
Friday, December 27, 2013

I Scour the Internet: The Sister Wives New Season Begins Sunday 12/29/13!! Edition

Hey, Welcome back everyone!

I hope your Holiday was a merry one!

OK, now down to business...

I'm gonna step up on my editorial soapbox because I saw a tweet from Robyn today that  rankled the very essence of my soul.

Is it just me, or does Robyn have a perverse need to make EVERYTHING about her?

Case in point: She tweeted this picture today to all her adoring Twitter fans...

Now on the surface, it looked like a candid photo any proud mama would take of her offspring.

But something just didn't seem right about it. For one thing, I agree with her that what Solomon was doing WAS kinda scary, and it definitely wasn't a good thing.

Is it ever a good idea to have a small toddler hanging around the kitchen, playing with appliances that can seriously injure an inattentive adult, let alone a curious 2 year old?

And of course, the fact that Robyn added "I wonder if he has been watching me this holiday season!" just showed she still believes everything revolves around her...Did she ever think maybe Solomon had been influenced by his other mamas? Oh wait, Robyn probably doesn't allow King Sol to be around his other mamas much, that's why she has enlisted the aid of yet another sister to help her around her McMansion.

But a few minutes after Robyn tweeted her picture, her sister wife Christine tweeted this picture of Truely...

Notice how Christine has placed the focus on what she values most, literacy. And look at all the books in that basket!

Who can forget this picture of Truely as a baby, "reading" a book - even if it was upside down?

And more importantly, notice how Christine has shown her fans the kind of mother she is by picturing her child as an individual rather than as a mimicking mini-me like her sisterwife Robyn has done.

Yep, it looks like Christine has won this round, hands down. And for the record Robyn, ovens are not toys!

There. I feel ever so much better.

So what else has been happening on Twitter this week?

Well, Robyn also tweeted her Christmas greetings to her fans, and made the request for fans to share with her their acts of kindness.

Sorry, but the cynic in me sees this as just another way to get ideas for next year Christmas season tweeting. Don't be too surprised if she uses some of those responses as her own next year.

Especially if this is an example of the best she could come up with for this year. Tell me Robyn, how do other people acknowledge you? With pitchforks? Or with a garland of garlic and wooden stakes?

Wife #1 Meri made sure her fans got a twittered picture of the Brown kids for Christmas!

She also included this picture of something called "candy cane pastries" that were showcased on her world famous wet bar!

But this picture sort of has me puzzled. This is the second time that dark haired bearded fellow (a Sister Wives cameraman supposedly) has appeared in a picture with Meri. The first was a picture inside her car when Meri was driving Mariah to her college in Utah. Oh, and if you rewatch the episode when Kody and Krew went Kamping, you can see him for an instant when Meri blew her stack when her bonus kids were bullying Robyn's kids.  Just file this in the things that make you go hmmm folder...

Clearly in the WTF?! folder are these tweets from darling Mariah...words cannot express the shock I experienced reading these. Please tell us your twitter account was hacked!!

So it looks like Kody has gone from shilling for that green koolaid stuff to shilling for a new, non - LIVid green packaged athletic diet supplement stuff.

I wonder how much he makes off of this new venture? Those McMansions don't pay for themselves, you know!

I'm happy that Kody has finally ditched those ill fitting wrinkled double breasted  suits of previous outings, but matching suits with Logan? Looks like they hit a two for one sale, but at least they aren't wrinkled and look like they fit.
On the subject of fashion, looks like Aspyn has her little sis Truely's number! So very cute!!

And from the twitter of Janelle:
Of COURSE I'll be there to read your tweets!! Nothing beats the Browns tweeting while watching their show...well, maybe I should say almost nothing...

I better start preparing myself now. So, remember...I Scour the Internet, so you don't have to!


  1. Hi!
    If you search for @luvgvsuwngs you can see the responses people sent to Robyn but don't appear on her timeline. A couple of them say how dangerous it is for the baby to be around ovens and suggest she buys oven locks. One person called her a nitwit! I think the photo was staged and she was too stupid to realize how dangerous it was!

  2. I'm glad I found this blog! I'm listening to Kody call the marriage counselor "crazy lady" right now. OY! Who takes a picture of their kid playing with the oven? It does look like she staged it. DISTURBING!

    1. Welcome Monogamous Apostate!

      My bff saw the picture Robyn tweeted. She groaned and agrees with you that it was staged because the oven door appeared too heavy for Sol to pull down...anyway, bff said if it had been one of her kids she would have been saying NO NO, not taking a picture!

  3. SO glad I googled Cynical Jinx!

    Tonight's show already: Kody literally running around in the Cult-de-Sac. What else is new? Yawn. Krody smacking his own ass? Gag. Mariah wants to go to a special college & we don't want to pay for it. Wah wah. Too many kids. You know what Kodouche - its NOT the kids fault their "father" decided to poke his peepee in 4 different women and have 9 million kids. Move Meri out of her shoddy overpriced McMansion into an apartment if you dont want to let Mariah take a loan! Good grief!!

    1. Leave it to Kody to make sure the show is all about him!

      I won't be able to watch for another 90 mins, but it sounds like business as usual in the cul-de-sac. You know he's only "running" because he knows the cameras are there. Otherwise, I would imagine he stays put at Robyn's McMansion...

  4. I just scanned Kody's twitter feed....talking about Janelle's lips makes her a good kisser and how he's lost weight from running from house to house. That just confirms it for me that when the cameras are off, he stays at ONE house!

    1. Going off twitter Janelle def seems to be the #1 wife lately!

  5. Sorry for the spoiler CJ! :/

    Not a spoiler: Its Mother's Day in the episode & it's STILL all about him.

    There was a commercial for the premier of My 5 Wives. March 9th - I guess when SW ends. I'm excited for that show for some reason!

    1. No problem HockeyMom! By the time it's on in my area, I'm sure the rest of the country is asleep. I'm just scanning twitter and I'm watching Downton Abbey until Sister Wives comes on.

  6. Oh my gosh! I'm so bummed that I can't watch it tonight! We just got rid of cable for a while so I'll have to wait until tomorrow when its available to stream online. So let me just say that I LOVE SPOILERS!! So post all you want for me please :-)

  7. Did anyone really expect Kody to try to keep it sort of equal on the Mothers Day gifts? I knew Robin would get the best, most expensive gift. I also knew Mary would get the next expensive gift and Janelle & Christine would get the crap that belonged at the Dollae Tree. I also think Janelle has a look about her that says she's already checked out, she just hasn't left yet.

    1. Did you check out what he bought Christine? I was like what!? Are you kidding me? I'm not sure what really went down between them since season 1, but whatever it really was (she wasn't nice to Robyn can't be the whole story) he really harbors resentment towards her that he doesn't even try to hide. Maybe she went to church elders about him?? She's still drinking the polygamy is great koolaid & I can see her turning to the church for guidance. I dunno?

    2. Maybe Robyn is manipulating Kody into loathing Christine? Robyn seems like the type that would play the victim behind the scenes by taking a little bit of truth and exaggerating. Christine doesn't get a chance to answer the accusations because Kody believes everything coming from the convincing "victim." Robyn seems to sabotage the other wives in different ways. She plays games with Meri and her infertility. She tried to sabotage Janelle's weight loss blog with her own "My Body is Mine ...and I can't help being so skinny" blog. She allowed Christine to apologize for "not being nice" but never once apologized herself for kissing Kody and delaying his arrival to the hospital for the birth of Truly.

    3. I feel the same way you do about Robin. Shucks, I bet she would do just about anything to make it look like all the others have it in for her in some way. I think she & Kody make such a perfect pair they should just run away together & forget about all the rest of the gang. If Robin were to be honest I bet that is her #1 fantasy.

  8. I really, really doubt that Kody is being remunerated by MusclePharm for his pic. They're not an MLM, they're a legitimate company which is sold in regular retail shops, both online and brick/mortar.

    Plus they have Arnold Schwartznegger and Colin Kaepernick endorsing their products. WHY would they give a shit about some third rate reality show dude? Maybe Kody was hoping he'd get an endorsement deal.

    BTW I just checked the LIV International Twitter page: 287 followers,
    MusclePharm: 292.484 followers.

    LIV as an MLM I would say is dying a quick MLM death.
