
Monday, February 16, 2015

Selected Sister Wives Tweets from 2/15/15

Sometimes I get the feeling Kody and Krew© have their collective heads stuck in the sand.

Unable to completely ignore that big ole D.I.V.O.R.C.E. elephant taking a big ole poop in their cul-de-sac, they have chosen to deflect the audience away from the distracting sight. They now have taken to teasing the audience, cajoling us to keep watching the show to find out "the truth."

Well, I've had enough of the bait and switching. The stench of elephant dung gets worse each day.

Hey Sister Wives, we are NOT amused anymore.

So how did the Browns handle the first episode since the bombshell that exploded 2 weeks ago?

Well, in the case of the New Mrs. Kody Brown, she took time out from her #blockingspree to tweet some positive thoughts to the faithful she hadn't had time to block.

For example, here she is showing the world that even though she has usurped Meri's throne as legal wife she can still suck up to Meri's acorn when necessary.
And when faced with the harsh fact that Mr. Robyn Brown spends more time with her offspring than his other 13 kids with his original 3 wives, she is quick to defend her man...even if it doesn't really make sense.

In a rare honest moment, Robyn does take the time to show her dwindling fanbase she is human, after all.

Meri, on the other hand, showed her audience that her patience is wearing thinner by the hour. I mean, really Meri, can't you at least PRETEND to be nice?

One word describes the tone of this tweet. And it's a word normally heard in a kennel, if you know what I mean (and I think you do!)

Oh man, Meri. Maybe you should just stop tweeting for a while and listen to some Danny Gokey, or VanLadyLove. Do SOMETHING to chill out, damn...

Kody has caught on to the haters phenomenon (otherwise known as anyone who speaks their mind rather than spouting empty accolades to a narcissistic man child and his emotionally needy baby mamas. Oh, and Robyn.

Oh look, Kody makes a joke about blocking his "haters." I wonder what will happen when he's blocked the last unblocked person on Twitter. Will the universe implode?
And actually, I'm kind of happy I'm not a middle child of Kody and his Original Three Wives. I really don't think too many people want to be in that thankless position. Kody, are you laughing at him or with him?

Earth to Kody: Hate is never funny...

Even Papa Joe Darger gets into the fray, but at least he refrained from using the "H" word, and speaks the truth. Of course, Kody and his Kodettes© were never the brightest lights on the Christmas tree so I imagine  this tweet went right over their heads...

Don't you just love how Kody dishes out those back-handed compliments?

Janelle continued to tweet about her two favorite things; Food and the Sister Wives TV Schedule.

Hey, don't forget Sister Wives returns on March 1, 2015!

Now how many weeks do we have to wait for the next episodes of Sister Wives? And what show will you be watching next Sunday?
Hey Janelle, you better repeat it for us dumb ass hater monogamists...We can be kind of thick in the head from all that social media and tabloids overload...

Thanks, Janelle. I'm off to enjoy Mardi Gras!

YIKES!!! Over 250 comments! I'm shutting down this posting for comments, but please continue your conversation here: Off Topic Friday 2/20/15: Who Really Puts the Twit in the Word Twitter?

To see ALL the comments, Please scroll all the way down til you see a link that says "Load More" or "Loading..." Keep clicking on this link until it disappears - that indicates you've loaded ALL the comments!


  1. Is that robyns dad or step dad?

    1. He's her step dad Paul Sullivan. Her bio dad's last name is Marck.

    2. We see where the pretending the bio dad doesn't exist tradition began.

    3. I would have thought bio dad. They have the same chin! Thanks CJ.

    4. Doesn't he live in LV? One of Robyn's parents does iirc.

    5. Marck is a terrible name. I've never understood 'yoouneeck' spelling...just name your kid something different, don't doom them to a life without finding their name on a mini personalized license plates.
      It's too cruel.

    6. Marck is a terrible name.

      It's her bio father's LAST name, and fairly common I believe.

    7. I thought it was his first name. That makes it less awful.

    8. When you have 200 first cousins you need to get creative with names including spelling. I could totally see this as a first name, even though it's a last name. Even LDS with 40 first cousins tend to get creative with the spelling. Combining family names to make completely new words.

    9. I wonder if Kody has thought ahead to their divorce when she remarries and wants the new guy to adopt sol. I'm sure they think the kids go to him in the afterlife anyway.

  2. Poor Mariahlian, "she was so cute." Past tense. Hey Kodster, I don't think you phrased that very well.

    1. I think that's the exact way he meant it. He gets no benefit of doubt from me.

    2. Ha! Well he's not lying. LOL.

    3. Meri's tweets are the reason I never felt sorry for her when all of this started. She is just as much a part of the drama and in it for the money just as much as the rest of the grifters. In fact, I think she is the main grifter. Kody does what she says.

    4. No he didn't! I also would be extremely hurt if I was Meri...He shut her down when she said she wanted to pursue possibly having another.....whether or not she really did, I don't know; but I thought it a rather crass statement on his part.

  3. Kody.."I'm laughing out loud." ...BUT WE ARE LAUGHING MUCH LOUDER as your ship is rapidly sinking.

    1. They are laughing all the way to the bank, and with the show's renewal, the joke is definitely on us. I really do think they are having the last laugh and it totally ticks me off.

    2. They sold their souls for money. They may be laughing now but when the money stops they will have nothing.

    3. I'm thinking they're more like breathing a big sigh of relief since I'm sure all of their mortgages & bills are piling up! I think they're over extended on their credit & are being close to tapped out. So basically the TLC $ will be spent on house payments, electric & water bills just to stay afloat! Without TLC $, they won't be able to hang onto those houses & they know it. And we know that TLC train won't last forever. I'm actually surprised it's lasted this long esp since they just seem to be rehashing season after season.

  4. Kodster doesn't think before he speaks or tweets and is it just me, or does he always find a way to turn the talk/tweet to be about him? Has he ever had a conversation with his kids that wasn't one sided? Thinking of his "chat" with Maddie in her dorm.
    Don't think he had a role model for parenting, and my guess is his narcissistic responses began as a defense mechanism in his dealings with Winn-- blow smoke & confuse & deflect with BS!

  5. Meri's patience thin? . .all it took was 1 tweet to the former mrs. brown and she blocked me! I guess calling her out on their teasing and the lies didn't help, but gee wiz... I stopped watching a long while ago because they sickened me and only get the updates here from time to time, what's going to happen when they block the majority of the people who even bother with them.

  6. You can infer a lot from the wives' pinterest pages. Janelle doesn't have one? Christine's has no bio line and is pretty scarce (she doesn't have the time). Meri's bio line says something about being strong and also fairly scarce pages. Robyn, whoa! She changed her bio line to something along the lines of "I am great at relationships. I am great at business. I am a designer. I am a COO." Narcissist much?

    1. That "good at relationships" line cracks me up. What adult describes themselves as "good at relationships?"

    2. Robyn puts her desperate affirmations on the internet. Why am I not surprised. These are all the things she WANTS, but all you have to do to pull it down to earth is say each one, followed by "compared to whom?"

  7. All I know is that I am so hoping for the kids to break out of this mess, even to regular Mormonism. The adults are a lost cause. Mariah, you better re-think that testimony and make sure that is really the one you are supposed to receive...something tells me a spoiled only child who thinks she is a TV star isn't going to do well as a second or third fiddle to other wives.

    1. I was thinking the same exact thing

  8. All an adult who uses the term 'haters' is showing us is that they lack even the most basic insight as to the way their behavior is perceived and their own culpability in its backlash.
    Kody is not showing the world that he doesn't care or is 'laughing out loud', he's showing us that his brain struggles (and fails) to comprehend human emotions and critical thinking.
    How can someone so self absorbed be so completely lacking in self's all he does. It's not even humanly possible to suck so hard.

  9. Also, likers gonna like. And nobody like you, Kody. Not the viewer. Certainly not your biological children. Probably (and I'm seeing this more and more each season) not your wives.
    We are all worse for having 'known' you, and we didn't even have to touch you.

  10. "Hey Sister Wives, we are NOT amused anymore."

    CJ. you are certainly singing my anthem !!

  11. I think Meri needs a new commitment ceremony, doesn't she? If not, isn't she really divorced and not in any way committed to Kody? Maybe she wants it that way. Robyn was already "married" to kody. Why a new/second wedding?

    1. I think they need to get their family mission statements and take them to the burn barrel like they did for Kody's duffel bag (that he had to replace once he realized he still had to pack a bag). I would watch that ceremony and might even pitch in for snacks for that one!

  12. Why do they tweet the exact same thing during the show.. autobots?

  13. I am surprised at the top Ysabel(?) Is wearing in Janelle's tweet with the food for the fondue. I would not think it would fit the modesty requirements of the family. I remember Meri blasting Mykelti for wearing a top that she thought was too revealing several seasons ago.

    1. Mykelti was a teenager while Ysabel isn't twelve yet is she?

    2. I think it has more to do with the fact that they've pretty much abandoned every aspect of their "faith" except the one that brings in the $$$

    3. Kody & krew are TLC's lil monkeys & they dance to the beat of their scripted BS.
      $$$ & fame are Kodys new higher calling that he now answers to!!
      Remember that higher calling BS Kody used to spew about in the beginning? What a crock of sh*t! Kody is a big joke & I'm sure the AUB are embarrassed to be associated with the Brown

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'm not sure which of Christine's daughters is in the picture standing next to all the food, but wouldn't her tank top be considered rather immodest by Kody Krew standards? If so, why take a picture of her wearing it?

    And Kody putting on a public timeline that he wishes he could've had more babies with Meri - that is such a back-handed slap in the face to Meri, I can't even process it. She should be livid. I am simply floored that one of these women hasn't left him yet. He is a neanderthal.

  15. Good Tweet Choices CJ:
    You see, Meri, you say all the Hoopla and we say train wreck; you say truth unfolds and we say dog and pony show; you guys say haters are out tonight, and we way you are losing your fan base, be glad for the haters...we watch the train wreck, follow the dog and pony show...without us, you'd be like my five wives, you know the one? Kody thinks it is so cute for Mariah to admit defeat because he thought when she told him of her dreams of joining the military or going to west point or whatever school that was and becoming a pediatrician, you rolled your eyes and even said something like he wants her to dream but come on....she's a girl...while you didn't add the she's a girl, we saw the condescension, so when Mariah set her sights way higher than you guys had prepared her and when she didn't have the discipline to achieve the goal, well, then she was so cute.... Why not ask her what is the problem and what can we do to you need tutors...can we talk to someone to see if maybe you need extra prep classes....but no....okay, whatever floats your boat. The parents got all involved when Maddie announced she was going to church...all meeting to find out why and do a talk down with her...but a child who is struggling in school or who is struggling with emotions....not so much. See...that's why we watch you guys....train wreck.

    I remember one of the wives saying on one of the episodes that Kody works hard at each of his marriages and he invests time and emotions into each one and it is hard work because unlike a monogamous man, he invests and he is in it for the long haul...but then later, he contradicts himself by saying if a wife has problems, it's her deal...even telling Christine, I don't want to be around you when you are like know, needing support and emotional attention. I'm sure that he spends just enough time with each of the girlfriends to make them think he is in love with know, that once every couple of weeks but in reality, the haters have it right. I also hate that the kids are involved in the interactions with their father and mothers' tweet wars with the "haters." Gabriel's comments they hate us cause they ain't us. they really think we want to be in those kinds of relationships.....oh yes, Kody, I really want my husband to hang out with other women, in their bedrooms, make babies with them, come to my house every couple of weeks with the scent of the other women on him...I really want to live next door to the other three women, watch him carrying one of his children by one of the women around while my baby walks alone....yes...I want that. I'm eat up with the desires to share my husband...share my with disparity in every sense of the word.

    1. If there was a "like" button I would hit like on this. Lol

    2. "They hate us because they ain't us." In his eyes maybe it was worth it to be called a liar on television. It has gotten him a wonderful new house, a mother who can "work as much as she chooses" and a wonderful new city to explore.

    3. Kody doesn't even have to try to be the worst "celebrity" and father. After having bonus mom Christine fret that she could never trust anything the kid says, Kody tries to use the child to justify his own hostility, as if they speak the Gospel Truth.

      Meaningless, juvenile, stale, nonsensical cliches, in offensive grammar, that intend to blame others - that does indeed sound like the Brown Gospel.

    4. I don't think any of them know what a normal happy family life is. All they can really relate to are the other polygamist families like their parents or grandparents grew up in. Where there are several mothers, wives are reassigned to other men, etc. Everyone in interchangeable and replaceable

    5. runKodyrun, you have read my mind and articulated my thoughts better than I could have myself. Many thanks!

    6. Kody hasn't the first clue about what marriage and parenting are. They can laugh all the way to the bank, but when the end comes...and it's coming fast, they'll realize that everyone understands what they are. They'll continue to mismanage money and be bankrupt again, this time without being able to actually get a job because their reputations are...another word for not good.

  16. They really don't get that they shouldn't be insulting their viewers. Whatever, they're about done anyway.

    1. Well sure. If all their haters stopped watching, the show would tank in a New York second.

  17. Teaching your children there are "haters" and engaging them in the public opinion is so wrong. It's the Kody Brown Family, so the target should be Kody himself in the court of public opinion. Don't drag your children into this, they still have a future to navigate.

    1. This is what polygamists do and how they generally keep their wives and children in line. See all those scary haters? They will take you away from us! They are heathens! They are sharks! They play the victim all the time. But they sure don't shy away from all those free benefits they get.

  18. It's easy to see how much the "haters" are getting to King Kody. I guess he doesn't realize that claiming to laugh out loud at "they hate us 'cause they ain't us" is as transparent as it gets. Hey, Kody, some of these so-called haters are (or in my case, were) your viewers. Thank you to CJ and everyone who comments here. I can't stand to watch these delusional grifters any longer but still enjoy reading here.

  19. What is most pitiable about the wives is that they think they are really getting one over on the viewing audience. Granted there are a few who play along with the allusion but there will always be those women for whom reading a romance novel is heavy literature. When we are educated we don't need to be saved. We also know being saved isn't joining up with this band of gypsies and living off the next con. When Maddie talked about going mainstream Mormon why was there no wailing and tearing of clothes.I thought they believed polygamy was the way? If they believe this so devoutly they would let Kody have 4 women then why is no one sad Maddie will not ascend to their planet? Could it be because they only profess to believe this drivel but really don't? And how can Logan not be religious right now. Is he just going to get a vision one day out of the blue like his Dad that he is called to be a polygamist. All this being open to their kids belief is rot when all they are doing is taking the fundamentalist word off the front and following the same book of Mormon. Let's see how happy they are with the kiddies if they become Christians and denounce polygamy.

    1. You make so many good points in your post. I think more and more that everyone's reactions to Maddie's decsion were for the show, only.

      I rewatched last week's show and saw Logan and Hunter each say that he has no problem with Maddie's converting to LDS. Then, each reflexively turns away and noticeably covers his face, especially his mouth. It was almost like they would have spit at the devil, and I think that both were totally lying. Before the parents ganged up on Maddie, Kody may even have said, "My children are pretending to be less interested in our faith."

    2. One is called to plural marriage. It is not a given for every man or woman. And yes, Logan may one day be called to testimony.

      I don't believe this stuff, but us heathens must realize that the proscriptions of the faith are complex.

    3. A Grody Little PonytailFebruary 17, 2015 at 6:18 PM

      I found that Maddie looked very sad in this episode. While that could be related to not being allowed to be part of her dad's service that was going on, I wondered if she was stressed from the parents true reactions to her change of religion. I think their little chat with her was very fake. I really hope she will be able to stay strong and never be a plural wife.

    4. Robyn thinks everyone should live plural marriage. Yes the COO of the business that is the be all end of their income can't do math. They all except janelle have said they want all the kids to follow into polygamy. Janelle can do math. There's no way since evolution has not cause 1/5 of births to be male and 4/5 of birth to be female. So basically they are assuming 2/3 or 3/4 of men will fail in worthiness and hoping all women will go for it. obviously some of their boys are going to not make it to the celestial kingdom. They really should be ashamed of their beliefs. How can they have children knowing they are going to teach them the requirements for heaven are impossible for them all.

  20. I have been thinking of the old adage that "a picture speaks louder than a thousand words." As I look at the pictures tweeted by the Browns, I find that the "We don't have any money" theme is provably false. When they show their kitchens, I see a lot of Old World Baking elements from Temp-tations. These are sold by QVC. I imagine that they may be sold in some stores, but the point is that they are not inexpensive. All of these women had kitchen supplies when they moved to Vegas. They were able to feed their children well. I realize that buying new things for your kitchen is not rare, but...these folks seem to only have high end belongings (that they seldom take care of).

    1. Agreed! I noticed those things also....type of furniture that insane Christine's house during students interview session. All the house seem to have a lot more furniture then before and it seems higher end.

    2. Well of course! Racking up them credit cards to file bankruptcy when it's convenient! It's called the grifter lifter special! (Eye roll)
      Can't stand these lying & deceitful scam artists!!

  21. My immediate assumption on the 'divorce' was to make all the wives equal in a legal sense, not to cut her ties and leave. Perhaps a gesture of selflessness meant to erase any past offenses as 'first wife'. Put her in a light of ultruistic sacrifice. Maybe they will all renew their vows as equals (the women, at least) in some middle eastern country where multiple wives are legal. You're welcome TLC, that plot line is free.
    Also count me in as disappointed in our 'so-called' social scientists. The whole spiel on 'we are not guests' (Christine parroting everything back- was embarrassed for her how simple she sounded) and then they proceeded to allow themselves to be fed often and well...just like a GUEST. Ugh. Was super irritated with all the judgement references....anthropologists are not doing their jobs if they judge. Objective observation of behavior should be their focus.
    And as much as I had hoped for Mariah to bail on her lofty aspirations, part of me was sad. I kinda wanted her to prove me wrong. Was kind of confused (anyone else?) over the anthropology student framing questions to Mariah as if she was going to be earning big bucks....physician assistant sounds to me like office worker pay. Please correct me if I am wrong. Am not familiar with that job.
    Once again, thank you CJ, I would not watch this show if not for this blog.

    1. lol! The "student" is a grad student, an office worker does make big bucks to him! Didn't you find it interesting that they only interviewed the girl who wants to be a polygamist. . . where are the one on one interviews with the kids who do not?? We know that when the students are gifted from the MSWC overstock some awful ugly joolry and some beans (???) that they have become one of the family.

    2. a Physician's Assistant is kind of on the educational level of a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor's Degree. Many of the current programs are 5-year. Excellent pay--more than an RN but less than an MD.
      a PA requires a college degree, not just a 'training' program that a CNA (nursing assistant) would undergo, or an LPN (licensed practical nurse, whose training is much greater than a CNA without, generally, a college degree). Back in the 90's a BS (or BSN) was not required for a Registered Nurse, some programs were Associate Degree or certificate programs.
      A PA has more autonomy than an RN, in fact, more like an APRN, an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, who holds a Master's degree and can write prescriptions.
      Long short, PA=good paycheck and likely (though maybe not at first) better hours than an RN might get starting out on a med/surg floor.
      Medical school is tough. I think Mariah is making a good choice for herself, especially as she is looking to have a family some day.

    3. A physician's assistant can make upwards of $100,000 a year in the right area. They work under a doctor. They can see patients on their own and order meds. They must however call in the physician if they fear that something serious and unknown is going on with the patient.

    4. Meri - Selfless!!! That is hilarious! She who demanded a wet bar and a hobby room and french doors. She who deprived Christine's and Janelle's children of things so that everything would be financially equal even though she had one child.

      They might try to sell it as "Meri is being so selfless" but I call BS on that. There is a reason she divorced Kody. He asked her to or she wanted to leave the marriage. For the show's purposes, they can pretend she is still part of the family but she will slowly fade away and when the show is over, she is gone.

    5. If it were just to make the situation equal, Robyn and Kody would not have gotten married.

    6. Regarding earnings for Physician Assistants, I just checked O*Net, the National Clearinghouse for Job Descriptions and wage information (

      Median wage, 2013: $44.70 per hour/ $92,970 per year. Outlook bright (meaning there are currently more openings than appropriately skilled and certified applicants).

      Looks like Mariah made a good choice.

    7. Ah, thanks for the enlightenment re: Phys.Assistant... I love all you people on this blog. And CPA Carol... I absolutely was max over loaded on the snarcasm re: Meri. Her 'sacrifice' (if the plot line is as I've hunched upon) is about as ultruistic as Robyn's rent-a-womb offer. Lastly, if there is no legal wife than technically they are equal legally...or am I wrong? Anyone?

    8. Mariah does not seem stable enough to do a high pressure medical job involving people. If the medical field is where her interest is, I think she'd do better with something along the lines of medical records or lab tech, something where she's not dealing face to face with people. She melts down too easy even when there's no real pressure on her. I believe nursing would be too much for her personality type.

  22. I am still ruminating on the Kody "gotcha" moment, when Kody's brain downloaded Meri's sister wife experience from an empathetic perspective. And he gets ANGRY about that. His eyes were blind, but then they SAW even for just a fleeting moment, what the reality of a polygamist perspective must mean from the woman's emotional and psychological perch.
    All of the women knew just what was going on.
    The only one leaping to her defense was Robin--her role demanded it, but at least she carried it out like an unspoken agreement. To calm the angry patrician. Smoke and mirrors to fool him back into believing his own schtick.
    The "anthropologists" conclusions? Based on? It seems that they are actually only studying the effect of polygamy on the raising of children. As Christine's mom states--'Raising kids together isn't the hard part, being sister wives is'. We all get that, yes, nurturing...many adults (moms)...takes a village.
    But, "anthropologists', that's not the real crux of the matter, now is it?
    And coquettishly decrying that "Kody isn't a jerk" for all of us ladies out here...badly done by a "research" student who is obviously a bit surprised that "Kody" ('they') wouldn't even want me...tee hee hee hee".
    I believe I am once again tiring of this mental exercise as entertainment. But I will keep going, since I've been here from the beginning. I guess I just thought I'd get a nice story and that would be that.

    1. Re-reading my post made me think of Ed Kociela. Why the hell am I still thinking that I will get a 'nice' story involving polygamy?!
      I'm sure all of our squawking has a bit to do with the renewal. The beast has a life of its own. (Wow, just look at all the interest in the Brown family!)
      Ysabel is cute as a button, I must say. Christine's girls sure are purdy. At the very least, Christine got some purdy genes from Kody.
      (yes, I am a bit off my proverbial rocker right now...just havin' some fun...)

  23. According to The Wrap, TLC Renews Sister Wives, and Tamron Hall is moderating the Tell (nothing at) All.

  24. "Meri Brown ✔ @MeriBrown1
    For those who didn't catch it, I did say that the story would begin to be told tonight, and to watch over the next few weeks. #SisterWives"

    Story?? Thanks for confirming that, Meri. I can think of a few words she should have used in place of "story". Maybe "truth" or "reason" or "situation"?? If they were actually going to let us in on the truth, that is.

    C'mon Meri. Why don't you just admit it? Your disgusting husband cares more about his favorite mistress and wanted to prove it to her.

  25. They renewed this train wreck for another season?! At least it means this blog continues;)....

    1. I can't believe that they will get another season. Who wants to see the same thing over and over again. I only read this blog because I can't stomach this show. They are raising their kids to be just like them. Entitled Jerks. Their fan base is nothing but a bunch of lonely women who think that Kody is all that. I wish that I could tell this show off exactly what I think of him and his gullible women. 3 of them do not earn the definition of wife. It's all about the money to them. They probably planned for the divorce in order to boost ratings. They will do anything for ratings. Can't wait to read this blog to find out what big lie is their so called truth.

    2. I just read that too! I thought for sure they had milked that show as much as they could! I quit watching it a couple of years ago, but still enjoy this blog!

    3. Only if CJ can continue to stomach it. I, for one, hope that she does. I am surprised that they renewed but I hope, if they did, it is only for a few episodes. Are the hanging on waiting for the weddings to begin for the kids? Like the Duggers?

    4. I can't believe that they renewed this show. I guess they must still have unused footage of RV trips, or they're going to do clip shows of Christine and Janelle behind-the-scenes.

      Do they really think that people will care for the next few months why Meri and Kody divorced (especially if Meri's still there) and return to watch this show? I can only hope that we'll get to watch their evictions and foreclosures next season.

    5. At least they will have an income and they won't be bleeding the beast. Well until they don't and then they will all be in bankruptcy and we will all be paying through higher interest rates due to default, etc. I think you can file every 10 years so it is possible that some will be eligible again once the TLC money is over.

    6. Anyone else thinking the Brown family should be sending a thank you card to Mama June? Or a deluxe 'sketti gift-basket.
      Also, maybe OT, but I'm liking the adults almost on the level of Kate Gosslin.

  26. They got picked up for a 6th season. Wow. Any chance we will get some truth? Probably not. But I can hope.

  27. I was just amazed that they had Meri repeating the same insane and ridiculous phrase....
    "When we left Lehi, we had no idea where we would land."

    If that was even remotely true...that Meri and the other three mindless Kody-robots, along with their Leader packed up SIXTEEN children (including an enfant) in 72 hours, making them drop out of school to go to another state where they did not have....."A Place To Land"...then Child Services should have investigated them.
    However, the chances of that stupid story being the truth is as likely as Sobbin ever dicovering waterproof, flakeless mascara.

    The REAL deal is more likely that TLC pitched the *Have to Move* plot, facilitated the details on the Vegas end,contacted a realtor (enter Magic Mona at TMI) to agree to scure and film the phony rentals search (they wwere likely already a done deal), and the subsequent cuddle-sac lots and builder !!
    And Voila....Season 2,3 and possibly 4 were nailed down tight.

  28. Regarding PAs you could be a better explanation from Google, but it is high paying. It's kind of like a nurse practitioner. You are able to do virtually everything a doctor can do but must be "supervised" by a doctor. At my doctors office there a numerous doctors and PAs and you can chose which one you will see.

  29. Of course they renewed another season. That was the reason for the divorce. Now there is this big new storyline. How crushed Meri is and will she regret her decision. Will Janelle retreat further from the family, Just how crazy will Christine act now that she knows that she was passed over for legal wife. And finally how will things play out now that Robyn is Queen of the Cul de sac??????????????

  30. Of course Kody just ignores haters, he ignores everything and everyone that doesn't automatically agree with him or causes him problems. Of course he never wonders why so many people are hating on his actions.

    Meri seems like she is close to snapping. Must hurt to know that no one is buying her bogus story and knows that she has been de-throned as number 1 wife.

    I see what Janelle did there by posting that picture of Christine and the legal wife. Very clever Janelle, very clever.

    Meanwhile, the real wife is showing she is just as smug as ever with her posts. Why shouldn't she be? She's secure in her number 1 spot. She's on her way to sharing Kody's social security, financial assets, and heck, she gets to choose if they pull the plug on Kody or not if something were to happen. Kody made a very bad choice to become Mr. Robyn Sullivan Jessop Brown because she is going to drag him down with her when things go bad. If I were him I'd make sure she doesn't get any new credit cards while they are married.

    1. A Grody Little PonytailFebruary 17, 2015 at 6:38 PM

      Anonymous 1:38pm you nailed it on all counts. Esp. The part about Meri on the verge of snapping and Janelle's photo choice. Nice that Christine back was to us so we couldn't see her expression!

    2. Yeah, Grody, that's most likely the reason behind the renewal: they literally have more spaces on the schedule than replacement content. I was a little surprised by the My Five Wives cancellation for that reason. Not that it was compelling television...

  31. I have been watching since the beginning, so doubt I will stop...that being said there are so many things that this family does or says that are at best half truths.

    There has been speculation that the divorce is so kody can adopt Robyn children. That is NOT going to happen unless bio dad gives up parental rights to the children.

    There has been speculation that it is for insurance....again complete BS. EVERYONE can get insurance due to the affordable health care act. Hell, under this insurance law you can get family plans even if you aren't married and only co-habitat....I was offered this choice through my work, so I know it is a fact...we even considered doing just that.

    The other fact about insurance is that a parent/child plan is about the same cost and a worker/spouse plan. When you add the second adult as in employee/spouse/children, the costs increases dramatically. So financially it doesn't make sense for kody to add Robyn and kids to his insurance because it will more expensive. The insurance thing is complete BS.

    I just filled out the financial aid paperwork...another b.s. story line....Mariah will get no more than 7500 in student loans..that is all as allowed by law for a junior or senior in college. Freshman and sophomores are allowed 5500. Last year i had two kids in college and they had Pell grants for about 4500 and the rest was loans for the above amounts. This coming year I have only one in college and gov gave him the 7500 in loans and about 2000 in grants. Grant amount was reduced because one less in college and my single parent head of house hold income of 55000, qualified son for grants but they maxed out his loan first and then offered the rest as grant plus the same amount for parental contribution. Also if a student has scholarships they are required to report them and they are considered when the college puts together the final financial aid package. My son's scholarships that he got his senior year of high school were turned over to the college and reported....his grants were reduced by the amount of scholarships. His college cost to me the first year was $153....second year was $1400 because he didn't have as much in scholarships. Not complaining though. Next year may be a little more, who knows.

    Basically my rant is Brown Clowns, we aren't stupid and your half truths are so easy to refute....for the love of God...tell the whole truth!

    1. Exactly. The insurance speculation is ridiculous. What job does Kody have that provides insurance? They all have the same job. If anything, Robyn's kids are most likely to be insured as most child support agreements require the non-custodial parents to help insure their kids. Also, Kody most likely isn't listed on most of his biological kid's birth certificates so he most likely isn't insuring them. Why would he only care about Robyn's kids. It's all just b.s.

  32. Long time lurker, first time commentator. Ive been submitting myself to the yawn-inducing crap of a show that sister wives has become. Not sure why but I think it comes from a morbid sense of curiosity and some small glimmer of hope that polygamy will be revealed for the mental illness producing mess that it is.
    Having been raised myself in a home rife with narcissistic dysfunction and fundamentalist delusion...I have a lot to say about the Brown family. Anytime a parent blames a child for something going awry in the parent-child relationship I have to resist the urge to slap some empathy into them. You are the goddamn adult. It is not your child's responsibility to facilitate a loving, nurturing relationship. However, it was great to see Robyn struggle to spit out an intelligible pile of bullshit when asked why Kody is such an indifferent, mostly absent parent. The Browns have done such a good job surrounding themselves with people who praise their chaotic was great to see them squirm. That being said, her answer infuriated me and just proved that she and Kody truly are the typical "King and Queen" Narcissist couple. Now they have the legal status to further legitimize their reign of terror!

    1. P.s I stole this name from some clever comment on an earlier post...just noticed someone else already used it too....I gotta find a new one

    2. Of course Robyn struggled to give a decent answer....her kids are getting the majority of his time. It is pretty obvious when his step kids are more comfortable with him then his own bio kids. Not diminishing the relationship that many step parents/children have, but you don't see any of his other kids clamoring for his attention.

  33. I may have missed if this was already mentioned, but did you guys see Grandma Annie's bags on the closet website?

    1. Yes -- way overpriced for what they are and nothing special. I made something very similar in a high school sewing class. With all of the younger girls in the family, she can probably get them to churn out 2 or 3 a day each, maybe rename the line 'Annie's Sweatshop Swag.'

    2. I did. When I clicked to get more info, it crashed.

    3. Haha. I always wanted an Annie's Attitudes bag. And from $ 24.99 to 32.99 it could be yours.

    4. I wonder if she has to share any profit with the rest of the family and does Kody consider them frumpy?

    5. I thought they only wanted to sell things they designed, that's why Meri and Robyn were so bitchy about visiting the boutique. Guess someone in the family realized Robyn doesn't know what she's doing and took over. I've read on one of the Fb pages that some of their jewelry is exactly what they sell at Walmart....with a huge markup.

    6. On the Siterwives page there are get to know the wives clips. When they enter Robyn is carrying the gaudiest bag or diaper bag I have ever seen . To their taste tacky is fancy.

  34. I have been watching since the beginning, so doubt I will stop...that being said there are so many things that this family does or says that are at best half truths.

    There has been speculation that the divorce is so kody can adopt Robyn children. That is NOT going to happen unless bio dad gives up parental rights to the children.

    There has been speculation that it is for insurance....again complete BS. EVERYONE can get insurance due to the affordable health care act. Hell, under this insurance law you can get family plans even if you aren't married and only co-habitat....I was offered this choice through my work, so I know it is a fact...we even considered doing just that.

    The other fact about insurance is that a parent/child plan is about the same cost and a worker/spouse plan. When you add the second adult as in employee/spouse/children, the costs increases dramatically. So financially it doesn't make sense for kody to add Robyn and kids to his insurance because it will more expensive. The insurance thing is complete BS.

    I just filled out the financial aid paperwork...another b.s. story line....Mariah will get no more than 7500 in student loans..that is all as allowed by law for a junior or senior in college. Freshman and sophomores are allowed 5500. Last year i had two kids in college and they had Pell grants for about 4500 and the rest was loans for the above amounts. This coming year I have only one in college and gov gave him the 7500 in loans and about 2000 in grants. Grant amount was reduced because one less in college and my single parent head of house hold income of 55000, qualified son for grants but they maxed out his loan first and then offered the rest as grant plus the same amount for parental contribution. Also if a student has scholarships they are required to report them and they are considered when the college puts together the final financial aid package. My son's scholarships that he got his senior year of high school were turned over to the college and reported....his grants were reduced by the amount of scholarships. His college cost to me the first year was $153....second year was $1400 because he didn't have as much in scholarships. Not complaining though. Next year may be a little more, who knows.

    Basically my rant is Brown Clowns, we aren't stupid and your half truths are so easy to refute....for the love of God...tell the whole truth!

  35. FACE PALM(to the news that the Brown klowns are getting another season)
    Guess TLC is proving that you can squeeze blood from a turnip. Even if its at the expense of your family & soul(s)

    1. I so agree with you. I am truly disappointed that they were offered another season. I feel so bad for their kids for having their lives put out there. I cannot wait for the " I was one of the sister wives kids" books and shows to start. I love this blog and would miss it but am really really sad that the bad behavior of these people are rewarded.

  36. So, another season of scripted Brown BS !!

    Perhaps we could take turns actually watching, work in "rotating" teams. That way, anyone who is experiencing acute or recurring Brown acid reflux could get a respite while still enjoying CJ's hospitality. For us ignorant, stupid monogamists, it might be fun to find out how "rotation" really works.
    Truth is, the ONLY reason left to watch even occasionally would be to toss a comment or two over snacks in the Living Room.

  37. Watched that preview clip for the tell all...we can only hope Kody answers the question...Has the family changed after the divorce...without Robyn jumping in.

    That aside, if I was Christine I would find it hard not read the blogs like this and not do a happy dance to see how much the fans dislike Robyn. It world probably be the highlight of my miserable life. At least her mom is there for her.

    I would be hard pressed to not be encouraging my daughter to kick Jody to the curb. Even if he isn't on the birth certificates, the state can force paternity tests and he would have to pay child support. She should go get sealed to someone else that has less wives...

    And my other thought....thinking back to Kodys parents and when Janelles mom married into the family. I remember his mom saying she was jealous at first but that lessened over time and now they are very close....I've wondered if it was easier because in that situation the adults were all older. And at some point in time the man is not going to be quite so "froggy". Might be easier to share of you know he's not actually doing anything with the other women.

    1. No, it is not easier. To have your husband thinking of another woman, to care abut another woman's wants and needs, to have your husband fed by another woman, to have your husband comforted by another woman, is not easy at all.

    2. I don't think there is a good answer to that question, Anon 3:50.

      If the answer is, "No. The family hasn't changed; we just legally reorganized," then Meri should be called out for her tweets about revealing the truth, before she starts to cry. If the answer is, "Yes. Robyn and I should have been together from the very beginning; it was destiny," then they probably lose even their most diehard viewers, as Christine flips over an interview couch, with the other two original sisterwives on it. Kody will probably declare that it is a private family matter, and Robyn will chime in about how sacred marriage is in their religion.

    3. Anon 3:50, the notion that having older adults in the plyg marriage would somehow make the situation easier is curious to me. The body ages, but the heart is ageless. My husband and I are nearly 60, and when I look at him, I still see the boy I fell in love with. We are still sweethearts and lovers. Year on the planet haven't subtracted feeling--time has deepened the bond, in every way. There is no age at which a marital interloper would be easier to cope with.

      On that mother's day episode when everyone sat in a circle and the older women told their stories, they were STILL CRYING ABOUT IT! (Yeah, this life makes us all weeping.) I think that Kody's mom and Janelle's mom have just gotten tired and have become friendly because it's all they have. Stories that both Kody and Janelle have told about Kody's dad make him sound like kind of a jerk; being married to a jerk and having only your sister wives to talk to about it could end up in a friendship. But I have a hunch that most plyg women have recurring fantasies about all their sister wives being wiped out in a plague so they can have their man to themselves.

    4. It is either wishing for the other wives to die or your own husband.

  38. Long Time Lurker first time Poster....Just a thought about dear ole Mariah. I do believe she knows that with her personality and looks she isn't going to be the first or second wife. I think she is mindful that she has a better chance landing a husband if she can provide financially to a family. I'm sure that she is concerned that she may have infertility issues like her mother. Kody's attitude during the discussion about which number wife Mariah would be in a family was very telling. Its obvious that no matter what they say, the wives are not equal.

    1. I doubt that Mariah will become a PA. I bet she'll finish her BA and get married. She's already talking about wanting babies. Plus, she complains a lot about having to do schoolwork on Twitter. She'll probably find a guy who wants in on the TLC gravy train and then we can watch her get married on TV like Jill Duggar. Hopefully she just stays in school and has a great career, but I bet this "average TV star," is on her way to having her own "bridezilla" special.

    2. I wonder if Mariah has even been asked out yet? That may be another factor.

    3. If Mariah really wanted to change herself, she just needs to decide that she really wants to change on the inside & out. Then be disciplined enough to make it happen. She just needs to diet & exercise to slim up but more importantly just get healthy. Then get a hair & wardrobe make over. Plus a huge attitude adjustment!! Instead of her I'm just your average TV star entitled spoiled brat mentality.

    4. In the scene with Meri, Kody and Mariah, talking to the students, Kody says that Mariah is the first child to receiving her testimony. ("First" implies that others, possibly all, will follow.) What would be the traditional path in the AUB after that?

      Also, she cried that she needed to go to that college to improve her chances of finding a polygamist. That whole scene was a set-up for her to declare herself a wannabe-polygamist. Meri was finishing her sentences. Kody cut it short, when she said that she'd be either the 3rd or 5th wife. Then, Mariah giggled and said, "I don't like even numbers." Robyn (No. 4) may have then immediately tweeted how pretty Mariah was with dark hair - she forgot to call her "Sweetie," however.

    5. Mariah would be a great Bridezilla, would love to see all the mom's fighting over the wedding dress and their own attire. Fighting over the venue, the food...omg I LOVE IT

    6. PLYGZILLAS. I'm having way too much fun

  39. I was looking at the time stamps on Janelle's tweets and noticed that it was after 9 pm, on a Next day (maybe not if they had Presidents day off), but this isn't uncommon as we have seen other pics this season.

    WTH...those younger kids should be in bed at that time, they have school the next day!

    Who has dinner or parties that late on a Sunday night? We eat between 5 and 6 every night. My teens might have a bowl of cereal before bed at 9, but we aren't sitting down to eat at that time.

    I also have a toddler that is in bed between 7 and 8...those homes must be chaos. No wonder Christine commented that one time that her kids skipped school a lot....they were up til all hours of the night.

  40. Being renewed certainly explains why the Browns are being rather obnoxious on twitter lately. They don't care who they block, who they call a hater or who they judge because they're all set to collect some more TLC paychecks anyway!
    What a dysfunctional bunch of grifters...I seriously think 1 or more of them will suffer a complete mental breakdown before the next season even airs.

    1. Thinking back of CJ's book review (May 10, 2012) Robyn's chapter, some tidbits...Robyn says people believe she has an ulterior motive, that she wants Kody for herself and not because she loves the family or her sister wives. People believe she's manipulative and conniving and she usually places last in the favorite sister wife polls. Here we are almost 3 years later and nothing has changed.

    2. I see 1 more season. I don't see anymore than that. Viewership is down.

    3. A Grody Little PonytailFebruary 17, 2015 at 7:23 PM

      I think you are right about the mental breakdown. Christine and Meri are both on the path to that!

  41. When Maddie mentioned during the adult talk about changing her religion that she had been depressed over the summer, why did no one address it? The anthropologists were there, there was plenty of opportunity. Private? I think not. She brought it up for a reason. Then they scolded one of Janelle's boys, the younger one, about his lying about hitting his brother. That should have been private, then. What happens when he goes to school, what will his classmates say or think? He's a liar? Will his teachers think so? Branded publicly as a liar? Christine seemed to cast a large shadow of doubt on his honesty in the future. Why was that not expressed by the anthropologist? Any why was the girl anthro surprised that Kody was not a jerk? So she must have had a preconceived notion that he was. From where? The media? Fan-base? First impression? Since we have been privy to so much information regarding the family, will we get reactions from the kids about Kody and Meri's divorce and dad's new marriage. That's what the show is all about, after all. It's in the news, likely talked about at school. You can't pick and choose what you want the public to know when your life is an open book.

    1. Christine saying she didn't know if she could trust Gabe anymore was disgusting. Not just because she's a known liar but he's a child an does not deserve to be thrown under the bus time and time again by all the adults in his life.

  42. I don't see Mariah becoming a PA either. I don't see her doing much of anything to be honest and it's not entirely her own fault. The only constant working adult in the family unit was Janelle at her office job. I'm not knocking office work, but it's very different from being on your feet with no breaks for ten hours most days. I'm a lowly nurse and cannot remember sitting down to eat lunch in the past four months. You have to have brains and stamina for most medical careers. Mariah has brains, but the only stamina I see her having is for serial, stalkerish staring contests - which will be useful when she becomes seventh wife - but generally speaking, giving side eye to clients is frowned upon not to mention what may escape her mouth. I think if she's intent on something in the medical field, transcription is her ticket. Put Baby in the corner with a headset and she can type away without inflicting her personality on the general public.

    1. I don't see her as the home mom. She much have some potential. To go from church/home school to well enough in a public school to get merit scholar, take seminary (optional classes that don't count for graduation) and get into a respectable college is saying she has book smarts so has choices. I think she should get do some two year program doing medical tests of some sort of maybe get into lab work. She needs a marketable skill pretty quick. I doubt her new family would support her continuing school. Too many sacrifices. One sister wife a difficult pregnancy or lack of funds would have her stop her education. I wonder if any of the kids are married already. Honestly a marriage may not want to be made public by the family any of them would marry into for legal and community reasons. No public record if they are second or later wife.

    2. I'm not so sure that Mariah is as smart as they want you to believe. The show has promoted her with a great deal of vague accolades. If she had been a National Merit Scholar, they would be screaming it from the rooftops (requires a very high PSAT 99th percentile in the nation) A "merit" scholar is not the same thing. The school that she attends accepts 75% of all applicants with ACT scores from 22-28. That is smack in the middle if mediocre. She was in the National Honor Society but that means little more than her school gpa was high. I teach high school and if parents had any idea about how much grade inflation is out there they would be shocked. No, I don't buy that the is the smartest one there. I do think that she is an only child, indulged and smarter than her father. I also believe that the TLC commercial that they put in their show for the college helped to usher her on in. I believe that the proof is in the pudding. Her story has yet be written.

    3. Yet she managed that with her less than stellar opportunity before high school. Do you know how many who homeschool because of religious issues are completely unaware of math and science? I'm not saying she'd survive a weed out course in college. She is at a school where you have to take the act and do decent. Not like the Duggar kids.

    4. serial, stalkerish staring contests .....mahahahaha. Too funny!!

    5. I think Mariah is a good student with an average IQ. Meri encouraged her and she had the opportunity to develop good study habits in a quiet home.

      So far I would say the brightest kids are Logan and Madison. Janelle is smarter than the average sister wife, and her kids have the best chance to succeed, in my opinion. I also think that Dayton is a smart kid.

      I wouldn't put money on Mariah being a PA or an RN. If I had to guess, I would pick elementary education as the place she will eventually land.

    6. Anon, I know LOL I cannot forget how bizarre she behaved when she and Meri didn't get into their mansion on time. Her sitting in the dark, in the car staring at the houses mumbling something that although I can't remember it, know that it was unpleasant. My adult daughter thought it was an episode of 'Stalked'. There's no rational way to explain that behavior. I'm relieved she's not pursuing medicine.

    7. I'd be hornswaggled if Mariah had the drive to become a PA. Remember, before she fixed on being a physician, she got hot to trot for the Naval Acadamy? My sense is that Mariah has a deep desire to be better-than, so she cooks up pinnacle scenarios and then perseverates over them. Physician's Assistant? I don't think so. Honestly, does this sound like Mariah?:

      "Most educational programs [for PA] are graduate programs leading to the award of master's degrees in either Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS), Health Science (MHS), or Medical Science (MMSc), and require a bachelor's degree and GRE or MCAT scores for entry. The majority of PA programs in the United States utilize the CASPA application for selecting students. Professional licensure is regulated by the medical boards of the individual states. Physician Assistant students train at medical schools and academic medical centers across the country.

      "Physician assistant education is based on medical education although unlike medical school which lasts four years plus a specialty-specific residency, PA training is usually 2 to 3 years of full-time study, completed during their post-graduate studies, for a total of 6–7 years of science-based postsecondary education.The didactic training of PA education consists of classroom and laboratory instruction in medical and behavioral sciences, such as anatomy, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, pathophysiology, hematology, pathology, genetics, clinical medicine, and physical diagnosis, followed by clinical rotations in internal medicine, family medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, emergency medicine, and geriatric medicine, as well as elective rotations."

      I'll add, too, that hearing that she is ready to throw herself on the plyg pyre of sisterwifedom is extremely sad. Even though Mariah enjoyed some of the intrinsic perks of being an only child, the fact is that she was raised in a household/culture that hypervalued LOTS of kids. All of her big plans smack of a girl desperate to prove her worth, to simultaneously stand out and fit in.

    8. Totally agree Redwood Curtain. I think she tries to outdo all the other kids. It's her way of being validated. She wants to be a sister wife only because none of the rest of them do. She's a brat. Sure, she's got a lot of growing up to do, but there are plenty of kids her age who do not behave like brats. Aspyn anyone?

    9. Mariah is a member of the National Honor Society in high school - not a "merit scholar". They have very different qualifications and prestige.

    10. Kids don't ask for goofy parentsFebruary 18, 2015 at 2:06 PM

      I thought the kids were off limits on this forum and I think they should be.

    11. Is a nearly twenty year old woman considered a kid? At which age is it safe to call them out on their antics? Thirty? I can't see anyone here snarking on any of the kids under eighteen. Actually, most of their kids are amazing all things considered and get nothing but well deserved praise.. The one(s) who are the exception are so out of bounds it's nearly impossible to ignore.

    12. hide the children aka plygzillaFebruary 18, 2015 at 6:15 PM

      Kelly, I feel the same way. I consider Mariah almost grown. She is deciding what she wants to do with the rest of her life and no longer living at home. She may be lacking in maturity, but physically she is grown. I do believe most of us are rooting for her to do something good with her life

  43. Meri is putting fans on blast with her tweet to not believe tabloids or media? stay tuned for real reason? They are the ones leaving it open to speculation by only releasing a vauge response. It was done on purpose to drag viewers along, to March 1st. Then she scolds people for speculating? They are brazen with their new season for sure. Makes me ill ...

    1. and if you dare question her.. you will be blocked. 1 tweet.. that's all it took, my very first tweet to her and blocked. Yah good PR move TLC

    2. Strike a match and then panic when you realize you've started a forest fire? Tough crap, Meri.

  44. Regarding the photo of Christine and Robyn that Janelle tweeted: I almost hate to admit it, but I've got a pair of jeans identical to the ones Robyn was wearing. I got mine at Ross'. I think they were originally about $50 or so, but I got them for $15.99 off the clearance rack. Wonder if Robyn paid full price?

    1. I, too, have some of the clothes that Robyn has been rocking recently. It does make you feel a little squeamish, doesn't it?

    2. Anon 2-18-2015 4:17 AM, I'm not sure I'm squeamish about Robyn and me having the same garments (I think I fill them better *snark, snark*), but it makes me wonder why some of the other wives and many of the older daughters look raggedy so often. Even if the others are shopping at thrift stores and passing down things the girls have outgrown, it's still possible to look decent, modest, and even a little fashionable if one puts a little thought into one's purchases. Robyn clearly buys "new"--even if at a discount.

    3. Ross, Gordman's, TJ Maxx & Burlington also have discounted prices too.

  45. MrSpock's prediction: The "REAL" reason Meri got a divorce is because she is going to marry someone else.

    1. I think Meri might feel that not being legally bound to a man 'married' to 4 wives might reduce the scrutiny into her life and allow her to find a job she finds satisfactory.
      I think that might be the line of thinking going on...

    2. Do you think it's with that lesbian-plyg store owner?

    3. Mock Purity, bahaha..snort. Good one :-) I think Meri got the divorce either as a ploy to prolong the show or to garner sympathy for herself. "See sharks! I'm not so greedy after all. Now all of you can forget about the huge mansion for one with wet bar" I also believe she may have squirreled away some of her portion of the money and realizes she'll be better off not legally wed to Kodpiece. She only has one child to worry about and legally, she's free and clear. Kody was stupid to agree to it because Meri is the only one who may have some dosh when TLC pulls up stakes and moves on.

    4. Do you think it's with that lesbian-plyg store owner?"

      Bwhaahaa! Now THAT would be something to watch!! Think Grody and the fake wives would attend Meri's commitment ceremony? I mean, they are all so very OK with gays and all...

    5. LOL!!!! Now THAT I would believe!

  46. Yes, the Browns in Kodyworld are feeling especially empowered to give the cyber middle finger to all who have smelled the elephant's poo pile and are calling it for what it is.
    However, the reality is that they don't care...because they don't have to care.

    The "haters" are keeping them afloat in their own sewer of pretend scenarios and outright lies. The haters are feeding their beast. We really are !!
    Pretty sad to think that we are feeding the very beast who has and who will again when opportunity deigns...bleed us.

    It does not matter now that they contradict their stories, their own words. It doesn't matter that they tweet insults and block responders. In fact they are probably enjoying all the traffic. They certainly are benefiting from it. They got that season renewal, didn't they !!
    .They are living the old saying, "doesn't matter what the press says about you, as long as they spell your name right."

    And WE are a large part of their press!
    We are helping to keep their name and numbers up there.

    It is becoming distasteful to willingly contribute to their increasing arrogance and puffed up importance. Hard to want to contribute to their ongoing fame and rewards for being Liars and Imposters.

    1. Preach Amused! I agree with you 1000%!!!!!

    2. "cyber middle finger"...that's a perfect description!! These dysfunctional grifters are getting surprisingly arrogant.

    3. I deleted the episodes off of the PVR before watching. After reading the live tweets and the comments here, I just...couldn't. And never again. I feel extremely angry that their behaviour continues to be rewarded. Anyone with a brain cell could see these people for who they are, and it surprises me how many gullible people buy their crap (literally).

    4. sooner or later that "cyber middle finger" is going to come full circle right back at them. I personally have not been able to watch this show for several season, I just come here and get the info. These people sicken me, and I can't waste my valuable time watching them scam. Trust me.. karma will come around and slap them good

  47. Two items I'd like to point out. One is that if Meri is so yippety do dah happy with the divorce then why is there a picture of her crying on their Sisterwives page? Next maybe Mariah wants to be down there as the fifth or sith wife so she can be the Robyn of the family. After all coming first didn't work out that well for Meri.

    1. And the really interesting part is that it appears that all the scenes about the divorce were filmed after she had already done it. So how is it that she manages to cry so much? She's not that good of an actress. She's genuinely devastated. All this "it was her idea, what's the big deal, it's just a piece of paper" crap is lies. That woman was devastated.

  48. I keep thinking about Kody science about hormones entering the mouth via kissing. So when he kissed Robyn and then went off to be with his wife having his baby and he kissed her did Robyn's hormones fall into her mouth? Did he have hormones left after giving them Meri? I find it telling Kody cares about which number wife his daughter manages to be. Hardly like centenial fathers pleased as punch about a 19 year old turning herself in and likely getting matched to man her father's age or older. If mariah is not first wife she doesn't lose anything cause she didn't have everything. She is being a good little follower trusting she will be lead to the correct spouse(s). Kody should be pleased she bought the sales pitch. She also wants to work. Better not be the first wife.

    1. Obviously that's how she got pregnant with Solomon. You know, I had to pause when I heard him say that, and then I realized he actually thinks that. That is literally one of the most ignorant statements I've ever heard. Biology, how does it work?

  49. So Gabe is the teen that most everyone in the blog world has been feeling sorry for & defending b/c of Kody being a total ass-hat of a parent.
    So when Gabe say's, "They hate us b/c they ain't us", then Kody is super proud & blabs it on twitter?!...SMH
    You know they say, "Pride comes before a fall". It's gonna be a long hard crash for Kody & krew since they all seem to be pretty high up on those horses.

    1. I wonder if Gabe made that statement in an attempt to get a smidgen of attention from his father. Maybe for these kids, getting re-tweeted by their parents on social media is what constitutes "attention" in the Brown households.

    2. Gabe and Garrison also seem to have a little more then their share of "teenage smart-ass" genes. Garrison's statement, "that ain't gonna happen, Dad" when Kody says he expects the boys to respect each other, and Gabe's comment about sergeants shooting the generals with whom they disagree, not to mention the stink eye both of them shoot Kody's way, tell me that those buys are desperately seeking their Dad's attention--even negative attention is better than being ignored. Might Gabe's comment be a way to get back into Kody's good graces?

    3. Kids take on the criticisms of their parents personally. That is why you don't bad mouth an ex. Hello, robyn, have you heard that it is damaging to children besides just being wrong. It's not surprising some of the kids would feel the need to defend their parents. The kids are not polygamists. They think the criticism effects them as well. I hope none of the kids enter into such lives to somehow please their parents or as a way to show the world they are defending them.

  50. I was shocked when the anthro student told Mariah that having a potentially well paying job as a P.A. would be for a problem for a future husband's ego. The anthro student was undermining Mariah's future by telling her to settle for a lower paying job so she could ensure her role as subservient to a future husband. That discussion hardly seemed neutral and objective. A good education and the ability to make a living is what is going to save Mariah and her sisters from their future narcissistic planet leaders a.k.a. "husbands."

  51. I am finding Christine very open and bold on the couch lately and the producers are loving it....but I believe she is actually telling some true feelings. For example, when she told Robyn that she was upset that Robyn didn't feel comfortable leaving her children with her and then Robyn says "Are you serious??? I can't believe you are saying that right now.....or the other night when Kody was trying to climb out of the hole as he stumbled through the whole "Courting" crap and kept putting his foot in his mouth about his courtship (or lack of courtship) he had with Christine. I think Christine was truly upset and was speaking some honesty on that subject...I could just imagine the producers saying "keep the cameras rolling'

    I believe that is Contradiction # 593 on Kody's list.

    1. Maybe this is their way of slowly throwing them under the bus ala Kate

    2. Christine has always seemed mouthy to me on the couch and in interviews. It's her pathetic way of getting attention and gathering a smidgen of self respect in her own mind. She's both sad and annoying. She also thinks it's cute. Someone should tell her to tone it down because it only makes her look childish. Or don't, she wouldn't listen anyway.

    3. Christine does get mouthy but then discredits herself later by apologizing & saying she shouldn't have said it or even be feeling that way. Whatever Christine! U know damn good & well that's exactly how you feel. So woman up & just own it!!

  52. and I mean contradiction by......Kody not courting his "spiritual wives" very long then getting married BUT wanting his children to "Court" much longer. By the Kody's World, courting only involves holding hands (I believe) and side he's been watching a lot of Duggarville.

  53. To my east coast ears, every time Sobbin says "Solomon," it sounds like salmon. Anyone else?

    1. Mmmm, haven't noticed---MrSpock will pay attention next time. Since Robyn is now talking non-stop there will surely be some point where she mentions Solomon.

  54. I wonder if the divorce was required to ensure another season. Did TLC say no divorce no season, gotta give us something? Because they wont tell viewers the real reason for it.

    I cant believe they are still on when the majority of their episodes are a rehash of previous episodes.

  55. Sisterwhines,
    "Did TLC say no divorce no season, "

    Quite Possible !!!
    Makes the most sense since phony outrageous storylines seem to be how the process has been all along each season....4th wife, flee from the police, McMansions, lend-a uterus, blah, blah...

    To my east coast ears, every time Sobbin says "Solomon," it sounds like salmon. Anyone else?"

    Yesss!! But then she pronounces a lot of words oddly.
    "Pitchers" for pictures, "Day-un" name just a few of many.

    1. Amused- Somewhere I saw where the wives' Pinterest accounts (or lack thereof) were being discussed so of course I had to check it out. Cracked me up when I saw Robyn had an entire board devoted to pitchers. She does know the difference! lol

    2. To Snarkaholic: Okay, your "Raw-in" comment made MrSpock LOL! And, Sister Coldsore---love your name!

    3. Thank you MrSpock! I mean, we all know the traveling coldsore is the 5th wife ;)

  56. So since one of the branches on the "Roots of Life" tree Sisterwives Closet necklace has been uprooted, it's now ironic rather than iconic. Also, they need to retire the 'BE' values 'HONEST' necklace.

    1. Kody managed to get it right when he designed the "Phoenix" necklace for Robyn. She's definitely risen from the ashes and flown straight to the top of wife heap!!

  57. Meri's divorce from Kody was finalized September 25, 2014. The anthropology students filmed with the family sometime later in the fall of 2014 (evidence the fall decorations). Dec. 5 Kody's marriage license to Robyn was issued.

    So, tell me Browns, TLC, and anthropology students... why wasn't the divorce a topic of conversation during your study? Why did you make the viewers think everything was was just fine when these episodes were filmed? Why leave out such a changing event in a study on family dynamics? Why, TLC, are you airing the actual chronology of these incidents out of order and making the viewers think the study was done first and then Meri decided to pursue the divorce when it didn't happen that way?

    What proof, you ask? Here it is from Meri, herself in a tweet to a 'fan':

    @Izjust_me Feb 15
    @MeriBrown1 Luv U and your family! Help - I'm confused re: timeline. Were anthropology students there in fall of '13 or '14?

    ‏@MeriBrown1 Feb 16
    @Izjust_me Ha ha, 2014! We're not THAT far behind! :)

    So, the divorce had already taken place when the anthropology student were there asking questions and taping the episodes. That certainly puts another ding in their, already shot full of holes, questionably un/ethical study, doesn't it?

    When the divorce episode airs in 2 weeks for the dramatic season finale, remember that it all happened before the big social / family dynamic / anthropology students did their study. It will kinda put things in a different perspective, won't it? Well, at least for me, it will.

    1. Yet another lie that Tamron Hall should be confronting--but she won't.

    2. They were anthropology students there to observe. They weren't reporters and that they didn't ask questions about something they obviously didn't observe doesn't mean they were unethical.

    3. TLC hired the anthropologists to perform their part. The script they read to the professor had to have been handed to them by TLC. If TLC knew that Meri and Kody were divorced and that Kody and Robyn were planning on getting married, then everything they had the "students" say and do was a farce.

      We have been discussing the timeline and possibility of when TLC may have found out over at PTV for a while now. TLC has aired shows filmed in late summer then jumped to the anthropology stuff filmed in mid to late November (Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations at the homes and restaurants, plus the film they saw at the theater). Did they skip filming for several months in the fall? Or, when they found out about the divorce and marriage (possibly in January) they scraped shows filmed in the fall, cobbled together the Very Special Redemption Episodes of Meri and Robyn and filmed the divorce episode and Tell-Nothing. Move up the Anthro episodes (which were supposed to be the two finale episodes) and you have a season. Just a guess, of course.

    4. Anon, they asked lots of questions and supposedly based their 'conclusions' on the answers to their questions and on their observations. The unethical part comes in when you consider the fact they were paid for their participation in the show. Their conclusions were completely flawed because 1) they were paid and thus not unbiased, 2) their subjects were on camera and were not behaving naturally, 3) the students themselves were being filmed and their actions were also not totally natural. IF they were indeed students conducting a legitimate study, it was done under very questionable and possibly fraudulent circumstances, the study and conclusions were flawed and biased and no matter how I add all that up, I consider them, as anthropology students conducting a study, and their 'work' product to be unethical.

    5. Yeah u can't get very biased observations in 3-4 days esp when its obvious the Browns totally manipulated the study. We know they don't eat every day together or even family game night with all 4 households. We also know that Kody doesn't know how to use a grill. He charcoals meat! We also know that Kody doesn't do a strict rotation bc we've heard Christine say that sometimes it's weeks before she see's Kody.
      So this study was a bunch of BS & episode fillers.

    6. Sorry to interject here, but who said the anthropology students were paid for appearing? We know from twitter chatter that when Logan's roommates were filmed, they were NOT paid for their appearance, much to the chagrin of a parent. So again, how do you know the students were paid?

      Basically, this was an episode filmed for a reality show. The "study" (or premise) was for two grad students to spend a weekend with polygamists. Back in the day, a show like this was always considered entertainment (not documentary) - usually titled something like "A Day in the Life of..." [fill in the blank].

    7. Sorry CJ, maybe the word "hired" was the wrong word to use! I didn't mean to imply they were paid to do their part, but I do think that TLC had them come in to play the part of impartial anthropology students. The questions they asked were some of the questions we have often asked here, at TWoP and PTV, and they actually got some more candid answers than we have heard from the Browns in the past. But then we heard that insane speech they gave to the professor, which could not have been the result of anything they saw or heard during just those four days, and it was obvious they were TLC plants.

    8. It is also possible the students were kept in the dark about the divorce.

  58. I've been doing some research and I think I actually found a valid theory for the divorce. Apparently some insurance companies won't cover IVF if a couple is unmarried. Maybe Robyn has had trouble getting or staying pregnant again since she had Sol? With all the rumors last summer about her being pregnant (and them hinting as much on the show) it wouldn't surprise me. She's not exactly a spring chicken anymore.

    As far as what Meri gets out of the deal, well I suspect Mariah hasn't been doing so well in college (which could explain why she's decided to go the PA route instead of MD.) If Mariah lost a scholarship or two, then she would be in dire need of whatever financial assistance she could get.

    We know Kody was vehemently opposed to the idea of student loans but not opposed to working the system... Scholarship money usually isn't disbursed until the beginning of the semester so let's say they found out in August that mariah wasn't getting as much money, Meri files for divorce so the paperwork is complete before the end of the year and come January they fill out mariah's FAFSA with just Meri's income since she's now divorced and is a "single income household."

    That's my theory as to the truth but I'm sure the show will probably just feed us the lie about Robyn's kids needing health insurance and Meri will play the part of the pious saint who selflessly relinquished her coveted role as the legal wife to make sure her "bonus" children were taken care of. *rolls eyes so hard they pop out of my skull*

    1. That makes sense on a number of different fronts, but Meri said she'd been thinking about a divorce since about the time Robyn came into the family. So, given that... IDK what justification she might be using for the decision. I do think that it's completely financially based - no matter how she and the others may protest and say differently.

    2. Most don't cover IVF period. They can take twenty people to Disney they can do a round or two. The file bancruptcy and have no problem with medical liens. They can charge it.

      If Mariah isn't doing well she isn't going to get to do PA either.

      Marian's financial aid will still be dependent on both Meri and Kodys income. And they don't want loans. The show wI'll be too much income for grant money.

      She is half way done with a four year degree.

    3. I do actually feel sorry for Mariah. She seems to have her head in the clouds and not too good of an attitude either. She usually has that scowl she inherited on her face which doesn't make her very attractive either. She looks like a different person when she smiles, but she doesn't do it very often. There's always some kind of drama going on with that one, maybe it's a cry for attention, but I just feel sorry for her, even if she does think she's a star.

  59. Good theory Sister Coldsore! Regarding the financial aid, even if they were divorced by December, it won't make any difference for this Spring Semester. But it would affect the financial aid for this Fall 2015. But that means that Meri would only have to come up with the extra money for this current school year.

    Another note regarding Financial Aid -- students can also lose their Pell Grants and Student Loans if they are not making satisfactory academic progress. They have to pass at least 12 credits each semester in order to continue to qualify for financial aid.

  60. Polygamy makes you worseFebruary 18, 2015 at 1:58 PM

    What I want to know is why Robyn gets two honeymoons and Janelle and Christine are still waiting.
    Favoritism much?

    1. Awwww now, you know Kody will make it up to the other wives. Because doncha know, he, and polygamy in general, are all about fairness and equality. ugh

    2. Yup...Christine will get a new watch with some extra bands and Janelle with get 1 night sleeping in a tent with blankets instead of sleeping bags. The former & current Mrs Kody B. seem to be the only ones who get real vacations with beaches/nice hotels suites/room service.

    3. Kody has always catered to Robyn & Meri. I don't see a problem with Mariah being the main breadwinner in a family either. I think if one of Kody's wives out earned him, he's have no problem splitting the money between him, Robyn and Meri and throw the other two whatever crumbs were left after that.

  61. Does anyone know the ratings for Sunday night? I can't imagine that the ratings were very high. I'm just judging by how they are begging people to tune in.

    1. This info is courtesy of DakotaJustice from my other living room:

      just posted at PTV - THE RATINGS!

      Show #1: 1.531 M viewers and a .5 rating.

      Absalom (the person who posts the ratings there each week) added this comment on the above: For how good that is, it was beaten by a repeat of Criminal Minds run on A&E.

      Show #2: 1.458 M viewers and a .4 rating.
      Absalom added: That's not as big of a drop from 9 PM as I expected.

  62. If we all promise NOT to watch ever again, then these grifters will not longer be on TV. I elect CJ to watch and the rest of us won't.

    FWIW - the show has become unwatchable anyway. How many more mind-numbing RV trips can we endure?

  63. We should take on the whole TLC (The Loser Channel Network)
    Obliviously they are only giving the #SisterWives another season because they they can't think of any other material. They are brain dead out there or strung out on drugs. They have another little people show for next season - nothing against them personally - but really? Hasn't this already been done? Did we need another one? Maybe Mama June can come back and be on the 600 pound life show. Stacy London is even back with love, lust or run...and I just keep running. They just can't think of anything that is "new". I have no idea why 19 kids and Counting is still on the air IMHO. But that's just me. I'll start out watching a series and then it fizzles on me. Greatest Catch? Phil died and the whole show changed. I really don't watch much TV so I appreciate CJ and all she does here so I don't have to watch. Every time I briefly tune in it's just the same old same old. I see them running the old clips and I have to wonder why they don't have any new material? Isn't this supposed to be a show? All new? Off my soap box now :)

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