
Friday, October 3, 2014

UPDATED!!! Another Off Topic Friday for October 3, 2014: Psst...Where's Kody and Robyn?

Where the heck are Kody and Robyn? I'm getting worried. Did they vacation in West Africa and are now quarantined for six months in Europe? Did the Federal Judge who sentenced Teresa and Juicy Joe to prison time previously sentence Kody and Robyn to house arrest because of their mishandling of MSWC??

Did Robyn disappear in that black hole known as Pinterest and Kody is looking for her?

Cynical's Conspiracy Theories... (or, wouldn't it be kewl if this was REALLY what was happening with Kody and Robyn! I'd watch!)

Theory #1: Kody is actively courting his 5th while Robyn is stuck at home pregnant with Sol #2.

Theory #2: Kody wants a divorce from Meri and her sisterwives so he can marry Bruce Jenner once they are both free.

Theory #3: A combination of theories #1 and #2. Once Bruce's divorce is final, Kody will make him his wife #5. Which is cool with Meri, but not so cool with Robyn who's had to keep a low profile since she's pregnant and realizes she is no match for Bruce. Oh, and Bruce will live with Meri.

I feel so much better now that's off my mind!

The last time we saw Meri she was vacationing with a galpal at the Happiest Place on Earth (and it's not the Brown's gated cul-de-sac, trust me). Just before getting on a cruise ship bound for the Pacific Ocean, of all places.

Well, it looks like Kody didn't go on the cruise after all...(see conspiracy theory #3 above). At least Meri seemed to be making new friends while cruising...

Not only is Meri back on terra firma now, she's got some 'splaining to do with her other best bud...the Lady in Red!

Call me Cynical (Ms Jinx if you're nasty)  but I still think Kody is definitely courting his 5th!

Just file this next tweet from Mykelti under tab "What the Heck?"

Let's just hope their mother Christine kicked Kody you know where, then shoved him out of her McMansion while speed dialing her attorney on her cell. But they most likely got a piece of furniture for their apartment living room after receiving a TLC check that was "lost in the mail."

Janelle, Janelle, Janelle. You know, the more this lady tweets, the better we begin to see she's not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree...

For example, either she didn't fully read this tweet from SciencePorn, or she just didn't understand it's implications. After all, aren't the Browns the biggest consumer of Apple products this side of the Pacific Ocean?

I bet all the PCs at SciencePorn use Unix operating system. Tsk, tsk...pitting an entrepreneur against an academic and calling foul because the academic didn't acquire the same level of fame as the entrepreneur. Can we say comparing apples with oranges?

And then she tweeted how her hubby Kody doesn't treat his women like beasts of burden...She must have been listening to the Stones because I think Beast of Burden was one of their greatest songs.

But I digress...

Call me (and a lot of other people in my living room) crazy, but I've never seen Kody carry anything heavier than Sol. Maybe Janelle's feeling upset because some women think of her (and her sister wives) as brood mares. Truth hurts sometimes...

Now here's a Janelle tweet that shows just how deep a thinker she really is...

I think Los Angeles being located next to Pacific Ocean may have something to do with that phenomenon, Janelle.

Oh, and look everybody! Janelle's cooking...well canning. Isn't that almost cooking?

Finally a tweet from Christine, featuring Truely, of course...

On the Darger Family Facebook page, looks like Alina (the legal one and cousin to her sister wives, the identical twins) had some followup surgery on her shoulder. Is it me or does Alina seem to be very very happy in this snapshot...

Although the link is wonky, this Dargerite (unable to determine exactly who from the family wrote the comment) doesn't like the new-fangled cuisines  the 21st century is offering. This coming from the state that raised Jello salad and tuna casseroles to a culinary art form...whatever, and pass me that sriracha sauce, please...

Looks like the Brady Bunch on the official TLC fanpage are saving the best for when the season starts. But I just love Brady's crazy eyes in this photo!



Seems now that Meri is back home from the high seas, she's cleaning out some old tweets...

For instance, this one. Makes you wonder why she's missing Sol when he lives just next door with his Mama Dearest Robyn...or has Robyn flown the hen McMansions?

And this one from Mariah...something is rotten in the cul-de-sac...

That's all for now. New updates as they occur!!

Bruce Jenner Photo credit: Mike McGregor


  1. Wow, Meri...another trip to Disneyland? I wish I had all that spare time, but alas, I have to work! Yes, I am on this blog at work! :) I guess Disneyland is more important that going to college. Mickey won't get you too far in life but a college degree is something solid that can never be taken away...unlike a McMansion in foreclosure!

    Janelle's tweet about the, oh my. She needs to take a look at her own 'man' and the burdens he carries (not!). He's too busy flipping his hair to carry bags for his baby mommas.

    I don't know if I can tolerate another season of Brady and his girls. I yell too much at the tv at how stupid they are to be with such a smug man. Such a waste of my time...but I still watch!

  2. Meri retweeted a thank you from a customer thanking them for the personal note. I found that self-serving. Not a good business move, IMO. The handwriting was really messy as well. I am getting too critical of these people..sorry not sorry!

  3. "Progressive polygamists?" What is that supposed to mean? There is nothing "progressive" about the Williams'---just one guy, one wife, and 4 faux wives. Nothing to see here.

    Meri---so you are not in school? Answer up, girl!

    Cynical's theories: Mmmm---not so sure about the Bruce Jenner angle---thinking that one will not materialize. Kody courtin' a 5th "wife"? Ish, ick, yuck---could be, but just doesn't seem likely with no place for such a stupid woman to live in LV---unless one of the other cul-de-sac homes is on the market. Robyn pregnant: Always a possibility.

    1. But...but...MrSpock... Bruce and Kody could do each other's hair! And wrestle together! Bruce was a Gold Medal winning Olympian...though not for wrestling but..but...

    2. LOL!! Hadn't thought about the hair or wrestling---maybe they can just be good friends and play in Christine's garage...although I just can't see those 2 as buddies.

    3. I don't know...maybe Bruce does want to leave one "Krew" of annoying women for another. Bonus: now he'd be the prettiest one and could hang on to any "K" monogrammed items for Kody...

    4. Yes, I can see this... Bruce the new wife! I have always believed that Kody is a closet gay. His dreams are coming true and he tells the other 4 wives to, "suck it up butter cup if you want to live on my planet for all of eternity!" He's telling Meri to give up 1/2 her house and the wet bar to his new wife! LOL - I would so watch this :)


      FYI'; Really do not want for anyone to be offended by my "closet gay" comment. My friend was a closet gay and that is what he he used to refer himself as.

  4. Bruce Jenner is freakin' scary to look at. it's like he's trying to stay at 1976.

    oh and I'm sure that Robyn is staying in hiding because they want to maximize their ratings potential for next season. If that means hiding in the Cult de sac...just keep the money coming in.

    1. He looked a heck of a lot better in 1976. Yep, I was there!

    2. Bruce Jenner was gorgeous back in 1976. I almost fell over when I found out he married Robert Kardashian's ex-wife.

    3. I remember him in 76 too. That's why I said he's TRYING to stay there. The way Michael Jackson kept trying to stay wherever the Eff he was trying to stay. creepshow.

    4. Poor Michael Jackson. Well, at least Bruce's nose didn't fall off his face like Michael's. Come to think of it, I believe the only Jackson sibling still with their original nose is sister Rebbie.

    5. Oops my bad. I should have googled Rebbie first...she's had a nose job too.

    6. Wish there was a like button!!!!!!!!


  5. and what does adding a condiment have to do with meat and potatoes anyway??? gimme a break, America is after all the melting pot of the globe!

  6. How old is Truely now and why oh why is she always wrapped in a blanket?

    1. Truely is four now. I'm thinking the blanket is her know, the kid's security blanket from Mr. Mom.

    2. Love is not an EquationOctober 3, 2014 at 2:00 PM

      So true... isn't she four? Why is she always in a blanket? According to Wikipedia, security blankets are often used for psychological reasons, taking the place of the mother-child bond.

      And why is she just now having her first trip to the dentist? It's recommended that children start seeing the dentist much earlier than that.

      Christine's older kids seem okay, but she really seems to have dropped the ball with parenting Truely.

    3. You are probably right C.J. I never had a 'woobie kid' myself so it's hard for me to understand why a four year old needs a blanket all the time. However I did work in a Kindergarten classroom for several years an there was always that 5 year old who kept the 'woobie' in the backpack and would sneak off to the cubby to cop a sniff or a feel...I guess it's a security thing or something.

    4. I'm glad Truely is (finally!!) going to the dentist. Her poor little baby teeth looked brown this last season. I think what's weird about the blanket isn't that she would have a security blanket but that she is always wrapped up in one.

    5. Her poor little baby teeth looked brown this last season
      Wasn't that from the iron medicine she took when she was in kidney failure? It might be a permanent discoloration of her baby teeth.

    6. That could be. The kidney failure could also be why her first dentist appointment was postponed from three to four.

    7. A good friend of mine wanted tons, TONS of kids, but had to stop at 3 for health reasons. She was an amazing mom to her two oldest, but something changed with the third baby.
      Her other children were active and well spoken very early on, though I have yet to see the youngest walk even a few feet on her own.
      She is always in a wrap or being carried. Since I know there is no physical or emotional issue I can only assume the 'babying' is my friend's way of dealing with this being her last child.
      It's kind of sad actually because I can see how coddled and less capable this youngest child is in comparison.
      Part of me wonders if Christine doesn't intentionally baby Truely to keep from thinking about the end of her breeding years and or remind kody that her contribution was not really so far past.
      It is weird in either case.

    8. What changed for Christine with Truely is the show, Robyn, and delving into a deep depression. She said she was done having babies, Kody should not have pushed her to have more kids unless after she said no.

    9. Sol should get to the dentist too. I hope this comment doesn't start a breastfeeding tangent/tirade but if he is breastfeeding while cosleeping past age 2 he is probably at risk for early tooth decay.

  7. How old is Meri?? Wonder what her fasination with Disney World is?
    They sure seem to have endless supplies of $$$
    Can't help but to wonder where it comes from!

    1. Good ol' Mer is now an empty nester. With her equal share of all the money those Midas touch folks are raking in, she can afford that season pass to Disneyland and probably a ticket on Southwest. She probably shared a hotel room with her buddy. If you don't take any kids...or your husband who is probably off trying to impregnate Robyn *gag* then the expenses wouldn't be that bad.

      She has a big old house all to herself and she can go off on trips with her friends and go on a think braniac Christine will ever figure out that the money situation is very unfair?

    2. I think Christine does know the money situation is unfair, but she pushes that anger deep down inside because she's helpless to do anything otherwise. Meri ain't gonna share any part of her cut of the money. She thinks she's done enough by sharing her husband with the other ladies.

    3. Annon 11:25 yes yes and yes

  8. Siracha is the best thing ever made! Well, that and Frank's! Whine about it and you might lose your man card and have to go hang out with Kody and wife #5, Bruce!

  9. Love is not an EquationOctober 3, 2014 at 2:18 PM

    I'm hoping for Conspiracy #1... Kody off courting and Robyn busy gestating. I love to hate on this show, and it desperately needs some radical new story lines. Can you just imagine the wives faces as they are forced to accept a new bride? Maybe Kody could build her a tree house to live in, because you know there is no room at Meri's.

    1. Maybe not this season, but eventually the desperation of plummeting ratings will lead Kody to court a fifth. Robyn will explode.

  10. Apologies in advance to any vegans/etc.: But no matter how you dress veggies up they don't become the "real" thing, e.g.: grilled/fried cauliflower steaks or grilled portabellos do not morph into a nice, juicy sirloin; cauliflower puree is NOT creamy mashed potatoes; veggie burgers are NOT burgers; and so on and so forth---and Sriracha, which I like, won't make the difference. Just like no matter how you dress them up, have a ceremony or pretend, faux plyg wives are not wives.


  11. Ahh, so much snark material, CJ.

    Love your theories. I will take any one of the three for entertainment.
    *Something* just HAS to give to make next season even remotely digestible.
    So TLC, why not try out any one of CJ's offerings. Could be fun !!

    Meri, Meri. how does your garden seem to grow !!
    Trip after friend after new friend..... to the point of thinking about said friend *every* day......hmmm !!! Maybe trying new horizons....!!
    But Disney..AGAIN ????
    But it does sure look like Ol Meri is not letting any grass grow under her feet and certainly doesn't need any "poor, lonely, abandoned Meri" strokes. She is doing just fine !!

    Truely and her blankie.....
    Could be the AC was chilly in the dentist's office...
    Or it is Mommy Christine who chooses to swaddle her four year old every chance she gets.
    Who knows !!

    Loved the "Stones" reference !!! Will always love my Hot Rocks album !!

    Brady is not someone I would want near me before surgery. He is making serious inroads to competing with Kodyboy for Village Idiot !!
    However, Alina's smile .......pre-op drugs can be bliss-producing before the bigger sleep.

    Yes, Janelle really is showing her IQ more and more. Nice to see a bit of the "real" Janelle.

    1. That wasn't one of Brady's wives - she is married to the guy that married the twins and she is the twins' cousin. They were on an episode of SW :)

  12. Oops, forgot !!
    "Where the heck are Kody and Robyn?
    How could I forget about Sobbin....!! Sobbin, so sorry.

    CJ, I like your conjectures and will only add that maybe Sobbin is not only quietly sitting on her nest or cauldron, but maybe she is secretly boning up for an appearence on Celebrity Apprentice.
    After all, she IS the creator of the now infamous Junk Closet where one can buy over-priced, ugly plyg baubles, along with rhinestone baseball hats and Amish-y aprons.

    1. maybe she is secretly boning up for an appearence on Celebrity Apprentice

      Yep, The Donald needs someone to take the place of Teresa G. once she goes to "da big house". I think she'll fit in nicely with the rest of the E'listers! LOL!!!

  13. I brought my kid to the dentist early but lots if parents do not. Preschool is the new age and the child isn't in Kdg yet. I wouldn't call it late. Schools in my state actually help parents with the dentist if you get into a preschool slot. There is a dentist mobile that visits the school and you can ask for a spot. Then for starting Kdg you they ask for record of a dentist visit.

    1. I think four is pretty late...but we know the Browns don't really do doctors and such!


  14. Hmmm....Meri thought about her friend every day while on her trip?? Could Meri be contemplating a dip in the lady pond? (Not that there is anything wrong with it!). Now THAT would be a storyline!


  15. My kids are grown, 36 and 35, and my grand babies range in age from 2-16. My children had their first dental appointments at around 2 and my grandkids the same. I was born with severe allergies and later had polio and spent a year in an iron lung so my teeth were never great. Even my grown up teeth were so brittle they all ended up being capped. I would have thought teeth would have been important to the Kody's baby mamas so it did surprise me to see Christine waiting so long to take Truly to the dentist but different parenting, I guess. The blanket thing is strange. Most of the time she is wrapped up in the blanket but that could be the air-conditioned buildings...I wear sweaters in July in AR. I also think Robyn is probably hiding out to conceal her baby bump and I am sure it is killing her to have to miss out on all those great fun things with her BFF and favorite sister wife, Meri. But, when they have all been filmed out and about, Robyn seems to be uncomfortable or out of place and that might be her last wife status. I think her uncomfortable placement may be why she shoots her mouth off when it would be best if she just shut up. I have come around on how I feel about Meri. I wish she would go back to school and earn a degree so that when the gravy train ends, she can get a job and support herself. Of the four wives, when the end of the money comes, and it will, I suspect that Janelle will either make the real estate thing work or find another low paying job that will give her enough money to live in a modest home somewhere. Christine will go back on government assistance. Robyn, well who knows. I had hoped that Meri would wise up and admit that those good times that she holds on for and to are few and far between. I suspect being the legal wife, in the beginning, had perks. Like Janelle said, Meri bullied her and Kody let it happen...Meri was the wife and felt she had that power. As the years have unfolded, that power card of her being the wife has diminished in part because she has admitted that she wasn't going to go to extreme measures to have another child, so she lost that baby-making potential card to those who are baby makers (Robyn and maybe Christine.) So, she takes off and travels and meets people and stalks men and hangs out with friends. All of that is good, but she isn't being prudent when it comes to her future...what will she do when the gravy train ends? I think she knows her "lover" isn't going to bring her happiness... And Janelle...she gets pissed when she sees all these men (monogamous men no doubt) making their wives beast of burden...STFU. Janelle, you single handedly supported you, Christine, and Meri while your baby daddy drove here and there in a sports car, taking legal wife on his worked every day. Your money was divided up for everyone...beast of burden, hell, there are no words to describe what your baby daddy did and still does to you. Let me review: most husbands not only help carry the diaper bag and baby and stroller, but are there at night to get up with the baby, every night, and to rub the mama's back or keep her warm. Most husbands are there to talk to and help with household things and child rearing things, and you, Janelle, have the nerve to call out other men when you are married to biggest misogynistic, emotional abuser on reality TV? Really. I have to tell you, Janelle doesn't even register as a person who lives in reality...I am really trying to lose weight but cannot count my food intake and love butter in my coffee....I love my kids but let the baby daddy treat them however he wants...anyway...I need to stop. These women, particularly Janelle. Please.

    1. " most husbands not only help carry the diaper bag and baby and stroller, but are there at night to get up with the baby, every night, and to rub the mama's back or keep her warm. Most husbands are there to talk to and help with household things and child rearing things"

      Sadly, these women don't seem to know that. However, since Janelle is the one wife who wasn't raised in the cult, you would think SHE would be the one to know this. She is the one with no excuse for her b.s.

      "you, Janelle, have the nerve to call out other men when you are married to biggest misogynistic, emotional abuser on reality TV?"

      Bam! You nailed it! The irony of her saying anything about anyone else's husband is off the charts!

    2. Janelle doesn't eve legally have a husband.

    3. Janelle! You fool! Kody doesn't even notice you unless you're getting fan approval or making money for him. How sad is that? Beast of Burdens? Was she at a polygamy family venue? I think Janelle has lost the fan worship that she had for the first two years of her weight loss journey and is grasping at straws for approval. The man bashing tweet sounds like something from Robyn. These women are so passive aggressive and emotionally stunted. They send out tweets they think will hit a nerve with people and expect knee jerk praise and approval. What will they do when the show ends? The tweets will get really interesting then.

  16. Meri seems very close to going AWOL from this "family."

  17. Robyn said she hopes Meri dosnt go far from the family in finding herself. Meri has said several times that when she is upset with Kody that she dosnt want to have much to do with the family. Moving everyone back into the cul de sac was supposed to help keep the family together, but as we have seen, close proximety has not helped them. More have scattered. Their problems were not how close they live together. Once they had the money to enduldge their preferences, they were done. Too much past history. Robyn is probably upset her sisterwife dreams did not come true. She is an interloper into a dysfunctional group. She hoarded the affections of 3 womens husband under the guise of polygamy. Those alienated affections would be hard to tolerate. I dont even remeber what last season was about. Very forgettable. It seems even some cash flow did not repair deeply injured egos and feelings. I would bet the money being divided the way it is has caused even more hard feelings. Meri is rubbing it in their faces by traveling at will and indulging Mariah. If they do have another season I would guess the cracks would show even more as way they live has deviated so far from how they have pitched polygamy for 5 seasons.

  18. I hope Robyn's pregnant and the opening season premiere is, all three women are leaving Kody, filing lawsuits for child support and plygy spousal. Imagine the ratings! And Kodylocks will have to give up his share of the TLC money.

    1. Now THAT I would watch!

    2. Well, legally, the courts can't take away so much from someone such that it leaves them unable to survive---so Kody probably wouldn't lose all his share of the TLC money. But, wow, that sure would make a fascinating family court case!

    3. Fascinating indeed!! Kody would first try to manipulate and then probably end up in a flailing ponytail tantrum if he was ordered to pay offspring support. The horrors of it all. His 1/5th (guessing) of the TLC pie would dwindle. I would so watch that.

    4. MrSpock theoretically that might be true...but tell that to the guy I know who's paying his child support + incidentals + alimony + her legal bills and can't even afford to buy clothes at Goodwill. (while working 2 jobs...)

  19. Janelle, one of the least sensitive, jerky things I have seen a husband do is when Kody was making out with Robyn (when she was still just a girlfriend) while Christine was in labor with his baby. Or how about when you ran your 5k and Kody left you behind in the dust instead of staying by your side to support you? Or how he left Christine and you to move into your new houses alone while he drove Robyn to another state to drop off her kids to her ex? Or how he told Christine to save her grocery money to afford visiting her dying dad? Or anytime he is lying on the couch while a wife cooks, cleans, and takes care of the kids?

    Give me a freaking break.

    1. And, Anonymous, Robyn is, in actuality, "still just a girlfriend." Yep.

    2. Janelle seems to forget the long ass "honeymoon" that Kody & Robyn indulged themselves in on TLC's dime...

  20. I personally don't care for Sriracha but I've never had an experience that made me want to rant about it on social media so I have to wonder how bored they are. I'm pretty sure the Darger family is only still trying because they get occasional snark worthy mention on this blog. They bore me.

    Meri should stop hanging out at Disneyland now. I think it's really strange that a middle aged empty nester chooses to spend all of her time at a theme park geared toward families. I had high hopes of her going back to school, guess it's just more Brown family viewer disappointment.

    Does anyone believe Robyn is pregnant? I don't believe it.

    1. I think it's really strange that a middle aged empty nester chooses to spend all of her time at a theme park geared toward families.
      When I was 10 my dream was to go to Disneyland. I went, I saw, I experienced and 10 years later, I had had enough. Advance forty more years and I don't miss Disneyland at all, although I think a Disney cruise would be fun for some odd reason.

      Does anyone believe Robyn is pregnant?
      I'm thinking that TLC is banking on the audience "believing" Robyn is pregnant - but I think that phone call she was running to get was from a new venture capitalist (mainly the woman entrepreneur who induced Robyn to carry those trinkets like the "Be" line) who will save MSWC with much needed capital and business savvy. This woman (Gina I believe) had tweeted she'd stepped in to help MSWC at the last minute.

      Somehow MSWC turned a totally new direction so it must have received cash from somewhere - notice how the MSWC facebook page now tries to answer each inquiry and deals swiftly with the trolls. And the items for sale are now a hodgepodge of cheaply made watches, junky juvenile jewelry and other odds and ends.

      The question that remains (at least for me) is whether Christine putting the kibosh on Kody and Robyn discussing their reproduction activities on the Tell All episode was producer inspired or not. The constipated look on Robyn's face looked real, so maybe, the producers planned Christine's sudden need to leave and ultimatum to the NBC producers of the Tell All in secret to blindside Robyn. And it worked. So Robyn may indeed be pregnant, but the audience won't find out until TLC wants us to know.

    2. The Dargers probably had a hissy fit about salsa as a condiment too.

  21. Mr. Spock......not logical! Mac-n-cheese is vegetarian--it's just not good for you. Whether you are veggie or meaty--mac-n-cheese is high fat badness. And yes, I love it and do eat it on occasion. That recipe is just supposed to create a healthier version. And siracha makes everything better! MmmmMMMm....

    Cauliflower puree instead of mashed potatoes isn't a veggie or vegan thing--that's from the low-carb crowd. South Beach originated it? Not positive.

    Faux meat is like a plyg 'marriage'--fake and crappy. (Let's not count my veggie corn dogs because sometimes I NEED A FREAKING CORN DOG!!)

    Most "real" veg heads aren't trying to replicate meat, they just devise recipes off of their background and tradition. A veggie burger isn't intended to be anything like a meat burger, you just have to make it into a round patty so it will fit on the bun and satisfy your need for your tradition. Backyard bbq = sandwich on a round bun. Thanksgiving = turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes. I tried doing tofurkey to satisfy my need for tradition. Um, NO! Realized real fast that I didn't need a meat substitute--I needed mashed potatoes, pie, sweet potatoes, stuffing, rolls, pie, cranberry sauce, pie, and family. Did I mention pie???

    And a grilled portobello literally gags me to think about!

  22. ......something is rotten in the cul-de-sac..."

    Could be, especially with the conspicuous lack of Sobbin tweets or pics.

    But....The Browns may have hired the services of a PR specialist (or TLC did) and this glaring Sobbin blackout and "we are missing Sol" tweets are designed to get chatter going and interest renewed and fortified.

    If Sobbin has flown the coop for whatever reason, wouldn't the Sistas be missing *all* of Sobbin's kids?

    And where the hell is Kodyboy??? Not on the cruise to Hawaii, not at the dentist with Christine and Truely, not visiting Mariah or Aspyn or Mykelti, not spotting Janelle on the weights?? Is Kody trolling again??

    It is obvious that last season was a forgettable mess, so the producers and Browns do need to create drama and mystique about what is to come, Otherwise, SW is shark bait !!!

  23. Right on MrSpock. No matter how many kids Robyn, Christine, and Janelle have or have had, and no matter how many nights he spends with them individually or collectively, they are no more married to him than I. When Christine turns 65 and needs to draw social security, she will have none to draw unless they can count the last few episodes, and it lasts enough for her to get to draw it. Janelle will draw on herself and Robyn, well, she is like Christine. Meri is the only one that will have any benefits unless he specifically writes them into his insurance plan and I doubt Meri will allow that or that they even life insurances. There was a couch scene where Meri said something like she was really the legal wife and if something happened to Kody and a decision had to be made, she would take their advice into consideration but she was the one that would make the decision. The sister wives are like that portabella, you can throw some sauce on it, you can throw it on the girll, but when it comes down to what matters, it's a you said, they ain't no wives.

  24. But, first, the tranya, Snarkaholic.

  25. Hmmm....all very interesting. It may be possible Robyn, Sol, and her girls are hiding in Montana or something. If she were around LV and p.g., then, surely, someone would have spotted her by now. Kind of like the olden days when the single, p.g. girl had to "go on vacation," or "visit her aunt." Strange. As for Mr. Kody---MrSpock is not on Twitter---but has he not tweeted at all? No sightings? Truly, they all live very separate lives from all indications.

    Mariah's remark about feeling sorry for her future husband: Yep, if those are your true feelings, then, yes, we must feel sorry for your husband---but he will be forewarned.

    Disneyland/Disney World: Been to both, liked them, would go back, despite the fact that MrSpock is somewhere in the 140 years vicinity.

  26. Why can't I help but feel that there's a lot of emotional blackmailing and button-pushing in this family? And the abundance of Twitters with veiled references, annoying braggadocio, subtle undertones etc. I don't think it's fair, either, to show such undisguised bias toward one child, as has been the case with Sol time and again. The kids are doing the same thing with the sniping, the whining, the complaining, sense of entitlement. Kids learn what they live.

    1. I think that's why we are seeing the older kids unplug and move away from all the toxicity in the homes.

      Following their Twitter feeds is interesting, Meri's in particular. She is basically screaming about her unhappiness. Still amused that Meri and Robyn un-followed each other on Twitter a year or so back.

  27. Someone just posted on the Sister Wives facebook page that they saw Kody and Robyn in Hawaii.

    1. If that is true I am done with this show for good. How can the other wives tolerate this kind of behavior?

    2. Just went over there to try to find that reference. That's one scary, scary place. I may be scarred for life.

  28. While I think that crazy sobbing is pregnant and hiding herself for the grand unveiling of the beloved child part II, I think that the public's view of her has caused her to back away from tweets and such. She has probably read enough of the haters and there are plenty and decided to ignore all social network in hopes of not feeding the sharks and to not flood the market with her image. Maybe the browns have hired a marketing crew to try to clean up their brand or create a brand. Because robyn is the "creator" or the grand boo paw doodler of the joolery, they may have said, you need to clean up your image so that people will not associate entitlement etc with your brand. I doubt the browns are that savvy but who knows. I tend to go with robyn is tired of being branded the trouble maker, the know it all, the ugly, the resting bitch face, etc. Plus, I do believe this with all my heart, she sees her uterus as the way to keep bring glory to Kody and once she felt ready to open up the tomb...err...womb, she wants to make this event blessed so she hides out; builds the public anticipation; and when the announcement comes, she will do it with just Kody and her. I think not getting that time during the interview for just her and Kody really pissed her off so now she is really going to make this about her...hide out....keep people guessing...sneak in an interview with just Kody and her....and then let the glory shine. Maybe the other wives know and are pissed that she is getting this central attention and maybe the special interview time....the only other possibility is she got pissed and took off. Although, I doubt she would do that. Here is one more of my bitches: you know how he takes the wives for their little time...Meri to Mexico, Robyn to Mexico, Janelle to a mountain in LV, Christine to the park...yeah, me too....well, when does he take one wife and one wife's kids without the other kids. Does he take Christine and her kids to disney? When they have been photographed there, it's never just Kody, Christine, and her kids...So, how does that work? Maybe, Kody decided to Robyn and her kids to a place far away to rest and recuperate...maybe they are on that life time honey moon that robyn said of her father and divorced mother.

    1. I think that if there is an impending birth, or if it has already happened with quietly attained TLC footage, the whole family would have to be on the hush-hush secret. I agree that no one in the family seems shrewd enough to pull off a needed and planned distraction. But if they have a professional steering the PR ship for now, maybe so. Once the trailers are up and running for the coming season, it should be interesting, if not telling.

      Or there is no baby..... and she is simply laying low to avoid the snark which she so easily generates.

    2. Funny thing is, by their own rules, no one should be impressed or even care. Popping out babies is, after all, her job in their "lifestyle." Big whoop, I say. She's just doing what she's put on the earth to do. According to them.

    3. Fair point, Anon 1:03
      Agree !! Why *should* that be such a tantalizing concept ??

      Okay, maybe it was a rah-rah thing for the newest mistress to have a Kodybaby. But even then it seemed anti-climatic since Christine had already done it in Season One.
      But now...again? Just no big deal !!!
      Other than to express hopes for a healthy baby...

  29. Mariah is not old enough to marry if a half sibling will be more important than a spouse. What about her kids? What about the other half siblings and step siblings? What about her bonus children? Does Kody voice such favorites as well? When it comes to the college and general comments I agree she is just like any other college student in maturity. But when it comes to family there is something very wrong.

    1. I agree with you kms. She probably thinks this tweet was ok, but like you said, who puts a half-sibling above all her other half-siblings? You know what I think? I think she is really bothered by the attention Sol gets from her father so she overcompensates with tweets like this. She's seen how her father shows favoritism and thinks its OK when deep down she feels it isn't. She says things she thinks will please her father and they do. I don't see her graduating college at all because she's never seen an adult in her family ever finish anything they started.

  30. For some reason, I have a feeling that something big is underfoot. I think Meri and Kody reconsidered having Robyn as a surrogate for their child. Robyn is enjoying a nice vacation with Kody while this is happening or has happened, sort of a 'pre-push' gift. Meri, who decided against going back to college for this to happen, is enjoying herself and out with friends before the new baby comes along. Mariah and Meri are sucking up to Robyn via their obvious love and bias of Solomon. They'll be getting one of their own very soon. Meri will be so indebted to Robyn, she will ship packages for MSWC for eternity. Christine is unhappy because she, too, wanted to be a surrogate for Meri and Kody to draw herself closer to the inner circle. That's why she walked off the set in the last interview. This is an unexpected twist of fate, but with the Browns, always expect the unexpected.

    1. I really, really doubt it. they don't have the bucks and that was all just a plot line anyway. No, I think that it comes down to this: the family realizes that they aren't as popular as they once were. When Robyn was preggers with Sol, they tweeted about it so there wasn't any surprise or suspense really when it was aired. So now, they're attempting to keep her pregnancy a secret. Although really, to me, i mean, jeez, she's SUPPOSED to be popping out the offspring. that's her JOB, right? or maybe she's TRYING to get pregnant and not succeeding.

  31. MrSpock loves all of these conspiracy theories. It is like the of the best shoes ever!

  32. Just went over to sister wives Facebook and saw a recipe for "Janelle's pumpkin cake" which calls for sugar, packaged cake mix, and evaporated milk. Thinking about eating that much sugar makes my teeth hurt. No wonder she isn't losing any more weight.

    1. Google "Dump Cake" and you'll find thousands of sites that have the same recipe, or similar.
