
Sunday, March 29, 2015

I Scour the Internet: The Pre April Fool's Day Edition for March 30, 2015

What a Wild Month March has been.

First, we get the new and improved Sister Wives Season Finale on March 1. Well, kind of new and improved, being that we still have the Original Three plus Kody but now the new legal Mrs will be Robyn. Of course TLC will be leaving THAT happy event for the next season.

Then, perhaps in response to all the negativity associated with Robyn taking over Meri's legal wife status, Robyn went full tilt cray cray on Twitter. It was not a pretty sight, particularly those two selfies she just HAD to send to prove that no one had hacked her twitter account.

Poor deluded child.

Finally, since Robyn could no longer use the excuse that it was some "hacker" who was tweeting all that crap on twitter, she had to come clean as to why she made such a fool of herself so willingly.

And if you believe the malarkey she was dishing out, I definitely got some land I'd like to sell ya!

So here we are, at the end of March. What else have the Browns been up to since the season finale of Sister Wives and Robyn's really hilarious meltdown?

Well, not much really.

Robyn took some needed R and R time away from know she just works SO HARD at whatever it is she works hard at, and people just DON'T appreciate her. At All.

So how clever of the new Mrs. Kody Brown to break her twitter silence of almost twenty days with this innocuous tweet...
How typical of Robyn to tweet how sweet this article was....being that it was a photo essay that featured Robyn front and center in over three quarters of the photographs!

What has the new Mr. Robyn Brown been up to since the announcement of his divorce and marriage to Robyn (oh and don't forget the new Mrs's very public twitter meltdown) became public, insuring at least another season of Sister Wives?

Kody does a LOT of retweeting. He does it so much that this gem was almost lost in the clutter...

Yep, family unity certainly does rock, especially when the patriarch is obviously too busy elsewhere (if you know what I mean) to really give a darn what his other wives are doing. Yeah, let those other poor wives take care of each other while he takes care of the one wife who consumes most of his time.

Polygamy is grand, ain't it?

At least Kody did take the time to acknowledge daughter Aspyn's Pi day birthday with a selfie...oh yeah, how nice of him to include Aspyn...

Meri tweeted a birthday greeting to bonus kid Aspyn...

But immediately followed up with a tweet featuring a picture of King Sol. Is it me or does it seem that Meri not only gave up her legal wife status to Robyn but also signed an agreement to feature one picture of King Sol for every mention of a bonus kid tweeted to her followers. Just saying...

Of course Christine did take time out of her day to tweet a happy day to her offspring...
Seems so business like, doesn't it?

Well, since we are on the topic of the elder Brown children, I bet you are wondering what Maddie's been up to, right?

One thing for sure, she is busting out from underneath her family - particularly her father's Fundamental Mormon thumb.

The first inkling's of Maddie's emancipation were these two tweets...

Hmmmm....Okay. I think I'm getting a definite Klingon moment here. You know, that old quote about revenge being a dish best served cold. Mistress Maddie is definitely showing her cold side, that is for sure!
I wonder who she's talking about? Could it be? Nah....can't be the new Mrs. Kody Brown...old boyfriend maybe???

And then the next photo tweets...I wonder what Kody thinks???

And Kody tweeted.....[insert sound of crickets]

Robyn called....[insert sound of being sent immediately to Maddie's voice mail, then crickets]

Leave it to Janelle to show the Brown Family stiff upper lip....

And a few hours later, these tweets from the Maddie and her date...Do you think Kody or Robyn made Maddie and her date  tweet this? I wonder why her date thought it was "weird"???

Leave it to Maddie to make Brown History. No doubt Robyn is writing all this down so that her daughters won't follow in Maddie's footsteps.

  1.  No converting to LDS
  2.  No going to college out of state
  3.  No pledging a sorority
  4.  No unsupervised contact with Maddie, EVER AGAIN

Before Maddie's Formal Dance at college, Daddy Dearest Kody took time out of his schedule to celebrate his anniversary with Christine out of state, near a large body of water. Rumor has it the location was Galveston TX. I wonder if it was the new Mrs. Kody Brown who took the picture...

Best friend? The man you bore six children for is just your Best Friend???? REALLY???? Isn't he your husband for now and eternity? That's more than just being a "best friend" don't you think?

Something is rotten in the cul-de-sac...

Until next time, remember...I Scour the Internet, so YOU don't have to!


  1. Cutest ever? How can a mommy call another kid the cutest ever? Isn't he cute. Fine. Cutest ever? Will be cutest ever when he is a big brother?

    1. It's rediculous Meri had to be saying that to hurt Christine and all the bio kids are going to see that for what it is

    2. They say stuff like that all the time about Sol and it drives me bonkers!! Heck, I don't even say stuff like that about my grand nieces and nephews because I don't want any hurt feelings.

    3. I've wondered that myself, isn't it a little rude to call one kid their favorite? Especially when Truely is around the same age.

    4. It especially annoys me because I do t even think it's true. Yes, Sol is a very cute little boy. However, from what we have seen in videos/pictures on the show, all the kids were equally adorable when they were that age.
      I see kids out and about all the time that are just as adorable. Sol is not unique looking.

    5. I don't think any of the boys in that family are cute. Kody just doesn't make good looking boys, but Solomon looks different from the rest. He almost looks like one of the girls.

    6. He looks like Robyn's girls. Of course, when he was born, Kody had to say, "He looks like MY boys."

    7. No disrespect to King Sol, but on a cuteness scale of 1 - to 10, Truely is a 14. That girl is precious. I already feel sad that she will grow up missing the adoration of her father, but the funny thing is, I think at age 4 she already understands what kind of man he is.

      And I respectfully disagree about the boys not being cute - as they age, boys grow out of that chubby, slightly "grungy" phase and suddenly get tall and handsome. I would say Logan and Hunter are definitely cute - and they seem to have their heads on straight, which is shocking considering who their "role model" is.

    8. Sol looks a lot like Robyn to me, he just has Kody's blonde hair.

      I will love it when one of the kids posts a picture of Christine or Janelle and calls them their favorite bonus mom. I am sure Meri would be ticked off.

    9. I think them saying stuff like that about Sol is a sign of them "protesting too much." No matter how much she pretends, Meri is not fooling me.

      I think all the Brown kids are average looking as they age, but definitely cute babies and toddlers.

      I agree with the person who said Meri would be hot if one of the kids kept promoting another mom as the favorite, coolest, prettiest, whatever.

  2. I'm not sure she converted yet? Her skirt is awfully high.

    1. I wore some pretty short skirts when I was a teenager/in my early 20s. Not an issue.

    2. Men and women in the LDS faith are supposed to dress modestly, I don't think that skirt would meet the codes, but her date's outfit would.

    3. I just realized she would not have entered the temple yet if she had been baptised already so the dress standard isn't necessary. She can have bare shoulders.

  3. What is it Kody and Christine have in their hands? Kody looks like he has a knife. Maybe worried about PMS? Will Janelle never get a trip? Maybe she is saving that money for the trip outta there.

    Meri always looks so much better in her tweet photos. Does she cake on the fake tan for the cameras?

    Maddy looks gorgeous! Do I remember correctly that the fundamentalist LDS are not exactly welcoming to other races? Forgive my ignorance, are there many black mainstream Mormons? I know they go on missions to recruit but are they open to all converts.

    People have commented about the Brown children marrying soon. I hope not. I hope they take the time to mature and I wish some professional counseling to deal with their issues from their childhood. Vegas was hard on the oldest children, but it got all the children out of their AUB community and exposed so so much more possibilities for themselves. Spread those wings and thrive!

    1. Do I remember correctly that the fundamentalist LDS are not exactly welcoming to other races?
      Fundamentalist Mormons believe Blacks (particularly from Africa) bear the Mark of Cain and are banned from joining their religion. Mainstream LDS changed their doctrines in 1978 allowing Black men to become priesthood holders. And yes, there are many Blacks in the LDS, but zero in the fundamentalist sects. One man in the AUB who had "black blood" (he looked white but one of his ancestors was Black) was excommunicated. The AUB is the same sect the Browns belong.

    2. WOW. 1978? I guess better late than never for the LDS. Unbelievable, blows my mind. The fundies always amaze me with their thinking (if you can call it that) anyway. Not just a male driven society, but a white male driven society exclusively. Simply unbelievable, kudos to Maddie. Hope the other kids follow their own minds and hearts and not what was brainwashed into them.

    3. LDS have missions now everywhere but they still send a white couple to be mission presidents and so many in foreign missions are from the US. And the leadership as a whole isn't very diverse at all. Temple square missionaries are probably the only mission that is filled with missionaries from everywhere. If the church has had baptisms in a mission for ten years why do they send white 19 year olds who spend a few month learning the language and why is a similarly prepared couple from utah sent to be mission president? Is it a real attempt to grow a congregation or just a rite of passage? I think of Mother Theresa. Yes it started out as nun from the west teaching other westerners in a private school and rich locals, but when she went out among the people and made a vegan forming a new order in the earliest of times the women who joined her were from India for the most part.

    4. Spell grammar correct somehow put vegan in that post?

    5. That may have been the case a long time ago, kms, but there are mission presidents of many nationalities, now.

    6. That is probably Kody's cell phone in his hand turned sideways - he just got through taking a selfie or two.

    7. I think they are both holding their sunglasses.

    8. Such a hot couple! :) And kudos to Maddie for making her own decisions. Having said that: It must not be easy for him to meet his girlfriend's parents (should that happen) and know that their religion doesn't even accept him...
      Back to the question: the FLDS teaches that during the apocalypse dead Black slaves (along with other people the FLDS deems "evil") and dead Native Americans will rise as zombies and battle each other (yes, I know, I sound like an April Fool's joke now). The Native Americans will protect the FLDS from the "evil" other people. FLDS prophet Leroy S. Johnson furthermore taught that Black people are basically somewhere between cooties and an STD: If person A sleeps with a Black person, then all subsequent sex partners (wives or husband) will be "contaminated" as will all future daughters and sons of those involved. "Uncle Roy" excommunicated several people for that reason (being born to someone who had sex with someone who had sex with a Black person). Warren Jeffs taught that Blacks genetically cannot have intelligence comparable to that of a White person. Coincidentally I was planning a post about Richard Kunz, the man who was excommunicated from the AUB for having some Black ancestry, anyways... cause I wanted to finally figure out which Richard Kunz it was. My guess right now is on this being a Richard Kunz jr, a son of Richard Lyman Kunz (in turn a son of Morris Kunz snr and Olive Allred).

    9. Forgot one thing: Kristyn Decker posted that some AUB leadership members kept referring to Martin Luther King as "Martin Lucifer King" to express their contempt.

    10. I hope this isn't double posting now, but my comment just disappeared without the usual notification. I just wanted to add to my other comment that Kristyn Decker posted that AUB leadership members kept referring to Martin Luther King as "Martin Lucifer King" to express their contempt.

    11. Mission presidents are announced in the deseret news and they have blogs and an awful lot of mission presidents are white and from the western US in predominant LDS communities.

    12. "I think of Mother Theresa. Yes it started out as nun from the west teaching other westerners in a private school and rich locals..."

      KMS -- You make an interesting point. I am not harping on you or Mother Theresa, but I wanted to clarify a few things; her journey isn't quite as cut-and-dry as your short quip.

      Mother Theresa was Eastern European. She was an ethnic Albanian (and at that time, Albania was also under the Ottoman Empire). After deciding to become a nun, she went to the Loreto Abbey in Rathfarnham, Ireland, in order to learn English since the Sisters of Loreto used it to teach the school children in India. (English is still one the two official languages of India.)

      Her first teaching assignment may have been to wealthy children, but soon after taking her First Profession of Vows, Mother Theresa was sent to Calcutta. There she was assigned to teach at St. Mary's High School for Girl. It, too, was run by the Loreto Sisters and it was dedicated to educating the girls from the city's poorest Bengali families. It was there that she learned to speak Bengali and Hindi fluently.

      It was several years later, in 1946-- 9 years after her Final Profession of Vows-- that Mother Theresa received her "call within a call" to take on the mission work she is known for today.

  4. Too bad we never saw the one with just him
    and Robyn with Sol Looking angry.

    Oh to be a fly on the wall when Robyn and Kody saw those pics from Maddie. That probably won't make the show.

    1. Baylor, I WISH I could have been wherever Kody and Robyn were when they saw those tweets from Maddie. I don't think Christine would be particularly happy to see those pictures either.

      I'm sure if TLC offers Kody enough money (and an extra season or 2) he would say YES...I want people to see how progressive we are...yeah, right!

    2. You bet he would !!

    3. I personally don't think Christine would handle it well. Oh sure, she'll pretend and act like she's not bothered ...

  5. Probably just a message for an ex-boyfriend, but it's fun to pretend those tweets from Maddie were aimed at her loser family. Live life, Maddie. Become the success you're destined to be now that you're free.

  6. There is a pic of Kody at Disneyland over at Disneyland Celebs. Don't know who he is with.

  7. Go Maddie!! I love how shes so independent, and does her own thing. Im sure it gets hard, trying to be your own person, and having your own morals, but yet remaining close to family, who might not agree.

  8. As I was reading the texts sent out by Maddie, I LOVED her spunk ----- but could not help thinking about what poor spelling she seemed to have. Especially for a college student. I do realize that it is common for the youth of today to text and email so quickly that they do not take the time to take a good look at things before they hit "send" , so I can forgive that. ESPECIALLY after I saw those pics of her and her date!!!! What a HUGE "Screw you!" to her parents and the AUB. Way to go. Maddie! I have been following you,CJ, since SWB. You are great!
    The proud mother of two beautiful mixed race adult children,

  9. We don't really know Maddie, obviously. But I would hope that she has enough integrity to invite her date because he's a nice young man who with whom she wanted to spend an enjoyable evening.

  10. It is soooo fitting that one of their own would make an attempt to "educate" the parents about "real" life.

    Maddie may be just the first (and good for her) to break out of that mindset, but surely with 17 children, more than a few will follow and on many levels.

  11. I just read the 11 rules for being a sister wife. That was a good chuckle! There could be a discussion on how many times we have seen these so called rules blown to bits! Also, I recall a clip of Janelle voicing concerned about Maddie's education goals going aside for boyfriends.

  12. RULE 6: The sister wives have birthed their own kids, but they must treat all of Kody's children as if they are their own. "The mothers should treat all of the children fairly," Kody's website says. "The children are all brothers and sisters and should be treated as such." The use of "MUST" and "SHOULD" is intriguing. Why not delete those words?

  13. Maddie and her date look so good together, and I hope she's able to demand respect from the men in her life and walk away from anyone who doesn't treat her well. If she's able to judge people based on their character and not on their race or color, good for her. As a biracial woman (half Caucasian, half Hawaiian), I hope Maddie isn't choosing her dates based on a desire to "stick it" to her parents or to rebel against the religious rules she was taught. There are still people out there who will "use" people of color to say to others, "see how tolerant I am, I have a (insert race, color, religion, sexual orientation, etc. here) friend". She seems more mature than that, but you never know. (I do think Kody's, Meri's Christine's, and Robyn's heads will explode when they see the kissing photo--remember Sammy Davis Jr. kissing Archie Bunker)?

    1. " There are still people out there who will "use" people of color to say to others, "see how tolerant I am, I have a (insert race, color, religion, sexual orientation, etc. here) friend". She seems more mature than that, but you never know. "

      Good point.
      I too hope this is not the case with Maddie.

      That scene with her and Kody and Janelle in her new college apartment when it was SO obvious that she was more than ready to see the back end of her dear ol dad was painful to see. Add to that the adult Brown coven corralling and interrogating her about defecting to Mormon was just bad manipulative TV.

      I ask myself why TLC gets their kicks filming sh*t like that.......but then I feel stupid for even wondering....of course, for *ratings* !

    2. Even if she did it for the wrong reasons, it may end up being something that teaches her that skin color doesn't make a difference. In trying to "stick it to her parents" (and didn't we all do something to piss our parents off? Clothes, friends, whatever) she just may end up growing as a person.

    3. True ! She will learn as she goes.

    4. I think Maddie is looking for the opposite of her dad in every way, looks, personality, intelligence etc. It really seems like she cannot stand Kody, not that anyone can blame her. I hope she is out of her depression and enjoying her freedom.

    5. It's a date for a dance. You date all different kinds of people to see what feels right. She has been on her own for less than a year.

  14. Maddie looks great. She is probably trying to find the opposite of her father in appearance and personality for obvious reasons.

    Wonder if anyone has been interested in Mariah yet? Weren't there some rumblings about her being close to the AUB or Kingston group recently?

    Meri shouldn't play such obvious favorites. It's not like it is winning her any points with Kody anyway.

    Kody is clinging on to Christine for dear life. Might he be afraid she is going to run away?

    I hope someone took pity on Robyn's fragile state of mind and took away all phones, computers, and Ipads that she could possibly use to dig an even bigger hole for herself.

    Happy Birthday Aspyn, she truly deserves it.

    1. Maybe Kody has realized that Christine's brand of crazy adoration is not as scary as Robyn.

  15. I always find it interesting how the boys are the ones that get the most twitter attention from Meri and from Kody...particularly the ones that are athletic. The girls seem to get a tweet after the thought...or no thought. It's also interesting that the boys seemingly don't care one way or another but the girls do seem to need Kody's approval. But the idea that Maddie might be rebelling against Kody and his beliefs is really an interesting notion. Most kids, girls, do rebel against their parents, particularly if those parents have been strict or even abusive. But I really don't see Maddie as a rebellious child because she seems to speak her mind so freely. I think she has managed to come out of that lifestyle and religion of her family with an open mind, a free spirit, and a willingness to make her own way no matter the cost. While Christine's girls probably do what they want when they want now that they are grown, I doubt they are going to be so open because of their mother's mindset. They don't want to upset her so they probably are a little more guarded. Janelle, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be hard on her kids and respects their choices. Mariah has not identity. When I read her tweets, she seems to flash between best friends with her friends and a wannabe best friend with some other reality folks such as the Kardashians. It's kind of funny watching her retweet the tweets of famous folks as if she has a relationship with those folks....yep. She, of all the Brown kids, seems to struggle with who she is. I suspect it has to do with her mother's so close and controlling relationship with not only her but the other wives and kids too.... It will be interesting to see what happens when Mariah finally finds a man to marry her; I don't think her entitled attitude will get her too far. But for Maddie, good for you; live your life and love for the sake of love and not for tradition.

    1. "I don't think her entitled attitude will get her too far"

      I don't know run, look how far an entitled attitude got Sobbin'.

    2. I've noticed that the boys get a lot more attention from the parents on Twitter, usually due to sporting accomplishments. It was glaringly obvious how differently they think of the boys vs. the girls when Meri re-posted the picture of Logan shirtless and commented on how great he looked shirtless while she snapped at Mykelti to cover up while wearing a tank top in smoking hot Las Vegas.

      Not surprised that none of the parents except for Janelle re-tweeted Maddie's cute dance pictures. Aside from the race issue for not re-posting, I've thought all the other moms are slightly jealous that Maddie is the thinnest, most ambitious, most personable, and arguably smartest Brown daughter and don't want to bring attention to her achievements. I could actually see Robyn re-posting this to make a point to Kody how great her obedient daughters are compared to Maddie, too bad she's probably been banned for a while. As for Kody, I am sure he hit the roof when he saw who Maddie is hanging out with.

    3. I wouldn't have wanted to hang out with Mariah when I was a teenager. The other girls in the family near her age seem to be more mature and level headed. They don't seem like they want to hang out with her either. There's always some kind of melt down drama with Mariah. She wants to be noticed very badly. It's sad, but as a teenager I wouldn't have wanted to be around it either, especially since she seems to think she's better than the rest of her sisters. Meri doesn't help and Kody has always been useless. If she ever gets away from her parents for a while, she might be ok. I'm rooting for her to find her own way.

  16. Does anyone remember the "Robyn" episode recently where she talked about how she went to great lengths to include the other wives in her wedding day to the point that she did not allow for a picture to be taken of her and Kody alone on their wedding day? Am I remembering that correctly? Because, there is, in fact, a photo of her and Kody alone on her wedding day. A rather nice one. I found it easily on Google images. Maybe now that they are legally married we can frame it and send it to her. :)

    1. She explained that away during her Twitter meltdown. She said those pictures were taken weeks before (or after, can't remember which one) the wedding. Maybe true, maybe not, who knows.

    2. There are several when you search Google images. I think Robyn was asked about this during her Twitter meltdown and she said those weren't taken AT the wedding.

    3. know, I stand corrected, her hair is different on the pictures. They probably were taken at a different time.

    4. They weren't taken at the wedding...they were taken at the reception.

      Brown version of the truth.

    5. More circular reasoning from them

    6. Which wedding reception? I know she had two weddings years apart but I didn't think they had receptions each time?

  17. Yes I remember it and also saw the picture the woman can't keep her lies straight !!! I think she must lie alot to her kids from Mr. Jessup and when they are grown and away from her they will look back and go Mom really said this or that ?!!!!!!!!!!! Would be interesting to see how that goes, with each one individually . Ya know what I mean?

  18. Maybe they were taken when Kody chose the dress. They can split hairs with semantics. My wedding photos were not taken AT the wedding either, they were taken after. Maybe she sees it like the dress shopping. I took my sister wives to share in the experience and no feel excluded. Then at ANOTHER time, Kody & I went and he chose the dress.

  19. Hey Ms. Jinx, if you ever want to change your profile picture Sobyn Robyn's late night Twitter selfie is a good contender for a replacement!

    1. Doesn't Robyn's bathroom look like it's in a bus station?

    2. By Gosh, You are right !! LOL !

      All it needs is a wall-mounted hand dryer.

  20. That list Robyn linked to ... MAN! #2 "sister wives sharing clothes"..... These woman can't share anything! Only Kody and just as long as they don't let the other ones see them use him... Come on. Maybe, maybe I could see them share an appertizer at applebee's... Maybe.

  21. I think that it is AWESOME of Janelle to comment positively about Maddie on twitter in regard to the "handsome couple" photo. Good for her to openly support her daughter in a loving and complimentary way! (especially in light of the history of the Mormon, FLDS, and AUB).
    Maddie, you are a beautiful young woman. I wish you the best of everything, always. Respect yourself, make thoughtful decisions, be kind, and stand proud.

  22. I really enjoyed these pictures. It is good to see a picture of Kody embracing Christine. Christine looks so happy. I'll bet that this represents the relationship that Kody and Christine had before the intrusion of Robyn into the family.
    Aspyn and Maddie both look lovely. They are growing into poised young ladies. I really wish them the best.
    I wish that Meri would stop the obsessive adoration of Sol. How insensitive to Truely's feelings and how passive-aggressive of Meri to constantly do this.

  23. Just need to say, IF Maddie is truly converting to mainstream LDS, she would not be on a date with a black dude. AND, that is not considered a modest dress by LDS standards. Me thinks she hasn't taken the full plunge into converting


    1. I'm not sure what you mean. I'm LDS, and there are tons of black people in my congregation.

    2. Wasn't there an I Am Mormon campaign where a young black woman was not only Mormon but married to a white Mormon guy? I believe she was also running for mayor of the Utah town she lived in. I don't see how her dating someone has anything to do with converting to LDS.

    3. The dress I agree in a way, not the date. You can be LDS and be black. You can be LDS and not married to a person who is LDS too. Technically she would not have entered the temple cause you wait a while after baptism so there would be no garments to contend with, but the skirt would not be okay for church. LDS members who have not entered the temple, done before mission or marriage and after you have been a member for a year stick to the dress standards. They can show shoulders before the enter the temple.

    4. Anon 7:12. You're thinking of the I Am a Mormon ad featuring Mia Love. She is now the first black woman in Congress, LDS, married to a white man and Mormon.

      Sarah. I am LDS and know members of many different nationalities.

    5. Actually, Mia Love is the first Republican African American in the U.S.Congress (House of Representatives). There have been several other black women in Congress, but they were Democrats. Her profile is in Wikipedia. It's very interesting.

    6. Correction from April 2 9:12 pm: She is the first female Republican African in the U.S. Congress.

  24. I have to disagree about the boys being handsome. I still find Logan and especially Hunter awkward looking. There is a "look" here in Utah among many, and they have it. Gene pool and all...I think Aspyn is beautiful, the other girls are just blah to me.

    I wish they spend some of their reality tv money to straighten the kids teeth.

    1. This is a April Fools joke, right? The younger kids do have braces. Christine tweeted pictures of Ysabel getting her braces and it's obvious Mariah had braces.

    2. I'm with Sarah, but of course we are all entitled to our opinions. I do think Aspyn is a beauty, and it seems to emanate from the inside out.

    3. They are all beautiful and different. They are young and changing (still in evolution). Don't you remember when everybody was criticizing Aspyn's looks a few years ago?

    4. You know, I've always felt only a child's parent can criticize how their child looks...and no loving parent would EVER stoop so low to criticize their child's look.

      Sometimes, it's better to leave some opinions unsaid, particularly when it is prefaced with certain phrases including "gene pool".

      Thanks to everyone for being civil and positive in this discussion, but I think it has runned its course.

  25. While Christine considers Kody to be her best friend, it is clear that she is not his best friend. Sad.

  26. Re: Sister Wives: 11 Rules for Being a Kody Brown sister wife--LOL- No wonder Robyn thinks it is sweet

    The references are "Kody's website" and "Kody's Book." The research for this article must have taken months.

    Here is a little bit about the author. (Reference-She Knows website) She hangs out with her cats, cruises the beach, and engulfs herself in her passion for acting.

  27. Normally I would say race doesn't seem to be as much of an issue in dating as it has been in past generations...but I'm 32 and Californian so I can't speak to the young Utah/Mormon experience.
    My date to my senior prom was a black male friend and I don't recall it being an issue at that time nor would I think it would be an issue with the younger generations.
    Most of my teen family members or clients have fairly diverse friend groups and a much looser (group dates etc) concept of dating than their parents did. Even so, diverse ethnicity in friendship and dating was pretty common 15 years ago when I was in high school and I would hope that hasn't changed or gone out of style in the teen world at this point and time.
    If Maddie were any other kid coming from any other religion I'd say it probably didn't register that her date was a person of color, but I can never tell with this family.
    I doubt her date was an attempt at progressively slapping her parents, though posting a kiss picture in social media might have been.
    For the right reasons or not (aka look how progressive I am) I'm still glad Maddie is veering away from anything remotely close to her father. A polite POC attending college and capable of constructing a coherent social media post seems as far from 'surfer dude' Kody as possible.
    I think we can all see the attraction in that.

  28. The Browns may have their faults, but I don't remember any of them saying or doing anything that would lead me to believe that they are bigots who would be upset with Maddie because her date for the dance happened to be a black guy. They seemed to be on good terms with the dressmaking student (and her mother) who helped them with those dresses. Also, the consultant who helped them with their business plan and financing was African American. Those are just two examples where they seemed to be on good terms with people of color.

    And that kiss on the cheek seemed pretty chaste. I doubt that any of Kody's "lust" hormones were exchanged.

    1. And really why all the angst about Maddie's choice to post a pic?
      Unfortunately this is the down side of being on a TV show. (not that the kids had any choice in the matter) And it can often be the down side of social media. That's a lesson everyone needs to pay heed to, especially if they don't want scrutiny and/or criticism.

      The Brown *adults* have offered themselves up for scrutiny for TLC income.
      Probably sucks to be them on that note, but that is the deal they have struck in life.
      They have to own that.
      However, their children should not have to pay dues on it too. jmo

      I do find it uncomfortable with the children (even those out of the home) being scrutinized as intensely as the parents, including speculating about their physical appearance.
      True, Mariah seems to have gone out of her way at times to post haughty, obnoxious tweets, but no big deal. She will suffer the consequences of having that kind of attitude with her peers. Or she will eventually adapt to being her version of "real", whatever that turns out to be.

      The rest of the older kids deserve to find their way, their style, their own philosophies and just get used to their own skin. We all have had to learn to do that in life.

    2. Not to be cruel, but MrSpock groans every time those dresses are mentioned because they were just plain awful----really, really, awful.

  29. Don't be fooled. The Brown's would not be happy with an inter racial relationship.

  30. There has always been a whole lot of talk about Mariah going back years .Some of it warranted in my view.I don't see a lot of people cutting her any slack. I have wondered if her pouty little house possession storyline was for the show and made up. I also feel for her because she has a Mom just to herself who had lots of time to work the FLDS dogma on her. I look at it this way.She could be like her sisters and keep sweet and smile through the pain or rail against injustice.You can be sure detached Janelle never was a presence in Maddie's life that Meri was in Mariah's. I have seen Janelle's dumpy house and heard she does not want to be home. Do you see her as a Mom who teaches routine. I was a working Mom and still made breakfast and lunches and cleaned my house. And it sure was not as palatial as Janelle or Christine's home.I find Maddie likeable but aloof like her Mom. Mariah is wound tighter like her Mom. We have a saying that goes sometimes the child who is least loveable needs the most love. I worry that Mariah has been drawn deeper into the only place she has found there may be acceptance ,the world of polygamy.II have studied child behaviour for years and Christine has the two I am keeping my eye on. But hey ,I would love to be wrong. I don't know what the word "formal" means in Utah but it is not a dress just below your bottom. So you can't show your arms but you can almost show your nether parts. that dress is almost a shirt and I am not a puritan. Maddie came on T.V. to talk LDS so she put herself out there and now she is publicly posting pictures? There is facebook and blocking people you do not know. I agree with the above poster that this comes with the territory.

    1. He doesn't have a jacket on. Let's stop shaming women for not covering themselves. Formal means nice shoes and a dress. A button shirt and tie of any style. It's college. They don't have tons of money. It's not some country club snob event.

    2. The Brown mothers are the ones setting the bar for how much these girls cover with their clothes, and Kody. Many a couch session has been devoted to it. That is what makes attention to Maddies skirt as short a topic. It's not shaming..the Brown's have done it endlessly to their daughters.

    3. The minors they may control the dress code. The adult children they do not. This is why they are tolerable people. Their kids are not kept from the world and can do different things.

    4. Kms ,I do not find them tolerable in any way shape or form.The lying ,the grifting and the indoctrination into polygamy.How ? By living it and constantly promoting it versus boring monogamy. By exposing them to other independent polygamous couples thereby showing their supposed religious call to polygamy is not signjfjcant. After all it can just be a lifestyle choice. There goes the on religious grounds premise. And as for tolerant moving between LDS and FLDS is nothing new to Kody . Both he and Janelle did it. . Purity,women as accessories and polling Maddie who her friends are does not cry tolerance.

    5. I didn't say the family was "tolerant". I said we are tolerant of the family because the kids clearly do different than the parents in adulthood. We do let people have bizarre views. I'd much rather be a Brown than a Duggar. Adults are allowed to live different at age of maturity. They are not micromanaged down to the length of hair as well as the big things like leaving the house and OMG getting a degree (and being prepared to be accepted by a school requiring test scores) and controlling things like being alone going to the store. The fact we are seeing any of the adult children doing something we have never seen in the adults or even the adults in the community they were raised in makes me tolerate them.

  31. Looks like Robyn has a new facebook page to aimed at improving her image. Looks like it could be her.

    1. Labbie Lover,
      I couldn't resist posting a message on Robyn's new and improving image building Facebook page. I challenged her that is she were in deed trying to improve her image, why not unblock on those folks on twitter that she has blocked. I told her that she had no reason to block the majority of us and just because we don't agree with her lifestyle doesn't mean we hate her.....I said, look at the differences between you, Meri, and Kody who blocked me for not reason and Chrstine and Janelle.....Christine and Janelle are, arguably, the most liked characters from your "reality" show so what can you learn from these ladies? Don't block people who disagree with you. I also said a lot of other shit too like improving her image might be a little difficult if her like page is only filled with her fans....that she, herself, said that the reality program doesn't really represent her life....the producers edit her out to show all her tears and her constant talking, which gives the audience members a different impression than what is her reality. I strongly recommended that instead of deleting those who say things that might question her reality, she might do as the two popular wives and just don't respond, or respond with a fair answer.

    2. I thought the whole -"left my broomstick at home" thing in her about section is quite funny!!

    3. There's something odd and sad about Robyn's fanpage. For one thing, it certainly doesn't do the cause for polygamy any favors the way Robyn completely IGNORES her sisterwives and their children. Too bad she can't do the same with those "haters" she is so fond of talking about and blocking.

      Maybe from this experiment she'll learn that just because a person doesn't agree with you, it doesn't make them a "hater". I'll even give her this freebie.

      Robyn, why don't you make it your platform to influence your followers to ERASE THE WORD HATER from their vocabularly and sing the praises of the positives that may exist in everyone's opinion.

      Learn to show some don't have to agree with the person but you can at least try to understand why that person feels the way they do.

      And, this will be the true test for you...rather than triumphantly cutting your distractors off at the knees with #blockingspree announcements, or just this morning, putting a comment on your fanpage detailing how awful a certain FB person was and "asking" them to kindly leave your fanpage, why don't you do the POSITIVE thing and take care of the person using the tools FB gives you? I realize you have since deleted the comment, but you can't unring the bell. Next time take care of the problem posters quickly and silently.

      Don't feed the goblins and their toadies. They are voracious eaters of your time and attention - and they will NEVER be satisfied. Ignore and move on.

      That's all...

    4. "....the producers edit her out to show all her tears and her constant talking, which gives the audience members a different impression than what is her reality/"

      Well....that is obviously her version of why she comes off as whiney and big-mouthy as she does. Hmmm.....rather a handy excuse to blame it on the editors and/or the camera crews?

      But what if the *real* truth is that the producers and those evil editors must work with the footage they get from the camera crews. That the aired footage, *after 5 years* of filming Sobbin, is already the result of careful pruning of irrelevant bits..

      Or worse yet, what if what we see is the sanitized version, with the "worse" of Sobbin bits edited out??? We will never know just which is which, will we?

      And how foolish for Sobbin to publicly cast such dastardly motives on her camera, editing and producers...aka her benefactors. She is sooo stupid !!!

    5. I just snooped around that facebook page and it is embarrassing. I thought it must be fake but Robyn has confirmed it. Wow.

    6. I had to look.. It's interesting that she calls herself Sisterwife 4 so prominently, after the legal restructuring. Also, there is no interaction with the fans. She posts a lot of pictures of herself with or without her children, and then people comment, but she doesn't reply. There's a lot of vanity, but no self-awareness.

    7. Robyn has no interest in actually interacting with her fans, She just wanted to give them another place to fawn over her, where they aren't limited to 140 characters. From some of the comments made in the past few days, she's already deleting/blocking most of the negative.

    8. Sounds like if Sobbin has any premier, ongoing, true mission in life....
      It is to do *SELF* promotion and PR.
      Have to credit her with a passion for her cause though, since if tweets were a recent bust, she is now on to a fan page.
      What's next? Infomercials, skywriting?

  32. To anonymous 9:51 just because they trot out a lesbian and a black does not mean the church that they are affiliated with accepts these persons. Just because a person belongs to the KKK does mean they are a bigot. When you lie with dogs you will get fleas. It was 1978 the LDS let blacks in. After flak from Carter and then Walla a revelation. Is anyone surprised the AUB is decades behind. We all know that the Brown's are reading posts and working it.Let me say too the black girl did not look good after the dress episode and the lesbian -my goodness , she was crass and not your best representation of a gay person. For pete's sake she talked about her multiple women so cheaply.

    1. Anonymous 8:06, I agree that the Browns don't really have any diversity in their lives. I also agree that the gay that was on the show was the stereotypical idea of folks who are not around gays....a lesbian hitting on Robyn....I can tell you with certainty that lesbians that is not reality. That one episode reminded me of all the movies from the 60s-90s where black men were portrayed as brutes, pimps, conmen, or bafoons. Screenwriters from that time period couldn't get passed the idea that if they were going to put a black person the movie, they should put them in without following stereotypes: wise old black man/woman; exotic oversexed black girl/woman; brute black man; etc. There is a really good article that identifies the stereotyped black characters that writers typically use when writing fiction or screen plays. I believe the guys name is Sterling Brown. One of the roles is contended slave. Today that would be a black person who is content in spite of all the horrible atrocities that happen...discrimination, civil rights violations, etc. Anyway, I didn't mean for this to be a lesson in African American Literature, so back to my point....yep...they are not really diverse enough to have normal relationships with people from communities outside of their own group....closed minded, lily white, heterosexual, polygamous, etc.

    2. How affiliated can they be? They home church hours away. They were not getting visitors like theh thought. I think they are on their own. They just aren't saying they are done. Their kids may end up in utah and in the church and they are face of doing this for religion.

    3. "so back to my point....yep...they are not really diverse enough to have normal relationships with people from communities outside of their own group....closed minded, lily white, heterosexual, polygamous, etc. "

      Run, Exactly right !!

      And kms, your point is valid too. They don't associate with diverse folks. Their world is neurotic and myopic. And now their college kids have opportunities to break out of that tightly woven, one dimensional world and test other waters. That is life as it should be.

      The Brown parents can and probably will live within the confines of their little philosophical enclave of plygdom and racial paranoia. That is their culture and that is their choice.
      However, if they have chosen to show their world and mindset to the viewing world for money....then they should expect *diverse* opinions.

  33. Happy Easter everyone!

  34. Are the Brown adults showing diversity and tolerance because some of their kids clearly are attempting to do things differently than their parents in moving to adulthood.?

    That reality may be true *now* that the parents have become TV stars and put their lives and family on display. And surely because possibly each fledging child's exit event has been and will be camera worthy. (ratings worthy)

    One can wonder, though, had the parents never gotten the show, and were still living back in Lehi and had never added the Sobbin saga for a show; or had somehow inserted Sobbin and her kids in that habatrail sectioned house, would any of their kids have been willingly granted such leverage by their parents ?
    Would the kids have been encouraged and supported to choose colleges out of state, or ones openly diverse and not necessarily plyg-friendly ?
    We will never know.

    1. I think they would since dad and one mother converted from something else. And the church they converted from was always trying to get converts. I think the notion of people changing religion isn't bizarre to the family. Even Meri did not live it from day one. Christine and Robyn would maybe have a fit. They think everyone should be polygamist.

      I don't think madison goes to a very diverse school. Or mariah. But it is diverse beyond members of their own AUB.

  35. Dad and one mom did not just convert from-something else. They converted from a religion to the same religion in a fundamentalist form. Following the same book of Mormon . The same Joseph Smith as a prophet and founder. Not a quantum leap. A jew and an orthodox Jew are still Jews. Just different extremes. Odd to me the one who was thrown out of LDS recently, dresses more conservatively than our Fundamentalist raised Maddie.

    1. Does anyone know if Janelle ever discussed if she converted to AUB from mainstream Mormon when she was married to her first husband, Meri's brother? I always got the impression that she converted to marry Kody. However, maybe the conversion took place during her first marriage. It is quite possible that Meri's brother was considering having multiple wives if he was AUB.

    2. Big Sky, from what I remember from Janelle's section of Becoming Sister Wives, Meri's brother Adam had to convert to LDS. They had a Temple wedding (which basically means Janelle was hardcore LDS at that time). Adam apparently was not interested in religion, definitely not plural marriage. But I agree that her turning to fundamentalist Mormon started in her marriage to Adam. I also think she had a crush on my question is...did Janelle marry Adam to get closer to his sister Meri and Kody???

    3. Being Jewish and being orthodox Jewish is a very different thing in terms of how you live day to day including whether you interact with others. It going FLDS to LDS is more like going from Anglican to Catholic. It makes perfect sense she picked a similar branch. Her only problem was polygamy. She keeps the same scriptures going LDS. She has extended family in it. Both her parents spent time in it to include baptism and having temple recommends so they said in childhood and adulthood to the LDS. She is in a part of the country full of LDS. Utah is the only state with the majority of its residents being the exact same religion/denomination. And she has a hundred neighbor members just dying to refer her to the poor missionary assigned to labor in northern utah. If she wants to be social she is going to have to be around LDS. The mission calls, mission send offs, welcome homes, weddings and showers both wedding and baby in the 18-23 year old bracket are abundant. Including the college population. You don't wait to finish to marry or start a family.

    4. Thank you CJ. I just had no recollection (and I did read the book - didn't retain much!) about who converted to what during her marriage to Adam. I like your take on Janelle having a crush on Kody PRIOR to marrying Adam. Thank you again for all you do to make this blog so enjoyable for us. I APPRECIATE you so very very much!!! xxxxx

    5. My pleasure, Big Sky! Thank you so much!!!

    6. Thanks for that info.
      That clarifies a lot about all of them, including about Janelle going LDS-extreme.
      It really wasn't such a radical leap of faith or intention if she already had her sights on Kody and wanted to be #2 in his harem.

  36. I hope all the brown children exit Utah permanently so they have the opportunity to learn about real diversity and to socialize with people of various cultures.I was told by an ex polygamist that Kody has some value to others in his having lots of daughters . The first few need to run for their lives before he realizes that he is running out of girls to create an affiliation with other families.Both Christine and Robyn will happily give up a few to further the polygamy cause and their own feelings of worth in that cause.

  37. Off topic, but I have a query.
    Anyone know the scoop with the "" site?
    I happened upon it today, and I am curious. They also had a post about the HBO doc "Going Clear" based on Lawrence Wright's book of the same name ("Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief").
    Thanks in advance for any insight/info.

    1. PoliticsRUsPrinciple tumblr is a regular commenter in my living room! Excellent source of information, particularly family trees!

      Here's a link to a recent comment:

      PoliticsRUsPrinciple tumblr

  38. I am very friendly with a professor at Westminster College in SLC. Off the record, Mariah does well academically but is visiting her "advisor" a lot. She has received very little allowance from the school. I doubt TLC will film there anymore, and would be surprised if the school's name is mentioned anymore. Unlike UNLV, I DO think the Brown family is receiving "benefits" from that school in the way of PR and endorsements.

    Don't be surprised if Mariah never reaches her goal of becoming a PA.

    1. I won't be surprised at all, but would love it if she proved me wrong. I can't help but root for all the kids.
