
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Breaking the Faith: Into the Unknown and Temptation S01Ep03 and 04

In episode 2, Jake made a major faux paus by 1) extracting his sister Valerie from the "crick" in broad daylight, and 2) losing recent extractee Linda in the process. Loose lips can sink ships, so our intrepid band of newly ex-FLDS were forced to flee like Kody Brown from their St George safehouse for another one in Salt Lake City, just in case Linda blurted out the "hidden" location of their safehouse to the infamous God Squad.

Next time invest in blindfolds, fellas!

Jake's "stealth" mobile in the middle of the "Crick"
It just makes me wonder...what the hell was this kid thinking? Or better yet...what the hell was this TV show's scriptwriter and director thinking?

For one thing, it didn't cross their minds that Jake's sleek black sports coupe would attract the attention of the "crick" God Squad?  Even Michael Cawley got the infamous God Squad once over when he ventured into the "crick" on Polygamy USA.

Sorry Jake but that was dum dum dum.   And Ben's really mad now because not only were they at risk of being accosted by the evil God Squad, he still hasn't got a girlfriend yet.

Hey, isn't that the God Squad over there?
So now in episode 3, our travelers have been on the road for a while and have decided to make a pit stop.

Maybe it was the embarrassment of losing Linda in the "crick" or maybe it was just bad script writing but Jake believed he was being followed by...THE GOD SQUAD!! Damn that Linda!

Inside the pit stop convenience store, Jake decided he couldn't take it any longer, jumped back into his sports coupe and drove off. Did he drive back to the "crick" to extract the missing Linda, and no-show Marie?

Who knows. But something tells me he'll be back with both Linda and Marie. At least that would give his short appearance some purpose, right?

After everyone squeezed into Ben's vehicle, the girls and the Jeffs boys hit the road again for Salt Lake. Martha mused to Ben that she hopes he has high speed driving skills because if her step-father is looking for her, he can drive over 100 miles per hour.

Sorry Martha, but you've been out of the FLDS for 2 years, so why would your step-father suddenly get the urge to come looking for you now?

Eventually, they arrive at the "safehouse". Call me cynical, but who leaves the front door of a house chocked full of expensive electronics and other toys unlocked, with only a very loud security alarm to drive intruders away?

Just like Brandi Glanville found out on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, it doesn't take long for a determined criminal to break into a house. So imagine how easy it would be to just walk through the front door, grab the expensive stuff and leave before the police can arrive to investigate.

But of course, nothing bad happens.

Once Matt figured out that he could shut off the alarm by entering that security code Carolyn Jessop gave him instead of letting it rot on that piece of paper in his pocket, everyone preceded up the stairs to claim their territory.

Martha finding out she's not FLDS top drawer from the UO princesses
Connie and Angie decided to room together because they are cousins. I have to giggle because in reality, aren't they all cousins to each other in the "crick"?

We  got an interesting lesson on the haves and the have nots that make up FLDS society from Connie and Angie. It's split between something called the United Order, and the Repentants. United Order folks get the cream, while the repentants (made up of people who don't follow the rules set by their prophet) get nothing. Oh yes, they still have to wear the prairie dresses, the "tidal wave" hairdos, ugly shoes and sacred underwear but the fathers can only have one wife and they can't shop at the co-op in town.


Later, we discover that although Matt and Zack's father is the reigning big man in the FLDS while Warren Jeffs cools his heels in prison, his families were allowed luxuries and freedoms that Ben's family was not. Ben mentioned that the Jeffs boys had this air of entitlement about them, and it was obvious he was jealous how they attracted babes with little effort.

Hey Ben, how about a hot LDS girl!

 I don't think many people would know how to talk to these girls...creepy
For fun, Lisa (I think she is just the extractees handler because she doesn't live in the safehouse) takes the ex-FLDSers  to chill at the local mall.

Of course, the girls wore their prairie dresses and tidal wave hair so that people could gawk at them on camera. But, to my surprise, their appearance wasn't as jolting as the gaggle of giggly casting call LDS girls that showed up.

After being treated to some yummy frozen yogurt (which princesses Angie and Connie declined to eat because milk products were forbidden by the prophet and they believe you can take the girl out of the "crick" but you will never take the United Order out of the girl). Oh yes, the princesses don't like it when people call their religion a cult, either.

Where are the girls from the "crick"?

Later on in the episode, the girls go shopping for gentile clothes and meet up with the guys to crash the Pioneer Days parade.

How ironic that their prairie outfits finally were not out of place...well, they sort of blended in the crowd....

At the parade, they met a pair of LDS missionary boys, who feigned ignorance of the FLDS. Now, I don't know if those 2 boys were really missionaries, but they sure looked  and played the part well.

Then, it happened. The unfortunate incident with the Native American man wearing an arrowhead necklace and that hot-headed know, the guy with "issues".

Hey Zack! Stop grinning and help out your dumb a$$ bro!!
In true bully form, he flicks the man's necklace while taunting him with "Is that a arrowhead?"  This was ugly, and the man showed his displeasure by grabbing Matt's neck with one hand and not letting go.

Now it was obvious this was staged, because Matt had this stupid grin on his face the entire time. I only wish it wasn't and that a$$hole Matt turned blue and fainted into a heap on the ground. I'm starting to think maybe the FLDS was doing their community a favor by expelling a bad seed from their midst.

Anyway, after being lectured by another Native American to never touch another man's necklace, especially if he's about 50 pounds heavier than you, Matt showed a little remorse by saying he didn't understand Native American culture and would never do that again.

And if you believe that, I've got some land I'd like to sell you...

At the beginning of episode 4, we found out that United Order princess Connie hadn't seen her boyfriend Cody since he left the "crick". Now that she's out of the "crick"  too, she arranged to see him again.

Now, Ben was skeptical of Cody. Even Matt thought that if Cody cared about Connie he would have gotten her out of the "crick" himself, right? Zack thinks Cody is a womanizing jerk, and he may be right.

...will you still love me, tomorrow?
On their date, Cody is all smarmy smiles and kisses. And it's not surprising when he admits to Connie she's the fourth date he's been on since he left her in the crick. A normal girl would have thought better of the situation, but not sweet, UO princess Connie. Nope, she acts like it's normal for her man to be dating 3 other girls. Maybe in the crick, but in the real world she's opening herself up for disappointment. Let's just hope she can at least keep her virtue intact.

Boys will be boys...even in Salt Lake
Back at the safehouse, the group decides to go a bar. Now, this was just stupid. If those women aren't comfortable wearing "gentile" clothes, how the heck are they going to handle the weirdos that frequent bars...especially one located in of all places Salt Lake City, dressed like they just got off the plyg bus from the "crick".

These girls need to try harder if they want to blend in their new environment. Take it from me, weird attracts weird.

Valerie got so spooked by the bar patrons she ran out. She didn't get home until 4:00AM, so like, where had she been? Val refused to tell.

Something that was weird about the whole Val situation was not her disappearing (after all, she probably just took a quiet walk for a couple of hours, right?) but it was Ben, Matt, Zack and Angie waiting for her IN THE FRIGGIN' DARK! And then when she walked through the door and started up the stairs, Ben turned on the lights and asked her where she'd been.


If I were Val, I would probably act just like she did, and tell Ben to mind his own business. I don't care if he feels she's like a sister, the point is, she isn't and she has the right to privacy.

Ben needs to find himself a woman. Unfortunately, Matt's only looking out for himself.

Two  of the LDS girls ventured over to the safehouse to see Zack. Well, Zack wasn't home, but Matt invited them in. Nothing happened, but later in the episode,  Matt invited Molly to come back, and they were shown making their way up the stairs while her girl friend/chaperone chatted downstairs with Ben about his lack of "game".

And I don't think Matt was showing Molly his car collection. I just hope someone had on their secret underwear for protection.

Later, Matt was more than happy to explain to the princesses why bikes were banned from the "crick". It was kind of funny watching Angie riding a bike while making a weird face...and she reported that she didn't have an orgasm, either.

Something tells me Matt has a lot in common with his sex crazed Uncle Warren besides sharing the same last name.

Finally, Zack and Ben ventured over to a private investigator's office to see if he could find Zack's missing mother. Apparently she was relocated by the FLDS hierarchy for giving her apostate son his clothes.

The PI had some information, which gave Zack some hope he will find her someday, but that hopeful feeling was dashed when he got back to the safehouse.

It seems Matt was highly agitated that Zack didn't tell him he was looking for his mother. Matt was also upset that Zack chose to take Ben with him to see the PI. Again, Matt showed his out of control wild side by shoving Ben while yelling at the top of his lungs.

Of course, we won't find out if Matt actually hit Ben until the next episode...I'm hoping Ben wipes  up the street with his sorry a$$.


  1. Looks like Matt has got a lot of personal problems starting with being jealous of his brother Zach, how Zach's mother was his father's favorite wife. If anything this gives you what must be going on with the siblings the Sister Wives show because it's easy to see Robyn is Kody's favorite wife. Matt said he felt he wasn't good enough. So very sad!

    1. I have to agree with you, especially when it seemed that Robyn was bullying the son of sisterwife Janelle (Hunter) when he didn't give her the attention she felt was due her after the birth of King Sol. I imagine it must be a living hell if the husband shows favoritism between wives and children!

    2. In my opinion it would be hellish for anyone that has any contact with Robin, especially the other "wives" and their children. Robin has a secret....make that a Victorias Secret weapon. Seems like the other women are going to have to step up their game if they want to get Kody's attention.
