
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Biggest Mistake She Ever Made In Her Life

Just file this under the tab Do as I say kids, not as I do...

Hazel from my other living room found this transcript of the brand new Mrs. Kody Brown in her inbox: It's Robyn's now (in)famous Purity Speech from Season 6 Episode 6: Robyn's Secret...

All we need now are a couple of Victoria's Secret commercials. (She has such long legs, ya know...)


Somebody should wake Paedon up...

I am actually going to speak to the kids about the biggest mistake in my life and I am actually pretty nervous about it. So I'm gonna tell you t this two stories about two girls who had what they did with their purity and what happened.

And these are true stories.

When I was a teenager, I was very chaste. I was actually what a lot of people would consider to be a good girl. And then as  I got older, and into my senior year and into college, I really started to question my faith. I don't know I think I hit that point when a teenager questions [Kody: everything] uhum....

You have this purity, and this purity has to do with your body and this purity has to do with your mind and this purity has to do with your heart, and it it is very very very precious it is priced above all jewels.

Old habits die hard with Robyn apparently...
Well yeah and it's like I remember at that time in my life I was sitting there going oh gosh I sit here, and you know I've got a cute guy I'm da-in' and I don't kiss him and I don't you know I am not doing anything with him physically and I have my body has these urges and and he is you know I know this would be something that would be part of our relationship would be fun.

I felt like I was missing out on something by not you know indulging in the physical aspects of a relationship with a boy. And I started questioning my faith and whether or not I really believed in it. Because you know I saw my parents struggle you know with plural marriage and I was questioning them as people you know the parents aren't always right they're not God anymore you know and you start breaking away and figuring out what you believe on your own. I think I was kind of a little bit angry because I had been so good for so long and it just didn't seem to be getting me anywhere haha.

Instead of She-ra, Robyn should've channeled Beyoncé...
She took her purity..... and she gave it to someone who begged for it. And I spent the next nine years trying to make it right.

And I put everything, everything I could into that relationship and into that marriage. Everything.

At church today actually I'm gonna be talking to the kids about the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.

So I'm gonna tell you t this two stories about two girls who had what they did with their purity and what happened.  And these are true stories. Every single one of you has this really great gift and it's called your purity. And it's yours to give away to someone else.

When you have your purity, and you give it to your husband and your wife when you're married
then you have a lot of happiness and a lot of blessings.

I wonder if that outfit is from VS lumberjack collection...

So I was nineteen when this when I decided to to move and I packed up my little car and I moved to Montana. My parents weren't there, my foundation wasn't there, I wasn't going to church, I was questioning everything about what I had believed in in the past and and I was still in this this stupid place in my head where I wasn't letting God in I was gonna I kinda I have to say I was rebellious.

One girl she took her purity and she gave it to someone who begged for it. And he begged for and begged for so she gave it away.

She gave away her purity. And he didn't respect it. He threw it on the ground. He broke it. Because I was just in a weird spot I  started da-in' this kid and and I actually made a mistake and I changed my standards. Uhm, this kid that I started da-in'uhm was my first  kiss. And there was only one thing that he wanted aha and uhm ahhh so I got pregnant.

And she spent her whole life trying to get it back but she you only have one. And he broke her heart. And she spent her whole life  being sad about it.

And then when she finally found the guy that she was supposed to be with she had to go to him and say look I gave away my purity to someone else he kinda stole it from me. And this was supposed to be yours. But I gave it to someone else and I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry I gave it away to someone else... And it broke her heart.

Robyn and Kody being very chaste before their marriage

In our religion we believe in being chaste before marriage.

It's very impor-ant you know Kody and I were very chaste before we were married uhm it's no different if you are like it a first wife with a husband uhm you should be chasted that is a belief of ours.

You know telling this story in church is very impor-ant to me because it is a tenant of our faith, to be chasted. And it is a tenant of our faith to repent if you make a mistake.

The mistakes that I made were very challenging for me, and very very painful for me and actually
led me down a path of nine years of a lotta hell.

This is yours and this is the most ultimate gift and it is yours. You know, when I found out I was pregnant I was devastated at that point I was I was really scared. I was trying so hard so hard.. to love my husband at the time.

You know, when I found out I was pregnant I was devastated at that point I was I was really scared. I was scared of...a of my family, of  rejecting me I was scared of what my church was gonna say and it was very impor-ant to me to to take responsibility for my actions because I had made this mistake and so when he asked me to marry him I said yes. I was trying soo hard so hard to love my husband at that time.

My little Day-on was the best thing that coulda ever happen to me. It was, I'll never regret him. Day-on was my happy place.  And he meant so much to me. And I have a special bond with him because he was my sweetheart during these times that was so hard. I wouldn't wish those experiences on anyone and I don't want our kids to go through that.

I made this promise to God, years ago that if I could ever tell my story as much as it makes me vulnerable and exposes myself I would always tell my story to help other kids make right choices.

Robyn's purity was magically rejuvenated by Kody's love!
I have a second story of another girl. Another girl who took care of her purity. She knew how valuable it was. And so when she found the right man she was able to hand him her purity and say this is yours and this is the most ultimate gift and it is yours...

I believe that Kody and I were supposed to be together from day one...and because of my mistakes I spent years and years and years trying to make it right and actually not with the person I was supposed to be with.

I ask each one of you to decide today choose today no matter what is going on in your life to save your purity and protect that purity and honor it. Because it will bring you a lot of joy and a lot of

Beyoncé picture from, the others from TLC


  1. I go rage blind every time I remember that speech...
    Mind you, this comes from someone who was forced to attend a very strict parochial school, so I might be a little biased.
    No. Not biased. This is just the worst no matter how you were raised or learned about sex.

    1. Dear La Petite - I agree with you, but don't want you to raise your blood pressure over this. Not worth it.

  2. That was disturbing, and sounded like the ramblings of a crazy person. lol

  3. Children aren't stupid. Imagine sitting there realizing that your mother is describing your father as someone who "stole her purity" and begged for it, and those "nine years of hell" left nothing but regret. Yikes. Children shouldn't be shielded but I don't think it's appropriate to talk to children about their father that way...on national television.

    1. She has to trash him in every sneaky way she can! And I mean every way! Can you imagine what she says to Kody in private?

  4. What a horrible, horrible woman. I disagree with anonymous 11.54pm. Surely children SHOULD be shielded from their mother's negative view of their Dad, and her derogatory comments. She shouldn't be making them - as any child psychologist or television talk show host who covers these subjects will tell her.
    Kudos to David Preston Jessop for keeping silent. Who is the better parent?
    How many mothers here would stand up and give a lecture to their children on how their Dad stole her purity? and Robyn, it takes TWO - You must have removed you clothes, and been fully agreeable......even if now you are saying otherwise. So he "begged for it" ? (er....he's a guy)...ever heard of the word NO?

    1. All teenaged boys beg for it--and a lot of grown men for that matter!

      If you don't want to do it, you say no. If you want to do it, you take off your clothes and participate.

      Guess we know which one Sobbin' Robyn did.

  5. Mercy. It's even worse in print.

    1. I Agree You look and you go can it get worse? and guess what it did!

  6. The part where she drops her cookie on the floor makes me LOL. The part where she picks it up and hands it lovingly to Kody while his other wives and children look on makes my skin crawl.

    1. LOL me too. So she gave her broken, washed up cookie to a buffoon that already had 3 wives and 14 kids that he isn't there for. Great upgrade LMAO

    2. Ick! Just ick!

    3. And do you think any of the children got her point or cared to? And what do they think of it NOW!

    4. "So she gave her broken, washed up cookie to a buffoon"

      Made me LOL!!!

    5. So in essence, the Village Idiot got Sobbin's cookie crumbs for all his efforts.
      Fitting...for both of them !!

  7. Kody gave away his purity. I'm sure janelle even with a divorce doesn't regret kody not being the first.

    Christine is the only person to not have a divorce.

    Poor robyn. How dare he ask her to have sex with him. He should have known he was not the ONE.(Sarcasm) Exhibit a for parental allienation.

    1. Christine is also the only one not to have a legal marriage so for her no divorce is easy. And I believe her claim to have been chaste.

  8. I found it confusing to tell when she was giving her "church" talk and when she was rambling thru a talking head. However, all the comments were on TV. Now she is claiming she never lets HER kids watch the show, which is not indicated in the past. Even if HER kids didn't watch, the others did and no doubt one would tell the her kids. If she really doesn't let them watch the show, that would make it "forbidden fruit" and they'd want to watch all the more. All these reality shows, parents get nudged into saying things about their kids that the children should not hear and/or their friends shouldn't hear. I would caution pastors that I worked with to tell their kids ahead of time (better still ask their permission) before telling some "cute" (embarrassing) thing about them from the pulpit. I was the children and youth minister, so knew how their children felt. If I'm going to mention my husband in a sermon, I get his okay first.

    I did find it funny that she can't pronounce the letter T. Da-in and Day-un sound a lot alike. Da-in resulted in Day-un, her precious consolation prize for her broken, trashed cookie. If he asked her to marry him and stayed married for 9 yrs, that's not what I call taking the purity and just tossing it away. Usually those guys move on. Many folks get married due to unexpected pregnancy and it doesn't work out since there wasn't a good foundation to begin with, not a story with a villain. She was just trying to make her divorced "ickiness" easier for Kody.

    "I think I was kind of a little bit angry because I had been so good for so long and it just didn't seem to be getting me anywhere haha." Well, she seems to have stuck to that because she hasn't gotten where she is by being good, even though she brags she is good at relationships.

    1. A Grody Little PonytailMarch 19, 2015 at 9:58 AM

      "She was just trying to make her divorced "ickiness" easier for Kody." Yes! I have always thought she is just manipulating the past to make Kody able to handle it. What a miserable way to live.

    2. She was "so good for so long"...wasn't she like 19 when she got pregnant?

    3. Well 19 years is a long time...

  9. I noticed that she said he "begged" her for it, not that he "forced" her. Well, duh, lots of young men that age beg for it. I remember dating a few. She still had sex with him and three kids of her own free will. This woman simply cannot take responsibility for her own actions. I think the reason her ex doesn't speak up on his own behalf is that he is still part of a community that tries hard to stay away from public scrutiny. Maybe he is a deadbeat but I doubt he's as evil as she makes him out to be.

    1. She also said she wanted to be in that kind of relationship, a physical one. Didn't she steal his purity by not being married to him?

    2. Good point! Why is it only ever the woman whose purity is stolen?

    3. She is a YEAR OLDER than him too!

    4. That's exactly my problem with Robyn and Kody, they refuse to admit that anything is their fault and always make themselves as the victims when they are anything but. Just admit you are wrong, move on and people may actually like you.

      Never knew she was the older one, even if only 1 year older. That sets everything up in a different light. She probably stole his purity, those overalls were pretty hot.

    5. I wonder if no matter what he did he couldn't keep up with her money spending , sex, anything! She makes me sick why can't she find one or two good things to say about him?

  10. Robyn and Kody were "exchanging hormones" before "marriage"---- Kody cannot justify that action based on his subsequent "hormone speech" to whichever daughter that was and her boyfriend.

    And, did the pictured kiss (and you know there were many more kisses than that) violate being "chaste" in their religion? Just what falls within being chaste and falls outside chasteness in the AUB? MrSpock knows, of course, that none of the Brown "adults" will never answer that question nor will Kody ever address the exchange of his and Robyn's "hormones" prior to their first "marriage."

    Robyn, face facts: you gave in---no one "kinda stole" anything from you.

    And, just who is girl number two? This is supposed to be the tale of "two girls." MrSpock surmises:

    Girl Number One: Robyn at 19 giving it away
    Girl Number Two: Robyn post-divorce from husband no. 1 and prior to meeting up with RealKody - apparently the New Robyn (i.e. Girl Number Two) was chaste in those months---at least that is how MrSpock understands the story.

    1. They always change things to fit them. They say one thing do another. It drives me nuts! Those poor kids no wonder they dont stay in the RELIGION!

  11. Wow, it really is even worse reading the transcript!!!

    How could any woman of even marginal intelligence delude herself into thinking that garbled mess would be of interest to a room full of teens and pre-teens who had grudgingly inherited her presence in their lives due to their father's twisted ego's quest for something new in bed ??
    Not to mention how could she not realize how just middle school dumb and desperate her performance came off to the viewing public ??

    I wish it could be said that she is just a sly, conniving parasite, since however ill-planned it was, at least that could explain her whole bizarre concept.
    But having watched it and now reading the words, it is clear that she is first and foremost, chronically IQ anemic, along with being a liar determined to elevate herself any way she can.

    Let's just hope Sobbin of "Stolen Purity" fame doesn't offer her public speaking services for hire.
    That could get ugly.....and comical.

    1. I do believe you hit the proverbial nail on the head. Robyn in not in possession of even marginal intelligence.

    2. And that's why Kody loves her. He can be the big man to his little woman, he can control her and keep her in check better than his other "wives" She looks good in Victoria Secret lingerie and keeps it sweet and sexy! To the other ladies I say "run for the hills".

  12. In that speech she makes it sound like she up and left to a secular college in a secular place and dated a secular guy. She was a dating a big name in her religion and moved to another AUB community! She never even finished college! This all happened within the AUB community and control.

    1. She is so full of lies. I bet she went after a big name in polygamy hoping to become plyg royalty. Funny how she left so much out and set it up to make herself look like the victim.

    2. Agree. Robyn is a user. She probably had her mind set on this guy or one of the brothers before going to Montana. The Jessops have a lot of boys so she most likely figured she could get one of them to beg for her cookie. It's the same thing she did with Kody. She went to Lehi to snag him and get on TV. She started by strutting by him "on the way to the bathroom." (From the book)

    3. Interesting even rejected by the Plyg group That says a whole lot!!!

    4. She went to college? Seriously? I don't think she took an English class.

    5. She went to Lehi to snag him and get on TV. She started by strutting by him "on the way to the bathroom." (From the book)
      Now, Monogamous Apostate, be fair. She was just following her mom's orders to "get her smell out there."
      She went to college? Seriously? I don't think she took an English class.
      Snarkaholic, I believe Robyn and Meri attended the same college: The University of Big Intentions, majoring in Procrastination with an emphasis in Hornswaggling BS.

    6. "The University of Big Intentions, majoring in Procrastination with an emphasis in Hornswaggling BS "

      Ha !!! Love It!

      And with a minor in The Art of Practiced Sniveling.
      (Meri scored an A.............Sobbin a D-..)

  13. This comment has nothing to do with Robyn's "sex talk" cause all of you have said all the relevant points. I just want to say ...... isn't Robyn looking more and more like one of those old wrinkled apple doll heads? It is going to be scary when she is 60.

    1. Yeah, she hasn't aged well at all. She's the youngest sister wife but looks like the oldest.

    2. Well Does anyone think Janelle looks younger? For some reason she does to me.

    3. I think Janell looks amazing!

  14. Anyone else notice that in the now iconic pic of "The Kiss".........
    It looks as if Kody is inhaling Sobbin's face.
    As if her face will soon be in jeopardy of disappearing down Kody's throat.
    Yes, talk about co-mingling hormones.......!!

    But, that was also our first glimpse of what would soon to be Sobbin's trademark "Wilma Flintstone" headband.
    Wonder why she never offered a replica of that fashion treasure for sale in the Junk Store. Better yet, auction off the original one to the highest bidder ??
    ("High" may be the operative word for whoever would want that.)

    1. ""High" may be the operative word for whoever would want that."

      You guys are killing me today!!!!

      Was that a reference to her mock cookie?

  15. I agree with all of you--as a lesson in human relationships and the chastity, Robyn's sermon was a ghastly failure. The most effective conversations about an intimate and personal manner are the ones that take place between parent(s) and child confidentially. No kid thinks that a public declaration is about her or him; they usually think the lecture is for the other kids.

    So the Brown children probably did view Robyn's story as "SPAM"--"Somebody's Preaching At Me".

  16. Pretty sure if I was one of her kids I'd be so grossed out by the fact that my mother was describing having sex for the first time with my damned father that I wouldn't notice anything else that she was saying. I mean, my 34 year old sister is still convinced she's an immaculate conception.

    1. I couldn't agree more! I come from a family of 6 kids and even though we all look alike, we swear we are adopted because there is no way our parents had sex! EEWWWW!!!

  17. anon 11:43 has it right. Young folks get involved physically all the time. The purity speech is a fabrication of events to absolve Robyn of any responsibility for her own life. The talk was given at their Sunday church service with all the kids there. In one of CJ's pictures Truely's head is visible in Christine's lap. I seem to remember Robyn's girls sitting in the first row of kids during the performance. Her children didn't need to watch it on TV, they heard it in real time. Robyn's obvious lies are beginning to catch up to her.

    The amazing thing is that this verbally challenged, mentally anemic(I do love that description) woman believes herself competent to be the family spokesman, interpreter of other's speech and relationship guide. Meri should be dragging Robyn off to her psychology class to hear the part about reality testing! bgee

    1. Almost all the kids were there except for maybe Logan. I watched the episode yesterday. I think what Robyn tried to do was to speak of herself as two separate people, so her children wouldn't realize she was talking about herself. But like everyone has commented, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who she was talking about .The drama of holding the purity heart locket then symbolically giving it to Kody gave it away.

      And for the record...Robyn's children Aurora, Brianna and Dayton were present for her little speech. At one point Aurora turned to the camera and looked appalled at what her mother was saying. Those kids understood who Robyn was talking about!

    2. Yep. her kids were there. I remember cringing watching it and realizing OMG "her kids" were having to hear that crap. But then thought, this is surely not the first time they heard it or a facsimile of it. No way !!!
      Otherwise why would kids who already have a living father, one with whom they visit, be, accordingly to truth twister Sobbin, asking their mother for a new daddy ?? Doesn't add up.
      She likely laid a lot of preliminary groundwork for maligning their father to them.

      "The talk was given at their Sunday church service with all the kids there.."

      And was that "church service" simply yet another trumped up photo op for the cameras??
      I will never believe they regularly held or hold home services, except for the cameras.
      And this one was designed to be a showcasing moment for Kody's new bedmate.
      But alas, it was a miserable "fail."

    3. I think that they have only shown church services twice in five years: the Purity Speech and the anthropologists' visit. For the anthropologists' visits, Robyn and Kody (the celebrant!) were running late, having to travel from across the cul de sac. If I recall, they wouldn't show the actual spiritual marriage ceremony to Robyn, and many of the guests wouldn't allow themselves to be on camera. I guess that's why they can claim it's a lifestyle, even though they claim a religious calling to polygamy.

    4. Everytime someone outside of the cul-de-sac pays them an overnight visit, they are treated to Church of Kody on Sunday morning. Let's see, besides the anthropologists and the Purity speech, there was the time his polygamist friends from Lehi (when they took them to Mt Charleston for a picnic and the husband wondered if he should seek a 2nd wife or not), when Kody's brothers paid a visit (which I remembered his older brother spoke very well), oh, and the very first one when Mykelti refused to attend because of the cameras filming the service. Smart girl that Mykelti because Kody's services are awful!

      Can you imagine Centennial Park's Mike Cawley having to tell his kids to turn off their cells and games during his nightly religious readings about monogamist harlots walking the streets? No way!!!

    5. "Can you imagine Centennial Park's Mike Cawley having to tell his kids to turn off their cells and games during his nightly religious readings about monogamist harlots walking the streets?"

      That sentence just gave me a full-body shudder straight down my spine. I find that guy absolutely terrifying.

    6. Wasn't it aspen who didn't want to attend while it was being filmed? It was one of christines daughters.

    7. It was Mykelti. Season 3 Episode 1: The Announcement. About 15 minutes into the episode is the segment where Mykelti explains to Kody via cell why she isn't going to Kody's church service being held at Meri's house.

    8. Wow. That child has gone through more stages and mindsets than anyone I have ever heard of. Aspen seems the more reverent one. This girl is more flip floppy. Which she is entitled. Her age and her environment give her that right.

      Why isn't aspen married yet? At this rate maddie will be first. I wonder if she will do a mission?

    9. @kms, I think Aspyn decided not to go the polygamy route after saying she was going to be a polygamist. I bet she will eventually join the LDS church if she hasn't already. If/when she does get married I hope she finds a great, supportive guy who wants to be with only her.

    10. There was also the more recent episode where Mykelti declared she wouldn't marry anyone, but would have children as a single mom....

    11. But then she changed her mind about polygmany.

  18. Robyn's Tweet from March 3, 2015--"My kids didn't know who I was talking about in my purity talk. I never referenced myself. You just want to believe I am bad."

    Robyn that is Priesthood Speak. You never referenced yourself by name? The word "I" was just part of story telling? Day-un is a different person than your son Dayton?

    1. I think when she was talking about herself and Dayton, it was in the talking head rather than during the church service. However, she has a very low opinion of her children's intelligence if she thinks for a minute they didn't know who she was talking about.

      I realize that she doesn't allow her kids to watch the show, but I'm sure somehow and somewhere they have seen it.

    2. Robyn sez: "I never referenced myself."

      FACT: The purity speech = 1,275 words. Uses the word "ME" 12 times. Uses the word "MY" 25 times. Uses the word "I" 89 times. Robyn references herself ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX TIMES in her purity speech. 10% (9.88%) of the words she uses = direct self-reference. None of the children, including her own, had to guess who she was talking about. What a dingbat.

    3. Robyn really tweeted that? First, she needs to review the transcript, and, second, MrSpock refuses to believe that her children are that obtuse.

    4. Thanks for the research redwood curtain! That's quite a few "me" & "I" references for someone who insists she hid her identity during the purity talk. Wonder if the Browns realize just how many times they get tripped up in their own lies?

    5. Excuse me while I give Redwood Curtain a standing ovation for that post!

      Robyn, the numbers don't lie, "sweetie!"

    6. She really is focused on herself, isn't she?

    7. It's so creepy how a woman of 4 who is in her late 30's is still so focused on "me" and "I" constantly. Time to grow up. Bet Robyn in stuck at the age her real parents divorced.

  19. Hours later I'm still laughing about the Victoria Secret's Lumberjack Collection.

  20. Yep a an 18 year old boy wanted sex.. Robyn just couldn't say no to the begging. LOL I believe you were a senior in college at 19 or maybe I'm missing something and she was older. I still don't believe it! Hopefully her girls will not be the same way - get the one off her steps dad lap, for crying out loud!!!!!
    Victoria Secret's Lumberjack Collection... baaahhhhhh

    1. Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  21. "We should have been together from day one" ... That gets thrown around a lot..I guess her way of rectifying that oversight is slowly erasing everything that has happened in 20 years... Starting with unloading wife wife number one... I can't wait to see her next step to reverse history. Maybe she can hook up with doc brown... I am sure TLC will be happy to buy the time machine...

    1. Robyn says "we should've been together from day one" and I've read that Kody said (I never saw the episode myself) "he understands what it is like to meet the love of your life later in life" or something to that effect referencing Raw-in.

      Interesting. And now they are married. Just like it should've been from day one with the love of his life?

    2. While visiting his mother after Curtis' and his father's deaths, Kody and his mom discuss how difficult his dad's death has been on Janelle's mom (Winn's other wife), and Kody tells her that he "understand what it's like to find a soul mate late in life".

    3. She is a divorced woman who wished she didn't marry the guy. Not really unique. She needs to pull up her big girl panties and get over it. She wished she never met the guy. She is forever tied to him, least in mortality, and she is trying to cut that tie. This is why she is unforgiveable. I can be happy she is trying to work as a business woman, successful or not. I can empathize cause I too am parenting a child on the spectrum. Breastfeeding so long is not a choice I'd make, but I can understand it. Not wanting to get pregnant often and deciding to breastfeed. But I can understand the decision. I can not wrap my head around her ex losing his kids to these people.

    4. Interesting I saw that but didn't connect the story to Kody and Robyn I would be gone if I were the other 3 ugh

  22. I saw the episode, with this nonsense speech and kept wondering...why did her husband file for divorce? Robyn was the "victim," yet her husband bailed. I'd loooove to hear from David Jessop. There is surely more to this yarn Robyn is spinning.

    1. @at Anon 8:56; I Agree!! There is so much more to this story. I would think if Robyn was the "victim" she would have been the one to file, but she was not. Her ex filed. I seriously want to get in my car and drive the 70 miles over to Pinesdale so I can ask David Preston Jessop "what the hell is up?!" Really, if someone posted his address I think I would make the trek and put us all out of our misery!!

    2. I know that it is possible that David Jessop was abusive, but since Robyn is competely self absorbed and entitled, could her definition of abusive behavior be different from normal people's? Is it possible that his not being able to give her everything she wanted and maybe daring to ask that she stop spending them into bankruptcy were twisted in her mind into unforgivable abuse? Especially if she expected more from marrying into an important fundamentalist family.

    3. I agree He divorced her not the other way around maybe she caused him to go into bankruptcy and he just couldn't deal with her sorry self! It's weird how she says she doesn't trash him then does stuff like this !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Why doesn't Kody cry at his lack of purify? This double standard ticks me off.

  24. Robyn,
    First, it has been a long, long time since the presence or absence of a hymen dictated the purity of a female. When you tell your girls and the girls of your now legal husband's girlfriend that when boys pressure you to give away your "gift" and if you give away your "gift" they will throw it down and then you are left without anything to give the one you were meant to be with, you are letting them think that their value is measured by what is between their legs or what they have done with what is between their legs. Likewise, when you tell your children that their father was such an SOB that he pressured you into having sex but married you anyway but it was a horrible mistake because he wasn't the right one and he threw away the gift, you are destroying your children's identity that relates to their father. So, for instance, for your girls, they now could think they are valued only by what they give to men, and that their own father didn't think women are worthy of anything but sex and then to be tossed you think, Robyn, that it is fair to treat your girls in this manner? In their eyes, their vagina, not their brains and not their hearts and not their actions dictate their worth...their purity...and their value to any partner they end up with....Robyn, you are not very bright, and I know this, but even though you are not very bright, surely you understand that women are more than that body part that you seemingly thing attracts and holds a man...we are not walking vaginas to be deemed pure or unsure based on our own pleasure and the ability to receive that pleasure at our own discretion and not that of the patriaricy. Robyn, you poor, poor misinformed closed minded up your girls...don't tear them down.

    1. Well said, RKR!!

    2. Thank you for this comment ruKodyrun!

    3. Elizabeth Smart who is a member of LDS said the most difficult thing for her to deal with was accepting that she was still valuable and pure after her horrifying ordeal.
      Mainstream churches and 'mainstream' families still put a premium of virginity to a point that victims of assault and or rape worry that they will no longer be worthy of love.
      I cannot imagine the pressure that would be felt in a polygamist community...for consensual sex...any of it.
      I have little (if any) sympathy for Robyn, but I don't know if this speech was truly manipulation or desperation to show that she wasn't gross or wrong.
      Maybe I'm giving her too much credit.

  25. So in other words...subsequent to her divorce in 2007, she kept her purity for Mr. Brown until 2009?

    ...isn't that just called BEING SINGLE?

    1. I thought she said it was only 8 months from her divorce until she met Grody, pls correct me if I am wrong?

    2. OMG well then if that's the case, then what real platform does she have for repurification? It's just so, SO bizzare!

    3. She was a single mom for seven whole months and it was sooooooooooo hard! And she is super proud of herself for remaining chaste during that oh so long period of time!

    4. I am not sure how long it was before she met Kody. It was either 8 months or perhaps it was 8 months until she MARRIED Kody.

    5. It was definitely less than two years from the time she moved out of the family home, met, married Kody, AND moved to Vegas. The reason given that Robyn got the 1st rental home in Vegas (before Christine and Janelle) was that this was her kids 4th move in two years.

    6. Monogamous CharlotteMarch 22, 2015 at 8:51 AM

      Big Question of the Day:

      Who really honestly thinks Kody an Robyn weren't sleeping together before they got married? I for one do not.

      It is so, so, so common for protestants who place a high value on virginity (as opposed to those who don't. There are two camps!) To divorce and then, because they have been married before, not wait until remarriage to have sex again. It is just....normal. (Judgment free statement. I refer to frequency of this happening.)

      I don't remember exactly, but didn't he start spending "late evenings" over at Robyn's house well before they married? And take that time out of the time he was supposed to be with the other ladies?

      I just don't buy that she didn't sleep with him. Not for one hot second.

    7. Who really honestly thinks Kody an Robyn weren't sleeping together before they got married?
      My opinion is...they did a lot of cuddling...and bundling. You know, like in colonial times...if you know what I yeah, I think they did sleep together, as bundling in the 18th century sense.

      I don't remember exactly, but didn't he start spending "late evenings" over at Robyn's house well before they married?
      Well, he did have to stay overnight when he was courting her because she was living 3 hours away (before he moved her to Lehi). And who knows what REALLY was happening but there were some rumors he was at her house a lot before and after marriage - conveniently hiding the old sports car in her garage so the neighbors wouldn't know.

      Like Kody said, once you start kissing and those hormones start flowing back and forth...well you get the picture. And he did say he knew from his own experience what happened when he swapped hormones!

    8. Were they overnight? I remember christine being mad she got equal time while janelle was feeling since the courtship was longer she deserved equal time with him.

    9. Monogamous CharlotteMarch 22, 2015 at 6:27 PM

      Interesting side note about 'bundling' is considered appropriate courtship in many Amish communities, and often leads to those pesky first kids that only take seven months to gestate...

  26. Like the picture of Robyn handing Kody her purity heart- that whole thing was so weird. Lucky for her King Kody was able to magically restore her purity & get rid of that "ick" factor! Since Janelle was also divorced I wonder if she qualified for a purity rejuvenation?

  27. Maybe Kody was okay with Janelle's "used parts" because he liked his former brother-in-law. You know: like, you might let your best friend give you her used Jimmy Choos, but you wouldn't put your foot in the shoes of a perfect stranger. *runs, screaming, for the brain bleach*

    1. OMG that was hysterical!!

    2. Brain bleach to funny one of my daughters always said mom can I take my brain out and wash it. any time she saw something she wanted to forget!! Wish we all could huh?

  28. "You have this purity, and this purity has to do with your body and this purity has to do with your mind and this purity has to do with your heart, and it it is very very very precious it is priced above all jewels."

    I grew up in the lds church and we were fed this crap every sunday. We were told that girls who gave away their purity were like "licked cupcakes" or "chewed up pieces of gum" and what man would want that? I was molested when I was young and even though my purity was taken from me and not given away, I can't even begin to tell you how horrible it was to hear.

    1. I could not possibly be any happier to tell you that LDS Church no longer teaches morality in those terms. A crumpled $20 bill is no more or less valuable than a crisp $20 bill...

    2. Elizabeth Smart has been teaching all abstinence based programs to stop that. Remarkable young woman who unfortunately has no privacy about what happened to her and she is being very brave about it the whole thing.

    3. Would like to add, in response to Anonymous 3:02, that a more significant paradigm shift is needed. In the effort to ascribe intrinsic value to women's sexuality, you've constructed an analogy in which a female who has experience the sex act to the "crumpled" $20 bill. My eyelashes are a body part. My big toe is a body part. My vagina is a body part. My left nostril is a body part. None of my body parts defines my relative value as a person.

  29. Why did Robyn feel she had to make this little speech in the first place? Perhaps the same reason Christine blames her PMS for her anger towards Kody, and why Jenelle has to apologize for her own "irrational" fears. I think Kody likes to see his wives publicly shame themselves. The difference is, Robyn doesn't like to accept responsibility and currently has someone else to blame, the ex.

    Dear Robyn, I'm sorry you were taught that your purity is your only value in the eyes of men. It's not true. But please, please stop vilifying your children's biological father on television. Maybe you don't say those things in front of your kids, or let them watch the show, but someday they will grow up and Google you, and they will resent you forever.

  30. I'm so sorry Annon7:22pm . the damage it does never goes away. I would imagine Robyn's words were triggers for a very painful experience.

  31. Interesting comments from a recent article posted on line in regard to a Muslim country where polygamy is legal. From a second wife: “Becoming the second wife is the worst decision that a woman can make. She will always live with the guilt of taking what was not hers.” “In all cases, it is a difficult decision because marriage is difficult enough in itself, let alone to an already married man.”
    From the husband: “I am constantly worried that one of them will be treated unfairly, particularly considering that I have children from both.” He indicated that he cannot always be equitable, and sometimes has to lie to one of the two.
    From the first wife: “You cannot imagine the pain and humiliation that I felt, particularly considering that we were raising our children. For what will the future hold, now that it includes an outsider?”
    Unlike the Brown’s religion, being of Muslim faith does not require additional wives in order to get to Heaven. In fact it is discouraged. The reasons given for a Muslim man taking a second wife are dissatisfaction with the first wife, emotional needs or love for another woman.

    In my opinion the Brown women will never leave Kody. Meri divorcing Kody has nothing to do with her love for Robyn or her children and everything to do with her love for Kody. Kody is the reason for her sacrifice and all the sayings she posts on tweeter. Wasn’t it the first season one of them said Kody couldn’t be on Janelle and Christine children’s birth certificates because then there was a chance they could be prosecuted for polygamy? Hasn’t Kody or one of the wives said they aren’t interested in making polygamy legal they only want to be accepted? And they don’t care about legality. Kody said a lot of “cool dudes” in the Bible had multiple wives. But if he ever read the complete Bible stories he would also see that having multiple wives was also their down fall.

    Thank you CJ! This show is so hard to watch. The wives seem so unhappy. I feel bad for all of them, even Robyn. Kody acting like a proud roster.

    1. Anon - while it is true Muslim men can have up to 4 wives, it is strongly discouraged. Plygamy was quite common thousands of years ago, in many Arab tribes wherein the women were treated like slaves/ property and a man could have as many women as he wanted and treated them like animals. The Quran mentions a man can have up to 4 wives but he MUST treat them EQUALLY and he must PROVIDE for them. This meant that he'd have to love them all equally but this, as GOD knows is impossible because the heart cannot do that! (Nor can the wallet) The reason it's even mentioned was to draw more people to islam without such strict laws on a rebellious ancient civilization. However it is totally obsolete and no longer needed in any society. I guess there are Kody Browns in all cultures who use their religion to have sex with multiple partners

  32. I am having a real issue with the "purity " concept. At the time she was probably in love with her first husband. So she was in a consensual relationship. When sex is between two consenting adults you aren't giving away anything ... You are engaging in an act mutually agreed upon. I think her desperate attempt to be a "born again virgin" is a slap in the face to women who have had their "purity " taken away in violent and non consensual acts. She should just shut up and realize that sometimes our "first" isn't our best. Chalk it up as an oh well and move the f@$k on.

  33. The kids all have computers and phones. Including Dayton. It's a useful tool for people on spectrum. We saw the laptop in the rental house before the wedding. We saw other of Kodys kids encouraged not to go searching out blogs on the family when they did their very first TV interview. So that means the family has access to the Internet and blogs in general. Further there are computers as school. Kids who watch the show. The kids are asked about what airs on the show all the time. The kids were asked about robyns speech. She has a selective memory.

    1. I know right? It's like don't look stuff up on the internet and you want hear bad things. really? lets see all forms of media and school and everywhere. After a while one of the kids are going to get mad at a parent and look up ammuntion against that parent!! They will anywhere on the internet or ask people and turn on these parents.!! These kids are going to hate this in the end

  34. And ..... I also am sick of the line " he begged for it and begged.. So I gave it away" so then either a. You wanted to do it or b. you have no conviction or backbone. Both those are all you babe.

  35. Milo, while I get you are being sympathetic to Anon 7:22. As a survivor of years of child sex abuse (not in a cult) I would like to say that my father and others referring to me as damaged was painful. Damage means physical harm reducing the value or usefulness of something.If you are only useful to a man to feed his ego as his sole property untouched by others then that is sick. Robyn is setting her girl's up to stay in a bad situation with the premise no one else will want them used.

  36. Looking at this from Raw-in's warped point of view--squint hard and try to see it her way.

    She is raised in this cult that gives men all the power. Women are supposed to feel guilty for being jealous of their husband sleeping with other women. They are told it is a weakness and their husband is making them a better person by boinking other women. It is the woman's job to suck it up (probably not the best choice of words) and smile and stay sweet.

    Everything revolves around the man. In order to stay in his "favor" you must compete with the other "wives" and come out looking like the sweetest most compliant one. You are supposed to hide your feelings and smile and cater to him. (Explains the rampant morbid obesity in the Klown family).

    So Raw-in is supposed to be a virgin, marry a plyg man, help him court and marry other women, pop out kids like a pez dispenser, and cater to this man's ego to keep him happy because he is her ticket to salvation.

    She failed in every aspect of those requirements in her first marriage. Gets pregnant out of wedlock and then there are no more wives in the marriage. Total plyg fail.

    Getting herself into the Brown family via any means possible is her desperate attempt to finally fulfill her plyggy destiny. She has to apologize for her past failures and she probably feels less than the other mock wives. (Even though Janelle was divorced and no virgin when she came to the Klown Kamp).

    Her last act to prove she is a worthy Klown "wife"....erase all evidence of David Jessop. Have those kids adopted by Kody and then that whole pesky 9 year marriage doesn't exist. She is now the legal wife, she has had a Klown spawn, all she has left is that adoption and she will have fulfilled her plyggy destiny. She's sure to go to a planet with Grody in the afterlife.

    If you think of it from her perspective, her desperation is rationalized. Living in a cult twists your thinking ans makes you do some crazy crap.

    1. Snark,
      Been squinting as per directions, and yes, can see the warped little thought blobs in her head. In your scenario, it looks like she may still have a chance for a piece of redemption......
      ....."help him court and marry other women"

      Now THAT bit of plyg-wife duty could easily generate a year or more of ratings !!!
      And..... she would be a Plyg heroine, guaranteed a lofty cloud perch in eternity.

      Could be a whole new category for the Junk Closet too.
      "Mrs. Sobbin Brown, Purveyor of Brides for Kody." Send pics and resumes.

      I, for one, may even find the stomach to watch another year of Kodyworld if that was the agenda.

  37. This might be off-topic but does anybody find that Kody shows no emotion/response to his wives (maybe other than Robyn)? I have been going through past episodes and in the episode where they are approved for the houses, Christine says she was happy to be approved for something, because throughout her life she's failed at things, ex. "failed with her weight." So she was happy to get outside approval for once. I thought that was very sad. And Kody sits there, staring at her with his beady eyes, saying nothing. There have been other times when the wives talk about jealousy, their emotions, their weight, their fears, and Kody sits there frowning and looking completely detached. I find it creepy. Meanwhile the wives always rush to defend Kody and whatever stupidity comes out of his mouth.

    1. That's because he's the man of the family, and the wives are required to be obedient to him! He doesn't have to change because he's perfect. The wives are the ones who aren't perfect so they have to change.

    2. Yes you are right Kody is botox boy and I mean BOY He doesn't have to care about them in any way that's not his department He doesn't have to support them or anything. See he just goes to heaven and gets his own planet, if the wives are lucky he will call their name and they get to go also. Thats why all the kissing up and he's always right and defended by them. He also needs all the kids for his plant. ( that's why no one believe s the bio dad will give up his bio kids from sobyn) The women need serious education and heart change!

    3. Kody used to somewhat respond to Meri, but even that hasn't been happening in the past few seasons. Janelle doesn't really expect him to respond, but I've always gotten the feeling Kody needs her and is scared she might leave because she is the one who COULD walk away if she was so inclined. He has been a jerk to Christine since the second episode. It's only a matter of time before he starts ignoring Robyn too.

  38. Since their "wedding" several years ago was "sacred" she is sealed to Kody. Which means her kids are sealed to Kody. In their no legal fantasy land kody already gets the kids in the afterlife. What a rotten afterlife to be separated from a parent. JMHO

    As for the purity is has nothing to do with the fact she had sex before. Janelle had sex before. Robyns problem is she had premarital sex. She married the guy and lived a long time with him. If it was forced it wasn't her mistake as she puts it to tell about to keep kids from doing the same thing in the future. If kidy had a hang up they should not have started sleeping together. She needs to let it go.

  39. I can't fathom the use of the word purity with regards to having a man's penis in you that has usually been in three other women before the last time with you. I'm going to assume at his age Kody doesn't always 'perform' every night for every bedmate. Which in a way makes the whole lifestyle worse. If your, uh, pretend husband doesn't have intercourse with you when it is your 'turn,' it is more difficult to accept the normal occurrences of life where you or he is too tired or not in the mood, because it's going to be several nights before you have another chance. This makes the sex act too important for the relationship. Normal marriages have variances in sexual frequency that don't involve so much insecurity and emotional baggage about the why did we or didn't we have sex on any particular day/night. The people live together, every day and night, and reasons are understood, moods and activities are seen. Here, the women never really know what Kruddy has been doing with other women in the time he is not with them. Seems an awful way to live if you actually love the man and want the man to be with you, as a companion, friend, and the only lover in your life.

    1. The mistake non polygimists make is thinking the man is having sex for fun. He's suppose to be having sex to create babies. They don't marry for love because love doesn't last forever. They marry in order to populate their husband's universe, and it is forever. So love shouldn't have anything to do with it. The wives expect their husband to create babies with the other wives and the only way they know how to do it is having sex.

    2. Meri managed to get pregnant twice. One miscarriage doesn't mean it was something to do with her body. 20% don't make it full term out fine. But this is where polygamy really hurt them. I suppose he feels he has more kids but by not being with her and wasting his seed on those others those others days she missed more chances to become pregnant. When Mariah was little there were no conception monitors. Every other day and no private release for the guys in between so he could build up his store would have been the advice 3 weeks a month. Anytime you are not menstruating. Maybe sister wives were a blessing? Enough swimmers to get janelle pregnant may not have been enough to get Meri pregnant. He needed to produce regularly but not excessively. I'm sure all the women had the same cycle. Women together tend to at some point have it the same time. Is that a wives tale?

    3. Anon 3:49 – Agree, however, that is what is wrong with this show. On the show Kody appears to have a genuine love connection with Meri and Robyn. Not so much with Christine and Janelle who have the most children. In ancient times Meri would have been kicked to the curb – only one child and (gasp!) a girl. On the show Kody does not appear to care one way or another about Christine and Janelle. Janelle and Christine get viewers’ sympathy due to the way Kody treats them. Meri gets sympathy due to infertility and being the long suffering first and legal wife. Robyn comes across as a hussy trying to get Kody all to herself.

    4. And this is why I don't think he has sex with Meri, Christine or Janelle at this point because none of these women will be having any more of his children. The only reason for sex is to procreate in this polygamy scenerio. I think the only reason he stops by these houses at this point is to spend "quality" time with the children and visit with his old friends/wives. There is a lot at stake in these relationships - no babies means no sex for you (soup nazi style lol).

    5. Pure speculation, but what if Robyn is telling the truth? The family was on the verge of dismantling before the show came along and she held it together? They have all said she is good at relationships. Maybe her ex was abusive. Maybe he drank and was abusive to her or the children. Then he felt guilty and he applied for the divorce? Maybe that is why he is not speaking out. Maybe the Browns have a valid reason to believe that Robyn’s ex will give up custody of his children.
      That’s the thing with these reality shows, we never know how much is real and how much is show. All these reality shows follow the same pattern. They start out interesting, then they start buying new houses, then they start having events, then they start going on trips, then there are conflicts, then they start interacting with other reality shows. UGH!

    6. I've always wondered if Meri would have been able to have another child if it weren't for sharing her husband with sister wives due to the concerns mentioned above. Another thing that could have added to her infertility could have been stress, I know when I am stressed I skip my period for months at a time. One last thing, if Kody hadn't had other fertile women as his back up, would he have actually made Meri's infertility a priority and gotten her IVF (or other fertility treatments) or pursued adoption? Any way you cut it, Meri got the short end of the stick while Kody got a bunch of kids.

    7. "but what if Robyn is telling the truth? "

      Then why not just tell "the Truth" ??.....that she was brought on as the defining ingredient for the producers to offer the show's initial contract?
      If Kody and the original three were really at breakpoint as a unit, then why show all the rainbows and lollipops of their life in Lehi before the script then inserted Sobbin as the impending #4?
      And if Kody+3 was already in shambles, financially and emotionally, then why add another bedmate/baby maker who was bringing 4 more mouths to feed and significant debt?

      As for it being *said* that Sobbin "was good at relationships"......color me dense, but what criteria was used to draw THAT conclusion???? What was her track record for successful relationships?? Either the producers suggested that it would make for good PR for her, or it was said to please the stable master. Or both !!

      She was in debt, divorced with apparently no support system via friends or family.
      A desperate, single mother wanting a rescue, not to mention glimpsing a golden opportunity for fame and fortune. At least that was how she was initially portrayed.

      Then or seems that "Truth" in Kodyworld is an oxymoron..

    8. So picture this: The family was falling apart. Kody was already dating Robyn. Maybe they thought the way some people think if they have a baby it will fix a failing relationship, but in their case it was an additional wife. They get the contract for this show and they want to portray polygamy in a positive light, thus all the rainbows and lollipops for the show of their life in Lehi.
      Robyn has said she doesn’t understand why people don’t think she was there during the first season. She says has been with the show since it started. I don’t remember who said she was good at relationships. It may have been her and the other wives agreed. With all the drama over the divorce I’m trying to make some kind of sense out of the chaos. But then again, it is Kodyworld after all.

    9. Anon 3:49 they don't have sex for fun ? so he ejaculates without an orgasm ? What a little soldier he is bearing this burden -so he can be a god on his own planet.Nothing in it for him. You need to see eternal pregnancy on Polygamy what love is this.The man in eternity will have an orgasm every 5 minutes for eternity.

    10. No that isn't what I said anon 7:23. I said the man is suppose to have sex to create babies, not for his pleasure. You think a man can only have sex for pleasure? This religion looks like it is based on sacrificing in order to become a better person in the afterlife. When you look at it that way, it starts to make sense why polygamist do what they do. I'm not saying it's right. It is just what they believe will get them to the highest level of heaven.

  40. I am curious to know where Kody spends his days since he doesn't have a traditional 9 - 5 job. It has always been presented that he rotates nights - but where does he go during the day? Maybe Robin set up an office in her house so he would have an excuse to spend his "FREE" time with her while pretending to be working out of a home office?! I don't for one minute believe that he stays put with Janelle or Christine when he wakes up at their homes. My guess he is out the door in a flash!

  41. Is it possible that Robyn's ex has already tried to get custody, since his children are being put on display weekly on TV? And because their mom is living in sin, until the divorce and civil marriage that is. Just a thought.

  42. She never said he was abusive. If he was abusive she would have married a man able to marry who could marry her immediately and adopt her kids. Since that is their logic on events needing to take place. Not that in reality that will happen. If he was abusive why did he get the kids at all? If he was abusive why did he divorce her? This is several years after the split. With kids old enough to say with whom they want to spend the majority of their time. If the deed was done then the public would not be mad a Meri kody and Robyn. The disrespect in how janelle and christine were treated in this is really enough for me to place blame on the three. If they treat their sister wives that way how are they treating the kids dad? In all reality he should have sought full custody of the kids after the first show aired. Proof they are living polygamy. Then she takes them into another state several hours away. Then she blames him for a mulitude of things like her buying a house. How does an ex give you debt in the names of three people? One person yes, divorce does get people into debt. But three? She struggled on her own for less than a year. Did you see how her rental single family house in utah was incredibly better than the rest of theirs? We saw this trailer and fear of not having heat in her recollection shots, but she was divorced for 8-9 months. And the months before the wedding her situation had been presented very different. And it's utah. Lots of minimum wage kids in school starting families. Why wasn't she in an apartment or townhouse?

    1. Robyn stated she was abused by her ex during one of the talking head segments a few seasons back. I think it was the one where the kids went to volunteer with the organization that helps families fleeing polygamist situations. Also, I believe TLC put her up in the house we first saw her in. I think she lived with her mother bbefore that.

    2. Robyn point blank said she knew what it was like to be in an abusive relationship because she'd been in one in one of the first seasons. I notice TLC back-pedaled after airing that first episode and wondered if they were threatened with legal action if Robyn couldn't back that statement up? TLC is notorious for editing things out of episodes if it created any type of controversy when it first aired.

      Robyn Tweeted in November of 2011 "Just to clarify, I do not tolerate my kids getting bullied. I ended my first marriage because of abuse. My kids come first ALWAYS." She also quickly took that tweet down, probably afraid of getting sued by her ex.

    3. But she didn't end the marriage. He ended the marriage.

      This is too hard to follow. We are getting one person's story. Who can't keep the story straight.

      The polygamy group horror stories were the leadership being the bag guy. The leader excommunicating the husband and reassigning his wives and kids with about 30 minutes and a hug to all and separation. That wasn't abuse by the family members it was abuse by the men in charge.

      Was David ordered to divorce her? Not likely as she was not reassigned. Did robyn do something to break the rules?

  43. When it comes to divorce two people have the truth and they don't frequently match.

  44. Actually, I can see how Robi'ns three older kids would feel more like they belong if they have the same last name as their mother and the other children. Besides, "Brown" is a generic last name , whereas the name "Jessop" is widely associated with polygamy and negativity. I don't know anything about the laws concerning name changes for minor children. Does their father have to relinquish custody for a name change to occur? Then does Kody have to legally marry Robyn and officially adopt her children before their names can be changed?

    What's really sad is that, Robyn's children (and Mariah) will have more legal rights than his biological children with Christine and Janelle.They will have to get paternity tests to prove that he even provided the sperm for their conception.

    1. Robyn did not have to change her name. Why should they stop feeling connected to their dad.

      Most polygamists don't change their names.

      They are blanketed as polygamists by being on TV.

      Why doesn't anyone think he is on the BC. They were not conceived when the women were minors. They have BC.

    2. In MrSpock's state custody does not have to be relinquished for a minor name change...but there have to be compelling reasons if the other parent objects...we had a recent case where the father had rare contact with the children and was in and out of jail and did drugs remarried and she wanted kids to have new hubby was granted...however father still has his parental rightsbut no visitation until he completes a lot of programming ordered by family court

    3. continue...and that name change conferred no legal rights on the stepfather...the court granted it for the comfort of the of the minors was considered old enough to express a preference and that was taken into consideration in the overall decision.

    4. I think that people assume that Kody's name was not put on the birth certificates to make it easier for Janelle and Christine to apply for benefits. There was no father on record to look to for child support and no acknowledement that the father was in the home, so his income didn't have to be reported.

    5. kms: there are two reasons why I don’t think Kody is on the birth certificates of Christine and Janelle’s children. During the early episodes of the show the Browns mentioned that Kody wasn’t listed as the father on the birth certificates out of fear of being prosecuted for polygamy. Both Christine and Janelle already had the last name Brown. So the children have the last name Brown.
      The second reason I’ve learned from reading this blog. Apparently it is common practice in the US for polygamist not to list the father on the birth certificates of children from his bonus wives. That way the wives can claim state/federal benefits as single mothers without the state/federal government going after the father for reimbursement.

    6. Yes, MrSpock, and rumor has it that Robyn has sole physical AND legal custody of the children, which gives her sole discretion for legal matters like a name change. It doesn't, of course, mean that she can unilaterally decide that Kody is their father.

    7. It does not give her sole discretion for a name change in MrSpock's state....the other parent has to be notified of the petition and compelling reasons must be is not often granted.

    8. Good to hear, MrSpock. Robyn needs as many restraints put on her as possible.

    9. "During the early episodes of the show the Browns mentioned that Kody wasn’t listed as the father on the birth certificates out of fear of being prosecuted for polygamy."

      Anon 2:24, can you please point me to the season/episode where this was said? I've watched the various season multiple times and can't for the life of me remember ever hearing that said. (Or can anyone else remember where I can find it?) Thx!

    10. Anon 1:08pm I don't know the episode but they said it early on. Polygamists typically don't list the bio dad if they aren't the legal wife so they can maximize welfare benefits (aka defraud us hard working taxpayers). It might have been said in their book. I can't remember exactly but I'm sure CJ knows!

    11. In Utah a married person couldn't cohabitate ,sleep over regularly at anothers with the consent of the legal wife. He and all the polygamists could get around the law, that just got shut down for not being executed evenly, by not being legally married to anyone. If kody got a divorce from Meri when janelle joined and then stayed single when christine and not robyn came along there would have been no fear of arrest or charges. It's only cause two in the group decided to be legally married. Why not have played the marriage game way back when? I can't remember him saying that either. If the mom and all the kids and they only married family in the apartment building that has connecting doors all have the name brown.. It doesn't make sense. The polygamists who don't have BC do so to play dumb about the girls ages.

    12. Sorry Margo, but I don't recall the Browns discussing whether Kody's name appears on his children's birth certificate.

    13. He and all the polygamists could get around the law, that just got shut down for not being executed evenly, by not being legally married to anyone.
      From what I remember, it was the spiritual marriages that were illegal - cohabitation as man and wife. It didn't matter if there was a legal marriage, it was one man was cohabiting with several women as if they were man and wife that was illegal.

      That was one of the reasons the Plyg houses like the Browns Lehi house all had separate entrances for each apartment to the outside, but were interconnected to each other on the inside.

    14. "Waddoups also drilled Turley. During that conversation, Turley argued that Utah has a unique bigamy statute because it makes it illegal for married people to cohabitate with adults who aren't their legal spouse."

      From an article on the ruling from the salt lake trib.

      I'm not confident an article has gotten it right. It is weak. But I'm also unsure how to find the wording of a law that has been struck down.

      I could almost be okay with polygamy if none of them were married. It is a lie when you are not exclusive. I don't love when a man hooks up with several women and has children with them all. But it seems more honest to me. You are not sleeping with another husband who really does have more rights to be with him. You are not cheating on your spouse. If you feel like getting busy and aren't legally tied to anyone get busy. If group marriages were fine imagine the group getting visitation. Imagine the group splintered and they all have to pay robyn for Sol until he gets out of college after a break up?

  45. Again.........
    Why don't the Browns just tell the truth ???

    If the goal is to get her kids legally under Kody's roof and name..........just say it !!
    *And back that goal up with plausible cause.*
    If the goal is to jumpstart sufficient enticing ratings for more seasons......just say it !!
    If Kody and his latest soul mate want an exclusive coupling.........just say it!
    If all of this is producer-driven under threat of cancellation.......just say it !!
    But of course, they won't.
    The "what ifs" are ridiculous and exhausting, yet so much a part of PR in today's Reality Show world.

  46. Just because it was Robyn’s ex that filed for divorce and not her does not mean there was not something very wrong in their marriage with him. Women stay in abusive or bad relationships for many reasons. Women stay in bad relationships because of love, they think he will change, no education, for the children, they don’t believe in divorce, etc. My mother was in abusive relationship for 20 years until he divorced her because he found someone else.

    1. She says she got out but he filed. Do you see the contradiction? She isn't married to him anymore. She doesn't have to be with him anymore. I wonder why she doesn't put them on a plane to their dad when they have to go with her dad. I find it odd that kody and robyn drive all that way to drop them off. It would obviously take more than one night. Why wouldn't she avoid him?

    2. I completely agree KMS; all the cheapest flights in Montana are to Vegas - She could easily put the children on a plane from Las Vegas to Missoula (they are certainly old enough to travel on a direct flight - no plane transfers between Vegas and Montana!). The costs of the flights here to Vegas are cheaper than driving - gas, wear and tear on the vehicle - it is Robyn's choice to drive in my opinion to spend time with Kody; she makes him drive along with her and on the drive back she probably turns it into an overnight somewhere...

    3. Yep, the drive to take their kids to that alleged "bad bio dad" on Christmas Eve no less was all about the return [romantic holiday] trip: Kody + Robyn - Kids & Wives = Monogamy.

      If only the other wives would call "B.S." on those stunts instead of pretending they are cool with everything. Be real.

    4. I agree it's all sneaky and rediculous and the kids ALWAYS pay in the end

  47. Two questions:

    Regarding David Jessop, do we know why he only chose to have one wife (Robyn)? As polygamy royalty, why did he not have several wives?

    And this may be a dumb question, but how does a woman take a man's last name if she is not legally married to the man? Is it just a matter of going to court and changing your last name?

    1. I bet Robyn wouldn't let him take another wife. She is very manipulative and demanding. She wouldn't want to share her Victoria Secret credit card with another wife!

    2. @laurakaye966, name changes are fairly easy. In my state, you go down to the Hall of Records, fill out a form, and pay a $90 fee. The state prints a notice in the newspaper that Ann Example will change her name to Ann Something-Else as of a specific date. Then the state mails a certificate of name change to Ann's home, which she can then use to have her name changed on all her other documents.

    3. Yes, barring a felony record,an adult name change is pretty routine. Tose with felonies in this state have to notify the prosecuting authority so they can put in their two cents.

  48. I just read an article that said the Kodester was arrested and he makes them take diet pills? It also said Janelle was leaving him. Is any of this true? Anyone else see the article? Also had a screenshot of Robyn and Kody on CNN defending him for making them take diet pills.

    1. It's a fake article advertising diet supplements. But this article is what prompted people to search the Clark County database which uncovered the fact Kody and Meri were divorced. (A side note, there are two databases - Family Court and Civil Court ;-)

    2. Ok thank you CJ! At first I thought it was legit, but then I kept reading and it sounded more and more like a diet supplement ad.

  49. We may not hear from David Jessop because or the cost of taking folks to court. Every time you ask the court to rule on an issue costs thousands of dollars in attorney's fees. If $200 per month in child support payments stretches his budget. taking Robyn to court over the all the Sister Wives questions may be beyond his ability to pay attorney's fees. My daughter is involved in custody issues and we've gifted her thousands of dollars with no resolutions to date. Right and safety issues require more than most folks know about the legal system. bgee

  50. Anyone catch the recent twit pics of the monogamous brown fam unit ( Kody, Robin, Sol) at the d.q. this week? Usually I leave these alone, but the grip and facial expressions when Kody gripped the kids arm just struck me as wrong. I don't think I ever saw my husband grab one of our kids like that unless they were in harms way, as in drowning or running in the street.
    Before anyone says "oh that's a big family", we have 6 kids altogether. We have 4 and I have 2 stepdaughters that were raised with us. So I get big families.
    It just didn't look like a happy fam outing to me. Kody looked stressed and not thrilled to deal with a toddler.
    I don't think these were LV pics either, I think this was a bigger family trip for another reason, and this was a "tryst" for the new monogamists to slip away, and the Kodster wasn't happy the bonus ones didn't have the baby. I also think that was Robin's choice, not anyone elses.

    1. Hmmm....where did you see these pictures, Anon 1:33???

    2. King Sol will never do anything wrong in Kody's eyes. I'm with CJ - who tweeted the pictures?

    3. I didn't see that picture but I did see the picture of Kody and Christine at what I suspect is Galveston. I think that was Christine's Hawaii vacation or all the money she could save to take her baby daddy on that special trip...not as nice a trip as Robyn was able to afford him but hey, she did get him to the water.

    4. Robyn has the MSWC credit card.

    5. OK, I've got some good news and some bad news...First the good news. Kelly E found the pictures that Anon 1:33 was talking about.

      The bad news is...the twitter account belongs to a highschooler, apparently not affiliated with the Browns, TLC or the show Sister Wives.

      What to do???

      Well, I'm going to follow my gut and NOT publish the pictures in a public setting because 1) I want to credit the photographer but...2) I can't in good conscious do that because the photographer is not an adult. A picture published on the blog will remain available on the internet long after the tweeter has deleted it. So....

      So that's that...

  51. Are any of the kids' birth certificates and Robyn's divorce papers public records? Does anyone know enough info (like birth dates) to do such a search?

    I don't recall for sure when the conversation of not having Kody's names on the birth certificates was but my hunch would be the episode when Truly was born or the one right before that.

    1. The children's birthdays are listed on the Sister Wives wikipedia page. I did try to see birth certificates in both Utah and Wyoming but alas, my internet skills weren't up to the task.

    2. I think you need to have a valid reason for looking up someone's vital record.

    3. Absolutely correct, kms. Frankly, it's nobody's business to know who's name is listed as the birth father on a birth certificate except for the family members involved.

      And don't forget the problem of identity thief.

      This thread has run its course.

  52. Ok, I've kept this in for the whole series, and I had the same problem when I used to watch the Duggars: A person can be bonded to someone they didn't have sex with and still miss that person even when they have moved on. They make such a big deal about sex, but the truth is most affairs are of the emotional nature. That's why they like courting because it creates an artificial environment for that to (hopefully) happen. And it is also the fundamental problem with polygamy and why there are so many tears in the Brown family. The Mr. Spock profile is very apt, I think only Vulcans can live this life. Hey, maybe that's why Janelle's going with the "logical" word so much... hmmm.

  53. Where are all these candid pictures at?

    1. I check Twitter every day and I have not seen a picture of Kody vacationing with least not tweeted by the Browns. It's possible someone else could have tweeted the pictures but we would need that person's Twitter handle. I suppose I could search on Kody's or Robyn's Twitter names...but unfortunately I have other internet scouring to do today...

  54. She just had sex and wishes she hadn't. If she didn't before marriage, married the guy she married, she would still regret have had anything to do with the guy. She is THAT ex wife.

  55. Janelle tweeted the photo of Christine and Grody at the beach a couple of days ago. It was their 21st Anniversary I believe. I don't know how to copy the tweet, I'll leave that to one more experienced.

    1. Christine Brown (@rosecolored6) tweeted at 4:46pm - 25 Mar 15:

      Happy 21st Anniversary to my best friend @realkodybrown (
      This is the tweet and certainly Gulf of Mexico. Sure looks like Galveston Sea Wall too.

    2. So is it just to Kody? The "best friend" singular? It's tacky not to wish both a happy anniversary.

  56. Geez....tweeting pics of "the Idiot" with his various bed buddies seems to be the new Brownie hobby. Even Janelle has joined in...?/!! Wow !!!

    As if viewing any of the other "wives" alone with Kody even applies anymore since the legalization of Mrs .Purity Brown....!!! Can't imagine Sobbin being okay with the Idiot having celebratory anniversary hormone and *other* exchanges with anyone but her. does suggest that there has been a mandate handed down from TPTB for Kodyworld members to keep media interest alive and chatter going until the fall season with pics and innuendoes.

    If so, keep those tweets and pics coming, ladies !!
    You know and we know......there are mortgages to be paid !!

  57. I have to say if my husband said I was his best friend I would be touched but if he had three other wives and I was his best friend-not good. Soul mate ,love of his life , It would have to be something big and non platonic .

  58. It must be exhausting trying to one up each other. So, Robyn gives the purity speech, Christine has a "PMS" meltdown, Meri files for divorce, Janelle has doubts.....on and on and on and then it spills over into their real lives: Meri goes to Mexico for her anniversary then Robyn goes to Mexico for her honey moon, Christine goes to disney land for her...Kody day, and Janelle hikes a mountain, and Robyn saves her precious grocery money to take lover boy to Hawaii and then poor Christine who cannot catch a break, saves her change and manages to get her best friend all to herself for an anniversary get away at some unknown beach in the USA and Janelle goes to the drag races with Kody and his wife and their family and Meri, poor Meri, what will she do next to be relevant....let me see....maybe she will decide to donate a kidney to Robyn just in case she needs it or she will baby sit Robyn's kids so Kody and Robyn can run on the beach and hang out in surf wear. I don't much depends on staying relevant. Poor wives. I feel so sorry for them. This morning, when I was cooking breakfast for my husband that I share with no one, I was thinking about how hard it would be if I did share him and how hard it would be for me to eat alone while he was some where with another woman...another family. These women have no idea what they are missing...what hey deserve.

  59. I agree, Run. For the wives who were born to sad.
    For Janelle, the wife who wasn't born to it, it's so bizarre.

    I think of Brady's five, all of whom were born to it and will live their lives sharing him, resenting the time they are alone, envious of who has his attention that night or day.
    All having to find ways to jockey for position and for crumbs of his time.
    Hell of a way to have to live !!

  60. So Meri has been posting some tweets the last 24 hours, seems like she's changing the direction of her future, whatever that means. Just some tweets to make you go..hmmmmm???? Seems/sounds determined. But I'm sure I'm reading more into them than what they mean. I always think they mean she has one foot out the door.
