
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Off Topic Tuesday Plus Selected Live Tweets from June 29, 2014

While I watched Janelle's mountain climb, I was reminded of my sixth grade school located in Southern California. Our teacher, Mrs. Prendred,  would "sneak" the class up this "mountain" and read Robinson Crusoe to us.

I ventured onto Google Street View and saw the "mountain" was still there! Well, part of it was. Those were magical times back in the sixties.

For fun, would anyone like to guess 1) What city this is .... and 2) The name of the school?

Big hint: I was an Air Force Brat. The base was SAC and very famous for the squadron of aircraft located there. This was my last stateside school before leaving for overseas.


One of our commenters attended Arnold Heights Elementary. I also attended this school prior to Moreno Valley School (and Edgemont Elementary). This school has been torn now, just like the rest of Arnold Heights, but here's a picture I found. I'm pretty sure this building was the cafeteria.

So what were some notable tweets from Sunday?

From optimist Robyn, she made sure all everyone knew their servers (yep, you saw that right, SERVERS) were upgraded. Now, if they will just do something about that SSL encryption that isn't there anymore.

Oh, and here's a good indication that they are using that "investor" money to good use. MSWC now has website manager.

Robyn, Robyn, Robyn. Why does Mykelti need to add a man? It's refreshing to see that she doesn't believe a man should be a financial plan, like some people we know....
Perfect. You buy new things using investor money and then you tweet about stealing them from MSWC inventory. #NotVerySmart

Seems Meri has turned to Danny Gokey obsessing. Can someone just make her stop...please?

Boy, I can't wait for that episode...NOT

Now I didn't see this on Robyn's timeline so it's a good thing Kody retweeted it to his fans...

And just file this tweet under BUSTED!!!

Oh, here's a picture of the missing hubcap....

Logan seems to be a nice guy, Kody. That's why his friends 'love' him, not that they are so open-minded. You could take some lessons from Logan...

Of course, there's Janelle always ready to tell it like it is....

But she does have reason to be proud of Logan. I guess you're right - compared with the other adults in the Kody Brown family, Logan DOES have the strongest work ethic.

Oh dear. Seems Christine and Maddie got into a tiff with a tweeter. Yes, the tweeter said some rude things but sometimes it's better to not engage and avoid those twitter wars gossip rags love to write about.

Unfortunately, the original tweet apparently was deleted by Christine, but I vaguely remember the tweeter saying Maddie may have been embarrassed by Christine's greasy hair (couch interview)...

This was one of Maddie's initial tweet replies to the mean ole tweeter:
Somehow, the coach at Maddie's former high school started tweeting about the exchange. How nice that a high school teacher uses words like 'turd' to their students. I wish mine did...oh wait, I think one did but he was canned....

Now here Maddie makes a lot of sense...

And after a lot of back and forth, Maddie has finally had enough....

With Christine following close behind her....

That was fun, wasn't it?

Finally, we have what Christine does best, tweeting about Truely!!!


  1. Meri really needs a new man, she is so unsatisfied with Kody. Can you imagine how unfulfilled she feels having to share Kody (who isn't much of a catch to begin with) with 3 other women?

    I love how Robyn used the wrong form of "there" in a tweet. Of course she didn't know Mykelti wants to adopt, she probably knows very little about her "bonus" children.

    Maybe Christine should practice what Maddie tweets, so when she can't say anything nice she will keep her dang mouth shut instead of calling the girls who hang out with Logan "dumb". Or when she wants to call monogamist Christians "boring" she won't.

    Who wants to bet that Kody just made one of the kids replace the hubcap on Janelle's car instead of being a good husband and doing it himself?

    What Janelle, Kody doesn't have the strongest work ethic you've ever seen? Wow, that's a burn on Kody.

    1. I'm thinking Mykelti made half that stuff up because she knows it sounds good. She is playing to the cameras. I used to read her tweets and was really impressed that this kid would tweet such deep, motivational type stuff, but then one time I saw where she was just taking those motivational tweets created by others and sending them like they were her original thoughts. The kid knows what sounds/looks good, but I don't know that she's all that genuine. I also believe that if you tell a kid something long enough, they will start to believe it and follow in that direction. By calling her wild, she's just going to end up playing to that because that's what everyone expects anyway, hence her unconventional (for plygs) goals.

    2. That's the base! Now what's the city (well, it was a town when I lived there) and the name of the school?

      Another hint: City and the school have same name!

    3. Robyn had another good spelling mistake last week - neice instead of niece for a tweet about Mindy.

    4. actually, i think that mykelti is completely serious about becoming a foster mother. check out her pinterest account.

    5. Moreno Valley?

    6. Yay!!! You are correct!!!

      That's the town!!!

  2. Norton Air Force Base?

    1. Norton was on the other side of Box Springs Mountain.

      Area 51?
      March AFB had it's secrets (including abandoned WWII bunkers just north of the offbase housing now torn down and made into an industrial park) but nothing like area 51...I don't think...

      Minot, ND?
      Sorry, MrSpock. Wrong state.

    2. Ya know CJ, Penn & Teller did a terrific episode about Area 51 on their Bullshit show. You can find it on YouTube :)
      Come to think of it, perhaps its only a matter of time before the Browns have an "Area 51" episode.

  3. The tweet to Mykelti from Robyn was interesting when she suggests "luv" get a man if she wants to adopt children! Would love to ask Robyn how that 25% of a husband who comes with 3 additional women/families is working for her?

    1. Sometimes I get the feeling all of Robyn's talk about polygamy being so wonderful is just a façade. I think she is jealous of monogamous women. Her ridiculous "Honeymoon" whatever she called it sealed the deal for me. It didn't work for her mother and it looks like it didn't work for Robyn either. I think she's jealous of Meri and her freedom.

    2. I agree with your comment about 25% of a husband…..if you're reading this Robyn, "luv," you might want to consider getting 100% of a man in your plans, too.

      But I have to disagree with Cynical Jinx on her comment above about Mykelti's not needing a man being "refreshing." I actually think it's sad that our society has shifted to a place of considering a man not necessary. Men are important and offer different gifts than women offer; they add a lot of value to the lives of women and of children. It's sad to me that so many sons and daughters are raised without a strong, positive male presence in the home. Men have much to give and those kids are missing out. Is it possible to raise a child alone as a single man or woman? Sure. But I don't think it's ideal and I don't think actively pursuing it as a first option is "refreshing."

    3. Actually CJ said not needing a man as a financial plan is refreshing ... which I wholeheartedly agree! To the point about needing a man as part of the family vs being a single mom - or lesbian couple ... I don't know ... to me what is sad is kids who are missing a close relationship with a biological parent for whatever reason.

    4. "[T]o me what is sad is kids who are missing a close relationship with a biological parent for whatever reason"

      What I find sad are the children in this world who have no parents or home to call their own. Every child is precious and deserves to be loved.

      BTW, how do adoptive / non-biological parents and children figure into your statement?

      I tend to think, as the saying goes, "Anyone can be a father. It takes someone special to be a Dad." Just ask Krody. ;-)

    5. Well yes of course I think adoptive parents can be "real" parents and have a beautiful bond .. but I also think there is a loss/trauma to a child from losing a biological parent .. the severity of which varies from very minimal to very big depending on circumstances. But anyway I was thinking of kids I know in divorced families where they do have a good bond with a loving and present stepfather but a difficult relationship w the biological father. I am sad for these particular children as the loss is very apparent. But to Mykelti's plan of going solo, I think as long as she works hard to have a variety of adult role models/relationships in her kids' lives and plans the logistics and finances of single parenting, I have no criticism of it ...ecxept she is being very idealistic and will refine her ideas as she gets older.

    6. For someone to adopt another person has to lose their parents/children. It is sad. BTW I adopted. Fortunately we don't live in a world where hundreds of thousands of adults with minor children are dying from the flu. Robyn is actually wrong about getting a man first. She would have an easier time as a single. No country would places it's a polygamist family. There are not many children of young age unattached to family members in the US thankfully. And there are many more people wanting to adopt then young children available. Not many BF would pick a polygamist family. It sounded like she wanted to be a sister wife in the past. She does see Robyn's kids from an earlier marriage as much as sibling as the rest of the family. I do think she could equally treat an adoptive child the same as a bio child. I find that phrase demeaning to men and untrue. Fathers are not treated well. Not saying Kody is great. He went into a relationship decided to make 2/3rds of his wait days for him. Who does that?

  4. Mira Mar? (I'm from San Diego county)


    See the above link for responses to Christine's "girls are so stupid and giggly around Logan" comment. The guy they blocked said, "they get stupid? I'm sure his friend's will appreciate that...."

    Why wouldn't she delete that tweet of hers? She is embarrassing. Did she delete the boring monogamist tweet?

    1. she didn't delete because that was another incident that occurred during Logan's segment of the show. The second incident occurred during Maddie's segment. Unfortunately, I no longer see the tweets that went back and forth between him, Maddie and Christine initially.

    2. Sometimes I wonder if Christine is secretly resentful of Logan or jealous that he is the first boy because she seems to go out of her way to embarrass him. Why would she ever think making fun of his friends and calling them dumb is ok? Or when she called him out for saying a swear word a few seasons back when the adults all say bad things themselves. No wonder he doesn't come back often.

  6. I think Robyn is the unhappiest wife of all. Janelle may be the happiest (or, the most deluded) with Christine right behind her. I am kinda wondering if the season finale will be one or more wives leaving the plyg compound. This is one unhappy group.

    What do you guys think?

    1. Janelle is certainly the most deluded. You see the way she maniacally stares at Kody or grins like an idiot when he is talking?

      Robyn isn't getting babied by Kody anymore and you can just tell she isn't very happy. She also seems to have the hardest time managing her kids. I really hope she doesn't go on to have a fifth at this point.

    2. They are definitely extremely unhappy... Pretty miserable, honestly....

      But leaving the compound? NO WAY! (This dead horse's corpse has been beaten beyond recognition ;) ).

      If their plygamy was based on anything random, I could see some of them leaving.

      But since Kody is their ticket to heaven (literally) & they won't be able to enter the highest level of heaven if they were to "divorce" (how can you divorce if you aren't married?).... The plygwife mantra seems to be: no matter how miserable my life is, I just need to get through it to go to heaven.

    3. Wife #1-3 are very unhappy in their passive aggressive lives. They need Kody to get them into heaven. This is just my opinion......Robyn shows so many signs of being a sociopath that I have a hard time believing she really believes in the religion. The religion is what she knows so she uses it to manipulate and gain the things she wants. I think once the TLC train is gone she will move on. She might make a move to the secular world if it has something that suits her or maybe she'll pull some guy with money into her plyg world. She won't stay with Kody and Krew if there aren't things that benefit her....and of course she'll be the victim!

    4. Not to brag or anything....okay Im totally bragging. My house is right at the end runway at Pensacola NAS The Blue Angels practice right over my house every Tuesday and Wednesday. When I first moved there, there was a couple times I thought for sure I was going to die. I got over that. I learned their show move for move and when to plug my ears.

    5. Anon @ 9:13pm, I'm so envious. I absolutely love the Blue Angels! Enjoy!

    6. Anon - An ex-boyfriend of mine's brother was a Blue Angel's pilot. Not only was he an awesome pilot, he was dreamy looking, too. lol

  7. March Air Force Base? I took the challenge because I too grew up in Southern California in the 1960's, and yes it was a magical time. I tell my kid's stories of what we did for fun and none of it involved cell phone, nintendo, video games or cable. Lot;s of camping, bike rides till dusk and sleepovers dancing to the beatles. My dad took us to see the Blue Angles and I still have family serving in the Air Force. Edwards Air Force base was near a ranch we had in the Antelope Valley.

    1. That's the base! Now what's the city (well, it was a town when I lived there) and the name of the school?

      Another hint: City and the school have same name!

    2. Riverside?

      Blue Angels---yes! I am a Navy veteran.

    3. My dad took us to see the Blue Angles
      When my dad was stationed at George AFB, the Air Force Thunderbirds decided to flyover the base housing the morning of the show. It was LOUD...LOUDER than LOUD including sonic booms. I don't think civilians really understand just how loud those jets are. We all ran outside to see what the commotion was, and I swear I could see the pilots laughing their heads off at all the residents looking at them!

      I went to the air show later that day. I don't think they still allow this, but the audience was allowed to stand right on the flight line. Actually, I think that performance was for base personnel and family only.

      Anyway, words can't describe seeing those pilots doing all those crazy maneuvers and they were just maybe 50 feet away from us. I will never forget the lead pilot who flew past us UPSIDE DOWN, less than 20 feet above the runway and waving at us! of my dates took me to the flightline one night. You haven't lived until you've seen a fighter jet takeoff and then engage the afterburner. The jet exhaust went from orange to blue and that jet took off like a bat out of hell almost straight up! Unbelievable!

    4. Riverside?
      So close MrSpock. About 20 years ago I went back to the area I remembered. Riverside had gobbled up all the small towns...Rubidoux, Edgemont, Sunnymead, -- all gone. But the city where the school in the picture is located is still going strong.

      Yay to the armed forces!!!

    5. One of my favorite memories is going to see the "Blue Angels" when they were performing here in the Northeast. Thousands would come to the Naval Air Station here to see them. .and they would never disappoint.
      We took our kids years later too when they were still doing the shows.

    6. My last house was located across the street from the Jacksonville, Fl Naval Air Base. I watched them fly over my house many times over the years. I tried to take pictures from my yard but they were too fast. lol! And yes, they are very loud. I work from home and it would drive me crazy when they practiced. The whole house would shake and the dog would freak out.

    7. Moreno Valley - my mom was stationed at March when I was 2nd thru 6th grade. I'm 32 now. I loved living on base, such a great place!

    8. Moreno Valley

      my mom was stationed at March when I was 2nd thru 6th grade
      Was Arnold Heights (the off base housing) still there when you were there?

    9. Yes!! I lived on base but went to Arnold Heights Elementary School from 2nd to 5th grade!

    10. Yes!! I lived on base but went to Arnold Heights Elementary School from 2nd to 5th grade!

      So did I!!! It's been torn down :-( but I found this old picture...This is exactly how I remember it!

      Look up for the picture!!!!

    11. That's it!!! Oh my goodness, the memories I have of that place. Of my whole experience in Moreno Valley actually! I'll have to tell my mom that it is all torn down now :( Thank you for the trip down memory lane CJ!!! It's so neat to meet someone else from that area, most have no clue what I am talking about. Also, thank you for this amazig blog. I never really post, but I love reading your reviews and the insight from you and all the wonderful posters!

  8. Am I too late? Adelanto or China Lake?

    1. No you're not late Jaded Journalist!

      Adelanto is next to George AFB. The base is gone now but never will be forgotten!! It had the best base housing...almost like condos.

  9. I always wanted to stop at Astro Burger on our way to Mammoth. Just for kicks.

  10. Perris........Perris Elementary?

  11. Replies
    1. YAY!!!!!

      Kiki!!! You are correct!!! The town was Moreno Valley and the school? Why Moreno Valley Elementary School, of course!

      It seems what towns Riverside didn't gobble up, Moreno Valley did. Gosh, I can't believe it was almost 50 years ago! The whole area around the school was surrounded by orange groves and empty, dusty fields. I remember there was a turkey farm nearby, and lots of flies. Now almost all of that is gone, replaced by houses.

      It's amazing but the school hasn't really changed that much...some extra classrooms put in.

    2. I live not far from there, and do grocery shopping at the commissary often, that base is such a mystery to me. So many parts have been left abandoned and you can see the relics of a once busy base left behind. It's a interesting and weird place all at the same time.

    3. Whoop woop! I live a few miles to the north and go there quite a bit. Pass by March AFB a lot.

  12. Now this would be interesting:
    Robyn: Kody, it's my birfdaay and I want our night out. I want one of the bonus moms to watch the kids so we can go eat and maybe to a movie
    Kody: Yeah, okay. We can take the sports car. I better ask one of the other mothers.
    Robyn: Start with Christine. I want her to know we are going out
    Kody: Be nice, leaving to head to make the rounds.
    Christine: Hey, could you put that hubcap on my van.
    Kody: First, I need to talk to you about some urgent business
    Christine: No
    Kody: You don't know what Imma gonna ask
    Christine: No
    Kody: You are jealous and difficult
    Christine: I'm a princess
    Kody: entering Janelle's house.
    Janelle: Hey Kody. I've been thinking about looking into our fiscal year's failures
    Kody: Yeah, what you said. But, I have a question
    Janelle: It's not my night
    Kody: No, not that. Well, Robyn wants to go...
    Janelle: Oh hell no. There's no way I'm going to watch her kids when she talks crap to my kids
    Kody: I need to go ask Meri and don't call her
    Janelle: Oh, I won't call her but can I come watch?
    Kody: Be nice.
    Meri: Lover boy is that you
    Kody: Yes, it is is peaceful and quiet over here. I don't know why Christine, Janelle, and Robyn don't do something with their kids.
    Meri: Let's go upstairs and watch the man TV
    Kody: Yeah. I need to ask you something but first did you say you rented a movie
    Meri: yes and I have some faux pudding and some wine on the wet bar.
    Kody: Hey, let's walk around naked
    Meri: Yeah...did you say you wanted to ask me something
    Kody: No, not that I can remember.
    Meri: Shhh, Robyn's heading over her
    Kody: Don't answer the door
    Meri: She knows we are here
    Kody: But, don't answer
    Meri: Kody be nice. What does she want
    Kody: me to ask you to babysit while we go out
    Meri: What!!! who the hell does she think I am. Shhh she's looking in the window. Be still
    Robyn: Kody....Meri....are you there. Janelle, what are you doing in the bushes
    Janelle: I'm the fly on the way
    Robyn: Fly my ass.
    Janelle: Kiss mine
    Robyn: I hate you
    Janelle: I hate you more
    The End

    1. This was so funny!!

    2. I can see it happening, that was so funny!

    3. It's funny because it's true! :-D

    4. "Robyn: Start with Christine. I want her to know we are going out"

    5. those everyday interactions would be so much more interesting than the contrived crap they are filming. Only then can i see this show having anymore life to it. They will have to open the pandoras box of their truth of their relationships. This next group of kids like the 10-11-12-13 year olds, it would be interesting to see if they are as well balanced as the older kids.

    6. This was good!! And wouldn't it be refreshing to see "real" dialogue instead of the packaged drivel we do see.
      They can fictionalize all they want but the truth is these women can barely tolerate each other. One of them is always crying for whatever reason during the mandatory couch chats, yet no one seems to give two shits when the cryer gets going.

      Wonder if they take a number to see who will squeak out the tears per couch session?

    7. So funny. I had to read it twice! Thanks anon5:30!

    8. Probably occurs on a regular basis!! Thanks for the laugh!

    9. I must have read this 30 times and I still crack up every time!!! Anon whoever you are, you are freaking brilliant!

  13. Riverside national cemetery is right next to dad is buried there,,,beautiful place

    1. Really brother is buried there too.

    2. So is my dad

  14. so very cool such a connection as your family history in Riverside is so close to mine CJ..made my day to make that connection on this blog. I knew that picture was familiar to me somehow. Thanks!

  15. Cj,
    Are we going to get a recap this week or just a picture post?! Either is fine by me.

    1. Yes, I'm working on finishing it up right now!!!!

  16. My only comment from this week is WTH is wrong with Sobbin's Ex? They showed the girls and underneath it said Robyn & Kody's daughter. Uhm, no, it isn't. It's not even his step daughter! What is wrong with that guy that he allows the show to do that?? It's HIS kids, not Kody's!

    1. Dude, there is something so wrong with that situation. He has to be getting money out of this somehow to allow all of the crap we have seen to go on. I have read that polygamists are brain washed from a young age to distrust any government representative--police, courts, etc.--so maybe that's why he isn't doing anything?

      He never had more than one wife as far as I know, the whole polygamy thing alone should've been enough for him to get custody. The Klowns can scream all they want, but right now it's illegal. Something is just very off with that whole deal.

    2. The ex really needs to step it up and do something about the situation. I feel the worst for Robyn's kids. It isn't fair what the Brown family is doing to them. I think Snark got it right and the ex doesn't trust the government and that's why he isn't doing anything, but he needs to get past that.

    3. Kody is a father to the children. Do you want Kody to consider the children step children?

    4. Cuddling little girls that barely know you isn't very father-like to me; in fact, it seems potentially damaging and irresponsible and like his jealousy of their real father made him want to take ownership of these children... no matter how much they loved and missed their real father.

      Yay, what a great "dad". *eyeroll*

    5. Personally, I think it's rather nice the way Kody treats Robyn's kids. He seems good to them, perhaps better than his own ... I'm wondering, though, if Robyn's ex really is a not-so-great guy. Perhaps that's why he hasn't been heard from. Maybe there's an inkling of truth in some of what she says. For her to get on national TV and bash him the way she has and for the kids to immediately start calling Kody daddy, well maybe the ex doesn't say anything because Robyn might be telling the truth about him. I dunno ... I've always just wondered about that.

    6. @ Anon 2:39, I think Kody should consider Robyn's kids as his step-kids. Their REAL father has visitations with HIS kids, and unless Kody formally adopts them, they are his step-kids. It is great if he doesn't see a difference between his step-kids and bio kids, but that doesn't make it alright to erase the fact that Robyn's kids do in fact have their own dad. It is setting those kids up to be confused and emotionally torn.

    7. I just figured he's letting them do it in exchange for a break on the child support.

    8. Maybe Robyn's ex just doesn't care about his kids. Unfortunately, some birth fathers just don't care.

    9. In their religion, a child can be sealed to his or her parents (or step parent) in a ceremony. A child sealed to a step parent then becomes the step parent's child for life and eternity. If Robyn's kids were sealed to Kody, then even their bio dad (if he follows the same religion) would now consider them Kody's, even if the law doesn't.

    10. SK -- thank you for that info, now that you say that I feel like I remember seeing it a long time ago.

      Imo, that's almost worse for the kids... but I guess a child's mental and emotional health is incidental when someone like Kody wants a planet filled with people over whom he is the supreme commander.

      Maybe someone will actually obey him in outer space!

  17. After watching several old episodes, I hit the jackpot! My favorite episode by far! Kody and Krew visit Kody's hometown. So many gems in this one!

    The former best friend can't stand Kody. He calls him stupid. He is told he is going to hell. He is accused of proselytizing to LDS members. He calls him out for not helping with the work (putting boats in the water.) Kody is busy with his wives and all the food!! Hilarious

    Other former friends thought he was "flambouantly gay". He became a plyg because he liked being center of attention. He "dated" a woman just for show.

    At one point Robyn snarls. She's just so mad! (Please,someone capture this screenshot)

    My favorite might be this one:

    Robyn says that LDS members "seek out their church out..but they are hard to find!!"...Why so secretive?

    At the end, Kody says he was welcomed openly, and well received(paraphrasing)...Um...was I watching a different show?
    Have some time to kill that you can never get back? Check this one out!

    On yet another ep...Meri says that she would never have chosen this lifestyle without the "get me to heaven" principle. Kody disagrees.

    My insomnia is making me resort to this repeat marathon. I may need a Rx to stop the madness.

    1. "Meri says that she would never have chosen this lifestyle without the "get me to heaven" principle."

      How pissed is she gonna be when she finds out the lived in that crap "marriage" for nothing? No personal Kodouche planet, no eternity bearing Kodouche spirit babies....nada, zilch, nothin'.

    2. Hahaha!! Right? Too bad they can't film that shit. Now that show..I'd watch!!

  18. I thought I'd mentioned this in the other thread, but...
    Lowest ratings ever in the history of the show on Sunday.

    1.24 M, or a .4 share.

    can we say LAME?

    1. Not surprised...I'm sure these lame episodes are irritating even the most loyal & devoted Brown fans! Time for wive #5!!

    2. Lowest ratings ever in the history of the show on Sunday.

      And it was 90% about the older kids, too. I wish we could see a day in the life of them instead. For instance, it was briefly mentioned how Maddie was student body president. I just don't get why she wasn't shown running for office, finding out she won....etc.

      If Figure 8 needs some examples, perhaps the producers should watch old episodes of Gidget, Bachelor Father, The Patty Duke Show, Father Knows Best, and Leave It to Beaver. Seems like a lot of missed opportunities to entertain the audiences.

    3. I'm guessing that, as in past episodes, the schools didn't want F8F/TLC filming on their property and during school functions. They'd have to get permission from all the students who were filmed, wouldn't they? remember the "parent teacher conferences" and the "father daughter Valentine dance" both of which were filmed at a private school? (the graduation ceremonies are different I think since they take place at the big auditorium in UNLV).

      Alternatively, it could be that Maddie (who's been shown before as being against certain events being filmed, such as the Sunday church service a few years ago) just didn't want her entire life on TV.

    4. It was Mykelti that didn't want the church of dad televised and refused to attend the service. They wouldn't need to film her at school per se, but planning her campaign with her friends for example. If you didn't follow twitter you wouldn't have known she won the election!

    5. Those are some pretty low ratings, especially for them. They're either going to have to look for wife #5 or they're going to get cancelled real soon. Even another baby won't save them at this point. I think the low ratings have just as much to do with public disgust with them living in mansions etc. as it does with them being boring. Maddie's plea to have people buy from MSWC probably turned a lot of people off too.

    6. Yikes! I get them confused at times.

      I have to say that I'd find that particular story line kinda boring myself...I was never into school politics.

    7. The Wife #5 thing has always come up.

      First - wouldn't the AUB have to approve that? I mean, they're still part of that group right? And it couldn't just be some fan, it would have to be a true believer.

      Second - would adding a wife #5 really make ratings go up to make it worth the expense of adding another person? Adding a new wife (and maybe new kids at the same time?) means that the TLC Money Pie has to be cut in smaller slices. I doubt if TLC is going to give them a raise if they add another person.

      Third - Does TLC even want to try and revive this show? That would be against the grain for them. I think what we're seeing now is the decline...the show will be cancelled at some point in the not too distant future, then every X number of years, they'll drag out a "special" just like they did with Kate G. a couple weeks ago.

      I'd say the bloom has worn off the rose at this point.

    8. DJ... good post. I have to admit that I still haven't watched all of Sundays show, only the last 10 minutes when janelle bored me into a coma. Their ridiculous tweets might be turning a log of people off, along with Billy Goat Kody being such an ass, but mostly I think it's a lack of content.

      I think they went from showing more realistic drama and tension between the wife and mistresses to showing a false united front between them, and this is so unbelievable and fake that viewers just roll their eyes and watch something else.

    9. I think Kody has made it quite clear that he is NOT taking on a 5th wife.


      If he did it would truly mean he did it for ratings due to his insistence of no more wives...Robyn just wouldn't have it anyway

    10. I am bored with the show at this point as well. I will tell you a good show is an internet show called Polygamy, What Love is This? It is a show that discusses all sorts of issues surrounding polygamy. I wish TLC would show some truly educational such as this show.

  19. Just SO many things about this episode! I've been frustrated with the Browns in the past, but the last couple episodes just make my head explode. Janelle and her weight loss. :-| DEEP SIGH... She can't take care of herself because she is too busy taking care of others. WHAT A COP OUT. And when she is dead from a stroke who is going to look after her kids? Her sister wives? Meri's touching story notwithstanding- does anyone among us believe Janelle wants that? *I* don't.

    She will never be thin until she believes she can be thin. Just like she didn't believe she could climb the mountain and she didn't climb the mountain. She was pushed and pulled and dragged and 'encouraged' the whole way.

    The Wild Child- what did that girl ever do to get labelled the wild child on international television. Good Grief!

    And I do believe I've been called a monogamist for the last time. I agree that I am a chronic monogamist and can't be talked out of it. So who is supposed to be buying their jewellery and other products. Perhaps we are supposed to realign our thinking, become polygamists THEN embrace their jewellery, etc?

    I have felt done with them before, but I really feel DONE with them now.

    1. " So who is supposed to be buying their jewellery"

      Who indeed?! They call us names and talk about how judgmental and closed-minded we all are, but expect us to go spend money at their online store? Seriously?! Is this just the cyber version of bleed the beast? We hate you all, but give us your money! Um, no, no I won't. I wouldn't give them a dime even if I did like anything they sold.

    2. Off Topic Talk:

      I just discovered Downton Abbey and I am so hooked!!! I thought it might be a little slow at first, but boy was I wrong! I watched all of season one in a binge but now I'm limiting myself to two episodes a day to make it last since there's only 4 seasons. Anna and Bates are killing me right now!

      It's completely fiction yet so much more realistic than the Brown Klowns show!

    3. I have been too Snarkaholic. I watched all four seasons over the weekend. Season Five won't air in the US until January 2015. I am totally hooked. The ladies of Downton Abby did a photo shoot for Harper's Bazzar UK. Very pretty.

    4. I've not gotten into DA, but a lot of my friends are. Right now I'm watching (via Amazon Prime) "Manor House" which aired (I think) 10 years ago or so on PBS. Basically they found a modern day family and a bunch of folks to be servants and plopped em in an old English country house circa 1900. There's several of these shows that PBS did in the past, all very interesting - the ones made by PBS in the States have a fair amount of BS drama in them, but they're compelling TV! "Pioneer House", "Texas Ranch House", "1900 House", "1940 House" etc. fun viewing. If you can't find on Amazon or Netflix, check YouTube.

    5. Our family loved frontier house! It was a great show. One family, after living in a one room cabin for months, returned to their big mansion home and was so sad that they were all so far apart and not as close. Let that be a lesson to the Browns. Bigger is not better. Frontier house is great. Now that you mention it, I am going to dig around and find that old VHS tape.

    6. Anon 3:07 oh yeah, the cheating Clunes! They ended up getting divorced, Mrs C is working as a chef, and Gordon remarried and is still living the upperclass good life :)
      I loved the young couple who got married on the show. They're still together, traveling the world and if memory serves (haven't checked their blog in awhile) have at least 2 children. I could not stand Karen, she was totally Mrs. Oleson (Little House) happiest when she was gossiping about the Clunes.

    7. Oops and you're right - it's Frontier House. WHY do I keep calling it Pioneer House?? Anyway all the eps are on YouTube :)

    8. dJ! I had forgotten their names! And that they cheated, lol. Remember the cake baking day? I loved the young couple too! Ahhhh, good show. Now, that would be a good one for the browns, they could live like their ancestors for 6 months with only what they had and give us a peek at that ol' time religion! Thanks for bringing up frontier house, it has been years since I saw it and I still remember it! That's good tv.

    9. I've watched all those shows and I love them all!

  20. Unlike a lot of people here, I don't agree that there should have been a show about Maddie winning class president, etc. I'm actually not at all interested in the Brown kids, and I don't think that they should have to carry the burden of a show given that they are already carrying the burden of their ridiculous parents.

    Kids are boring. They're kids. They don't know anything yet. They haven't done anything of note yet. There are tens of thousands of class presidents out there every year, we don't need an entire episode about one of the Brown kids doing something fairly banal.

    If you're scraping the bottom of the barrel so far that you think the kids are more interesting than the parents, then this show is done already. Because let's face it, there ARE plenty of interesting things going on with the Browns with their interpersonal relationships, but F8F has decided we want to watch another series of dumb parties and going away trips.

    No. I want to see Meri and Janelle have a conversation alone. I want to see them put their feelings on the table with one another. I want to see Christine and Robyn do the same, and not in Christine's stupid princess voice where she's apologizing.

    I want to see these people actually work honestly and openly on their relationships instead of bullshitting everyone around them. I want to see what sort of conversations happen between Kody and his wives when the others aren't around. I want to see what happened before that fight Meri and Kody had over those plans for the Lehi house.

    In other words, I want actual reality. And clearly the Browns think they can get away with not being real, so that won't happen.

    1. YES to everything that you have said, Safe Talk! I want to see what life is really like on a daily basis for them all and not these scripted family get togethers. I want to see natural situations and real emotion. This season is staged and boring.

    2. I so agree Safe Talk. The adults are going to have to open that pandoras box to keep the show going. I can't see Meri agreeing to that.

    3. Absolutely right Safe Talk! It's either bring it on..or shut it down. The rest is filler crap. It's bogus.

    4. I Agree too....bottom line is....they are B O R I N G and they know it. Nothing different then us boring monogamist. What I want to see is ALL of them in one house like they were originally and how they function with life and kids and decorating and dinners etc.. I don't even care much about their sex life...obviously they did it, maybe a couple of them don't do it now, but the mystery helps in regards to their every day relationships.

      In my opinion, I think they left Lehi due to the fact that their church was not happy with their filming of their religion, in their town and that it was Kody Brown (the eccentric) and the fear that it would bring bad vibes to their quiet town.

      My opinion on the seeing them, but the show IS called "Sisterwives" and I have a feeling that some of them preferred parts of their lives not be on TV. I believe Jenelle said that Maddie had been dating for 3 years off and on to different people. Also (but I don't know)....I was curious if the kids get their own checks for being featured on an episode???? I only wonder because before HRH Mariah left for college she also got a bit of attention and some air time. If the checks are big enough it might give them some of their own living expense money. ???? I don't know, just a thought

    5. Safe, you make some excellent points. I had not thought of it that way. I have zero respect for the Browns. I do not agree with their religion or polygamy, but I would respect it if they were sincere. They are so insincere and it's very off-putting. They say stuff to try and look good on TV, but when there's as much dysfunction as they have, you can't hide it all.

      I like their older kids, but just listening to them, you can see that the Browns have clearly failed to even sell their children on their religion/polygamy. That speaks volumes. For some reason these people are into the mate sharing part. If polygamy were not an aspect of their religion, then obviously hey'd be regular old Mormons, so clearly it's the bed swapping part that they're all really into - whether they think that will get them to Heaven (Christine); allow them to keep the man (Meri); have a financial plan and built-in babysitters (Robyn); or just something weird and different to go along with your weird and different way of thinking (Janelle).

  21. Actual reality has never occurred in a TV reality show. Not ever. What you want people can experience interacting with their families, friends, at work everyday. Nobody wants to see that. It's boring and will never sell.

    1. Watching Meri and Janell discuss their issues is way more interesting then watching King Kody be praised by his emotionally stunted spirit wives.

    2. Most people cannot experience their husband telling them its his night to go to one of three other wife's houses. People cannot experience what it is like to parent twenty children, fifteen of which were birthed by other women but are the offspring of your husband. People cannot talk to another woman, knowing that she will be spreading her legs for your husband in a few hours.

      The whole point of this show was that the Browns' 'every day life' is not like the normal life if your average monogamist. People watch Sister Wives because they are deeply curious about what it takes to deal with a polygamist situation. They do not want to watch it because Janelle ate fifty million pies and is now sad because she has to eat broccoli, or because Kody wears a funny hat, or because Robyn thinks selling cheap joolry is a good way to pay the mortgage on four houses.

    3. Amen, safe talk! I wish we had like buttons. I agree with everything that you said. Well done. Now, bring on My Five Wives and get rid of this group. I like kids but I am tired of them parading out the kids because they think it is cute. Christine is the worst with Truly. Somewhere, she read that people think she is cute so she tweets pics of this little girl with no shame. It is sad.

  22. I do think that the "The Little Couple" may be the ONLY reality show that is legit in terms of actual events and facts. They hide nothing. Sure, there may be some TLC inspired outings, but the dynamics and disclosures of life struggles are real and some are very easy to relate to in personal experience.
    They are *normal* and ethical people !! Not scammers and opportunists who will sell their souls and their kids' souls for a buck and for ego glory.

    The Kody Browns are adrift and fatally mired in the BS that has been their trademark since Season One. They are chronic users by culture and beliefs. They are unfamiliar, by choice, with the "real" world, which enables them to be ignorant and disrespectful to those who live by a society's rules.
    A society which they have no problem "using" when it suits them.

    I agree with SafeTalk, in that the Brown kids and their various accomplishments are mirrored by scores of kids all over the country. What seems (or is pushed by TLC) to be noteworthy is that their accomplishments are supposed to be unique because they have been parented by such dysfunctional adults. And I do not mean that everyone should be applauding or not applauding these kids' merits.
    Truth is the kids should not be used as shills and/or shields for the parents. And that is exactly what this show is now blatantly doing out of desperation. You just can't miss it !!

    As for any real dialogue between the will never happen.
    They are not wired for integrity or candor in order to live that plyg lifesyle. And once TLC came to town waving the checks, they for sure were going to play along with any and all proposed faux scripts.

    The show has exhausted all resources and patience.
    Watching it now is like looking at a dartboard.......with a handful of darts.

    1. I agree about Bill and Jen. Their life is an open book and going with them on their road to parenthood was such a ride--super highs, super lows. Just amazing. And they are such grateful people. That's my favorite show--I'm having withdrawals waiting for them to come back. Downton Abbey is awesome--but there's no Will!

    2. "Downton Abbey is awesome--. but there's no Will! "


      True, true !! :)))
      Will (and Zoey) are adorable !

      But I really love Downton Abbey too !!!

    3. DOWNTON ABBEY!!!! I love it!!!!

  23. Have really enjoyed all the chatter about the various Armed Forces.
    I was raised to revere those who served America in that capacity !!

    Back here in the East, so many bases have been closed or consolidated.
    My immediate family was predominantly Navy. My father was stationed at Norfolk, VA.

    However, now I wonder how many fathers/ mothers or sons/ daughters of avowed polygamists have served in the military ??

  24. Christine's father Rex Allred was drafted during Vietnam, and his father Rulon, then head of the AUB, told him to go and fight for his country, even though said country was not granting him equal rights. At least that's what Christine said in the book.

  25. Are there other reality families with no apparent jobs? The Duggars have various income streams and properties, The Little Couple both have jobs, Honey Boo Boo's Dad has a job. Then there are the shiftless no-account Browns. I think that is why so many people find them offensive.

    1. well there's Kate Gosselin, but she's admitted that she profits from all the hate about her. LOL

  26. I think they will be in for a complete shock when the show ends. If Kody still thinks everything they touch turns to gold they are in for a shock. Do they know the tide has turned on them? Facebook has been cleaned up but still a lot of offended and people who have come to dislike their arrogance.

    1. I will feel bad for the kid when the inevitable end comes because it is going to come quick, and it is going to be ugly. What will they do once the show is over? How will they make their house payments?

    2. They aren't even paying the mortgage right now, from what we know, they are currently only paying interest!!!

  27. This episode was just okay. I'm not that interested in the children; I wish the kids the best and all, but frankly, I watch this show to see the interactions between Kody, the wives, and the outside world. The producers should do much more of that, concentrating on the adults and adult (hard for the Browns' to pull off, I know) themes. As far as catching up with princess Mariah in a later episode, they can shelve it, for I find her entitled, a little mean-spirited, and annoying. With Mariah's personality, less is definitely more.

  28. To be honest, the only reason I care about this show is because I want to see them crash and burn. After all of the living large, crying about wetbars, throwing ridiculous parties, and whining about cement pads, I want to watch them fail. I want those mentally deranged idiots to lose every sorry red cent they have, move back to Lehi, and sit around whining and crying about how victimized they are because they spent all their money and no one will give them any more because they refuse to do any work. Because sick people like that deserve NOTHING. It's not the polygamy that bothers me; it's the entitlement and immaturity and ceaseless crying and whining. If there is a god of any denomination out there, those buffoons will slink back under the rock from which they climbed. Kody can take his Midas touch and stick it where the sun don't shine.

    1. I have to concur with Anon 8:23 PM's statement.

  29. yes yes and yes annon 8:23 looks like they got their website somewhat working just in time to loose their day job of filming. We can only hope. The entitlement derangement is so off putting. Everyone is indulging their "dream" college, jewelry boutique, stay at home mom, personal trainer..all of it becuse they deserve it, right?

  30. I keep forgetting to mention a quick moment from last week that cracked me up: A shot of Robyn outside, coming or going (somewhere earthshaking, I'm sure...) and she's just a walking mannequin of trinket jewels. The "BE" pendant, of course, but what really got me giggling were those idiotic silver high-heel earring. They're so BIG, and look absolutely dork-a-licious. I mean, to each her own, style-wise, but honestly, if I ran into a woman on the street wearing big silver shoe earrings, I'd be thinking wow, WTF?

  31. if I ran into a woman on the street wearing big silver shoe earrings, I'd be thinking wow, WTF?

    LMAO!!! And she wonders why they only had 500 sales! I really think Robyn operates at a 12 year old's maturity and intelligence level...wait...I don't think 12 year olds would stoop so low as to wear those earrings!

  32. Happywife_happylifeJuly 3, 2014 at 2:44 PM

    One thing I am wondering about...

    When they say that the kids will choose by them self if they will be polygamists or not and that is aleight for them. Kody also said that not everyone feels the calling and the plural life style is not for everyone. How can they be so relaxed about this if they truely belive that you have to live as pologamists to get to heaven. I dont understand it.

    1. How can they be so relaxed about this if they truely belive that you have to live as pologamists to get to heaven.

      The way I understand it, polygamists with more than 2 wives reach the highest level of heaven. The others will be servants in heaven.

  33. Did you notice they claim purchases are secure but the site doesn't encrypted? Talk about putting your info on the Internet for anybody to steal.

  34. Is anyone still reading on this thread?
    With regards to Mykelt: I remember being that age and having "strong views"about marriage and children. I was dating my BF and swore I would never get married. Too many failed marriages of family and friends led me to not believe it could not last. Kids were not in my "plan" at all. I was 20 years old.

    In September I will be married, very happily, to that same man for 25 years..together for 29. We have a lovely 21 year old daughter. Other children were not in God's plan.

    Kids have big ideas and "convictions." They change their minds.

    Mykelti is probably disillusioned with men because her role model Daddy is no role at all. Her parents marriage sucks. She is saying what she knows will shock and get attention from her parents. Like a big F-You!

    1. I am still reading this thread. :-)

    2. Nice to know, Jellybeans :)....I thought I might be alone. Also. ExBrownsFan is still here too!!. Love this blog!
      The show sucks and this blog makes it hurt less! LOL

  35. I wanted to see more about Hunter. He was always included in the couch sessions with the older teens and I think he will be a senior this year. He is probably too outspoken for the Brown adults. Looking forward to seeing how copes on the RV trip.

    I agree with the poster regarding the epps being more enjoyable without Robin's constant input. I loved it last week when Kody shut her down for interrupting him. I think maybe honeymoon "marriage" is fading fast.

    I wonder if TLC is starting to show more realistic behaviors from them as they did K8 so they cancel and be free of the grifters. That is what I thought when they announced the RV trip. K8's RV trip epps were her last ones. Hmmm?

    1. I think Hunter has a big "Who gives a crap" about this whole thing. Out of all the kids, I see him really taking off from this train wreck of a family.
      Imagine being a teenager and having your life exposed on reality TV and you got no say in it at all. On top of that you are discussed and ridiculed. These people really suck for doing this to their kids. I understand that there are perks such as money and "fame" but at what cost.
      Their story, going public, could have been told as a documentary. One or two parts at the most. They are milking it for all it's worth. Hope it's been worth enough for their 15 minutes.

  36. Kimbagirl, ITA about Hunter and several of the older children. I think Paedon is well on his way to following in his footsteps. I just can't get over the parents' blase attitudes about how their children feel about polygamy if they believe that is the only way to get to Heaven. I believe that Jesus is the only way to get to Heaven and pray unceasingly that my wayward daughter will return to church and teach her family about the Lord. We have done what we can but for people who truly believe and try to live their faith, it is very hard to watch a child stray from their upbringing. That is why I say baloney when the Browns say they don't care what their kids choose. Either they are being PC or lying. If they truly believe, they care. I wonder if TLC and the show has been influential in pulling the kids away. If so, good for the kids to get away from the cult-maybe they can find the true path to Heaven and lead their parents there. I guess I always have been a dreamer!

    1. ExBrownsFan, I agree with you that they care a lot more than they are letting on. They are careful not to push their agenda on the kids as long as the cameras are rolling. It would make them look cult like and drive the viewers away. I think off camera it's another story. Brady and crew have left the church,so I bet they are hoping their kids choose another path.

      As far as heaven goes, I don't feel that someone's religion really matters. I am a born and raised Catholic, but have strayed from attending church. I have become disillusioned with the church in recent years. My opinion is: Be a good person.Treat others well. Honor God each day by living a good and decent life. I'm hoping this a good path to heaven... We'll see right?

      I wish the best for you in trying to bring your daughter back to God. Maybe she just got a little lost.I agree that I would be upset if my daughter stopped believing. Being Catholic..not important to me. But having faith in God..absolutely
