kody most likely did chastise her for questioning their (Kody's) judgment. We already heard Kody say that he knew what a fever felt like and Truely did not have a fever."

      Completely agree with this too. I think she felt extremely frustrated and guilty. But it wasn't her fault. She did the best she could. I felt pretty badly for Aspyn.

    10. Karen I have never heard of Ped requiring blood every time a 3 year old shows up at an office for a sick visit.

  21. I am half way through the episode and I want to scream at Robyn stealing the spotlight when the other wives are talking. One wife will start to make a point and Robyn will swoop in and take over the conversation, basically repeating what the other wife has said. Janelle was talking about how proud she was of Aspyn and McKelti and here comes Robyn cutting her off and finishing the statement. She does this nearly every episode. GAH!!!

  22. Oh yes Meri, you are a celebrity. You are one of the biggest Brown turds floating in the toilet bowl. My only question is which Brown will leave the biggest streak when the bowl gets flushed?Going..going..GONE. And it's coming, I'd say their fifteen minutes are down to less than five after tonight's episode. The best part will be when it dawns on Douchie McDouchbag. Notice that snarky comment about no crying? He thinks he can thumb his nose and continue on and when the TLC money is gone, well it's back to Utah and the tax payers. I don't watch this anymore but I will watch if they film his reaction.

    HIPPA stops the doctor from commenting, but if anyone was in the office during any of those three (yeah..I know) visits, they can vouch for these sleaze bags. Oh and Christine, if the pediatrician f*cked up that badly, get yourself a lawyer and SUE. They did not take Truely to a board certified medical doctor three times. I doubt if she saw the chiropractor once before the real visit to the pediatrician. Lying liars that lie. I cannot stand them and cannot believe that this is what television viewing has come to.

  23. Did I read right? Six weeks in the hospital? SIX WEEKS! Who is paying for that? TLC? Oh Christine, lawyer up over that negligent doctor asap (eyes rolling and nearly stuck in the back of my head)...I'll be waiting for news of the filed suit.

    Spin it Janelle. Scary? Did you rush to the hospital? How many times did you visit? See Janelle, we get that you just might be smarter than the average Brown, but you're still not smart or savvy enough and this income stream is about to get the royal flush. Thank God they're so conceited and ignorant to not listen to the canaries in the mine. Otherwise we'd be stuck with this shit sitcom for five more years.

    1. According to the timeframe mentioned in the show last night, Truely was hospitalized approx 9-10 days...which still must have cost a lot of money!! Didn't Mykelti's appendectomy set the Browns back $50K back in Lehi and that was probably 2-3 days hospitalization.

    2. Janelle is thinking about the finite resources that will be paying for that hospital stay. Sorry, I said it. But I think that was what she was thinking when Kody was telling her how long the hospital stay would be. I know, I am going straight to hell, but that is what Janelle was thinking.

    3. I'm guessing that the Browns DO have medical insurance, but the cheapest they could possibly get. which would be an HDHP High Deductible Health Plan, which they probably purchase as a "group" plan thru Brown Family Entertainment LLC. However by law, I'm guessing they would be considered 4 separate families. with separate family deductibles. in 2013, the MINIMUM deductible (per family) on an HDHP was $2500 with a max out of pocket of $12,500. So that would be annually MINIMUM $10k total deductible for the Browns. I can easily see Kody wanting to save his money for toys and material things - expenses like insurance premiums aren't any fun, and there's a certain subset of people (fundies I bet think this way too) that consider insurance premiums as 'gambling' per se - they pay the premiums and if the deductible isn't met, then they have "lost money". IMO.

    4. Don't know about Nevada, but in California, we have a $250k malpractice cap for lawsuits.

    5. I hope the Browns have medical insurance on the kids because now that Kody has made himself so "well known" in the Vegas community I doubt he'll be able to walk away from this particular hospital bill so easily. Janelle knows this, too.

    6. Thanks CJ for clearing that up. I thought a stint of six weeks in the hospital was off but since I don't watch I wasn't sure. But oh boy is that nine to ten days going to be $$$. Especially on a peds renal floor (I'm guessing) and 24 hour dialysis. I once did a clinical round in a dialysis center where I had to administer a medicine that cost $5K for one shot. My hands shook so badly I'm amazed I didn't drop it. Renal diseases are one of the most common and expensive ailments to have. There was absolutely no reason for it to have gotten as far as it did. They were negligent and I agree CPS should be involved.

      It's been gnawing at me..Meri's announcement that's she's a celeb. I'm wondering if she and Kotex were approached by Geico. Perhaps they were offered the role of a caveman couple. Their new tagline could be "Geico! So easy a polygamist caveman couple can do it!" Oh and note to Meri - orange is not the new black in regards to bronzer. Step away from it GF before you're mistaken for an oompa loompa is some gawdy Las Vegas rendition of Willy Wonka.

    7. Perhaps they were offered the role of a caveman couple. Their new tagline could be "Geico! So easy a polygamist caveman couple can do it!"

      OMG---I am laughing so hard!!!!

    8. Well Snarkaholic, they do have the bone structure for it. It would save the makeup team a ton. They'd just need to get them both the exact same hue of orange and then roll the camera. ;)

  24. there is an outake clip on TLC from when they were in Big Bear, Christine, Janelle and Meri are talking about their different parenting style. Christine and Janelle bragging about how laid back they are, and how Meri has all the RULES! When i saw Meri's non reaction last night it made me think of this, and how like on the rock climbing in Yoming they were bragging about how the older kids watch out for the younger kids as all of them are scattered across the rocks climbing where they probably didnt belong. I believe Christines laid back attitude bit her in the ass big time with Truely getting so ill, and i could just hear Meir saying, i told ya so..that's christine...everything is so much her dense mind has messed up mine and mariahs plans

    1. But you know what? This would never have happened to Mariah. Meri is a bitter lady, but you can bet money she would've known if Mariah was seriously ill. I think the same thing about Robyn. Neither Meri nor Robyn would allow one of their kids to get to death's door through neglect.

      So why would Robyn and Meri ignore this in Truely? Is it because Christine told Meri to stay away from her kids and not parent them? (I remember Christine saying that in one episode) I just don't get it. How could 5, count 'em, FIVE adults allow a child to nearly die from neglect?

    2. You have to remember that Truly became sick while the mothers were away and Kody was in charge. He said she was coming down with the flu. We see from the show that the mothers do not get involved with another mother's children. So I think the blame lies with Kody and Christine who waited an additional 5 days before taking Truly to the doctor. She even said that she didn't know how serious dehydration could be or the warning signs. I think its a miracle her other children haven't been harmed due to her ignorance.

  25. OMG, I love this site! You all keep me in stitches!

    "This episode..holy hell!"

    "so conceited and ignorant to not listen to the canaries in the mine"

    "my barf bucket is getting full"

    Seriously, cracking me up!!!

  26. Someone mentioned Child Protective Services and I agree that those children need to be protected. Not sure if they could do anything. Appeared to me to be child neglect, though. And it started with Kody. First of all, when the women went to SF, he should have been checking on all the children regularly, particularly the young ones, not leaving their care totally to the older girls. But when Aspyn noticed that Truely (not sure of spelling) wasn't well, he showed ignorance. You DON'T check a person's temperature with your hands!!!!! I cannot believe he said she didn't feel warm because he felt her with his hands. IGNORANT. With 4 houses, surely one of those houses had a thermometer in it. He should have sent at least one of the other children to search for a thermometer or to buy one. And earth to Kody, if you don't have a thermometer handy, you kiss the person's forehead. If a child is lethargic, it likely is because they have a temperature which is likely due to an infection. He should have taken Truely to the doctor before the women even came home. When the women came from, that made 5, count them 5 adults. You mean to tell me none of those adults has the sense to know that Truely should have been taken to the doctor? And as has already been mentioned, when a person, particularly a child or an elderly person has a temperature and is lethargic, it is important to be sure that they stay hydrated and to take measures to bring the temperature down. I personally feel that those adults, particularly Kody, are responsible for Truely getting so incredibly sick. If he had done something immediately when Aspyn mentioned that Truely was not well, she likely would never have gotten to the point where she went into kidney failure. They are all IGNORANT neglectful parents and I can barely stand to watch them.

  27. the pre view for next weeks show is kody pleading for the public to accept he is a polygamist?
    that storyline has no credibility. People dony dislike this family for being polygamist, the persecution feel bad my me and my family storyline is they feel they can only thrive as a storyline is there is negative feelings involved? the original shows were so much better..

  28. I felt that they kind of let the pettiness go, and came togher as a family when it really mattered.. However, I am just as sick as everybody by the fact that they used this as markeding in this manner. And they should have taken her to the hopital sooner. Wonder how long before someone reports them to the CPS for this. After an inicdents aired on Teen Mom, the police started an investigation after massive amounts of callers..

    1. In the teen mom situation the only people to see that before it aired were the people in the room and the editing room. It was an event that took place in private. Christine took a sick kid to the doctor and later the ER. Dehydration is very common. Thousands of kids end up in the ER every year for dehydration. Health professionals are mandated reporters. If something was suspicious it would have been reported. If something is reported now it will obviously be a hoax from a viewer who should probably be seeking medical attention themselves. Was this child left alone? No. Did the parents or babysitters have food,drink, proper clothing for weather? yes. Did the family seek modern reasonable medical attention and agree to appropriate procedures requested by the hospital? Yes. All comments about Christine really caring about all the kids in the past has this making me sad. Remember the name plaque last Christmas she did for every kid? She is the down and dirty mom with extra kids over for dinner. She is the one who blows off her studying for the real estate license because of caring for her kids. She is the one who didn't want to follow through since truely was still too little to have her working nights and weekends. Did anyone see the look on her face, the tiredness in her new normal after says in the hospital. Where did the meanness come from all of a sudden? Financially they are making decisions most of us wouldn't make, same with adult relationship. But this health scare doesn't tell me anything bad about them. A veteran parent saw a shocking thing happen when her daughter had a bout with the flu and took her to the doc. Sometimes serious stuff is going on, it isn't anyone's fault. It just happens. Life is like that.

    2. kms - I don't know what life is "like" in your world, but for a child to be that seriously ill to be hospitalized for so long and to go through all of those treatments that she did for it then to be used as a "hey look at us" marketing gimmick is NOT how "life is" with anyone I know! We have 6 kids in our family and if they are sick, they take precedence over anything else! And if, as you posted below so matter of factly, Christine went flower shopping earlier the same day Truely was admitted to the hospital, then double shame on her! She should have been focused on her child if she was that ill! We once skipped a vacation to Atlantis in the Bahamas because I felt one of the littles was too sick to fly and we lost a lot of money on that deal, but so what - you make sacrifices. That's what parents do! But it's certainly not what the Brown's do - because clearly as evidenced in this episode and looks like into the next - fame and money are the most important things in their lives! Oh, and flower shopping for a completely scripted "re" commitment ceremony when they have never shown any commitment to being a real united family in the first place! Especially after reading their book. And as far is where did the meaness come from? No one is being mean. We are stating our opinions and observations of a television show. If they don't want to be opined about, they should not be on national tv. I'm sure you can opine away about my life - I could stand to lose 15 pounds, my husband could stand to lose 40, we have a teenage daughter who thinks we are dumb as rocks and she knows it all right now, etc. etc. BUT the difference is I don't feel the need to blast my business all over the universe so I can live in a shoddily constructed half million dollar home. They can't have their cake (all $8,500 worth of it!) and eat it too... people are going to have opinions about the "entertainment" they are providing through their show and this is a place for us to express them. Nothing mean about that at all.

    3. Hockey mom. A poster said they noticed signs of dehydration on the day of the flower shopping and accused the family if missing the symptoms. My response to their post was to suggest that was the very day she was brought to the hospital. Christine saw what others saw that day. That is why she took her in. Duh! You can't travel abroad and have a sick person active with fever enter a counter without being the once over or perhaps put in isolation. Not a huge surprise what you decided. The Bahamas is not an errand. She didn't leave the child alone to go shopping or gamble or see a movie.

    4. KMS..i am the poster you are reffering to and my point WAS NOT that she looked dehydrated taht day of the flower shopping, my point was that SHE DID NOT because of the rear in her eye,,she still had fluids for tears..that other sypmtons of dehydration in a fair child are present. cracked lips..dark circles

    5. Kms, I do appreciate your opinions. I believe we get your point that you feel the Browns were not remiss in their handling of Truely's unfortunate illness.


      While you believe the Brown's handling of the situation was appropriate, others may feel differently based on their own personal experience and interpretation of the events presented on the show and from the Browns own comments on social media.

      Please, let's not start allowing a simple difference in opinion to escalate into heated comments going back and forth.

      You've stated your position well. It's not necessary to keep repeating it. We get it.

      Thank you

    6. HockeyMom, very well said and you're spot on. This has got to be one of the most selfish, entitled families I've ever seen with Kodpiece leading the way. I hope their reign ends soon because when it's back strategically staggering bankruptcies and credit cards, there's no way they'll be able to charge this kind of lifestyle on their Mastercard. Pariah (love that Anon!) might have to be institutionalized when she doesn't get what she wants. I pity the sales staff....

  29. This episode hit me on an emotional level. It is so sad to watch a child fight a grave illness, and it is equally sad watching parents try to stay strong during what had to have been the worst days of their lives.

    Did anyone else notice, however, that the bonus Moms didn't seem to share the same level of distress as Christine? Watching this, I felt like they were sad and concerned like a neighbor might be sad and concerned...not like a second mother.

    1. This episode was the nail in the coffin for the BS about bonus children. They are a bunch of hypocrites. For a while I was just thinking it was Meri, particularly with her wailing about being an empty nester. But with the way that all the women acted in this episode, it was so obvious that they only give lip service to the concept of bonus children. Bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.

    2. Ya, I noticed the same thing. I've never met this kid and I teared up a little watching her when she was so obviously gravely ill and not one single "bonus mom" cried. They cry over every petty little thing, but not over this sick baby? WTH?

      No one went with Christine to the emergency room? How fast would you be in your car racing to the hospital if your spouse called you and told you about this situation?

      Truly, this was the episode that made me equally disgusted with each and every parent. Not one of them is a decent parent. Not a one.

    3. Yup - felt the same way. They continued on with Pariah's stupid party even though Truely was rushed to the ER. Although they all claimed that they visited Truely, I don't know how much they really cared. Sure they may have visited her but to many of them it seemed, like you said above, a neighbor or one of their children's friends was sick. Sad

  30. Seriously disgusted. The wives go off to San Fran and Kody pawns off his ill child on her teenage sisters. He wasn't taking care of her AT ALL. Then, the four "moms" come back and NOT ONE of them notices that Truely isn't using the bathroom. An ill toddler SHOULD NOT be pawned off on inexperienced teenagers, no matter how much babysitting experience they have. Sadly, those same teenagers were the only ones who seemed worried at all, the adults were all "whatevs". Then when Christine takes Truely to the emergency room she TEXTS??????? I think every reader here would agree, if you are on the way to the emergency room, you would CALL AND SPEAK to your husband. Why text? I think the text is a huge red flag that this is not a functional family at all and Christine was afraid of "interrupting" Kody while he car shopped and threw a party for the favored child (Mariah). Really, the rest of these "wives" are nothing but concubines. Then, to top it all off, Meri has the gall to say that she had "fun" on the trip to drop Mariah off at college? WTF??? Your "bonus daughter" was at death's door, Mariah's SISTER and you two had FUN??? How about, "gee we were sick the whole drive to Utah, worrying about poor Truely. We didn't want to leave during Truely's crisis but Mariah had to get there for the first day of class." Nope, instead, they had "fun" and were bummed that the child of Kody's concubine ruined their plans. SO OVER THESE PEOPLE.

    1. I haven't gone back to check the archives, but didn't Mary stay at the school for over a week with Mariah? That does not show much concern for her bonus child.

    2. ...didn't Mary stay at the school for over a week with Mariah?

      Yes, she did...but she's now saying (via twitter) that Kody and Christine were so positive that she didn't realize how sick Truely was initially, and that she returned to Vegas in time for Truely's poo party.

      Another example of Browns' damage control in action.

    3. They don't just admit people to the hospital for no reason. And then as the days ticked by (10 for crying out loud!!) how do you not know it was serious? I've always kind of liked Meri but the more these seasons go on the more she makes it extremely hard to like her even a little bit anymore. Besides Kody she is the one who most has let this show give her a ridiculous ego trip.

    4. I'm sorry but I don't care how "positive" one may sound when delivering news about a sick child...they could be singing with a barber shop quartet for all I care...if you hear ACUTE KIDNEY FAILURE you take that seriously!

  31. Merry is a nasty person

  32. They should really, really, be ashamed. I a so clear to me that they're not one big happy family's do everyone loves everyone's kids as their own. They're a lie and a shame and I feel so bad for that little girl.

  33. Well.....Hello!! Mariah- that's your "baby sister", and Meri that's your "bonus child"- no empathy or emotion whatsoever.... SAD. If that was my baby sister, I would be a wreck...and would wait to leave, until I HAD to leave.... It seems Meri and Mariah had a little vaca/roadtrip planned around Westminster drop-off. just SAD. and Selfish, very narcissistic behavior:( Meri cries a river over the "empty nest" and "empty house" drama, meanwhile, Truely nearly dies and not a tear shed......or even consideration for what Christine must be going through.....A Brown Family Fail!

  34. Mariah tweeted abouttaylor swift at the grammys so christine tweeted her back asking "why are you not watching the show?" and mariah said, because i lived it back to christine. wow i bet she was mad her college show was ruined by truelys illness. i bet she never missed a show when it was all about her. how sad

    1. Wow, how disgustingly insensitive. She'll make a hell of a doctor, not.

    2. Sadly Mariah seems just as checked out on the family thing as her mother any more...

    3. I think people are being way to hard on Mariah. She is still a kid! Also, she did live it. Just because she wasn't physically there, doesn't mean she didn't. If my sister had been seriously sick and I couldn't be there because I was starting school, it would be on my mind and it would break my heart. I wouldn't want to watch it on tv either! What was she suppose to do? Stay, and not start school?

      I think, in agreement with what many others have commented here, that they didn't realize the seriousness of the situation. The child should have been taken to the hospital sooner! And typical Kody and Christine to make light of the situation. Kody, because he needs to be the center of the attention, the showman - and perhaps Christine downplayed it during the hospital stay because she didn't want the other wives (who clearly brings her great unhappiness) around? Maybe she wanted Kody's full attention to be on her and her daughter. Maybe she didn't want Robyn and Meri there to make it about them. Can you imagine dealing with all of that on top of everything? Yes, Christine should have taken the kid to the doctor sooner. That was probably neglectful. But, I don't question that she loves her children.

      My point is, that I think Mariah would have stayed if she thought she was in danger of loosing her sister. You can say a lot about her being a bra and what not, but I think she loves her siblings.

    4. making exuses is exaclty why this family has issues. Everything thats real is buried along with family dog in plot in Lehi. Mariah has earned her reputation, she was spot lit in several episodes, and she did not shine like some of her sibblings..and her mother is Meri..and it shows..if meri was ok leaving for utah for a week then so was she..simple as that

    5. Mariah is an adult - she will be 19 in July. She's been old enough to think for herself and know when she acts like a spoiled entitled brat, and is well aware at this point of her behavior on TV and the viewers' reaction. she doesn't get a pass from me.

    6. Not only is she an adult, I believe she knows and gets off on the impression she's giving everyone. Some weird sort of extra attention, any extra attention is good attention. What's sad is this show is forever and unless she changes her script she might not get too many opportunities if she chooses to be anything other than a breeding mare. Hell if I were a potential suitor I'd run like the wind after watching her antics.

    7. mariah's breakdown on the couch where she got up and walked away when meri was trying to decide about a baby (like that was ever a real possibility) and her statements about her half sibblings not being the same,,i think stems from listening to her moms oppinion of the situation.

    8. Earlier in the year Mariah tweeted something like "I am sort of a brat" to which Mykelti responded "brat isn't the word I would choose".

      Aspyn seems to be having a wonderful time in school and in her sorority. I have seen a couple of posts in reply to Aspyn's gushing about her sorority sisters from Mariah reminding Aspyn that Mariah is her real sister. Mariah's temper tantrums and pouts would have sent the kids I went to college with running away. Adult life lessons aren't fun and I hope Mariah is learning from them. I did wonder if she was planning to cope like Kody when Mariah tweeted that she wanted her own apt. with a puppy.

      LOL "Sterling is cool" tweeted that clubbing with Mariah was like going with a Kardashian. Hmmmmm it may take more than one semester for adult life lessons to sink in.


  35. It's strange that Mariah is one of the only older kids who has said she definitely wants to have a plyg marriage, but she is also perceived as the most selfish. I hope she falls for a guy in college who is totally against it and they get married and she has the life her mother never did. Otherwise this same story gets sadly multiplied.

    1. I think she thinks that her mother is the favorite and gets the most indulged. In a way Meri does hold a lot of power in the "plural" relationship. She's got her sidekick Robyn and she's made her feelings toward Janelle very evident.

  36. Oh show we get to watch them exploit the death of Kodys brother and his Dad and his mothers emotional well being for ratings. Good grief! How much lower can they sink!?

    1. Unfortunately I think the Brown's will sink as low as needed in order to remain relevant!

    2. I just can't imagine what's nect but here are some possible dramatic storylines.

      Robyn answers the door to Jehovah's Witnesses and She-Ra makes a surprise cameo. #haveyouheardthegoidword

      Janelle runs off with the trainer *and* his wife, leaving Kody with all the kids. Meri goes shopping for a new throw rug but Kody picks his favorite instead. Couch breakdown ensues.

      Kody leaves the wives to pursue a career in laxatives, Christine learns
      To fly a broom and cast spells.

      Season finale: Christine turns Robyn into a toaster and Meri actually begins living in a nest in Robyn's back yard.

    3. THAT was Hilarious!!!

  37. All right, on a lighter note, but still related to tweets and polygamy. The Academic All-American punter on my alma mater's football team is a snarky tweeter. It's Monday night so here was his tweet tonight:

    Mike Sadler ‏@Sadler_3
    Hey @BachelorABC lets do a Mormon season! Start with 50 girls and end up with 25 winners. #MoreGirlsMoreDrama

    1. Oh, that's funny! Thanks for the laugh (and the tea up my nose). I think I'd actually watch it, too!

    2. Great tweet! I'd watch that...until the winners realized they're actually the losers. Wouldn't take long.

  38. Westminster is in Meri's twitter feed saying "dont miss Mariah's move in to westminster" tonight on sisterwives..that and meri tweeting her westminstermom tshirt , with mariahs shitty attitude about the episode on twitter, tells me they are in fact getting some kid of tuition break for mariah from the school..mariah was a total bitch to christine on twitter..and it appears meri was stewing about the whole thing..

  39. There is no way in the world that little Truely was so dehydrated (that she went into acute kidney failure) but did NOT have a fever. Am willing to bet that nobody took her temperature at home, ever.

    Also, they showed on the last episode, Grody and crew spending the day at the neighbor's pool. In that first part of the show, Truely looked good, was chatty. Wanna make a bet the poor little thing ended up with heatstroke due to being outside in 110degree weather all day without anyone encouraging her to keep hydrated?

    1. Interesting theory but it looks like she was in the pool because there was a scene with her wearing floaties splashing the pool water, which would help keep her cool. There was even a breeze which would help to keep her cool. Now from what I understand with severe cases of dehydration, the child does not need to have a high temp. In fact, one of the symptoms I found was that the child's extremities may feel cool to the touch. When Christine took her to the doctor, he most likely did the pinch test which showed severe dehydration and ordered Christine to take the child to the ER immediately.

    2. when Christine handed Truely to Mykelti to watch while they went flower shopping, and said "Truely has the Flue" i noticed in the close up of the baby she laid her head down on mykeltis shoulder, she had a tear in her eye...rolling down her cheek, I have a daughter that had stomach dehydration problems at that age, and the signs are always written on their face..dark circles..parched that time truely had tears so she wasnt as bad as when christine took her to doc, she probably slowed signs and they were missed

    3. The flower shopping day was the day they went to the ER.

  40. in one of the couch sessions with kody and christine..kody says "one little thing" caused truelys kidnesy to fail, and christine says yes just one little god reminds of when the saud..the investigation, over and over, caused their marriage about denial

  41. I was reading over some responses to the tweets on Meri's Twitter feed. I noticed that many people are gushing about the way having Sister Wives allowed the other kids to be taken care of while Truely was sick. Well...Meri was gone. That leaves Janelle and Robyn. They may have helped out. It is quite possible. But, I did notice Christine's mother in the background. That is wonderful. I am glad that she was willing to come and help her duaghter take care of her large family while the youngest was seriously ill, but that doesn't say much about the Sister Wives stepping in to help.

  42. I watched this episode again last night - I always watch the once to get the overall storyline, then watch at least one more time to catch the nuances. (And no, that's probably not normal!). Anyway....during the prayer circle, there was a woman to the left of Aspyn who I didn't recognize? Does anyone know who she is? Maybe another of Robyn's sisters - the one that started living w/ them sometime after Taralyce fled?? Just curious. Thank you!

    - Lori

    1. Her name is Mindy Jessop. She been there for awhile and I have no idea why. I sometimes wonder if she is to become wife #5. Im not sure if she is related to Robyn. She pals around with Maddie alot

    2. I think there were maybe two women in the circle I didn't recognize. It seems almost like those McMansion's have become Brown/Sullivan relative boardinghouse.

    3. Isn't Robyn's ex a Jessop? And is/was Taralyce still there?

    4. Isn't Robyn's ex a Jessop?

      Yes he is. And he is a first cousin of Christine Allred Brown!

      And is/was Taralyce still there?

      I believe she hightailed it out of Kody Brownsville prior to (or shortly after) Robyn moving into her McMansion. I believe her last appearance was on the Plyg Vacation episode.

    5. That's for the responses! That's what I thought, as I was thinking she was the same woman in the photo of the Browns et al having Thanksgiving dinner that they tweeted. I wonder if Robyn's family is completely dirt poor, and/or completely dysfunctional, and because Robyn has a big house, etc, they're moving in with her hoping for a better situation. Of course, when she asks them to put on the maid's uniform and gives them their daily list of chores....they probably figure out pretty quickly that living with She-Ra is no better. At least Taralyce did, apparently. (-:

      - Lori

    6. Logan was also in the house for the prayer circle scene. I wonder if a few relatives or friends were in and out of he go homes to drop off a meal of help with the kids or just be there as distraction. It was a several day ordeal.

    7. Anon 2:48, I think you hit the nail on the head! I"m thinking that since Mindy has stayed around for so long would indicate that she has had a pretty crappy life so far. You know by some of the tweets that she is treated as a maid at Robins house, at least that's the way it comes across to me, and if she's willing to stay with Robin & put up with her, then she must have really had a miserable time where she came from. However, I do hope she will one day write a tell all. That, I would read!

  43. Just finally read through all the tweets they made on twitter and I noticed that Robyn felt the need to keep tweeting over and over about how many times she was at the hospital and how Truely was so glad she was her mom too, etc. This woman can never let someone else have a moment. Somehow she managed to insert herself front and center into the sickness of this poor baby. Someone else mentioned Kody was there almost the whole time as well (can't remember if I read that on twitter or where?) and that is probably why Robyn was there so much. She can not ever let that man have a moment with his other wives. Remember how Meri said Robyn would show up at her house with all the kids for dinner when it was Kody's night to be there. Someone here mentioned how needy/clingy her girls are - well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

    1. Then maybe Robyn could have informed Meri how serious Truely's condition was, since she was there so much. According to Meri on twitter, she didnt come back from utah because kody and christine were "too positive" in their information about the baby.

    2. If Robin would just take a moment to think before she post all her bologna, she would know that simply by her saying that Truely asked if she were her mommy too, is just proving how very little time this bunch spends as a "family".To me, there wouldn't be any reason for her to ask such a question if they lived like one big happy family that they're trying so hard to sell us on. I"d bet they rarely ever cross paths, any of the bunch, when cameras aren't rolling. Just my opinion.

  44. I was so snarked up yesterday that I forgot to mention the good things. Janelle looks fabulous, even if she doesn't shed another pound she's gorgeous and glowing (and not orange Meri). Speaking of the devil, she needs to take some fashion advice from Janelle. I realize that Janelle usually wears more loosely fitted clothes, but it looks hella lot better than the stuffed Weisswurst look she's rockin now. I do think Janelle is by far the prettiest wife, makeup or no. She's naturally pretty and when not in the depths of depression, emits a light from within.

    Truely is soooo cute. What a gorgeous little girl. She deserves better.

  45. these people know their relationships are hanging on by a thread. Meri staying in Utah for a week and having to explain this on twitter and blaming kody and christine for not telling her how bad it is is BS. She came home for the party because it was being filmed. The relationships with the wives have infected the kids. Mariah is just insufferable, to get bitchy with christine on twitter. I bet it is all over money, and is a constant me me me, who can extract "the most perks" Kody has show thru the book and in example over the time the show has aired that he would rather placate meri than deal with her, to the detrament of the children. This ceremony is a joke...i wish the show would focus on the real issues of the wives..christine thanking her sisterwives for their help was just sad, her daughters deserved a public thank you, not a false statement to parch over what had to be a hurtful response from meri

  46. Did anyone notice that on Jan. 20 Robyn tweeted that in the episode when they were all in the pub tasting the different beers she did not drink because she was pregnant?

    1. No I only saw a tweet from a fan asking if Robyn didn't drink a beer because she was pregnant. On the show she said it was because she's breastfeeding.

    2. And if they were actual real fundamentalist LDS the answer would've been, "I don't drink alcohol because it is against my religion".

    3. I saw Robyn live on a show being interviewed after the court ruling in Utah. I do not remember the name of the show. I thought then she might be pregnant. She looked as though she was very thick. However, it was impossible to tell from the angle of the filming.

    4. Snarkaholic - remember the PUSA eps? There was a LOT of drinking going on and the CP citizens are definitely fundy plygs. Hyrum and buddies at his bachelor party, and the Thompsons always seemed to have a bottle of wine open.

    5. Whoa Dakota, I had no idea.

      All the LDS folks I know are just mainstream vanilla puddin' Mormon, no fundies. My Mormon friends and coworkers would never even consider drinking alcohol. It's not like they speak of alcohol longingly or anything, it's just a fact of their life.

      I do know that all of the mainstream LDS people I know despise the Browns and want them to remove LDS and Mormon from the name of the religion they follow. They say it gives the normal LDS church a bad name and they don't want to be associated with the fundy cult.

  47. Someone on the other thread asked what would happen if Kotex died and wondered if the "wives" would stay together. I believe they also said something like "one in a wheelchair and the rest in the same room". All I could think of was the final scene in Ethan Frome. I think that just about sums of the misery they'd be in.

    1. I think Meri would bail right off the bat, along with whatever assets Kody had, if any, at the time of his death.

    2. I think you're spot on DJ and Sceri would never look back. So that would leave the three remaining - sharing some dingy cold room.

  48. You do not have a fever when dehydrated . I live in the desert and run through the summer , it is not uncommon at summer races for people to be very dehydrated and need IV fluids . I have become dehydrated while running , not really felt bad until later that day even into the next day . I could easily see a child out playing in the desert even in a pool , they had record heat in Las Vegas last summer , end up dehydrated. We 6-7% humidity in the summer and you don't realize how much you sweat when it dries instantly. It's also not uncommon for kidney failure to happen in connection with dehydration and NSAIDs use which they might have given if they thought she had the flu . I guess I just don't understand living in that climate and not being aware of what's going on with very young children out in that type of heat . I have had the Vet out for my livestock within hours of noticing them being sick, I just can't believe anyone would wait 5 days with a child .

  49. This week's episode was so disturbing. At the end when Christine says "I'm going to be a better mom..." Really? The only way you could've been a worse parent was if the child actually died.

    Did any of you see any flu? A sniffle, a reference to tummy issues? The flu would rip through a family that big--we heard and saw zero flu reference until Kody started trying to justify how this happened.

    My money is on it was hot outside and the child played hard for a long period of time and no one paid any attention to her and she didn't drink any fluids.

    When you take a little person in to the doctor for a virus they always lecture you about fluid intake. I remember sitting on the couch for hours watching the same videos over and over and bribing and cajoling my kids into drinking. "Just take three sips of the Gatorade and you can have a cookie" "Just take two drinks of your Gatorade and then we can put the next movie in!" You do whatever it takes. You don't sleep, you sure as hell don't go car shopping or cake tasting, you worry and you fret and you hover. It's called parenting and it's hard work.

    Did you catch the part where Kody comes home from being with Truely in the hospital and makes the bitchy comment about "I just had to listen to her scream for two hours!"? There are no words. This situation is YOUR fault for paying zero attention to your child's health and now you want to whine about dealing with the consequences?

    These are horrible, neglectful parents. If it wasn't for Aspyn, Truely would probably be dead.

    1. Did you catch the part where Kody comes home from being with Truely in the hospital and makes the bitchy comment about "I just had to listen to her scream for two hours!"?

      I shuddered when I heard him announce that...his daughter was DYING and he was complaining that he had to listen to her screaming ??!!!!!!!??...

      I'm gonna give old Kody some slack...sort of. I think he has ZERO communication skills, ZERO empathy, ZERO common sense...He's just a big ZERO with ZERO skills. I laughed when he was "hired" by LIV to be a spokeman because the man can't think on his feet. He is constantly putting his dirty ass foot in his mouth.

      I can't think of anything else nice to say about him...oh did I mention he's a SCUMBAG???

      There, I feel better. Don't be surprised if you see this in my recap I'm writing....

    2. Hunter genuinly wanted to know, i think he and Truely have a connection, she was his chicken soup for the soul when they moved to vegas. that was a terrible response from kody..all about him when trruely came home and she ran to hunter it was so sweet..robyn carrying truely? first time ive seen her go near her

    3. I noticed Kody also tweeted a photo of Truely in the hospital & of course he had to add that she was "weak and grumpy". That poor little girl..... it was bad enough that her mother was already snapping photos of her crying in pain so she could post them on twitter. Sadly neither parent had the common sense to step away from social media while their daughter recovered.

    4. All people feel the need to be better in their role as parent, spouse or child after a loved on has a medical recovery from something that could have been or actually was serious.

    5. I agree kms. I know Kody did not word his comment nicely, but I truly felt that he was genuinely sorry that she was hurting and yelling in pain. It would be very hard for a parent to have to listen to their baby and not be able to fix things forher.

    6. I was more talking about Christine saying she was going to be better. But yes, people are not at their best. It is helpless when you hear your child in pain and can not take their place. I am sure the screaming was in his head long after he left the hospital.

  50. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet as I have not had time to read today, and I am sorry to be off topic but I am SO disappointed in TLC for cancelling Flora Jessop's show Escaping the Prophet. I know the Brown's are AUB, lot of people do not realize how bad this polygamy is in the FLDS.

    1. Flora Jessop has no one to blame but herself. That show was terrible and fake!

    2. So true Brenda, there is nothing fake about the sisterwives

    3. Sisterwives is very fake. I just expected Jessop's show to be better than it was. It was slow moving and took forever to get to the point. When she played that recording of Warren Jeffs raping the child I knew the plug was going to get pulled and it was,

    4. I am disappointed to hear this. I thought that show was a lot closer to reality than the other polygamy shows on TV. Flora may not be super-polished for TV, but she was giving alot of exposure to the abuses going on in mormon fundamentalism. I hope one season was enough to raise exposure for her charity.

    5. I was just on her charity website. There 501c tax exempt status has been suspended by the IRS for failure to submit paperwork. Donations are no longer tax exempt. I tried to find more info but all I found was her charity didn't file paperwork for 3 years!

    6. Not to be nit-picky but I'd like to clarify that donors should know that if 501c3 status is suspended, donations would no longer be tax DEDUCTIBLE.

    7. Depending on whether you look at it from a donor's point of view (tax deductible) or from a charities point of view (tax exempt) both statements are correct I believe.

  51. there are 2 new clips on tlc from this most recent episode..about mariah going off to college..OMG would would think there is a death in the family, just like "mariahs last wish" about the house..the dramatics of meri and god..while truely is deathly ill check them out CJ for the review

    1. And then there was the line about Meri not wanting Mariah to take too many decorations from her McMansion home because she wanted to preserve her "Mariah Shrine"

    2. meri and mariah had more crap on that cart than would fit in the room they showed..mariahs face when she saw the room was priceless..they both waddled across the court yard..made me wonder if they had seen the size of the dorm earlier

  52. check out Alice Fullmer (robyns mom) on facebook..old family pictures..robyns chin goes back a few generations,,and her critter teeth..lots of jessops and allreds

  53. I'm so glad Truely is okay but something about that whole episode bugged me. I hate to say this but it seemed so rehearsed. Even with the kids and their reactions. Did anyone else feel the same way? Hardly any real emotion at all. Looked like they filmed and re-filmed until they got it right.

    And thank you CJ for posting blog link at FJ!!! I can't read the other blog anymore since you left and it's great to be able to read your postings again. You're awesome and spot on as always.

    1. It was pieced together events over a few weeks of activity. The medical stuff was home movies or a doctor making a statement to the camera, not an actual filming of an exam which is not allowed. There was a statement they were not aloud to film so it would be clear to folks. And some stuff was obviously re done. I doubt Robyn getting Kody making sure he saw the text was live. He wasn't asleep yet. I actually can see her texting. She can't get into details in the car or sit in the lot to talk. She had to go. She also let all of them know at once something was happening. That way when he did see the text or learn about it he could just go and not explain or phone chain the news to Robyn and Janelle. It seemed efficient but a foreign way to do it.

  54. ANON 3:03

    I typed Alice Fullmer in FB and it does not give me anything. Any suggestion as to how I can get her page to come up? Thanks

  55. pollyanna i found her on my sisterwivescloset facebook where she posted under the pictures of the red roses and an explanation of how robyn came up with the idea for the be values line. she said hi im robyns mom and i witnessed robyn drawing on the kids hoemwork the ideas for the be values jewelry,,and thanked the fans..ther are like 36 comments under the red roses and she is Alice Fullmer..i clicked on her name and it came up

    1. Thank you very much, it came up for me and I took a quick look, will go back when I have more time. I see Taralyce (sp ?) is in a relationship, doesn't look like she is interested in being the 5th wife!

  56. Anyone else feel bad when Christine had to run home and she left Truely at the hospital with Kody. I feel like the poor child doesn't even know her father, and he was probably no comfort to her while he was the only one with her

  57. I felt bad for Aspyn when she was commenting about Mariah leaving and how she didn't know how Mariah would be able to handle being away from Truely and the family while this whole thing was going on. You could tell that Aspyn was really affected and (mistakenly) assumed Mariah had the same deep love and concern for Truely.

    You could tell that although Mariah said all the right things about Kody staying with Truly, she was pissed that he was not coming with them. I can only bet that the convo to move her in was a mope and woe-is-me fest between her and Meri

  58. I know this was mentioned way back when on the other blog - but does anyone remember the comments about speculation that Truely was a "failure to thrive" child. She never seemed to grow hair and was so delicate and underweight (matched in weight by King Sol). When this past episode aired, I almost felt like all of this came to fruition(sp?). She always seemed a little sickly and fragile to me. It didn't surprise me that something like this happened and was the result of the Brown's overlooking her in the mass of children.

  59. annon 8:07 i agree..could be she had an undiagnosed issue with her kidneys and there for crashed quicker..hopefully they have a handle on it now..i think she fell through the cracks also
