
Sunday, October 4, 2015



Meri admits to being "Catfished" on Here's the Link to the story:

It's Sister Wives  L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!

Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown  BLOVIATING!!

While the new Mrs. Kody Brown tries to make new friends  while influencing "haters" and her ex-husband!!!!

Will Robyn Live Tweet Tonight, or Will She Be A No Show for the FOURTH WEEK In A Row???


It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


Don't forget the "Where Are They Now" 90 Day Fiance special on tonight, too! Hey Dani and Mo, come join the discussion!


  1. How mean and cruel will Kody be tonight? I don't know if I can stand it. I used to root for Janelle to leave but now it's Christine. She needs to get away from the narcissistic buffoon and her mean girl sister wives. She's the only wife who actually speaks her mind instead of being manipulative or passive aggressive. She supports the other wives while they treat her like dog do. I feel bad for her because she really believes the cult religion. Very sad.

    1. Wouldn't it be great if Christine surprised us all and was the one to up and leave?

  2. Maybe only let CJ watch for us so ratings go down further. Save yourself the time. Watch PBS instead. ;-) trying to figure out new series "Indian Summers." But I am dying to watch that last episode based on comments yet afraid I will shout new swear words at tv.

    It truly would be better if the wives dumped him and not allow him to put them out to pasture just because they are approaching menupause or perimenopause. Maybe this is something his dad can hold over him: he died with two wives, didn't kick them to the curb as they grayed.

    1. Actually Kody's father had 3 wives. Wife #2 preferred to remain anonymous while Kody's mother Genielle and Janelle's mother Sheryl (wife #3) went public. And according to Genielle, "I took care of the kids while Sheryl took care of Winn."

    2. Ha! I remember that. As much of a jerk as his dad was, he didn't appear to have traded them in for newer models. Do those wives still live near each other on the same ranch?

  3. Did I just hear Robyn say she took Calculus and Geometry in college? I'm calling BS on that.

    1. Yeah...I had to take trig before I could take calc in college. I wonder what college she went to???

    2. More Revisionist History. She could whine and say "School of Hard Knocks." Considering her alleged age when she lost her "purity" it is safe to cal B.S. on that indeed. Will have to see if anyone presses her for that on Twitter. I am prob still blocked and cannot ask.

    3. She's 28 and Dayton is 15, isn't he? She had a few unaccounted for years before marrying David Sr. It just seems like if she when to college we would have heard about it before.

    4. Ha !!
      If Sobbin went to college, the college may be paying her to not mention their name.

  4. Robyn just said she took Geometry and Calculus in college. When did Robyn go to college? And since when could she do math? Remember when she can Christine couldn't subtract well enough to figure out Truely and Solomon's weight?

    1. plus she had to "minus out" the money to account to Janelle for the MSWC jewelry show in Utah

    2. plus she had to "minus out" the money to account to Janelle for the MSWC jewelry show in Utah

    3. The math requirements must be really weird in Montana or Utah, or wherever Robyn "went to college." In my experience, first came algebra, then one had a choice of trig, geometry, OR stats. The only people who were required to take a whole bunch of extra math were those who were pursuing math or hard science degrees. I find that REALLY hard to believe of Robyn.

    4. I think she meant she took "calculating" in college...a class on how to crash an existing plyg family and climb the SW ladder all the way to the top!

    5. I took algebra, geometry, algebra 2,trig and calc between 8th grade and senior year. However, when I went to college, I was still required to take a math class. As nerdy as I am, I took calculus again. I WAS required to take analytic geometry along with it as a 1 hour credit. I will give Robyn a pass on that statement, but I just cannot believe that Robyn was smart enough to take calculus in the first place.

    6. My gosh people! She took college calculus--there's no minusing in that! Remember, plygs only multiply they don't do any minusing out!

      Ugh, Meri needs to minus herself right out of there!

  5. Nope..can't do this....too, too stupid....
    Were they really THAT out of stupid plots to spend an epp on this lamer than lame "cardboard boat" crap
    Really.......was THIS the only thing TLC could think of ??? PATHETIC !!
    What?....I Love Lucy yXXX 4 with Desi in a madcap comedy routine??
    Was that the intended goal with this garbage. Sooooo bad!!

    Someone's been sneaking into CJ's living room.....because.......
    Kody has on khaki pants with an ironed shirt for the couch chat
    No jeans, no rumpled, slept-in rags.

    CJ, be proud !! :)))))

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yep, saw that.
      And yeah,,,hey Christine,
      There was your opening to smack him.....not have Sobbin do it for you.

      And let's remember...they do and say all this sh*t knowing the cameras are right there!
      The KNOW what they are doing, and choosing to do it!! On camera!!

  6. Jessop gave up his parental rights. Wow---that is very sad.

  7. Kody is calling him "Preston." Now we'll never figure out that Dayton is a Junior.

  8. I know! Baffled, what a good word go Dayton!

  9. As a child---unless your parent is evil and abusive---what must you think that your mother or father willingly gives up their rights as your parent. What is to celebrate there? Nothing.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. Clearly Dayton is thinking that too. So sad.

  10. Wha wait...Jessopreally gave consent or signed over his parental rights? Am I reading these tweets above correctly? What the hell!!

  11. Meri has 100% checked out. At least Janelle and Christine make an effort in front of the cameras.

  12. Kody is calling him "Preston." Now we'll never figure out that Dayton is a Junior.

  13. Okay.2 things

    1- Isn't it just the most AMAZING stroke of luck that Sobbin got the phone call about the adoption going through "just when" the cameras JUST happened to be there too.
    What synchronicity !! What DIVINE intervention !!

    2_ For all the concern from last week's epp about poor, poor Christine and her miserable existence......
    Well, tonight Christine is all rainbows and unicorns. She is one giggly fool in this epp.
    No pinched face of surrender.
    She is riding high, very high !! On just what, is anyone's guess ?!!

    These people are ALL nuts!!

    1. Christine is even tweeting how much her and Robyn bonded on this boat thing. Huh? Meds must have been refilled.

    2. Christine is popping xanax like m&ms. That's got to be how she deals with her misery

    3. Desperate to show Kody that she's supporting the family, so she can get some crumbs of "love?"

    4. Christine seems medicated tonight... Yup, she took her happy pills if she's "bonding with Robyn".

    5. Maybe Christine is drinking her wine (the wine she referred to last week) all day long now!

    6. Heh. I don't watch, but reading the comments here and on PTV had me thinking, "That Rx must be working for Christine."

      Hey, Christine: you shouldn't need to be drugged up to get through your "happy" marriage.

  14. Christine is in la la land thinking polygamist don't win custody battles. There are far too many kids in legal custody of a polygamist parent not even in their physical custody housed elsewhere.

    If he signed why would Kody need to be married to Robyn? If Robyn died he is guardian. Or any of the women.

  15. weird Christine tweet: "Aurora is a beautiful, spastic, thoughtful girl with amazing talent and an incredible mind. She understands so much. #SisterWives"

    Does she think "spastic" is a compliment?

    1. Its probably Kodys pet name for her so she assumes it means sweet.

    2. Passive-aggressive sister-wife snarkery, methinks.

  16. I find it incredibly sad that those children's father signed away his rights to this creep!!!! Poor David(Dayton). This is such a train wreck.

  17. I felt for Dayton, he didn't look happy...only more like 'my Dad really did that?'

    1. I believe that David is smarter than all four wives and Kody put together.

    2. Dayton always has that inscrutable look on his face. He probably doesn't know quite what to think. I wouldn't either. Aurora kind of weirds me out because I don't know how to read her. She's probably just a really sweet, innocent kid who really cares about the people around her. But, she could also be histrionic as hell. I don't know.

  18. So this must be from around April, right? Could an adoption already be finalized? Is there a way for a public search as I suspect they are sealed since minors are involved?

    TLC. MUST have paid Jessop or have something over to blackmail him about. You know: sign them over for sake of show or we reveal X crime you committed. This can't possibly pass any smell test.

    1. David "Preston" doesn't have a criminal record or bankruptcy. I think they were dumping the medical bill for Dayton's ATV accident on him. She has a lean on her house for it so he probably does too? If she takes full responsibility in exchange for him signing off, then she can claim bankruptcy along with with the MSW Closet debt and she won't have to pay back any of it? I don't know but it sounded like they were extorting him financially.

    2. Wow. Lets hope the media investigates. There's more to the story, we know that.

    3. The hospital lien on Robyns house was before the ATV accident.

    4. They talked about medical bills and child support so I assumed they were talking about the lien. Either way it sounded like they were extorting the ex.

  19. Aurora calling her dad "Preston," and Kody "dad" is weird. Also, Robyn just said they'll see him soon? I thought he was MIA for like two years...

  20. Yeah, sure.......change an Aspergers kid's name. Why !!!!!!!
    A child who needs structure and routine to feel balanced. OMG !!
    This is all just too, too ridiculous to fathom.

    On a lighter, shallow note, Janelle has obviously bailed on any dieting. Meri may have lost 25-20 lbs, which it appears that Christine has found.

    1. But remember Kody doesn't believe he has Asperger's...he's just "quirky".

    2. Once again, Amused points out a trigger warning for those of us who love someone on the spectrum! I'll have to steer clear of this one too. I have little doubt that David Jr. sees this sideshow for what it is. I hope he works hard at what interests him and finds an out. I hope he refuses the adoption, he should be old enough to, but I fear they would play the "oh, he has Aspergers, he doesn't know what he wants."

      Kody probably thinks anyone who lays out the facts is "quirky". He's so used to all these women "keeping sweet".

    3. Anon 6:57,

      "....but I fear they would play the "oh, he has Aspergers, he doesn't know what he wants."

      Yes, that is exactly what they would do !
      Kody has the awareness of a slug about that boy's situation. His mother is even worse, unless she has an even greater comprehension problem than even her son. In which case, he needs a different environment completely..
      In fact, witnessing Kody's bloated ego and myopic view of the world, coupled with Sobbin's matching self-centered and cloying MO, Dayton is by far, a more authentic, likable young guy.

    4. Dayton is a young adult not a child. He also seems quite able to speak up for himself, regardless of others feelings.

      Lets not sell this young adult short.

  21. Kids talked with bio-Dad and saying they loved him and he loves them---hopefully, that is true---so do not understand why he gave up his rights. Strange.

    1. I wonder if he's out of work and behind on child support and the only way out of impossible debt is to sign away his rights. I've seen that happen before. I've also seen female children take on the mother's emotions due to the mother wrongly venting/leaning on the the mother's hurt/betrayal from the father becomes hers, and the love of the new spouse/boyfriend becomes hers. The child can't distinguish their emotions vs their mother's.

    2. I wonder if Jessop, who seems to value his privacy, was threatened that if he refused, they would use the show to drag him out publicly. I wouldn't put it past the Browns to use the carrot/stick approach. This is sad. What kind of people manipulate their children's emotions for their own financial gain? Oh yeah, these people. Horrible, abusive, selfish parents.

  22. Wonder if the cult pressured him into giving up his parental rights believing that this program shows polygamy in a positive light?

    1. Doubt it. I'm sure Robyn offered him a financial deal he couldn't refuse and all the visitation he wants (which probably isn't all that much). Like someone mentioned above, this would absolve him of any child support, past and future. He's getting status quo and probably unloading some debt in the process.

  23. Is the dad involved in their church still? The men get told to take a hike. Could it be pressure to family still within the church? Could he think that she will do better on getting the kids to see him if he signs?

    Still he can sign his rights away without there being a new husband. Even more weird.

  24. Soooo....
    They spend epp after epp late last season and first 3 epps this season leading up to the big "Adoption"

    And then finally they do the "big reveal" and quickly spin it in this epp "in between" the insanely juvenile Boat Crap !!
    Damn good thing people didn't have to buy tickets to this show epp, otherwise there would be a mass exodus heading for the door.

    And yes, Aurora is front and center front of the camera and as close to Kody-Idiot as possible
    And Idiot is, as usual, doing his TH's spots constantly........

  25. Auroras reaction is not so cut and dried to me. I see pain and confusion in those eyes as well.

    1. It was cruel to film any of those three kids while their mother proclaims her "news".....
      She lets the world see her children's faces as they have to process that news.

      That WILL come back to haunt her. It was cruel. just cruel.

    2. My mom made me call the Dr. Laura radio show back when she had just married my stepfather. I was 13. My mom was anxious for me to emulate the feelings she thought I should be having: "Such daddy. So father!" I didn't fake it. I was honest with my feelings: guilt that I didn't have the feelings, guilt that my dad (my mom's ex) was out there, shame and hurt that he abandoned me, fear my parents would (and, in fact, did) too -- and then punished for it. Thank goodness it was just one call and no film. Ugh.

      Sorry Robyn, but that copy of "Joan Crawford's Guide to Mothering" needs to go in the trash! Somebody get these kids out, this is emotional and spiritual abuse.

  26. Haven't watched SW bc my Dallas Cowboys are playing! Ugghh!! After reading y'alls comments, I really don't want to watch bc I don't want to give them any ratings. Which I hope are really low!! I'm sad for the 3 kids & I'm disappointed that Jessop signed over his rights!!

    1. I watched our Cowboys playing last nite. Had no plans to watch SW until we lost in overtime and I was too pissed to sleep. Every time I think that this couldn't get any worse, there's always a new episode to prove me wrong! Don't know if I'm madder about the game or about watching this episode!!!

  27. I'm watching football not this mess, but reading the tweets. It's a bit depressing to see people posting positively about the dad signing the paper. I firmly believe the adoption storyline was concocted after the news got out about the divorce/marriage and "restructuring our family" just angered some of their fans. I hope the positive posts seem like more than there are just because so many actual fans bailed on them at the end of last season over this, and the remaining watchers are just hate watching.

    It sounded to me like Robyn didn't think it would make it this far and was having second thoughts an episode or two ago, that I didn't watch either, going just from the comments on the web. By that time, they had to know the backlash on the internet about it. It's not clear when this was filmed, but people were calling bull from day 1. I'm not sure I'll believe it actually happened until they post a Certificate of Adoption online. It will remain a fake story to me.

    1. Replying to myself, because I'm cool like that :D According to piratefestlv. com / pricesinfo.html, it took place on April 10, 11, and 12, 2015.

    2. Which is why Meri seems so bummed about it. Makes so much sense.

  28. While I can't believe the dad signed his rights over- without even having a call or visitation guarantee- I was mostly sad for Gabriel this time. Janelle said he had been looking forward to the boat race for almost a year. It then became the kody show as all things do. The wives said they cant argue As Kody will just do what he wants and then Gabriel gets yelled at almost the entire time. He was obviously excited and the name of that boat was sickening. I am glad they got second but even that triumph was taken over by the fact the other boat was the most creative. I really hope someone in the family gVe kudos to Gabriel for bringing the idea to the family even if it wasn't shown. He and garrison seem so lost.

    1. what was the name?

    2. I too felt bad for Gabe. The boat thing should have focused on him, not Kodouche. It would have been tolerable if the show focused on him and the other kids.

    3. The name was something like the SS just enough to to participate. Sad. Gave was also painting the name with black paint when Kody came running over saying that they needed the black paint now! Poor Gabe I hope he had a good time anyway.

  29. 1- I'm surprised and disappointed that Robyn's ex signed the papers to adopt the kids.

    2- Meri didn't react with much excitement or emotion as I would have expected.

  30. They didn't name it Kody did they?

    1. Kody's boat was named "My Sisterwife's Closet",so I wonder if they did that for tax purposes- I'm sure they consider it advertising expense, so it's tax-deductible.

    2. Many thanks, Anon 8:29! I don't watch, so sometimes the details in the comments elude me.

  31. I doubt those kids know how to swim, the mothers seemed scared to death they'd sink.

    1. In an interview about the hill dale flood deaths, a former member of the FLDS said that it was forbidden to learn to swim because Satan controls the water. This would explain why they were so hesitant at the beach. It also shows that they have "strayed" when they are frolicking in the neighbor's pool.

    2. Didn't Janelle have a pool in the rental houses? I remember seeing the kids splash around quite a bit. And she and Kody floated (fully clothed) on two inflatable recliners to prove that they have some moments of "romance."

    3. Missy, the satan controls the water is strictly and FLDS thing. I have been swimming many times with many AUB members including a lot of Christine's cousins.

    4. As an ex AUB member, it's true that many members happily go swimming. Hardliners, however believe it's wrong to take off the magic undies to swim. The "satan controls the water thing" is also believed by AUB. It's based on Mormon scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants 61

      "14 Behold, I, the Lord, in the beginning blessed the waters; but in the last days, by the mouth of my servant John, I cursed the waters.

      15 Wherefore, the days will come that no flesh shall be safe upon the waters.

      16 And it shall be said in days to come that none is able to go up to the land of Zion upon the waters, but he that is upright in heart. . . 19 I, the Lord, have decreed, and the destroyer rideth upon the face thereof, and I revoke not the decree."

  32. I did a little snooping online about relinquishing parental rights and adoption. It appears that you can't just walk into an attorney's office and sign a piece of paper giving consent to someone else to adopt your children. To relinquish parental rights (which is needed for someone to legally adopt children), the case has to be heard in court and signed by a judge, whether it is voluntary or involuntary relinquishing of rights. In many states, they might require them to sign local juvenile court consent forms, receive a custody order from that court, appear before the court several times and then obtain a court order severing the parental rights. A court may deny the request to voluntarily relinquish the parental rights when a court decides a divorcing parent is trying to evade legitimate child support obligations (like Robyn was trying to bargain with Jessop).

    During the entire episode they kept saying Jessop was at Robyn's attorney's office signing papers giving Kody consent to adopt the children. The never said he was giving up his rights. The Browns love to play word games (Air Force prep school vs Academy), so I'm not all that convinced Jessop actually signed away his rights. He's still a sh*t for what ever he did and for causing the pain he caused to Day-un and Breanna.

    1. My guess is it's legal guardianship, but of course the Browns need to generate chaos & drama so they'll say it's an adoption. They lie about's ridiculous.

    2. Completely agree !!!
      Absolutely, something about this just does NOT ring true as an official adoption.
      And if not, have they told those children that? Explained the difference?

      And even worse, if they HAD explained it to the kids, then have they mentored those children to play it as an adoption for the show. That would be heinous !!

    3. Legal guardianship actually makes sense. It could have easily been explained as necessary to someone who isn't well versed with terms, and the lawyer said he had questions about visitation. It would also explain them getting a quick hearing and all of the family being seen in the courtroom (according to some preview, I think). I still believe it's all made up.

    4. The legal guardianship makes sense, especially considering Dayton's comments about "in case of emergency", etc. It wouldn't surprise me if that's what it actually was, and the Brown adults are just spinning it as "adoption" for the viewers.

    5. I love this thread. I too was baffled by this storyline. Severing parental rights is pretty final, and adoption isn't that simple. Guardianship would explain a lot of this, but I am still confused by Robyn's claims about past child support. Wouldn't "Preston" still owe for back payments?

    6. You can sign a piece of paper giving up your parental rights. It is that easy. My oldest bio dad did at his own attorneys office after I mailed the form to him and he mailed it back with it notarized and had 2 witness signatures. It is final and even says that on the paper, the exact wording was this is final and irrevocable. We then took all the paperwork including that to the court house, handed it in and waited for a court date. i didn't take effect until a judge approved it though. The adoption had to be finalized which was months later before his bio dad was considered a legal stranger.

      The Browns are by no means finished at this point. They have a home study still and yes they do them in step parent adoptions. They also have the final court date which is when the adoption is approved or declared. That is when the bio dad comes off the birth certificate and the adoptive father is put on. If the adoption isn't approved or they fail a home study the bio dad won't be removed. The court system won't take away a name without replacing it.

  33. Can such court papers be found online considering minors are involved? Yes, should have been ecstatic that her divorce paid off so since you all say she wasn't then it must be safe to conclude they are not using the correct lingo here or something. But it really can't be a great time to just see some dad easily give up hos kids...unless he is in prison.

  34. Did Christine just tell Robyn to "now go shopping" when on the couch with Kody and Robyn? o a little snark came out of christine

    1. I couldn't tell if that was snark on Christine's part or if it was some kind of inside joke between her and Robyn. But the fact that she said it, and that it aired...all I could think was, I'll bet she's going to catch holy he$$ from Kody after that couch interview ended. I really wonder what goes on behind the scenes, things that we don't see. I imagine it's not pleasant.

  35. I hate kody. He is the biggest dick I have ever seen. At this point, I am done feeling sorry for anyone of the wives. He is just flat out rude and so petty and heartless arrogant narcissistic and so on. " are you talking behind my back?" What kind of baby brat of a man does that? I watched the Christine honeymoon episode before this and again felt so bad for Christine and about cried during the rock scene. I know sometimes my hubby doesn't get it a bit why I'm crying and fretting about something dumb but at t least he knows to buck the fuck up and at least pretend!

    1. Because he loves me was supposed to be on the end :) he does for me me even when he doesn't get it because that's what men do when they love their wife!

    2. Was so sad. Even the therapist said to build something representing their relationship and Kody ignored it. And Christine later apologizes and makes excuses for his bad behavior.

    3. Ironically he did build what represents their relationship. All about himself and as he said he won't let it be about them as a couple. He perfectly modeled how he is, the relationship is how he wants it and everyone else has to be sweet or be shunned. From the comments from those who watched, those therapists should be sanctioned or something. An elementary age kid would have said, "Hey that's not the rules" or quote a slogan about bullies. If one of those was my therapist, I would sever relationship immediately.

  36. I don't Aurora was crying happy tears. I think the couch scenes are damage control at this point.

  37. I'm so tired of Christine acting like they're so persecuted for being polygamists. They've earned plenty of cash, and new homes and a reality show because of their polygamy. Her and Robyn have a strange need for feeling like it's them against the world.... Of course that sets Kody up for being the big hero in their life.

    1. If I were anyone of the Browns and came here to read this board, ..I would feel VERY persecuted for being a polygamists.

      Just sayin

    2. There's a world of difference of being criticized for very specific inconsistencies and underhanded BS, and being "persecuted." They put their lives on television for public consumption. If they (or anyone else) believes that viewer coming away with a negative sense of their antics is tantamount to persecution, they should not have chosen TELEVISION. I have always said (and have read many, many others claim the same) that I first tuned in with an absolutely open mind. I believe in the freedom of consenting adults to arrange their romantic/family structure any damned way they please. Live and let live. For about ten minutes, I felt quite amenable to the Brown's lifestyle. However, the absolute NONSENSE I've witnessed from this bunch has soured me on their little drama, and I find the dichotomy between what they CLAIM and how they actually FUNCTION to be light years apart. That's not persecution; that's simple observation about this particular family. If they thought they could present their particular polygamous life as an example of everyday normalcy, they have failed spectacularly.

    3. Bravo, Redwood !!

    4. Well said redwood. The Browns are criticized for their actions and bad behavior. That is not persecution.

  38. It was suppose to say I doubt, lol.

  39. The boat race was kind of funny.

    1. I did think the boat race was funny. Kody captains his boat exactly like he captains his family....IN CIRCLES!

    2. I did laugh out loud at the boat in the water. Love how they named it after the "business". Probably will try to write it off as advertising.

    3. The boat episode proved once again what a terrible leader Kody is. The chaos in that family must be insane.

  40. I love how they make it sound like the boat race and the paper signing/Aurora's birthday happened at the same time. The race is always in April and Aurora's birthday is actually in June. I didn't really believe they both occurred during the same week, but the comments during the talking heads certainly implied that they did. They were two months apart! Guess Kody wasn't really as stressed as he wants us to believe.

  41. I would just like to say this. As a member of the World Wide Pirate Community, I am offended at Kody's attempting to be a pirate even if it is just play. He is not one of us by any means at all. Arrrrgh!

  42. This adoption is so fake. My guess is that Jessup agreed to allow the kids to change their name to Brown, not to severing his rights. That makes it look like an adoption, but it's not. We can't confirm because adoption records are sealed. I just don't believe Jessup gave up the kids. Why is Robin now making sure the kids have phone contact and visits if the guy just have up his rights. If he did, I am so sad for the kids. Poor Aurora, some thing is really wrong with that situation. She needs help. She needs a real dad, full time.

    1. Listen to their wording, it sounds like they're not being completely honest. I wouldn't be surprised if it is just a last name change too. We'll just have to wait for the tell all in 5 years or so.

    2. Dash, they lie...they have no morals and yet they scream how moral they are.

  43. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
    I suppose that David "Preston" Jessop is perhaps throwing in the proverbial towel in order to not be forced into a "war" ratings spectacle with Robyn and Kody. Recall Robyn saying that "When we listened to their conversation (Aurora's and her bio Dad's) while walking in and out of the room (yeah, right, while walking in and out of the room)" that Preston told Aurora that he did it because he loves the kids, that it wasn't what he wanted, but he was going along with it.
    So. Effed. Up.
    Dayton seemed shocked that his bio Dad (repeatedly referred to as "Preston" in this episode) would allow this to occur--Breanna too. It was so pathetic to watch Kody's attempt to make it into a happy Victory over Preston Day...aren't you guys HAPPY?! How HAPPY are you?! HIP HIP HUZZAH! Am I not GREAT to have done this for you and the RATINGS?!
    Kody was similarly looking for adulation from Meri when they gave her the "wonderful" new of their great "victory" in the "war" for custody. She only gave him a one-armed hug, he pulled her in for a big bear embrace, and she practically shooed him away (as in "you silly fool, I've got something all lined up for myself now and don't need the scraps").
    Christine seems to be trying to find her way into Kody's heart by making Robyn a bestie. Such fun!

    1. I think 2 of Robyn's kids showed their hurt last night at their real dad signing them away. That has to hurt big time. Often kids who were adopted as babies struggle with feelings of rejection even when they know their parent made the ultimate sacrifice for their well being, I can only imagine how much it hurts when a parent you have known, lived with, and loved lets someone else adopt you. It hurt to watch.

      Meri's body language is so telling this season. Wasn't she missing from some couch segments?

    2. As a child conceived as an act of gang rape, I can totally relate to the feelings that Robin's children will have later due to this adoption. These feelings are not going away magically. There will be consequences for years to come.

  44. The episode was filmed in/around April, and going by Robyn's due date, she would have conceived that month- despite the fact that she was already looking around three months pregnant! If she was 3 months along, then she would be due right about now!

  45. Hard to get vested in any of this as if it is happening now.
    Truth is the divorce was a year ago.
    The reshuffled legal wife marriage was almost a year ago.
    The boat nonsense was last April.
    Who knows just how long ago the faux adoption signing took place. (could have been even before April)

    Seems pretty clear that whatever finagling was done with regards to those three kids and what last name they now use was done to justify replacing Meri with Sobbiin as the official Mrs Brown.
    Kody wanted more spirit babies for his planet and Sobbin demanded legal status. Had they not had a TV show with fans to placate, doubtful there ever would have been any filings against Jessup.

    And even then, the adoption thing appears to have been created in response to the divorce/marriage leaking out. Without the show, within just their twisted little family, it could have happened easily.
    Only Meri and Mariah would have been negatively affected by the legal change instead of fans who needed to be kept sweet for ratings that guarantee those TLC paychecks.
    Created drama......all of it. Just like fleeing Lehi !!!

    1. Adding........
      Christine's filmed emotional state was also almost half a year ago, as was their Galveston trip.
      So what is "real" in real time....

    2. Exactly, I think Robyn was yammering on about legal wife status etc. and Meri had to give up her legal status or go. I think she's pretty close to going now. Seems like it would have made more sense 15 years ago to make Christine the legal wife so she could use Kody's health insurance since she was the one having all the babies and Janelle probably had her own insurance. What a load.

  46. Oh my goodness...I only watched half of the episode and turned it off. There are so many things I found disturbing about it, I don't know if I can list them all:

    1. Aurora calling her bio father "Preston" when she was talking to Janelle, and Aurora's emotional state. She is turning into a beautiful young woman, but I can't help feeling that she is being very manipulated by Robyn. While Dayton dealt with being baffled, and Breanna likely wasn't quite sure what was going on, Aurora was so tearful she could barely speak. This is very unsettling to me.

    2. Robyn's kids being forced by Kody to once again hug Meri for her sacrifice. ENOUGH. These kids have to be confused enough already. Stop making them bow down at Meri's feet for doing something that they probably don't fully understand. They're CHILDREN.

    3. Gabe and Janelle's constant fighting over the boat. This is what made me turn the tv off halfway through. If the intent of this episode was to make Gabe feel like crap, mission accomplished. It's a freaking boat race, it's not like they're building an ark to carry the entire Brown family across the ocean. Let Gabe take charge! If he has ideas, let him try! How is he supposed to learn anything? If the stupid thing sinks, so what? I really did not like Janelle in this episode at all.

    4. Kody, sitting between Christine and Robyn in the beginning couch session, where the two wives basically laid into him about being bossy and crabby. He looked PISSED OFF. When Kody looks angry, his eyes go kind of dead, and I'm sorry but that is really frightening.

    And once again, I only watched the first half of this episode!

    1. I never thought about it that way, but you're 100% right that Robyn's kids should not have to thank Meri in any shape, way or form for her "sacrifice". They didn't ask for any of this. Way to go Brown adults again, making kids feel guilty for something they have zero control over.

      Kody really does creep me out when he starts looking all scary. He comes across as mostly a big goober to me, but sometimes TLC shows clips of him where I could see he may be a monster behind the scenes.

    2. i agree that janelle's treatment of gabriel was awful. she came across as a terrible mother in this episode; it was his idea and his project. what expertise does she have anyway?

  47. I still can't get over how awkward the scene was where Robyn told the kids that their dad signed the paperwork. I cannot believe that was filmed!!!! Regardless of whatever it is "Preston" signed, he still signed something that in some diminished his relationship with his kids. The kids must be devastated. Even if he's the biggest jerk in the whole wide world, it has to feel like abandonment to those kids.

    Robyn says she's going to give her kids time to process it (but filmed it???) but evidently only gave them a few hours, at best?

  48. We have seen her badmouth him all over tv. It's a losing battle. Their mother won them. To fight with her just makes him look worse. I think he is petty classy for not being public with all the bashing he received. Remember mom blamed dad for their having sex and having the oldest. The woman has no shame. Remember the purity speech? No way they would see their dad if he signed away rights. The Browns are the poster people for polygamy. I can also see the man having a zillion relatives in polygamy and worry for them if he doesn't go along. This reminds me of the teen mom Amber signing away rights so she could lead see Leah more. It's really up to the dad if and how often.

  49. The part of the episode that had me scratching my head in wonder was when Meri was informed that "Preston" had indeed signed the papers. Her reaction was NOT that of a woman who divorced Kody so that this very scenario could happen. If she did, in fact, divorce Kody so that he and Robyn could adopt her kids, wouldn't she have been relieved and excited when she found out that it was all going to fall into place? Instead she half hugged Robyn and could barely tolerate having Kody hug her. She didn't even look at his face after he hugged her. She used to look into his face and eyes all the time. Also, right after that scene Meri is interviewed by herself (while she is wrapping a gift) and quietly says something about how this will bring a lot of changes to the family. A lot of changes. Why? Just because the kids will now legally be Browns? How is this a lot of change? What really happened??? Why did Meri REALLY divorce Kody? If it had actually been "for the kids" like she said a zillion times in earlier episodes she would be thrilled about the adoption. But she obviously was not. This whole situation has a major undercurrent of Meri's unhappiness. How and why was she persuaded to divorce Kody, really?

    1. This! Christine's reaction seemed pretty genuine, and I attributed that to the fact that she really does love those children, all of them. I too wondered what veiled clues Meri was giving when she mentioned these mysterious "changes." Is she plotting to get the kids adopted, then ask Kody to divorce Robyn and re-marry Meri? I swear, this family's storylines are like a big, sticky web of half-truths and outright lies.

    2. Half the time I don't think even the Browns are sure of what they really want, or precisely why. On some level I think Meri's been sick of Kody and the whole situation for a long, long time. Maybe the "Robyn's kids" excuse was a way for her to test-drive change to see if she was really ready to go or not. As for Kody, I've said before that he gets this weird tunnel vision that makes him cling to ideas that don't really make a whole lot of sense outside of a certain limited field of view. I don't think that the production-fed and production-edited snippets we see on tv are all that helpful in unravelling the details, either.

  50. Question: I am trying to figure out a real timeline and not the "brown one" When did Kendra tweet that Meri had left? Does anyone know when she said that? If this was April and she was so miserable and in the middle of getting out with "sam", was this when she was thinking of leaving? I'm so confused.

    1. I'm so confused too. When did all this happen? The birthday? The boat race? Galveston? How does this all fit together in the real timeline? And when are the couch scenes filmed? Are those recent? And the Christmas decorations - are those in real time? So many questions regarding timeline!

      Cj the Brilliant . . . any help here?

    2. I know some of the regatta pictures were posted online by the Browns booking manager. As far as the Christmas decorations, supposedly the wives (mainly Robyn and Christine) don't take them down. You might want to check the I Scour the Internet postings for 2014-2015!

    3. On the right of this page, towards the top there is a box called "Blog Articles By Subject" or something like that. Just click on the links for I Scour The Internet 2014 (and 2015). Blogger will list all the articles by date for you!

    4. Will do! Thanks!

  51. It made me so uncomfortable to watch Aurora crying so uncontrollably about the adoption. I don't understand why they want to change their name so bad to another mans name when they still care about their father enough that Robyn had to reassure them that they could still call and visit him when she announced that he signed papers. I just don't think it's normal that the kids would want to disassociate themselves with their dad by changing their name unless Robyn made them think it was somehow cool. They keep talking about how great is is that they can finally change their name now and how they are still on great terms with their dad. This is so effing the whole adoption was just for some coveted name change. A name change is not a good reason for an adoption. I'm so annoyed and grossed out. What a bunch of losers!

  52. So much subtext in this episode.

    As many mentioned, Meri looked absolutely miserable and checked out. Her reaction to the news about Jessop was lackluster, and she looked pained to have Kody or Robyn touch her. I kept thinking that as all this was happening, she was attending school and falling in love with her Catfish.

    At the same time, we now know that Christine was finding it difficult to get through each day...

    Robyn appears quite pregnant in all the scenes, yet nothing is mentioned, and the timeline doesn't fit her current due date....

    Gwynnie makes a beautifully sarcastic statement about how she takes after her father's control issues...

    Despite Garrison's excitement about the boat regatta, his father chooses to help Robyn's business instead of helping him, upstaging his own children, and leaving them to figure it out themselves.

    So glad the real men of the family (Logan and Hunter) stepped up to help their sibs on what was supposed to be their big day....Nothing gave me more joy then to watch those kids smoke their father in his "most creative boat".

    Aside from Aurora and Christine, no one in the Brown family expressed any joy or excitement by the news that Preston signed away parental rights, and none of them took Kody's cue to express fake excitement with his weird Hip Hip Huzzah cheer. They know as we do that the whole situation is utterly heartbreaking and should not be fodder for a reality television show.

    Kody appears to be losing control over everything...his behavior is increasingly controlling and agitated and manic at times. Perhaps it is because:

    1. After 6 seasons, viewers still aren't drinking the plural marriage Kool Aid

    2. His children are growing into intelligent, self-aware teens and adults and are also not drinking the plural marriage Kool Aid

    3. His wives are openly depressed and (at least one) is publicly seeking affirmation and attention on social media

    4. His ratings are in the toilet, and it is unlikely he will be able to stretch this show out long enough to pay off his extravagant homes

    5. His career is in the toilet and only one wife (Janelle) has secured a real job.

    6. His hair is almost gone

    1. Heh heh heh....the last one, 'his hair is almost gone' is probably the main reason Kody is grumpy.

    2. Amen to both Anons!

    3. Yup, on all accounts. They are really, really going to need to grab a fifth woman in order to goose this crapfest back into a lurching semblance of life.

    4. Janelle specifically requested that Kody stay out of their project. Honestly, it would have been hard to watch the gorilla pissing match that would have erupted between Kody and G. Janelle's younger sons - and even Hunter before he grew up a little bit - are famous for acting like fools. The younger two aren't always very nice to their mother.

  53. Most of what I noticed last night has already been said here. The show was a disaster. The one thing I wanted to add was that I was completely surprised when Kody scolded Christine and told her "don't be such a crybaby" The dynamics between them as a married couple are disturbing.

    1. I hate how Kody treated Christine over the last couple of episodes.

  54. I only watched a few minutes of it and was bored ..............I can barely get passed the intro of them all talking about how they love "this lifestyle"....whatever.........they are all so miserable it's almost sad to watch them......and I swear every year this show comes back the women look more depressed! Who do they think they are kidding?? They have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that polygamy doesn't work for anyone!

  55. It was such an episode...the boat building drama then the adoption weirdness...

    The kids all seemed shocked or upset by the adoption news. None of them seemed happy.

    I was looking up the process for step child adoption. I hope the judge doesn't waive the home study and will interview the 3 children- I read these steps can be skipped in step child adoption. It doesn't seem like the 3 children are happy about it.

  56. I only keep watching so I can snark along with everyone here, but I think I might have to be done. This episode was so stupid. More fake Robyn tears. More traumatized children. More miserable wives. This time, there were boats, so that's at least something different.

  57. Aurora did not look happy. She looked like she was trying to convince herself to be happy, and the tears were sad tears.

    1. She looked like she feels kind of stuck. She wants to make her mom and Kody happy and probably is genuinely excited, but she also still loves her dad. Even if her father is a complete jerk of a fuckup and a shift in custody status really is the best idea, she's going to feel a little torn.

  58. People just posted an Interview with Meri where she admits to the emotional affair.

    1. How embarrassing for Meri. Look what this family and d-list fame has done to her.

  59. People magazine online has a exclusive statement from Meri discussing the catfishing incident. She states that she was vulnerable and hopefully she can help others in this same situation. Also states the whole family is standing behind her.....blah blah...

    1. Definitely a story line plug for another season.

    2. If what she says is true, it will be the first time that family has stood behind anyone (except to push them down the stairs). If she is so supported, why are we not seeing a healing more accepted Meri in couch interviews? I don't believe that Polygamy encourages the wives to support each other, the very nature of the relationship is that they are in competition and if one falls it serves the others well.

    3. If Meri was so freaking happy, then why was she looking for love online. If she continues to lie and put a smile on her face saying that Kody is supportive, then I will eat my words if it's true. There is no way in hell that Kody would support this. This is a slap to his manhood. If they are spiritually married then is Meri cheating. I wish they would just state that polygamy does not make you better.

    4. She is divorced. Her husband has been sleeping with three other women before that. Why must she be exclusive? It's really not an affair. These are free love people.

    5. With all due respect, Kody himself said when one of the original three once jokingly said, (loosely quoting) "what if the women had plural men"...
      Kody emphatically said "that was disgusting."

      Plyg women who are sealed (forget the legal document) to the master apparently are not free to dabble in other relationships. Unless of course, they physically leave the family, which Meri has not done. Plus during the divorce/ pre-adoption reveal epps, they loudly proclaimed that *nothing* was different or broken in the relationship with Meri and Kody.
      They claimed that divorce changed nothing between them and it was just a stupid piece of meaningless paper (to them) that was being changed.
      Of course, as usual....they LIED !!!

      Meri did what lots of women do who have been replaced by a newer version.
      What sucks for her is that in their world, it is not acceptable.
      She needs a long, supportive chat with Christine's mother.

    6. Oh you just know Kody is livid, Christine is devastated, Janelle probably feels sad for Meri but a little smug, and Sobyn is off doing her happy dance somewhere. I doubt Kody will sleep with Meri or acknowledge for a loooong time and he will probably start ignoring Mariah too because he's mad at her mom.

    7. kms - 1000% agree.

    8. I don't think Meri ever said that things are perfect and happy. I'm sure she and Kody are doing more therapy. This is the time for it.

      Also, everything we're seeing of Meri up until now was probably shot before the reality of "Sam" was revealed. I honestly can't see things improving all that much until Kody gets his head out of his ass, but I don't doubt that they're all hoping things can change for the better even if they know in their hearts how unlikely that is.

    9. I'm sure he wasn't anyway. Least every night. The curse of polygamy.

  60. "I took Calc and Geometry in college..."
    ...irrelevant, building a boat requires general knowledge and understanding of Physics... in particular, Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy and Newton's 3rd Law; but I just have a lowly Masters in Professional Writing, so I must not understand the world of science and mathematics (esp according to Robyn).

  61. Reaction to the People article:

    Meri shocked herself by having so many emotions. That's not shocking, that's perfectly normal. Unfortunately, she has been taught to suppress normal emotions.

    Where does Kody get insurance and benefits...does he actually work outside the home and if so, what does he do? I've never thought to ask.

    Meri's statement about her family supporting her through this difficult time sounds canned.

    1. Like a lot of people who are essentially self-employed or contractors, they probably buy their own insurance. It's also possible that TLC or the companies that produce the show provide them with benefits as part of their compensation for the show.


    Thanks to laurakaye!!!

    1. And to the anonymous posters, too!

    2. CJ, there are tons of articles coming online from gossip news places and its only a matter of time till they get the voice mails she left and TLC will need to do more than make a little emotional affair thing. BTW, as much as I hate what Meri is going through, I am getting some distinct pleasure out of how we are seeing the unhappiness when family structures are reassigned, which is common in wife changes to spiritual wife and status changes and you are switched and given here and there. The Browns are trying to sanitize what really happens and are rationalizing it as a way to legalize the kids or some shit like that but it is no different than what warren jeffs and the others have are legal this year but you piss me off, you become non legal and his kids are now our kids. It's really nuts how they can, with little thought, restructure families. Shame on the browns for trying to sanitize that dirty little event in their lives.

    3. I'm going to have to read that People article again. The way I read it was that Meri admits to having been fooled on-line by someone while she was 'vunerable', but she didn't actually confess to the 'relationship' being romantic. We all think it was, but she doesn't admit to anything more than someone lying about their own personal life details.

    4. She hasn't confessed to the romantic part, but that cat's definitely already out of the bag. The voicemail messages are already out there on the web, they're definitely hers, and the later messages are definitely incriminating. There's nothing obscene, but it's obvious she is severely in love with "Sam." It's horrifying, honestly.

    5. mythoughtis, if you listen to the voicemails (they're in various places, including here: it becomes very clear, especially in a couple of them, that there is a romantic attraction and expectation on Meri's part. The whole thing is so much like something a high school girl would fall for...I think it desperate longing to be the romantic center of someone's life.

  63. The ONLY reason I watch this show is to better understand the comments on this blog. I DVR the show and watch as much as I can and then pause often because I just can't take it anymore. The adoption story line has made me dislike this bumbling batch of idiots even more.

    These people piss me off and all my sympathies are with the children. God bless each and every one of the children raised in this mess!

  64. CJ...great job as usual and my take...oh man. I watched it late and was half-assed watching but I did get a few nuggets. First and foremost was the Christine and Robyn thing and I'm not buying it and surely Christine can see his playfulness with Robyn and his disdain for her but enough said, we all see it. The thing that totally made me sad was the reaction of the girls with Janelle's boy while building the boat. Girls, it seems, are shut down and this one episode demonstrated that men bully their way to get the females to conform and argue and yell and the boy said it well: it's the brown way in the brown family. Then there was the fake scene where Robyn's oldest daughter began faking a cry that ended up being a real cry but the cry was so over dramatized and everyone had to comfort her and that, my friends, was not from happiness. The boy, well, we all called it; he was confused as to why his father would sign adoption papers but they, like the audience, are believing their father gave them away with visitation rights and we all know that all Preston did was allow Kody to be legal guardian in case something happens and they need to have a parental signature and one of the kids explained it that way.
    Finally, the People article is the lid off the box. All hell is about to break loose and I suspect the show will be cancelled when news rags start posting the tapes and they will so TLC will have to say, we are a know.

    1. Kody seems kind of equally disgusted with both of them. I think the only one he probably feels is fully rational at this point is Janelle. That said, bounces from ally to ally within the family over the course of a single day it seems, so each of these little snapshots - from so long ago - aren't very reliable indicators of who's his best family pal at the moment.

  65. By the way, with all the publicity that Meri is about to get and her crying about the divorce, you know the adoption scam will be blown right open....those gossip sites will blow this wide open...

  66. There is nothing...absolutely nothing wrong in Meri's "emotional affair". I only wish that it wasn't with bottom feeding, low life catfish.

    But boy- she sure knows how to pick 'em!!

  67. Wow....I had not even heard of this until today. For once I feel sorry for Meri.

  68. I am so glad Meri finally made a statement in regard to the catfish. That took guts. I think the catfish was betting she would never say anything. Everything about this guy screams FAKE. And none of it made any sense.
    When he/she posted on his blog that his family was upset with him for having an affair with a married woman so he had to post Meri's voice mails to prove he actually had an affair to get his family to give him an apology?
    Fake guy kept saying he wanted all the attention he was getting due to his affair with Meri to go away, but he continues to post on his blog and tweets about it. Just today he tweeted he sold the engagement ring. Before he protected his twitter account.
    How in the world did JYD get so involved with all this mess? Why would JYD lead people to believe fake guy was real?
    This situation is scary. Meri actually allowed this catfish woman into her life. Catfish woman needs to be taken down so she doesn't do this again. This could happen to anyone.

    1. "That took guts." Anon 3:06, in many cases I might agree, but in this one I think it has less to do with courage and is mostly about putting out the fire. This trouble has exploded in the last couple of weeks, and with the incriminating crap Jackie Overton put out there (esp. the voice mails--I could only listen to one. God, what a STUPID and desperate thing for Meri to do) I'm sure TLC and Brown Family Entertainment LLC has been crapping big square bricks over how to get a handle on it. I imagine many a meeting was taken and many a strategy discussed about how to throw some water on the internet flames.

  69. I'm beginning to think that the Browns put a "privacy clause" including a chunk of change to their agreement with Preston. I don't think Kody has legally adopted them, but he has sole guardianship. I think it's terrible that they celebrated a Fathers rejection of his own offspring, and I'm also baffled as to why Robyn chose to comfort their tears with promise that they'd still get to talk to and visit a man that they claim is abusive and isn't there for them at all. I seriously smell a rat!!!!!

  70. That disgusting women in the photos with Meri is her catfisher. Meri thought she was meeting up with her wealthy, successful business man named Sam. Instead she got his "assistant" and made the best of it.

  71. Several commenters mentioned Robyn looking pregnant in these scenes, but the scenes having been filmed too early for it to make sense. I have wondered if Robyn was taking fertility treatments. Remember that season ending episode where they sat outside and watched pictures/film clips of each kid and then she went running off to "answer the phone" when Kody said she had an announcement? In a Robyn talking head interview on the next episode, she talked about wanting to get pregnant and it just not happening and that it was stressful having people ask her about it. I wonder if they were having trouble - she is in her late 30s now - and started to seek treatment that make her put on weight...?

  72. Are the producers at TLC looking at each other saying....
    WTH !!!...........Another show down the toilet???

  73. Day en ror ra bree ann A, all one word.
    It's no longer 3 names, it is a rushed sound that represent 3 wonderful, innocent kids. Like all the others they are just thrown on the heap.

  74. I really feel for Meri. She has obviously been through an emotional roller coaster since the beginning of the show. I watched all of the episodes in a marathon over the past couple of weeks. The change in her is dramatic. Very sad. From the very first episodes she was saying in the talking heads that, "The only thing that makes me want to stay is my daughter. This is her family and I wouldn't do that to her." but now her daughter is an adult. Meri deserves far more from life. I hope she finds the strength to pursue it.

    But I fear she's put herself in a much worse position with the divorce. Wasn't her house the only one purchased in both her and Kody's names? Now that she gave him the legal divorce, she really doesn't have as much leverage to get what is hers.

  75. A couple more observations...

    Meri wearing orange blouse that is the same color as her face.
    Christine's comment under her breath while building the boat that it will be a toddler bed for Truely after the race. Thought that was funny after blog mentioned Truely's mattress on the floor last week.
    And most important a big thanks to CJ for all the time she takes entertaining us. I love this blog!!!

  76. Does anyone think Kody might have ever been physically abusive to any of his wives? Sometimes their behavior mimics abused wives; with the husband blaming the wife for his bad behavior and the wife ending up apologizing and also blaming herself. Christine did this on their trip, but they pretty much do this all the time. Or maybe it's just their deeply ingrained belief that some God out there requires them to live their life in a completely abnormal way and collect brownie points for their misery.

    1. Abuse doesn't have to be physical to generate that response. And they have all been emotionally abused. And all based on a big lie a man told over 100 years ago just so he could sleep around on his wife. So very sad and completely unnecessary.

    2. I don't think that kind of reaction is limited to instances of physical abuse. Emotional abuse can do that, too.

  77. I feel so sorry for Robyn's children. The attention and affection that Kody appears to give them is setting them up to be resented by Kody's biological children. Yet they have to play along to please their manipulative mother and explosive stepfather. I think that Robyn is trying to use her children to reenact aspects of her own childhood. I remember her saying that she was much closer to her step dad than her bio dad. I also remember feeling extremely uncomfortable when Robyn's stepfather remained in the room during the filming of Solomon's birth. That seemed to me to be a big violation of healthy boundaries.

    By denying their love for their father and pretending to be overjoyed at being adopted by Kody, Robyn's children are being taught to act like the wives in the family: deny your feelings and "keep sweet". This is a very dangerous situation for these children. Now that their real father has ostensibly rejected them, they have nowhere to turn for emotional safety. Very tragic and frightening. Where is child protective services? Don't they watch TV?

    1. This isn't anything CPS would deal with. If Robyn and David Jessop were in a custody battle, he could certainly use this type of video footage to make a case for parental alientation on Robyn's part. I TOTALLY agree that this is an awful emotional manipulation of Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna--but it would never make the radar of CPS.

    2. Yes. You are probably right, Redwood Curtain. So sad.

  78. Maybe someone thinks someone else will make a call. In Canada it is anonymous and you are suppose to call and not expect someone else to. Did David Preston Jessop know about the AUB sex/incest scandal when he let them become members of their fold? If he lost his kids for not supporting them why does Kody still have kids?

  79. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Catfish is one sick puppy. Wow. Poor Meri.

  80. Long time reader and new poster. Who is JYD that everyone is talking about? I feel badly for Meri. I hope she and Janelle and Christine wake up and find men who will cherish them as they deserve to be loved and respected. Meri has no children at home, Janelle has 3 at home so it would be fairly easy once the TLC money is gone to just leave. Christine has 4 at home right? She will not go any where I am afraid as she was raised with this lifestyle. I doubt any of the kids will seek out polygamy after seeing how stressful this is.

    1. You mentioned JYD's full name - she can be adequately described as Robyn's friend and business partner. That is my preference in my living room.

  81. Sad quote from the show is from Gariel's prayer. "Thank you for Preston signing these papers to 'write off the kids' to dad." ;-( This was all so cruel.

  82. WOW Catfish is going to drag this thing out and expose it all on his/her blog. A blog dedicated to releasing all of the voicemails 194 he says. and proof pictures they did meet. I bet Kody is losing his mind. This could be a safety issue if it escalates with this stranger Meri brought into her life. Good thing she is in a gated community..not..she just blew that up with a stranger she could not resist.

  83. I really don't think "keep sweet" applies to the kodettes... Keep depressed...keep withdrawn and detached ...keep sad...keep desperate ... Keep lonely....keep begging for love... I could go on all day. So very sad. I've never been a fan of Meri. But everyone knows that she held her standing in the family as first and legal wife in high esteem. Now she is stripped of that. She struggled prior to her place and value to the family before this all played out. I have nothing but compassion for her after her "bestie" manipulated this whole "adoption " plot. I feel she reached out for attention after being totally abandoned and betrayed by her "lover" and "bestie" (the sister wife she always, truly wanted) Her past few appearances have been way more alarming than any vacant stare of Jenelle's or any bratty tantrum of Christine's ever.
