
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Live Tweets In My Living Room Party! July 6, 2014 Sister Wives Episode: 'Four Wives in Two RVs'

Kody dealing with a Brown sewage spill in the dark ...

Are you ready for this week's Live Tweet Party in My Living Room?

That's right, you can view the Sister Wives' live tweeting all in the comfort of My Living Room! And you don't even need to dress up, much.

So kick off yer shoes, put on yer gas mask and sharpen up yer snark.

Let the snarking begin!!

Please continue your discussion  here:

Off Topic Monday Plus Selected Live Tweets from July 6, 2014


  1. Just when you thought the "will we or won't we get the money" storyline was over... it's not. Ugh!

    1. No way! I won't see the show for 3 hours so please, spoil me with details!!

    2. Spoil me please! BTW tweeter "Mr Judgmental" is totally cracking me up.

    3. They were supposed to have tgd money in 4 weeks but its 8 weeks and they still don't have it. Stan told Kody his group doesn't have it yet.

      On another note...Robyn is giving you many "couch faces" this're going to have a hard time picking just 1 or 2 for your recap.

    4. No Joke HockeyMom! Just found this blog after wishing the other one was up and running still! But I was DYING over the money storyline...I am sorry guys, your stuff is mostly crap and to ask for what as it 2,000,000?? They should have gotten 100k not a penny more and probably less and they need to work on getting less crappy designs and do more marketing! The only marketing they have is the show but obviously that isn't connecting with viewers!

    5. I've liked Mr. Judgmental in the past, but he's killing it tonight with the sanctimonious take on snark!

    6. The jewelry on that site is terrible. I'd heard people joke for years, but I finally went to their site and browsed the was awful.
      I seriously wonder if this business is not some money laundering or bankruptsy scheme. There is no way they created those pieces with sales in mind. No f'ing way.

  2. First 5 minutes of the show they admittted they have not received any money from the investors for mswc. Kody also stated not sure if they will see any money at all.

    1. Here is a tweet I copied from Robyn just now. It appears they didn't get any money.

      "It is important to make this business grow.The investor money was going to help us do that. We have a big family to support! #sisterwives"

    2. Surprise!
      If that thing had been legit, we would've seen the results of the $ right away. The VCs would be looking for a return on their investment. Of course, it was all fake.

    3. Well posters on Cynical Jinx called it correctly. No money. Totally fake. All for a plotline. They'll cry poor and beg people to buy off the website or maybe this will just be another business that tanks. I thought the green goo was so lucrative. Not talking about that much anymore are they? It is sad that none of them feel they can get a real job of any sort. The TLC gravy train will end one day and the kids will just keep coming if Robyn has her way. My prediction is they will bring on wife #5 next season in order to keep the show on the air.

    4. Just watched the son. My son googled Kody Brown. If you believe Celebrity Net Worth he's worth 800,000 on one site and 300,000 on another. Looks like he has enough money to invest in it himself!

  3. I agree with Kody that the teens can make or break the trip with their attitude.

  4. Big Ffff-ing surprise !!! The Investors (like they really ever existed) have not come through.....!!
    Gosh, I am shocked !!! Isn't everyone ?/!! Ha, Ha.
    TLC......did you really think this BS was really going to fly??
    Yet still you fill up some airtime with a "business" meeting where all Kody did was deliver the bad news. No VC money. Hey, Kody....that's what text messaging is for !! If any of that was real......wink, wink !!
    Just more and more and more Brown BS !!

    SIde note........Meri's couch and chairs look to be made of cardboard. Are they faux props??

    1. LMAO!!! No WAY!!!! Does that mean MSWC will be done for? Or will someone show up to save the day?????

    2. I missed that part...I was reading this blog instead LOL

    3. Amused, they are real, I remember when they got those, totally not very comfy looking and they weren't even her idea, Kody picked them out and forced her to get them... lol

  5. Oh my.... acknowledgement that they cannot handle the kids without the older kids to help. Oh my goodness! Such a challenge, "my wives have to get along with each other... " wah wah wah! 4 middle school girls would fight less than these "adult" women, in my opinion!

  6. Oh Cynical. .. I'm 13 minutes in and already had to back up the dvr. Lol! Ugh!

  7. Hey ya'll...Where's Mindy? (hmmmm.....) Maybe everytime you see Mindy, take a swig from your favorite beverage!

    1. Mindy was acknowledged! as a van driver

    2. Drink! Mindy sighting at the steakhouse!

    3. Seen Mindy a lot, course she is never part of an conversation.

    4. Maybe Mindy is not given speaking spots because then she would have to be paid by TLC.

    5. Can someone clue me in to exactly who Mindy is?? Her last name is Jessop which is Robyn's first husband's last name. Robyn tweeted a week or so ago that Mindy was their niece and last night when they showed her she was listed as "Robyn and Kody's niece". So, is she Robyn's blood relative or niece of Robyn's ex???

    6. Hmmm I don't think TLC "has" to pay ANYone. Again, this is the difference between a reality show vs. a SAG production. For example, we know (from one of the dads' angry Twitter remarks against a stupid Christine tweet) that the kids' friends didn't get renumerated for their speaking "role" last week.

      However, I would hope the Browns are paying Mindy SOMETHING, as their latest lackey and toilet-cleaner. Free room and board in exchange for doing the driving and the replacement sitter now that the older kids are not available?

    7. Kelly, I think Mindy is Robyn's stepfather's granddaughter--daughter of Robyn's older stepsister. So, it looks like Mindy is a "courtesy" niece and not directly related to any of the Brown family. Although, if we could search the family wreath, Mindy is probably a cousin to most everyone in plygville. bgee

  8. They really should have practiced with the sewer line before leaving.

    and it doesn't surprise me that Robyn gets to stay in a hotel.

    Lots of cussing from adults on this trip.

  9. Amazing !!! As predicted here in the Living Room, 2 of the sweeties will be in a hotel !!
    And guess who ??......Meri and the foul-mouthed snow queen herself, Sobbin.
    SO what was she bitching about having to walk from the RV into a hotel.... with a few snow flurries !!

    Having trouble getting on computer, not CJ's living room.
    Loading verrrry slowly.

    BTW.......looks like the Christion plyg master is a a bigger, darker-haired clone of Kody.
    Straggly, thinning, greassy hair and all !!! Ughhhh !!!

    1. Correction.........that was "not" the Christian plymaster. Just a guy (and he was gross) commenting on how great the Browns are !! I was called away and came back seeing him.
      The plyg guy is shown in the previews, Nothing like Krody.
      Except.......preview includes something about the Browns never hearing about a plyg family that share a bedroom !!! Wow...blatant ratings-grabber alert !!

  10. Ever heard of checking the forecast? My DH always checks the forecast whenever we go anywhere.

  11. They almost sound like little kids who are trying to sound cool using curse words. I said "damned". Hee hee hee.

    Kody's ponytail is baaaaaack. Meri and Robyn get to stay in a hotel... Surprise surprise.

  12. KOdy looks like Pebbles Flintstone in that ponytail.

  13. I find it interesting that Meri drove Christine and not her bswf (best sister wife forever) Robyn.

    Truely is absolutely adorable this episode. Robyn is absolutely miserable.

    1. And didn't it seem they were rubbing it much fun they were having cracking each other up. Maybe that was for Robyn's benefit?

  14. Okay, Kody is sporting his "high on the crown" ponytail for the trip !!
    It looks like he teased it first for volume before putting in a ponytail.
    He looks like Bam Bam from the Flintstone's if she grew up and had a sex change operation.
    He also looks like an anemic, pale-skinned, effeminate Sumo wrestler with that "do."

    SUCH and idiot !!

    1. Pebbles !!! That is right !!!

    2. Wonder if he realizes his "man card" was revoked the minute he started channeling Pebbles Flintstone?

    3. Wonder if Cody realizes how silly a 40-something year old man sounds using the phrase "man card?"

    4. o boston corgi i peed my pants on that comment

  15. I love these gatherings, it has saved me watching the show itself. How come only Meri and Robyn get to stay in a hotel? Do Christine and Janelle not mind that? Or are they so used to being bottom of the pack that they just accept that they're sleeping in outdoor kennels whilst Meri and Robyn get to go indoors?

    1. On the last road trip Robyn and Christine stayed in hotels because they had babies - Sol and Truly. Perhaps they had a lottery and Meri and Robyn won?

    2. wouldn't it make more sense to take turns? One night Robyn and Meri stay in hotel rooms, the next night it's Christine and Janelle's turn and so on.

    3. Mari has no kids to tend to, thus making her more available to Krody. King Sol, with his overgrown mullet co sleeps with his mama.

      Kody's hair was absolutely ridiculous. His sons have zero respect for him.

      And no, idiot, Jackson Browne did NOT write Take It Easy!!!


    4. Yeah...Jackson Browne did write "Take it Easy", along with Glen Fry

    5. Correction actually Jackson Browne who was Glenn Frey's neighbor/friend wrote most of Take it Easy. Glenn Frey did do a small amount of cowriting. Of course the Eagles made it famous. :)

    6. Actually Jackson Browne and Glenn Frey wrote "TakeIt Easy"..

  16. meri doesn't have a kid with her, so that makes sense to me. why Robyn gets a hotel I have no idea. Are her kids in the RVs or in the hotel with her?

  17. So Robyn has bad memories of "serviving" the snow which is why she's freaking about it? She didn't seem to mind when they went on that snowy Christmas trip & all piled into that rental house. I think just more fake drama so she could score a motel room.

    1. Robyn was most likely still breastfeeding Sol, so I would bet he stayed in the motel with her and Kody. Bwahahahahahaha!

    2. ooppsy bc, the above was a response for OnlyWife.

      I think just more fake drama so she could score a motel room.
      Remember when they camped at Big Bear? I don't think any of the wives stayed at a motel. Aren't the big RVs that look like buses bigger than those truck things they always rent?

    3. Someone on the tweets calls her out on her whining. I mean seriously if that's all it takes to upset her I'd hate to see if something really bad happened.

    4. Was Robyn part of the Donner Party? or the 1996 Everest expeditions?? SURVIVING the snow? please.

    5. Hahaha!!! DJ... part of the Donner party!! I am beside myself looking at that ponytail... he looks like a caricature of a cheerleader!

    6. Oh DJ I cannot stop laughing!!!! MrSpock is out travelling the galaxy so will not see the show for a couple of weeks but your donner party comment is tops!!!!

    7. Awww thanks guys! :)
      I can hear Edward Everett Horton in his best Fractured Fairy Tales voice announcing the title of this ep - "Four Wives In Two RVs...OR...The Shitstorm...OR...Here Comes Kody Boo Boo". Because they are scraping the bottom of the barrel here. Kody and the producers are seeing HBB eat their ratings lunch and no doubt saying a little nastiness will help their sagging show.

  18. CJ, Trust me....You are going to have a "snark extraganza" reviewing this one !!!

    1. Indeed!

      Robyn really showed herself on this one. Wow...

  19. Hunter is really growing up

    1. I liked Hunter in this episode. Loved the way he shut Kody down at one point. He's more mature than his ol' man!

  20. And - the entire episode and they didn't even reach their destination. It continues next week when they finally reach the home of the other polygamist family. Yay! :/

  21. Christine: "As polygamists, we like to get things for free ..."

    Yeah, tell us something we don't already know, lazy!

    Also, Meri was so smug. A good sister wife would've been helping with the kids more. She is so not polygamy material.

    Eww, did y'all see where they stayed? The motel? Looked uber cheap to me. Dayton must've stayed though because he said the rooms were nice, so maybe Robyn had her kids with her.

    Guess Kody stayed with Meri! I'm so irritated by the fact that he boasts about having a billion kids, but he never spends a lot of time with them all. You can tell because when they're all together, they act like its so foreign to them.

    Lastly, Janelle's kids can be brats and it does rub off on the other kids. That one son of Janelle totally does not respect Kody.

    1. Christine: "As polygamists, we like to get things for free ..."

      OMG! Really, Christine? YOU DON'T SAY!!!

    2. DAMN! did she really say that?

    3. Oh, Christine, you just keep blurting the truth: "We'll get lazy and complacent about paying back our investors." "Polygamists want to get things for free!" Never change, girlfriend--just keep your gums a'flappin.

    4. Did you see Robyn cover her face with her hands and bend forward when Christine said that? She looked like she couldn't believe it, and then Christine did her screechy nervous laugh.

    5. "We just lied,and lied"

      We could have a thread..Shit Christine says!!


    6. "Never change, girlfriend--just keep your gums a'flappin."

      Yup, Christine's stupidity alone is worth the price of admission.

      And for Sobbin to act shocked....Ms Purrrity if Sobbin would know the difference between a dumb statement or not .......
      Now THAT was pure SW bullshit golden!!

    7. That motel was a typical motel in the high country in New Mexico or Arizona. The are usually very clean but they are old and historical to the area.

    8. My bad about the motel. I'm not familiar with the area, and it looked like the ones I've seen around here (the South), which are pretty run-of-the-mill gross. I thought it was pretty cheap of TLC to put them up in something like that. I did hear Dayton say it was a nice room, though.

  22. So since they didnt finish the steak did it cost them 75 dollars per person?

    You are kidding me!

    1. I think that bugged me more than just about anything else in the episode. What a gross waste of money. And food. All while whining about needing money for this and that but can drop $375 on steak for five.

    2. I totally agree... what a waste! I hope the leftovers got eaten.

    3. I'm sure the producers paid for it as part of the plotline.

    4. Its funny though that these are the same people crying on how they need income but will spend 375 on 5 peoples dinner

    5. I'm quite sure Production paid for the whole trip...including food. The road side sandwich stop was just a segment to show how people do that on travel vacations....wasn't it amazing how they did that (snarky tone)!

  23. How many times did we see in previews that KoDouche said he wanted no whining or crying? And then, who whined and cried the most? Why, the King, of course. Because he got some doody on his shoe. Yet we are supposed to believe he is this great man because Robyn took one picture of him changing one diaper and put it on Twitter. I seriously hope Hunter left the valves open on purpose and laughed his fool head off the rest of the trip. He has to keep himself entertained somehow, and watching Douchey McBaggerson dodging shit water was damn entertaining!!

    1. Maybe it was one of the crew.....heh heh heh.

    2. My vote is it was the crew. The probably warned him, and the whole thing was bogus. He did seem to jump out of the way fairly quickly. Either way..It was a good laugh!

  24. Which child was the one who told Kody that the Romans used to overthrow their superiors when they didn't agree? I was a little shocked at the lack of respect. I hope it was some sort of joke.

    1. Garrison and Gabe are the one's that Janelle is going to have trouble with. One punched the other in the nose getting the tree one year, and they are the boys that fought in the bedroom over a video game, one poked robyns girl in the eye. Janelle talks about not liking to dicipline her kids in their book..and she makes excuses for why kody does not.

    2. Anonymous 8:24, I have to disagree a bit. I had four boys, and as frustrating as it could sometimes be, a certain amount of fighting, both physical and verbal, was just par for the course. I'm not saying that "boys will be boys" or that it's okay for kids to hurt each other, but I don't think the sorts of behavior we see with these kids seems at all out of the norm or indicative of larger problems.

    3. I would not put up with what i have seen these boys do for one minute. They have physicaly hurt other kids. I had boys and never did one punch in the nose or slug in the face like we have seen janelles boys do. Or poke little girls in the eye.

  25. Getting my drink on to snark with you!

    1. Kody, cut the hair. Please.

    2. While you're improving yourself, do something about those cold, calculating, beady eyes. They freak me the hell out.

    3. Stop being an ass.

    I don't know what it is about this episode, but Kody is really looking like the alpha, plyg ass that he is.

    1. #2 has me LOL! his eyes have a totally psycho vibe

  26. Janelle was digging in to the nachos at the Route 66 diner...

    1. And she wonders why she hasn't loss any weight.

    2. Sean probably watches that and cringes. He is already thinking of the next workout....Rocks that look like nachos that Janelle can conquer...

    3. In the last episode Janelle had mentioned that Kody has NEVER EVER made a comment about her weight. But yet, he was quick to call Christine chubby regarding the nacho eating incident. So who knows if he's just more critical of Christine or if Janelle is lying. Janelle always is the Kody defender.

    4. Sean probably cringes because he's set his entire career on his famewhoring with the Browns. If Janelle doesn't lose SIGNIFICANT weight, it's not going to reflect well on HIM. I know, I know, Janelle's lost 25 pounds or whatever. But thats over more than 2 YEARS. They started working out (with Trainer Bill) just before Sol was born, and he's going to be three in October. Considering how much personal trainers can cost per hour, most people would want better results than 1-2 pounds a month.

    5. Janelle should have entered the steak contest. (I know that was terrible.) Sorry. They could have shown Sean the Trainer on the phone finally talking her out of it.

  27. I had to go look up the twitter pic of Kody changing a diaper. And Robyn thinks he is a king for that and we should all be jealous? She's nuts! Does she really think monogamist husbands don't change diapers?

  28. Oh man! Robyn is talking in this episode. Hand me a beer!

  29. Janelle,
    You have had boys for 20 years now, and you are just learning how they act and how to handle them !?
    Damn, for being the "smart" one.......*shrug*....

    Watching these couch chats, it is getting hard and harder not to pull an Elvis on the TV.

  30. That was the best line tonight! Kids are funny.

  31. meri is asking viewers to watch next weeks episode where the reach their destination. Wasn"t that long ago she was saying on twitter if you don't like us don't watch us.

  32. Tonight's episode was probably my favorite. My daughter watched with me for the first time. Her reactions were great.
    I couldn't believe the big deal they made about the quit being stupid comment. My kids fuss some but they usually have forgotten about it quickly. Kids do that.

    1. As far as the kids fighting over the stupid comment, they must've cut some of it from the show because I thought they were making a bigger deal out of it than needed too. He must've lost his temper, which he has done before on the show.

    2. Oh my hell, I know they have done that many many times on this show. The editing SUCKS big time on this show....really confusing the viewers. I realize that they are trying to make the Browns come across as a "religious" family, but...nope. I don't think he said "stupid" (I think that was added)...I'm quite sure it was worse.

    3. I thought the same thing- I figured they requested what actually happened not be shown, because they mentioned Ysabel being upset all morning until they slid down the hill, and I couldn't remember anything being shown to that extreme that Ysabel would have been so upset. If that is what happened, I say the Browns have done something right... Keeping a teen-moment private (other than talking about it to death, of course) and a moment that probably would have been embarrassing to Ysabel (kids don't often want people to see them upset/being picked on - even by siblings) is very good of them.

    4. Clearly it was a much bigger issue than they let on....otherwise why would the whole day be ruined over one of 17 kids calling another one of 17 kids 'stupid'. Like that has never happened before? But sliding down a hill on a paper plate made up for it all. Whew.

    5. I agree they left something out because when Grody was making him apologize he said he also owed Christine and Mindy an apology too - not just Ysabel. Christine, ok - that's her Mom. But Mindy too?

  33. When they asked the VC for 2 million i knew it was not for real. The cost of goods for what they are selling is minimal. We opened a bricks and mortar jewelry store in Seattle for 100,000.00 start up and we were buying diamonds and fine jewelry and gemstones. Two million would buy a ton of pewter crap..aprons and silver.

    1. amazon is selling those watches for 6.99. I wonder if the couple that were their supplier last season are still around. The Brown's started this business using a jeweler to make the original pieces. That is why they were originally marked up so high. I'm not sure the new supplier was much better. The Brown's had no connections in the wholesale world of jewelry or manufacturers so their margins had to be slim on those original pieces. Such a wasted opportunity for them to not have gotten into something more marketable for the family. The jewelry business is tough. It take credibility and sacrifice and delaying gratification.

    2. The way I see it, a lot of people made a lot of money off the Browns. The jeweler who crafted those silver pieces, that woman Robyn wrote the check for manufacturing the trinket earrings and Be values. That's why they are doomed to fail. Kody doesn't have the business skills needed to be a success!

    3. yes Monica they probably did. The Brown's threw terms around like wholesale and retail. When selling at Guilt in the casino they reffered to wholesale pieces and i believe they were paying retail to the jeweler to have them made, then marked them up.

    4. Dakota- I looked up those crappy Geneva watches they are selling. The plastic ones are $1.37 and the metal ones range from $2-5 at wholesale (with no min. Purchase) so they don't need to have a huge inventory. Actually, you can purchase the rose hold watch at amazon for $5.33. Loool.

    5. But...but...MSWC said the watches are "genuine GOLD"! they wouldn't lie to their FANS.


  34. Clue #4,753 that your family is pathetically dysfunctional: when you announce you're going on vacation and people get nervous.

    My husband and I count down the days until vacation because we cannot wait to spend an entire week alone together. But what do I know, I'm just a miserable monogamist.

    The Lone Lady

  35. So, it's not ok for Hunter to be a "raging testosterone monster" (about something actually legitimate for a teen), but it's hilarious when Robyn is one (for snowflakes)???

  36. Kody is skipping around the work out room! Hand over the man card. Again.......

    1. Yeah, what was that? He was honest-to-god, full on skipping

    2. That was hilarious. Never seen a guy do that at a gym, ever, and I've belonged to a few in my day! Next he'll be tweeting the "science" behind skipping for damage control.

    3. Give him a break...first time in a gym, he got so excited!

    4. I belong to THREE gyms, and never seen anyone skipping like that. The closest thing would be a hamstring warmup, lifting the knees to waist level but usually that's done at a walk from what I've seen, or a stretch I have my peeps do in spin classes, lifting the leg to waist level, bent at a 90 degree angle and swinging it back and forth to loosen up the hamstrings after class. I'm not a personal trainer however. I'm sure Sean taught him that. bleagh.

    5. The producers are having fun with Kody this season.
      Man card officially revoked. Sporting the Pebbles Flinstone ponytail and skipping?
      John will be dropping by in his matching sweater and shoes to pick up your man card, Kody.

    6. My DH has competed in Track for over 30 years and he does do a skipping step like this, and a high knee version as well, so it didn't look unusual to me. I'm assuming that it was something Kody did during athletic workouts. {shrug}

  37. Am I the ONLY one that wants to smack Christine every time she does her "happy dance" when she is excited.....or is pretending to be?? She looks like a very overgrown toddler when she hops around, claps her hands,and screams "YAY!!! I am so excited!!"

    1. Nope, can't stand it. Hate the sing song voice, too.

    2. or sings AHHHHH..she heard angelssing when she walked in to her new home

    3. Kody hates it, too. Everytime she does that he looks embarrassed or angry.
      Hey, Christine, it's annoying, please stop. Thanks.

    4. I think it's because she's been with little children for a whole lot of years.

  38. "So i'll put half my clothes in this and half in the other" Save some room for the other 30 people in the family and pick one. Ugh

    1. Ugh that bugged me too! Almost as much as Robyn meltdown (she is so miserable ....especially for a polygamist) and Kody's pony tail.

    2. Kody gets the best of everything ; he gets to go on all the vacations, all the date nights, eat all the steak and put his stuff everywhere. Oh, and of course get 1/5th of the TLC paycheck which goes...where? Never been covered on the show.

    3. No way does Kody get 1/5 of the tlc money. Not with that ego. He gets ALL the paycheck as paid into his company and then distributes to the wives. I wouldn't be surprised if he keeps 50%.

    4. "I'll sleep one night in one van,another night in the other van,then in the motels" "At home I rotate through the houses and you should see me running between them....

      Really? Again? We know all of this. It is not new info! Just stop!

    5. So sick of him complaining about his belongings being dispersed between 4 houses or watching him dramatically romp from house to house. He needs a little motorized scooter so he can rotate around the cul-de sac more efficiently!

  39. "Was Robyn part of the Donner Party?" DJ, best comment EVER. And they definitely would have eaten Robyn first; she'd be a little stringy, but oh the relief to get her in the pot and silent.

    1. Thanks! I have my moments! and I agree...

    2. LOL! A sad reality is that Kody would eat his wives and kids so he could survive.

  40. Hunter is now officially my favorite Brown kid. I hope we get to see the episode where he beats Kody to a pulp or at least threatens to do so. Kody would be cowering.

  41. I spent the weekend watching The Walking Dead marathon, and what with the RVs and road trip in tonight's SW episode, I now can't get out of my mind the image of the Brown adults trying to survive the zombie apocalypse along with Rick and the gang. First of all, Carl would end up shooting Kody. Deliberately. "It had to be done, Dad. He was a danger to all of us--you know I'm right."

    1. Omg redwood curtain! A million times yes!!!!!

  42. I have never liked the way Meri acts when getting ready for a trip with the whole family. She has only had one child and herself to get ready, when the others have many more to get up early, feed, pack, last minute things, etc...and she never offers to go and help any of them. She just stands there smug and acts like she has it all together, when she does, but would she if she had as many as they did? And again, she is pretty organized, so yeah, maybe she would have all of her kids up and ready, but still, isn't part of "sister wife" helping out wherever needed for your husbands other children? And Robin looked like she wanted to cuss on purpose to look cool, as someone up thread had said. She totally denied, or skipped over that cuss word on the couch though. Why? That was her time to show she is human and not trying to be someone she is not, but she can't even own a stupid cuss word! Has anyone called her out on that yet on twitter? I'm not on it so I don't know. And why didn't Kody or one of the wives call her out on it on the couch? They just laughed, but you could tell they knew what she really said. Geez, own your human mistakes people. And I don't blame Hunter for being that way with Kody. Kody demands respect yet doesn't give it to his children half the time. It goes both ways, even with your own children. And they made too big of a deal out of the twirling or whatever ysabel was doing during prayer. If we got out of hand as kids, while Dad was praying, he would just stop and stand there or sit there in silence, and then everyone else would get silent, and then he waited till he got complete silence or movement from anyone before he began praying again. He was trying to show respect to who he was praying to, and making the moment more reverent instead of stopping and calling out the child who was misbehaving or just talking or whispering. It worked, and set an example for us to show reverence during any type of prayer, at any time. Robin is a grump and is trying to be in control and she is getting on my nerves more and more. She seems lazy and why oh why don't they show Truly more on the couch? She can talk and answer questions now and they need to show her more. They have King Sol on someones shoulders all the time now getting camera time, or he is on Kodys lap, but Robin makes sure he is front and center. Truly needs to be asked more questions in the couch interviews. And I have to admit, her and Sol did look cute together when on the couch alone last week. Sweet. She seems like she is going to love babies and children just like her sister Aspyn and Christine is good with children too. She at least shows patience and gives them attention. Although she at least admitted that she relies on her older ones too much. But, she will get used to it now that they are all growing up. Love this sight, glad someone picked it up from the other one. I love to read the comments more than anything.

  43. Diabolical PonytailJuly 7, 2014 at 2:18 AM

    Okay, this was a doozy of an ep. The editors are really going for showcasing the "true" Browns I think.

    1. Before a commercial break when it showed a couple clips of what was next, they instantly cut from Kody saying sternly to the kids that "no one is going to whine even once on this trip!" to Kody with the Brown sewage spewing all over him and him cussing and whining up a storm. Haha! During the whole trip, in fact, Kody spent a good deal of time threatening the kids to not whine, and then shortly after one of the wives would whine and freak out about snow, or wearing sandals in the now. Apparently it was the parents who needed a warning!

    2. Kody's Ponytail. EEeeeyuck. My husband watched the episode with me, and was baffled by the "middle of the head" position of it. Higher up it would be a topknot. Lower down would be a traditional male ponytail. In the middle it just sticks straight out like a brambly tumbleweed. I hope he ditches the look soon!

    3. If this was Truely's first B-day since being sick, couldn't they have gotten her a better cake?! I mean, it wasn't even decorated. They dumped some pink candy on top with a plastic castle and called it good. They could have at least picked one up a pretty little one at a local bakery for $5-$10!

    4. Robyn with the snow... I don't really know what to say. I am so happy to see real Robyn at last. I thought the recount of the whole "I don't give a sh--" scene with the family on the couch was hilarious because Meri just looked so SMUG about Robyn messing up so bad. The grinch grin on her face was so funny! Definitely don't think Meri and Robyn are best buds anymore.

    4. Glad they finally admitted to how much they dump the little kids on the older ones. It still sickens me that they should feel so "lost" with their own little children without the teens to care for them!

  44. TLC really has a constipation issue with certain themes and events in their stable of reality shows.
    Road trips are a must......especially with toilet catastrophes and/or emotional breakdowns along the way. SW, Duggers, Boo Boos, Goselins (remember Kate in Alaska)
    Older children must be used for plots, be it for parenting younger kids ala Duggers, or as moody teens to publicly embarrass in Kodyworld.
    Cousins and nieces must be introduced as comedy relief and free child-tending. (or RV driving) Cousin Amy of Duggerville and now niece Mindy of SW.

    Geez....getting so the viewers can predict the scripts. And probably write better ones.

    1. But didn't cousin Amy have a speaking role? Didn't she have a story to add to the Duggars because besides being seen in a lot of scenes and twitter pictures, nobody knew who Mindy was or what her relationship was to the Browns. That's why I don't think Mindy's presence is the same as Amy.

    2. "But didn't cousin Amy have a speaking role?;
      Not at first. She was just there for a few episodes and eventually she was woven into the storyline and dialogue.

      We may see niece Mindy start to speak soon too, probably giving parenting assistance to Christine in lieu of Aspyn and Mylekti. .
      Sobbin may ask for some Mindy time too, since she, like Christine, has trouble coping with *one pre-school child* at home all day.

    3. do we really know these "nieces" are really just that? I'm quite sure that if it got out to the public that "the Sisterwives" had to get a Nanny would completely shatter the "sisterwife creed" of having each other there for each other....even though we know and see that it is not the case (in this family).

    4. I thought Mindy left Nevada already.

  45. Janelle really bothers me on this one about her son, Garrison.
    This is the 3rd time she has allowed a son to be uses as a plot point for an episode.
    What is the matter with her?

    First of all, most normal teen boys are mouthy and moody, at least some of the time. They especially push it with younger siblings until a parent steps in and shuts down that particular moment.
    Nothing earth shattering about that at all. It is just part of life and parenting.
    What is bad parenting is for her to allow moments like that to be filmed and broadcast for posterity.
    A "thinking" parent would insist the cameras *be shut down* and then deal with that moment privately. And not humiliate the kid for making a normal yet unacceptable pain-in-the-ass comment to a sibling. To offer up moments like that about her sons to the camera as fodder for viewer reaction is a recipe for resentment and problems for the kid. The ARE teenagers and they didn't ask to be media stars.

    Same goes for Meri when she complied with that ridiculous scene with Mariah screaming and pouting like a 3 yr.old in the car looking at their house when they couldn't move in until the next day.

    Truth is, posterity will likely show that these parents were/ are an embarrassment to their children.

    1. Well said, Amused, but to expect a woman who is a sister wife to handle these kinds of issues in a normal way, especially when being filmed for a TV show, is probably expecting too much. They are too far removed from true reality. Meri was raised a polygamist so the competition among women/mothers is indoctrinated in her. And Janelle? Honestly, I'm sure I made mistakes raising my kids, but at least they weren't broadcasted on TV for all to see.

    2. "Honestly, I'm sure I made mistakes raising my kids, but at least they weren't broadcasted on TV for all to see."

      Me too, Anon ! No question most every parent makes mistakes.
      But plyg parents can't default to pretend that they don't know how airing "their kids'" private laundry would be detrimental to the kid. Allowing themselves to be filmed is one thing, but using their kids' intimate life stuff is another.
      To me, it is a particularly ugly form of pimping and exploitation.

    3. I agree completely Amused. The Brown parents are exploiting their kids and selling, what should be, private moments rather than going out and getting jobs and supporting their families rather than making the kids support themselves. Let's face it, without the kids, there would be no show.

      Allowing moments like the scene with Garrison to be filmed reflects extremely poor parenting, imo. Parents are supposed to protect their children, not exploit them on national tv because they're too used to the comfort the TLC paychecks bring them.

    4. Agreed...Jenelle was not raised a polygamist, but isn't it funny that we all seem to like her kids the most.

  46. Couple of points I didn't see in the comments:

    1. When Gabe tries to ask his dad if he is driving their van, he gets a rude non answer. But later, Kody is seen hugging Dayton "Good Morning" Jackass! He only acknowledges his older boys, including Dayton or his Baby KIng. Gabe got zero airtime except for this rude exchange.

    2. Speaking of Dayton, the man at the steak house announced his name as David! So Dayton still gives his name as David. Good for him!!

    3. Who was the guy holding Sol in the steakhouse? He was standing behind Meri as she was commenting on the steak challenge. Crew? Stranger? Mindy's date?

    4. Kody says "This guy knew who we were" No,Really? You are on TV dumbass. Also, each place they stopped knew they would be rolling in.Crew and cameras were there ahead of them.

    5. Robyn..Ugh! The way she retold that story and the way she gritted out.."I don't care." She sounded deranged. I know she was mentioned..a lot.. but I had to pile on!

    1. Yes, only time I stopped and hit the rewind was when the guy introduced the steak eaters and he said David, I wanted to make sure I heard that right.

    2. Kimba girl..exactly..your number one comment is what i saw and noticed.

  47. Yes, too many shots of Kody whining about the kids whining or the wives whining. How many times did was he filmed saying "No whining!" followed by a shot of him whining about something?

  48. I noticed that in the big steak eating scene the restaurant guy announced "Dayton" as David. I'm guessing that David introduced himself that way. Cause it's probably the name he prefers.

    1. That was my thinking also. I'm glad that he at least in part is rejecting it. It's like Robyn was trying to erase all reminders of the ex-husband by forcing a new name on her son. Screwed up.

    2. and it's been stated earlier that he's called "David" in school as well. It appears that for whatever reason, Robyn has opted to call him "Dayton" for the purposes of the show.

    3. I don't think it's as much for the show as it is for Kody... I think it drives him bonkers to be reminded of who had the cookie first, so to speak.

    4. could it be so he is named after a city like the brown kids? they talked about the kids names in season 1 and on the screen shot shot it said dayton ohio..that, that was what he was named after. I went back and checked the episode, and that is what they said.

    5. I thought that I heard Robyn call him "David" in one of the talking heads, too.

  49. Forgive me if someone mentioned this in an earlier post, but it occurred to me watching last night's episode that the Browns are setting the stage with their fake VC not delivering the $$ to close mysisterwifescloset. They would have the perfect excuse to dump the failing business without (in their minds) appearing at fault. Either that, or it is a thinly veiled attempt to appeal to the general public to step up with an investment or offer to buy the doomed business.

    1. Maybe they are attempting to turn it into a MLM company. "If you invest $1000 you'll become rich and won't have to work any more. Recruit more investors to be underneath you."

    2. YUP! This is exactly what they are doing. Drumming up sympathy for more sales and when that doesn't provide enough money to support themselves, they will have a reason to drop the business. They will never admit that the MSWC was a stupid idea in the first place, it will all be blamed on the investors not coming through for them.

  50. So the ponytail.....I think Kody just surpassed Donald Trump for worst male TV hair....

  51. Ok, I know they had a big group to get up and moving each morning, but with so many young kids with them the adults need to get it together and get moving, yet there we see Kody and Janelle at the gym!

    They supposedly had 370 miles to travel that day - 6-7 hours - yet they went to the gym which set them up to arrive at their camping spot at 1:30am! Ridiculous. Or maybe they run by the seat of their pants every day? To pull into your camping spot/hotel at 1:30am is setting the kids up for irritability and a less than pleasant experience the next day, to say nothing of the adults. lol

  52. What's up with Christine saying she was "apprehensive" about meeting the plyg family? Excited? sure, but what is there to be apprehensive about? They're people and a family - just like she is! Is she apprehensive about meeting all new people or just those who say they're plygs? I had to SMH. I thought her comment was pretty rude.

    1. That stood out to me. She is most likely apprehensive about anyone who isn't a Mormon fundamentalist, blonde, Disney-loving, childlike, unemployed polygamist. If you don't fit this category, she will probably be apprehensive. She was hesitant about Robyn because she's not blonde.

    2. Christine is afraid of anyone who is not a part of her religious background. She was raised to be fearful. I think her fear is deeply indoctrinated into her. How sad that anyone would fear 98% of the world.

    3. Bingo, Anonymous 12:47. The Browns can pretend to be a different breed of fundamentalist Mormon, but the foundation is what it is: insular and defensive.

  53. Well, at least this week was a full episode. I get my SWs' fix from Amazon, and I refuse to pay 1.99 for 22 minutes of one episode, much of which is repeat information gleaned from previous episodes.

    Regarding the VC deal falling through; that must be embarrassing to have that happen to one on national T.V. I would have locked myself up in my master bathroom, with its ginormous tub, along with my friends Smirnoff and 7-Up, and not be seen again for an entire weekend. Got to admire their guts to keep on being the Browns (this is aimed at the adults, not the kids.)

  54. I am surprised about the Browns' cussing this season. Janelle always throws in a hell or damn...and now Robyn with her sh*t....God knows what else they didn't show. This is after they were really upset about Logan cussing a few seasons back. My hell, Browns, get your stories straight!

    1. I notice a lot of subtle codes and code switches. (I can't help myself; it came with my graduate studies training, and I can't get rid of it!) The fact that they (and by "they, I mean the Browns, TLC, Principle Voices, or whoever "they" may be) are allowing a peek at cussing (among other things, such as dress codes slowly relaxing) is very very interesting, especially coupled with a brand new rhetoric, a way of using the word "Christian" that distances rather than self-identifies. And, very fleetingly in one episode, Kody mentioned that he was glad the older kids had been removed from the dogmatic beliefs (I can't recall his exact wording) of their pre-Vegas days. I wondered if he were talking about LDS or their own fundamentalist Mormon beliefs? I wouldn't be surprised, if, a la the Brady Bunch, Kody eventually leaves his faith and takes the family with him. Or maybe "they" just think the Browns need to seem more like average joes and less like religious extremists (not that they ever seemed all that religious). At any rate, I don't believe that the secularization of their behavior this season is an accident.

    2. Sister Kolobster, I think you are dead right--I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly.

    3. They are using the religion so they can continue their "lifestyle" and hold our Constitution to its word. This is not a religious family, they barely can get a prayer out without an issue. It is obvious with Yesbel jumping around and her brother yelling at her that it is not done frequently enough for the kids to understand the importance of quietly gathering, praying and showing respect to the person saying the prayer. JUST stop Browns with the poor attempt. I personally don't buy it.

    4. I remember that comment Sister Kolobster...he was talking about being glad the kids weren't raised in the shadow of dogma (or something like that). Kind of contradicts their lawsuit which was full of the trauma they endured being separated from their church & plyg community, the religious persecution etc. Guess the dogma only became oppressive once they landed in Vegas & became "celebrities".

  55. Am I the only person that thought the episode was a snoozefest? I feel like it was a Duggar episode, pack up the RVs, leave late (of course), stop at scenic places and meet 'characters' and of course, discuss the fact that they are polygamists, interview the person who owns the business and get their opinion on polygamy as a lifestyle, get back on the road, little kids tired, grown ups tired, something goes wrong with the sewer lines, spice it up with Robyn fake cussing on tv about snow flurries (the woman who lives in Utah), have a sibling fight, more meals on the road...Really that's kind of boring.

    And the teaser for next week "some Christian polygamists share the same bed" will NOT be the family they are visiting. There will be nothing salacious. It will be just like the Duggars visiting the Bates'. A whole bunch of kids, huge meals to fix, and then they get back in their RVs and drive home.

    I just expected a whole lot more.

    1. Nope - not the only person. And I didn't even watch the show because I knew it would follow the exact script you laid out so well. And this is why I stopped watching - It is just so boring -- been there done that -- don't need to see the same stuff over and over again. Curious to see what the ratings will be on this one - each week they've been going down this season.

  56. And what's with Meri and Christine being such bffs all of a sudden? You know Meri is just doing that to tick Robyn off. And I am in the camp that Robyn has nervous ticks. Her facial expressions were totally ridiculous this episode.

    1. I'm starting to think Meri will use whomever is convenient. In the beginning she and Christine were supposedly close. Pretty sure Meri was just trying to get at Janelle. Of course it didn't last because Meri probably wasn't being genuine. Same thing happened with Robyn. Meri needs to give up this lifestyle. She is definitely of the perfectly normal monogamous mindset.

  57. Can someone please tell me what happened to Dayton's (David????) eye???!!! He started out with 2 that the right one is closed ... it's been that way since the start of this season... did I miss something??? Also this episode was ridiculous ... didn't these people come from Utah? Don't they know what snow is???? and that it's cold??? Doesn't anyone have a computer to check the weather conditions before they left????? They are all starting to get on my nerves ... UGH

    1. Can someone please tell me what happened to Dayton's (David????) eye???!!!
      Robyn confirmed that Dayton was in an ATV accident, most likely sometime in 2012. She has not said where the accident occurred.

      You can read her tweet here: Robyn's Tweet

      You can read the comments about this topic here:
      Answers to comment questions

  58. Has anyone on twitter ever asked Robin why he has two names? I'm sure she would just block them, as none of these people, except for Janelle, I think she tries to answer honestly, wants to give out honest answers about anything. Proof, Robins cussing. Why in the world did she not own up to it? She did not say "I don't care", and it wasn't a looooooong drawn out statement, it was a quick, "I don't give a shit." She tried to stop herself, I think, maybe not, but she looked like she tried to stop the ending of that word, but c'mon, Own it Browns! It's ok to cuss sometimes, we have all done it, just own it! No wonder the kids don't have a lot of respect for them sometimes, if they see them cussing when cameras aren't rolling, yet being so pristine and punishing the kids for cussing while the cameras are rolling, geez, that would make any kid frustrated and have no respect for them. And there is a difference between "having respect" and "showing respect." They should all show their parents respect, because that is the right thing to do with our parents, whether we like it or not. But they seem like they have lost respect FOR them. They have probably seen so much contradiction in their lives that they simply have lost some respect for their parents. Or at least for Kody and the moms that aren't bio moms. I know Janelles children seem to just love her and respect her, even though the boys do act out at times, I don't see it any different than some of my nephews. Not all boys act that way, but some do, and it's just the teenage years and boys sometimes. Could Janelle discipline better? Sure. Could Kody step in and be a Father and help with that discipline more? Sure. I think sometimes they make a bigger deal out of what the kids/boys do because the cameras are there and Kody just has to show his A- - for the cameras and show what a big tough dad he is. BS. He doesn't give most of his kids the time of day, at least from what the camera shows. And they need to realize that too. We only go by what is shown to us. Just wish this family could be honest and be themselves. And what is with Christine saying monogamy is boring? Is she serious? Or just trying to be funny, because she like to joke around. I just don't get it. Starting to dislike Robin more and more. No one can tell me she wants another baby either. No way. She is already overwhelmed and she does not want anymore. I'm done now. These people make me a nervous wreck sometimes. lol But I still watch.

    1. I love how you differentiated between having and showing respect. That makes perfect sense. I agree with everything you said.

    2. A parent who has earned their children's respect doesn't have to give long-winded speeches DEMANDING respect and blowharding military analogies. Teens will almost universally push the fences and test their parents, but attempting to browbeat them into submission is a sure sign of closing the barn door after the horse has hightailed it.

    3. Thank You Jasmine. And RC, I so totally agree with you on Kody browbeating them into submission! Right on there.

  59. I agree Shutuprobyn. I am 48 yrs old, married, with two grown children, and because of some hardships in our lives the past few years, we had to start over with nothing. He lost his jobs due to his health 3 yrs ago, and the restaurant I worked at for over 15 years, closed down in December. He was an EMT, and a Phlebotomist. We lost our home, even both our vehicles. I start a job next week at McDonalds. YES, this is true. I no longer want to live on unemployment, and we are currently living with my step son, and I had to set aside my pride and work where someone would hire me and give me full time hours. I don't understand why none of them work actual jobs, or how they make their money to begin with. Surely the show doesn't pay that much for them to buy homes, and live like they do, and send kids to college. Maybe it does, I don't know. I just know that it is so very hard to start over with nothing, and I am riding my bicycle to work and back home everyday, and just holding my head high knowing I am doing what I can to get back on our feet, and get a home of our own again. Is it the job I really want? Not at all, but it will do until something else comes along, and it will at least keep food on the table. I just don't understand any of the Browns. Even with not having to work every day jobs, and having these homes, and seemingly all their needs are met, with lots of vacations, perks, to go along with it, none of them seem truly happy in my opinion. What is there to complain about? I would love to have what they have, if I could afford it, and if I didn't have to leave my sick husband and go to work, and get to stay in a big spacious home with a nice yard, heck, I wouldn't have to complain about anything. I wish they would/could see what they have and just sit back and enjoy it. I don't think any of them would work fast food at their ages. We do what we have to do to survive and take care of us, and try not to depend on others.

    1. I have nothing but the utmost respect for a person who will set pride aside and work an honest, legal job with integrity, even if others might look down on it. That says everything about the quality of his or her character.

  60. The two sides of Robyn are so typical of when a person says I'm this way but in reality he or she is the other or the opposite. For instance, when she first came into the family, it was said that she brought a certain cool and calm to the family and that she could help Kody see the wives' sides. I found that very weird but so telling. First, if Kody and his other wives of many years was so immaturely developed that the younger model needed to be the intercessor, well, no wonder Christine was angry. Only Robyn could manage the beast? Now, a couple of years later we actually see that no she isn't calming but very polarizing. The scene, on camera, of her yelling, well that's an example of how Kody has to try and keep her calm. And of course, I think we would all agree that the entire farce of not being able to eat was clearly a passive aggressive move to point out those that do over eat...however, she couldn't keep the facade up as is evidenced by her ever expanding waist, hip, and chin line. Robyn is so antithetical to who she projected she was before becoming a sister wife. No wonder Kody scowls all the time and the other wives are all smiles.

    1. Robyn is a sociopath. Kody is a narcissist. That is why it is so easy for Robyn to manipulate Kody. She has probably become too demanding lately but she will reign him back in. She's just a dumb sociopath so it takes her longer to figure out how to keep him in her grips. The others don't stand a chance against Robyn.

  61. I am almost squeamish thinking about next week's show with the "Christian polygamists." No matter how with-it Kody and Krew may try to be, I would bet the farm and lot that the bunch they are going to visit are WAY more conservative.

    Let's face it: Most religious belief systems that can embrace polygamy are going to have built-in strictures that are highly limiting, particularly to women. Nature of the beast. Visiting the "Christian polygamists" is a TLC brainchild, I'm certain, and I wager they will give off more of a Duggars-meet-Centennial-Park vibe than a "we're-like-the-Browns-only-different" vibe.

  62. How old is Sol? Shouldn't he be talking more by now? He seems silent all the time. I saw him repeat a couple of words on a prior episode. I don't have kids but my nieces were animated by 2-2.5 years old.

    1. How old is Sol?
      Sol was approximately 2 years old at filming.

      He seems silent all the time. I saw him repeat a couple of words on a prior episode. I don't have kids but my nieces were animated by 2-2.5 years old.

      As we have been shown in this last episode and in the couch interviews with just Sol and Truely, they are just kids. I'm glad they are getting more camera time because Truely is precious.

      Let's just enjoy Sol and Truely without speculating the worse. Thank you!

  63. TLC should have made Kody stay in the RV with one of his wives. :-)

    1. Yes! That would have made a more interesting show hearing Kody complain all night long. They could have shown the camper rocking too!

      Real men who don't need to brag about a man card would not let the women stay alone with the kids out in the camp area.

  64. "Visiting the "Christian polygamists" is a TLC brainchild, I'm certain, and I wager they will give off more of a Duggars-meet-Centennial-Park vibe than a "we're-like-the-Browns-only-different" vibe."

    Couldn't agree more, redwood curtain !!!
    Yet, whatever the TLC editing demons do (or have done) with the actual footage of that meeting, it will be tailored to position the Browns into reciting their tired litany of how special they are and how misunderstood they are across the board compared to other Plygs.
    Without their worn-out BS on that, they are toast for renewal.

    Doubtful that TLC is going to be held hostage to have to boost ratings too much longer for what is now fast becoming a boring, past-its-shelf-life show.
    And.....They have the Brady Bunch already warming up in the dug-out.
    And even that show may not fly for long.

    Plyg-life, especially the so-called progressive plygs like the Browns and Williams, is no longer a mystery. TLC and other cable channels have just about exhausted the topic and viewer fascination. The only thing left that may still entice viewers would be more factual documentaries about happy ending stories for those who have escaped the hard-core sects.

  65. Lots of people call themselves "christian" and are not. Some know they are not and lie about it anyway. And some really do think they are christian because they only know of christianity in the secular "live and let live, go to church on Sunday or at least the major holidays, and just try to be a nice person" concept of christianity. But anyone who has actually read the Bible in it's entirety knows that is not the definition of christianity. As I think GK Chesterton said: "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car."

    If these people featured on the show are practicing polygamy, they are not christian. The Bible is very clear - one man, one woman. That's it.

  66. Mindy!
    I am SOOO hoping that the new story line is that Kody is found shmoozing with her on the side.
    C'mon! Wouldn't that just be the best?
    It's not like he would be cheating on Meri any more than he already is. occurred to me today that I'm not sure how I would feel know that my mom was not legally married to my dad, but that they pretended to be. I'd be an illegitimate child. :)

  67. Anyone notice that the announcer at the steak eating contest called Dayton David (aka his actual birth name Kody made him change) when announcing the steak eating contestants?

  68. Anyome else notice that Mari announced she's "just the van driver". Like she's not part of the family. Not sure if she actually feels this way or if it was a feel sorry for me.
