
Friday, October 2, 2015

Review Sister Wives S09Ep05: Marriage Counseling Texas Style

Before I start my latest review, I just have a few questions to know, to get y'all into the spirit of this latest episode from the Kody and Robyn Show featuring a guest sister wife performance by Christine Brown with the other Two Original Wives in short cameos sitting on the interview couch.

First Question....

Who qualifies as a certifiable, 21st Century Neanderthal?

Second Question...

Who is a Narcissistic Jerk?

Third and Final Question....

Who (besides Robyn Brown) makes watching Sister Wives a cruel and unusual punishment which, in turn,  should make it a 3rd Class Felony, just like Polygamy?

Well, the answers are very's that Narcissistic Jerk of a Neanderthal, KODY BROWN!!

A face only a mother and four emotionally needy women could love

And Mr. Robyn Brown does not disappoint in this episode...nosiree...

So let's get started, shall we?

Of course, the episode has got to begin with the continuing saga of Kody adopting Robyn's children. Kody doesn't mention this, but two of Robyn's kids are already teenagers. If Kody and Robyn don't act fast, Dayton and Aurora will be old enough to vote, and that would take the wind out of this poorly thought out storyline straight out of Big Love.

Yep, and in eight minutes we get to see just how desperate Kody and Robyn are. Robyn is so "overcome" by desperation, she even has a well placed panic attack on the interview couch.

That marriage license is mine, MINE!! So back off, Sweetie!

That's OK, Robyn hon. I get it that you realize the audience isn't going to fall for this song and dance about why you and Kody had to get legally married. So I'm not surprised you "suddenly" couldn't breathe. And no, I don't have any sympathy that you're finding taking away your children's bio-father's parental rights isn't as easy as say, getting Meri to give up her legal marriage.

So even though Kody described Montana as having a "thriving Polygamist community" and was sure a local Judge would sympathize with Robyn's need to sever her ex's legal claim to his children, the newly married couple were shocked, SHOCKED that a Montana judge ruled since the children, Kody and his lovely missus Robyn are residents of Nevada, Nevada has jurisdiction in the matter, not Montana.

Living in the monogamy world is such a bummer, isn't it?

But you can bet your sweet bippy that once Kody's adoption plans goes through, and Robyn no longer needs to remain legally married to Kody, Robyn will never let go of that legal piece of paper called a marriage license as easily as Meri gave it up.

Nope. Ain't gonna happen.

Now to the segment where Kody and Christine go to Galveston for their 21st wedding anniversary.

Lord have mercy, this segment was absolutely horrific - like watching an accident happening and you just can't look away.

And who in their right mind would take their marriage counselor on their anniversary trip?

Well, the obvious answer is Kody, who shows how little he cares for Christine, the woman who brought six of his spirit babies into this world.

Some highlights:

Christine is jealous. Christine hates living in plural marriage. Translation: Christine has realized that sharing a man with three other women is not easy, if not impossible. But she already knew that - that's why she wanted to be the 3rd and last wife.

Oopsy, that didn't happen because Kody brought in a 4th wife. So sorry Christine. Welcome to the real world...and take those damn rose-colored glasses off!

Kody could barely hide his contempt for Christine. After a series of exercises that were facilitated by their marriage counselor, where Kody TOTALLY ignored Christine and did what he wanted to do despite her feeble protests that he needs to listen to her, Christine admitted to defeat, stopped protesting and just did whatever Kody wanted. And the marriage counselor said absolutely NOTHING.

And then the audience was allowed to see the ugly side of Kody, and his world of Polygamy. He tells Christine: "Honor the entire family and I will 'love' you".

Translation: Honor my family with Robyn, and I might tolerate you. For a while...

And all Christine did was to shake her head, yes. She said she was looking for love, and Kody said he was looking for a family foundation. And then he asked her...

"What can I give you in return so that we're, you know, we're a win-win marriage?"

If it was me instead of Christine, I would have screamed at the top of my lungs..."A DIVORCE, fool!" But Christine isn't me, and she is polygamy blueblood, a true born-in, a woman who has struggled in her marriage since the addition of wife #4. A woman still bearing the emotional scars from when her mother left polygamy and her family when Christine was a young child.

She asked Kody to trust her, that she loves her sister wives and the entire family. She begged Kody to trust her. And that was the saddest thing I've ever witnessed on a reality show. Her desperate pleas, was just so sad because you could tell Kody could care less about her. It was all about Kody, his wants and his needs.

And even as he tried to explain how much HE learned from the sessions, you could tell by the look on Christine's face it wasn't enough. She wants romance, and Kody doesn't, at least not with her.

Yep, looks like Robyn and her 'Honeymoon Experience' she talked about in Season 3 has won Kody's heart. Sorry Christine and the other Original Two wives. You lose.

It made me sick. Christine deserves more.



  1. I just have no words. This is emotional abuse and Christine is a fool to stay with that ass Kody. She can walk at anytime. She is not legally married to Kody. Why does she continue to suffer from his abuse. Why oh why is TLC shoeing this on TV. Can you imagine what he says to her when the cameras are not rolling. They are either playing us for ratings or this is one sick family. Not sure why their fans can't see this. Some of their fans see nothing wrong and argue that it's the haters that read too much into this. They claim that all we see is one hour of their life each week and that this is a loving and caring family. Are you freaking kidding me. I would have bashed Kody upside the head and then pushed the therapist off that rock. Wow, just what the hell is wrong with these women. They are in so much visible pain. It is hard to watch this crap. Thank you CJ because I have turned them off. I hope that this is their last season on TV. I don't know how TLC can continue to support an abuser and enable Kody to continue his reign of terror. This is beyond crazy. How can you feel sorry for these women when they will not leave this abuse. They may think this is normal. If they don't leave, they will never get to feel real LOVE. They each deserve a man that will cherish and worship them. Kody will not be this man for them. Well maybe Robyn.

    1. Ever notice how people who dismiss any sort of concern, critique, or even reasonable questions with the word 'hater' are normally 12 year olds or idiots? Guess which ones think the Browns have a pretty good marriage and people are just being 'jealous haters'...

  2. I read the previous blog and comments and I had no words. Now this latest blog sums it up, this show is very, very sad.

    1. I'm with you. I didn't have a chance to see the show, but could on the demand feature with Comcast, but reading through the comments on the previous thread and now CJ's review above, I just can't. I cannot watch Christine swallow all her hurt and beg Kody for an ounce of love.

  3. That's why he married her knowing she would never leave because of her family background.
    I hope those therapist where fake . We in iylan to go over there an take to all the fives lol
    An maybe Robyn married kody because she know next wife be her daughter he just creepy to nice to her ick

  4. Thanks for the great review. I agree this is sickening, and I don't think this is entertainment anymore. It's shown too much misery and emotional abuse, which would be fine for a short documentary, but is not fine for an ongoing series that is supposed to entertain. I hope TLC pulls this show soon. We can all find something else to snark about.

  5. If Montana had a thriving polygamist community then why would they marry to get the judges consent. That is another example of the contradictions.Standing ovation for the blog.

  6. I rewatched the episode a couple times because I could not believe he would be such a jerk on camera. ..I imagine it's worse when no one is around.

    Each of them say they choose this life. I just want to tell them that you can change your mind and choose something else now.

    I understand that they each chose this and are not always the nicest or best people but it's seems so sad. I feel bad for all the wives, even Robyn-being Kody Brown's legal wife is a really sad prize to spend so much time and energy scheming for.

    1. It's not much of a choice. They've been brainwashed to believe if they don't live I'm a marriage with 3+ wives! they will be cast into outer darkness! rejected day GOD himself.

  7. yeah, the episode was very sad because there was such visible unrequited love from Christine but he was just not into her... I couldn't see a solution for her because she wouldn't want to leave her family, which includes other women's children who she nurtured a great deal herself.

  8. Please take that picture scares me. The photoshopping makes him look like a deranged psycho.

    I liked the remark on Twitter from one of the viewers who said something about the rock-building exercise and expecting Kody to spell out Robyn's name with the rocks. Nailed it.

    Such angst, depression, anger, jealousy, indifference, neediness, contempt and favoritism -- that's one miserable group of people and they have no right to claim otherwise, if we are seeing their life depicted as it really is. No amount of editing could make them look any better.

    If given the choice, as a family, of having the adoption go through as hoped, becoming one big happy family and having the show and their celebrity and financial windfall end VERSUS no adoption, continued infighting, jealousy and ongoing misery BUT the show goes on...I bet they'd choose the latter and the hell with the adoptions. I'd love to present those 'What If' options to them. I'd bet that money trumps adoption.

    1. Ah....that's no photoshopping....that's the real deal! And if the shoe fits...

    2. Best. Picture. Ever.

    3. I loved the choice of picture and 3 questions, hilarious.

    4. I was reading the questions and slowly scrolling down on my ipad . . . and then there was the picture of Kody, I laughed out loud and had to show it to my husband laying next to me in bed. Yes, that man that sleeps next to me every night. Too bad the wives don't get to know that type of nightly comfort and joy. Just having someone to share your life with on a daily basis. Someone you don't have to call over to your house to "straighten out the boys". I loved the picture!!

  9. CJ, thanks for another great recap. I was wondering your take on Meri's behavior on the couch. She is visibly upset about something. She's either mad at Kody for making her do this for ratings, or she's embarrassed about the cat fishing drama. She just stares straight ahead, vigorously shaking her leg. She hates being there for sure.

    1. Meri looks like she would rather be anyplace than on that couch. She seemed rather civil to Robyn, but her demeanor is almost like she was sedated or something.

    2. Sounds like she feels she has to be civil to Robyn since she holds all the control now. I would not be surprised if they are sedated or maybe she even started privately drinking to numb the pain

  10. I always look forward to your reviews, CJ! This was just so sad it's even hard to snark about it. Kody really is the ultimate 21st Century Narcissist, Neanderthal, and Sociopath. Christine looked so defeated and she did cave but not in the same way we have seen before. She actually called him out on some things which the other three wives still won't do. Janelle's googly eyed love for Kody last week sickened me. Christine's love for Kody saddens me. She really does love all the kids in the family. I think she would be friendly with the sister wives if they weren't such biatches.

    What kind of counselors are these? We know that Pat Merkley was sympathetic to polygamists and was appointed by Mark Shurtleff in Utah. Who is this Nancy? She is a TERRIBLE counselor. When Kody blew through the rock cairn project she never said a word! She asked, " How do you think you did?" Any idiot could have done that. Is she another "polygamy" counselor that the men bring in to keep their wives doubting themselves? What counselor would make a professional fool of themselves on TV? I'm guessing it's someone in the plyg community or else Kody would be calling her the "crazy lady" like he did with the counselor in Sedona.

    I really wish Christine wouldn't apologize to Robyn. Yes it's Kody that made her the favorite but it's quite obvious that Robyn manipulated her way into the family to get on the show. She has purposely put a wedge between the wives and between Kody and the wives. Robyn and Meri have been mean girls to Christine and Janelle in the story lines they have presented to the producers. The whole situation is sad. I wonder what the older kids in that family really think of Kody, Robyn, and Meri's treatment of their favorite mom, Christine?

    1. Funny how we never hear Robyn apologizing or admitting she has caused so many problems with her baggage, bad credit, and neediness. She just sits there on her high horse barely acknowledging the other wives' apologies to her.

  11. It seems like the last anniversary(last season or so)for K & C was a paint ball therapy session as well. WTH?? Christine please leave this douchebag!! You shouldn't have to beg someone on National TV for love, affection & time esp when you've been "together" for 20+ yrs!
    TLC please cancel Sister Wives! I'm in agreement with others who believe this is no longer entertainment. This is pure mental & verbal abuse by Kody Brown & he doesn't deserve to get a platform or a paycheck for being a jerk ass on tv!

  12. Ever see other couples..friends family members and think how nice they are and how "I hope that when we're 80 we're like my grandparents, who always are kind and respectful towards each other" "My friend and his wife are always laughing. I hope we always remember to find the fun in our lives." I am constantly inspired by positive relationships around me.

    I see these people and not one couple of the four is a couple I would aspire to be like.

    i grew up mainstream Mormon though I am no longer a member. I remember that they explained polygamy to us a a very young age, mostly as far as I could tell, so that we could explain that we as a church were NOT polygamists. Looking back it seems strange. anyway one of the things I was told was that back ages ago when the church did practice polygamy it was ok because it was better for a man to have 3 wives and treat them well then for a man to have one and treat her badly. The reasoning is clunky now but I look at Kody and he isn't a good spouse to a single one. He openly admits to not having a romance with Janelle, during years he was cramming her full of babies...but no romance? Meri is telling a fake man on the internet that talking to him is the most passion of her entire life. Poor Christine doesn't even show up on his emotional radar.

    He hasn't been good to even 1, let alone 4.

    Also where does this family find their professionals? The people who help them make the bad jewelry, The poor girl who tried her best but just could not get those dresses made. The therapist who watches that atrocity and doesn't even mention that "Hey that's not cool, Be nice."

    Does Kody really think that with 4 of them none of them are ever going to have doubts? choosing that lifestyle means accepting the complaints that come with that life style. The same way I choose to live on the coast because it is lovely..but realize it comes with me having to deal with rain. I can't believe the way he expects everyone to put on a smile and never bring up bad feelings to him. How dare Christine have a rocky period. Hes so terrible. Every time I watch the show I hope one will get a boyfriend who shares interests with them and Kody will have to see the dudes car across the culdesac.
    How is it that the guy who FOUR of the other people on the show are in love with is the least likable of the bunch to me?

    Also I hate you and your fake panic attack. She used to cry all the time and now this. I bet they just walk around all day having to stop for Robyn to over emotionally react so she can remain the center of attention. Ugh.

    Ok really really done now.

    1. Exactly, Kody isnt a good husband to any of the wives. He makes polygamy and marriage look awful.

  13. Remember when all of them were so protective of each woman's marriage to Kody? How each marriage was special in its' own right? That fallacy has sure gone by the wayside now. Now its' all about the family. Poor Christine, I don't think that this is what she meant by a family mission statement.

    I would really like to be a fly on the wall during the college aged off-springs joint couch sessions, or when they are just out together with no cameras. I want to know what Logan, Maddie, Aspyn, MyKelti, Hunter really think of their families. As near as I can tell, only Mariah wants polygamy, and that may be changing after this last year.

    I have a feeling that once the show is cancelled, Kody will be spending all his time with Robyn. The 4 houses (well maybe not Janelles') will be lost, and all the kids too young to drive won't see their dad. Robyn will not be letting him go to his exes' homes without her (and she won't be welcome), and she definitely isn't going to allow that many children to be in her home to interrupt her life with Kody (see Gwendyln? as an example).

  14. Great pic, CJ !!
    Captures the true essence of him. His MO is one of primitive "conquer and rule."
    All he needs is an animal skin toga, a club to drag....perched on a rock..

    All snark aside, these women ARE now painful to watch. The show has become an endurance test for how much a viewer can stomach. Oh yeah, there is still plenty pf pure BS....stupid, stupid premises that are there just to fill an episode's time allotment. But *now* having run out of new BS, and in order to produce the required footage, it is down to blatantly exploiting the women in order to continue to promote the person whom the show was really all about from day one.

    Heads Up TLC/F8F........The Kody Show is not entertaining !1
    Nor is it acceptable to watch women being demeaned !! Even if, sadly...they are allowing it.

    1. I agree with how unpleasant the show has become. It's pretty unwatchable, but I think there is an unintended benefit to what has been airing. IMO, the discord between the wives and the strained relationships they're showing us between Kody and various wives IS what living in polygamy is about. The wives must "keep sweet", they must tow the line for the sake of the "family", ie: their spiritual after-life and their planet - with the man, Kody, being central of course.

      I hate seeing the hurt the wives are experiencing and the narcissism Kody demonstrates with every breath and action he takes, but I must say, thank you Kody and krew for showing us how unhealthy polygamy is, how the lifestyle and beliefs negatively affect the wives and children and how painfully unhappy the participants really are.

      It makes me wonder, though; is TLC intentionally showing this hurtful and ugly side of polygamy? Or, do they believe the party line of the Brown adults that they're better people because of their lifestyle and think that they're airing a show about the positives of polygamy - a loving and cohesive Brown family (that the fans see in these episodes)?

  15. CJ, you do such a fantastic job recapping the ReHashBrownTragedy...I must say that the only reason I watch the show is because I so enjoy your take. And, of course, I agree with all you say and love the pictures you chose to post. This season, before I became aware of the Meri catfish gate thing, I noticed something about her that seemed sad and off. I thought it was because of her divorce but then I wondered why she was divorcing him so readily, which altruism, as we all have seen, has never been one of the characteristics. In fact, even through she was crying and seemingly upset, her divorce really didn't seem to take too much from her. And then this season, suddenly she seems so subdued and often lacking engagement. Sunday night's episode revealed her to be very nervous and in a few shots of her, she really looked as if she was about to walk off. Now that I've read all the updates on the catfish person, and if this was being filmed and it probably was during that evil person's threats to expose her, then it all makes sense. And, all the adult Browns know because Kody wouldn't even look at her. In fact, when he is angry at Christine, when she speaks, he looks at the floor, so when Meri did engage, he looked at the floor and a couple of times, Robyn glanced at Kody as if she were watching him for her cue or to see his reaction. I suspect that Kody is livid at Meri and she has probably been sequestered by the family from the family.
    Christine's sad little trip well first we all know he takes Robyn to Hawaii or Mexico and slums, if he must, with Janelle or Christine. And, he really didn't want to go with her and it was apparent from his remarks and his gaze at her from time to time. He is still punishing her for her lack of love for Robyn and for her jealousy and he acts like her jealousy is something bad and she should grow out of it but we all know that jealousy is a normal human response to insecurities. Poor Janelle, for the first time in her married to Kody life she has some standing in the wife hierarchy: Meri is tainted because of the unfaithfulness; Christine is still the thorn in his side because she will not shut up about fairness, so she really gets to be second; hence her animation and her smiles. My final thought is how they are all celebrating Maddie's engagement and all I see is a young girl who is about to throw her life away because she cannot survive on her on. She cannot get the financial support from her family to live and go to school without working her butt off and truthfully, for all of us who did work our butts off while getting our undergraduate degrees, we all know how hard that is and if you don't have determination and motivation, something must give and for her, it seems she just gave it all up. The houses of Browns they are a crumbling and much faster than I thought. Truly puts her parents in quotations, the grown girls don't have relationships with the baby daddy, and the boys couldn't leave fast enough. For those fans that say the children are a testament to how good the Browns are and how successfully Kody parented, I say, logically analyze what the kids say and what they do. They flee.

    1. I agree 100% with what you said about Meri and what her situation is probably like with Kody and the other Kodettes right now. Meri was most likely on cloud 9 last season thinking she found someone who wanted to love only her and now she is in the depths of Hell. The thing with Meri is, do you really think she is going to take Kody's garbage like Christine does and grovel for forgiveness? I think not, I think Meri is pretty close to being done. Her legal status being gone must really rankle now. I hope she was smart in divorce and insisted Kody sign the house over to her only.

  16. I agree with everyones' post-mortem dissection of this train wreck of a family. I have only one thing to add. Did anyone else catch the bit Christine said about how Kody is better or more huggy or something to that effect (I haven't been able to bring myself to re-watch the episode) to Gwendolyn when she (Christine) toes the line??? I was horrified. I am hoping I misunderstood. I can't imagine how love and affection for a child being conditional on said child's mother's behavior makes any of "us better."

    Oh, did Kody kiss one of Robyn's kids on the mouth? Eeww.

    1. I cannot imagine a teen-ager suddenly having a better relationship with her father. She should have had a great relationship with him her whole life. I don't know if they said it got better because Christine was toeing the line, or because Kody was willing to work at my goodness. That child has deserved his love and attention her whole life. Christine said something along the lines of "she was so loud." Well maybe she was trying to be heard. A child that feels neglected will be loud and obnoxious. I cannot imagine raising my children in such a manner and being willing to stay and watch it happen.

    2. It seems to be a common polygamist thing that if the wife is in trouble with the man or if the wife isn't a favorite, the children of that wife suffer and we can clearly see how Christine and Janelle's kids seem to be the lowest on the hierarchy with Kody. The boys seem to fair better than the girls but he still isn't close to Christine's kids. Remember when he moved her two girls..he couldn't get out of there fast enough. To be fair, there are many monogamist baby daddies and mamas who are not close to their children. My kids' baby daddy thought when we divorced it meant he was divorcing his kids too but when we were married, he was there for the kids. My husband now, was a weekend father to his children and he saw them during the week but he was still very active and still is in their lives. But Kody and I suspect it's because of his emotionally low IQ uses his lack of attention as a way to punish the wife. So, Christine's kids have suffered because she is always trying so hard to get her fair share. The mental abuse that happens in many of these families is enough evidence to say that they are not healthy for women and children. I think Kody thinks if he doesn't beat the women and kids and isn't having sex with the girls or bringing in young girls to his harem, then he is a good father...poor socially and emotionally immature Kody has no clue what makes a good parent...

    3. YESSS! That stood out to me the most when watching the Christine episode. Poor Gwen. Kody is such a terrible person and apparently a terrible father to boot. I bet Christine's kids will have some crazy stories to tell in the future. Truely doesn't even pretend to like her dad and that is pretty strange for a 5 year old child.

      It is interesting to note that Aspyn seems to be one of Kody's favorite daughters, probably because she was the to-go to babysitter for him for so long and probably has such a kind personality, the "keep sweet" personality he likes. My hope is she doesn't marry someone like her father and finds happiness in herself, something her mom cannot do. Disgusting.

    4. RunKodyRun,
      My dad is not an overtly affectionate man. He doesn't compliment easily and rarely seemed like he was fully comfortable interacting with me and my sisters...the difference is I KNEW that even if we were not close he would drop everything if we needed him.
      We knew he loved us because of his actions. He may not have talked a big game like Kody (or really at all) but he worked late hours, went without to provide more than he was ever given, and raised us to believe that we were worth something. I think the Browns believe if they say something enough to enough people-loud enough- it becomes true. They never have to face the real world because someone will make excuses or tell them they're 'remembering' wrong or are jealous. They justify everything.
      I'd rather take the 18 years of relative silence and sure dependability than 1,000's of tweets, lip synch parties, slideshows, etc.
      I don't think the Browns know what's real anymore much less what the women and children deserve.

    5. It wouldn't be so weird except he doesn't seem to have the same physical relationship with his bio daughters and never has. That strikes me as very strange. His relationship with Robyn's daughters has been strange from the beginning based on how he treats his own. It is not uncommon in polygamy for a man to "marry" his step daughter, I hope I'm way off course here, but he's more physical with Robyn's daughter than he is with some of his wives.

    6. Does anyone think that Robyn wants Kody to adopt the children so that he doesn't marry the daughter?

    7. that's to sick to even think about. I know it happens tho. So far Kody has kept age approiate. I know him & Meri dated a underage girl. she still was age approiate. If he did children he will go to jail. Not one of those 3 children looked happy to b adopted. they all looked shocked & broken hearted

  17. lphant here,
    Christine demonstrated perfectly how to "Keep Sweet" in spite of the sperm donor for her children being a narcissistic immature egomaniac.
    She seems to try so hard and it's difficult to watch the pain in her eyes.
    Wish she would've knocked over the rocks, kicked him in his, and taken a cab to the airport!
    It would've gotten a standing ovation!!!

    1. YES!! Anon 11:15, I agree, "knock over the rocks, kick him in his, and taken a cab to the airport!"

  18. This isn't really fun anymore and I can tell that CJ is even struggling to get through these reviews. It isn't fun to watch a man pushing 50 verbally and emotionally abuse his 4 wives and 14 kids and 3 step kids. It isn't fun to watch a man control his family through emotional manipulation and playing favorites. It isn't fun to see a man tell his wife of over 20 years that if she honors the family he will love her, a wife who birthed six kids for the man, home schooled 13 of his kids and is the epitome of a "mom" but who has been put on the back burner now that a new fertile wife has come into the picture.

    It is downright heartbreaking to see how Meri has changed from season 1 where she was a normal weight, looked cute, and had goals to a burned out, bitter, overweight woman with a chip on her shoulder. It's heartbreaking to hear a 5 year old child say she doesn't want to talk about mommy and daddy. It's heartbreaking to see a wife of over 20 years get bulldozed by her masochistic husband on their anniversary trip because he is a man-child who has been given too much power and she just takes it because she was raised in a cult and basically has no other options in her mind but to accept it. It is super heartbreaking to watch a group of adults talk about stripping custody from a dad just because Kody can't accept that his "trophy" wife had sex before him and he has to prove his "man card" even though he doesn't seem to care about the 14 bio kids he already does have.

    I guess now we know what happens to women in polygamy once they're done being brood mares, they're blatantly put out to pasture like they never even mattered i.e. Christine and Meri. I bet Kody used to kiss Christine's butt the way he does Sobyn, even though he didn't feel it just to keep her having babies and once she was done and he had a replacement he didn't see the need to pretend anymore, hence Christine's confusion in the past few years. Watch, the same exact thing will happen with Sobyn, but it will get extremely ugly. A man like Kody, who already thinks he is God's gift to women won't be satisfied with 1 woman or not having more progeny, especially now that he thinks he's famous.

    Sobyn's panic attack was strange, but I think even she was realizing what she has done is wrong. I doubt Kody treats her like gold all the time, he acts like a dog in heat around her, but I bet she's terrified of his ugly side too. It's got to be hard keeping sweet in front of Kody all the time, being the sex wife, codding his temper tantrums, waiting for him every 4th day/night, keeping the foods he likes around, cooking for him at his convenience, taking care of the kids by yourself, knowing you're going to have to have more babies to please him even though it's obvious you're done and already struggling with the kids you do have, and never knowing when the next wife will be joining to knock you off your pedestal. I think the honeymoon phase is almost over for those 2 and Sobyn knows it and is scared.

    1. I doubt Robyn waits for every fourth night and her time is coming. Kody seems to go hunting every time a mare is pregnant

    2. Training to be a God must be like being a king because Henry VIII used to dispose of nonbreeders too. At least he lopped off their heads instead of leaving them in limbo.Waiting ,hoping and begging just are so demeaning.Christine knew the whole drill. Prophet ,then underling men ,then women on the bottom.Somewhere along the way she fell into the trap of thinking she would be swept off her feet and saved by Prince charming. She would not be the first woman to think this. Or to think she could change someone.If they didn't court for marriage as Kody said then maybe she would have chosen better. If I recollect there was a cooling off period for Meri's courtship and he found Christine repugnant at one point. I imagine his game has always been withdrawing affection to keep the woman in line.Meri was not sitting on the couch all by herself when Janelle entered the relationship. The bottom line for me is that the common factor in these relationships is Kody.I would never blame the other woman more than my husband if he cheated.Kody has all the power and therefore all the culpability in this situation.If Robyn isn't scared she should be.

    3. I don't think Robyn can acknowledge wrong doing. She exhibits so many signs of being a sociopath.

    4. Does anyone else remember the story before Truely's birth. If I am remembering correctly Christine had said she was finished with having children, but then Kody kept begging her, so she decided one more. How old was Ysabel when Truely was born? Sadly for Kody this one was another girl. He seems to like boys. I wonder if Christine thought that getting pregnant would stop the advent of Robyn. If so, she was so very wrong. However, I think that Truely is the cutest little girl ever.

    5. Anon 5:18, there are seven years between Ysabel and Truely, and it was between them that Christine lost a pregnancy that resulted in a life-threatening hemorrhage. I don't think Christine thought that a new baby would stop the Robyn train, but I honestly believe it was a last desperate act on her part to cling to her relevance as a 'wife.' On one of the early episodes, Janelle explained how surprised and concerned she was when she found out Christine had gone through with another pregnancy after her earlier close call.

    6. @Anon 5:18, Christine and Kody even admitted that Kody persuaded Christine into having another baby by saying it might be another boy, nice huh? Not to mention Christine had a bad miscarriage where she lost a lot of blood, but only Janelle seemed to show emotion on that, looking back she may have just been worried about losing her baby sitter. I do think Christine was trying to keep Kody happy and interested in her by having baby number 6 and it totally backfired. I doubt she'll ever get over the video of Kody and Robyn kissing while she was in labor, that has to eat away at her.

  19. Recently found this blog and am enjoying the posts. The rock tower "therapy" was so sad...and I watched it after finding a video of the family being interviewed by what looks to be a local-type news team. Kody's comments about Christine's eating habits and his lack of physical attraction to her were shocking. It obviously hurt her, and no one came to her defense.

  20. "....and no one came to her defense."

    They never do for each other. Well, correction....thinking back, Meri did her share of schmoozing for Sobbin at the beginning. (bet she regrets it now)
    However, none of these women who profess to just LOVE each other advocate for each other. They stand by looking away as if to support the one out of favor has consequences. Which probably it does at this point. Plus, the toxic underside of the lifestyle makes then all wary of each other.

    The Browns all have spent five years being handsomely paid to present Plyg-life to the public!. They recited the talk like robots, avoided the hard questions and assumed all viewers were budding sycophants.
    Final impression for any viewer paying attention........
    Polygamy, and most definitely Kody Browns' version, is hell for the "lost wives" while fleetingly adequate for the current favored wife. Ditto for the kids by default.

    1. Exactly right. I was open minded about polygamy when this show started. I now want to help all the young girls get out. It should absolutely be illegal.

    2. I'm torn because I do think that people do have the right to choose this lifestyle as long as they are adults. However, I have yet to see an example of a polygamous family in which the wives are truly happy and not subservient to an egotistical husband who makes all the decisions and subjects his wives to emotional abuse. I agree the Browns, in particular, and others I've seen on TLC are in a toxic relationship. I guess the problem is that no confident woman would actually choose this lifestyle and only women who have no self-esteem fall prey to the Kody's of this world. Sad.

  21. Did anyone notice Kody's watch in the annnivesary dinner resturant? Is this his second rolex?!!

  22. What strikes me in thinking about TLC (the learning channel), have they stayed with the Browns this long because they realized the way this family is unfolding is really educating the public on polygamy? The keep-sweet-everything-is-wonderful-on-our-planet personas have shifted to finally show us the rotten core of polygamy. No matter how it is dressed, how charmingly it is presented at first, it's roots are rotten and toxic to all.

    1. That's giving TLC way too much credit. They're money-grubbing dirtbags. Just like the Browns. It's all about the quickest, easiest way to a buck.

    2. I agree. TLC is in it for the $$$. Just as they were when the Gosselin marriage was unraveling before our eyes. They know how profitable train wrecks can be.

  23. I'm thinking when SW gets canceled, poor Christine will get blamed. I'm sure Meri will get some blame thrown her way because of the catfishN' fiasco. Kodouche will yell at Christine saying that she made him look bad on tv & of course not taking any accountability or responsibility at all!!
    When the whole truth of the matter is that Polygamy is just wrong & sucks altogether. Oh & Kody is a total jerk ass!!

    1. Actually I was thinking, this is one of just many TLC scandals out there. They have had the Duggars and Mama June just in the recent past. They have had Jon and Kate and I think even Little People Big world had some issues as well All of those scandals I saw PLASTERED all over the internet. How bad is it that for the longevity of their show that Meris scandal hasn't seemed to make that kind of splash?

      Obviously families not doing well isn't a great thing, but how will this family even keep going without their show?

  24. Wait a second, hold the phone! I just remembered that "happy couple" Christine and Kody tweeted of their 20th anniversary and we were commenting about it here like how happy, relaxed they looked. The episode is sure different from that photo. Do you all remember that?

    1. I do not know how to do screen shots, so can someone post that photo they tweeted on 3/25/15? Thanks

  25. CJ, I triple love all the photos you have captured and posted of Robyn trying to squeeze a tear. When they say that Robyn is so so sensitive that she cries so easy, it goes antithetical to those screen shots of her scrunched up face and pouty lips and frown but no tears. Of course, one could read that she is sensitive only when she is talking about her: her hard life; her son's accident; her moving; her this...when she does this, her tears do a flow, don't they? But, when she is listening to Christine talk about Truly, she tries to cry; when Meri says I am divorcing for you, no tears; and when one of the other wives cries about their sadness, not a drop from old Robyn but there does appear she can do the scrunch face pretty good to try and cry. Also, I think it is telling how she turns every couch scene to her: I was home and I was trying to take care of the kids and Truly was sick and I was waiting to hear....she is a class A narcissists.

    I think the joke is going to be on her, though. Kody, too, is a narcissists and soon he will realize that Robyn, like Meri, Janelle, and Christine has gotten too old to have children so he will have to bring in another cow...whoops, I mean bear the fruit of his loins. I am not sure how that will set with Robyn...she acts like she would handle it fine but it would be interesting to see how fine.

    And, finally, I think Meri is one step away from heading out the door because like others, I don't think she will hang around begging for Kody's redemption. She spent her entire marriage to him being the one that held status and she dealt the other wives judgement over their housekeeping, their eating habits, and even their child rearing and now that she is the one in the dog house (and when I say dog..well you know), I doubt she will act like Christine...she won't beg for scraps.

    I cannot wait for the end of the show...all hell has already probably broken loose and soon one or more of the kids, the wives, and all those Klingons will do some talking. Now that will make for good entertainment. Meri or Christine--rebuilding our life after polygamy.

  26. All the comments about Sobbin's "selective" tears makes one think...does she practice?
    Wondering because I can't think of any couch chat since the first year, where someone, and usually it is her, isn't either dabbing at wet mascara or trying hard to look as if crying.
    (except, of course, Janelle...who usually just stares off to wherever)

    Imagine a TV gig where a regular part of the filming schedule is to participate in these sit-downs where the script will include dicey (and phony) topics and/or require watching old footage that results in tears.
    Do they rehearse before a couch chat.....?
    Do they *really* not know what the script is in advance for these chats?
    Are they savvy enough to make sure to use waterproof mascara for those shoots?
    Do they critique each others' performances after the fact?
    Do they really think that the viewers think that the couch chats are the one and only time they actually talk about these dramatic events (real or not) with each other....hence the impressive, heart-tugging tears!
    Do they really think these weepy couch chats in any way validate their contention that their little McMansioned plygdom is a happy, healthy place?
    Has that thought ever crossed their love-multiplied minds?

  27. too bad kody isn't smart, cause if he was, he'd be making sure Christine is happy. after all, if I was Christine, I'd be at the court house suing for child support and making sure EVERYONE knows how crappy of a father he is. Let the adoption court chew on that

  28. I haven't read all the comments yet so I apologize if this has been brought up a lot, but I can't get over how absolutely over it Meri appears to be. In the past she would at least act like she still cared, but all the episodes this season so far she just sits there looking bored and delivers her "lines" in a monotone. She has lost weight though, and besides the orange tan, looks pretty darn good. I'm not sure if this is something the producers are doing to add to the mystery and drama of the divorce storyline or what, but it is very noticeable whether on purpose or not.

  29. The wives keep telling us, at the beginning of each episode, how awesome it is to have these wonderful sister-wives, and how it's all sunshine and rainbows and unicorns at the Brown Cuddle-Sac.

    But as another poster astutely pointed out, Janelle sure seems happier lately. Why? Because Christine is on Kody's shit-list. Instead of noticing the extreme sadness of her sister-wife, and intervening on her behalf when she sees Kody treat Christine like an abandoned, broken toy, Janelle is tickled because she just moved up a step on the Kody Wife Ladder.

    As if these women did not have enough sadness in their lives, they must be fully aware that if another sister wife is struggling, it means that the Kodester is going to be hanging out more at your own manse, helping with the kids and spending the night (yuck). I mean, what guy wants to spend his precious quality time with a woman who is going to correctly point out his flaws and beg him to love her? Not our Kode! He'll simply toss his hair in the direction of whatever wife greets him with no drama.

    RUN CHRISTINE RUN. Run FAST and run FAR. It is not too late for you, or Gwen, or Truely.

  30. BAHAHA! I just spat out my lunch in laughter after reading just the intro and scrolling to see Kody's face... amazing... can't wait to keep reading!!

  31. In the People article, Meri claims she has never met this person? Who was with her in Disneyland? Photoshopped I'm sure.
    I guess lying has simply become a part of their life-style.

  32. I just had a sad thought. Did Christine's mom sell her house to move in with Christine? If so, perhaps Kody engineered it so Christine has one less place to run to?

  33. My, my, my...just caught up on the freak show otherwise known as the Brown Family. I seriously had to stop watching about a year ago but had to chime in about the latest news.
    It's hard to even say it but ..I feel sorry that Meri got snookered . It's way too bad because had it really been a guy, I think she would have walked away from this unholy mess.

    But, it wasn't and she didn't and the insanity just keeps on going. Sobbyn is numero uno now and Kody has just signed up for life as Sobbyn's lapdog. It's going to be a good look for him. She's not the little subservient plyg she pretends to be and I think he'll be needing to step up and cater to her every whim.
    She'll need help with money, the business, the house, the kids. Yep, I hope he gets the one-two puncharoony for crowning her top wife.

    I wish TLC would pull the plug on these grifters. The minute they lose that income, this cuddle sac will be a ghost town and a convoy of raggedy cars will be headed toward Lehi or somewhere.
    Somehow I think their cache as the icons of plural marriage will be worthless without being able to tell people to catch their awesomeness on tv.

  34. One last thought/question I forgot in my previous post.
    I thought that I read somehwere that Mrs. Kody B was due in January. Didn't she look pretty big in the Hard Rock pics? Anyone think she might be having twins?

    1. It's possible. But I think she has started emotional eating like Meri, Janelle and Christine. In the Hark Rock photo she was big all over. Her backside and face were notably larger. Now that she is probably about the age Christine was when she made this comment to her, Christine should make it to her regarding being a mother, "It's harder when you're OLDER!" Lol

      Comments like that is why I see Robyn as a narcissist. Her insult is veiled as a concern. When she said that, she crunched up her face as if she cared and then said, "nook I didn't mean it like THAT." Of course you did, Robyn. That's exactly what she meant. To rub in that she is younger. She couldn't care less if its actually a little harder as you get older as there wasn't near enough Agee difference for it to really make a difference. Narcissists hide insults as concern, sarcasm, etc. they give gifts that are insults, etc. such as Robyn giving Janelle that too small shirt for the run AND bringing it up on the show.

  35. Excellent points. I 'm sure Christine still feels the sting from that gem so I hope she returns the favor, all sisterly and all.
    Maybe all of Sobby's food "issues", when she said she just couldn't gain weight which in reality was a passive aggressive nip at the others, have subsided since she snatched the official wife crown? Basically, all you are so heavy and I'm so slim but really I'm not happy about it , really, really I'm not.
    Blech, classic Robyn.
    Perhaps now the desire to be the IT girl isn't so strong. She won. No need to stay slim and by extension..sexiest. I'm sending many prayers straight up to Kody's planet that she is the most needy, most annoying, most clingy pregnant wife he ever had. Basically, the way she already is except times 100.

    1. Her poor me, I can't eat is classic narcissism. It's nothing but an insult to her beloved sisterwives. Passive aggressive is the name of the game!

  36. I watched this episode in the UK earlier this week and it sickened me (but there was zero comment on social media over here so stumbling on your blog tonight has been a lifesaver). The whole awful episode lingered with me for days, I could not get the ignorance and cruelty displayed to his wife out of my mind. It was so uncomfortable to watch Kody spout to Christine "Respect the family and we will have intimacy" (or something like that). I've read a lot of comments online about how Kody only really has eyes for Robyn and I think this episode clearly displayed his lack of feelings and respect he has for his other wives. (I'm assuming the only reason he never gripes at Janelle is because she manages the finances?) Yet Janelle gets her comfort from food, Meri is miserable and seems addicted to living her life online and Christine just looked broken and lonely by the end.. After watching this farce of an episode it was a major lesson in how one man cannot conduct successful happy relationships with four "wives". I really felt heartbroken for Christine she looked humiliated and exhausted, I just wanted someone to rescue her. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall as they sat down to watch this episode when it was aired on TV. I wonder what Christine's mums reaction was?
