
Friday, September 26, 2014

Off Topic Friday: Has Someone Been Lurking in My Living Room? September 26, 2014

Ms "Just Your Average TV Star" pondering her future and why peeps are rude
Is it just me or does it seem somebody's been lurking my living room?

Some folks have commented how a certain Brown collegian, who aspires to be a medical doctor when she grows up, never tweets about her studies. Her sisters by different mothers have, but this one Brown child has preferred to tweet about how her roommates love to keep their apartment hot and how people are rude.

She even tweeted about wearing her hoodie. But nothing about her classes.

Until now...

Suddenly we get tweets reminding us of her major. She even gets philosophical about the meaning of life. Weird isn't it? Especially when she was the topic of conversation in my living room 2 days before. Was this simply a case of coincidence? I don't think so.

But it could be damage control.

So here are the tweets. I'll let you be the judge...

Pretty heavy stuff, right? And in case you don't have the energy to click on the link to see the last 12 words of her tweet...Here's the entire tweet:

"watching curious case of Benjamin button at 11 when I have class tomorrow because it's so damn good & I got a decent amount of sleep last night so I'm not tired"

Could it be Miss "Just Your Average TV Star" has decided to show the world...well, her twitter followers at least, she has turned over a new leaf and that she is human, after all?

I wouldn't be surprised if she tweets "When I'm cut, do I not bleed?" or something like that in the near future.

On to the TV Star's mother, who appears to still be in travel mode. Last weekend it was Utah. This weekend, it's a LIV cruise...

Meri even took time out to do some MSWC Customer Care (or Repair to be more accurate). Makes me wonder where is Robyn and what is she doing?

Just file this next tweet under Somehow This Doesn't Surprise Me...

Either Meri's cooking is way off or Kody needs to get his olfactory nerves checked. I wonder if it taste like Frog Legs to him?

And then there's this photo Meri took:

Maybe it's been a while since Meri actually saw a man "working". Many moons ago, I worked part-time in a hobby retail store. Now, there was always one thing the manager had to make sure there were plenty of: Shopping Carts. Before the store opened, the store manager would get into his car and search for our stores distinctive shopping carts, bringing them home. We jokingly called it the "cart corral" because the guy would drive up and down a major road and the parking lot with at least 10 carts linked together. So I don't find this picture out of the ordinary at all.

Seems Janelle is still caught up in tweeting about her weight loss journey. She's also missing her boys. I have two words to help her: Bug Spray

Yeah, so where does the butter and coconut oil fit into this new goal? Is coconut oil a vegetable?

Don't forget your coffee!! And the butter!

On the Darger Facebook, a rather cryptic message is leaving fans hoping nothing bad has happened...

And on the My Five Wives Facebook, the official announcement of the start date for their second season was made...

Meanwhile, on the Brady Williams Family Facebook, there's a picture of Brady in a kitchen looking "sporty"???

Oh, and before I forget...There's this short and to the point posting on Honey Baby Hoo Ha's official TLC Facebook fanpage...

From what I've read, this is a TLC/Producers ploy to increase lagging ratings. Mama June was also looking for bigger digs, too. Hey, that sounds just like Teresa Giudice, who's now claiming Bravo/Producers FORCED her to carry a pricey ($8K) handbag while being filmed looking for a cheaper place to live. I wonder if Mama June will be on the next Celebrity Apprentice?

That's all for now! More updates as they occur!

PS...I'm still working on the 2014 Plyggie Awards Results!!


  1. If Meri's teriyaki chicken and zucchini bread smell the same, it's no wonder Kody eats at Christine's.

  2. Oh Yes, CJ, you most certainly do have a lurking guest *or guests* here.
    That reality has been apparent for quite some time.

    And really, covert lurkers.....
    Shouldn't you be showing your loyalty and devotion to your Brownie stars by staging an intervention with your heroes about the proper (and smart) social media decorum to punch up their PR/Image with better tweets..... with particular attention to *content* BEFORE they hit send???
    Wouldn't that be a good idea??

    But since you don't seem to want to get in front of their (Your) faux pas, and since cya *always* follows after the snark begins, especially with Janelle and Meri and now Dr. Mariah..........
    *shrug*....Thanks for the snark food.!!!

  3. Maybe Mariah wants to be a naturopathic physician. Isn't that what Christine's grandfather was?

    1. Yeah. I think he also practiced chiropractic adjustment, and I've read he was the obgyn for their compound.
      No MD qualifications though, from what I've researched...I think I recall Mariah saying she definitely wanted to be a pediatrician.

    2. Rulon Allred practiced all of the above. He was very gifted. He saved my mother's life when she was in kidney failure.

    3. Hmmm. Kidney failure.

      Reminds me of something... can't put my finger on it...

      Oh yes!------> Truely. Kidney Failure. #notsurewhyittooksolongtogettohospital

    4. Do fundamentalist mormons prefer naturopathic medicine over traditional western medicine as a matter of faith? I recall that Christine took Mykelti to a chiropractor when she fell off a horse at the family ranch instead of taking her to the ER. I remember watching it and thinking - does she not have medical insurance? This seems far too serious to not get XRays. I don't mean to be too judgmental, but if the Browns only seek the help of an MD after all other options have been exhausted, that would explain alot.

    5. There's a lot to be said for alternative healing modalities. Chiropractic is an amazing healing art that goes back millenia in ancient China. This from someone educated on the East Coast in typical Western medicine.

    6. So did Rulon Allred know how to do dialysis? Call me crazy but I believe that is the only way to save someone's life when they are in kidney failure.

  4. Janelle's tweet about her missing her boys for bug killing is sad for a few reasons. She still has two sons at home. And a husband. Sort of. Guess Kody doesn't kill bugs.

    1. Silly Anon!
      Doing stuff for girls is gross. If people found out Kody did things women folk asked him to do people might question his 'man card' thing you know he'd grow a vagina and have to die of shame.

    2. It's sad to the point of pathetic, because they all claim to be be such Strong Women.

    3. After watching this show, I have come to believe that polygamist women do not have the same understanding of what a husband is or should be for his wife than monogamist women do. How could they? What would happen to their belief system if they knew how much more they could receive from a partner if they didn't have to share him? I think Janelle's older sons have replaced the role of father and husband in many ways for the women and children of the Brown family. It's creepy to me, and I am glad that Logan has flown the coop.

  5. Here's a question...Mariah tweeted a picture of a boy in sunglasses that appeared to be sol. Her caption was "I love to spend my Sundays with this guy". The boy whom I'm assuming is sol, was wearing a t-shirt that read "big brother". There was another pic of a newborn girl that read "can't wait to meet my new ""cousin""". Could robyn have given birth? With no resent photos, tweets and obvious lack of participation on her website. Just a thought.

    1. I don't think so...Meri tweeted a picture of her newborn niece Saige last week while in Utah. I don't think the little boy was Sol...I think he is one of Meri's nephews.


    2. Yeah, Meri actually commented on that picture to clear up the fact that it wasn't Sol in a "big brother" tshirt.

  6. Mariah (acorn) hasn't fallen far from the tree. Angry, aggressive , sarchastic, and self-centered. Good old Mare, raised a real peach. I remember the crying fit she performed on the couch about wanting a sibling. Excuse me but you have a village of siblings.
    The other off spring in the other franchises are so bright,charming and likable.

  7. If mama June and Sugar Bear can't make it, true love is really dead!

  8. My dear husband is my bug killer. One of his many good points. Janelle, maybe you'll find a good partner someday to help with the hard stuff. Free yourself!

  9. People are strange---Vulcans, too.

    Janelle, you have no husband---go find one! (Robyn, Christine---you don't either---but MrSpock knows that you think you do and nothing is going to change your collective minds because if you haven't figured that out yet, you are never going, oh well...they are your lives, but nothing you have done convinces MrSpock that you are happy with your situation---but, if you are, MrSpock can only raise an eyebrow in wonderment that you would settle for so little.)

    Mama June and Sugar Bear---so much for your "commitment" ceremony, eh?

    Bugs? Seriously? Get a fly swatter.

  10. Right on MrSpock. I totally agree with your appraisal of the situation. When I left home to go to college, and after living in a dorm for a year and after I got a part time job and moved into my own little efficiency apartment, I realized really quickly that I had to kill the spider or catch it put it outside. There was never a time during my life as a college students, as a mother, as an old woman that I've ever thought, gee, I will leave that spider, and when my husband or some other person arrives, they can kill it. Janelle, in all her push to appear logical, has the most flawed reasoning of any of the wives. She wants to portray herself as this self reliant, able to self support strong woman when in reality she is just as weak and just as needy as Christine and Robyn. When Meri treated her so badly and Kody didn't save her, she runs off to live with her mom. She cannot function without a man, another woman, or a mom. These polygamous women are really like the borg...they have to be together but in spite of the borg mentality, they cannot work together. Isn't that weird. They want to portray that they are strong independent women who all work together to raise kids, to nurture each other, to be....but in reality, they are only borg like in their need for a clingon...okay, I am really watching way too many startrack movies.

    1. rKr,
      Could be you may be watching too many movies, however your analogy is spot on.
      Your interpretation too, Spock !!

      These TLC she-Plyggies speak a lot of canned bravado, but act like scared ,and dare I say, lazy, entitled pre-teen girls. And as you pointed out.....especially Janelle!!

      Why the fans have not connected the dots on Janelle's history and MO is puzzling. Perhaps it is because the other three are so more easily pegged as being "off" as *adult* women and mothers.

    2. The more Star Trek, the better. If Kody is the Borg "brain" he has, indeed, done a poor job of assimilating the collective.

    3. Note to Janelle: if you've got an arm that can swing a shoe, you've got a bug killer. You don't need anyone else to do it for you.

    4. That's right. She is certainly not autonomous. She writes in the book that she lived in a teepee for a couple of hours on Kody's dad's ranch and then moved into the house to stay with her mother.

    5. A couple hours? Why do they keep bringing the teepee story up? In that case, I should "impress" everyone with my teepee story. I was about 8 and it was a Barbie themed canvas! I was so culturally sensitive and ahead of my time. Janelle just wants to sound quirky ... she doesn't need the teepee story to be labeled that, though ...

    6. does sitting in a teepee for a couple of hour really constitute *living* in one? That's like saying I live on the beach because I spent the afternoon there with a cooler.

  11. Dear Janelle: kill your own damn bugs. Good lord, these people are pathetic. Not a functional one in the bunch.

  12. You'd better believe that Mariah also scours the Internet and reads each and every little morsel of news about herself and the Brown clowns. Also, if she 'literally' -- which means actually, really and truly -- has to ask herself why in the world she is a science major and then remembers she wants to be a doctor, I sure wouldn't want her treating me, what with that short-term memory loss.

  13. Kollene Snow posted on Facebook yesterday that her sister from another mother committed suicide. She was in contact with Kollene and wanted to talk about leaving. She hung herself with an extension cord in a garage. Their father will not allow a funeral. I think TLC does a great diservice to it's viewers to continue perpetuating the myth of the happy polygamist. In truth, nothing has changed for these girls and women. She was 14.

    1. Uhhh.... what a tragedy!!!

      God help those women and children who live in that hellish life.

    2. Oh, that is terrible news.

    3. Sad and not very snarky SnarkaholicSeptember 29, 2014 at 2:55 PM

      That just breaks my heart. :o(

      I love to snark and be silly, but it is important to remember that this is such a horrible abusive lifestyle. Sad, just sad.

  14. Meri tweeted a picture of herself and another woman, with this comment:
    "Had a great day today at Disneyland with my friend, & now off to the pacific for a few days! Bon voyage!"

    Off to the Pacific? I think there was talk about a cruise to Hawaii. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

    1. The "Hawaii" mentioned by LIV exec Jeff T was most likely a conference call meeting with the Hawaii branch. There's a cruise, but probably along the coast of CA or Mexico.

    2. Wow, it's gotta be so hard for Meri to be cruising about the country without any kids to raise. The plyg lifestyle has clearly been so very hard on her.

  15. I really love this blog, and I enjoy reading, but I'm over all the Mariah bashing now. She's bratty and acts like her mom but she's also very young and clearly doesn't have it figured out, and she shouldn't. She may not be making the best decisions to fast track becoming a doctor but she's still a teenager. I don't like her attitude as much as the next person but to come here and constantly see everyone putting down a 19 year old is pretty tiring.

    1. I think Mariah enjoys the attention. Nineteen is pretty young? What will be her excuse when she is 20? Social media is not a toy or plaything especially if you and your family appear on a reality show!

    2. I appreciate your opinion Anon 12:11, but, as pointed out by Anon 7:40, social media is not a toy to play around with if you are on TV in a reality show.

      She made a point of tweeting to her followers that her instagram is private for confirmed friends only. Perhaps if she can't stand the heat she's generated against herself, she should immediately make her twitter account private for just her confirmed friends, too.

    3. I'm sure this comment won't appear, but heck, I have to say it just so at least CJ knows that the echo chamber isn't 100% on this one.

      A bunch of middle aged women bashing a 19 year old is pretty tasteless. And it remains tasteless if she's 20 or 21 (I mean come on, she's too young to legally drink, but it's okay to make her the target of blog posts?). Saying she deserves it because she uses social media isn't okay. The show is Sister Wives. I really wish the blog would focus on, you know, the adults and leave the kids alone.

      As for 'generating heat for herself', come on, at least admit that the show is all but dead, the blog would die too if it weren't for the Mariah bashing. It's pathetic. And it's quite sad. And just because a bunch of people here are getting all self-righteous because they think a twitter feed makes someone a legitimate target, that doesn't make it right.

      Following a teenager on twitter and mocking her for what she says is like shooting fish in a barrel. It lacks class, a sense of sportsmanship and it says more about the people doing it than it does about Mariah herself.

      If you want to snark on the Browns, fine. They're grown women (and men) and they chose their lives. But the kids were dragged into this and may take some time even as technical adults to grow up and extricate themselves from the mire their parents created.

      I hope Mariah does make her twitter feed private. Not because she's not mature enough to handle it, but because evidently, the actual adults reading it aren't.

    4. Note to Anon 12:11 and to Cynical Jinx, I agree with your point that social media is not a toy, but not just for those who appear on reality shows. Everyone who has any kind of social media presence, should understand the power it has to make or break reputations and relationships, to help get a message out to the masses, or to hinder people who want to change the way others view them.

    5. (Taking a deep breath...)

      The show is Sister Wives. I really wish the blog would focus on, you know, the adults and leave the kids alone.

      Okay, Safe Talk. First of all, I'm going to be nice and ask you to read the paragraph at the top of the page that describes my blog. You might want to also read the Welcome To My Living Room buttons that are just underneath the description.

      This blog is called My Living Room for a reason. If you can't deal with a group of so called middle aged women having a discussion - well, surely I don't need to tell you what your next steps should be, do I?

      admit that the show is all but dead, the blog would die too if it weren't for the Mariah bashing.

      No. I will not admit the show is "all but dead" until TLC comes out with a press release saying it is dead. And rest assured, once Sister Wives HAS been cancelled, My Living Room will continue to discuss whatever topic is it Sister Wives (who no doubt will continue to tweet about themselves - look at the Dargers for example), Brady and Wives, Polygamy, Teresa and Juicy Joe, Real Housewives, Top Chef....WHAT EVER REALITY SHOW IS OUT THERE! Have I made myself clear or should I repeat it?

      I hope Mariah does make her twitter feed private.
      So do I. That's why I said it. If she IS lurking, maybe she'll take a hint that Twitter may not be the social medium for her. But I doubt it. It would be hard to drop over 30K in followers. And that's what she would lose if she made her twitter feed private.

      I'm sure this comment won't appear
      Don't be so quick with that assumption my dear...

      I have to say it just so at least CJ knows that the echo chamber isn't 100% on this one
      I appreciate your opinion, Safe Talk. So let's just agree to disagree and move on, shall we?

      Oh, and if you can't deal with the conversations in my living room, there's an X in a red box located in the upper right corner of your browser. Just click it whenever you feel the need to set yourself free from us middle aged women...(sorry I couldn't resist)

      (Letting breath out slowly...)

    6. Mariah does indeed bring this on herself. Her actions have consequences. You don't see anyone slamming Aspyn. Why? Because Aspyn doesn't tweet out a bunch of selfish self-centered arrogant crap. Aspyn is a teenager and she has more sense than God gave paste, what's Mariah's problem? It isn't solely age, it's who she is.

    7. Safetalk! The adult Brown's and Mariah made it a point to showcase Mariah for a full season and more..the HOMES..the college money..the crepes..the dorms and movigng in..the "i want to go to Utah to be a plyg wife" the talking heads..the baby story..on and on and on..Mariah was on the same level a a sisterwife for an entire season..and that is why we comment..Mariah provided the content on air to give us the right to comment.

    8. I don't follow Mariah on social media. Informed my opinions based on the show.
      -her leaving her school was harder than the other children in the Vegas move.
      -her throwing fits about her mothers fertility.
      - her parked in the middle of the cul de sac waiting for her mothers late loan approval on the McMansion
      -her " I'm special cuz my moms first wife and im a single child" attitude is very unbecoming and if I were Meri I wouldn't have exposed her "terrible teens" to the world for harsh judgement. Sorry but I'm pretty sure she lurks here and based some of her behavior in front of the camera, she is acting up for attention.
      Nailed it!

    9. I don't know Safe Talk....I do believe you tastelessly bashed Mariah on this blog when you called her bratty, spoiled and entitled....

      SafeTalkJune 30, 2014 at 2:39 PM


      The only Brown kid I actually like is Hunter, and that's because he's never been afraid to tell everyone how full of shit they are. If it were up to Hunter, the cameras would probably be gone tomorrow. Actually, I even prefer Mariah, at least Mariah is straightforward in her bratty spoiledness and entitlement.

    10. MrSpock raises an eyebrow at being labeled a "middle-age woman."

    11. Not necessarily tiring for everyone.
      People here on the blog are likely annoyed about other things in their life and Mariah's bratty f-ing attitude provides a safe and lovely target for the bashing release.
      This is not, nor is it supposed to be, Mother Theresa's lifestyle blog.
      Mariah could stop her ridiculous tweeting so as not to bait these reactions. She's too busy enjoying her Andy Warhol 15 minutes. In fact, she's embraced it's "holier-than-thou" egotism with gusto.

    12. What the hell is wrong with middle aged women?
      Is that supposed to be some sort of insult?
      Middle aged women rule.
      The only ones sharpened further by life experience are the crones, who totally rule.

    13. Safetalk- we may be pathetic, but we are not alone. Tabloids regularly feature girls Mariah's age and chronicle their antics and bad behavior. Someone must buy those magazines. But I do agree I wish I had something more interesting to read/talk about than Mariah. Times are tough when things are slow in sister-wife land.

    14. I have been reading since the old blog and I'm 31. Please, please tell me that isn't the new middle aged!!! Love the blog CJ. :)
      My name is Sara - I can never figure out how to post with a name...sorry

    15. I am another long time lurker who finds the Mariah snark kind of stale regardless of her age. I find the blog reading into stuff that I don't see from her tweets, especially when there so many other juicy topics to discuss. Just giving feedback, doesn't mean I want "x out of the blog" though thank you for the direction.

    16. I appreciate your opinion, anon 9:21. But no one has stopped you from discussing those "many other juicy topics**" if Mariah's tweets are not your cup of tea!

      **Appropriate for us middle aged biddies of course.

    17. Was that Mariah???

    18. In response to Anon 9:21, I also get very bored harping on Mariah. She's a self-indulgent teen, blah-blah-blah. But here's the thing. Despite the negative reactions, she never seems to learn her lesson. Nobody in the family does. They have this hodgepodge entourage of garage bands, MLM executives, trainers, real estate agents, etc, but no publicist. And even with their continued PR missteps, they might be the most boring family in America. They don't have interesting careers or hobbies or even take interesting vacations. (RV trip to Missouri???) Even the Duggars went to China. I was actually excited about the prospect of Meri going to college because I thought - there's an interesting storyline for the show - a real fish out of water story with the sheltered plyg wife in class with a bunch of college freshman in flashy LV, but I guess educating her mind will have to take a backseat to Meri's roadtrips to Anaheim. #guessshespentthatcollegetuitiononaseasonpassatdisneyland

      On a totally different note, I just purchased an SSL certificate for my employer's website. (Super easy to do BTW, and I am not an IT professional.) Just made me think about a certain retail website that is run by a family of 5 adults that haven't got a clue.

    19. I'm in my twenties. I hope I'm not middle-aged!

  16. Anon 12:11 am

    One could (also) easily argue that Mariah's behavior is tiring.
    Many could undeniably argue that the sheer volume of material to 'snark' on is tiring.
    NO ONE can argue that Mariah couldn't use a lesson on decorum, discretion, and tact with regard to her public persona.
    I don't doubt that many of her blunders find their root in being young and sheltered. Just as I do not doubt they are indicative of a level of self absorption that seems proprietary to the Brown family way of life coupled with a seemingly genetic predisposition to delusion and self idealized grandeur.
    As a 'public figure' with aspirations of working with the public as a doctor, Mariah may one day have the life of one of those 'gross', 'dumb', 'inconvenient' people she frequently posts about...why on earth would her behavior cause comment or concern, right?
    We live in a digital world with ever fading levels of privacy, a world where our words live on long after we do. It does Mariah (or any teen for that matter) no harm to learn that her behavior could have a lasting and negative impact on her future. It's a lesson I wish more teens could learn in at least a somewhat controlled environment (like this blog with its moderator).
    How many online horror stories could be prevented by a young person learning early on that nothing is private and information never goes away?
    Like I said, we are living in a digital world and Mariah is a digital girl. Just not a very smart one.

    1. Agree well said. I am firm I will not allow my daughter an online presence at least until she is an older teen (forever if I can!). Easier said than done I know ... I dislike Mariah but who are we to say whether she will make it into med school. We don't know anything about her grades other than that she was in NHS. Maybe she was pretty close to the top of her class ... though I assume if she had been in the top ten we would have seen that in the grad ceremony show. She could be prepping her resume now and just not tweeting about it. If her only fault is being self absorbed and irritating to be around, that won't keep her out of med school. That said, she doesn't come across as particularly smart on the show, so I will be surprised if she makes it.

    2. She's probably smart relative to the other Brown kids. Probably not exceptionally smart (as in National Merit) or we'd all have known about it via both her and Meri's Twitter. It's kinda like Janelle seems smart when you put her up against Kody and the other wives, but outside of that not so much.

      There are kids Mariah's age who are mature so I'm not giving her a pass due to age. People are hard on her because she has presented herself as pretentious, hot-tempered and selfish. I personally think she wants to be a doctor because it sounds good to say that.

      I have never understood how the kid who refused to go to public school and was the last to kiss out of the older kids (her own admission) could be so infatuated with Miley. It never added up. Again, she and some of her family will say things that sound good, but they are all pretty fake for the cameras. Mariah is no exception.

    3. La Petite,
      Excellent points !!
      All parents should heed your thoughts and seriously consider taking a stance when it comes to their childrens' social media activities.
      The ever expanding social media environment is NOT for naive kids.

    4. And another thing! (Snarkaholic on a soap box) My daughter is a 19 year old college sophomore from a sheltered background of solely private school. And ya, I probably spoil her with too much material crap. But you know what? She isn't a spoiled self-centered brat. Serving others has always been part of our lifestyle. She does charity work and has chosen a profession of service.

      She's 19 and knows better than to behave like a buffoon and she especially knows not to post stupid crap online for the whole world to see. Mariah was raised under the same roof as the other kids in that family until they moved to Vegas. She had the same upbringing. So how do we excuse her behavior when she has 5 (is that the right number?) other teenaged siblings who behave in a reasonably decent manner?

    5. As CJ immediately noted, this blog is not dependent on SW for existence.
      It is surprising that was not known.
      However, it is noteworthy that the assumption that a dissenting post would not be published, yet certainly was, is a credit to the ethics of the blog's owner. Considering the content of the post, I would have expected nothing less.

      Mariah Brown surely knows what she is doing on social media, how widely it can be circulated, and the tenor of responses her activity can potentially generate in certain areas.
      And....she and her parents surely know that TLC aired several scenes in epps which did not show Mariah in the best say the least.

      One thing about being a middle-aded female (or male).....
      Living a few decades more than a nineteen year old can give perspective about "actions and outcomes."

    6. Oh, LePetite, tres bien!
      Love the material girl reference. Funny. Thank you.

    7. Totally agree that she was basically "sheltered" before the reality show, and probably didn't use social media in Utah; most kids her age grew up with social media and understand that you don't publish every passing thought online. I've noticed the same thing with the older Duggar girls--socially stunted, and once they're "allowed" to use social media they come off a tweens.

  17. mariah is a TV star! worthy of opinion. Is that a male roomate in her twitter pick with the cat! How does Kody justify Mariah having a male roomate!

    1. I thought the same thing!! That is def a guy in the picture with her. How on earth is that modest??? My parents were pretty forward thinking and open and I would NEVER have been allowed a MALE roommate. But, maybe it is one of here many, many cousins????

    2. Mariah is trying to one up her sisters..she is teasing for shock value. She is just like her mother in competing against her sisters for attention. What a sad and desperate legacy of polygamy to pass down to your daughters. Mariah has the moves down for sure..tears and emtional manipulation..and a male roomate

  18. I can just say that I know Janelle reads this blog and I know she tweets about early morning workouts just to get me all riled up.

    Within the next two weeks, she will tweet about her 'job' or something related to real estate. Janelle is still on the TMI realty page,but so is Christine and we know Christine isn't even pretending to work. There is, however, a Rebecca Brown....Interesting....

    1. CPA carol, am I being particularly obtuse? I don't understand the Rebecca Brown reference, will you clarify?

    2. I just thought it was interesting that there was another "Brown" woman working at TMI. Kind of kiddingly hinting this is a relative or maybe even a new wife. I know Brown is a common last name though. Just trying to stir things up!

    3. What I find interesting is that Christine is still listed. What is that all about ??

      Could be Magic Mona either doesn't do her own website updating and TMI still thinks there is some PR value to having TV Reality stars on their page.
      Or......there has been some sort of deal/ kickback for all in listing both of them.

      Hmmm....Just another dodgy detail in Kodyworld !

  19. And one more comment from me today before I have to get to work at a real job.....Does anyone think that Sugar Bear and Mama June might have caved to the pressures of making ratings jump and this is all a stunt? I read that a TLC person even said this would be good for ratings because the show was in a slump. I kind of hope so in a weird way. I know they are crude and rude, but the family does seem to love each other.

    1. I do Sara. Only I don't think they are much of a family off the show. I read that June only has legal custody of Alana, and that the other girls lived with their grandmother when TLC wasn't filming. I don't believe Sugar Bear is the type to use online dating but meeting a woman in the local dive bar I can see him doing that a lot.

    2. I totally think this 'separation' is a stunt. The ratings are down and this was suggested to them as a way to get the ratings up. I really believe the Sister Wives show will go down a similar path. They may already be planting the seeds. Let's just say I don't believe much of what we are shown on reality tv. I think most plotlines are producer driven. For instance, who really believes that the Browns would want to go meet "Christian" polygamists and ride in RVs? They need the paycheck, so they do what they are told. The older kids are probably in on it...but they have college and other financial needs as well.

      So long story short, I don't believe MJ and SB are really splitting up. They will reunite and there will be yet another reason for a TLC celebration

    3. Yep, they do need a compelling storyline since they have maxxed out on over the top gross behaviors as fillers. What else could the producers come up with?

      They milked the Anna wedding and leaving the state saga dry, so really, what is left ,,,,,,other than back down to more slovenly couch lounging, yelling and eating.??

    4. I thought the split was fake until I saw a hilarious picture of a very happy Sugar Bear riding a mechanical bull in some bar with a young woman. I think Mama June decided to boot him out when she saw how much fun he was having without her!

    5. They could always try having the family try to lose weight. Not a Janelle attempt, but a real attempt at losing weight. The only one not overweight in that family was the daughter who just got married.

    6. I will not at all be surprised if the Browns (or TLC) created some "drama" in the marriage (sealing) of all of them to create a storyline. It would certainly go along with the "Big Love" story....Kody divorces Meri, actually marries another wife, then has another "sealing" ceremony...blah blah blah blah blahhhhhhhh. From this point on, I really can't believe anything that is put out there, or believe anyone is happy in that family except for the kids that "hit the road the moment they could and get the hell out of Cul-de-sac Dodge". I find it a joke that if money was an issue AT ALL with this family....the UNLV students would still be living at home....period! They are not for a reason....and I think we know what that is.
      So I do look at all reality shows with a very open mind and remember that as much as I want to believe of the "realness" of it.....someone sat down and conjured up the script.

    7. Love is not an EquationSeptember 30, 2014 at 3:46 PM

      Hey Sara... if you want to post with a name, select Name/URL from the drop down box. Fill in the name section, you can leave the URL blank, and you're done! : )

  20. Love is not an EquationSeptember 30, 2014 at 4:02 PM

    Something I just noticed... Twitter gives its users a few lines under their name to describe themselves... and these Brown family ones stuck out to me:

    Kody's says: "The guy with the big boy panties at My Sisterwife's Closet." Ewwww!

    Meri's says: "Independent, Strong, and Daring to Live!" Pfff... that deserves a big ol' snarky snort!

    And #sorry#notsorry to the anti-Mariah basher's, but hers' says: "•just your average tv star•" Am I the last one to see this? Is she for real?

    1. The more the "wives" claim how strong they are the less convincing it sounds.

    2. I guess we'll soon be seeing Mariah walk the red carpet in anticipation for her Oscar. LOL Is she for real....just your average tv star...not. She, like Kody, has illusions of grandeur to the point of being totally deluded into thinking she is something she is not. Meri, Christine, Robyn, Kody, and Janelle obviously think they are so important. I'm surprised they don't have body guards protecting them from all these screaming fans...oh wait, there are no screaming fans. They are total DBs.

    3. Maybe Kody really does wear "panties."

  21. Unfortunately Polygamy seems to keep it's members emotional growth stunted for some reason. Look at all of the SW themselves. Emotional maturity seems to be at upper middle school lower high school level at best. And Kody and Brady aren't too much more mature themselves. So not only was Mariah a doted on only child (I know she technically has brothers & sisters, but let's be real - these people have never really lived as one unit), she has 2 very immature adults as parents. And the bonus mom's aren't any better maturity examples for her. I think why the other older kids behave more maturely than Mariah is because they've had a lot more responsibility to take on from a young age. We saw Logan getting up to cook breakfast & get the siblings ready. We see Aspyn taking care of Truely with more maternal instincts than her own 2 patents do. Mariah never had that type of responsibility and with Meri struggling with fertility issues, I'm sure she dotted on her even more and gave her even less responsibility then any normal teen might have. She clearly has never had much discipline (look at the way she speaks to her parents in several episodes). Unfortunately for Mariah, she is going to be a classic case of a rude awakening once she finishes college and gets out in the real world. Not many people are going to tolerate her behavior. But sometimes the hard way is the best way to learn a lesson.

    1. "Unfortunately for Mariah, she is going to be a classic case of a rude awakening once she finishes college and gets out in the real world"

      Unless she marries Plyg sooner than later and stays cocooned in the Plyg culture and hierarchy.

    2. Hockey Mom, you summed it up perfectly. Mariah is going to be shocked once the real world hits. She is going to be even more shocked if she marries in the next couple of years, particularly to a plyg man. Compromise will be tough for her. I hope she graduates before considering marriage so she has more options open to her and more education under her belt. Don't think Meri would have chosen to marry Kody or stay for so long if she had more options to leave.

  22. Thanks for the tip, Love is not an equation. I wasn't sure how do comment with my name either! I love, love, love reading this blog. I get excited when I see a new post or new comments. Keep 'em coming!

  23. Juicy Joe got 41 months in prison.
    Judge is reserving her decision on Teresa until later. If sentenced to prison, Tersesa could do 27 months or less.
    Judge did say that if she sends Teresa to prison, she will serve her sentence first while Joe stays out to care for their kids. Then he will go in for at least 3 years.

    What a shame for those four children!

    1. Teresa got 15 months in prison and she needs to surrender herself to feds no later than January 5th!!!

    2. Wow.....just saw that !!! That IS a shocker !!!!

      Their lawyers were sure she would get extended probation.
      Obviously this judge was not of the mind to show leniancy to either one of them.

    3. Let's just say the judge was NOT amused!!! LMFAO!!

    4. HA !!!!! Good One !!!!

  24. Did you all see this Tweet from Janelle: "In a crowded family venue 2night & about made a scene- Men, why r ur wives beasts of burden-pushing strollers & carrying bags & u aren't ?"

    Is she for real? It doesn't really seem like Kody raises his kids. He certainly doesn't help Janelle kill bugs. We could go on and on. She is a piece of work and deserves whatever comes her way for being a part of this mess.

    1. I think if Twitter allowed more characters she would have finished the sentence this way:

      ".... why r ur wives beasts of burden-pushing strollers & carrying bags & u aren't disciplining all the sons in the family to do it for you?"

  25. The nerve of Teresa to claim zero value on her jewelry. I have watched season to season as she has incresed the size of her diamond wedding ring and for her and Joe. The custom pieces she has worn and carier bracelets. The diamond ring they gave to Gia was not a ring of her mothers..mounting to new. She got away with not claiming cars (in those back garages) and furs and designer goods. She refurnished her bedroom and drapes and i dont believe for one minuted bravo brought in furniture. They are still hiding assets..i dont think she got enough time. The pattern of their crimes have not been broken. January 5th? and Joe the drunk is going to watch the girls. great

    1. ".....and Joe the drunk is going to watch the girls. great "

      I thought the same thing. The judge made a point of saying in the sentencing that Joe may want to take advantage of AA counseling while in prison, ackowledging his addiction, and then sets it up that initially Joe has care of the kids for *over a year *while Teresa is in prison.
      That doesn't make sense. ???? Not if the well-being of the children is a priority.

      It is impossible to feel any sympathy for either of them.
      But unfiortunately, those kids will have to suffer for the crimes and greed of their parents.

  26. The polygamy ruling is being appealed...anyone have information on that?

    1. Not really since Utah only said they would be appealing the ruling sometime in the future.

  27. Having a sister who was on a reality show, the "reality" is in the minds of the producers, who ask questions and set up circumstances then in the cutting room, make the "magic" happen. My baby sister was made out to be a villain, and worse, when the true "reality" was the opposite. It really depends more on production company than the people on the shows. Sadly, my sister left after filming thinking things were good, only to be completely shocked and harangued by blogs and such, when the show finally aired. In her defense, it was early in the infancy of reality shows.

    Now, I assume that these so-called reality shows are nothing more than soap operas using sub par "actors" who think they are "stars". The paychecks keep the current cast from fleeing. They are not making one season wonders like the early days and I suspect these folks just go along, thinking they are stars. Sad, really sad, to destroy your family and do it on TV.

    As for SW and the other polygamy shows, why do these fundamentalists seem to only accept the one teaching of Joseph Smith regarding polygamy, but drink coffee, wine and virtually ignore his other teachings? I am not lds but I do know that there are dietary restrictions and such. I think it shows where their heads are, pardon the pun. Sex, yes! Other teachings, um, no.
