
Friday, February 20, 2015

Off Topic Friday 2/20/15: Who Really Puts the Twit in the Word Twitter?

Well, after this morning's Twitter exchange, I have to say the Browns are the hands down winners.

But before we go any further, let's take a look at some Euclidean Geometry, shall we?

First, we have a Greek named Pythagoras.

Who has a very famous theorem named after him, and it looks like this:

Second, Aspyn Brown's birthday is March 14th. It just so happens, this year ...

And for that reason, 3/14/15 is being called....

Get it? Ha ha ha. Those funny mathematicians!

So here we have the new Mrs. Kody Brown reminding us simple minded monogamists why she's the legal wife and the other three aren't when she retweets this embarrassing exchange between the adult Browns early this morning...

Call me silly, but what happened to face to face conversations?

Not so fast there, Mrs. Kody Brown. Something tells me Mr and Mrs Brown didn't spend much time in the Mathematics Building of their high school. At least not while awake. And Kody continues to embarrass himself with this stream of Twitter consciousness ...

No Kody, I won't believe you about "hormones." If I have a hormone question, I'll ask a professional like that monogamist harlot taking care of her business on the street, thank you very much!

Seriously, I don't know WHAT the heck Kody was talking about...and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know, either. He has now added mathematicians across the known Universe to his list of alienated parties, right under accounts he's blocked on Twitter.

That's Kody for ya...always making friends and influencing enemies (or was that influencing friends and making enemies???)

And on the subject of making enemies...

Looks like someone's done it...They made Mrs. Kody Brown mad. You can tell because she always apologizes, uses an ellipsis then says excuse me, and ask a question. Just aching for a fight, if you know what I mean...

Breathing perhaps? Speaking? How about that Twitter #BlockingSpree you boasted about a few weeks back?

But it hasn't been all fun for Meri. You see, she's having those dizzy spells again.

Now a fan did ask her if she was in a "family" way, which Meri tweeted back...

But if you remember, Meri was having dizzy spells on the days she was in court finalizing the demise of her legal marriage. I wonder what could be bringing on this new round of "dizzy spells"? Has she been reading "Little Women" and is just having a bout of "the vapors"? Or did she get some more bad news, like someone ELSE may have a bun in the oven. Hey, this is how rumors get started, right???

So we are left with Janelle to make it better, right? But wait...sounds like Janelle is going through her own bout of suffering, thank you very much!

Hmmm....I do remember Meri having this very same affliction last year...could it be? Nah....

Like I've said before, I can't believe how many people will click on a link that shows up on Facebook AND believes what it says! That's how rumors get started...and how divorces get leaked...know what I mean?

Thanks for clearing THAT up for us, Janelle.

On the lighter side of Polygamist News (if there even IS such a thing) Papa Joe Darger proudly announced the birth of his newest grandchild by his daughter from a different father...

Let's hope it wasn't really a fist baby because that would be rather uncomfortable and odd, wouldn't it?

That's all for now...More updates as they happen!


  1. Meri, Meri, quite contrary! Apparently she hasn't put together the dizzy spells with the divorce. Something tells me she protests a bit too loudly.

    1. Sounds like vertigo---a terrible condition---assume she has been to a doctor one would hope.

    2. Why the need to tell the world? Is it a cry for attention? All does not seem like it is well in Meri's part of the cult-duh-sac. I wish Meri had a better support system that would tell her how not normal and terrible her home situation really is.

  2. I personally think it's all PR. That group text was an effort for them to appear to be a loving, albeit quirky, family with a united front. Fake, fake, fake. They know they cannot stand each other. And Kody's twit sounds like he is off his meds.

    1. Do you think they realize what a back-lash their latest stunt has caused? Are they smart enough for that?

  3. I'm sure some of the Browns read here. I hope so, so they can read this. Just look at the people who make up your fan base. No offense, but looking through their Facebook and Twitter accounts (out of curiosity), these "fans" are some of the most pathetic appearing people. Folks with any sense of worth, confidence, intelligence and work ethic do not consider themselves "fans" of the Browns. Kind of like the Kardashians. Just look at the fans. Thy are not quite your typical upstanding hardworking person. I am speaking in general terms. I know there are exceptions, but I'm just saying ...

    1. Ha. I agree completely. I also thought immediately "Anonymous5:54 just described the Browns."

    2. The network could care less what kind of people make up the average Sister Wives viewers. What they care about are ratings and income from selling advertising slots during the show. What's really pathetic are the people who look down on the fans and demean them while trying to appear superior and above it all.

    3. I agree the network could care less but I think it is sad . Am I emotionally superior to someone who thinks women should be dependant on men. Darn right. Do I think God created women with brains to act dumb-nope.Yes TLC is into selling and selling out their moral integrity. You may believe in a God who says women are second class babymaking machines .So what does that make Meri,Janelle and Christine now their babymaking days are over? Expendable I guess Kody is saying.

    4. @xenia----the network does care about the ratings.
      The problem that I haven't seen addressed here: Are the ads targeting the right market? If anon5:54 is correct (fans watching "are not quite your typical upstanding hardworking person"), then the advertised products/services are not being bought. SO, why hasn't the money trail dried up, and the show disappeared already?

    5. @realityisnotreal, I'm feeling the need to really pay attention to who the advertisers are. Advertisers don't care if the buyer is an "upstanding hardworking person." What counts is if they use mass market consumer products.

  4. Meri's tweet about is she was pregnant, "if so, I'd have been pregnant for 15 years" reads to me like she couldn't possibly be pregnant because the last time her and Kody had sex was 15 years ago.

    Did I completely miss what she was trying to say?

    1. I took it to mean she's had these dizzy spells for the last 15 years.

    2. To be honest, I too, have suffered from what I called "dizzy spells" and they were debilitating for me, for up to a week. Not just "dizzy", but extreme sensitivity to light and movement and kick-in-the-guts nausea. Never did find the cause but eventually I grew out of them. Stress was definitely a trigger. Meri could be bullshitting the whole thing. Who knows?

    3. She looks hypertensive to me. It could also be a symptom of being perimenopausal. I'm both and have dizzy spells. It could also be a side effect of medication. Whatever it is, she should see a doc just to make sure. if she's having them this often and needs to lay down then she really shouldn't be driving until it's determined what is causing it.

    4. I have suffered from vertigo for several years and stress and anxiety are real triggers for this horrible condition. Meri needs to take better care of herself.

  5. What I find fabulous is that Robyn seems to think she's showing off how clever her family is. Kody just keeps wedging his foot farther down his throat with his mathematical therumes. I love the progression he goes through, from phi to phithagerous to pithagorus therume and finally trying to determine the area of a circle, WHICH HE DOES ALL THE TIME. I am deeply iimpressed. Thanks, Robyn.

    1. momofsquid, your post absolutely cracked me up--I also found Kody's progression of idiocy fabulous. It's the twitter equivalency of the motorhome sewer line: once he makes himself look the moron, he has to go on and on and on and on showing that he ISN'T as stupid as he really, truly IS.

    2. MrSpock wonders WHY Kody needs to be determining the area of a circle all the time? Because he is always running around in them? ;-)

    3. Lol MrSpock. I almost spewed tea everywhere with the running in circles visual!!!!

    4. I don't think Kody cares about the area of a circle as long as he is in the center of it.

    5. Very true HTC...since kodouche loves being the center of attention. He would probably enjoy the playing Ring around the Rosy & Musical Chairs with him standing in the middle... Lol

  6. Kody can't even spell Pythagorean theorem right. ...much less know what it means. He's truly an idiot. Someone needs to tell him that correct spelling doesn't require math or science skills. .. just basic Google and common sense. Every time I watch the show, I just laugh at the entire kody krew! They're all (except maybe Janelle) con artists.

    1. Janelle is a con too! She knows what's going on! Like people have pointed out, she may be the main one who has been the "brains" behind the Browns creative filing during tax season. After all, she is the family accountant.

    2. Good point. ... since she's the most likable, I want to think she's innocent BUT she is the smartest in that group

    3. I think she's the dumbest - she is the only one who didn't grow up in polygamy - she converted! I give a lot of slack to the others, they grey up in it, it would be extremely hard to change that kind of brainwashing. Also, how smart was it to take money our of her 401k for the 'exodus' to Las Vegas?

    4. Janelle is a grifter, too. She should have realized how financially irresponsible Kody and Meri were the first time she saw Meri quit a part-time job to run off on one of Kody's business trips. (Didn't Meri ever hear of a vacation request?) Instead, after leaving them and earning her associate's degree, she rejoined them, had a few more kids, and they added Christine and bled the beast.

      Not only that, after she rejoined them, she used her inheritance to finance their home, and she cashed out a guaranteed state pension to finance their exodus to Las Vegas. She completely squandered secure financial assets that were hers exclusively. Those actions show her financial acumen and grifter mentality. They're always chasing and relying on some next con, even after their ongoing ones fail and pawn shops and fake venture capitalists turn them away.

    5. Unfortunately the fan base is not a bright bunch . Janelle was not born into polygamy. She was doing native studies hence the teepee living. Janelle was a wannabe groupie of -something. Living in a teepee in the middle of the winter is not cozy enough for her tastes.So off to the next cultural experience .Her home life can't have been that great. Her mom joined the cult too with Kody's Dad. Pee poor role model she was. At what point do these women take responsibility for their actions. And I am tired of people piying her cause she is fat. I'm fat too but I am not a con artist.

    6. Janelle may appear a bit sharper, but honestly it wouldn't take much to look like a genius compared to the rest of them.

    7. Really good points about Janelle. I feel like we (commenters on the internet!) give her too much credit sometimes.

  7. Does Robyn really not know what she did?? Lol Cmon now girl!!

    1. Now, now, happagurl, the promos let us know that Raw-in is awash in tears and absolutely "devastated" by Meri's supreme sacrifice---Raw-in didn't "do" anything, she's just an innocent bystander who found herself inexplicably moved to the front of the pack as the new Mrs. RealKody Brown. Karma, kismet, planets aligning---what's a woman to do when they all should have been together from the beginng.... ;-)

    2. Lol MrSpock.Innocent bystander indeed. Everything Robyn has done has been because of her good earnest heart. Its all for the good of the family. (Wink wink) all the while shes stabbing Meri in the back. Innocent indeed. Lol

    3. It's Robyn's higher calling to be the legal wife in the Brown family. She's simply answering the call... Lol

    4. Raw-in, that's a great name for her!

    5. Snarkaholic came up with that on the last thread because Snark did not like the way Raw-in pronounced Dayton as Day-un. MrSpock is somewhat abashed at finding "Raw-in" so amusing.

    6. Me thinks Raw-in is becoming more and more of a She-raw as this farce continues.

  8. MrSpock's progeny is a 3/14 child. One of said child's favorite desserts is---no fooling---chocolate pie.

    1. Chocolate pie is certainly delicious!

  9. How did that tweet make it through Robyn's blocking spree? I wonder what the other wives think of the public backlash for Robyn. Facebook has been brutal to her.

    1. I'd like to think a TLC PR person spelled it out that they are trying to grow viewership and a #blockingspree does just the opposite. So if they don't want to go back to Lehi she'd best forget about #blockingsprees for the time being.

      Sorry but Robyn has got to be one of the dumbest people on the face of the planet. Duh...I'm on a reality show that depends on ratings. Duh... let me block thousands of tweeters I don't like. Duh...Let me gloat about it. Duh...I don't like what you said #blockingspree....

    2. I wonder if the other wives secretly love that Raw-in is so hated on social media? Most people who watch the show don't really like the Browns and watch the show to snark on it, but even the one's who do like them or sort of like them can't stand her. I bet Christine and Janelle laugh about it behind closed doors, those 2 seem to have the most supporters.

      As for Raw-in, she admitted in their book that she realized fans saw her as an interloper and that she wasn't a favorite so you'd think she'd tread a little lighter and stop interrupting everyone. Nope, she went on a blocking spree and if that wasn't enough she sent nasty little messages to some of the people she block. Who does that? All I can say is have fun paying for those mansion, new cars, manicures, salon appointments, and hefty tuition bills when the show is over.

  10. Sobbin/ Raw-in may feel quite victorious now that she has won the top prize...I guess?!
    But that's like winning what someone else already won, so what you really have merely slurppy seconds.

    Sure wish Janelle could grasp the fact that A LOT of folks start their day "early" and do not feel a recurring need to tell the world,

    1. Janelle is a funny one. She thinks that because she worked at a regular office job making 50k a year, that she is such a hard, great worker. While her office job was a huge accomplishment for someone in the Brown family, it's pretty much what regular folks do every single day. She also feels the need to brag about every single workout and this fictional real estate career she has going.

      Not trying to bag on Janelle too hard since she is the one Brown who has shown a desire to work, but there has just always seemed like something is majorly off with her. Most likely the fact that she has been married to a man who gives her little to no attention for the past 20 years.

    2. I've always thought Janelle enjoys being married to a husband who gives her only 25% of his time and even less affection because she doesn't really want Kody full time. I think this marriage is great for her because she can work, which she loves and have Christine help with her kids, grocery shopping etc. In an earlier season, Janelle has talked about how much Christine helps her. I think she was so excited and accepting of Robyn ( She seemed to struggle less than Meri or Christine with Sobbin's arrival) because it meant she'd have to see Kody even less. With Sobbin being the new things, She doesn't even have to fake affection worth Kody often. Janelle may be the secret mastermind of this family! Get all the benefits of marriage without having to see Kody too often

    3. You would have to show me these 'benefits' of her marriage before I would consider your arguments of her being a mastermind. She is the dumbest of them all - she converted to polygamy! For Kody! :)

    4. I'm with Raxena! Janelle just appears smart among Browns, because she appears to be the least offensive or obnoxious by keeping her mouth shut while they sink themselves. When she does open her mouth, it's to defend Kody or try to perform damage control on some embarrassment that they created.

      Janelle "married" her sister-in-law's husband, shortly after legally divorcing her sister-in-law's brother. Rather than ever admit to that fact, Janelle lets us see her cry in therapy about being victim to Meri (after Meri legally divorces Kody). If she wanted the benefits of polygamy she could have been the first wife in Meri's brother's harem and added a few more wives to cut down on her own wife shift.

    5. Raxena I'm with you. I would add that why is that Robyn is perceived as a scheming to get Kody but not her? She lived in a tepee like a stalker. Then moved indoors.She dumped the brother of Meri to get what she wanted.She moved out for 2 years during which she received childcare from Christine so she can put her own needs above the pack like Robyn.

    6. Janelle often "surprises" herself when she has an opinion and asserts herself. Years of oppression in this creepy family have damaged her. It is like she is discovering the world for the first time. Very odd.
      I agree that she entered the family in a very calculated way. She just comes across as more likeable than Robyn,so she has gotten more of a pass. Viewers that aren't familiar with the book are not aware of Janelle's odd past. Some are probably still posting asking if the divorce is true. Tedious bunch.

    7. About Janelle's "lived in a teepee" fable.....
      Really.?...."Lived" in one, or did she camp out a night or two in one for giggles?

      Always fascinating how an experience perhaps done once can be expanded to an adjunct skill or much additional time spent on said experience. Happens all the time on resumes.

      Me thinks Janelle embellished her Teepee Time !!

    8. In the book, Janelle writes she went to Kody's father ranch and attempted sleep in a tee-pee. She says it was too cold and ended up back to her mother's house on the ranch not lasting one night.

  11. Point to ponder: If the "husband" has gone to that new planet in the sky, are the "wives" still sister wives---or are they sister widows?

    And, BTW, just where are those planets---is someone producing them somewhere in a planet factory--you know---like special-order sports cars---"I'll take mine round, with 150 lakes, 3 oceans, 5 mountain ranges, two dozen sandy beaches...."

    1. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy covers this. And yes. ;)

    2. So the AUB must have a contract with those people. 42

    3. You could say the judge ruled the Brown's as....Mostly Harmless

    4. That empathy weapon could come in handy with this lot. It would save them much time in therapy.

    5. 'So long, and thanks for all the food stamps!'

    6. In their view of the afterlife, if one of Kody's daughters marries someone with similar beliefs, will she still have a spot on Kody's planet or will she be going just to her husband's planet when she dies. Also, his married sons who keep the faith should be busy establishing their own planets. In the afterlife, will Kody's planet be populated only with sister wives and unmarried children

    7. Here's how it goes. Having lived "worthy" lives (i.e. been members of the only true religion on planet earth -- AUB -- and having lived polygamy) Kody and the Kodettes get to go to the "Celestial Kingdom." The C.K. is the highest heaven where they live with God for a while with all of their "worthy" children and whoever those children married (as long as it was in polygamy). While they are there, Kody and the guys will have millions of spirit children with their "wives." When God gives the go-ahead, Kody will make his own earth-like planet and send his spirit children there to become mortal. As God, Kody will rule over that planet. He will also get to advise and rule over his sons who are doing the same thing (a hierarchy of heavenly power). Kody's daughters get absorbed into the kingdoms of their husband and whoever their husband's father is. This is what keeps these poor wretches living in the misery of polygamy in the here-and-now.

    8. Why wouldn't Kody's father be ruling the planet if Kody rules over his sons?

    9. I'm sorry but the planet thing confuses me to no end. It's as bad as trying to follow their genealogy

    10. Would all of Brigham Young's descendants be on his planet or at what point would they get their own?

    11. no worries hide the children, it confuses me too. Seems like a big ol circle that only a polygamist like Kody knows the formula to determine the radius of

    12. In this crazy scenario, Kody's father would be ruling over him since he also is an AUB polygamist. Like I said, it's a hierarchy of patriarchal power. According to Mormon dogma, all the spirit children of Brigham Young will live on his planet earth until they have died, been resurrected, and then do the same thing as he has done, provided they showed themselves "worthy" while on his earth. Then the cycle starts all over again with new "gods." This is why Kody and other polygamists want their "wives" to have as many children as possible. These children are his "kingdom" that he will rule and reign over in the eternities, although I guess boys are more valuable since the girls get absorbed into their husband's line. This also explains the competition amongst women in polygamy about who can have the most children-- all about kingdom building and power.

  12. Someone on another board suggested that Meri has a crush on one of the TLC camera guys ( haha, one that gets shots of her big booty going up the stairs)! How bout a new spin off reality show like I left polygamy for my camera man! Regarding Mariah and her career plans- I don't see her being able to go through the rigorous ( albeit less so than becoming a physician) training to become a PA . For someone her age I find her behavior very immature, and believe she isn't well suited for that type of job. I hope she surprises me though.

    1. I recall people saying the same thing about Mariah becoming a doctor. Perhaps she realized this too?

  13. These women have so many issues that are obvious cries for attention. We often see Robyn tweeting about needing to visit her mom or lying in bed all alone with a crying baby on the days that Kody is visiting his other girlfriends or taking one on a trip; Janelle often has insomnia as does Robyn...oh....cannot sleep because....fill in the blanks; Meri has dizzy spells or I really like her passive aggressive attempts to reel Kody back to her love nest....just going to see this group or that group or back to Disney...blah blah blah..; then we see Christine just melt, sort of like Mariah, over nothing, which, months or weeks later, we find that the real reason she was having the melt down was.... I guess my point is these women, as we have all said, have the emotional maturity of a toddler...they tweet all these messages about their inability to sleep or they are dizzy or they are making trips in hopes of getting Kody's attention, even if that attention is for him to worry. A few years ago, I worked with a group of students (9th graders) at a school in a very impoverished area, and these children were from poor families, uneducated families, and these kids were behavior problems...when one wanted attention from me, they didn't trust the normal social decorum of raising their hands or approaching me, they acted up, pretended to be sick, or picked fights with each the end of the semester, they found that with Ms. runKodyrun, they found a friend that they could count on and those other behaviors soon became few and far between....someone with a giant ego would have loved that power over these kids and would have fed into that attention seeking frenzy because it would feed that giant ego; even though, the children wouldn't grow and wouldn't learn normal social decorum; Kody's wives are like the students and he, unlike me, eats that shit up. Really...I wish the wives would realize how much more they deserved and shut down the attention they try to get from him...that would be fun to watch...Kody lost with no wife's drama to deal with; Kody lost with no wife begging him to come over to screw in the light bulbs that she cannot know...wouldn't that be a good reality man, four women, and the women wake up and turn him out. Oh my!

    1. I would put that show on my DVR Season Pass!

    2. I would love to watch him frantically running around the cuddle-sac looking for someone to annoy. What would he do without his captive audience?

    3. That show won't happen, RunKodyRun. As soon as one woman shut him down, the other three would vie for the leftover piece of him. It is so sad. Remember Paulie in My Five Wives calling Brady from another wife's bed to shut her window? A polygamous trend.

    4. Really great comment. Because they are so insecure in their relationship with Kody, they are immature. I think for the first three, marrying young plays into that too. Neither of the three really did much on their own before Kody, which is fine, many people marry young. But then it's not like they could grow together with Kody, they were always dealing with these other wives and battling for attention and resources.

    5. I'd be ashamed to admit I wasn't able to shut my own window. For crying out loud is there any thing these women can do alone? Seems like they'd be good at doing things alone since they spend a large part of their lives this way.

    6. I preschool we call this learned helplessness.Sometimes it is the child but most often the parent wants to be needed. To swoop in and rescue for their ego. I see this as a combination of learned helplessness because as women they are taught they must look to the man and the window being one more way to say don't forget I'm helpless when you are gone.

  14. When you look back at Kody he was not physically that bad looking. Now he looks really bad. Is that a beer gut ? He looks much older than he is. And I think that thing my Mom used to tell me is true now. She used to say if I was cranky, that if you make that face long enough ,your face will stay that way.Kody has permanent grimace face.

    1. I've noticed Meri and Robyn have the permanent stink face also. Not surprising considering they seem to frown nonstop.

    2. More like BRF- B*tch Resting Face :D

    3. Haha! Yep "BRF" for sure!

    4. Ha!!! Spot on, Brownie !!

    5. I think all the adults look older than they really are. Most of the kids are good looking in my opinion. The life they chose doesn't seem to be good for them physically, mentally or emotionally. More than anything I feel sorry for the kids having to grow up this way. I do hope they don't follow in their parents footsteps when all is said and done.

    6. To me, the Browns are just regular looking. Not unattractive, but not especially good looking.

    7. Kody was adorable when he was in his 20's. He could look better now if he had his hair trimmed into something more flattering. The strands on top don't look good on any guy, yet so many (especially in "my" 40's age range) try to prolong the dream. He's in decent shape for his age as well. Despite the fact that his role and character in the 'show' are distasteful to me (I began watching out of fascination with the women's roles), I still think he's kinda cute.
      My mother does not agree. She thinks Brady Williams is the more handsome.
      The ladies of the show are all decent looking gals. Overweight for their frames, but that is so common these days; they are on tv but are not truly actors who it might behoove to be in better shape. No one is perfect. The Christine and Kody combo has worked especially well overall for their kids in the looks department. That Aspyn sure is lovely to look at.

    8. Robyn's face is no longer square it is round

  15. "Hey, look at us tweeting each other. We love and respect one another, we tweet like this all of the time! We are also very intellectual, talking about Pi. And thanks to Google, Robyn can somewhat understand what we are talking about. We are an awesome family"

    1. Yes! Moreover, Robyn's not even tweeting in the conversation. Maybe she was the victim of an internal #blockingspree, or maybe she's Kody's math teacher. And, Janelle, who has never shown any interest in any of the other mothers' children, just happened to be thinking of Aspyn's birthday a month ahead of time and early in the morning.

      Apparently, in 19 years or so, not one of them associated Aspyn's birthdate with pi, until Janelle had this revelation on Twitter, but they always have pie for her birthday, according to Aspyn's mother. Also, notice that Robyn cropped Christine's reply to Kody's tweet out in her screen shot.

    2. Sometimes it's hard to remember they're adults...this seemed more like a bunch of classmates tweeting about math homework. I guess it's a good thing Kody has that "phi x radious x radious" thing figured out since he uses it all the time for circle measuring!

    3. It IS hard to remember they're adults. I have to remind myself of that when I'm shaking my head over Mariah's maturity level that most of these women (the ones she calls her moms) are all very emotionally immature.

    4. I agree. This was so fake. You know they were not all up that early in the morning. If they can get up that early to have a stupid conversation, then they should be getting ready for work!

    5. Of course Janell was up early... she has to get up and exercise :)

  16. I am sorry...excuse me but what did I do that was shameful? I didn't give up my purity to the first guy that came along, he took it from me and he was never meant to be the 'one.' I didn't give birth to 3 of his kids out of love, it just seemed the right thing to do at the time. I was asked to join the Brown family and willingly did so, no one had a knife to my throat. I didn't steal anyone's husband, he was there for the taking, so I took. I offered my womb to a sister wife but right after I had given birth to my first official Brown child and hormonal as all get up, plus the camera was right in my face and I wanted it on tape for later playback as emotional blackmail and the ultimate woman-to-woman sacrifice and she turned me down. Shameful, you say? I am a strong, creative, business woman and, just like Kim Kardashian, everyone's just jealous.

    1. Lolz. Good one Anon ^^^

    2. A Grody Little PonytailFebruary 21, 2015 at 6:22 PM

      Don't forget you're also "good at relationships." go you!!!

  17. If the lawyer worked for the Brown family and the divorce was not in Kody's best interests the lawyer could not take on the case could he. In Canada a lawyer that is on retainer for one spouse cannot defend another. It is a conflict of interest. I just saw the second episode with the anthropology students. Funny how the Brown's don't want to discuss sex about themselves but Christine has said with other polygamists she is curious how it works sexually. Their answer on gay kids was very textbook but I don't believe it. Janelle looked very grim during the discussion. No one discussed kids not marrying. And living celibacy forever. The Gabriel thing made me dislike Janelle a lot.I also without singling out kids think Christine has enough on her plate and should zip it. When you model behaviours like lying kids will pick it up.

    1. An attorney cannot represent parties that are adversarial to each other. Meri and Kody filed a joint petition, meaning they were both saying they wanted the divorce and were agreeing to the terms in the petition. It is unclear from the previews the extent of the attorney's involvement with the case.

      But, joint petitions are not uncommon these days in MrSpock's experience.

    2. Using the same lawyer is quite common the US.

      Even if she got a settlement she would likely funnel it back to the family.

    3. I don't know that Meri would funnel anything back to the family. She just had to have that wet bar in the house that was too large for her and one child. Meri strikes me as greedy.

  18. You know... I've been watching SW since the beginning, like most of us here. I've also been reading CJ's comical and insightful reviews since the 'ol SWB days. So, I imagine I am quite privy to anything SW's.
    But...I cannot and will NEVER EVER understand how these women can share a man. I could never imagine my husband and I being intimate, knowing his manhood was in someone else the night before, to whom he also shares his heart. It just boggles my mind, it's completely peculiar and unnatural for these women to live like this. I'm just SO fed up with them trying to convince us otherwise. All of these women have issues with immaturity, jealousy, attention, blah blah blah we know, we know. I just don't get how 4 women can share 1 sticky, shrivelled up willy on a rotating 'gina schedule.

    1. It's a modern day freak show and historically, we have always watched, cringed yes, but watched. It's hard to look away. One things for sure, I for one, would NEVER engage in polygamy after watching this show and the others. Way too painful of a life for the women.

    2. I agree. I can't understand why they try so hard to convince us polygamy is the way to go when they are all so unhappy. In 29 years of my monogamous marriage, I have never cried as much as these women have. I think it absolutely takes a particular type of woman to enter polygamy. They all seem very dependent on one mans approval. It completely blows my mind. I can't understand why a man would want it either (except for the sex). My husband knew if something happened to him before our children were grown that I would have been able to tow the line. I wouldn't have had to find another man to complete the task we started together.

    3. Mock Purity,
      I totally agree. My husband and I have been together for so long and have been through so much and I doubt there are any insecurities that either of us have in terms of our love for each other but I could not imagine how he or I could justify bed hopping. Like you said it is against human nature for women or men, for that fact, to share spouses with others. In our society, human nature is antithetical to sharing our spouses. Not to say that there are tribes of people whose lives are different, but even in those societies, jealousy abounds. The Browns like to point to the lion and his pride of lionesses or the rooster and the hens but they leave out the part that when a new lion enters a den of another lion's pride and takes over, the first thing it does is kill the babies of the other lion...that's a logical behavior in the lion kingdom...kill the nursing cubs so the lioness will go in heat and he can breed with her and produce his own the Browns say, oh look at the lion...yes, Kody, let's look at the model your own behavior after the lion or justify your multiple wives....but the animalistic part where he kills the cubs....that's against human nature, isn't it? Finish the logic or STFU you douche. Also, the rooster....come on Christine, the rooster has a brain the size of a pea and he will breed with his mother, his sisters, you know for the rooster, breeding is one of those autonomic responses...and in a free range yard, multiple roosters will share the hens, so again, Christine, your little observation about the one rooster was so wrong. The wives are so unhappy, and they are pitted against each other by the very nature of their relationship with each can they not wonder, if not ask, Kody where they stand in comparison to the other I know what I mean.


    4. Anon 7:40 AM writes.........
      "One things for sure, I for one, would NEVER engage in polygamy after watching this show and the others. Way too painful of a life for the women. "

      Agree, Agree !!
      It is the indelibly lasting lesson and message of SisterWives , My Five WIves and any other Plyg show, be it a series or a documentary.

      Plyglife should carry a disclaimer :
      Beware: Unhealthy for Women and Children.

    5. I'm cracking up at your last sentence Mock Purity.... Bwahahaha I don't get it either! Frankly, I enjoy being a "boring" monogamist. That is if you call getting to see your husband every day & sleep in the same bed every night boring ;)

  19. Just found CJ again a few weeks ago after following SWB, thank you! Just skimmed the book and watched Season 1, episode 1 again and boy can you tell the strain they are under keeping all the lies straight!

    Here is an idea, is it possible that during Robyn's first marriage to David Jessop, an additional wife or wives were added and Miss Thing got jealous and split? We only know what they have told us and after looking up their family wreath on Principle FLDS, it's obvious that they are all related to each other in some way and have always been in the same "closed community". The only reason they fessed up to Kody's dad and Janelle's mom's marriage and Janelle being married to Meri's brother is because a fan found out and posted it on the internet. They had to come clean with those facts once people started checking out their bullshit.
    They are all ignorant, emotionally stunted adults trying to sell this dishonest grifter's way of life to keep the gravy train going. Janelle is just as dumb as the rest, she just keeps her yap shut.

  20. Mock Purity, I agree. I honestly think that there are certain people in this world that get a sexual charge from the knowledge that their mate is also mating with someone else. It wouldn't work that way for me, but it seems with this group a lot of what works for them would only infuriate anyone with half a brain!

    1. I wonder if any of the women ever gave a thought to what would happen if the one man died? I don't see all the women being linked together for a support system (although we don't see much of that now) since the only thing that brought them together was the one man, regardless of what they say. I don't believe any of the last 3 women involved with Kody picked him due to the other women in his life. I don't think the wives all picked Robyn either. It did seem Meri encouraged it out of spite for Christine. What a life. No way I'd want to be a part of all the misery, but I guess if you've been miserable your whole life you don't know the difference.

  21. Meri probably has an anxiety disorder going on...maybe panic attacks. They can feel like dizzy spells. Regardless, I think the "dizzy spells" are a stand-in for something mental-health related. If you were really having dizzy spells that long, you would be seeking out doctors like crazy and would probably know what was causing them by now.

    These people are so weird. It's like they look normal, act kind of normal, then you forget they come out of this crazy cult that is really just a few steps away from the FLDS. They say it's a "lifestyle" but it's not. They believe their salvation comes from this.

    I keep trying to predict in my own head how this will all end. I see the wives all drifting off from Kody for different reasons, and at different times. But then I remember the salvation part...If they really believe Kody is their ticket to eternal salvation, then the stakes are very high.

    I'm also wondering about how they are really taking Maddie's choice to explore joining the regular LDS church. That must be a huge blow to them and they are acting like they don't care at all.

    They show us so, so little on this show.

    I am glad they live in Las Vegas now and the kids do seem to have a freedom to explore how they want to live their lives as adults. I don't think they would have had that had they stayed in Lehi. They wouldn't have been exposed to the different choices and opportunities, or even the idea that they could be different.

    It's such a miserable existence, the only thing keeping them there has to be salvation. Or perhaps the reality show money at this point.

    I remember reading some polygamy memoir and the author said that there is always one wife that the husband is truly in love with at any time. In other words, most of these guys are monogamists at heart (as the rest of us are) even if it is serial monogamy (as many of us also participate in through divorce and remarriage etc). So they aren't that different than us in terms of how they love, but the difference is they keep their ex-wives around.

    1. Since the Browns and other polygamists believe they're together for eternity with spouses and kids, then what do they believe will happen more that Maddie isn't staying in their religion? Do they think she still spend eternity with them even through she's now in the mainstream Mormon church?

    2. Maddie thinks she won't see them and they think they won't see her.

      But people aren't sealed forever. As seen with janelle and robyn. They aren't sealed to their first spouses. Their kids are not even sealed to their proper parent. Robyns kids are sealed to kody in all likelihood. A woman is only sealed to one man. She doesn't want to be sealed to David.

      There are multiple levels of heaven in the latter day world. The fundamentalists think they get celestial status if they marry three. The LDS think they get top level.

      It's as commandment to be married. They would remarry different men if Kody died, heaven forbid. They new husbands if they are young enough to have kids or he doesn't have three wives in eternity yet would want them to be sealed to him. That means the kids would not be Kodys in the next life. They think they have more answers and the certainty of forever but it just doesn't work out even on paper. Everyone else in the world think they will get to heaven or eventually get to heaven, or go to hell. With few details on heaven known. Less is more. The whole thing then falls apart when a child or a spouse doesn't make it to the highest level of heaven.

      I wish kody would think about what would happen to his own kids when he isn't in the picture. They seem to be pretty much in a fit that her three have a dad and are not conducting themselves all that well with it.

    3. I do not believe that was their real reaction to Maddie's news either. They are far too critical of all religions while expecting everyone to accept theirs. If Maddie join and marry in the LDS church, none of them wod be allowed to attend. When Ann Romney married Mitt her non-LDS fam was not allowed in. Her father did not walk her down they aisle. I am sure the Browns know this too and cannot be pleased. Only reacted that way for anthro students in the room.

    4. Did anyone get when Janelle said will you spend time with this part of the family if you become LDS. Is there already a wedding on the horizon?Since there was a boy mentioned that is not a long shot.

    5. Thanks for the insight KMS! It didn't seem right to me either!

    6. Maybe Christine can make a dress for her daughter and not attend the wedding if one of hers goes LDS too. Just like Annie .When they were going upstairs to chat with Maddie I heard I think Christine say "it's on ' or "game on". She seemed to really be intent on grilling her upstairs too.After her shunning her mother a little karmic justice would fit for Christine.

    7. Christine seemed aggressive with the "it's on" opener to the Maddie discussion.
      Christine, I believe, is still confused and angry about her 'beliefs' and could not even APPEAR neutral. Her insincerity was obvious. I was embarrassed for Maddie.

  22. Of course they keep them around .After all as they are used up breeding stock lord forbid if they should go on with their lives and enjoy real love and recreational sex. Their suffering in this life is to be rewarded in the next. The husbands pleasures in this life are to be extended into the next. It is a MAN-made religion to benefit MAN.

    1. "It is a MAN-made religion to benefit MAN"

      Bingo !!! ONLY the man benefits from a Plyg arrangement.
      Wives (concubines) are marginalized to the point of being grateful for any miserably lame crumb of attention or affection from the master.
      They resent and mistrust each other. Women made to compete with women.
      And who can blame them?
      They live their lives in between the tears and depression. They play the happy wife as desperately as a hungry child does seeking food.

      Five years of Kodyworld has done did a bang-up job of pointing out these flaws.
      And then two seasons of Brady and his five pitiful wives nailed it !!

      And the children?
      They all are well schooled to fake the bliss, just like their mothers.
      Who really knows how they are, and will, fare in life if they don't manage to get out of Plygdom?

      *Maddie gives one hope that it can be done !! *

    2. Caring and Amused - oh, so much THIS.

      I simply cannot even image waking up every single day, knowing that you will have to carry on your back the burdens of jealousy, resentment, shame and depression, and having to smother and hide it deep down, and believing that this daily suffering is your ticket to reward in the afterlife. It is so painfully clear to anyone who watches this show that these women are the very definition of "miserable."

    3. What I find the most troubling about polygamy is that it appears that, overall, the guy is not really ever called to task. There is always another woman waiting in the wings for her chance to be in his spotlight, to overlook any issue that might be troubling to another, or to stroke his ego.
      That's not fair. It doesn't embody the qualities this country ASPIRES to (might not always get there, but come on, look at all the other college I met quite a few foreigners who would always joke about Americans, yet they all wanted to live here).
      I have often wondered what script Robin was reading when she vulgarly cried "this isn't the America I learned about in school"? Jesus, what school did you attend?
      Back East, we are a bewildered bunch, Robin. You grew up in an America that DOES NOT believe welfare fraud is a righteous way to fund a polygamous family. In an America where bankruptcy is NOT a game of circles (how about the circumference of rotate the wives through bankruptcy?!)
      Like Patrica Arquette rallied the Oscar attendees, it's time for the equality of women. Polygamist women, come with us into to 21st century. Janelle, the 'psychologist' you never went to when you were younger and having problems with Meri would have been RIGHT.
      Polygamy IS the problem.

    4. "Janelle, the 'psychologist' you never went to when you were younger and having problems with Meri would have been RIGHT.
      Polygamy IS the problem."

      Yes it is !!! Anyone observing the women can see that.
      However, it is also clearly obvious that a requirement for being a good plyg wife is to be in chronic denial.

  23. I think Robyn's ex was pretty smart. What are the chances a single Mom with 3 kids will meet a polyg guy who would take on all that and legally marry her.Most men in her age range would have multiwives and not be willing to divorce to make her legal wife. David Jessop probably figured she was doomed to boring monogamy.I am in no way condoning marital abuse but as we know from Kody that abuse can be emotional.Robyn is your passive aggressive abuser. All her machinations are behind the scene or involve a lot of playing the victim. Someone has to be adversary to her victim. That must be tiring.

    1. Once the TLC Gravy Train leaves the depot for the last time, I am sure as soon as the money runs out Robyn will file for divorce and hightail it to the next rich man she can find. I can see her teaching little Sol to call the new man "daddy".

    2. I agree.
      She certainly has already proven your theory by managing to quickly show her two daughters, especially her oldest daughter, Brianna, the cloying demeanor to ingratiate to a new "daddy."

  24. "It is a MAN-made religion to benefit MAN"

    *Maddie gives one hope that it can be done !! *

    With all due respect to any current LDS who post here, in my personal experience the LDS faith deeply privileges men over women (and of course, so do a GREAT MANY religious systems...). LDS inherited their hierarchical structure from their polygamous forebearers, after all, and it's deeply ingrained. Maddie's shift from FLDS to LDS saves her from the nightmare circus of polygamy, but it in terms of how women are valued, it is nearly a lateral shift, IMO (based, as I say, on personal experience).

    1. redwood curtain,
      "(and of course, so do a GREAT MANY religious systems...).

      You are right.
      In Maddie's case, if she is seriously wanting out of the Plyg world, taking that first LDS step may hopefully be a jumping point to propel her even further to an awareness about male/ female dominance...vs equality.

  25. Question for the LDS folks here: should Maddie (or any of the kids) switch to LDS & marry LDS, would the Browns be excluded from a wedding, other life cycle events, holiday gatherings, etc.? I don't know so I am genuinely asking. Is that a way for the kids to self-protect from their parents and polygamy? Thanks

    1. They for sure wouldn't be allowed at a temple wedding, other family functions would depend on the other families feelings i guess. I'm LDS and I have always found it strange how they try to act like polygamy never happened, It was only stopped because of government pressure. So the Lds judging is sort of weird.

    2. The only thing they couldn't participate in is the actual temple wedding. Any other interaction is completely up to Maddie and how much she can tolerate being around them. I have never heard anyone at church being told to avoid non LDS family. In fact, it's the opposite. It's been said over and over to be inclusive, not exclusive. I am surprised Janelle even said that, she should know better being raised LDS. She should know better. It's completely up to Maddie.

    3. They would be absent from the temple sealing. If maddie chose to allow them to be present her wedding and sealing could be separate.

      About the other things the problem is so much time is spent on callings and church. It's incredibly hard to get together with someone who is constantly at work and church and school. Three hours on Sunday's, prep for calling, ward event like camp outs and dinners. It's really hard for LDS a to make time for nonLDS unless they are willing to set foot in your meetinghouse.

    4. "I am surprised Janelle even said that, she should know better being raised LDS. She should know better. It's completely up to Maddie."

      I am not surprised. Not at all. Sure, Janelle DOES know better.
      But....I believe that whole interrogation of Maddie joining LDS was scripted for wow effct and to insure chatter on the blogs.
      Maddie did look uncomfortable, but to me her discomfort came more from having to sit there while the cameras were rolling and do her couch chat duty "for the show"....for the family's paychecks !
      Can only imagine the guilt trips and pressure the older kids get should they dare to balk about playing their parts. At this point, their only way out of participating may be to literally not be physically available. Since TLC played those trailers relentlessly about Maddie and LDS, she may have had no choice but to agree to let it be scripted and filmed.

      Sure, Janelle knows better, and knew how absurd her questions were about that issue.
      But....Anything for the show !!

    5. Remember the LDS a friend of Kody, think of most of janelles family who still is LDS. While they let Mariah do seminary I don't see them really involved with people who are LDS. Maybe it's the constant pull and push between the folks thinking they are the only true church? Maybe it's time?

  26. ANON-- I am LDS and I will happily answer your question. Yes, the Browns would be excluded from the Temple ceremony of marriage. However, they would not be excluded from any celebrations that take place in the meetinghouse. For instance, they could be present at the wedding reception, baby blessings, baptisms, mission farewells, homecomings, etc. however not the Temple sealing itself. Maddie would NOT be told to disengage from their family, only the polygamy. Family is important and those ties of love are valued. The only distance she would have would be of her own choosing. I hope this helps.

    1. Thank you everyone. Very helpful LDS info. Remembering now that both Kidy & Janelle were raised LDS should make all of us collectively scream if they spin this that the church is blocking her from seeing us or anything that looks like they are using Maddie as an excuse to bash LDS. May joining the church be freeing for her and makes her happy. Thanks again. Post more please.

    2. Thank you Missy for those examples. "Family" seems like the cornerstone of every faith so to suggest that a faith would block (LOL not the Twitter version) someone from their family seems off. Does sound like LDS activities and services can be time consuming but that shouldn't translate to "you cannot see your family." But they gota have drama. ;-)

  27. At the risk of this sounding like a "get off my lawn!" comment, I have to say that I cannot STAND when someone uses the word "Ugh!" in a tweet or FB post. It makes me crazy when teenagers do this, and coming from an adult like Meri, it's a thousand times worse. It is such a passive-aggressive way of saying, "Ask me what's wrong! Pay attention to me! Feel bad for me!"

    And Kody used it when he was talking about "so many circles...UGH!" I have no earthly clue what that man was referencing in that tweet, but putting "Ugh!" after it confirms my belief that he is an idiot with the brain capacity of a fruit fly (no offense to fruit flies).

  28. So I'm surfing on Pinterest, and Robyn has a whole folder devoted to "Abundance and All Good Flows to ME" It's full of affirmations about wealth and living a life of luxury and excess. Wow. There are no words...

    1. Did you also notice her pins for $1000 Donna Karen Dresses, and CHANEL and Hermes bags? I bet the other three don't even know what those things are....

    2. I have honestly only stumbled across Pinterest in the past, on accident, so I had to check out Mrs. Brown's doings there after hearing something from an earlier poster. I was amazed. 58 boards! That's a whole lot of internet daydreaming. Weird: "Guilty pleasures" which consists of a great many pics of hunky actors. Also odd to all of them: The attraction to having tons of written slogans as home decor. Have they ever heard of a BOOK? Even plastering FB and/or Twitter with this stuff is odd to me. It's one thing to occasionally repeat a quote, but this constant regurgitation of largely vapid statements meant to remind you that you that you aren't actually a piece of crap...that's pointing to deeper problems, IMO. Wow.

    3. I thought Robyn "works" so much that she needs a nanny / housekeeper. When does she have time for all that pinning?

  29. Does anyone know where I can watch the Meri episode? The dvr didn't record it, it's not showing up as airing again anytime in the future, and I can't find it online either.

    1. You might be able to view it on youtube now.

    2. happagurl- I've been stalking youtube for a week, but the most recent one I've found is anthropoligists part 2, not the "everything about Meri" episode.

    3. If you have DirecTv and the OnDemand option, it is there.

    4. Here's the YouTube channel I watch...

      Hope that helps :)

  30. Oh, dear Lord! Help me! I had a dream/nightmare that I was hanging with the Brown's at Meri's house. the toilet was leaking (Freud? What does that mean?) and I thought, this house isn't that great. Then I agreed to marry Kody, but then I realized that that would mean that I would have to sleep with him. So I told him, I'd marry him, but I wouldn't sleep with him (I'm shuddering as I type this!) He was fine with that, because I was going to be wife #5 and I would be in on the gravy train. But then I realized I might have to kiss him and thankfully I woke up!

    1. You are not alone in dreaming about the Browns. I will say mine ended with me having him in a wrestling pin and beating him while pointing out that girls could wrestle and beat his @$$.

    2. Gross! My husband came in during the Robyn special and said no wonder the first 3 wanted to add a new wife, they probably didn't want to have to sleep with him anymore because he is so unattractive.

    3. And that would be why I don't watch SisterWives before bedtime! One night i was trying to catch up and watched a couple of taped episodes. Dreamt about them, Kody too. Blech! Never again!

    4. I also had a strange dream involving this family when I was running a very high fever. The man looked like Kody except for he was a midget. He was in my living room with about 20 midget brides, all dressed in wedding dresses. I kept taking them outside but every time I came in there were more of them. I was even asking them how they were getting in. I wondered if my brain during the fever combined sister wives with big world, little people or something. Funny but sometimes I still try to figure out what it means. My husbands translated for me that they really are little people emotionally and they have no business in our living room. He's not a fan of the show.

    5. should have said my husband as in singular, my bad

    6. also should have said he called them mental midgets and should add I have gotten a nice tv in the bedroom as a result of this show

  31. Today I finally watched some of the Meri special. Love how it talks about she and Grody about to celebrate their 25 anniversary. How does that work with legal divorce and spiritual marriage? Oh well, as Kody says, math aint his thing as he proves with every "love should be..." opening.

    Well, I had previously fast forwarded to see the "gotcha" part. So I've seen that twice. I love that Christine tries to tell Kody he's digging in deeper. And Sobbin trying to shut him up to get in her 2 cents. What struck me the most was Kody patting himself on the back for FORGIVING her for forcing him to have probably the only seconds of empathy in his life. For making HIM face the truth about how love is multiplied for him and divided for his "wives." The truth that if you loved someone, you would never deliberately hurt them. Dealing with personal jealousy in most cases does make us a better person. Plyg life is the exception to me.

    I only made it thru the Lehi part. I love Christine saying she doesn't ever want to relive it. Then hey, actually take a break from the couch during that segment. They think if they keep telling lie (which they seem aware that many call it a lie) they will convince us. They are trying to be cagey in how they phrase it - that none one can understand how frightened they were at the time. Technically true, we don't know the depth of their irrationality. Then Kody has to say that he is PROUD of them for doing it. I don't see how they can watch their children cry over and over. But the kicker was Mariah saying that the move was the best thing for her family and she was glad her father was so smart. That's sad. I think nothing will wake that child up to the reality of the pain the women endure. I feel sorry for her. DID she know about the divorce while taping that special?

    I did like Christine thanking Meri for making a game out of the paparazzi and leading them on a goose chase. I wasn't really watching the show in the beginning, you can learn a lot from the commercials. But when they started the "investigation" I thought, dude you went public, did you not think there would be repercussions. And the escape to Vegas has never made sense to me. I used to live 20 miles from the VA border, I wouldn't have run across the border, stop on the other side and done a victory dance taunting a NC State Trooper. And it's not like they go off the grid.

    So if they are still peddling that bull, of course, they are stupid/arrogant enuff to think we are stupid enuff to believe the divorce spin. And why not, they have been rewarded with another car on the gravy train.

    1. I have always wondered why the made such a big deal about the exodus to Utah. If the state of Utah had really wanted to arrest Kody for polygamy, wouldn't they have just given him a subpoena across state lines? It's not like they fled to Mexico or another country.

      Totally ridiculous story line. What really kills me is that Christine probably still believes the made up story Kody told her and Janelle was so eager to go because she knew the extent of how much welfare fraud the really committed.

  32. Okay, Here is my answer to a question that apparently is making the rounds, again. Since the asker chose to be Anonymous, this answer will suffice, no further discussion will be needed.

    NO. Robyn Sullivan Brown is NOT the same Robyn Brown who is an actress. IMDB is updated by viewers, who are not diligent in verifying their facts first before publishing.

    Anyway, Robyn Sullivan only changed her name legally to Brown 2 years ago. So how could she be Robyn Brown in 2000? And the names Robyn and Brown are very common.

    That is all...

    1. Thanks for that. That is a hot topic on Reality Tea. Can count you for the sorting the infor from the misinformation!

  33. I found the Meri episode on cox. I watched it and Robyn had as much couch time as Meri. The statement she made at the end was very telling. Her involement with the kids is fine but her relationship with the adults were going to change, i think she was referng to Kody. Kody needs to take responsibily for a failed marriage and not blame Meri or say Meri wanted it.

    1. Aha!!! I have Cox too, and it's On Demand...which is weird because Sister Wives was noticeably absent from On Demand this season...until the news was leaked about Meri and Kody getting divorced and Kody marrying Robyn apparently. I only have 4 episodes listed (with no episode numbers:)

      Anthropologists Move In (avail until 3/9)
      Meri Behind the Scenes (avail until 3/16)
      Robyn Behind the Scenes (avail until 3/9)
      Verdict then Lawyer (avail until 3/16)

      I know for a fact these are new additions - with the problems I was having with my DVR I checked to see if Sister Wives was On Demand and it wasn't. But now it is....things that make you go hmmm....

    2. Thank you for letting us know, Milo...My DVR harddrive failed completely over the weekend and I hadn't watched the BTS shows yet. Now I get to watch them. Well...maybe not...but thanks!

    3. And one last thing...these episodes do not include that sound clipboard thing that shows the date the shows were taped!!! Robyn's was 12/24/14 (I remember because it was the day before Christmas) and Meri's was 2/2/15 (the Monday after weekend when I and others found the divorce and wedding docs on the Clark County website).

      Now what is TLC trying to hide by removing those production dates from view?

  34. CJ: any reviews of last episodes or just too lame to suffer through them for our amusement? Wouldn't blame you if you couldn't stomach them to do a write up gor us.

    1. I am working on the anthropologist episodes. My DVR hard drive crashing set me behind, but now that I know the episodes are now on On Demand it will make it easier...unless I can't fast forward...yuck!!!

    2. I just checked, yep, I can fast forward...I wish the BTS episodes were on amazon...the look on Meri's face while Kody chirps merrily along about Robyn is oh so telling. And being that this was taped on 12/24/14, just after Kody and Robyn got legally married, I ain't buying this divorce was her idea.

  35. Call 'em out CJ! So cool you know the dates. Can you share that with the press covering this?

  36. What is the date on the tapes when Meri standa there slowly saying to someone that she is going to see a lawyer? Will you be able to tell the dates of when they are allegedly signing the divorce papera and that preview clip of Meri telling Christine and Janelle separately? Odd why she didn't tell all four at once or the three sister wives at same time and Kody separately. Fishy she would tell Kody and Robyn apart from other two.

  37. Today was the first day i saw the BTS shows on Meri and Robyn available on demand on cox, and I have looked for it frequently because they were not available on amazon. I would say the Meri episode is more telling about her and Kody's issues and how Robyn really affected their marriage. Although Mariah shows up in it to cheer polygamy on, it's how they frame Meri and the statement she makes at the end of the episode that made me think this was clean up editing on TLC's part .

    1. Makes me wonder why TLC decided to release those 4 episodes...on second thought, I KNOW why they released those episodes! Part 1 and 2 of the anthropologists - which at the end of Part 2 Meri decides to see a lawyer. And the Robyn lovefest (taped 12/24) to gauge how the public would accept a change in Queens, with a hastily put together Meri BTS taped 2/2/15 to fix the negative backlash once it became widely known of the divorce and Kody's relatively quick marriage to Robyn. All played out during sweeps. And it worked because Sister Wives was quickly announced by TLC as being renewed. No waiting 3-6 months wondering if the show was being renewed. Imagine that...

  38. and..if they take the next season to try and paint Meri as some kind of saint for taking a fall for legal restructuring and not admit Kody failed at legal marriage im gonna pull my hair out.

    1. What color hair do you want for your wig? Because they are already priming Meri for being that saint.

    2. Since my hair is grey and thin a wig might not be a bad idea!

    3. If Meri truly loved Kody and has no intention of leaving the family, why didn't she fight to stay married to him with the same fervor, passion and intensity that she fought with for her wet bar? And when Mariah found out, did she zone out, go sit in the car and cry and whine? Or is that sort of emotion only for when your new house approval doesn't happen when you want it to and you're forced to wait another day or so? They both fought so hard for that house and were so invested in it...

    4. Yes, Anon, YES! I think you hit the nail on the head. No matter how they spin this, I'll never believe that Meri willingly divorced Kody unless she really is planning on leaving. The only things that kept her invested in the family before was her Queen status as only legal wife, being Kody's favorite and the hope that she might conceive again. Now that all three of those factors are gone, she will be too once the TLC money dries up, or sooner if she can cut a good deal for herself.

  39. Hey guess what!? Janelle blocked me at some point. No clue when. Not sure when I last wrote to her. Now 3 of the 5 parents have blocked me. Weird. I have asked questions; don't think I was hating on them. Dunno. Jsut saw they have another twitter account called @sisterwives01. Anyone follow that?

    1. @sisterwives01 is the twitter account run by the same friends of Robyn who ran the now defunct Facebook fanpages called Kody Brown and Family (including the "friend only" FB fanpage that hosted the wives commenting live during Sunday broadcasts before TLC mandated twitter only). Occasionally they respond but mostly it's been retweeting here and there.

    2. Lets see if Kody is going to " man up and take some responsibility and accountability" like he told Garrison in the parking lot of the movie theatre. The March first episode looms near and telling the truth " would forever change the family dynamics".

  40. I wonder if Tamron Hall will ask the Browns real questions. The previews show her asking Kody if he has anything to tell her. Kody has a surprised dopey look on his face. I wonder when this was taped. I am sure it's not going to tell us anything new. TLC should be ashamed of themselves for giving them another season. Anything for money. The Browns are a joke and if they read this blog and I know that they do, then I hope they understand that they are not fooling anyone but their idiot rabid fans. I don't feel sorry for any of them. They will get what's coming to them and I don't mean in a good way. I stopped watching several seasons ago. I wish that the sponsors would read this blog and stop wasting their money on this bunch of grifters. Once this show is over, TLC will spit them out and throw them away. They think that they are celebrities. Did anyone see them at the Oscars? They have really began to irritate some of their fans. I do hope that Sunday's show does not have good numbers, I know that I will be watching a new show that comes on Sunday night. I wish that Tamron would ask questions from the viewers. Makes you wonder why they don't make public appearances. I would show up just to ask them the questions they seem to avoid. Why are reporters afraid to ask them honest questions. I would like to see them on Dr. Phil or The View. I bet Whoopi would not be afraid to ask them what's up. Being a polygamist is just plain gross and nasty. Are they just that stupid to not see what polygamy is doing to their kids. I bet other kids are laughing behind their backs. I bet their family is the butt of all jokes. It can't be easy for the kids. Their idiot fans seems to think that this family is normal and happy and they all love each other. My God, if they are basing the Browns on Family of the Year, then these poor souls must have had a rotten time growing up. Kody can kiss my A$$. Oh, and ladies if you are reading this, there is no planet for you in the afterlife. You will all go to Hell. I don't like mocking other people's religion but this planet crap gives me the creeps. I believe in one God and the stuff that comes out of Kodys mouth is disturbing. They should be banned off tv forever.

    1. My cousin who goes to school with Dayton/David didn't care about his family, one way or the other. The children who've now gone on to college were apparently well-liked in high school.

    2. "Did anyone see them at the Oscars?"

      No - they were there? What did they wear? Those dresses from the commitment ceremony? Anyone have any pictures?

    3. LBL,I think SisterWho was implying if they were celebrities they would have been at the Oscars.

  41. A thought about Meri and the divorce. If it was her idea, maybe she decided to hand the crown over to Robyn and made that a stipulation as one last way to get a dig in to Christine and Janelle. Especially Janelle who outed her as a biotch in the book.

    1. Wait, where in the book did Janelle out Robyn as a biotch? I don't remember that, but it would be awesome! Guess I could go look it up for myself but just figured I would be lazy and ask. ;)

    2. A Grody Little PonytailFebruary 24, 2015 at 4:44 PM

      IIRC Janelle's outed Meri as a "b" in the book, talking about Meri making fun of Janelle's make up and other hard times in the early years.

    3. Oh yes I definitely remember that! But the main thing I took away from the book was the depressing tone and how miserable they all were with each other (with the exception of Robyn and Kody- they were soul mates).

  42. I wonder if the latest "restructuring" events will result in yet another All-Out Backyard Celebration? Seems to me the Browns *should* mark this momentous event with their now legendary, rib-tickling fanfare.
    Plus, they are due for one.
    The kids graduation extravaganza wasn't nearly as satisfying for fans hungry for more costuming, speeches, live music, homemade plaques and tables laden with dixie-cup snacks..
    Oh, and let's not forget a gothic plyg-tree cake.....with branches rearranged !

    A season without a tacky Kodyworld Celebration is like a Plyg without Perks.

  43. What's never been discussed (on any forum I've seen) is how Robyn freaked out at the male "student" about his admission of being an atheist. "Are you seriously saying that right now?". Geez Robyn, get a grip. People say that to you guys all the time. People say you're going to hell all the time. You would think they'd have compassion since people have formed horrible stereotypes about non-believers just as they have about plygs. Oh wait, no sorry, compassion isn't a trait in narcissism. Understanding then? No... erm. Anyway, to me that added a bit more context to the "I don't want my kids to know that's an option", although it seemed more like cohabitation was her (ironic) problem.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't know why an anthropologist would admit his faith or non-faith, it taints the observations because now the subjects would be trying to sell the religion even more. That to me was the "oh yeah, fake" moment. Then everything became about these students. "Oh, I need to bond with Kody to get into his head" ... wrestle him then... why are you making S'MORES? I'm a woman and I know that if you dudes wrestle it would tell you everything about the guy.

    1. That comment by Robin was definitely noticeable, as were the multitude of other 'off' comments by the head of the peanut gallery.
      When it comes to Robin issues, I find that the lack of basic sense really puts me off allowing the information coming out of her mouth to register in my brain. There seems to be such a disconnect between 'common reality' and Robin's version of it. Simply too ludicrous to fathom--like trying to explain gravity to a chicken.

  44. Cynical Jinx thank you, I love reading your blog. Will not (because I cannot stomach the show) watch. I look forward to this (you and the other snarkers snarking) and it means so much more to me then the show.

  45. Per the promo for the March 1 show:

    1. Not buying Kody's look of "distress and anguish" as he voices his opinion that word "divorce" is like "shattered glass." Kody, if you were that concerned you would have fought to save your legal marriage to Meri---but you didn't and you obviously felt no qualms about legally marrying Robyn. Kody doth protest too much.

    2. Christine's comment: "I didn't see that coming." Didn't see what coming? That the sun would rise in the east? That Las Vegas is hot? That Kody and Robyn would end up together? Puh-leeeezzzeeee. They have been conniving together from the day he picked out her wedding dress.

    3. Janelle's comment: "I'm concerned this will change the dynamic." Well, no kidding! Who wouldn't see that a mile away.

    4. Meri sobbing as she signs the joint petition: Either that was the smartest thing you've ever done (or would have been had you left town with your head held high) or the dumbest thing you've ever done (losing all your leverage---unless you made some airtight deal with Kody re. finances---which seems highly unlikely unless your attorney was truly protecting your interests.)

    Aside: Wishing the best to Leonard Nimoy who has COPD and is having a tough time. Live long and prosper!

    1. Yes, blessing to Leonard who has graced us with so much entertainment. He and William Shatner will hopefully celebrate their 84th birthdays in March.

    2. Love it! I'm thankful for such articulate people like you Mr. Spock because you are able to put into words exactly what I want to say but wouldn't be able to as well. Most of all though, I'm thankful for Cynical Jynx for providing a forum for such thoughtful snarkiness!

    3. Wow, love my spelling. Meant Jinx not Jynx!

    4. MrSpock is humbled by the compliment, PrincessKody---and perhaps Cynical Jinx will adopt "Jynx" so she can be even more like Robyn----whose pic CJ adopted as her own. "Y" is for Wyoming after all. ;-)

    5. The name spelling variations bother my innate and learned sense of the English language.
      When my friend named her kid "Jak" for "Jack" I cringed internally but said nothing.
      I am unable to type "Robyn" for "Robyn". I always type "Robin". In college I had a friend named "Rob"; one day he went around the room and asked everyone what their name meant...when it was his turn he said "to steal". (I'm robbin' the bank here)

    6. "I'm concerned this will change the dynamic," says Janelle.

      Change it to what? To make it even more dysfunctional than it already is? To make the remainder "wives" even more miserable than they already are? To give Robyn more of the Queen Bee and Family Spokesperson role than she has already claimed? To let Kody ignore his children not birthed by Robyn even more than he already does? Sheesh!

      Yes, it will change the dynamic, and none of it for the better. If these women are miserable now, just wait until Robyn ascends her throne.

  46. CJ..interesting post on Reality Tea that might be worth a read before you recap the anthropology episode!
    Apparently UNLV in distancing themselves from the episodes and grad students due to backlash that they were sent to prop up polygamy before the big blow of the divorce. Helps put all the dates and fractured edited episodes together.

  47. I believe it is very complicated for the kids. I don't think reading internet articles or social media comments about how their parents are idiots and polygamy as a whole is dysfunctional is going to change their minds or sway them in any way, even if the arguments are compelling.

    I speak from experience of a different sort. My father was both much loved and much hated in our community for his outspoken, in-your-face, religious zealotry. I hated sermon time, because he would call people out for their sins from the pulpit. BY NAME. Sometimes there would be fights in the pews, sometimes people walked out, sometimes they just sat and cried. I hated it and hated him for what he did to people. And our home life was much of the same. Still...when he was being verbally attacked by someone, especially if it depressed or upset him, my heart went to my father and all the righteous anger my adolescent self could muster would be directed at his attacker, even when I knew my father justly DESERVED the backlash. He was my father and that was my life. The 'circle the wagons' mentality is sort of ingrained.

    What will help those kids (and what saved me)? Getting out into the world and witnessing other ways of life. Not being TOLD different points of view, but actually experiencing it. Going to college, having non-plyg friends, living on their own. They are not clueless (well, some of them) and they've seen the dysfunction in their family. They just need some distance and time to sort it out for themselves. We see that happening already with a few of the older ones.

    I hope that the good the show provides these kids (money for a new lifestyle in a non-plyg community, opportunities to live away from home, a higher education) will in the end outweigh all the negatives that affect kids living in the limelight of a reality TV show.

    Let's hope anyway.

    1. When Mariah said that moving to Las Vegas was the "best thing to ever happen to her family", she may have been thinking of the monetary benefits associated with the 'move' and the 'show' but what I believe is the ACTUAL "BEST thing" is that it pulled that entire family up and out of their polygamous bubble of comfort and into a brave new world.
      Opportunities abound now for those kids. They have access to information and experiences previously unheard of for them back in Lehi. The cycle (and CIRCLE) of polygamy is being shaken up in that family in a good way for the progeny of the adults on whom the show is centered.
      YEA for those kids, especially the girls, because KNOWLEDGE is POWER. They can love their parents and where they came from AND make different choices for themselves.

    2. "They can love their parents and where they came from AND make different choices for themselves."

      Exactly. Very well stated.

  48. Side Bar
    For anyone who followed the Jodie Arias story and trial:::
    Finally after five months, the state of Arizona rested today in her Sentencing trial and the jury got their instructions for deliberation.
    Arias wanted to give a final statement on the stand but with the stipulation that *everyone* except the jury was to be cleared from the courtroom. The judge denied that request for clearing the courtroom. Arias then chose to say nothing.
    The judge has also said that the verdict, when it comes in, will be read "live" in front of the TV cameras.
    Stay tuned.....she is facing life in prison or death.

  49. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but a season or do ago, wasn't Janelle the one making saying how much she's not a fan of group texts? Here she is initiating it. Of course, leave it to the new Mrs. K. Brown, to Screen shot & post a twit pic. Yup, certainly scrambling to do some major damage control!!!
    Maybe it's the 'Love y'all', group texts from Kody to his harem that she dislikes so

    1. As with Kody, Robyn is a very narrasistic person. I noticed she uses the improper term "and I was like" A LOT. Not only is that phrase immature, but that in almost every brown situation the subject turns to her. Whether it be the sad and worried reaction of the older childrens to Robyn's pregnancy, to Dayton's accident, to Christine's behavior; the list goes on. We've all seen the couch sessions where she takes over, like she knows the situation and triumphs better than the other 3. I've also seen on her Pinterest statement pictures that say stuff like "love your husband enough he'd never want to leave your home". Little passive aggressive jabs at the ex-wives. This is typical of a narsassist in a relationship (I love you the most, I can please you more, I am more intelligent etc.) It's obviously working on the idiot. She is the one giving him the most sex, and it won her the golden ticket for this doomed train. To me, she is worse than them all, and a bad example to her daughters.
      This is not a marriage, it's modern day oppression. My God Browns!

    2. Spot on. I was just talking to someone yesterday and mentioned that Robyn talks like a teenager - "and I was like...," "and I'm sittin' there...," "we're lying our faces off!!" Doesn't say much for her "emotional intelligence" or education level, does it?

  50. I'm sure this has been discussed, but I'm wondering - do the Brown kids get paid to be on this show? I'm just curious if they get a slice of the TLC pie once they turn 18. And the younger ones, who have little to no say if they are on tv or not - do they get compensated, and if so, is their money under control of their parents until they are of age? If nothing else, perhaps a little share of tv money would help them once they each fly the nest.
