
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sister Wives Recap: While the Wives Are Away S06Ep15

Kody trying to look like he's busy at work...
As the Browns continue to chug their way through this current season of Sister Wives, every Sunday I find myself asking...what is Kody's job? I mean, what does he really do for living, outside of  making an a$$ of himself on TV every week.

We never see him wearing a tie, like in the first season. We only see him wearing a crappy shirt and levis, with sandals. His hair is always a shaggy mess. Last week he worried about spending his retirement money to finance his children's college education.

But what job would Kody be retiring from in a few years?

So while you ponder that, and the problem of global warming (I'm sure Kody's being a polygamist with four wives is a major causal factor), I'll start my recap of the latest episode where, once again. Kody finds himself the center of attention.

As you can tell from the episode's title, Kody's Kodettes get to take some vacation time away from him. But before I get into that particular waste of time, money, gas (not to mention the wear and tear on Christine's vehicle) we watched Janelle participate in her first 5K race!

Of course there was contrived drama: A flustered Robyn (followed by an equally flustered Kody) ran into Janelle's house and announced that a big mistake had been made.

It seems that instead of being shipped a 4XL t-shirt flaunting Robyn's "Be" Values (that she apparently borrowed from the mainstream LDS church) she received an XL t-shirt instead.

Reluctantly, Janelle took the XL t-shirt and tried it on. Surprise Surprise! She was able to get the shirt on! Robyn was so pleased, she gushed how Janelle wearing something really tight "...showed off everything [she] lost."

Kody showing Janelle how he looks when impressed
I think the only thing this segment showed off was the fact the production script writer must be running out of ideas. And then to put the cherry on the top of this crazy segment, Janelle looked at Kody and asked " Is it OK? You're the one who says don't wear it or wear it..." Kody, obviously still in shock that Janelle actually had a waistline kind of mumbled out "...I'm thinking...I'm actually impressed!"

Whatever, dude.

In the couch segment, Christine, Robyn and even Kody were very enthusiastic over Janelle's weight loss, and I think I heard Meri say something positive. But when the camera pulled back to show Kody and wives sitting on the couch, there was Meri with what looked to be a scowl on her face.

Oh well....

The next scene was the 5K race. Of course, Meri wasn't there because she had MSWC orders that just HAD to be shipped out. And Robyn was there, but couldn't run because she had hurt her back.

Once the race started, Kody ran off, leaving Janelle in his dust. Thank goodness Trainer Sean and Janelle's kids were there to keep her company. Even though Kody sort of apologized - he was setting his pace don't you know - it would have been nice if Kody had stayed with her and not have run off.

But then that would be asking for Kody to show he cared about other people besides himself.

Kody basking in the afterglow of running his race at his own pace (without Janelle)

Back at the cul-de-sac, the Kodettes(c) prepare for their totally useless trip to San Francisco. Can someone please tell me what was the purpose of having the wives drive to San Francisco when there were perfectly fine airline companies willing and able to fly them from McCarran International Airport to San Francisco International Airport in less time than it took for Kody to barbecue steaks into charcoal?

I just don't get it.

Anyway, eventually the wives plus King Sol arrived at their San Francisco hotel. Now, I once visited San Francisco and stayed at a beautiful boutique hotel like the Hotel Rex. The difference, though,  was a  doorman who greeted me when I arrived by cab from the airport, and a bellboy who took care of my luggage for me. The only time I touched my luggage was when I started to unpack in my room.

It was so strange to watch Meri and her semi-merry sisterwives struggle getting their bags out of their vehicle. I guess being married to Kody prepared them to not expect any help and to be self-sufficient. But surely that hotel had a doorman and bellboys....wouldn't it?

The next morning (I assume) Robyn introduced us to her "great friend" Kendra, who was going to take the wives to a clothing store or two around San Francisco.

Needless to say, this segment became all about Robyn, who volunteered to "model" the clothes that her sisterwives were obviously too large to fit into properly at the clothing stores they visited.

Oh yes, according to this tweet, Kendra is also a BUSINESS PARTNER !! Why does MSWC need a business partner? How many other business partners are there?

Wait a minute...why does this look soooo familiar....OMG!!! She just can't be @HeroinOfParis - you know, that t-shirt designer  I used to call Robyn's Rottweiler in the early years of Robyn on Twitter!! I'm pretty sure she is! Now everything is making sense!

Anyway, Ms Rottweiler....I mean Kendra took the Kodettes to a store that obviously catered to women of a certain size if you know what I mean. And why would they go to a store just to look at last season's clothes? They could do that in Las Vegas and save a lot of time and money!

If you want to see what I mean, here's a link to an article which discussed  Ginnifer Goodwin and Kelly Ripa both wearing the same hot pink mess of a dress Robyn tried on....please note that the article was from 2012 !!

 Kelly Ripa vs. Ginnifer Goodwin In Roksanda Ilincic: Who Wore It Better? (PHOTOS)

The best part of this whole dress shopping fiasco was when the Kodettes went to a plus sized shop and the owner bluntly told Robyn her services would not be required. Needless to say, the dresses were kind of frumpy looking, but Meri insisting that a top made her hips look bigger was just delusion on her part.

You be the judge!
You're never fully dressed without a SMILE !


Hey, isn't Meri wearing leggings under that dress?

See what I mean??

After  a day of shopping (apparently Janelle did buy a blouse that she wore on last week's episode), Kendra decided to take the wives to an Irish pub to sample some beers.

Robyn needing to chill out!

Thank goodness for Polygamy, USA which showed us that some polygamists DO drink alcohol. And didn't Meri enjoy her cocktails on that anniversary trip to Mexico shown the first season of the show? So why the sudden snub against alcohol? Lord knows, Meri could benefit from a drop or two! Robyn too!

Cheers to Janelle and Christine for actually tasting the samples.

Meri and Robyn need to chill out!

So what was Kody doing with 15 kids in Vegas?

Well, they went bowling and Kody got mad because even though Aspyn had "no form" she still beat his score, which if you ask me would not be hard to do if you bowled gutter balls like Kody was doing.

Back at home, Kody started cooking steaks (?) when he was interrupted by Ysabel who stubbed her toe. Of course, Kody had to make a big deal out of carrying her into the bathroom and cleaning her wound. And I agree with Kody, that child's feet could use a lot of soap and water. Oh yeah, Kody burned the steaks. I guess Kody never thought to delegate steak grilling duties to one of the teens while he tended to Ysabel.

Kody and his kids then invaded neighbors Deirdre and Bill pool. I just hope those kids washed their feet at home first before diving into the neighbor's pool. While in the pool, Kody had a very contrived convo with his teen daughters about dating. I think it was all to show how Kody's religion doesn't condone underage marriage to older men.

As the wives were about to drive their way back to Vegas, we learned that Truely had taken ill. Even though Aspyn and Mykelti were very concerned, Kody seemed to ignore the possibility that Truely could be seriously ill. In fact, he argued with the older girls whether the child had a fever by insisting that she "... wasn't that hot! I know a fever!" as he touched Truely's neck and extremities with his hands.

I guess Kody actually taking Truely's
temperature with a thermometer never crossed his mind. Or, better yet, since he didn't really know what was wrong, perhaps taking the child to an emergency room to be examined by a DOCTOR who would be able to make a proper diagnosis of what was wrong with her.

It seemed like Kody quickly passed the ailing Truely off to her mother Christine when she got back from her trip and directed his attention to cuddling King Sol while everyone congregated at one of the wive's house for dinner. Wow....

Shame on TLC and the Browns for allowing Truely's illness (she later had to be hospitalized) to be used as a friggin' cliff hanger!


  1. I notice that Kody did not wear the "team shirt." I also noticed that while Christine ran the race (she was dressed for the team and she she had obviously run a great deal when she was viewed after the race) she was never mentioned or really shown at all. I realize that this was Janelle's story, but Christine would have made a welcome addition. These two women do appear to get along better than the otehrs.

    1. I would bet that Kody opted out of the Be Values Ripoff shirt because it's really geared towards women not men. he doesn't need to BE any of those things because he has a penis. or at least we assume so. let me get my magnifying glass and I'll get back to ya on that. :)

    2. maybe he thought the were too FRUMPY?

    3. I agree! If Christine ran that is an accomplishement for her to and should have been featured!

    4. simply put these parents were not advocates for their daughters well was left to one intervened on her behalf in a timely manner. Whatever influenced their decision making in the past about if and when to take a child to a doctor, no insurance or no money, something delayed this childs intervention for medical care

  2. Well, well, well! So the friend who helped them shop did not know the stores any better than the wives. What do you know!

    1. I'm not surprised...I'm not even sure if Robyn had met her in person before...It was obvious the other wives had never met her before...notice how Robyn introduced her to the other sisterwives? And she's a "business partner?" WTH???

  3. So the sister wives never go anywhere as a group. I thought that was the benefit of having sister wives. Spending time as a foursome is a new thing for this bunch.
    They lived in the same house before Robyn joined the group. They live in the same cul-de-sac. Yet they never spend time together. I don't think that frinedship is high on their priority list. Did this change when Robyn came along, or is this the norm?

    1. My impression is that they do spend time together - but that Kodouche is always there. Or a female friend. Or someone just so the wives don't have to be alone together, just the four of them. However, I do remember from one of the first episodes (maybe the very first one?), that the wives were hanging out together in each others' wing of the big house in UT, without Kodouche. So, I'm not sure if it's the addition of Robyn that caused them to stop spending time together without K, or moving into separate houses? I do wonder if Meri/Robyn and Janelle/Christine do things together without K that we just aren't shown on tv. I can see Meri/Robyn getting their nails done/shopping and Janelle/Christine maybe grocery shopping together or having lunch??

      And yes, my understanding from what little I've read about their version of polygamy is that the husband isn't meant to meet all of his wives' needs - that the wives also rely on each other to have their emotional/relational needs met. To me, that kinda implies the wives interact with each other. I think it's sad that you have built in potential best friends, but they are so freaking jealous (and who can blame them for that, really), that they choose to live like opposed to spending time with each other when Kodouche is off with another wife. Although, thinking back, I do remember Meri, Christine, and Janelle (and the kids) going camping while Robyn and Kodouche were on their honeymoon.... I don't know. There's honestly no telling what they really do. We are shown such a small portion of their daily lives, and most of that is scripted. We try to piece things together the best we can, but when it comes right down to it, we really don't know if off-camera they spend tons of time together. I doubt it, but I have no way to say for sure - 'cause even if they say they don't spend time alone together, I've learned not to believe a word that comes out of their mouths.

      - Lori

    2. I don't think anything much has really changed with these folks and the way they treat each other, since the beginning of the show. I don't think they ever had all that much interaction with each other to begin with. The only difference is, that some of them,especially Mary, just don't try as hard to convince us that all is rosy in the house of Kody.As I see it, the only two in the group that might have anything that even resembles friendship is Christine & Janelle.

    3. I don't think the wives are accustomed to spending much time together at all, even back in S1.
      Everyone always talks about the closeness of Janelle and Christine, but ultimately it was a business/convenience relationship. Janelle worked long hours (and seemed to enjoy it) and Christine took care of the kids and stayed home and collected food stamps/assistance.
      remember that clip "Christine's Fabulous Food Pantry" which is on TLC/YouTube from S1. Janelle left before dark, before the kids even got up, and didn't get home from work until quite late. Logan had to fix breakfast for his sibs and Christine made dinner (and probably lunch, unless they ate school lunches, which were probably subsidized). In the clip shown, Mariah was eating fish stick tacos, tater tots and creamed corn (NO VEGGIES!) with Christine and the other kids and Kody. While Meri was making herself chicken breast and asparagus and going on virtuously about how she enjoys Christine's food but she prefers to eat "healthier" and that Mariah eats with Christine because "what's one more child".

      In retrospect I am CONVINCED that Meri intentionally lost a bunch of weight so she would look better for the show, but at this point (today) she is probably at her heaviest weight. and I think eating healthy was just done for the cameras - I remember when the Dargers visited and she was like "cut the potatoes in half, they're huge". so she's quite accustomed to cooking heavy starchy meals like Christine.

    4. I think Robyn coming into the picture changed the dynamic amount the 3 other wives a great deal. They seemed to team up against one another after that.

  4. Those stores! Why would you go first to a store that did not have clothes to fit 3/4 of the shoppers. Why would you go to a store that set aside clothes for the shoppers that did not fit their express needs. The long shirt for Meri does not look like something for a formal affair. I wonder if they will end up having their jewelry shown at the boutique for the bigger ladies. There is always a reason for an establishment to be used by this production company.

    1. Just as I suspected, the large size "shop" isn't a shop at all, it's a home-based/pop-up boutique.
      She's getting really high reviews on Yelp, but looking at her online selections, most of her items I wouldn't have wanted to wear when I was 265 lbs. None of the dresses have a waist line - they're all just like tents, and maybe that's just what the owner prefers so that's what she carries.

      Hilarious that the boutique they went to for skinnies was showing Robyn dresses from over a year before! One would think that being on TV and all, they'd have something more flattering. didn't care for ANY of the clothes Robyn tried on. especially that pink dress. UGH!

    2. pretty woman..sisterwives version so original

  5. I'm with Meri on this one. That pink dress is awful. The sleeves are silly. The pink is too bright and too solid. Most of the clothes we saw them try on were awful. However, I did see a beautiful jacket dress being held up by Janelle in the background. Maybe the editing was the problem.

    1. Janelle pretty much called out the sloppy editing job when she tweeted about the red blouse that she was seen wearing in episode 14, but was shown purchasing in episode 15.

  6. thank you CJ for the great glad i found this blog

  7. The wives were also shown earlier in the ep drinking white wine at a wine bar.

  8. Love the screen cap from after the 5k - Sean looks pretty disgusted at Kody. Lol

  9. Forgot to add - I am beginning to have a lot more respect for Sean. I don't think he's entirely on board with the plyg thing. And like a good PT should he cares about his client who is Janelle really. I'm sure he doesn't care for the way Kody treats her.

    1. Trainer Sean may deny it but I totally think he doesn't care for Kody...I know he's being presented as one of Kody's "guy pals" but isn't it strange how Kody really doesn't have many guy pals? At least ones that are willing to go on the show? And those occasional looks of disbelief he throws at Kody sometimes...I don't think there's anything romantic going on with Janelle, but it looks like he (and his significant other and kids) were spending a lot of time with the Browns during the off season last year.

  10. the pre view of sundays episode is up on TLC. I don't have cable so have to scour for videos on internet. Kody was so tired after shopping for a car for Mariah he had to take a nap.Christine waited anothet 5 days from when they got home. I dont know if i can watch this up comming episode. Im upset having seen the pre view..they missed so many life threatening signs with this baby, and stomachs will turn with mariah being selfish again..and kody naps alot, right?

    1. kody naps alot, right?

      For someone who does so little, he sure sleeps a lot! That must be his job!

  11. mykelti says in a clip that truely had been like that Cross Eyed all morning..i think those teenage daughtershave to much responsibility for the baby

    1. Would you be able to provide a link to the clip?

    2. Thanks CJ. You have done a great job as usual with this review.

  12. Just did some research and the Hotel Rex is a budget hotel ($158 a night in Union Square is pretty cheap). It's located right at Union Square which is THE main shopping area in SF. One has to wonder why they didn't go to some more appropriate shops - I suppose that most boutique/dress shop owners were like " 'Sister Wives'? Who the Eff are THEY?!?" just like 98 percent of my friends IRL do here. LOL

    1. I am not buying for a second that the trip to San Fran was just for bonding and shopping. They went there to meet with their MSWC partner and to do research for their business. Otherwise, what was the point? They didn't show any sightseeing, which is super strange in my opinion, and they don't need to travel so far to shop for dresses. Vegas has everything, and LA is way closer than San Fran. I thought the whole thing was weird and awkward.

    2. The boutique hotel I stayed at in San Francisco was way way more "fancy" than Hotel Rex...did you see the coffee urns in the tiny tiny lobby? The hotel I stayed at is still open, and pictures from the website show the doorman podium (or whatever it's called). And no, it doesn't have complimentary coffee urns in the lobby, but it does still have a coffee shop...I remember the coffee was to die for, yum!

  13. I don't think any of these parents should get a pass on Truely's illness. Even in the early stages, when they thought it was just the flu, Kody should have scheduled an office visit at the pediatrician. And if the post above is correct, and Christine waited days after her return to take her baby to a doctor...I am left speechless.

    1. I have lost all respect for Christine and Kody as parents. My late mother was an RN. She always told me never to brush off a sick child especially if they have been sick more than a couple of days - and if they had a high fever to IMMEDIATELY take the child to a pediatrician or emergency room for treatment. I simply can't believe they allowed that child to be ill for over a week. Amazing isn't it how a physician was able to tell Christine to leave his office AND TAKE TRUELY TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM STAT!!

      You simply can't cut corners when a child is involved!

    2. i know we havnt seen the episode yet, so i will comment on what we did see of the above reviewed episode. The brief clip of Mykelti holding Truely at the bowling alley, Truely sitting head down on the floor with Kody feeling for fever, just a screen shot of Truely;s eyes are alarming. This bay was exhibiting behaviour of a lethargic haild, just based on what we have seen in the past..and all of the adults in the Brown home...waited..too..long..i hope she dosnt have any permenent residual affects from her care being delayed..filming is a priority, right? ive seen more of adult responsibilities being shuffled to oldest kids in Christines house this season thean ever before..i thought it was just Logan

    3. What I think bothered me most about the scene where Kody goes and touches Truely again to prove to the older kids that she most certainly does NOT have a fever (because Kodouche knows a fever, after all), is that after he felt her again supposedly checking for a fever, he appeared to just walk off and leave her slumped over on the kitchen floor? WTH?? Why in the WORLD, even if he thought she "only had the flu," would he not have picked her up, held her, comforted her, put her in bed and snuggled up with her? Something?? What kind of parent - or person in general - can see a child in that condition sitting on a hard floor and just walk off?? Maybe Aspyn or Mykelti came behind him and got Truely, but why the sisters and not the parent??

      Here's what I know - I was sick A LOT as a child. In fact, my very first memory is of being at the pediatrician's office. I was the first child, my mother was super nervous, and I was at the doctor at the first sign of illness. I was so close to my doctor (as I was there all the time), that I would draw a picture for him each time I went, and years later he showed me that he had kept all of them in a folder. Anyway....I can tell you that when I was sick, neither of my parents left me slumped over on the kitchen floor. I was loved, comforted, rocked... I'm rambling, but the different between how "normal" parents treat a sick child and how little Truely was treated makes me really just not know what to say... I can't even wrap my brain around the way they treated her - most especially Kodouche. And Christine, to some extent. It seems like the only two who actually "got" how sick she was were Aspyn and Mykelti - and that is honestly just weird and bizarre as hell.

      That is all for now - Lori

    4. I think because of the number of children in the family there are many things that go unnoticed - it has boiled down to the survival of the fittest. That child could have very easily died with everyone around her not noticing. It came pretty close.

  14. Does anyone know what 5k they went to ? as a runner I'm just curious about Kody's "pace" and I'd like to see the results .

  15. Kody just tweeted a 'teaser' about this Sunday's episode about Truely. I find it very distasteful that Kody seems to be 'plugging' his daughter's medical emergency for his own gain. I know, the Duggars did that with the miscarriage, so maybe its not distasteful to TLC but it is to me. Kody taking a nap while Christine took Truely to the doctor (after she went cross eyed!) is not indicative of an involved and concerned parent. Shame on him. If this was Mariah or Sol would he have napped? I guess we will never know but it must occur to Christine that 'her' kids get different treatment.

    1. Kody just couldn't be bothered to accompany Truely because he most likely thought she just had "the flu". And you're right, if it was Sol or Mariah, I doubt if he would have waited so long before taking them for medical treatment.

      I can't wait to see how TLC spins this, but like you said, it is just so distasteful to use a child's illness so blatantly for ratings!

    2. *just* the flu?? after a friend of mine died last month, there ain't no such thing as "just" the flu for me anymore, and I'd be willing to bet that the Browns don't believe in vaccination.

    3. I also wonder if the Browns' have received money from TLC toward the medical bills (No insurance?) by permitting the situation to be controlled by the television station. It certainly takes me aback to watch the family deal with this personal crisis in such a public way.

    4. I also wonder if the Browns' have received money from TLC toward the medical bills (No insurance?) by permitting the situation to be controlled by the television station.

      In a posting on their blog, Papa Joe Darger said (in reference to doing a reality TV show) "... our motives for what we do have little to do with money...[but]...we think the reality TV market will certainly seek out and flourish with such programing that frankly does not meet our values and standards."

      I don't think the Dargers would have allowed the illness of one of their children to be filmed as a cliffhanger for ratings. In fact, I don't think any normal loving family unit would have allowed an ill child to be so exploited for ratings.

      Janelle has mentioned several times that their producers are wonderful and listens when the Browns don't want something to be filmed or broadcast on the show. Either Janelle was lying or something has changed in the relationship between the production company and the Browns OR the Browns don't see anything wrong in with exploiting a child for ratings.

      Whatever their reasoning, it's wrong and certainly doesn't show them in a positive light!

    5. well...these people have demonstrated repeatedly that they have no ability to foresee the consequences of preventitive care for changes or levels...piling on upgrades to you're new home (Meri) when you got in by the skin of you're teeth, blowing up you're family with a new wife just because you can..running off in the middle of the night for a story line and scaring the crap out of your kids, burrying o dog on an episode..and so on..they have a history of seizing up an engine on a windning mountain road because Kody and Robyn laughed about the "tick tick tick " of an engine and laughed it off

  16. that picture of kody's hands on i wish he would have picked her up right them and there and taken her to ER..spared her any further pain or suffering

  17. The thing that struck me most about this episode (aside from the gross negligence associated with treating a stubbed toe like a limb amputation whilst your youngest daughter quietly dies in the corner,) was how uncomfortable the sister wives are.

    I mean, Christine, Meri and Janelle have spent the last 18+ years raising children together. How is it that they are so awkward around each other? I mean, I get that sharing a husband would be weird for the first year or ten, but it's been almost two DECADES now. If you're not comfortable with somebody or somebodies after almost twenty years, I think that might be a sign of something.

  18. all of the wives have made excuses for Kody and why he dosn't decipline them or engage with them when needing to break up Kody has been exused from being the parent. So naturally Kody has to nap, or not be interrupted shopping for a car for Mariah..god only knows, but he appears to not have to present when the kids are sick. The wives are single moms, period, I hink when this episode shows just how negligent these parents are you know what will hit the fan.

    1. I [t]hink when this episode shows just how negligent these parents are you know what will hit the fan."

      If their "rabid" fans on the official TLC Sister Wives Facebook are any indication, it seems they are willing to throw all logic into the wind in order to justify the long wait before Truely was taken to the doctor.

  19. I think these people need more signs and crap from the iron shop that say the things they say they are, but clearly are not

  20. Kody is always insisting that having 17 children is no problem because after all they have a mom, dad PLUS 3 bonus moms raising them. Well that polygamy theory just doesn't fly because all 5 missed the boat in spotting how ill sweet little Truely was. The sad reality is that all the Brown parents (bio & bonus) seem more focused on self-promotion and being " tv stars" these days.

  21. I agree with you corgi. All the bonus mom stuff is just a load of b.s..

  22. TLC should be held responsible for the wait along with the Brown's. Everyone knows the Brown's most likely don't have medical insurance and seem to fall into the anti-doctor crowd. We have seen a home birth, breast feeding past the first year, a chiropractor instead of the Urgent Care, and they are probably are anti-vaccine people. But TLC??? They sat there filming a child on the floor. I would have picked her up and told Kody that 911 would be called if he didn't take her to the doctor. SHAME ON TLC!

    1. It reminded me of one of those Attenborough nature documentaries, where they film a lost baby wildebeest being hunted and eaten by lions. A very cold 'nature takes its course' approach.

      I'm shocked at Christine's stupidity, (she thought it was fine her child was lethargic, until she was so sick her eyes crossed) Kody's disinterest, and the other moms' complete disconnection.

      This isn't a family. This is four single moms competing for baby daddy's attention. They don't give a shit about 'their' kids. Whilst Truly was getting sicker and sicker, Meri was making sure Mariah got that car.

      They're despicable. All of them.

    2. I wholeheartedly agree with everything that Monogamous Apostate said about TLC being also held responsible for Truely descent into extremely severe illness. Yes, it's Reality TV and the crew is not supposed to intervene but when a very young child is allowed to have her health compromised so severely there is a lot of responsibility to go around to TLC and the 5 Brown adults.

      If I may for a second, I would also like to vent about them calling Truely a baby. A baby is a newborn and possibly up to about a year and a half and certainly not past 2. At that point they are a toddler and any older a pre-schooler. Truely is a pre-schooler and not a baby, even King Sol is not a baby, he's a toddler although I rarely see him toddling about.

      Lastly, I am offended by Monogamous Apostate stating that something that relates to the anti-doctor crowd is breastfeeding past the first year. My daughter's pediatrician was perfectly fine with it, particularly as she was potentially susceptible to food allergies, which could have been passed on from her father and grandmother. Regardless, breastfeeding is the perfect food for a child. When a child is weaned should be up to the mother and the child.

    3. Queen Annes Lace, I'm sorry you were offended by Monogamous Apostate's comment but they were simply voicing their opinion.

      I have a feeling that a producer did eventually persuade Kody and Christine into taking Truely to a medical professional for evaluation. That's why there is only film of Christine taking Truely to the doctor the day she was admitted to the hospital.

      I also think of Truely and Solomon as being "babies". Heck, if people can call their cars "baby", why not a two and/or three year old child when used as a term of endearment?

    4. Thanks CJ. You make good points.

  23. I am so glad that I found this blog. I no longer watch SW. I do not believe in polygamy and Kody is such an ass. The reviews that CJ does s enough for me. At first, I wanted to give the wives a pass but over te years, I have also lost respect for them. It seems like they have let this reality show get to their heads. Kody thinks that he is a celebrity. I wish that they cancel this show. How does Kody think he will be able to afford 4 homes and all that goes with it once this show is cancelled. Soon, I hope. These wives think that Kody is a God. He will do anything for ratings. You can believe that they all read the blogs and FB postings. They are trying to do what their crazy ass fans want. Their fans are nuts. They want to be wife#5. Gross. These fans just think that Kody and crew are just wonderful. They believe that all families should be like the Browns. They think that Kody is such a great father and husband. WTF. Are we watching the same show. I think that Kody must be getting money from some polygamist group. They want the Browns to be spokespersons for polygamy. They want to change the publics view of polygamy. The Browns are not everyday families. I upset one of their psycho fans when I said that the Browns were not a typical polygamist family. Polygamist families are not on tv nor or they getting paid by TLC. Most families do not have 4 individual homes where no one works. What exactly does Kody do besides collect a check from TLC. The previews for tonight's show make me sick. TLC is milking this illness and the adults are going right along with it. Sorry guys, I would rather watch paint dry than turn to see Kody fake crying. Why did they wait so long. Why not take Truly to the ER immediately. Why go to a doctor first. Going to a doctor would mean making an appointment. No one can just show up at a doctors office without an appointment. I bet they did this for the ratings. I hope that this is not the case. I wonder if they have insurance. If not, maybe they got TLC to pay for this if they filmed this for the show. Insurance is high for my family and we have jobs. I wonder how much Kody pays for insurance. I heard that they did not have car insurance for the kids. This is just wrong. Give up having a stupid recommitment ceremony and send your kids to college. Kody is living in a fantasy and one day he is going to wake up back in Lehi in a trailer.

    1. Hey sewcrafty! It's been ages!!! Welcome and enjoy your stay!

    2. Just my opinion...
      1) how can Kody afford 4 houses etc after show is canx? Answer: he doesn't care, because he's never thought beyond the next day EVER EVER in his life.
      2) Is there a polygamist group paying the Browns to be on the show as the face of polygamy? Answer: If there is, a) I doubt it's the AUB since the congregation is small and most (I imagine) are not exactly rolling in the dough, and b) they should ask for their money back and give it to the Dargers instead, because the Browns are doing a crappy ass job of being "the face of polygamy".

    3. I say bring on the mother's in law. I would love to hear their lives in plug life, now alone and in their own homes. Christine's mom is moving in and I think she may be a very good addition to their lives and someone who may kick that lazy jack ass Kody in the but once in awhile. It certainly would go along way to have Christine's children get closer to their Gran.

  24. Kody has been appalling in everything regarding Truely's illness so far. He just dumped her off on Christine without a care in the world. And he shouldn't have been concerned about setting a pace. He should be worried about supporting his wife during her first 5K. The man is so self-absorbed and these women compete for him. The longer I watch this family, the more the adults confuse me.

  25. From what we have seen it seems like the Browns waited too long to take Truly into the dr. Its also terrible to exploit an ill child. I am curious to see what happens and wonder if it will be accurate-maybe they are hyping things up for a good story? It sounds like Truly is ok now which is a relief.

    However, I just wanted to say that home births, and breastfeeding past 1 yr are not terrible things. They were not my choices but they choices a reasonable person may make. I also haven't the Browns say anything about vaccines or being anti-vaccine.

  26. and so it begins..the TLC spin machine..on another site TLC says Truely had been diagnosed with the flue at urgent care..minor crisis...was getting better..then deteriorates during Mariah's party preparations..Christine gets second opinion and goes to emergency this should be interesting if Kody and TLC hyped this for viewers and is now dialing back..or covering some large butts

    1. Sounds like TLC cranked up their spin machine when all the "bad" comments arrived on their Sister Wives FB page after last Sunday's episode.

      I have a feeling Kody was very busy this week doing new head shots and voiceovers showing how "concerned" he was about Truely's health.

  27. Does anyone else think that Janelle's new hair frosting job looks skunk like?

    1. It's too chunky, way too much of a distinct contrast between the platinum blonde and the darker color. It's not a good look on anyone, IMO.

    2. Agreed- way too light in the front - almost white

  28. First off let me say I am SOOO happy i found you guys again!! Missed you and all the fun/snarky reviews. Watching the show without them just wasnt the same...anywho...

    Something that keeps bugging me about Christine/Kody. Ever notice how often she has to resort to bargaining with her 'grocery money'? Come again? I'm a single mom, so money is usually tight (to say the least). But I dont think i have ever compromised when it came to feeding my kids. Groceries/food isnt a bargaining tool. Its just a need, plain and simple. I couldnt see myself having to bargain with my husband on feeding *our* children! I could just see it now...sorry girls, you cant get a second helping cuz dad made me use our food money to go and visit your sick grandfather! (remember that episode?)
    It just bugs the crap outta me everytime Christine has to beg for more money to feed her kids (that he fathered no less). Then again, a LOT of things about this show/family bug the crap outta
    Thanks again CJ for providing such a great place where we can all come and vent :)

  29. Goodness! Did Meri really just say that Truely going to the hospital was putting a damper on Mariah's going away to school? It was the way she said it, too. Sheesh!

    1. Yep, she sure did. And she was being very careful and cautious as she said that. I'm sure with the cameras off and behind the scenes she was stomping around and having a melt-down about how upsetting it was for Pariah's grand departure to have been overshadowed by the poor little critically ill child. Meri is a horrid woman and I don't have a clue how Janelle and Christine can stand her, how they've managed to put up with her all of these years.

  30. I think it might have been fine to just have Kody and Christine in a TH explaining what happened with Truely, but showing her sick and miserable on the couch knowing she had gotten so ill she had to be put on dialysis was just unconscionable.

    Oh, Ysabel (sic) can see some of these kids who got a heaping help of Kody's personality traits and she is definitely one of them!
