
Monday, June 23, 2014

UPDATED Selected Live Tweets from June 23, 2014

I'm still in shock from Sunday's episode...first that MSWC was able to entice an investment group into giving them money and second, that they didn't take a trip to Disneyland to celebrate.

Oh wait, Disney won't allow filming on their property. Nevermind...

I've gone through the...ummm...hundreds of tweets from last night's show and culled the best of the best for posterity.

Here's an example of Robyn responding to a potential customer who wanted to know who the strange lady was  that appeared in the background....

As if we could avoid seeing King Sol...
And here's another example of Robyn's customer service skills...At least she was polite, kind of...

So does this mean Kody isn't doing anything about the MSWC server problem either?

On the topic of Kody, here's his version of why he uprooted his family from Utah to Vegas....

But what does Kody mean by saying "If the stars align?" Does he know something we don't know???

Ahhhh....quintessential Kody, explaining why he asked for $2.5 million but only got $500K....

And Kody hasn't worked a day since ...

Here's Janelle, so proud of how Maddie has turned out....

And of course Christine, doing what she does best, enjoying her children!

Last, here's a cute picture of Truely....


  1. Other than the Brown's getting the dough i don't remember much of what these two episodes were about..and not worth watching again. The best part was participating in this blog. The blog is way better then the show..I don't think the show will last much longer. It just is not credible anymore. If talking about having a baby worked for Meri for several seasons, it looks like Robyn is going to talk about it this season. Wouldn't Robyn love to give birth in her very own McMansion? Her face looks constipated at all times weird

  2. "If the "stars align", we could end up back in Utah."

    OMG !!
    Does KodyKing mean that eventually we will have to suffer through yet another caravan "on the road again" on their way back to a new/old promised land??
    Will tears be mandatory?

    "Miss church, friends & family."

    No churches...not even one or around LV to take the kids in two years ??

    1. the kids are going to church group type things but the adults don't seem to be. Just because they're polygamists would they be banned from even attending a regular service?

    2. DJ, good question.

      And surely if Kody wanted to attend a church (and there must be a church of their beliefs *somewhere* in the area) they would have.
      Just another bit of Kody-babble.

    3. Based on some of the reading I've done the main AUB "church" is in Bluffdale, Utah, less than 15 min from their home in Lehi. Although there might be some AUB families in Nevada, it doesn't seem like any joint family "home Sunday services" have come to fruition. I know Mariah has attended LDS seminary classes during high school, and that Janelle has expressed her support of the kids participating in LDS activities, it was KODY who was less than encouraging of Logan going to Southern Utah Univ because of the large LDS influence. That, and he chastised Logan by saying, " why would you want to go there? Utah is such a hick town"... It might explain why he didn't jump up and down for Maddie getting a scholarship to Utah State. (also predominately LDS)

    4. In response to DJ ( which by the way love your comments), whether or not the Browns would be banned from an LDS service, would really depend on the Ward they were trying to attend. My LDS friends say geography can play a part in how welcoming and or strict some Wards are in regards to non-members participating in their Sunday services. As a Catholic living in the northeast I've gone to services with LDS friends a number of times with no weirdness or pressure, but NY is not UT... Its safe to say though that as the public face of polygamy, I doubt the Browns would feel comfortable at a LDS Sunday service, but I doubt anyone would stop them from entering, or tell them to leave.

  3. So...basically the Browns gave themselves a 10 million dollar evaluation on their online business. They asked for 2.5 million in exchange for 20% equity? I remember them mentioning that they only had about 500 sales earning approximately $150,000?. So...tell me again how their biz is worth millions!?

    My fave comment of the night was (after accepting the 500k) "first we have to add more product to the site" ... Well not really king Kody. How's about you fix your damn website first.

    And then on the next episode, the Browns show us how they spend the investors money. On crowns, cake pops and customized playing cards. Kody sits on his throne well all of the wives tell him what a great leader he is. A seriously "wtf is happening" moment on television for sure.

  4. So many things...

    1.) Who the hell cares about meeting up with their kindergarten 'best friend' after 38(?) years of silence?
    2.) Holy hell polygamy ages women. I could not believe Meri and her pal were the same age.
    3.) Meri is too tan/orange for the no lipstick look. She obviously spends quite a but of time and money on her appearance, but with terrible, terrible results.
    4.) I wish Maddie received an 1/10 the amount of kudos for her hardwork as Mariah received. Throw the girl a damn bone...she deserves it.
    5.) Really Christine? Your father 'didn't break the law'...EXCEPT for his illegal extra 'wives'? Well most people in prison didn't break the law either, except for the robbery, or drugs, or murders. Right? That's the logic you're going with?
    6.) Am I the only one who cringes when the parents with cold sores insist on kissing their children on the mouth? My godson nearly lost his sight because a family member with cold sores kissed him all over his face (because babies have notoriously kissable faces) and infected him with herpes IN HIS EYE. Robin consistently has breakouts, as does Kody. It just seems crazy reckless.
    7.) You can't rewrite history, no matter how many times you lie to yourself or others...and that's why the basement of my sophomore year boyfriend will always be the super nature place I lost my virginity. Because that's how history works. It's kind of stuck in place.
    8.) I love how over Kody and the family all the kids seem to be, they see the bullshit for what it is, but grown ads women don't? I demand DNA tests. I seriously question any of the children (with exception of Mariah and Robin's girls) are actually related to these people.

    1. You are so right la petite terror about the cold sore thing. My son who is now 33 got a herpes infection from daycare at 2 years old and it affects him to this day. children can't fight the virus . he got it on his chin which spread to his fingers, because as a 2 year old he sucked his fingers, and the worry and constant trying to keep him from touching his eyes was awful. iv'e seen robyn kissing Sol with big sores on her mouth and i just get a sick feeling hoping the baby is not infected by her or kody. it is a big deal..they have that in their bodies forever..there is no cure

    2. They ALL have mouth herpes. Robyn brought it into the family. My husband and I like to play "spot the cold sore" when we watch Sister Wives because someone different has it every episode! The gift that keeps on giving..

    3. Spot the cold sore game...LOL.

      Poor kids. If Robyn transfers the disease to Sol and he still breastfeeds can he re-gift it to that part of her body? Ewwww!

    4. ITA with #1. this lady probably found Meri on facebook and contacted her. How close could she be with this woman? Honestly who cares who she went to kindergarten with? And making some old man come out on his walker to say hello, in the snow no less...ridiculous. Oh and also very boring.

      What bothers me is this is only the third week of this season and they are already coming up with lame storylines to fill time. Every week, it's like this: 1) Let's find some random person from the Browns past and shock them by acknowledging that we are polygamists. 2) Let's show Janelle trying to do something physical she could never do before. Try to include a rock if at all possible. 3) Cue to Robyn whining about how hard she works at MSWC. Throw in an implausabile inflow of money by having 'investors'. 4) Throw a party, make it a theme party where everyone can dress up. 5) at the party, have a Mr. Microphone and have everyone gush over Kody. 6) See ya next week, fans!

    5. I so agree with all this! It is so boring. They out to pay Cynical for running this blog cause I swear I'd stop watching if it weren't for the blog. I don't even know how long this blog can keep me entertained if this is all the Kodinities can give us.

  5. A few weeks ago Christine alluded to dealing with or 'fixing' Kody's feelings of not being in charge or a leader, and said that we'd see how they dealt with it soon...I guess his surprise party was the solution?
    I cannot understand these people. There is nothing in the world that could make me stay with a man who required as much coddling, validation, and ego stroking as Kody requires on an hourly basis.
    Infants are less work.

    1. 'Infants are less work.'
      LPT.....that is hilarious, and SO TRUE! I can't stop laughing.

    2. How inappropriate is it for Kody to complain and pout that he doesn't make any decisions without committee. Isn't that what a marriage is? Working together to make decisions?

    3. Laughing too, LaPetite.

      And eventually infants can be taught to feed themselves.....and wipe !!
      Kody-boy will always be.

  6. Is it me? Or is TLC letting them make bigger bozos outta themselves than usual? It's almost like they're giving 'em enough rope in the hopes that they tangle themselves up for our amusement, now. Used to be they were editing to make the Browns look as good as possible, but this "King Kody" thing was over-the-top ridiculous. I kept having to remind myself that these are grown women!!

    TLC prolly knows the show's run its course with "fans" and now they're going for the train wreck ratings.

    1. "TLC prolly knows the show's run its course with "fans" and now they're going for the train wreck ratings. "

      Yep !! And "ratings" are ratings no matter pro or con, which keep the sponsors sponsoring....which keeps the $$ coming in.

    2. Well... the "train wreck" they are showing is very boring. I did not finish the episode because I.... simply could not find a reason to.

  7. Going for the "train wreck" ratings isn't working for me. I am soooo bored with this show. I am very into "The Little Couple", at least it is real as reality TV can be. I will follow the blog but they have lost another viewer.

    1. I completely agree. I am so disgusted that these lazy good for nothings continue to get a free ride with people just handing them money for a useless business and crappy TV show. They constantly whine about problems of their own making while most of us must work and deal with our own real problems without handouts. I refuse to watch anymore, though I do love this blog and will continue to check in on the snark. I love the Little Couple, now that is a family I can get behind. People with REAL issues dealing with them in a mature, courageous way. The Browns could learn a lot from them!

    2. I am too! Several times I've wanted to ask CJ if we could discuss the Little Couple or maybe Jill Duggar's wedding. The SW show has gotten so boring. However, I do love to read all the comments on this site! It's always interesting to hear what others picked up while snoozing through the show.

    3. Several times I've wanted to ask CJ if we could discuss the Little Couple or maybe Jill Duggar's wedding

      Snarkaholic and others please feel free to discuss whatever reality show you like! That's what off topic days are for, right?

    4. Well, that settles it. I will now be watching Little Couple.

      Plus, my husband walked in on Sunday to see what I was watching, saw the Brown Leader on Tv and said, "that little f*ckwad is STILL on Tv??" That was better entertainment than the whole season of Mr and Mrs Brown and the Mistresses!

    5. On the topic of Off Topic, I just noticed my DVR started taping a NEW Dance Moms...

      But it's just a special episode of Abby's favorite dance numbers from previous episodes...oh well.

      Gotta catch up on those Real Housewives now....

  8. Im curious as to why they make a big party to "show" that Kody is the leader.

    Why don't they just try treating him like he is the leader? I haven't seen him really be able to lead without a ton of complaining and fighting.

    1. @Summer 8:46, Agreed! Perhaps the Brown wives don't treat Kody as the leader because they know that he's screwed up in the past and will do so again? The past tends to be the best predictor of the future. If Kody's not seen as the leader, maybe it's because he's never acted like a leader. I wouldn't trust Kody with any important decision or adult responsibility, and I only see what the TLC editors want viewers to see. Kody just doesn't strike me as leadership material. Maybe I ask too much of the poor man? :-)

    2. Summer - you have nailed it. which is maybe why Kody was scowling the entire time, except for a brief grin when Robyn was gushing.

      Ladies - instead of the ridiculous themed parties, if Kody really is your leader, then just let him lead. Of course, all of us understand why you don't want to....but putting a crown on his head really isn't going to cut it.

    3. Can you imagine relinquishing all control to that little twit? Yerrrrggggg!!! MONKEYS could do a more promising job, with way less hissy fits and virtually no hormonally-infused, herpes-laden spit-swapping kissing images burning holes in our retinas!

      Plus, monkeys don't wear ridiculous ponytails.

  9. Why did Christine feel compelled to attend Mykelti's new student orientation with her? I would have been MORTIFIED if either of my parents even thought out loud of coming along on my first day of college. Today, as a university faculty member, I tend to cast a jaundiced eye at 'helicopter parents' who won't let their kids grow up learn to be self-sufficient when it's time for the child to leave the nest. Fly, Mykelti, fly!

    1. There is a separate orientation for parents in another building.

      Back in the 90's while I was at orientation by parents were at theirs.

    2. got2bdrc, we took our first born to college last year. The college has a whole orientation weekend for the students and the parents. We went to seminars, most of which revolved around telling us why we should not be helicopter parents, the kids went to special events and then we all met up for meals. It could've just been an organized event by the university to break the ice for the freshmen and their parents.

    3. Oh, and I meant to say--it took place a week before actual classes started.

  10. Meri is tweeting Westminster College blankets saying she is freezing in Mariahs car. Have she not heard of heaters? Here we go, it's the Westminster tweets for reduced college tuition.

  11. Wow, both of the episodes were so dang boring! I only watched a total of about 5 minutes of each episode. I just kept fast forwarding. I did notice what Aspyn said to her mother when the asinine party was suggested, "Why? We always have parties" Even the kids are sick of this crap.

    Janelle has become a joke. For God's sake, just join Weight Watchers and Curves and do the hard work it takes to lose weight! Enough already!

    My son walked through on the rock climbing stupidity and said "I could jump up and touch that rock and she's making some big deal out of it? How stupid." Yep, that it was.

    Janelle's interaction with her sons regarding distracting Kody for the party was cringe worthy. They barely speak to her, seem to have no respect for her, and then she shows us why when she freaks out on the one kid. She looked like a crap parent with some seriously screwed up priorities.

    What's for lunch Mom? A nice big jar of mayo--mmmmmmmm yummy!

    1. Janelle's response to the mayo eating was weird to me too. When asked if her son really ate mayonnaise out of a jar with a spoon she said something like, "probably, my boys are like locusts." Admittedly, I only have three kids, and only one teenager, but my kids don't have free access to eat whatever they want whenever they want. It is hard for me to imagine not being aware of what my kids are doing in the kitchen, especially if I'm standing right there!

    2. "For God's sake, just join Weight Watchers and Curves and do the hard work it takes to lose weight! "

      Simple, logical solution, right !!??

      Probably not though because not only does your fix *make sense* and these people only do what *doesn't* make sense, but Curves and WW probably wouldn't let cameras in. And we know that just about everything the Browns do is for the cameras and the ratings.

      You are right, Janelle has become a joke and not just about her never ending non-weight loss saga.
      Her constant fluffing of whatever Kody says or does is negating her image as the centered, smart wife. She comes off as almost mentally challenged or "slow" when she fawns all over him.

    3. OMG I soooo agree. I am really over "Janelle's Journey". Enough with this already. And next week we get the privilege of seeing her walk up some real rocks with Sean. Snooze. We really don't care want to get healthy and move more, ok, but please don't film it any more, its very boring.

    4. Amused and Snarkaholic, I can't speak for every Curves, but at the ones where I've been a member cameras are OUT, unless there's a some kind of party going on. That's not because the owners forbid cameras, but because the members literally ask prospective picture-takers to put their cameras away. Personally, I would be really upset if someone came in and photographed me without my permission. It's not a pretty sight, trust me! So you may be right. I do notice that when Janelle has been filmed working out at the gym it's either really early in the morning, or there seems to be no one else in the gym. As for rock climbing, I would have appreciated seeing Janelle give it more of a chance--get more than three feet of the ground and conquer her apprehension. Gaining some self-confidence would really help Janelle, I think.

    5. That is a good idea. Forget the personal trainer and get with a program with supports, both her getting support and supporting others.

    6. "but my kids don't have free access to eat whatever they want whenever they want. It is hard for me to imagine not being aware of what my kids are doing in the kitchen,"

      If you allow kids to just eat whatever they want--they will! My teenaged son would eat an entire can of whipped cream if I allowed it! Janelle's kids are athletes? She should be all over them about their protein intake, carb balancing (depends on their sport), hydrating, etc. Instead she just sits there like Jabba the Hut and does nothing. Her usual, right?

      The difference Anon 10:29 is that you actually parent and take responsibility. That just isn't something the Grody the Klown family ever seems to do.

      When my kids are on season, or even when they are off season but training, I pre-cook chicken, beef, turkey, and vegetables. When you open the fridge you don't opt for the freaking jar of mayo! Ick ick ick!

    7. got2bdrc - that pretty much goes for just about every gym. No cameras. You'll notice that most of the time when Janelle's shown in the gym, there's no one else around really. The climbing gym too. They didn't even get a plug.

    8. "like Jabba the Hutt"

      I just did the silent scream of exhaled laughter. I sounded like Herman Munster, for those of you who remember the old Tv show.

      That Mayo thing was pretty gross... my boys would have gotten an earful, but Janelle was just too worried about her aging lover.

      That thought was pretty gross, too.

    9. Two days later, I'm still grossed out by that mayonnaise shot - I can't even look at the jar of Miracle Whip in my own refrigerator. Even the ever-present green goo looks more appetizing. It tells way too much about their eating habits and diets, too. Janelle needs more than the Come-to-Jesus moment DJ identified; she and her children need a complete exorcism.

      P.S.: Jabba the Hutt and aging lover worries are too funny. They'll probably be my first thoughts now every time I see Janelle on screen.

    10. That whole mayo scene must have been in the second ep which I turned off early in.
      Call it a horseshit overload - I'm just sick of the re telling of the over dramatized "flight to freedom" ad nauseum. Nuff already!!!
      I think Hunter probably burns those off really quick! He's a varsity athlete and big muscles need more calories :)

    11. Dammit you guys! Now I'm craving mayo :-p

    12. It wasn't Hunter, it was one of her younger sons, can't remember his name.

    13. it was gabe, also known as peter pan, since he hangs out with the pixies, i.e. the young girls. i'm so glad i'm not the only one whom janelle reminds of jabba the hutt. she does look like him in the first season when she takes up practically the whole couch by herself. looking back, she has lost weight, but not nearly enough to justify making such a song and dance about, if you ask me.

    14. @b0red... now we have to be on the lookout for "song and dance" routines as storylines!! Plygg House, the Musical.
      The Tears Must Fall Cabaret. :D

  12. I wish they would at least update MSWC with an accurate charm necklace. Instead of the hot mess that is currently up there, it should reflect the 5 in the following manner:
    - A snap on hair piece for Kodster's head;
    - Orange spray can for Meri's bad tan;
    - A crow bar for Janelle's spare tire;
    - A merry maid dress circa 1458 for Christine; and,
    - A festering cold sore for Robchin.

    1. "A snap on hairpiece" lol! That is too awesome! I would like to see a Kody doll. It would be wearing jeans, button down shirt, and sandals. It could come with different hair pieces: a scruffy, fluffy mess, a slicked back super skinny ponytail, and a a mullet.

    2. Don't forget about... Kody accessories!! Convertible Lexus, parked at plyg house, with different themed party supplies!!!!!!!!

  13. Is it just me or do Robyn's tears AWLAYS seem to be of the crocodile variety!? Crying at a business presentation-- how phony and attention seeking. Also, she is constantly talking like she knows all about the family; she is the newest wife for heaven sake. Shut up!

    1. Robyn said she didn't want to cry at the meeting because she has an ugly cry face (or something along those lines). So why does she feel the need to always be crying when the cameras are rolling? I hope she doesn't cry that much in real life because some day she'll just pass out from dehydration!

  14. Wait why is he wanting to go back to Utah all of a sudden? Thought LV was he Plymouth rock. They must realize that they can't sustain that life there forever. I think they were better off in Utah and would love to see them get back to their roots.

  15. Posted this on TLC FB page:
    This whole loan smells like a phony plot line. Don't understand how anyone with brains could think to lend this people money for a "business". If this is real, the investors need to fire their assistants, cause their research is faulty. The Kodettes say that they need more "product" to get people to place orders because the website gets over a million hits.
    Listen Browns, mpst people stop by to take a look , shake their heads, and exit-- kinda like looky-loos at the scene of an accident. Get real paying jobs people!!

    Wish this blog had a "Like" button, so many posts that I agree with or made me LOL!
    I agree that TLC seems to be allowing the imploding to be televised. Maybe it's because they stop by CJs Living Room and realize that we've known these people were full of BS from the start.

    Moving back to Utah--- who cares? Besides if Kodouche's lips are moving he's stretching the truth
    to fit his reality-- and thinks we believe him. Watching him at the sales pitch meeting, could not believe that this bozo was ever a successful salesperson. Didn't know the product, didn't understand the business terms, clueless.

    Surprised that some Las Vegas cosmetic surgeon hasn't offered to do a tummy tuck for Janelle-- like Kate G. got. Get rid of the "dunlap". anyone exercising as much as Janelle purports to do, would be in amazing physical shape.
    The climbing wall-- saw the trainer touch Janelle's booty to give her a boost. Wonder what the Kodster thought about that-- since she's not allowed to wear a tank top to exercise.
    Don't believe that "church" is all that important to any of them. If it was, they would have found a way.
    Don't think that LDS memberswouldn't be too welcoming of the browns coming to church.

    Their going to where, Arkansas? to visit a "Christian" polygamist family. At least Kody admits that FLDS is not Christian.

    1. Kody tweeted that he lost sales & customers in Utah because he was a polygamist... I think the truth is people didn't want to buy signs (or whatever he sold) because he's just pompous and annoying. Clearly he wasn't very successful in sales considering they all ended bankrupt. I would say that iconic joolery business of theirs is doomed!

    2. "going to where, Arkansas? to visit a "Christian" polygamist family. At least Kody admits that FLDS is not Christian."

      I caught that, too! Nice to hear him admit that they are not a Christian religion! They worship the almighty dollar and Grody the Klown.

    3. I concur with boston corgi.

      Here's my vision of one of Kody's former customers getting a load of him on TV:

      Mrs. Customer: Hey honey, check this out, it's that guy you buy electric signs from and he's on TV with all those so called wives of his he's always talking about...

      Mr. Customer: *rolls eyes* Holy SHIT, he can't ever return my phone calls because he says he's too busy and there he is taking the rest of the day off work even though his parent-teacher conference got cancelled!!! Screw that...

      *calls Young Electric Sign Co and talks to big wig*

      "...yup hi, Mr. Big Customer here...yup, yup, happy with the signs and just checking in with you regarding our big multi-million dollar account...just wanted to ask if you could pull that dickweed Kody Brown off our account and replace him with someone who will actually return my phone calls in the same week...yup, I KNOW he's a polygamist, he mentions it every time we talk as an excuse why he hasn't gotten back to me...yup thanks..."
      *hangs up*

      Mr. Customer: So much for that peckerwood.

      iphant - Janelle is NOWHERE NEAR being ready for a tummy tuck. She still has a LOT of weight to lose in her belly area. Then a competent surgeon would want her to stay at her goal weight for awhile.

  16. They continue to contradict themselves by changing their stories regarding past events:
    They needed to they didn't
    Kody wanted to move to LV all he didn't.
    Robyn felt betrayed by Kody, didn't trust him(It didn't appear that way at all)
    Even way back in the beginning they were contradictory about Kody's dad not being a polygamist. Secretive about Janelle's mom marrying Kody's dad. Secretive about Janelle having been married to Meri's brother. Some of it was in the book before the show.
    Christine said it best.."We just lied and lied". .Now it just comes easy to them I guess.
    All this does is make us question every single thing they are saying now. Next season we will find out what they really mean about everything being said this season.
    It's worse than trying to watch's convoluted. They are losing me quickly.

    1. "Secretive about Janelle's mom marrying Kody's dad. Secretive about Janelle having been married to Meri's brother."

      That just creeps me out! Even though I do NOT consider him actually married to Janelle, in their world he is married to his stepsister. Just nasty! And how does Meri handle the fact that her husband is having sex with her former sister-in-law? Freaks me out to even think about it! It might not technically be incestuous, but it feels that way to me.

    2. Yes it does. Most people don't marry their brother-in-law. It has such an ick factor!
      Anyone notice when Meri said that they didn't want the Lehi house to appear to be a plyg house, they wanted it to be a "normal" house. I know it was just a word choice but... said it Meri..not us.

    3. Kimbagirl, I haven't seen the show in a long time. I find it pretty interesting that Robyn said she didn't trust Kody. When did she say that? And what situation was she referring to? It is surprisingly fascinating to me :)

    4. During one of the recent back to back episodes..they blurred together for me. Robin said that she had just "married" Kody, and he uprooted them all to go to Vegas. She felt betrayed. She didn't know if she could trust his judgement. This is not all verbatim, but it's the gist.

  17. They are coming to Arkansas??!?!! Nooo!! We don't want them!!

  18. don't worry, it's missouri, so you're safe.

  19. Actually, I am pretty sure they said they were going to Springfield, MO, which surprises me, it's supposed to be a cool town in the Midwest. I didn't think polygamists would want to live in Missouri.

    1. The LDS church (so, also probably the fundamentalists) have a lot of church history in Missouri.

  20. Anyone else notice Robyn was the 'queen of hearts'? Not to flout my psychic abilities, but when they said each wife would be a different suit, I figured she would've found a way to manipulate/scheme/demand the hearts suit. And she wore it with much smug entitlement possible. Which made it all the harder to watch. My 13year old was like: 'why are you watching this if you keep rolling your eyes, mom?'

  21. I wish the Browns would visit a good healthfood store and get a bottle of L-lysine capsules 500 mg per capsule and take 1 three times daily when they have a cold sore outbreak. Also they make an ointment of lysine to be applied topically several times a day beginning with the first tingle that a cold sore is breaking out. Since I have been using this regimen, my cold sores either do not fully erupt or are gone in 2-3 days. I used to get some huge ones, especially during stressful times! And, yes, they need to quit kissing the children when they have them. I can not remember a time when I did not get them so I must have gotten the virus from my mother who was plagued with them also.

  22. Anon 4:08, I was thinking the same thing about Robyn and the hearts suit. Complete with identical eye roll!

    Too bad I couldn't really figure out their costumes at all. Or why they were wearing costumes. Or why they were having this party. So contrived. As is all reality TV, contrived. Their "story" would have been better suited to a documentary style. Less room for hokey parties, dramatic plot lines, and flashy, attention seeking BS. Actually, their "story" has really already been told. Nothing to see here folks..move along.

    My husband makes similar comments,and asks why do I continue to watch this horrible show. He groans and says "I hate Sunday nights because of this crap." I have a strong feeling that I will be deleting it from my DVR after this painful season. The kimbagirl household on Sunday nights will be a safe place once again.

  23. CJ,
    Your lovechild is VERY good-looking.
    All I can say is that he must have all of your genes and none of the King's.

    But seriously, could you maybe consider pulling the plug on the financing of Kodyworld?
    Bank-rolling them is like supporting a termite infestation.

    1. My CPA won't let's the perfect business writeoff! Bwahahahahaha!!!!

  24. Posting here as the review thread is closed for comments!

    I looked for the same watches on MSWC on other sites, and found they are generic watches available just about anywhere. For instance on MSWC there is a watch for $25 that is $20 on Sears (which is not a discount store). I am almost certain the Brown's have affiliate accounts with the watch makers and other items, which cost NOTHING to obtain. This means that the money the Brown's got certainly did not go towards "new products". Selling other people's items, marking them up, and keeping a few bucks from each sale is something most people can do for free. So where did the VC money go? I have an inkling that it went towards their mortgages!

    1. Posting here as the review thread is closed for comments!

      Sorry, but once a post reaches 200+ comments, it sometimes becomes difficult to see new comments or add new comments. I usually will shut down comments before it gets unstable.

    2. And I appreciate that you do that !!
      Thanks !!!

    3. As far as the VC money, I think it was all a storyline to generate sales at MSWC. Right now, I don't think VC money was ever offered. F8P needed a storyline for this season and because of the TV show 'Shark Tank' thought it would be a good way increase viewers. Next episode, we'll see Kody and Robyn struggling while a Simon Legree character threatens to take over poor little MSWC. At the last minute, a former business partner steps in to save the day. Depending on the ratings, if Sister Wives is renewed, this bit of drama will be a cliffhanger for the next season. If the show is cancelled (which I think is now inevitable because of the recent negative backlash) we may see the conclusion in the final episode of this season.

    4. I'd never watched (or even heard of) the show Shark Tank, so I went on demand and watched a couple. I can see where they ripped off the idea. There's not an original idea in a single follicle of Kody's ratty hair.

    5. Did you see the ratings for the last couple weeks??? not so awesome. However, this is the way TLC works. The fan base is lagging and now they're throwing chum into the murky waters to lure the snarky folk like you and I. (that goes for most of the folks who post here LOL). I wonder if the reduced ratings = a reduced check next season for the Browns? I'm guessing their payment is based on ratings.

    6. OR they might just do a couple specials aka Kate and the Roloffs.

    7. TLC already has a spare polygamist family on its payroll, so cutting loose Kody and Klan© wouldn't be that difficult. Case in point: Did you see how quickly TLC cancelled Escaping the Prophet? In my opinion Breaking the Faith was just as bad, but it did attract a younger demographic and all episodes were televised. Escaping the Prophet had the misfortune of premiering second with not so good ratings. And it was brutally cancelled.

      Anyway, I think the attention on polygamy is on the a couple of years people will forget who Kody and Brady are. They've already forgotten Papa Joe.

    8. Re: the couple of specials ala Kate and Roloffs.
      Yeah, they will likely get one or two as an exit contract.

      I caught the part one ep of the current Kate + 8 special, She just can't help herself from coming off as her usual bitchy, obnoxious, self-centered self. No one will ever give her a second chance at a season contract.

      So thinking how annoying Kody is now, even a yearly special probably won't enhance Kody and the babes likeability one bit. When TLC is done with them, they need to go back to the Plygville Lehi and just be quiet.

      Or. as CJ suggested, Kong Kody may be delusional enough to want to enter politics.
      Wouldn't that be fun to snark !!

    9. Who is this Papa Joe you speak of?? LOL.

      Oh I figure every other year or so, TLC and F8F will drag out a Brown Family Special. I'd definitely watch the Foreclosure Moveout special.

    10. I'd definitely watch the Foreclosure Moveout special.
      And don't forget the Mariah Gets Married mini-series, followed by the Kody's First Grandchild special a year later.

      To quote Mariah: " You're Freaking Welcome" TLC!!!!

    11. They can have the Mariah Nuptuals on the Roloff's Wedding Farm.

  25. Ya know, I STILL haven't watched the second ep (except for the first 10 minutes) yet. I turned it off when they showed the Meri Packing the Trailer With All Their Crap While Fake Police Sirens Blared In the Background Shot.

    1. Same here DJ. I just couldn't bring myself to watch that farce again because if they truly believed they were being discriminated against, they should have stayed and fought back. Like Rosa Parks and many others.

    2. I did the same thing ... rehashing the fictional hysterics won't make me believe it. In fact, it made me like the husband/wife/baby mommas even less because of what they did to the kids in the name of their almighty dollar. Nauseating how the King Attention Whore and his women continually act.

      I too have a feeling that TLC could be slowly revealing the lies to increase dislike of this group (and ratings) before they pull the plug.

    3. And Kody and the Brown adults are more than willing to go along with it and be as dislikeable as possible, as long as it keeps them on the air. The hardcore fans will always defend them, and us snarkers will watch just to witness the train wreck. Win for TLC.

  26. DJ - what were the ratings? How many people? I think when it premiered this year it was 2m? I am just curious.

    CJ - what back lash is happening on FB? I am not on FB so I am not sure what ya'll are talking about.

    1. CJ - what back lash is happening on FB? I am not on FB so I am not sure what ya'll are talking about.
      VC Stephanie K posted a picture of herself on Sister Wives on her FB page. You can read my response here: My Comment

      Just read up to see the other comments in the thread.

    2. The show hasn't been in the 2 millions since the Commitment Ceremony ep was aired in Feb.

      Meri Drops A Bomb - 1.61M
      Shark Tank Plygs - 1.56M
      The Big Decision - 1.48M
      Vegas Surprise - 1.513M
      I believe all the eps are getting somewhere in the range of a .5 rating based on the number of viewers. That's pretty lame if you ask me.

      oh and here's the synopses for the next two eps - sound familiar? I'm getting a Deja Vu vibe...Janelle on a weight loss plateau and everyone crammed into 2 RVs for a road trip to a less-than-exotic destination, where no doubt they'll find another tour guide willing to lie that the Browns weren't allowed somewhere because they're plygs. ZZZZ.

      "Growing up Polygamist - The Brown teens are handle dating and college; Janelle hits a plateau on her weight loss quest."

      "Four Wives in Two RVs - The Browns take a Spring Break trip along historic Route 66; close RV quarters and a 72 ounce steak."

    3. "Janelle hits a plateau" - this is like the 4th show devoted to Janelle's journey. Snoozefest. The RV show might be a little interesting as they will all fight - similar to when they went on that trip to J Smith's birthplace in IL.

      Hopefully Kody didn't cook the 72 ounce steak because we all know what happens when Kody cooks steak. Or maybe that one steak is the food for the family for the week.

    4. CPA Carol, I'm guessing they're going through Texas, there's that famous 72 Oz Steak place that's been featured on Food Network a few times. that's probably where they're going. Anything to pander to the "celebs".

    5. All I can say is if the highlight of the trip is a 72 oz

    6. Maybe there will be another encounter with Sobbin and any one of the kids who get impatient with her while she puts on her mascara painstakingly or some other "me, me" event while on a road trip.
      Just like their camping trip when she was doing her eye makeup sitting on a camp stool while the boys were frustrated and itching to get going hiking, and of course, she got offended. I think Hunter expressed his feelings about that at the time.

      So Janelle is on a plateau ?/!!
      Wow, are they really playing that one *again*!!
      No doubt she will make a visit to the big rock where all major Kodyworld dilemmas seem to end up.
      Janelle, just do it....or don't do it......and preferably out of sight.
      You have become redundant with this storyline.

    7. Kody will decide who gets to eat steak: "Okay, I'm getting steak of course, because I'm King Kodouche. "Now I'll choose 2 worthy subjects to eat steak with me". "Everyone one else will eat whatever cheap crap is on the menu, I couldn't care less what they eat really"

  27. Hi CJ - love love love your blog- I would agree with you about staying in UT and fighting back, if their goal was to LEGALIZE polygamy, but that is not the goal. The goal is to decriminalize polygamy, more specifically, to have UT's "co-habitation" ban deemed illegal. (you can't "hold yourself out" as married to more than 1 person, UT was the only state to have this extra restriction)

  28. The reason why legalization is NOT the goal is to fold, 1) the men would be legally and financially accountable, for more easy government assistance 2) legalizing polygamy would be a GIGANTIC problem for mainline LDS, because part of the logic of the manifesto that banned polygamy was based on the fact that it was an illegal polygamy?...would be a, problem...

    1. Actually, Owen Allred went on record saying he did not want polygamy to be legalized because polygamists would no longer be considered a "special" people if just anybody would be allowed to practice it legally.

      Think about it. That's why they don't proselytize for members (unlike LDS). They don't want just anybody to join their ranks, particularly if that person is not white. And they are not the most welcoming people, can you imagine if a non-white person happened on their doorstep? In the case of one man, who was discovered to have "black blood" after being allowed "to join" into the priesthood, not only was he kicked out of the AUB, so was the man who sponsored him.

      This is from an earlier posting this month on the AUB:

      On the topic of the AUB, I found this interesting blog from someone who is attempting to visit a different church every week for a year.

      Here's a link to his encounter with the AUB church in Bluffville UT. Very interesting reading!

      My surreal visit to the Apostolic United Brethren, a Mormon polygamist church

    2. That's what I thought too. Kody wouldn't be SPECIAL if polygamy didn't have the stigma. Therefore he would have to actually...gasp - WORK!

    3. Very true CJ! Your comments on the AUB are frighteningly accurate.

    4. Exactly, if it becomes legal they won't be special anymore and can't cry about how they are persecuted. And, to CJ's point, I have always gotten the feeling that the adult Browns (with the exception of maybe Janelle) have been taught and bought into the concept in their religion that their race is pure and superior. Through their move and the kids making different friends, I'm sure they've done a lot of soul searching about that. I know those are strong words, but this is just my opinion. I find the AUB extremely creepy, but I also know that many would not agree with my choice of doctrine, so there's that.

    5. From what I've seen, the Brown kids still only have white or Hispanic friends. Whenever there's a black person on the show, that person is always Janelle's "friend" but she still treats them like strangers. I was hoping Mykelti would bring home a black boyfriend. TLC's got a lot of work to do with Brady and Wives that's for sure.


    6. Agree. The four years of SW has been blatantly, exclusively white.

      When they allegedly hired the Afro-American seamstress at the 12th hour for the commitment dresses, the whole premise was very unfair to that woman.
      It was stated that she was a "friend" of Janelle or Meri (forget which) yet I saw no friendship vibes going on at all. Plus, she was touted to be an up and coming fashion designer and seamstress. The whole plot seemed to be slanted to make her the fall-guy for those atrocious dresses if need be..
      Never believed for a minute that woman was responsible for any of those designs.
      Like everything, it was all fodder for the chatlines.

    7. The "persecution" is what has inflated their heads and feelings of self importance.Without it,they are nothing. They will always go back to it. Kody and the 4 truly believe that they were on a mission from God. Kody was the only one who "was listening". I wonder if he was listening out of an old hat out in the woods!! He has reached full prophet level in his own delusional mind. If polygamy was to be made legal(never would)...I'm sure he would feel that he was the sole reason and expect the AUB (still unnamed on the show) to roll out the red carpet for him. The very fact that they still do not mention the AUB by name, leads me to think that this would not be the case at all. They like things exactly as they are, thank you very much, and do not appreciate the attention that Prophet Klown Brown has brought to them.

    8. I read (in that blog above?) that the only people that the AUB tries to proselytize are LDS members. I saw a list of Fundamentalist groups and it is huge. Small fringe groups breaking away from other small fringe groups. Some with just a couple hundred members.I found it very creepy. No way to know what is really going on within these small groups. My heart breaks for children born into this world.

    9. Ha! I'd never be allowed in, my father is Native American and there is definitely some African American blood back there in his ancestry as well.
      They love the persecution aspect of polygamy - Hyrum on PUSA made a point of saying he might be thrown in jail etc for his beliefs. Cry me a river...

    10. Not just African Americans - what would Kody and the wives' reaction be to their kids dating:
      Pacific Islander

    11. what would Kody and the wives' reaction be to their kids dating
      As long as the person doesn't have Black (or African) blood they are OK. So from your list Brazilians would be out. That's one of the reasons the LDS church changed their policy in 1978 - they wanted to expand into Brazil and Africa but found it difficult to get converts when you're recruiting people you think are the devil and have denied the men the priesthood (which any 12 year old male can obtain) and temple privileges.

      LDS always had A LOT of Pacific Islander converts. I think Hawaii has one of the first LDS temples built.

    12. But that's LDS not AUB. I think AUB is way racist.

  29. Very interesting. I believe that the AUB are practicing polygamy as a lifestyle and any religious reasons have been superseded by their desire to cling to the lifestyle. Some have said it is difficult and they only live it because God commanded it. If that were so, why not encourage all to live it to come closer to God and be saved. The FLDS do not have a doctrine that only a specific number can be saved so why not allow others? The "special" principle seems to be people who will gather ranks and protect the secrets that surround this questionable and discriminating practice (to women and children). It is well known that these groups rely on the state welfare and I would be SHOCKED if Kody were on birth certificates and on Welfare applications as the father of any of these children. I only hope that when they return to UT, someone at the welfare office plays a tape of the show as Christine, Janelle or Robyn show up to cry single mom neediness. As for the color issue. These people (AUB and FLDS) are close-minded and they believe that salvation is only for those who are "like them". Yes, because that is how Jesus taught, right? These folks are so wrapped up in their own lies that they can't select the truth from a line-up. So, Kody and Krew are clearly not living the correct principle. They are grifters and sneaks and they are laughing all the way to the bank (and then bankruptcy court).If they were serious about what they believe, they would live more like the Duggers. My 2 cents.


  30. Check out the clips on TLC's website. Now, they are talking all about polygamy and their religion. Interesting. I swear the Browns and TLC read these boards.

    What I'm early awaiting and looking forward to is a "Where are they now" special several years from now. Where they have long lost the show, the business, and Kody has added a fifth wife.

  31. Their religion. The one that seemingly says it's okay to lie, and to con others as long as they advance themselves and their bank account(s)? That's what it appears like to me, anyway.

    A "where are they now" special would be great! I wonder what Kody's hairdo would be... Princess Leia buns? Pigtails? A Dorothy Hamill cut?

  32. CJ,
    Will you be recapping epi 3 and 4? If so, will they be together or separte? any chance of it being up before Sunday?
    No pressure ;)

    1. I've given this a lot of thought. I don't think so because the episodes were almost completely d devoid of content. I'm hoping this week's episode will be better. Sorry to disappoint.

    2. CJ, don't blame you at all !!

      Why put what must be hours and hours to produce the quality reviews which you do into a recap of just a hodgepodge of recycled clips and lame cya (and even bogus) plots??!!
      In fact, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the producers themselves use your reviews to direct the fine tuning the editing of the episodes.

    3. Darn! But as I still have yet to watch the 2nd ep in it's entirety...can't say as I blame you. The only interesting thing to me in the first ep was the rock climbing segment.

    4. Too bad. :( I must say though, I almost look more forward to your perfect shots of Robyn. She made some pretty good faces these last couple of episodes so I was looking forward to that!

    5. I wanna see the screen caps too :) CJ could you put up some wicked 'caps and we can all snark on them? :)

    6. All right, Baylor and DJ...I'll see what I can do. After all, amazon charged me FULL FREAKING PRICE for those 1/2 hour episodes so I should get as much use out of them as possible...

    7. Those foolish episodes gave me a headache just watching them... I think trying to process that mess for a written review.could actually be a health hazard!

  33. I learned from a person who works on a network that regarding ratings if you DVR the episode and watch it within 24 hours it counts but if you watch it after 24 hours it doesn't count in their rating

    1. Good info, no more watching recorded episodes until at least 24 hours later!

  34. System didn't let me type further in that last post. Continuing: I wonder if all us haters collectively set the DVRs but waited at least 25 hours to watch, just how much of a drop in viewership would there be

    1. I thought if you weren't a Nielsen rating household then it's irrelevant whether you watch or not?

  35. Thanks for that info. I don't usually get to it for a few days anyway, so now I will be sure to wait.

  36. It is quite apparent that now all the chatter on the forums, blogs and FB is what is driving the plot lines on SW. We saw a bit of that pandering last season, but now it seems to be full on.

    Sure looks like the producers and writers are out of gas for anything new that will grab fans.
    So now it is down to responding to the chatter and either attempting to plug up the various holes in their faux stories....OR... actually fueling the fires to keep the ratings going as long as possible.
    Whichever it is, it is boring, insulting and fast becoming a waste of time......!!!

  37. I found it interesting that part of Meri's childhood was spent in Bountiful, UT. That is the same town where Janelle lived and I believe that she graduated from Bountiful High school. So that may be where she met Meri's brother, Adam. I liked how Sue Ellen said, how is your family? She must not have cable!

    1. If I remember correctly, Janelle mentioned in their book Becoming Sister Wives that Meri's family moved next door to their house and that's how she met her first husband (and Meri's brother).

  38. Just thought I'd throw this out there!
    It's a bit long, but it fits really well with the behaviour we've seen from Robyn. It's from PsychCentral's website:

    "Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality. Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center of attention in any group of people, and feel uncomfortable when they are not. While often lively, interesting and sometimes dramatic, they have difficulty when people aren’t focused exclusively on them. People with this disorder may be perceived as being shallow, and may engage in sexually seductive or provocative behavior to draw attention to themselves.

    Individuals with Histrionic Personality Disorder may have difficulty achieving emotional intimacy in romantic or sexual relationships. Without being aware of it, they often act out a role (e.g., “victim” or “princess”) in their relationships to others. They may seek to control their partner through emotional manipulation or seductiveness on one level, whereas displaying a marked dependency on them at another level.

    Individuals with this disorder often have impaired relationships with same-sex friends because their sexually provocative interpersonal style may seem a threat to their friends’ relationships. These individuals may also alienate friends with demands for constant attention. They often become depressed and upset when they are not the center of attention.

    People with histrionic personality disorder may crave novelty, stimulation, and excitement and have a tendency to become bored with their usual routine. These individuals are often intolerant of, or frustrated by, situations that involve delayed gratification, and their actions are often directed at obtaining immediate satisfaction. Although they often initiate a job or project with great enthusiasm, their interest may lag quickly."

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if both Robyn and Kody have personality disorders. Robyn does seem histrionic and Kody seems to have narcissistic personality disorder.

    2. main storyline,so her "attention needs" were being met. Now as Chucky from Rugrats would say she's "just another face in the clouds". Kody is in the right type of situation for someone with the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.
      Constant attention and reinforcement of how important and wonderful he is.

    3. Was thinking how at some point they will have another "tell all" episode or read alleged viewer quesrions. I am curious here what you all would think are the real questions we would ask? If producers are reading this, maybe they will get a clue? CJ: can there be a thead to capture this? Questions:

      1) Is Kody listed on any of the birth certificates beyond Mariah's?
      2) How much government assistance have you received?
      3) Is anyone employed? Or has anyone held a paying job since the show started?
      4) Are all these dates, meals out and "adventures" paid by those companies as free product placement advertising or do the Brown's actually pay for their meals and date nights out?
      5) Who paid for the commitment ceremony? TLC?
      6) Do you have herpes?
      7) If all the mothers graduated from high school, why did Mariah say only her mother did?
      8) If Robyn was so broke and concerned about how to feed her kids when she was a single mom, then why run up such a large Victoria's Secret credit card instead of purchasing food or clothes for the kids?

    4. post was supposed to start: This description fits Robyn well. The first season she was the main storyline so her attention needs were being met.
      Weird that it got cut off. I must have goofed.

    5. in re point 7: if memory serves, meri attended the AUB school in bluffdale, just like mariah. the school is fairly small and i think that she literally was the only person to graduate from the school at that point, so there was nobody to share the experience with. i don't think mariah's comment was in reference to the other wives at all, since we have seen graduation photos for two out of the three of them. robyn stated that she graduated, but since we have no photographic proof, we'll just have to take her word for it.

    6. I'm pretty sure the answers are :
      1) NO
      2) Food stamps and medicaid
      3 )No and no, except for the show
      4 )yes, but mostly by TLC
      5) TLC
      6) Yes. Cold sores are herpes.
      7) Mariah misspoke. Maybe on purpose.
      8) The Victoria's Secret bill was pre-divorce. The big fib there was her "taking on the debt" as part of the divorce to "keep the peace," implying it was not just her debt.

  39. Totally backtracking to those ugly dresses. why couldn't they just have picked out patterns and fabric? would have been so much easier and still get something they "designed" sort of.
