
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday: Some Sister Wives TLC Videos

I know, I know...all of ya'll must be jonesing for some Sister Wives, right?

Well, I scurried over to Twitter...sorry but Robyn's Valentine tweets for MSWC put me to sleep. Meri's was no better, however, she did tweet a link to TLC that promised cut scenes from their show.

For better or worse, here they are for your enjoyment.


  1. Good Lord! Mariah is the same size of her mother. They have the same body shape and even waddle the same when they walk. That girl is only 18 but she's just as huge as her mother. What's going to happen when the freshman 15 hits her?

  2. HRH Mariah posted on twitter about being excited for spring break in California. They sure have a lot of money to throw at that girl

    1. This blows me away. When I was in college, I always had to work during my spring and winter breaks so that I would have enough money for books and some spending money for the next term. How her parents think they are teaching her anything about real life by allowing her to attend that extremely expensive school, have a car as a freshman, go on vacations in Europe, and vacation on school breaks is beyond me. She is in for a very rude awakening once she is no longer on the Brown dole unless she marries a wealthy man as I seriously doubt that she will be making bank on her own.

    2. Anyone think the irs might be looking into the Brown finances similar to the Gudices (aka RHONJ)?

    3. ah yes, I remember when Teresa Giudice went shopping for furniture for that McMansion of hers (which is 20 times uglier than the Browns) and she started peeling those Benjamins off that huge roll of cash. The cynic in me (formed from over 30 years in the credit industry) instantly screamed nobody in their right mind would carry that much cash on them...unless...And sure enough, I was right.

      The Browns however are using a different tactic: They are screaming poverty instead of prosperity like the Giudices. All the major perks that are filmed for the show are financed by TLC. I do wonder about those so-called innocent product placements we see - like Mariah working at the popcorn shop in the mall, the placement of a bottle of green Kool-Aid here and there, or the yogurt product placement during the graduation party which was particularly sneaky being no one would have known if Meri hadn't retweeted that tweet where they thanked her..

  3. i have noticed sideways glances and faces of distress when the teenagers do couch interviews..maddie seems to throw shade at mariah when she blathers on about westminster and why she wants to go she just wants to go! i think the kids are just as stressed at the money being dived so in equitable just like the wives..they see mariah getting more just like her mom..and acting like a brat just because she can

  4. from another blog i followed a link to that students comment on westminister. OMG did the browns research this scool at all to determine if it was the best place for mariah? take a gander at the reviews..heavy drug use..upper middle class kids..and expensive! more expensive than what these brown clowns said on tv..its not just tuition..they say the finance department nicckle and dime and over bill and tack on fees to no they can bill more dough..and its predominately white..not many mormans and not diverse at all....snooty..i always thought meri had a problem living in the neihgborhood the other wives were in the rentals..meris house was farther away than what they originally said..and i think janelles neighbors were more diverse. They will be paying big bucks for a not so great school..just because mariah wanted it and kody thought it looked like what a college should look were awful

    1. I, also, read the site you mention. Westminster College lists the price for tuition, room and board as $42,500 for a year. Even with Mariah's $10,000 scholarship, she's still getting lots more from the family budget than the other kids. And she's talking about going to London again. She really does act like a spoiled only child from a rich family.

      But it also seems like Aspyn is having a much more fun college experience making tons of friends and enjoying her sorority life. Xmas pics on Twitter showed Mariah even heavier than before while Aspyn seems thinner. Money hasn't been able to purchase "people skills" for Mariah. Meri has much to apologize for in her parenting!

      Glad to see Maddie is going to USU despite out of state tuition costs! Hope her college experience is as nice as Aspyn's seems to be. beegee

  5. Why am I not surprised that Robyn had more to say about how sad it is that Mariah is going away to school? I swear the woman thinks she's an authority on everything!There could be two piss ants fighting over a crumb, and somehow, it would end up being all about Robyn.

    1. LOL! We just love Robyn's sociopathic authoritative monologues with the heartfelt guitar music. Her most common words are "I want" or what I really want."

    2. When she starts with those "I want/ what I really want" monologues, all I can think of is that old Spice Girls song....." I'll tell ya what I want, what I really, really want". She must drive the other wives crazy on a daily basis!

  6. nervous i wish these people would learn some new words! even the pediatrician really nervous...remeber when soloman was born and eri and mariah made such a big deal? meri said "i wasnt like this when truely was born" the bad relationships with each other seem to effect relationships with the sad

  7. i hope in their next sit down interview they are asked why they are constantly NERVOUS

    1. LOL, probably because they can't get rid of Robyn's friend Kendra the human rottweller!

  8. Does Robyn ever stop pontificating about everything? Solomon has 16 siblings, does she really think the kids are going to revolve the world around him? And she drones on and on like she is an expert on everything. Janelle looked really perturbed sitting there alone on the couch with Robyn....but she did what Janelle always does and just does her cold stone stare. Can you imagine when Kody has his night with her, how she must just drone on and on about every kid, every subject, every thing at all times at how Sol must have all these relationships, sheesh she is exhausting.

  9. notdrinkingthekoolaidFebruary 3, 2014 at 5:05 PM

    I wish Robin would shut up. I'd love to hear what she has to say if one of the kids joins the military and goes away. I don't think they'd ever have the same feelings I have when my hubby and my son go on deployments.

  10. i believe the wives are seeing what is being said in couch interviews and dialouge from the show and they are hourboring resentment from this. Meri especially seems to be distancing herself from the other wives. Meri knows the wives are resentful of how much money meri takes, Meri hides out in her house so she dosnt have to face being in a position of defending her greediness.

  11. Wow. Robyn talked almost the entire time! Where is her concern for her other 3 children?? It's like the only one that matters is Sol.

    Meri and the $$ disgusts me. From the back you can see how heavy she and Mariah both really are..

    Anon in San Diego

  12. Again, I use to really like From what I understand, they all have individual accounts and then a "family" account. If each adult is receiving money, it probably gets put into their personal accounts then a portion put into the family account. If this is the case, then Meri can afford more for herself and her daughter because there is only one child. I don't look at it as Meri asking for too much, IF this is how the money is divided, after all, she must take an equal share from the SW franchise. So why should she have to put all her SW money into supporting the other mothers and kids? We all can see that this is clearly NOT a family but 4 individual households, 4 separate families. No, she doesn't need that huge house, but she shouldn't have to settle for a 2 bedroom apartment either. IF this was a real family, they would have built ONE 4-family Mansion, like the Utah house. I never had children, so I can relate to having nicer things, kids are destructive, most don't put nice things out with Kids in the household. Mariah IS an only child.

    1. Anonymous @ 7:54am - sorry but I disagree. If Meri truly believed in the concept of Polygamy in the true sense, she would not feel she is entitled to the same equal share as the other 3 wives because of the fact that they have more kids and all of the added costs associated with having more kids (more groceries, more electricity used, more water used, more clothing to buy, more school fees, more costs for extracurricular activities, etc etc).
      Just as Orange Meri whines that she shouldn't be penalized because she only has one child, the other wives also shouldn't be penalized for having more (and therefore having to make the same allotment of money "stretch" so much further). If Meri truly lived by the tenets of their (cult) religion, she would consider the greater needs of the family as a whole, and the needs of ALL the children...instead of just demanding everything be equally divvied up. How is it fair that she can't possibly have the same household/child-raising costs as the Moms with 4-6 kids and therefore has so much more money left over for luxuries and fun things? She's greedy and materialistic and is only out for herself and her large spoiled daughter. How is that polygamy? The money should be divvied up based on family NEEDS.

    2. i agree annon 11:56 when meri tried to make the argument when talking to janelle christine and robyn and kody (before mariah came in and cried she wanted to go to westminister to find a husband) meri was trying to argue for more family money before kody cut her off and robyn defended meri..that she helps all the family with her contribution (filming) i get the feeling they are so used to her convoluted and emotional badgering for more dough, they give it to her to shut her up..that pattern was established early on so when the dough from tlc rolled in she started grabbing her fair share without a thought to what the kids might need, janelle and christine have said this until kody intervenes and they both back off..its nevr been equiable to the kids, just the wives

    3. Not to mention that Janelle was the only wife that ever seemed to hold a full time job making decent money, which no doubt supported Meri and Mariah more than a little bit in the pre TV days.

  13. Mariah wants to live this lifestyle because she has grown up as an only child. It's all rainbows and flowers from her point of view. She has never wanted for anything because she is an only child. The other children have had to do without because of their many siblings. This explains a lot as to why Mariah wants to live plural marriage and the others kids do not.

  14. I could never figure out why the family was so devastated that Mariah was going off to college in Utah. And then it hit me. She isn't moving away for college. She's moving away to find a polygamist husband and start her own family. I bet they really don't think she will be coming back home again.

    1. I would like to know just who they think would want to marry her after she has shown the world what a self-centered brat she really is.Surely, no man would eagerly take that on.

  15. Mariah and Meri are terrible, selfish, and throw fits to get their needs met. Kody is so in love with Robyn he could care less about the other kids and wives. RUN CHRISTINE & Janelle.

  16. And can you just imagine what that household will be like after the second wife arrives, Mariah will be wailing 24/7

    1. I agree. Mariah will probably blow her mom out of the water in the crying competition, and you know with these people, everything is a competition.

  17. Why did it take me this long to find this blog? Why?

    Maybe they keep the Utah house so that they can qualify as in-state. I know in some states if the parents own property and pay property tax that counts.

    I feel for Meri but as a recent empty nester myself I know that babysitting my niece goes a long way toward filling that void, and she has so many chances for that. They're all insane.

  18. As far as the comments about separate money, etc. and not being one family as far as Meri goes, etc. - I think that may be more common in polygamy than some people think. Didn't one of Creepy Crawley's wives actually move out of their shared family home over a fight about a loaf of bread?

    1. Didn't one of Creepy Crawley's wives actually move out of their shared family home over a fight about a loaf of bread?

      Ah yes, Runaway Wife Teresa. I think the real problem was the other wives (mainly Connie) felt Teresa taking the bread to make sandwiches only for her children was wrong. Supposedly the bread was to be used to feed all the children, not just Teresa's. Teresa (who comes from a family wealthy enough that such piddly matters of having enough bread was never a problem) tried to complain to hubby Mike, who told her to work it out with her sister wives. The incident was the straw that broke the camel's back - Teresa moved back home with her parents. I believed she had just moved back into the home with her sisterwives when Polygamy, USA was being filmed.

    2. Thanks CJ! I knew I remembered something about the bread. I do also remember the first wife looking afraid to tell CC they were going to need more applesauce. Still, I liked that show 10000x better than sisterwives. They seemed much more real for some reason.

    3. I couldn't bring myself to watch this show based on some of the comments attributed to CC. I think it exemplifies everything wrong with this lifestyle to be afraid to tell your children's father that you will need more applesauce to feed them, however. And they say they are not just a "baby daddy?"

    4. If you ever called a polygamist man a 'baby daddy', you would be out on the streets, wandering around with the harlots.

      My absolute favorite part of CC is his insistence on reminding his children (as their bed time story) that if they do not embrace the principle of plural marriage, they will be harlots on the streets.

  19. didn't the sisterwives take from christine's food panrty and not replace it? in their poor as dirt days i can imagine things like that would cause problems,,of course meri cooked healthy food for herself (not) while mariah ate fish tacos with the family..that was a dis to chrisines cooking on camera..when they discussed who paid what in the early episodes meri paid the smaller bills because she worked part time..but she has made up for it now! spending fair share of the tlc money while the younger kids have no hope for the "perks" meri is spending as fast as she can now.

    1. Robyn seems to be spending pretty fast too with all the getting her "nails did" tweets she makes. Also, I wouldn't think the sisters/friends?whatever she seems to have living there are bringing any money to rge table. Someone's share is supporting them too.

    2. In watching some older episodes, Meri actually used to be a lot maybe she did eat healthier? Then Robyn came along, and the show, the move, etc, and she has ballooned. Not that I personally find her particularly HUGE now by comparison to the general public - and not that I honestly care that much about appearance for appearance's sake - but to me, your appearance says a lot about what's going on on the inside. And that's where I find concern - for most of the Brown women/teens. I really couldn't care any less what they look like, as long as they're healthy physically and emotionally.

      - Lori

      P.S. Just to clarify, when I say "appearance," I'm talking about things we can control - weight, clothing that is age appropriate/appropriate to the situation, etc. I am NOT talking about things like a big nose, or whatnot. Granted, I guess you can control that by getting a nose job, but you get my point.... Personally, I don't like to snark on things about peoples' appearance they can't do anything about - or even weight really, because it's a reflection of someone who is not okay (yes, I know I'm making a generalization - and I do mean that statement to be my opinion, in general). Now...if you have the kind of access to advice/clothing etc that I would think the SWs do at this point, and you still choose to wear bright orange self-tanner, tight-ass jeans and other G-d-awful stuff....I consider that all fodder for snark. (-:

      (Why am I always so long-winded when I post here? Ah, probably because I'm at work and would rather be on here.) (-: Happy Friday!!

  20. Just an FYI about finding the blog. Whenever I tried to Google all sorts of stuff to find another blog besides sister wives blog this site never came up. Finally I asked on the FBSisterwives page and someone sent me here. I think there are lots of people looking for an outlet. How do we get them here? Thanks for all you do.

    1. I found it by googling Cynical Jinx.

    2. I sent you here off Facebook, it's me, Mary

  21. Yes we can find it by googling Cynical Jinx, however, if there are any newbies...they will not know the name. It would be good if there were some sort of "Sister Wives" connection to make it easier. That is how I originally found the first blog. I suspect many others did too. We need to attract new readers as well as old ones. CJ, you do such a great job, I wish all could read you.

  22. I am so glad I found this blog! I stopped posting on Sister Wives Blog because I was too suspicious and critical. I thought everything the Browns did was a lie and I thought this starting back in 2011. I think everyone got tired of my extreme negative attitude. Well, here I go again.

    I had a sinister vision of a woman strapping on a fake pregnancy prosthesis to protect her pregnant teenage daughter from being exposed. And I knew it came from a show, but I couldn't remember where. Then it hit me: Bree Van De Kamp, end of Season 3, going into Season 4. And I thought that Christine Brown is a lot like Bree Van De Kamp. But I dismissed it. Can't be. That would mean that the whole birth scene in Sister Wives was fake. But I couldn't let it go. I am like a dog with a bone. So I started looking at TWOP and reading old postings. And I found this:
    "Posted Oct 12, 2010 @ 3:51 PM I was just wondering if anyone else thought something seemed a very off about the whole birth scene? I'm sorry, but that did not look like a newborn...when they weighed her, it looked like the numbers on the scale were blurred out...She seemed very big and alert for a newborn. Maybe I'm crazy, but something just doesn't ring "true" about the whole thing to me. But at the same time, unless the whole show is a sham, I don't know why they'd fake the scene?" [thank you, cynical jinx, for letting me post board on board, and long-winded post] [also, thank you for the twop poster for posting such an interesting post; forgive me for taking it]

    OK, to satisfy an old paranoid lady lawyer, what about trying to verify this? Was Christine's doctor identified as Dr. Stephen Baldwin? If so, can we get his info? And compare pictures to the one featured on the episode? If the doctor doesn't exist, I don't know what it proves. I don't know if I want to revisit the issue of whether Aspyn was pregnant or not. If Aspyn was so upset and concerned when Truely was ill because she is actually the mother, than who is the father?

    1. Well, I do believe Christine was pregnant with Truely. It's possible that the filming could have been staged, but I doubt it. And as far as Truely's true parentage, she looks like her 5 full-blooded siblings, so I have no doubt that she is the daughter of Kody and Christine. Also, the same rumor was making the rounds about Solomon when he was born. Janelle tweeted a picture of Savanah when she was just born and she looked like Sol and Truely. Kody's offspring are born with his tremendously huge head which may make then look older than what they are.

      I think Aspyn was upset because Truely was seriously ill and her parents (particularly Kody when Christine was in SF) refused to believe it until it was almost too late.

    2. I think the reason Aspyn was so upset (besides Truely being her sister) was that she, just like Logan, shoulders a heavy sense of responsibility for her siblings. They (the producers) don't really highlight this on camera the way they did with Logan, but Christine has mentioned more than once how important Aspyn is in the running of Christine's household. Too much for a kid to shoulder, as we saw when she broke down in tears during the prayer.

    3. I agree SK,,it seems in their culture the older kids have alot of responsibility for the younger kids..

  23. I would be seriously upset if one of my siblings was seriously ill, and they are all adults. I do think that many aspects of the show are fake. I think that the relatlionship between the wives is seriously messed up in real life. Living in one house forced them to at least communicate occasionally. I doubt that they do that much now. I do like to hear good snark and suspicions. It makes my day.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I think I got it … Cynical Jinx went rogue. Mister Sister is alive, I hope. Silly me kept looking over at the other place wondering when we were going to start talking about the new season and I missed so much going on here. I forget all that I wanted to say though.

    1. That's OK, I'm sure you'll remember what you wanted to say! Welcome!!

  26. So glad I found the blog been joneses for some SISTERWIVES BLOGGING!!

  27. I read the Darger book Love Time Three. I believe the book delves into the religious aspect of polygamy much more than the Brown;s book. In reading about the baby that the Darger's lost, it could have been Truely ran thru my mind as the similarities of what these people believe is so strong. Yes Christine had Truely in the hospital, but by then they were public. Alot of what you see with the Brown's is suttle and you have to read between the lines but, Christine and her many fears i think and her up bringing played a role in delayed care with Truely. Also, when Robyn and Janelle were talking about how they raised their kids to be responsible was code for the older kids have alot of responsibility for the younger kids and this is explained in the Darger book. I think Kody's family is Ply lite compared to the Darger's.
    In reading the experience with Darger's loosing a child and all of the investigations after, and its conclusions , it's not hard to reach the conslusion that calling a doctor would not have been christine's first instinct after reading how distrustful they are and confirmed by the Darger investigation into a death at home.

  28. I was one of those kids who's illness was ignored by parents who were religious fanatics. They were obsessed with church, church, church so they didn't even realize I had pneumonia. My grandmother came back from a trip and saw me sitting on a church bench short of breath and scolded my mother for not getting me help. I've had terrible lung problems ever since. I know what Truely felt like sitting there on the floor. It's something that stays with you. I don't hate my parents but I DO say something when I see other parents doing things like this to their kids. Truely has it worse because here parents are self centered and using religion to justify their narcissism. Christine does love her and sat with her in the hospital. That will go a long way but Kody and the other wives' actions will certainly make her assess things later on in life. She'll be closer to her siblings more than her parents.

  29. Does anyone know how man wives Winn had? I always thought it was 2,but the obit seems to mention 3.

    1. I know he had at least 3 wives. His first was Genielle. Sheryl (Janelle's mom) was his third wife. The second wife does not want to go public, and I was very surprised she was mentioned in his obituary.

      The same thing happened with old Uncle Art on Polygamy, USA. He had a wife that did not want to be shown on the show, so she wasn't. The audience only saw his 2 wives, even though he had young children running around that obviously must have come from a much younger mother - even though Ezra's mother Gloria was only 43 years old but looked much older.

  30. just started watching the new episode and i wish i knew how to do screen caps! janell and her tongue that is always on display and robyn picking her damn eye. when kody was discussing the string quartet robyn is digging for treasure in her eye and as usual takes a long look at the gunk she pulls out. barf.

    1. Don't worry, I got a pic of Robyn's disgusting behavior. Her junkyard dog of a friend might consider stopping her patrol of the Sister Wives TLC FB page in order to teach her business partner and good friend some manners!

      It's like picking one's nose - it should only be done (if at all) in the privacy of one 's McMansion.

    2. i know this is going to sound horrible, but i am a little disgusted by robyn. her sallow skin, her hunched shoulders, her eye is all too much. i also feel sick when she begins to speak, it is like gibberish to me. her air gasping, greasy hair and opened toe shoes make me cringe.

    3. Robyn is always fiddling--her hair, her eyes, her teeth, her necklace. Just chill dude. Doesn't she watch herself on TV?

      By the way, to me, Kody's dad sounds like he was an ass (made me have empathy for Kody for the first time).

  31. Robyn seems to have more nervous habits or something on the couch interviews. She is picking her eyes, flipping hair, touch her jewelry or adjusting her clothes constantly. Her body language is weird and she shakes her head when christine talks. Robyn seems more unhappy or unsure or something..her face has alot of tension or stress or something. or maybe i am just now noticing it..she curls up her bottom mouth or something

  32. So what is the real story with Janelle and Meri's brother? I like Janelle and don't like Meri----but "You don't want my brother--you want my husband." Sicko big story in this mess.

    1. From what I remember from their book, Adam Barber's family (including sister Meri) moved next door to Janelle's family when she was in high school(I think). Barber was not religious, but his family were fundamental Mormons. Janelle was LDS. Barber and Janelle fell in love, and were married in the LDS temple. Janelle later became interested in fundamental Mormonism, eventually joining the AUB. Barber chose not to follow fundamental Mormonism and they got a divorce. As former sister in law of Meri, when Meri got married, she attended her wedding. Later Janelle spent time on Kody's father's ranch, roughing it by living in a teepee. She had a revelation from God that she should marry Kody, which is how it works in the AUB - the women choose their husband or family to join. Janelle told Kody she wanted to marry him. Meri was blindsided - she had no idea Janelle wanted to join her family. It was probably a good idea since Kody and Meri had been married for a while but Meri had not gotten pregnant. Anyway, Kody and Janelle courted and were spiritually married. The rest is history - meaning Janelle gave birth to Kody's first child, Logan.
