
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Live Tweets In My Living Room Party! June 29, 2014 Sister Wives Episode: 'Growing Up Polygamist'

Is Robyn happy or sad in this picture?

Are you ready for this week's Live Tweet Party in My Living Room?

That's right, you can view the Sister Wives' live tweeting all in the comfort of My Living Room! And you don't even need to dress up, much.

So kick off yer shoes, put on yer best Prairie Dress and sharpen up yer snark.

Let the snarking begin!!

Please continue your discussion  here:

Off Topic Tuesday Plus Selected Live Tweets from June 29, 2014


  1. When does the live tweet start?

  2. Logan has a house...go Logan.

  3. Christine tweets "Girls are so stupid and giggly around Logan. It's embarrassing!"- wow,,,not very nice to call your bonus kid's female friends giggly & stupid on national tv. No wonder he doesn't come home much.

    1. She is so freakin' stupid. She gets all giggly and stupid around Kody, around other men, around more other men. Christine calls teenage girls out seemingly forgetting that they are teenage girls; however, she has been and will probably be in that giggly phase of her life forever.

    2. Christine is the biggest giggler of the wives! is she embarrased by herself? p a l e e z e! she giggles when she is sitting next to Kody on the couch sessions talking about Mykelty's boyfriend, she giggles like a school girl when polygamist flash dancing...your life is on tape Christine, take a look!

    3. Pot calling the kettle black, except that in this case the kettle is actually friends of her children and fans.

    4. Meri even wrote in their book how Christine embarrassed everyone by being a giggly airhead when they met someone famous. She is the wife who is too good to work though, we must remember she is a princess so it is ok when she acts dumb.

    5. She annoys me. So fake. She wants so bad to be this youthful, bubbly Nordic princess-type sister wife. She needs to grow up.

    6. Anonymous at 7:59 p.m. I have to take issue with your statement that Christine is too good to work. Actually she raised both her children AND Janelle's 6 children and probably Mariah part of the time too. So I'd say being the caretaker for a dozen or more children and homeschooling some/all of them part of the time WAS "work". I understand you feel she didn't work outside the home so somehow you think that had less value. But, honestly - would paying for daycare for all of those kids by someone outside the family have made sense?

    7. Maybe she just wants to be happy? I know we rag on the SW but I feel bad for Christine. She seems to be a sweet woman who tries her hardest to find some happiness in the scraps of attention she gets and it has to get her down at times. I think she is pretty and is doing the best that she can, you can't blame her ignorance she has a HS education and was raised in this ridiculous religion. All the best to her.

    8. @Anon 7:22, I totally agree that raising kids is WORK. However, this is a woman who repeatedly has taken money from the government to raise her kids and kept having babies. I don't have any respect for a woman who has 6 kids and doesn't work outside the home to support them, but takes government money instead. I really lost all respect for her when she decided she couldn't do the realty business because it was too much "work" and would take her away from her kids. Well, I sure don't want to leave my kids either, but I have to. We all can't exploit our families for reality t.v. to make a living. She basically turned down a good opportunity to make money after the show is over because she is lazy. I have nothing but respect for SAHMs, but usually they have a partner who can financially help.

      If she was African American or Mexican, I wonder if people would be as supportive of Christine's decision to not work and bleed the beast while her kids were younger? Sorry for the rant, but I don't see why the family had so many kids (before the show) without being able to financially support all of them. Meri didn't really work either, Christine and Meri definitely could have taken shifts working and watching the kids.

    9. If this family was black or Mexican, there is no way they'd be given a reality show. The public outcry would be much, much greater. The Browns get a lot of passes because they are white. People would respond differently to them if they were not white. It's just the truth and a part of the world we live in. No race-baiting, but just responding to Anon's comments, much of which I totally agree with.

      BTW, I say this as a black woman.

    10. Jasmine,
      I agree with you but the Facebook page for TLC shows more and more people going against this family. Most tell it like it is.

  4. We don't force polygamy on our kids; but you do. The parents practice polygamy, so the children are forced to participate.

  5. And Robyn picks her eye boogers and looks at them, rolls them around, then wipes them on her pants. Gross.

    1. I saw that! She does that so frequently you would think someone would remind her not to clean her eyeballs out during the couch sessions

    2. How can this be season five and she STILL be doing that. It's ridiculously gross and uncouth.

    3. Some day she will get eye herpes. Ack!

    4. I guess she gets lots of eye boogers when she isn't sitting there sobbin'. Or her mascara is too clumpy.

    5. I would reprimand my children if they did anything like that. I can't stand that.

    6. I am so distracted by her eating her own face on camera! Yikes!

    7. Thay is a strange habbit. I've seen it mostly with people with substance abuse issues.

  6. Why does Robyn roll her eyes at everything. She stands by Kody and crosses her hands over chest and looks up and rolls her eyes. Is that her way of agreeing with him? Or is she just so self conscious of her ever expanding butt and waist that she needs to be disengaged.

    1. She has some strange facial expression. It's like she is unaware she is being filmed.

  7. I do think kody knows his older children better then the younger ones. I think since the show has started Kody doesn't have time for the kids. also janelle doesn't seem like she enjoys motherhood, or her children.

  8. Kody has said many times he prefers the compnay of women

  9. I Think Robbins oldest daughter has learned her mother's weird face making skills.

  10. Janelle really should have taken water on her climb.

    1. I agree, it won't be long and her trainer will be sharing the community cold sore lol.

    2. Janelle's biggest roadblock to her weight loss is KODY! She's content with the way things are.

    3. I think Janelle can afford gastric bypass!

    4. I think Janelle can afford gastric bypass!

      She may be able to afford it, but I don't see her as being a successful candidate for the procedure.

      I used to work with a lady who underwent gastric bypass surgery. Although she was glad she had the procedure, she told me it was a lot of work because she had to carefully monitor how much she ate in each meal.

      Last year I followed a lady on her gastric sleeve surgery journey on You Tube. Before her doctor approved her surgery, she had to lose a required amount of weight and keep it off until the surgery day. After she had surgery, she also had to monitor her meals.

      I just don't see Janelle having the drive necessary to change her eating habits.

    5. My cousin, who was morbidly obese, had gastric bypass surgery around 7-8 years ago and none of us could believe that the doctors okayed it. She was obviously a huge risk due to eating habits, attitude and zero motivation.

      At first she lost almost 100 lbs, so that was great. It took quite a while, but she did it. Then, she just stopped her weight regimen and slowly gained it all back over the last few years. She is now morbidly obese once again.

      She kind of reminds me of a certain reality show mistress in personality and habits...

    6. Look at Carnie Wilson who was the cover girl/spokesperson for WLS for years. She was unable to permanently change her lifestyle however.

      WLS isn't a cure. Like CJ, I know people IRL who have had the surgery. Unless you go to Mexico or overseas, surgical centers require patients to undergo mandatory lifestyle behavior modification classes/sessions, and stay on a diet to lose a certain percentage of weight prior to surgery. Every single person I know who's had the surgery has had regain.

    7. My cousin had gastric bypass and she had it done about eight years ago and even to this day, she eats out of a baby plate with a baby spoon. She told me she was so afraid of gaining the weight back. She doesn't drink with meals and only drinks water between meals. She is getting ready to have some of her skin removed. She looks really good but she worked out with me and I know the girl struggled with will power so I weight loss surgery isn't a fast cure. She and I walk three times a week; we do yoga about five times a week; and we do dancing twice a week. She and I both dance with our gay men friends cause neither of our husbands will go to dance classes with us. If Janelle could just attempt to lose a little more weight, she might get into the habit of eating healthy.

  11. Funny how this episode looks like one in which the Brown parents try to use their kids to make themselves look good, and Mariah is nowhere around. It's like even they know that her attitude reflects poorly on them, so they do the "Gee, aren't we great parents?" episode while HRH is away.

    1. Meri tweeted something about Mariah having an update later this season. HRH will probably get her own episode.

    2. She's at her expensive new college hangin with all her new besties. She is so much more awesome than her unlv sibs.

    3. All of the others kids are in Las Vagas. They made a quicky show that filmed in less than a week and didn't travel to Utah just to film her. It seems like it was filmed not long ago since Maddison already knew the date that she would be leaving (said it on her date)

    4. Maddie is in Logan, UT.

    5. I'm sort of glad they did the young-adult segment w/o Mariah--she is the only one of that "set" of kids that grinds on my last nerve. Her little Twitter stunt of snarking at the MSWC customers (dupes) that are helping to put her through college tells me everything I need to know about Mariah.

  12. easy as it is to hate on the Browns (each for their own reasons) I actually really respected Janelle's honesty tonight, it is not easy to admit you struggle with self-discipline and procrastination, those are tough things to cop to, let alone doing it on t.v. for everyone to see... I struggle with those things myself, so maybe I connected because I can relate...

    1. I wish instead of procrastination she had written FOOD. She said she is an emotional eater. I can relate to that. So just write FOOD on the damn paper. "Procrastination" is totally abstract.

    2. I don't understand how she can stick to the diet and ramp up the exercise for 30 days and GAIN four pounds. She needs to see a doctor, not just Shawn the trainer!

    3. I don't think she really diets or works out. Maybe she'll try her best skip seconds and drink calorie free drinks and avoid sugary snacks - but real dieting... No! Work out? Only when the cameras are rolling!!

    4. I don't think she's even working out on camera! She comes to the sessions late and then loses more time on the motivational lecture and weigh-in. Last week, she did about 10 minutes of wall climbing. This week, she leisurely walks up a mountain with a weighted vest.

      From the start of her weight loss: She went from a 4X to an XL, according to her 5K episode. Then, at the commitment ceremony, Sean declares that she dropped 4 sizes since planning for the ceremony. She'd be a Size 6-8 if that were true. Now, we see that she has lost 25 pounds since she first weighed in with the earlier trainer. And, tonight, she claims that she's only been working out for ten months.

    5. Grifter lives, you mean she has only lost 25 lbs since the episode when all four of the wives weighed in? That was when Robyn was preggers with Solomon. Wasn't that two years ago?

    6. Others will recall the details better than I. But, in that initial weigh-in, about two years ago (or 3, if they were already in Las Vegas), she weighed in at 258 or so. In tonight's episode, she weighed in at the high 230s.

      The race last year, when she squeezed into the XL Robyn-designed t-shirt, was Memorial Day 2013. The commitment ceremony was Autumn 2013. Tonight's show may have been filmed in March 2014 or so - because they're about to go on a trip over spring break. Yet, tonight, Janelle said that she's been trying to lose weight for 10 months. Maybe that's the length of her current plateau.

    7. Shawn the Annoying should have told Janelle that there was a hot fudge sundae at the top of that "mountain"... she would have knocked his ass over as she sprinted by!

    8. What's this nonsense about Janelle having been on her fitness journey for ONE year? We all recall the oft-played footage of Janelle doing yoga in her rental home and her frequent quips about how hard it is to lose weight after the age of 40. Fake story lines, fake venture capitalists, and a family of miserable liars who throw barbs at other faiths while demanding tolerance for their own. Bring back the Williams family!!!

    9. Three years, when Robyn was still preggers with Sol, who was born in Oct 2011. The ep, "The Wives Diet Woes". From memory, Janelle weighed 265. In last night's ep, she weighed 236.1. Not a big change, at her weight. I guess Sean figures she didn't start wanting to lose weight until after HE came along.

    10. Janelle weighed 271 in episode 6 season 3 the wives diet woes. Meri was 213 and christine was 222. Janelle was stuck on 246 last season. So she has dropped less than 10 pounds in a year.

    11. Janelle has been on the never-ending journey. She did start when Robyn was about 5-6 months pregnant. She was at 265 when Trainer Bill. She is now at 236 with Trainer Sean. So she has lost weight but she struggles. Please quit covering this, TLC. I am starting to get embarrassed for Sean.

      And no way does Janelle fit into an XL or into an 18 (which she tweeted a few weeks back). And she has a crappy attitude. She doesn't keep her commitments to Sean (or herself), she procrastinates, she blames her kids because she is too busy taking care of them to take care of herself. This is why I don't see Janelle as a workaholic career woman. We career women have to keep commitments. Oh and don't even get me started about how hard she claims to be working at realty. NO YOU ARE NOT.

    12. A lane Bryant 18...they run bigger. And it would depend on the type of clothing. A stretchy sweater or shirt, perhaps. Not the bottoms tho, unless again it was something super stretchy like yoga pants.

    13. CPA thank you so much. I totally agree. I wear a 12 and there is no way she is just a couple of sizes larger than me. When she said she wore an XL, I thought in a man's no doubt. And you are spot on about career workaholic. My husband constantly tells me to put work away. I bring it home from the office and constantly am doing other projects. Every year, I have sick days and vacation days left over to sell back to my department because I haven't used them. I am not saying I am a hero or anything like that but Janelle sits way too much to be in the same class as those of us who do work non stop.

    14. Her biggest issue is self esteem. If she could gain that; the rest would fall into place. A bonus would be a weight loss of approximately 180 pounds when she leaves Charlie Manson err Krody back at the "ranch" with his "family". And since she still has a young child, accepting your're fat and being okay with it just because Kody doesn't chastise you about it, is not cool. Janelle's a quitter who shouldn't quit on this. Her kids need her.

  13. I am RAPIDLY losing all remaining respect for Janelle. She has always been a codependent, Brown apologist, and Kody sycophant. It was a relief that she didn't have weekly emotional breakdowns during the couch sessions, so I held some minimal respect for her.

    This episode's whining was it, though. Poor Janelle. She has to work and take care of children. She can't lose weight. Surprise, Janelle, most moms work. They don't all have kids who are old enough to take care of themselves, either.

    1. The fact that she rarely shows emotions and always defends Kody, even in a half-assed manner, sort of makes me not respect her at all. I always thought she was the "smart" one, but living in this lifestyle with these dramatic vampires (Christine, Kody, Robyn, and Meri) doesn't make her smart in my eyes. It makes her lazy and co-dependent. God help the independent "sister wife" that joins the likes of these vampires.

    2. Initially, I disliked Meri for demanding so much for her daughter and herself at the expense of the other children. That ended as soon as it dawned on me that they are not one big, happy family. They are four families, each competing for their piece of the pie of the family resources.

      Meri's has been assertive in securing resources for her family. She has succeeded in sending her daughter to a private university, providing a car for her, and securing assets in terms of a home.

      Janelle is a spineless sloth who doesn't even stand up for her own children.

      Do you remember when Hunter (rightfully) complained about Kody keeping his word on the camping trip? Janelle just disciplined him and hushed him, instead of validating his feelings or calling Kody on it.

      Do you remember when Meri was demanding private college and a car for Mariah? Janelle said, "well, maybe we can do it if Aspen lives at home during college . . ." Kody had to stand up for Aspen's college experience. Janelle was prepared to sacrafice it to keep the peace.

      Janelle even admits that it was difficult for her to claim credit for running the numbers for MSWC in the therapy session where Kody referred to Robyn as CFO. She shows her insecurity and omega status in the family in the couch session following that scene. She says that Kody was ok with her being CFO when he realized that the job involved less responsibility than he originally thought.

      I wonder is Janelle is seething with resentment over being a doormat, or maybe she thinks she deserves it. I don't care if she lets herself be taken for granted, but I don't like it when she refuses to stand up for her kids or when she throws a kid under the bus to keep the peace (like she tried to do with Aspen's college experience.)

    3. I know I've already said this, but it bugged me when she was talking about her weight loss. She says she is too busy to "take care of herself" because she works and drives the kids to school.

      I admit that I would love to lose 20 lbs and I still eat brownies sometimes, but I own it. I know that the extra 20 lbs isn't because I don't "take care of myself." It has nothing to do with "crazy days" or doing things for my kids. It is a lack of discipline, pure and simple.

    4. When Janelle did start to show emotions, she had to stop and collect her thoughts. Unlike Robyn and Meri, she cannot demonstrate her emotions and I think she sees that as a fault. I wonder if her idea of crying or letting the other wives see her cry would give them a one up on her. I think about the book where she described how mean Kody and Meri were to her and how she finally had had enough...maybe for her crying makes her vulnerable. I don't blame her especially since the other wives do it so often.

    5. Ewwwww...ITA with what you said. Janelle's doormat and apologist ways have been at the cost of what her children receive. Meri and Robyn fight like hell to get their kids what they feel they need. Janelle and Christine need to step up the manipulativeness that come so easy to Meri and Robyn

    6. "I admit that I would love to lose 20 lbs and I still eat brownies sometimes, but I own it. I know that the extra 20 lbs isn't because I don't "take care of myself." It has nothing to do with "crazy days" or doing things for my kids. It is a lack of discipline, pure and simple."

      There is a world of difference between needing to lose 20 lbs. and needing to lose 120+ lbs. Getting to that level of obesity involves more than just a lack of "discipline." Brain and body chemistry actually shift when there is that level of obesity, and someone who has gotten that far over her ideal weight is absolutely using food to self-medicate. Once that becomes an ingrained way of life, changing habits can be difficult on a level that is hard to imagine if one has not experienced it firsthand.

      I cannot look at someone who has had a leg crushed in a car accident and say, "I know exactly how you feel: I broke my toe once." I have a lot of bitches about the BS perpetrated by TLC and the adults in this show, but I don't understand dogpiling on someone who is making herself extremely vulnerable on national television about her weight. Does she need to make some deeper changes? No doubt! But I have to give her credit for at least having lost 35 lbs. since the first episode in season three when they got on the scale at the gym for the first time. Since then, we certainly haven't seen Meri or Christine putting their weight out there for public consumption. So, snarky and skeptical as I am about the Kody Browns, I'm giving Janelle kudos for allowing the struggle to be televised.

    7. Anon 1:58: I do have sympathy for Janelle. We all have struggles and it has to be hard to have them televised for all to see because your dumb-a$$ husband is a fame-whore. I blame Kody for putting Janelle through the ringer. I wish she could reclaim some self-esteem and find a guy who values all the traits she brings to the table!!!

      That said, I take issue with Janelle's (and all the Brown adults') vague, euphemistic phrases designed to escape responsibility for a situation and solicit sympathy. It seems to be the mode of operation for the Browns.

      I would have had a different response if Janelle had said that she is trying to eat clean, but has trouble with willpower, or discipline, or even changing her habits.

      Instead she gave two excuses:

      (1) A busy life (i.e., working, driving her children to school, and "crazy days"), and

      (2) Making her work and her children a greater priority than herself (e.g., "taking care of [herself]" becomes a last priority."

      I don't buy either excuse.

      (1). She is less busy than she was in Utah and she has a more leisurely life than most working moms.

      MSWC is a hobby business. It doesn't take much time to run the numbers. She hasn't been a gunner in real estate. Has she even listed a house yet? Her kids are in school and old enough to take care of themselves. Many working moms work at least a 40 hour week and then take care of young children, without "sister wives," older children, or bonus children to help out.

      Janellehas admitted that she eats out more than she cooks. Most working moms would love to have enough income to allow a family of six to eat out four or more nights a week. Most working moms can't afford it, so they spend their weekends planning a menu and grocery shopping. Most moms spend an hour each night, weary from a 10 hour workday, cooking a meal and washing the dishes afterwards. Janelle doesn't have any of that on her plate. Her family eats out most of the time. So, sure, she is busy, but she likely has more time for herself than most women in this country.

      (2) I've never heard a mom use the "I make my children's needs a priority and forget totake care of myself" excuse to justify doing too MUCH of something.

      I often hear moms use it as an excuse for NOT doing something, but not for doing too MUCH of something. E.g., "I am weeks overdue for a haircut, because I am doing so much for my kids that I forget to take care of myself." Or, "I haven't been shopping in ages because I make myself the lowest priority."

      I have NEVER heard a mom say, "I shop too much because I spend all my time taking care of my kids and I make myself the last priority." Or, I overeat because I get crazy busy and forget to do things for myself."

      In a way, I feel like erk saying all this. I really do feel bad for Janelle. If this were the first time one of the Browns have avoided responsibility, I wouldn't say or even think it. It is a pattern with them, though, and it is unbecoming.

    8. Let me just add to that. Most of the regulars here know my history. So I do know whereof i speak and I have been where Janelle is.

      It's just like anything else we see on the show. The Browns, Janelle included, are VOLUNTARILY putting their lives on TV, in exchange for $$. So putting herself out there, she should expect some criticism/backlash (I just checked Netflix BTW and I stand corrected, Trainer Bill weighed Janelle in at 271 three years ago).

      I think I've also made it clear that I have sympathy for Janelle, at least as far as the diet part is concerned. For the rest of it, I concur with Eeeeewwwww above. I call BS on her spending late hours crunching numbers for MSWC. or on her real estate "career". I think when the Browns refer to "work" they're talking about the show.

      I do have a bit of contempt for Sean, oops I mean #TVTrainer as he calls himself on Twitter. Obviously he's not doing a great job of motivating Janelle to do what her MAIN goal is, to lose weight. He needs to find someone else to take over. Preferably a woman (oh and I don't agree with the suggestion of having her or the rest of the Browns on Biggest Loser...just don't care for that show, sorry) who knows more about how calories in-calories out works. Because clearly, Sean doesn't, or he's not motivating Janelle. He's been spending too much time grandstanding.

  14. Kody and Meri have the same hair.

    1. Same tan, same hair, same body shape, same pancake makeup. Not a good look for either.

  15. About halfway though this episode--which was surprisingly more enjoyable than other weeks--I realized, Robyn hadn't said anything! I think she only spoke twice the whole hour. So much more pleasant!

    1. I so agree, much better when Robyn isn't giving her 2 cents. Wouldn't it just be grand if the other wives told her to zip it this episode? It really was about Jenelle and Christine's kids.
      How about that Kody wanna be dad???? Puleeeezeee!


    2. I noticed that she opened her mouth once like she wanted to chime in and then stopped herself. So yes, I think someone:wives,Kody,producers? all?..asked to to keep quiet during this couch interview.Such an improvement!

    3. Episodes without Robyn would be even better -but I agree keeping her pie hole shut improved this week's greatly.

    4. The best part of this episode was that Robyn kept her mouth shut! If the producers are smart they would make sure she talks less in future episodes too.

      The glow is definitely off between Robyn and Kody. Everyone see how close Kody and Christine looked last night? Robyn looked like the odd one out. It would be ironic if Christine was the one who was pregnant at the end of the season.

    5. My husband hates this program but I make him suffer through it because I have to watch those awful storage wars with him. But, every time Kody or Robyn opens their mouths, he says, shut up. God they are annoying. I, too, like it when she just shuts up.

  16. Interesting that the Browns distinguish themselves from "Christians" so much this episode, especially since they have tried to convince their viewers that they are Christians (or at least cut from the same cloth)

    "Aspen is worshipping with Christians" and

    "We are going to visit a Christian polygamist family in Missouri." And

    "There is a general consensus amount Christians that monogamy is the only correct [marriage]".

    "It is a curiousity to us that a family of THAT belief are [polygamists]."

    "It is so interesting to me that they would choose to live just because they read it in the Bible."

    1. Caught that too! Boy do these people flip flop! I know I've heard them say in the beginning that they do consider themselves Christians. These people will sell their souls for a buck!

    2. ...and after they meet with the "Christian" Plygs they will make fun of them and take stabs at them on twitter during the episode like they did the "Venture Capitalists."Remember the Crazy Lady and Native American in the Sedona episode? The museum curator in the last road trip episode? The children's friends in this episode? The dress maker in the commitment ceremony episode? The boutique owners, the Sharks at the Presbyterian church, the horrible people at the plyg debate-(professor says!), Robyn's "monogamous beautician" ...We can keep on going. They are the most intolerant people.

    3. I found that strange too. I know many mainstream Mormon families and they consider themselves Christian. I always assumed the only difference in a fundamentalist and mainstream Mormon was the polygamy.....

      I'm so confused lol.

    4. They practice "Kodyism"

    5. YES... I was thinking the same thing! Especially, when Robyn tweeted about meeting the "Christian" polygamist family, in Missouri no less, the Bible belt! OH MY, I live in Missouri. My BIG question is, "Are they safe?"


    6. I believe when kody was referring to "Christian" he really meant Protestant. Mormons do not consider themselves Protestants, but do consider themselves Christians.

    7. YES! this confused me as well. It's like they really don't want people to understand them at all. They just change like the weather.

    8. So... here is what I'm wondering. They seem to be trying to copy 19 kids and counting - visiting other families like theirs. (The Duggars visit the Bates, for example). Do you think they are taking the kids to the Christian plyg family because they want the younger kids to develop friendships (eventual romantic interests) with other plyg family kids? They've probably given up on the older teens becoming plygs (except Mariah) but maybe they hope by exposing the younger kids and teens they will go the plyg route. Maybe the AUB families shun the Browns now?

    9. Very telling how they keep separating themselves from Christians!

    10. This Christian talk was strange to me also. Remember when Christine got all defensive when the folks at the historical reenactment place in Boston (forgive me, I can't remember the exact name of this place) when the woman said they were not Christians because there were multiple wives in their family? Now, they're basically separating themselves from "regular" Christians. So what are they, Christian's or not? Are they referring to the Book of Mormon when they talk about the plural marriage aspect of their religion? So many contradictory statements I don't know what to believe. Were they kicked out of their church when they went public, thus the move to Vegas? It's confusing.

  17. I wonder how many times Aspyn said "get laid". I had to laugh thinking about all of her fundamentalist family watching that. But I'm glad for Aspyn, she seems to be enjoying life.

    1. I loved it!! I could just picture Kody's caveman scowl and the 4 wives with blank poker faces! Ha!

    2. She's a pretty girl. I hope she can find happiness in her career and get away from her crazy familiy.

  18. Meri does Meri's hair and Meri does Kody's hair..and they have the same hair dresser..or beautician as Robyn would say

    1. And the instruments they use to fix each others' hair are a really hot blow dryer and a manual egg beater. Good grief he looked like a cave man this week (and not in a good way). All he needs is bangs in the front and he also could look like a real old and haggard version of the little dutch boy. His face has aged so much since the show started. Wonder when we'll see all that new product on the website? King Midas... Kodouche.... your subjects are waiting for the next iconic treasure to come out of your pea-brain.

  19. Ok, I really like Logan, Maddie and Aspyn! Why didn't they show Mariah? Maybe she hasn't started dating yet or maybe they don't want to show that the only kid who said she wanted plural marriage has now changed her mind. Mykelti seems like a lot of talk to me. Hopefully, she'll do half of what she claims.

    Oh and how about Robyn throwing shade at Maddie about not wanting to seriously date. Why did she talk at all on the couch? Your kids, technically speaking, aren't dating! Love also how Meri tried to interject about all the kids. I'm sorry, but I'm not buying that she was really a mom figure to them. Like Maddie said, more like aunt.

    1. I don't think Mariah comes across as very likable. The other kids seem to be light years ahead of her in terms of maturity and personality.
      As for Robyn....she has to pontificate on everything, in between de-boogering her eyes.

    2. Usually with siblings you can tell that they grew up the same way, but Mariah seems more like a cousin who lives nearby. I've always thought that she liked the idea of polygamy solely because she has rarely experienced TRUE polygamy and sacrifice like the other kids.

    3. I really wanted to see a reaction to the aunt comment. They can say "moms" all they want, but the kids obviously don't feel that way. Especially about Robyn.
      I think from the beginning (of the show,of life?) the kids see Mariah as "too much" and give her hell just for fun. They are fitting in with other kids from different walks of life, while Mariah struggles to have friends that aren't from her church.She is narrow minded and judgemental. Just like the parents,or at least some of them. You have to be tolerant and accepting if what you seek is tolerance and acceptance.

    4. I agree with those who think that Mariah doesn't fit with the other kids and probably based on she being the only child of Meri and her husband and the only legal child of Kody. While Janelle and Christine had to divide their budgeted money between five or six kids each, Meri only had one child to buy for. I suspect that her clothes, her Christmas and birthday gifts, and even her food options were way better than the other kids and that might explain why she seems like a cousin. How could the other girls embrace a sister that is being given so much more than they. Plus, she has that sense of entitlement that comes from Meri saying, just because I only had one child shouldn't take away my fair share of the cut. Poor Mariah parrots not only her mother's words but her mothers emotional responses as well. She is socially retarded.

    5. Very telling that both Aspyn and Mariah graduated last year from high school, but only Mariah got to go on the trip to Europe while a disappointed Aspyn had to stay home. Fair and equal my butt. I wonder how the other kids really feel about Mariah? There has to be some jealousy and resentment somewhere, they've done a good job of hiding it.

      P.S. I wonder if Mariah still wants to be a sister wife? She is a terrible fit for the lifestyle IMO.

    6. If Kody fathered the other children, Anonymous, they are legally his responsibility just as much as Mariah. So Mariah is not his only "legal" child.

    7. Mariah is not Kody's only "legal" child. If he is their biological father and no one else has adopted them (which they haven't) they are his legal responsibility. Robyn's first three are not his "legal" children unless he has legally adopted them, and I don't think he has---at least that we know about.

    8. When Mariah tweeted the "you're freaking welcome" bit to MSWC customers, Aspyn offered to give Mariah a hug. Mariah said she'd sock Aspyn in the throat if she tried to give her a hug. Aspyn tweeted back that Mariah was rude. Mykelti tweeted to Aspyn something along in the lines of "learning to deal with a socially awkward sister helps in dealing with the world". It looks to me like the Brown children are well aware of Mariah's odd personality and deal with it off camera.

      Meri seems quick to defend Mariah against reasonable responses to her rudeness and temper tantrums. That defense is probably no favor. Mariah learns nothing about getting along with others. If Mariah does become a doctor, she'd better opt for research because her bedside manner would alienate patients, staff, etc!

  20. Robyn in a prairie make up..and her hair in a french braid...that's how i pitcher Robyn..that is what her face and body language and table manners scream to me

  21. I feel bad for Mykelti. She was labeled a "bad girl," and a "wild child," so early in life and (from what we could see) for no real reason, other than for storylines (Mariah is the goody goody, Maddie is sassy, Aspyn is nurturing, Mykelti is wild, etc). I'm glad that she channeled what must have been frustration for being scrutinized and written off in front of a national audience into excelling at school. Finishing high school with an Associate's Degree is quite an accomplishment. I'm sorry that Mykelti has to sing her own praises whilst the parents go on an on about how "worried" they are about her.

    1. ITA. I think her plans for the future are very revealing. She is my new favorite!

    2. Wild child? Really? This crew wouldn't know what to do with a wild child!! All of the kids lived pretty sheltered lives,esp before the move. They were homeschooled for years and went to church and prayed with their family. Wearing short sleeves and "big talk" about tattoos and moving when they turn 18, does not a wild child make.

    3. I wonder if Mykelti dates guys who are not acceptable in their religion. Or maybe she's into girls.

    4. in one of the Q&A episodes, christine said that one of her daughters had asked what would happen if she came out. i always suspected mykelti was that daughter. christine thought she was just yanking her chain. i'm not so sure.

  22. Kody tweets about not kissing until age 24 and teens not dating, yet he was 22 and Meri 19 when they married---per the TLC site.

    1. Didn't Kody and Meri also court a teenager (under age 18)? I think they wrote about it in their book and how it didn't work out.

    2. Anon 8:46...yes, they did court a teenager and were both disappointed when it didn't pan out.

    3. Things kind of different when it is your own children....huh Kodster?

    4. Kody appears confused... first it was no kissing before marriage, then no kissing before 24, then kissing OK after engagement but before marriage, now pre-marital kissing is OK as long as you don't get married young?! This guy needs to review his tweets because he's making no sense at all.

    5. Maybe Kody needs to run for public office. He seems to enjoy doublespeak.

      Besides, it would just cap off that "Big Love" story arc perfectly.

  23. Did anyone catch the name of the Missouri plyg family? Was it Richards?

    As for next week: Well, what would one expect? Three vehicles, tons of kids, extremely long road trip, teenagers...a recipe for frustration and frayed tempers. Repeat of Trip to Nauvoo.

    1. It seems like TLC knows the recipe for ratings with the Browns. Put them all in close quarters on a road trip and let the tempers fly. Examples: Move to Vegas, Nauvoo trip, now Missouri. I guess there's nothing left to discuss in regards to their everyday lives.

    2. So TLC's filming of the kids was pretty formulaic. Looks like they told each one they could take 3 friends and do something "active" that could be filmed and they probably gave them a choice of affordable local things (horseback, mini golf, arcade....) Logan seems to have come up with his own activity - the poker game. I sure hope TLC doesn't start giving the Browns lots of free trips. These entitled grifters don't deserve them. But, you knowTLC paid to rent the mobile homes and van for the Missouri trip. They are probably picking up the tab for all the food on the trip too and the activities along the way.

  24. Why didn't they show Mariah's college experience??

    1. I'm sure she will get her very own special episode to herself! Yuck.

    2. Probably because she is going to school out of state and they were filming in Las Vegas. The four focused on were all living in Las Vegas during filming.

    3. Not buying it. You know if she wanted to be included, she'd drive home or fly home for filming. Heck, she flew home for something in last week's episode. Either no one has asked her out or she will have her very own episode, as has been suggested up thread. Also, I think anything that gets the public talking, Meri tries to protect her from. I think they know the public isn't fond of Mariah's personality, so they try to avoid making her the center of discussion because I don't know that she really knows how to conduct herself. Remember when she didn't go to the UNLV discussion? Mariah, the one Brown kid who wants to be a sister wife, wasn't there to defend her decision. I don't think she could've handled it and, at her age, that's completely understandable. However, if they're gonna throw the rest of their kids to the wolves (sharks, whatever), then why treat Mariah differently? Answer: Meri.

      The Brown kids are pretty awesome, but I must say that I've known lots of pretty awesome kids, no thanks to the parents ;-) But seriously, the Browns have raised some wonderful older kids.

    4. The simplest solution is usually the right one. The point was to show the kids living their life with their friends. Mariah's college life and college friends are in Utah. She was in Utah, so were her friends and they focused on the Vegas-based kids. No mystery or conspiracy, seems straight-forward to me.

  25. I sure hope TLC shows the real Kody next week. We know Kody dodges the kids by palming them off on their moms and traipsing from home to home. There is no way that controlling Drama Queen can keep his cool while stuck in the RV with the kids for FOUR days. He inevitably will have a series of temper tantrums. The only question is whether TLC will sugarcoat it or show it.

  26. Robyn's girl--All teenage boys are poopy?

    1. Yes, I caught that too! Poopy is not a good word to use when describing the real thing, let alone describing how the boys feel about a trip. I don't like that word anyway, call me a fuddy duddy, as Robyn said. She seems socially awkward to me, always has. She resembles Robyn a lot and has trouble expressing herself. Robyn needs to learn how to pronounce "picture" btw.

    2. I don't think Aurora resembles Robyn; I always assumed she met look like her father. Dayton seems to look like his father, too. I think Breanna looks a lot like Robyn. Solomon also looks a lot like Robyn.

    3. Now I'd cut this one some slack. She's just a little girl. I like her (so far). And Dayton seems so sweet. I just want to give him a hug. The youngest girl cries too much. Sol is too cute, but they need to quit acting like he's the second coming. Sol and Truely on the couch last week were absolutely adorable.

    4. Kody can't seem to be filmed with the family without holding onto Sol. I sure don't remember him holding Trulely all that much when she was a little one. He's such a piece of work

  27. Robyn needs to learn how to pronounce most of the words that come out of her mouth. Also, in the first pic of the post, I suggest that she just looks constipated.

    1. Constipated was my first thought too.

  28. This episode was thoroughly enjoyable. Focus on the kids and what's going on in their lives, no mention of the Closet, Robyn only spoke about 2 sentences, it was great. Would have been perfect if they quit with the weight loss storyline, too played out. How many more things can Janelle climb? How many more times will she step on the scale only to see that it's not moving? Bo-ring! The less we have to hear any of the adults the better, honestly. There is nothing interesting about this family anymore. Glad to see the kids are doing well though, that's encouraging!

    1. Kiki - I agree. I really enjoy the parts about the young adults in the family. It was so awesome that Robyn only uttered a few words. Her obsession with her eye goop needs to be addressed by the producers, it is really disgusting. And LOL at how many things can Janelle climb? If there is a rock around, Janelle has a storyline about conquering it.

    2. Carol, I agree about the eye goop. It's just gross. I don't even think she notices she is doing it, it's like a nervous habit or something. I wonder if the rest of them even notice it. I know I couldn't sit next to her doing that.

      I really enjoy seeing the college kids and teens being so open about doing their own thing, and not being ordered to be a part of the Brown circus for the rest of their lives. They didn't choose to be part of this TV show, went through a horrible transition from their lives in Utah to their lives in Vegas, and they have managed to set goals for themselves outside of the plyg-de-sac. I'm glad.

  29. Aspyn joined Alpha Xi Delta. They tweeted that she joined a sorority that does fundraisers for Autism and I knew that my sorority, Alpha Xi did that. So, I googled it. Sure enough, she is on their UNLV facebook page.

    1. Robyn said Aspyn joined that particular one because they support autism research. Did Aspyn say that? While it's certainly commendable, I don't think many teenage girls joining sororities choose them based solely on the causes they support. I call bullcrap. Maybe the autism support was the icing on the cake, but I so doubt that was her reason for joining. Just another way for Robyn to insert herself into everything. She is so juvenile. If that was truly her reason (and if it is, I apologize), then let Aspyn say that. She probably joined because they have the best parties, prettiest colors, nicest girls, whatever.

    2. Jasmine, I thought exactly the same thing! It is so annoying that Robyn feels it is necessary to inject herself in every situation.

    3. Not to mention that David isn't her brother at all. She's only know him a few years and they never have lived together as a brother/sister.

    4. No, Aspyn did not say that. I agree. When joining a sorority, you look at the whole package. You want to make sure you like and get along with the girls. This is the main factor. She looks very happy with her sorority sisters on the facebook page.

    5. Seems like a way to make Aspyn's choice about the family, and a story line tie in. If she didn't like the social vibe, she wouldn't have joined regardless.

  30. This was *such* an attempt to shift the focus from the adults....since all the epps about them are falling flat at best. There really is nothing left to show about the adults now except to further showcase their individual and collective twisted personalities.
    Hopefully Janelle's labored climb up a "hill" was the last stab at pushing that NON-storyline. And hopefully it is the end of Trainer Shawn's 5 minutes of SW fame. He looked almost manic, even more breathless than Janelle at one point.
    TLC, just end is done !!

    Some of the older kids segments looked crafted to address what the blogs are saying.
    Mykelti's explanation about the breakup with that guy seemed to be a back-handed way of validating KingKody's insane hormone lecture. Mykelti does seem to have a Kody-like delivery and penchant for dreaming big with defiance for any nay-sayers.
    Logan's bit was nice in that he is a likeable guy who could fit in wherever he chooses to go in life.
    Maddie is the current star of the family and shares Logan's easy charm. She has realistic goals. Hope she achieves them.
    Aspyn also has a nice personality and has developed diverse friendships outside of the plyg world and TLC used that too.
    I hope all the kids who appeared as friends in those segments were paid for their camera time.
    What a once in a lifetime opportunity for all of them !

    1. They were not paid. One of the parents is very upset about the Browns.

    2. I've always wondered how the kids are being compensated for the show. Kody seems to think it's about him and the wives, but the children are the ones most directly affected by all of this.

    3. What Mykelti was inferring was that after that ridiculous and humiliating segment shown on national tv, John decided to move on to date girls whose dads don't take away his man card for wearing matching shoes and pants. And I would put good money on Mykelti kissing a boy or two. I thought she was the wild child? Are we to believe she didn't even hold hands with John? Dating on national tv is way too much for any kid.

    4. I'm glad that parent on Facebook called Christine out on her comments. I wonder if Logan has one less housemate today?

    5. I don't think Christine's comment was that bad. It is disgusting that the parent was calling her a pig repeatedly, don't you think?

    6. Christine was pretty intolerant with her comments on the show about monogamist a being boring, and her tweet was not very nice considering we, the audience are expected to tolerate them and their lifestyle.

    7. I think calling someone a "pig" is very rude however, I would be beyond pissed if my daughter was filmed for a reality show, not paid, and then called stupid by someone on that reality show. Since I'm not the girl's parent, I can say that Christine probably just typed whatever because she has been shown not to put too much thought into what she says or tweets, but if I were her parent....yeah, I would probably use language much stronger than "pig." It was a very rude and thoughtless thing for Christine to say about Logan's roommates and especially insulting as she is getting a paycheck off of their exposure on the show. BS behavior.

    8. Christine was blurting I think. She speaks/tweets then thinks.
      Hmm...perhaps I'm giving her too much credit.

      And this also proves (adding on what I stated below) that TLC/F8F is too cheap to pay the other kids. It's VITALLY important to remember not only that this isn't network TV, but this is a channel run literally on a shoestring budget. Whenever I see someone state that the Browns are getting paid $25-75k EACH for each episode, it makes me laugh! Maybe $25k per ep for the whole FAMILY but $125-$500k per ep is patently ridiculous, especially now. Ratings have been so low this season, I'm guessing that TLC/F8F will be trying to renegotiate with the Browns for less $$.

  31. Just watching the couch scene and they're discussing Maddie's dating life, Janelle's talking about boys and Kody has the stupidest myopic glare on his face. Dickweed.

  32. I was simply thrilled that Robyn kept her mouth shut... wished Kody had joined her in that as well. Would have been nice to not hear from any of the Brown clowns. I enjoy the kids. Except for Mariah....

  33. I HOPE all the over 18 ers got paid for their segments. That is their earnings. I don't see all the teens on board with that unless they were getting paid.

    Yep, Mariah does not fit in with her own half sibs. Such a difference.

    I too am so sick of Jenelle and her fat story line. She will be fat the rest of her days.

    I swear to goodness, if Kody didn't have all those kids, I would swear he was gay! I guess he could be bi.

    Long time reader, first time posting.

    Jinx, I am curious as to what ever happened with the other blog? Could you briefly address it. If you did, I missed it.



    1. The over 18 year olds better be getting their fair share of the money! They put themselves out there and are entitled to their own money!

    2. I am curious as to what ever happened with the other blog? Could you briefly address it.

      I left the other blog in September 2013, so I have no idea what happened.

      Sorry, but that's all I know.

    3. CJ, I just have to thank you for continuing on with this blog. I probably wouldn't be watching this train-wreck of a show anymore, but this blog provides me with hours of enjoyment and entertainment!

    4. Well, the friends didn't get paid, so I don't expect the Brown kids get separate checks either. They probably figure that the TLC $ which is more than likely just one check cut to the entire family helps pay their way since they're part of the family too. IMO it's important to remember that the show isn't a SAG Union production, the Browns aren't considered actors, and whatever agreement they have with TLC is between them and we probably won't know for years, if ever, what the compensation amount is. Maybe when they file bankruptcy again, since it's public record.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. And now it starts. Anon 10:18, although I appreciate your comments, I believe your comment about "David" was out of line.

      As I cannot edit comments, I had no choice but to delete it. In the future, please address your concerns directly to the youngster's parents, if you feel so strongly on the subject.

      Thank you.

  35. Dear TLC
    Here are some possible story lines or strategies to improve the reputation of the SW show. First, put stupid Janelle on biggest loser and let those guys whip her into shape. Enlist Christine in one of the cooks competition schools. yes. Meri needs to go one of those picking the dress shows cause girl need to learn to hide her arse and muffin top. Robyn really needs to go on Trumps show so she can really learn how to be a business associate. Really. Get these women in competitions to make money for their joolery bizness.

    1. I say put Meri, Jenelle and Christine on "Biggest Reality Losers"

  36. Yet another episode where Christine calls us "boring monogamists". Um...Christine that is showing quite a bit of intolerance. I will have to remove a jewel from your crown for saying that.

    1. I will take being a "boring monogamist" any day over having to share my partner with 3 other women and spend 3/4 nights alone. Thank you very much.

    2. This bugged me too. Enough. We get it. In theater the rule of three applies to jokes: First time,
      it's funny!!..second time there it is again...still funny..,haha..third time, oh, wasn't expecting that again, clever! After's dead..stop! Christine thinks this bit is funny and's not!!

    3. Anon 11:48. Totally agree with you. My monogamist married sex life is certainly NOT boring, and I don't have to worry about sharing a cold sore either.

  37. Some reasons why Jenelle doesn't lose weight:

    - Jenelle likes the 1 on 1 attention from her trainer

    - Jenelle's trainer likes being on the "Sisterwives" payroll (he's no dummy)

    1. I thought the same thing, that there was some chemistry going on between Janelle and her trainer. If I was stuck at the same weight and unable to lose anymore, I would be finding a new trainer.

    2. Makes sense. This is someone who devotes attention solely to her during their session. Where else can she get that?

  38. A side note on Christine: I don't know what to make of her. She is isolated and afraid of toasters but defends polygamy like an uneducated pit bull. She says this lifestyle makes her better but she has to bribe her husband with wrestling mat space to get more time for her and her children. She plumped up like all of the wives but in the last few shows, has looked very pretty and has worn makeup in a flattering way. Her kids seem sweet and caring and I want to like her but something makes me think. . . Not so fast. Is she trapped in this lifestyle because she doesn't know better or is she shrewdly behind the publicity? She was so good in front of the fake cc, I wonder, how much of this is an act. She said that she takes anti depression meds. She has seemed happier. Does anyone have a handle on her. I wish I knew someone wh knew her as a person and not as a tv character.

    1. I am on the fence about Christine myself. I want to like her too, but she refuses to work, has accepted money from the government for her kids, I believe she has declared bankruptcy, she bashes monogamists, and was the wife pushing to do the show. Yet, she is clearly unhappy and has many issues within her marriage. I honestly think she was raised in a cult-like setting and her whole identity is wrapped up in polygamy. She didn't talk to her mom for how many years? She's made statements about how awful it would be if she accepted outside help and left. She drank the kool-aid a long time ago. From how close her and Kody looked last night, I don't think she's going anywhere anytime soon.

    2. I can't put my finger on it, but I'm a bit thrown off by her too. I definitely think she does a whole lot of acting for the cameras. On a shallow note, I think she is the most naturally okay looking one, although her makeup is horrible on those tell all shows. I think some of her children are beautiful. I think she is a wonderful mom in that she is very nurturing and ALL of the Brown kids seem to love her. That says a lot about her as a mother, so I will definitely give her props for that. But you can tell she is never going to open her ears to hear a dissenting opinion about polygamy, her marriage, etc. On the one hand, I get that. She should feel strongly about her beliefs. However, when everything your religion supposedly teaches you isn't actually being manifested in your own life - after all of these years - well it's probably time to reevaluate some things. Not saying you have to change beliefs, but at least look at all angles and try to figure out the problem. Life's too short to be unhappy.

      But then again, maybe she is happy. That's what she keeps telling herself (and us). I certainly hope that she is.

    3. Does anyone have a handle on her handle on Christine. I think she is a consummate liar. That she can barely function in the plural family world, and definitely can't function at all in the real world. Her fear of modern appliances (toasters, microwave ovens) is a device she created to differentiate herself from Meri and Janelle with Kody. I think Kody can barely stand her.

      She plumped up like all of the wives...
      No, she was always obese. That's what triggered Kody's disgust when she was eating those chile cheese nachos.

      Is she trapped in this lifestyle because she doesn't know better or is she shrewdly behind the publicity?
      I don't think she is trapped. She is in the "lifestyle" because she wants to show her father she didn't make a mistake by marrying Kody and that she CAN make her marriage work even though it's obviously one-sided with Kody caring a lot more for his other wives (particularly Robyn). She doesn't want to follow in her mother's footsteps and I bet you her father told her that she was just like her mother in moments of anger.

      I think she is just as much a media whore as Kody. She defends polygamy because that's all she has. Without polygamy she would just be another overweight women with 6 kids, no education, hooked up with a part-time baby daddy who treats her like dirt. She constantly apologizes for not being the perfect plural wife - putting herself down in order to excuse Kody's rude and cruel behavior towards her.

      She's a hot mess. and frankly, I wouldn't want her anywhere near my children.

    4. I'm with you CJ. I would never leave my children with her. I don't think she would physically harm them, but I do believe she would be a really bad influence with her floating into and out of reality. Plus, the way she feeds her own kids is really bad. She does offer the children books, which is good but I wonder how many times she sits down to read with them or color with them. I also agree that she is a consummate liar. She lies so much that she forgets which lie is which and soon she is doing that entire thing of getting them all mixed up. I also see her passive aggressive tendencies and think she practices those with her children too. I feel by Christine the same way I do Mama Duggar...she allows her older children to take responsibility for her baby. Because I was the youngest in a family of ten, I know what it's like to be taken care of by immature teenage girls who would rather be swimming or listening to music. One of my older sisters abused me so much that by the time I was six, my ear drum was beyond repair. She slapped me and caused my ear drum to burst. I am stone deaf in my right ear today and my left is damaged pretty badly. In spite of that abuse, my mother still left me with her and when I was eight, she sexually abused me; she was 17. I am not saying that Christine's kids are like my sister; however, it is never a good idea to put so much responsibility on one or two girls.

    5. Yes, I found the comment "boring Monogamist" quite offensive coming from someone that doesn't know ANYTHING about a monogamist lifestyle....she knows NOTHING about being loved by a man that loves her and only her, that at the end of the day (every day) on his way home from work he is thinking about his beautiful wife and wonderful kids and can't wait to see them and enjoy dinner or go to the ballpark or just watching TV with them and at the end of the night (every night) they jump into bed and talk about the day and just enjoy each other......boring.......I think not!

    6. I agree on christine being a liar. I watched several very interesting YouTube interviews w Krystin Decker, and she explains the culture of lying in great detail. After watching, I can make more sense of all of the Brown's behavior.I highly recommend viewinv the videos if you are intrigued by the adult Brown's pattern of lying ... and how they continually say positive things about their lives while their body language contradicts.

    7. If constantly competing for your husband's attention with other multiple "wives" is exciting, I will gladly stick to "boring" monogamy. The sad thing is that the are so busy working on their relationships with their "sisterwives" and Kody, the children become neglected. I really think if Christine didn't have all the polygamist drama in her life, Truely would not have become so sick. Christine was too distracted. It is all a ridiculous mess!

  39. Found it interesting once again, that they admit that they aren't Christians. Wonder if Tamryn asked them what they do believe, if they would realize how Hale Bop Comet it sounds!
    "Well, Tamryn, if any of the wives die before me, they will just hang out in a waiting room until I get there.
    They won't know I'm there until I reach through the curtain for each one individually and call out their secret name. I will respond with my secret name, so that each one can be sure it's me.
    Then we will be off to my planet, where I will be a god like the god of earth. I will make sure that they are all busy serving me, and for eternity I will impregnate each of them with spirit babies to populate my planet.
    There will probably be some meetings to attend with Jesus and his brother Lucifer 'cause I'm sure they'll want my input on how eternity should be planned.
    I will also be marrying other wives of my choosing from my planet and the planets of others.
    Yes, I will be able to pop from one planet to another, and even back to earth if I want to do so.
    I will be able to do what I want, and what I have always hoped to do---have sex, eat, sleep, travel,
    repeatedly for eternity."
    "Well it does sound a bit like hell for the women, but this is what they were created to do-- procreate and serve men-- they have no other purpose."

    Suppose if the women & children heard it they might agree that this sounds like the Hale Bop Comet story minus the suicides?

    If by some enormous long shot, they are correct about eternity, having baby after baby doesn't sound like the place I would want to spend eternity!

    BTW, LDS is not a Christian religion either.
    Putting the name Jesus Christ in the title doesn't make a religion Christian.
    Know many wonderful LDS members, beautiful people,
    however they are mormons, not Christians, just as Muslims are not Christian.
    With the exception of "the principle" of public plural marriage, the two religions are basically the same.

    1. See I agree that LDS isn't a Christian religion, but *they* think they are. *They* don't consider themselves Protestants, but I believe Kody used the word "Christian" when he meant Protestant Christian, (or maybe even Catholic Christian or Orthodox Christian) Mormons believe they are a lost Jewish tribe or something along those lines.

  40. Dear TLC,

    I think this show has hit that update every couple of years on the family is just fine.

    Move on.

    1. After watching K+8 special....I don't know, that was pretty awful. I think the Browns would do something dumb like two years, let's recreate our recommitment ceremony where we cross off the wives and kids who left and add on the new ones...

  41. Okay, you know what? I don't, for a second, believe that Mykelti and John (I think that's unfortunate hormone lecture guy) were ever dating. If you were a teenager interested in a boy and had been going on lots of dates with him and you broke up because your half-wit of a cromagnon father decided to start talking about mouth hormones, you would pitch a fit the likes of which had never been seen before. And Mykelti didn't seem to care about the lecture at all. She wasn't embarrassed or horrified or even worried, as she would have been if John were actually her boyfriend. I mean, there was zero emotion on her face when that boy was there, or when they were talking. Just another TLC lie.

    1. I agree...I doubt her real boyfriend would want to go on TV and be humiliated by the likes of Kody Brown.

    2. I hope that's true, Safe Talk. Otherwise that is humiliating. It's a good premise though because 2 of the 3 Brown young adults admit to kissing (or rather, Maddie said she thought it was ok, she didn't say she had kissed anyone) maybe Kody asked Mykelti to agree to a fake boyfriend so that he can show what a Duggar-like father he is or something. It was kind of a fake conversation with all the kids and their friends. I think a producer told each group of kids, one of you has to ask the "Brown child" if they are going to follow polygamy. And so each group had a friend that asked that. I doubt these friends would ask that randomly in a tv show, if they were all such great pals, the answer would be known to them already. It was obviously staged. I felt bad for Logan because he was trying to be diplomatic...says no for now but if he feels called, he would. And each of the kids just happened to say how great polygamy had been for them in terms of their siblings and their family. They seemed really coached. But I think they are all great kids and certainly think Logan, Maddie and Aspyn are wonderful young adults.

  42. I don't think Janelle really cares about her religion and that is why she is okay with her kids making their own decisions. The only reason she is in this cult is because she had the hots for Kody and wanted him. As we have heard, there are other available women yammering to be wife #5. If Janelle wasn't married into the family already she might be one of them. Some women will put up with anything for a man.

    1. I disagree. I think the fact she totally believes her religion is why she will never leave Kody. Her children have always been left on their own. Remember it was Logan who made breakfast for his siblings, not Christine. Another thing is she doesn't have the hots for Kody but believes he is her ticket to the highest level of heaven. She totally believes Kody is her priesthood holder.

    2. I agree with Serena. Janelle is so not into this religion thing. If she were, she'd be more vocal about her kids choosing it. At this point, Kody's not even into it.

    3. She definitely has the hots for Kody, Who knows why though.

    4. I don't believe the Browns when they say it is up to their children's own desires as far as polygamy goes. They will probably shun the child who lives in monogamy or distance themselves from him/her. What was their immediate reaction when Christine's mother left? They cut ties for several years claiming they thought she would "steal" their children. Mormon fundamentalists often shun or cut off family who leave polygamy. That's another reason why it is so hard for these women to leave.

  43. I enjoy looking into the lives of the older kids; however, nothing about this episode felt natural or "real". The Browns kept plugging this episode as a look at their kids' dating lives, and it was clearly planned from Mykelti's sit-down to the individual vignettes with Logan, Aspyn and Maddie. I don't think Mariah was included in this storyline because she is still a faithful AUB follower, and as such, won't date in the modern sense. Truly, this all felt scripted from start to finish. I'm sure that is the case with many Brown family storylines, but this season, it has been really blatant.

    I am guessing that they are traveling to Missouri to give a screen test for TLC's next potential reality family. If they are evangelic Christian, polygamist, little people - TLC will have no choice but to sign them for a series. The Duggers, Browns and Roloffs better all watch their backs.

  44. Also, I think the Browns should be able to carry this show on their own shoulders. This using their kids as a story line is nasty, I think. It turns them all into liars. I'd like to believe that the older kids are above the Brown BS, but the fact that they keep consenting to appear in these fabricated story lines doesn't really bode well now, does it?

    The only Brown kid I actually like is Hunter, and that's because he's never been afraid to tell everyone how full of shit they are. If it were up to Hunter, the cameras would probably be gone tomorrow. Actually, I even prefer Mariah, at least Mariah is straightforward in her bratty spoiledness and entitlement. I feel like the others are just toeing the line, and I don't think that's all that admirable. I think some of the 'fan favorites' aren't actually doing anything different from what Janelle does, ie, telling people what they want to hear.

  45. This show once again proved how clueless and rude these parents are. To insult Logan's female friends on twitter is rude, to call Mykelti a wild child/bad girl is thoughtless, and calling your son "a 15 year old raging testosterone boy" is insensitive (as I recall Hunter was the "testosterone monster" a couple of years ago). If Kody & wives want to make fools out of themselves on tv that's fine... I just wish between the 5 of them they could muster enough brain cells to realize putting their kids down in public is not OK.

  46. You can't blame the kids for playing along with TLC. They want the show to continue. Their lives have improved so much since they became "stars" and if it all goes away where will they be? Without the show, there won't be any McMansions and they would be back to community college (if they are lucky). Without the show, no trips to Disney Land, no manicures, no status. They are as hooked as their parents.

    1. I totally agree....just hope a couple of them get their degree before the gravy train hits the wall. I feel sorry for the little ones though.

  47. You really have to do a split screen picture of Robyn and Stan Laurel (of Laurel and Hardy)....I think they are related.

  48. Just a Thought..Ha HA HA i goggled Stan Laure"sl pitcher and you are so right.! Months back or maybe even a year ago on the MSWC facebook, Robyn's mom was praising Robyn's jewelry designing skills and how proud of her she was. When i looked at her mother's facebook there were pitchers of Robyn's grandfather and she looks like him He had the chin and down frown mouth and large jaw..Robyn just looks miserable and worn out lately. Her facial expressions are priceless, Like if she could just let out one big fart she would feel relief. I would love to know what she is thinking as she is sitting there listening to the other wives re living their kid's journey.

    1. I don't think she wants to be there anymore. The other wives don't really like her, the older kids could care less, she isn't getting help from the Browns with her kids, Kody really doesn't favor her anymore, and she must hate being alone 3 out of 4 nights. And, it probably isn't that great living in a compound with the 3 other wives and 13 kids. She seemed much happier when they lived apart. How long before she runs?

    2. her head is shaped like a cube, she's a real blockhead

  49. Can't wait till we get those shots of Robyn!!! She sure gave us some jems this episode.

  50. Can't wait to get those shots of Robyn this time! She sure gave us some jems this episode!

    The part where she was standing next to Kody looking up? She almost looked like she was fighting back tears. I wonder if something happened right before they started filming that scene. Maybe the director and/or Kody told her she couldn't be the one announcing the trip to the kids. That they would like Christine to do it instead. Or that she couldn't talk at all. Bet that would bum her out big time.

  51. This visit to a Christian Plyg family must be the last plot idea left in the box.
    It just reeks of "desperate!"
    These Browns do not like Christians. But now, as is the usual pattern with them, the story has changed. Any lie, any stupid ruse to keep the show going !!!

    Not only will this latest trip be just one more load of *staged, scripted and BS*.......
    It will give Kody Idiot free range to do what he does best....pretend to be in charge.
    And just think, he will have three days coming and going to harass new people along the way and tell anyone with ears that he has four wives.

    Since there are 3 vehicles (more if you count the RV with the camera and sound crew) going on the trip.....It is safe to predict that King Kody will be in the vehicle with the *least* amount of people, especially the least number of kids. Probably Sobbin will be in that one, along with mini-king.

    And yeah....the older kids know what is going down.
    They have watched the phony shit and storylines being filmed for four years.
    They have had to play their parts.

    Was thinking today of that awful episode where they take the dog back to Lehi to be put down......
    and film digging the grave with the poor dog running around, wagging its tail right in the frame of Kody pretending to dig the grave. It was appalling and sooooo ridiculous.
    Also, no way did Kody dig that grave. Probably as soon as the camera stopped, he gave up the shovel.

    1. I haven't watched an episode yet this season, and I have only relied on this blog on getting episode recaps. So I didn't see the Christian plygs, and I find it quite humorous. One of the reasons I was drawn to watching sisterwives in the first place is because I am Christian and I find other religious beliefs fascinating. So will someone please enlighten me as to why this Christian family feels it is necessary to live polygamy?

  52. Is there some kind of drama that went on with maddie and christine on twitter? I am seeing accusations of rudeness but I can't follow twitter, it is so dang confusing! I am pretty sure there are some tweets that have been deleted so I can't figure out what happened. Anyone know whats up?
