
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sister Wives Review: S07Ep02 Polygamist in a Shark Tank

Robyn no longer feeling that old sister wive's love...
The first episode of the new season of Sister Wives ended with Robyn lamenting how tired she was from working on MSWC so hard. Yes, she actually said that.

Meri announced she was going back to college. And even though she tried to explain to Robyn she could still help out with MSWC, Robyn wasn't hearing anything she was saying. You have to put yourself into Robyn's size 10 shoes to understand where she's coming from, right?

Meri was Robyn's only employee. And now she's leaving to go to college. Who is Robyn going to rule over now?

Well, the answer to that question lies somewhere in episode 2, Polygamist in a Shark Tank.

At the beginning episode 2, we find out that the Browns have only 20 days to prepare a presentation before a group of investors Kody and Robyn feel they need in order to fund expansion of MSWC.

For a typical entrepreneur, 20 days should be more than enough time to prepare a presentation, especially since MSWC has been doing business for two years now.

Unfortunately, the Browns couldn't come up with a credible presentation if they had TWENTY YEARS!

These people are that...dumb.

Episode 2 was just so jam packed with outrageous Kody and his Kodettes© ridiculousness (if there is such a word) I wanted to just love-tap each one of them upside the head while screaming REALLY at the top of my lungs.

Kody doesn't feel like he's head of his family

Many moons ago, when Kody pooh-poohed Janelle's semi-business plan for her gym called Fundamental Fitness, while simultaneously greenlighting Robyn's semi-literate plan for starting an online jewelry store, it was painfully apparent which wife was sitting in the catbird's seat. There might be some truth when Kody cried to his family therapist that he has never made a single decision on his own.

Yeah, I do remember it was Kody (with Robyn's consent) who chose Robyn's wedding dress. Oh, and it was Kody and Robyn who decided when the time was right to head out on the highway to Vegas so many years ago. And don't forget, it was the Kody and Robyn show that taught the teens the price of losing one's virtue to a scalawag (even though said scalawag tried to make her an honest woman by marrying her) was a heart locket thrown on the McMansion carpet. And how Kody mended her heart so she could love again, so to speak.

My Sisterwife's Closet has been online for three years now, but the merchandise is overpriced.  Kody and Robyn already knew this: When confronted by tweets when MSWC initially went on line, Kody boldly intoned the high prices were justified because the jewelry was "iconic".

Well, it may be iconic, but it ain't selling. And that's a problem, dude.

A big-ass problem. And it was not a surprise when Robyn decided to hand over the reins of CEO of MSWC to her lord and master, Kody.

Robyn's infamous MSWC notebook

Let's get real here...MSWC has always had Kody's inept fingerprints all over it. So who were the producers trying to fool here? Kody set the prices. Kody designed the clunky jewelry pieces exclusively for each wife. Robyn STILL has that same notebook she's carried around for the last 3 years...and she's not even a quarter of the way through it. So MSWC design ideas were not flowing from her, obviously.

So Kody decides to take the Kody solution to any problem...just throw money at it until the problem  goes away. Unfortunately for MSWC, which apparently is financially embarrassed, this means having to touch base with outside investors.

So let's just cut to the proverbial chase. After wasting almost 20 days of prep time doing heaven knows what,  Kody and his Kodettes© made a truly half-ass attempt at preparing their  presentations for the MSWC venture capital meeting for their "business mentor" Scott.

 It was bad. Really bad. I was surprised that Scott was able to keep a straight face through it all. But he declared them ready...and even told Robyn it was OK to cry during her presentation because it showed her "passion" about her business.

Dude, this ain't Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmare. But they need some of Ramsay's help, for sure.

And the night before the big presentation, Robyn was crying. She had writer's block. She was too tired to rehearse with Christine. Or as she put it "I feel so weak...How can I say in two minutes what this business means to me?"

And that's when I realized this was all FAKE! This was all FAKE for the show. Whoever is "running" MSWC can't be Robyn. She's been "running" this business but can't articulate what the business means to her, let alone the financials (because Janelle let it be known SHE prepared the financial reports when Kody mistakenly called Robyn CFO). FAKE I tell you!!!!

The venture capitalists look like they were hired from Las Vegas central casting.

Stephanie looked like she was a former showgirl who, unfortunately, didn't get the email to dress in proper business attire.

Jacob looked like a cross between a lounge singer, magician and Elvis impersonator. The only thing missing was a pink Cadillac.

My theory is that, if there WERE real venture capitalists, they would be too embarrassed to be shown on Sister Wives, which would be understandable. After all, why risk your credibility by being seen on a show about polygamists, know what I mean?

Jerrod showing Kody it takes a good-looking  man to go bald

Anyway, the Brown's friends Stan and Amy (with their business associate Jerrod) looked like they wanted to be anyplace but there.

As for the "actual" presentations, Christine mentioned  something about demographics, working women, website hits between 2 million and 15 million each month but with only 500 sales. Kody brought up how the jewelry was fashion forward and that the business started in their garage.  Robyn wanted to convert their 15 million hits into sales and that their fans see them as four strong women. Meri spoke about customer service ( however, she didn't mention how the website continually crashes on show nights).  Janelle spoke about sales projections but really didn't give any firm numbers outside of saying "look in your packet" for the details.

And then Kody asked for $2.5 million, so that they could expand their product offerings. Oh yeah, the investors would get 20% of MSWC. That means Kody thinks MSWC is worth over $10 million dollars. IS HE CRAZY???

VC Stephanie asked the best question,  bringing up the point that there's a big gap between 15 million web hits that only resulted in 500 sales.

Of which the standard Kody Brown answer was basically let us throw your money at that problem and we "guarantee" your money will grow.


Needless to say, Kody's disconnect with reality continued when the producers juxtaposed Kody saying such things as "yeah, our presentation hit the ball out of the ballpark" with the reality of Stan saying "yeah, my partners weren't impressed and would have left the meeting if I hadn't asked them to stay."

Stan looking forward to owning MSWC some day soon
But this is all a moot point because last Sunday's episode 3, 'The Big Decision', we found out that the "investors" approved $250K-$500K so the Browns can prove their "theory" they need to add more items to their website to generate sales.

Remember  I mentioned Gordon Ramsay earlier? One of the things he always looked at was a failing restaurant's menu. Too many items on the menu usually meant the owner had no clue of their branding - who their main customer was - what their focus should be. It would also lead to more expense and waste having to purchase food just in case someone ordered it. So, he worked with restaurant owners to find their "niche" in the marketplace, capitalize on it, and get rid of the items that don't fit in or sell.

It's obvious the Browns have no idea who their main customer is, or what they want to buy. They think by throwing money at their problem, they will make money.

They need a Gordon Ramsay to tell them what clueless donkeys they are before the investors take over MSWC.

Please continue your comments here:

UPDATED Selected Live Tweets from June 23, 2014


  1. One word for the Presentation. PowerPoint. My kids learned how to do these in third grade and use them for all their school presentations. I'm almost certain Christine said those 2 million plus hits and 500 sales came in a two month span--because I thought who gives two month figures?

  2. I thought it was weird that the investors approved $250,000 to $500, which is it? Either way they sure haven't spent it towards upgrading their server. At this point their business and the investors seem to be just a foolish storyline- the minute the show ends so will MSWC.

    1. FAKE!!!! ok...I think MSWC gets $250K initially with another $250K within 6 months and then an evaluation at 6 months for the rest of the $2 million which I'm going on record to say that's a pipedream. I think the storyline continues with Kody almost losing MSWC but "friends" step in at the last moment and saves MSWC from being taken away from the family.

    2. Fake, Fake, Fake !!! From the first 5 minutes, it was clear that this is all fake !!!

      Agree....there will be a 12th hour rescue of some lame sort !!
      The script is such to be a replica of "will they or won't they get the houses'......!!!!
      I am surprised they didn't disguise Mona and have her as one of the VC folks.

      *How stupid* do the producers think the viewers are !!!

  3. I'm flabbergasted that MSWC got any money at all, based on the amateurish presentation. SWAddict's comment about Power Point is spot on, and if the Brown kids can't help their parents learn to use it, there are plenty of other graphics packages they can use to develop professional looking visuals for their presentations.

    1. Power Point is extremely outdated and is rarely used in the business world as it is seen as unprofessional. There are other online presentation platforms (timeline, prezi, keynote, present it, etc.) but they are still usually only used for classroom lessons, not business presentations. If they would have used power point, they would have looked even more foolish than they already did.

    2. So what is used for business presentations now, if not PP, Keynote, etc? I'm in commercial property management and we still use PP, as do the 7 IT firms we recently interviewed for outsourcing. Granted--I can't swear they all used PP but all the presentations were basically the same format with bells & whistles. I've used Keynote--it's basically Apple's answer to PP; I've never heard of the others you mentioned. I'm genuinely asking because I'd like to know.

    3. I work for one of the biggest employers in Silicon Valley/one of the most recognized brand names globally, and we still use Power Point.

    4. My industry uses PowerPoint as well.

    5. My company still uses PowerPoint as well, top 15 in Fortune 500.

    6. Us too and everybody else we work with (all large companies.

    7. I am honestly surprised to hear you all say this. For a while now I have been of the school of thought (as well as many of my peers) that PP is out. I can see how it is useful in the aspect of being able to add files, graphs, etc. Just assumed other industries have moved on as well. There have been studies that have shown that PP in education has hindered the learning and communication process (people tend to zone out). Now as far as using it in the workplace... I can't say we do it, but it is apparent that I am in the minority... at least here in CJ's Living Room. So I would like to apologize for speaking on behalf of all industries.

    8. I would like to add a few points to why power point is seen as not the most effective way to communicate. It seems like you all might be interested and I know you guys like to analyze things the way I do. After all that is why we come here in the first place.

      -The audience tends to take less notes when presented with a PP. This is because they assume that they do not need to because it has been written down for them. This means less information is being absorbed.

      -When referring back to a PP presentation, looking at someone else's words can be a bit harder to understand than if it were in one's own words. Note taking is an important part of the information process.

      -Being fed information encourages the audience to zone out and not pay as much attention. This can be bad if the presenter is tying to drive home an important message.

      These are the top reasons I think PP is obsolete. I did not realize so many still use it today and would definitely encourage others to make the leap into new software applications that are more interactive with the listener - especially if it affects your bottom line. Lastly, I think it is important for everyone to know that the information I just provided is relevant to my own field so it hits close to home. Thanks for reading :-) ...and CJ sorry we got off topic.

    9. Sorry to chime in here...but we NEVR use PowerPoint anymore. I work in the aerospace industry. In lean manufacturing, I use a lot of visuals.

    10. Haha! This convo is funny to me. I'm working on my graduate degree and one of the first things we learned is that PowerPoint is considered evil by many educators, for all of the reasons Abreva listed above. Apparently, many industries are still behind, but many educators are encouraged to use alternative presentation methods. This was all very new to me too. I now use Captivate or Articulate, pretty expensive tools but provided free to me by my school :)

    11. Now *I* have to chime in! I went back to college last fall (it's amazing how fun it is when you're older than everyone else... they all think you're an instructor!) and attend a well-known university.

      The first presentation I was assigned had to be on PowerPoint, and all subsequent presentations could use whatever platform the student chose, as long as it followed the instructor's guidelines. They also had a "peer review" template that had to be completed on either some or all of the other presentations and were part of our grades, so paying attention was vital for a higher points.

      Therefore... I have proven nothing. hahahaha! I think it's just like anything else... soon enough everyone will trend towards a newer and shinier program.

    12. Ah - you're looking at this from an educators' POV. In our meetings at work, notetaking isn't frowned upon exactly, but at the attendee's discretion. We have allstaff meetings regularly (with 3500+ people in attendance just here at HQ, not counting our offices in other countries/regions) and the PPTs are used to bring home the points being made, with copies made available on the company intranet, along with a recording (both audio only and video) of the meeting. So if people want to review the meeting, it's easy enough to do so.

      It's not up to me to "make the leap into new software applications" in my company - and I would consider my employer to definitely be on the cutting edge as well as forward thinking. We are VERY well known for both our technology and our branding.

    13. Grad student here and we use Prezi, but graduated with my undergrad in 2011 and PPT was all the rage.

  4. SQUUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! A review! YAAY! Huzzah! can't wait to get home tonight to give my viewpoints! awesome CJ! :)

  5. So basically, the venture capitalists paid $250,000.00 to get on tv? Maybe they are just writing that money off as advertising expense?

    1. Mu guess is that there is "no" 250,000 or 500,000. There never was !!!!
      TLC paid for the faux VC meeting and actors.
      The Junk Closet will display new products, allegedly bought with VC money.
      Meanwhile, they will (or already have) buy new inventory on credit and hope to hell the show VC drama will drive sales to pay the venders and make a profit.
      The whole thing is just a plot line to keep the viewers on the edge of their remote controls and grabbing their credit cards.

      This "stretch it out" process has worked before and has kept every season's ratings going:
      The manic escape to Vegas from the police, followed by "Oh where we will live now, followed by the rentals"
      Meri borrowing Sobbin's uterus...or not!
      The *McMansions* with all the relentless BS upon BS about that!
      The birth of the Junk Store
      And now the ICU resuscitation of the Junk Store !!

      TLC has vast experience in this genre of BS reality shows.
      The Browns are BS experts in their own right.
      Game on.......!!

    2. The thing is that they don't realize, we are not watching for their success but we are waiting on the edge of our seats for the end.

    3. I tend to think along the lines of Amused. If there is any money, it's from TLC. I am also beginning to suspect that MSWC is a complete hoax, which is why the server is always down, or customers can never check out. They probably sold more, proportionally, at the craft fair in St. George. They could even sell on Etsy or in an Amazon storefront. I don't recall their distinguishing or mentioning sales volumes from Gilt at the Silverton in their presentation. Maybe they're saving that for their bricks-and-mortar dream.

  6. The Review !!

    CJ, Your snark scalpel was honed to perfection on this one !!!
    You hit the mark with every stupid, phoney, over-acted, under-acted ploy they have tried so far this season !!! Bravo !!!

    Sobbin is a weepy, sore-ridden CEO failure !!
    Meri is itching to get out because in reality she serves no purpose.
    Janelle is lazy and happy in Sean/ KodyWorld.
    Christine will always be struggling to get out from under the bus the others enjoying driving over her. But, unfortunately, she doesn't know how and never will.

  7. Robyn is always complaining about all this works she's doing but when is she actually doing it? Besides the endless family meetings about how much work it is, I don't see any work. Where is all the product? How do they ship it out? Where's the office? They have these huge houses they must be able to find a spot for MSWC central. Perhaps Meri's wetbar?

  8. Why can't these idiots figure out that they don't have any sales because no one wants their polygamist crap joory? They just need more selection? Um, no, you needed to do some research to see what people are interested in buying. No one wants what you're selling.

    Typical Klown arrogance: if we offer it for sale then people will just flock to buy it cause they all love us! We have the Midas touch! When did the term Midas touch change to mean welfare and bankruptcy?

  9. Thanks for opening your living room to us. Really missed u. Last year Robin was saying the closet needs to support 3 family's plus Meri. Kody & Janelle called it a hobby business. Everyone except Robin said they didn't want to do the flea markets anymore. Well they did 3-5 sales including the Christmas ball st flea marketd. This year they say this crap is supporting everyone. Very confusing. My idea nobody agrees with me tho, all the polygamy sects r paying the browns as they go thru the stages of the test case. When they started case they received money each step they get more. After they got a big win in court they really seemed flush. Spending money like its burning a hole in their pocket. When the appeal is done if they win again & pologamy is decriminalized the houses will b paid off. I think the Lehi house is to upside down for them to worry about. I no one believes this, but I do.

    1. Not as off the wall as some of the BS they try to sell us. Christine was a member of Principle Voices, one of the polygamy advocacy groups. They'd know who to contact for donations to fund that kind of idea.

    2. This seems like a problem for polygamists. These folks are horrible example of the "principle" . If I wanted to show the world how normal this is, I would not pay these people a dime.

    3. Except that in the closed world of polygamy, the Browns may seem mainstream to them. The Browns have mentioned that they are considered liberals in their community. It's all about frame of reference.

    4. I totally agree with 5th wife. We have been trying to get a mortgage for over a year and were denied due to regulatory changes in 2008 (we write our income down to nothing with 3 businesses - never an issue before 2008). So the fact that the Browns got approved, as single moms with dependents and their own debt, tells me they HAVE to be getting outside funding from somewhere because they didn't qualify for those houses (sub prime/interest only/whatever you want to call it) on the show income. Someone is funding them, big time, and I think the joke is going to be on us. Although,I have to say, I also only watch the show waiting for them to crash and burn.

  10. There are plenty of family members to help out with the business. Robin claims to need an assistant. Obviously the assistant is for child care and house cleaning. If it were for the business she could hire one of the teenage girls who would benefit from the experience. But none of them are going to sign up to be her nanny.

  11. I was just thinking, mabe the Browns are the type of people that just always live above their means. I mean even before they were on the tlc gravy train, they had filed for bankruptcy. The more they get it seems, the more they need. I know people like that as well. It just seems like there is never a time when their satisfied with what they have. Always want more, better, or half to have the best. I just get that vibe from them. I half to admit I have liked Janelle up until this season. I was trying to understand why. I think because Janelle didn't whine and cry and stand out like the other 3 did. Now I am really starting to see who she is and I really don't care much for her anymore. She is definitely Kodys cheerleader. She isn't working unless you call her CFO position a job. They have played out her weight loss. And when she made the comment to Christine about setting in Kodys chair that was the nail in the coffin for me. So I half to say I could care less what becomes of the whole bunch. What boggles my mind is how great their kids are???? (Minus Mariah). Texasgirl

  12. She seems like a very interesting lady...I wonder if her short stint on Sister Wives was part of 'The Stevie K Project' ?

  13. I couldn't get her 'mall' link to work. Ohhhh the irony.

  14. Just another interpretation on Stephanie's make-up: She reminded me of a friend, who ten years earlier had a Color Me Beautiful makeover and tried to remain faithful to the scheme (winter warm, summer cool, ice v. pastel, etc.). However, each time she'd buy new make-up, she couldn't match the shade exactly, and the color would be a little more off, until finally, she was wearing pink and purple eyeshadow and blush, like a clown. By that time, the style was minimalist and neutrals. She self-corrected when a professional make-up artist guided her in another make-up lesson years later.

    Stephanie was wearing way too much make-up; it was very outdated, and it probably aged her a lot. The one current touch, the eyelash extensions, didn't help. I won't say that it wasn't appropriate for the polygamist jewelry presentation/circus act that she attended. It looked like it was in a rented conference room or trailer with office furniture from Staples, too.

    1. but at least Jerrold was a hottie :)

    2. Jerrod can eat chile cheese nachos in my living room anytime he wants ;-)

    3. Maybe Stephanie used Christine's makeup artist from last season's "tell all" interview. lol

  15. Can you imagine all of the interesting people the Brown;s have been approached by? A television show, a leader that thinks he has the midus touch, and very low brain power. All in Las Vegas where everyone is looking to make big money. The Brown's are very poor actors, and Kody kinda seems like he is a little burnt out.

  16. So is she a venture capatilist or a reality/ talk show host? Or is she both?

  17. Ha - i just read her "our story" tab. Yup she does seem interesting. but she's already doing a reality show of her own. I think she was hired to act a part.

  18. I think Janelle has put some of her weight back on. Just watched the rock climbing part and her face is not looking as thin as back in the fall a year ago.I think Sean (the nose picker&flicker) is pushing her physical abilities. I wish her the best ofr sure but i wouldnt be surprised if the emotional eating is still ongoing. She has talked about getting in a fight with Kody and reaching for fretos and peanut butter. Her eating patterns need the same desipline as the work outs.

  19. Robyn said we are going to slowly develop stuff. Just what someone who is lending you dough with a 6 month window to re consider wants to hear! This whole show has become about money....they still have the kids on the couch talking about money.

    1. I love seeing truly and Solomon on the couch though. They're so sweet and haven't been disappointed in their parents yet. It's kind of sad.

    2. It is kind of sad. I've always felt badly for the kids, even the abrasive ones... they're not stupid, and have to have come to realize what their parents are doing, and it must be enlightening to see how they act on camera (like Kody's comment about having a better relationship with David than his own kids, or thinking Christine was gross, or never having felt romantically towards Janelle, or panting after Robyn like a pathetic, horny ape -- only to name a few).

      I wonder if Mr and Mrs Brown and the Mistresses get it yet: Your children are watching you!!

    3. I was horrified when Truely said that she just screams when her dad gets mad (or something similar). Why did TLC leave that in the show? Doesn't look good for King Kody.


    4. Well, considering he probably spends very little time with her, the screams may be from wondering who the hell he is. She is young enough to not get this bizarre lifestyle at all, other than be told when he makes an appearance..."this is daddy!"

      It is too, too obvious now that Kody-boy probably doesn't see any of the kids on a regular basis *except* when TLC is filming. Other than mini-king, Sol.

      Then those kids are expected to slip right into "love my dear old dad" mode,
      When in *reality* he is this guy who jockeys back and forth, house to house doing fly-bys and hit and runs. (Brady, are you listening?)

  20. From her current bio......
    "Current Executive Producer at Next Best Bartender, Talk Show & Reality Star, Television, Media at Stevie K Show, Executive Producer - Host & Talent..."

    This was likely a bit done for her show.....and a scratch my back, scratch yours with TLC. At some point it will probably be revealed.

  21. We all know these events were filmed in the past. So, according to this (likely fake) storyline, the Browns received at least $250,000 to be used to offer new product on their website. Are the watches and Vanladylove CD supposed to be this $250,000 worth of product? They are the only new items offered. And why did they only show up in the last few weeks?

    1. CDs are hella cheap to produce and mail out. Does anyone actually buy real CDs anymore?
      (I know the answer is yes...but not often...)
      Even local bands I know who sell merchandise at their shows (T shirts, mugs, etc) who used to sell CDs too have set up their own websites or FB pages with download links to iTunes.

  22. Did it stand out to anyone else on Jenelle that she has some mouth sores in the corners going on??? For some reason it just stood out to me.

    1. No it hasn't but thanks for sharing I think.

    2. Yes! I noticed as well. I just thought, "Well, I guess it's Janelle's turn."

    3. Well she has to have a cold sore to prove their fake story about their fake "hot" romance due to Kody's ponytail. Janelle had to take one for the team.

    4. "Janelle had to take one for the team. "

      LOL !!!

    5. You know, I've seen that, too, in the corner of Janelle's mouth, a bunch of times, and I kind of think she might have a permanent "thing" there, like a mole. Or maybe she just gets a lot of cold sores in just the same place...which, in this family, would NOT surprise me a bit. Erg.

    6. I'm not understanding this weird fascination with cold sores. Weird.

    7. Well, they're kinda gross, you know. I know lots of people get them, but nobody really wants them. The biggest ick factor in polygamy for most is that one guy is sleeping with several women and they are all okay with it. Naturally, we on the outside might wonder about what is being passed around among all of them, so seeing all of those cold sores is naturally going to promote discussion. Obviously, something is being passed around -- even some of the kids have them.

  23. They should have gone on the Shark Tank TV show with their "proposal". They would have been eaten alive.
    Mr. Wonderful says: "You're dead to me".
    I would have paid to see that happen.

  24. Re watching Maddie announce her scholarship (and her 'parents' underwhelming reaction) I thought it was very telling how she handled her college experience as compared to how HRH Mariah approached college.
    Maddie found a school that she really liked, worked hard, and applied for several scholarship, and was granted one that actually covered her tuition expenses...and she shared the news with her family, because she does see all of the kids and adults as part if her family.
    Mariah chose a school that was not easy to afford, applied for 'a few' scholarships, pouted, cried, whined, threatened, and treated the family like a roadblock to her happiness.
    She did not share her experience or success (limited as they may be compared to maddie's scholarship and mykelti's advanced classes), but wielded her college choice as a weapon against her parents. When that didn't work she pulled the hopeful polygamy card (even though Utah's distaste for polygamy is what DROVE them from their 'home').
    The personality differences highlighted between Mariah and Maddie are the perfect illustration of how Meri has treated her place in the family, and shows a pretty deep implication of how Mariah learned to view her 'bonus' Mom's and siblings.
    Meri and Mariah may laude the benefits of polygamy, but only because they have not shared the same experiences or hardships that the others have...which is pretty unbelievable seeing as they lived within feet of each other for most of Mariah's childhood.
    (I have casual friends and coworkers who treat me more like family than Mariah and Meri treat their siblings and sisterwives.)
    I gave them a 'pass' on their reaction to Truely's illness because everyone deals with fear and sadness differently, but seeing the comparison of how they deal with the 'good times' was more telling than the Browns could ever comprehend.

    1. Well said, LPT. Also agree with what CJ said somewhere else - Maddie's Twitter description recites Invictus while Mariah smugly proclaims her stardom. It appears that one has been very spoiled and catered to, whereas the other has not. You reap what has been sown.

    2. I wonder what the bonus moms and siblings think of Mariah and her spoiled brat ways? Janelle and Christine have to feel a little bit smug that their kids come off as so much more grounded and well-rounded. Does Meri even realize how awful her only child comes across? Probably not.

      In Mariah's defense, I wonder if she would have been different if she'd gotten to stay in Utah where she clearly was thriving. Look at Mariah from episode 1 to today, she's not even recognizable.

    3. Hi CJ...quick question, did you catch the tweet from a couple days ago, I think Saturday, where Mariah said, " To all you who ordered something from my parents website, you're freaking welcome" with a picture of her packing up jewelry to be shipped. According to her twitter, she was up all night packaging 100 orders. Needless to say, a number of "fans" tweeted back how shocked they were at her attitude. Mariah's tweets were removed pretty quickly and Meri tried to do damage control by tweeting how she must have been overly tired.

    4. quick question, did you catch the tweet from a couple days ago
      Yes, I saw it but I thought it would be around for a while. So I went to bed. Needless to say by the time I woke up, it was already deleted and replaced with what seemed like a hundred apologetic tweets from Meri.

      Anyway, my thoughts about it was how loathsome and immature she was to tweet something like that...but not really surprising. Next time I'll make sure I capture the embed code before calling it a night.

    5. What the heck was Mariah thinking, tweeting something like that? What a rude thing to do. She should be thanking their customers, not using foul language at them. I love how Meri made excuses for her. Rude, rude, rude.

    6. It's because she feels entitled to whatever profits this BS business is making to pay for her schooling. I know we usually don't talk about the kids here, rightfully, but she is an adult now and needs to learn there are consequences for her auctions, and the world will not hand her things because her mom said so, or her religion is persecuted or everyone has it or whatever victim mentality the Browns choose to spout at the time. Time to adjust the attitude, little Meri.

    7. HA, Meri says Mariah is the only one who can do what she does in the business. You can't tell me that the bright teens in that family aren't smart enough to read an order, pull the merchandise and put it in an envelope, address it and mail it. Ridiculous!

    8. I still can't believe it would take 7-8 hours for two people to pack up 100 orders. Nothing on their website is large or particularly breakable. Wouldn't you just print invoices and shipping labels, wrap packaged jewelry in bubble wrap, put in box with picture and then tape it up and stick on the shipping label? Not particularly time consuming or difficult.

    9. I used to do shipping for the jewelry store I worked for, and believe me when I say there is no way 100 orders would take 7-8 hours for 2 people. No way. 3 hours would be tops, and that's being generous.

      I do have to add, that I can see why Meri doesn't want to be involved with MSWC if she is the one always having to do shipping. That's a job one of the teenagers should be doing. Could you imagine how long Christine would last if she had to do shipping? She'd last half an hour because it isn't "fun" enough for princess Christine.

    10. Robyn wouldn't be a good fit, either... all that spelling and attaching labels right-side up... maybe a broken acrylic nail or two... how could her precious uterus stand all that stress?

  25. did you spot the bearded 'investor' on said facebook page?

  26. Wow..just wow. SMH. We are watching total fiction. Nothing they say or do is to be taken as real. This is an end of the road moment as far as I'm concerned. Great find, Anon 6:23.

  27. Not defending the adult Browns for two seconds, but the "filmed" lackluster reaction to Maddie's scholarship news may be more down to a case of plain ol' bad acting.

    The scene was the family gathered around the kitchen counter.....
    Next scene, a cameraman is poised at the front door as Maddie walks in telling *the camera* she has "news"....(with nothing in her hand, by the way).
    Then she is in the kitchen with an envelope.
    Kody gets to open the envelope with Sobbin (not Janelle) reading it over his shoulder.
    What was supposed to be a "big reveal" went limp because these people are so, so bad at acting.

    What is sad is that these kids are pulled into these bogus scenes, time after time.
    Why should Maddie have to put up with that pretend scene when in reality, it is likely that it was already known, and just should have been a shared and applauded moment *for real.*

    Why should Mykelti and that boy have had to sit through the "hormones in your mouth" BS just to provide a provocative scene for show.

    Or Logan having to just stand there with cameras rolling while Janelle huffs and snorts up a wall.

    Kody and the Kodymares' mantra to the kids must be....."Anything" for the show !!!

    1. I was wondering about that too - the rock climbing scene would have been so much better had they shown Janelle and Logan taking a belay lesson together, and Logan belaying his mom. Indeed, the belay person wasn't even in camera range. Logan wearing a harness, but not belaying his mom, just standing there doing nothing? that doesn't make sense.

    2. *applause* I completely agree. Well said!

    3. Logan had to be there so he could be the talking head after. You know - the one that states the complete opposite of what they've just shown or done and tell us what they want us to believe.

      He said something like that he was so proud of her hard work and progress, and how two years ago, she never would have been able to do what she's done. Nevermind that she barely attempted and then quickly quit trying to climb that wall, and her weight loss is still disputable.

    4. That's why I hope that the kids are getting cut checks along with the other adults. It isn't fair if their parents are dividing the money 5 ways between themselves and then each mom has to divvy up the money (which I think they are doing). Each child deserves an equal amount from TLC for putting up with this farce.

  28. It really kills me that the Brown's think any short comings with MSWC stem from their inability to work together as business partners. I understand that polygamist usually have to convince folks their families aren't dysfunctional and capable of normalcy in most aspects of every day life, but for the Browns this is not one of those times!! Some of the most successful business people are quirky, unscrupulous, and have interesting personal lives, but they still run thriving businesses. It's the product that's holding you back folks, not your inability to communicate with the lady sitting next to you.

    1. MrSpock agrees with you, Anonymous, the products are not distinctive enough---jewelry, watches, CDs---nothing unique. The other major problem I see is that many people will not buy anything from them (even if it is the most unique product in the universe) because they are polygamists---a "lifestyle" with which many vehemently disagree. Therefore, even if someone spots a product they like, they will not buy it because they do not want to provide any support to that "lifestyle." Some might say this shows "intolerance" or whatever, but others will say they can pick or choose where to spend their hard-earned dollars and MSWC is not one of those places. I just don't see how MSWC will ever break down the plyg barrier for the majority to make MSWC take off big-time, i.e., go brick and mortar.

    2. I don't support polygamy (especially not after all we've discussed here), but the polygamy isn't the entire reason why I take a moral stand against the brown family. I take a stand because I don't like the greedy, handout behavior they display.
      Yeah, lots of companies are full of assholes and jerks, but I don't see them on tv every week...other companies usually have the common sense to lie more convincingly (instead of a split screen image if their version of history and the filmed version). My hope that they fail has more to do with them being dumbasses than polygamists.

    3. I agree, it is not the polygamy that bothers me, it is the self-entitled attitudes...they have convinced themselves they deserve their "fame" and are entitled to McMansions, vacations, private college, new' the thing, they didn't EARN their fame, it was given to them, and it can be taken away....crying poor while living in 2 million dollars worth of houses is offensive, and it is alienating the audience... TLC PLEASE TAKE NOTE

    4. It's bad public policy. If he were married legally to no one and just fathered a bunch of children with four different women I'd have less a problem with what they are doing.

    5. Even if MSWC carried something I felt I had to have, I wouldn't buy it. They give no product descriptions. No info on metal content, %, chain lengths, no specs on watches, warranties, etc, etc., etc. I like to be an informed consumer and when I'm buying something sight unseen I want to make sure I know as much as I can about what I'm spending my money on and with MSWC, that's impossible.

    6. @MrSpock I think morality is only injected into consumerism to a certain extent. If the product is something we need or really want than people will ignore the less desirable aspects of the product origins. Think BP and Saudi Arabia for gas, Woody Allen for movies, and sweat shops/child labor for your jeans... Everyone was pissed at BP post gulf oil spill, but after a few years folks have forgotten about that and gone right back to getting gas conveniently. Saudi Arabia has polygamist, and Woody Allen has that creepy relationship with his "step" daughter. BUT we still like or need what they produce so we turn a blind eye and consume away! The Brown's want the issues with MSWC to be about their lifestyle, because that's a battle they understand and know how to approach. The product being the issue is a horse of a different color they cannot fathom. Until they realize that though the company is going nowhere.

  29. So true! Meri and Mariah sit on their pedestal as Kody's legal family while the rest scrap for whatever they can get.

  30. I think the Browns see the crashing of MSWC every Sunday as a great many people are shopping that the servers can't handle it! Woohoo! Cha-ching!!!!!

  31. Now we know why she wasn't dressed in appropriate venture capitalist attire...because she isn't one! The Browns caught spinning another it.

  32. And, going back to the most recent LV/King party, MrSpock continues to be "creeped out" by the weird "queen" costumes worn by the wife and faux wives. Robyn mentioned "steam punk" but MrSpock found them to just be creepy, reminding him of the wicked queen outfits in Snow White and Alice in Wonderland. Not that the wife and faux wives are wicked, but their costumes evoke the comparison. Further, why would women of their age be emulating the steam punk look in any instance? MrSpock cannot imagine his family (or any earthly family) having such a strange party.

    If the wife and faux wives wanted to boost Kody's role as leader, shouldn't that have been something they would have done in private---or at least the 5 of them together at a nice dinner or the like? Their relationship with Kody as to his leadership should have only been a conversation between the 5 of them and not for display with the children. If the 4 women want to boost Kody in the eyes of their children then it needs to be in the way they treat him (and each other) day-to-day. Having a strange party, in scary costumes, and forcing the children to be part of it is just bizarre. But, to each their own.

    1. Remember the Halloween episode they filmed while they were still in Utah? Their costumes that night scared me too. Christine was Mother Earth or something very strange. This family really has an odd sense of what to wear while dressing up. I won't even go into what the wives decided to wear for their commitment ceremony last season.

    2. Yes those commitment dresses were also strange. Robyn's final selection was okay but the others were pretty unattractive. I wouldd like to know the women's true feelings about those dresses.

    3. Mr. Spock, I agree. I think of the "misters" in my life - my dad, father-in-law, husband, son, brothers, etc. and not one of them would ever have stood for such a silly, ridiculous display as that!

  33. They are all actors it's such a joke. I have to agree with Kody being burned out, he would have never mentioned going back to Utah several years ago...somethings up.

  34. Now we know why she wasn't dressed in appropriate venture capitalist attire...because she isn't one!
    But the weird thing is, there are pictures of her from her TV show and she's dressed very nicely. I don't get it...

  35. This is just another nail in the SW show's coffin. And TLC can't be that stupid, or really think that their audience is that stupid, can they??

    Oh wait... I just remembered all of the tweets saying things like "I want what YOU have" and "thank you for educating us all about how normal polygamy is!" (gag) and "I love you all! I wish I could be a part of your family!" Double gag.

    But once people see things like this, I think many attitudes could change.

  36. She dressed that way to make Kody uncomfortable on purpose! cleavage! o no!

  37. As an accountant I would love to get my hands on their financial statements for the business- I bet it tells an interesting story indeed. There is simply NO way they're getting the website traffic they claim they are for the site. There are numerous website valuation calculators online (like webuka) and the ones I looked at either don't have any data for mswc because it's so insignificant or top out at about 800 hits a day... less than a thousand hits a day does not result in millions of hits a month. Investors do their homework and I can't see how any would give these morons a dime unless TLC compensated them or promised them some sort of backing when.the Brown's inevitably default.

  38. Having that stupid party to "honor" Kody was a real low moment. Forcing those kids to pretty much absolve him of any wrong doing was beyond disgusting. Theory being, ends justify the means and all that..BUT..the way it was handled for ratings and storyline did real damage. He owes his kids an apology. We all make parenting decisions that our kids don't like,some involve moving. That is normal. But to scare the shit out of them about police,arrests,prison..then whisk them with little notice, without letting them have closure with friends. That is so twisted.
    Now years later..they are kissing his ass and saying he was right all along. Kody was talking like he was a prophet and God told him to move to LV and buy 4 big McMansions on a cul-de-sac! They're lunatics!!
    Hunter himself said,"I don't care about this party"..neither do we Hunter,neither do we.

    1. I get the feeling that the Janelle's kids, along with Mykelti and Aspyn know exactly what Kody is like. Actually, I bet Mariah knows too but doesn't want to admit it yet. Janelle's kids can barely contain their disgust with their dad while on camera. Who knows what kind of things these poor kids have seen that we don't know about.

    2. Good point, Hunter has been especially outspoken about the number of kids they have and not needing any more. I don't see him following his dad's path.

    3. Who thinks Mykelti is going to break out once she starts college? I love how she agrees with everything her parents say while on film, but you can just tell inside she is thinking they're idiots. My favorite was during Robyn's purity speech when Mykelti looked pretended to look so horrified and said she was never having sex and you could see she was so disgusted with Robyn's story because Robyn is so dumb.

  39. It's sad to see the example Robyn has set for her kids, especially her daughters. Kody was tucking them in and cuddling during their courtship?? That is worrisome decision making.

    Also, Aurora, Robyn's daughter is all over Kody. It must be every scene of the family together that she is always right by his side. During the surprise party, who was the first to run up to King Kody? Yep, that was Aurora. It's clearly the teachings of her mother that this knight in shining armor must be shown gross support and adoration for saving them from their former lives.

    1. Did you notice the way Robyn was right by Kody when he was reading Maddie's scholarship information? Robyn always shoves herself to be right next to Kody and I think she makes sure Kody is always holding Sol. Out of all the kids I worry the most about Robyn's kids. No reasonable single mom would have brought her kids into this family and started pushing Kody as dad when the kids already have a dad.

    2. Leslie, I agree. 100% I agree.
      I think, or at least hope, that 'courtship' means something much more serious than I am imagining to warrant a new beau crawling in bed with my children (non existent as they may be).
      I think it shows either terrible judgement to allow a strange man to have physical access to her kids, or allowing the children to make attachments to someone who may not be around long term, OR it is an attempt to force closeness because she knew her children would be a reminder of her lost purrrrity.
      I think it is a disturbing reminder of Robin's thought process and tendency to rewrite history, and is not the 'charming Kody is a great guy' story she thinks it is.
      I've worked with children and teens for years, and the emotional outbursts, and quick attachments to men that Robin and her girls display is troubling at times. It is an observed behavior, and is not one I have often seen in happy or safe families.
      I do wonder if Kody is the first courter who tucked them in to build bonds, or the first man other than bio dad that they were encouraged to see as their king or daddy.
      I think the learned behaviors that Robin and her girls display counter her claims that she wasn't 'looking for a man to rescue her'.
      *Not necessarily anything sinister (as can sometimes be the case with children and questionable or intense attachments). Simply an observation that this may not have been the first guy the kids had to 'win over'.

  40. I have to admit that I haven't truly WATCHED this season. It's on in the background when I'm doing embroidery or something in the living room. I did watch the part with the numbers a couple of times - I'm no math whiz!- and I still don't get it.

    They had 15 million hits on their website... since... the first day it was up? Okay, a couple hundred of those was me. I was looking at things to snark about. I like to be informed and do my research. :-) I've been on their email list since the beginning and had about 6 emails from them. They are mostly teasers and a couple were discount codes.

    So they've made $150,000 from 500 sales? Since the beginning? Per month? Per year? Is that $150,000 PROFIT (that is where you minus out the expenses and you minus out what it will cost you to get replacement product, right? ) Or just $150,000?

    It seemed to me that they were using a conversion rate as a basis for equity (?) but it also seems to me that if they COULD covert 1% of the 15 million hits - they would have?

    I have no business sense and few math skills and even *I* know they aren't sending anyone anywhere, let alone college, on profit from 500 sales. Even if it is 500 sales per month that is still only 16? 17? per day. Would it really take longer than an hour or two per day to fill that many orders? Print off a shipping label, stick it to a mailer, fill the order and dump it in a bin.

    I mean no disrespect to people who run online businesses. This particular business just seems like a nice side job and not a serious, support the family job to me.

    1. I think it's important to understand that website hits are not unique visitors. On 'The Taste' earlier this year, a cheftesant was caught in a little white lie when she claimed she had over 8 million fans on her blog. When I went to her blog, I saw she had 8 million pageviews, but only 400 or so registered fans. People quickly saw through her ruse, and the pageview counter mysteriously disappeared from view.

      Each time a "unique visitor" clicks through a website (visiting page after page, or in the case of MSWC viewing item after item) those clicks become pageviews. So one unique visitor can generate many pageviews.

      And you're right. MSWC does not effectively convert those unique visitors into sales. The visitors are looking (as represented by pageviews) but they aren't buying. And I don't think increasing the number of products will generate more sales UNLESS those items are 1) something people want to buy and 2) the price is right.

      We can only "hope" that Kody has used some of the investor money for a professional market study, but knowing how his mind works, he'll spend it all on a company he found on Craigslist.

    2. "So they've made $150,000 from 500 sales? Since the beginning? Per month? Per year? Is that $150,000 PROFIT (that is where you minus out the expenses and you minus out what it will cost you to get replacement product, right? ) Or just $150,000?"

      I questioned this as well. I thought it sounded like a sneaky sales tactic to quote a number without stating whether it represents gross or net revenues. I kept waiting for one of the VCs to jump in with that question. Perhaps it landed on the cutting room floor... Or perhaps it was never included in the "script" in the first place.

    3. The Brown;s do not bother themselves to think about what might be a fashion forward piece of jewelry, or current trend. The original pieces were all about sister wifes or claudah symbals, but other than that those be values pieces could have come off their walls or mission statement. They thought fans would flock because it was them selling it and have blown a huge opportunity to capitalize on the exposure of a tv show to brand themselves seriously,

    4. "Ok, a couple hundred of those was me ... "

      LOL! I'm with you Kim. They can put me down for a couple hundred, but I never intended to buy and don't plan to do so. Surely they realize that most of these views are from people who are curious to see what is out there, but would never actually purchase (for whatever reasons).

    5. CJ, I wonder if the Browns, in all their business and internet wisdom when talking about 'hits', know the difference between unique visitors and page views. lol

    6. I really hate that they have appropriated Celtic symbols to represent polygamy.

    7. If they are getting so many clicks, why in heck isn't their page littered with advertising? That is one place they could actually bring in some revenue. The fact they haven't already figured this out makes me wonder if they DO take this seriously and it is just a really sad attempt? If you believe your revenue can come from your products, misguided as you may be, you might resist placing ads all over your website. But if you know it is a joke/fake, I would imagine there would be less hesitation about bringing in ad partnering modules.

  41. Off-Topic question: Today in Utah, a federal appeals court overturned the state's ban on gay marriage. Is there any litigation pending for the decriminalization of polygamy, and if so will this ruling have any impact on it?

  42. I know ivd made this comment before, but I think Aurora hanging all over Kody has more to do with being "in frame" for the camera shot than anything else...if you really watch, you will see Aurora hang all over whomever the camera is focused on...remember grandma genielle talking about Winn? Aurora was practically sitting on her lap...

    1. I just write a lengthy post questioning that behavior, but that could also be the case. That's still so odd, right? Much less sinister than the alternative, but kind of weird too.
      Maybe it's like how her mom always interrupts people when they're talking?

    2. Thanks everyone, for making very interesting reading! BTW, I too have stopped watching Kody and The Night Mares. This blog is all the entertainment I need on that front.

    3. Speaking of "being in view of the camera" I really wonder if last weeks dust up, over Christine sitting in Kody's chair, had more to do with that chair being framed for the next scene, more so than it being Kody's chair. The dialogue that followed was "a scene" about MSWC business decisions...i think 99% of what we see is highly orchestrated scenes with pre-set lights, cameras and sound (boom operators). I don't know if anyone else has noticed that unlike other reality shows, the Browns don't often wear those portable microphone packs that you see clipped to the back of actors in reality shows. Those microphone packs make it easier for actors to move around, so the action seems more "real", because a boom operator can't really "follow" an actor around. Anyway, the point is, all their crap, is super staged.

    4. Love your name LePettite Terror! I think all their behavior is strange, but I absolutely believe Robyn coaches her kids to "hog" the camera... I swear I've seen her practically hurl baby Solomon into Kody's arms while he was talking to the camera.

    5. During the King Kody party scene, the camera caught three of the crew walking with microphones and other equipment in the background.

    6. "...i think 99% of what we see is highly orchestrated scenes with pre-set lights, cameras and sound (boom operators)."
      "....the point is, all their crap, is super staged"

      Hager's Harem,

      AGREE !!!!
      And have believed this to be the case since Season One !!!

    7. Hagar's Harem,
      Thanks. I'm tiny and mean, so it seemed the most descriptive handle I could chose.

  43. Anon 10:20
    She's diabolical! God, I hope that's true. That is some breast warfare, right there.
    I didn't mean to rhyme, I just like that idea so much...throw the modesty police off with big breasts. Brilliant.

  44. Yep, Brilliant !!

    And a funny, funny twist on the whole sham.
    Sit there with the girls on display and watch CEO Kody lose focus.

  45. So if the Browns have only sold 500 "items" last year, does that mean that the casino gift shop deal is a bust? I bet the family would make more money selling MLM jewelry at home parties and craft fairs through Premier Designs. At least their junk jewelry is affordable...and "fashion forward".

    1. I'm guessing it is the stuff off the site.

  46. I have watched each of the first two episodes twice. I agree that MSWC is all a sham, the storyline is fake and those weren’t actually real VCs and that wasn’t a real presentation. It was all faked and planned by TLC. The Browns are just playing a part that they have been given. They might actually sell a few things but I don’t believe any of them are really working on this business. I am really annoyed about this. I am not naïve and know reality shows are somewhat scripted (like TLC suggests a zoo outing and they do it type of thing) but to portray themselves as hard working entrepreneurs who are struggling to find their way is utter crap. And there are fans spending money they don’t have on their joolry.

    They really aren’t interesting enough to film their real life, so TLC has to make things up for them. I don’t buy Janelle’s storyline either. She does look heavier to me (which is fine but do not film yourself talking about how healthy you are) and sends ridiculous tweets out like “whew that morning work out killed me but it’s so worth it”…please just quit lying.

    Looking back at this season, most of the discussions between wives/Kody have been staged. The only one that seemed authentic was when Kody yelled at Meri about the Lehi house. But who knows, maybe they set that up, too and the Browns are decent enough actors to pull it off. Maybe they all really get along great and Meri really doesn’t cry about the babies she didn’t have or maybe she didn’t really want a wet bar.

    But the thing that made me the maddest and least trustful of them was Kody saying that he didn’t want to move to LV but that he felt “led” and had to fake it for everyone else. Liar. Liar. Liar. Either he was lying then or lying now. They will end up back in Lehi – they will remodel that house and move back when TLC cancels and they lose the McMansions. And then they will lie about why they are back in Utah.


    1. But what about their roots?!?? They planted roots in Las Vegas! Remember the time capsules, and the burning of Kody's duffel bag (only to be replaced by a backpack)? Surely that wasn't just for the camera?

    2. I have to admit I haven't watched episode 4 yet, but you're telling me Kody had the audacity to say he didn't want to move to Vegas? When it was obvious from the "vacation" he took with Christine to...VEGAS that it wasn't his first time visiting there, and Christine mentioning VEGAS was Kody's favorite town. Not to mention Robyn's daddy Sullivan lived in VEGAS along with several other sundry relatives, you mean he's now saying he didn't want to go?

      You know, I said this a couple years ago, but if Kody was so afraid of being arrested, he could have left Lehi BY HIMSELF, rented just one of the Vegas houses and had a wife or two come up and visit while being filmed for a week. Production could have just filmed inside the house, or at the bowling alley or park or whatever Vegas attraction. Kids could have stayed in the same school in Lehi, kept their friends. Wives could still have their church. Janelle could still keep her state job. He uprooted his family for the show and I guarantee you the producers did not have to ask him twice.

    3. CJ - at the end of last week, they had a "coming soon" shots of Logan in college and Kody lying and saying he never wanted to move to LV. And the Robyn lying and saying how she didn't either and had felt betrayed by Kody for making that decision. And yes, so now, he is saying that he didn't want to do it but 'had' to listen to God and go, or some nonsense like that. So all that "Vegas is my Plymouth Rock" was apparently imagined by all of us.

    4. All the adults could have been arrested. Not just Kody. I think Janelle was the most unwound but the situation.


      Yep, that just about sums up who and what these people are !!
      Liars who have shrewdly (or with just dumb luck) capitalized on the lies.

      What is especially repulsive about them is their complete lack of remorse and indifference to scamming naive, TLC programmed fans into buying that Closet crap.

      It was one thing when they abused the system and taxpayers for money as so many others of their ilk do routinely. That blatant thievery is passed off as just part of their culture, however dishonest.

      But begging and bilking their fans out of their money " to put their kids through college" raised their utter lack of morality to a new level. That plan was/ is deliberate and calculated.

      The Browns are people I wouldn't go across the street to see, let alone want around any of my family.

    6. I looked everywhere for it yesterday and I couldn't find it again but there was a youtube video of the Sister wives talking. It didn't have CC and I didn't listen to the sound. It was shot with Christine and Robyn standing behind Jenelle and Meri sitting in chairs and Christine looked like she was about 15 years old. Christine and Robyn were joking and hugging each other and very lovey on each other. I haven't ever seen Christine look that young in ANY other video. Evidently it's been removed from youtube. There was a reference to it back in Can We Talk Edition 5/17/14 is how I found it in the first place. It mentions the Billy Bush show but that's not what it was listed under. I searched my youtube history and it had been removed. Evidently they didn't want it shown that Robyn had been around for a long time or what they were talking about. I wished I had listened to it or recorded it somehow.

    7. Oh and CJ don't forget the talk show/news show interviews where the wives (I think it was primarily Janelle) stated that Kody ALWAYS wanted to live in Vegas...this was right after the 3rd season.

    8. kms the Browns were never under a threat of being arrested! That was all hype for the show!

    9. "....Janelle) stated that Kody ALWAYS wanted to live in Vegas...this was right after the 3rd season."

      Yes, indeed. Remember it well....... and thinking WTF !!!

    10. Anon 3:07 - I have a theory that they all actually get along fairly well but fake all this crying and other nonsense for the camera.

      However, there is the book. It was during Season 1 so we really didn't see the drama then. The book was written in sections, kind of like one section per wife and then Kody's section. In the early years, according to each wife who wrote about it, they really did not get along and Janelle moved away for awhile. So,,,are the Browns really such great manipulators that they faked all this stuff from back before the show even got any steam? Sometimes I think they are too stupid to pull that off...but maybe not. I am just not sure on that one.

      However, I do think what is shown on the show is fake and that now (many years later) they probably do get along reasonably well. Maybe not Janelle and Meri but as a group maybe they do like each other just fine. Because wives that get along isn't worthy of a reality show.

    11. "the Browns were never under a threat of being arrested! That was all hype for the show!"

      Someone should give KMS the link to the video of Christine stating that the powers that be in Utah flat out said that they wouldn't prosecute. But that wasn't good enough for the Klown's, they wanted their faux marriages validated. Didn't she close the video by saying she would welcome an investigation and "bring it on?"

      Doesn't exactly sound like scared, persecuted little people does it?

    12. I don't think the Browns (Kody) were ever threatened with being prosecuted for polygamy. I also think Kody always wanted to move to Vegas, he obviously thrives on the big city lights and all the action.

      However, I do think they were being investigated for fraud on their welfare and food stamp abuse, also their bankruptcies and that scared the bejeezus out of the 2 who were in charge of the finances and knew what was up, Janelle and Kody. If you remember back when they were leaving, Janelle and Kody genuinely looked scared and could not wait to get out of Utah. Who knows what shifty things they did to get food stamps, free health care, and cash aid? They were all living under one roof and possibly could have gotten into trouble for claiming dad gave them no support etc.

      Something wasn't clean in their past and they know it, but they didn't move because they thought Kody was going to get arrested for polygamy which isn't true.

  47. I don't know anonymous, but you might want to check with Facebook about that issue. Maybe they can give you some pointers?

  48. No CPA Carol, not here. I believe it is in reference to the recent disruptions on their FB and twitter.

  49. So where do the hormones go with that one?

  50. Robyn has managed to run off her very own sisterwives and her very own family. Even Meri is done with her melodramatic histrionics. I suspect what she really wants is an indentured servant so she can do what she wants whenever she wants rather than reasonable help with a few chores or childcare needs.

    1. Now that Robyn doesn't have Kody wrapped around her little finger anymore she is in for a rough time.

    2. The shiny new toy has lost her sparkle,

  51. Kody Brown: The self-appointed Rosa Parks of Polygamy

    Everyone’s comments have been so amazing, its really got me thinking, sorry this is so long, but I would love everyone’s input as to my theory on the origins of Sister Wives…

    1. Kody Brown “the Activist”: The Browns have been politically motivated for A LONG time – Christine’s work with Principal Voices dates back to 2008, where she first told the Utah AG to “bring it”…the Browns WANTED to be the test case that pushed the pro-plyg agenda

    2. Kody Brown “Superstar”: Kody has always wanted to be a “star” (his friends in WY even told us so) - he had been shopping around for a t.v. deal for a while before he hooked up with Figure 8 – the green light from TLC came when he pitched the “4th Wife” (as had been said on this blog and others, Robyn and wives were already willing and “on-board”)

    3. Kody Brown “Family Man”: The Browns were at their best when they were just telling their story and living their life (they did so knowing of course, that between flaunting their polygamy on national t.v. and film crews on their front lawn, the local authorities would HAVE to investigate)…then came the real fun

    4. Enter Kody Brown, self-declared Rosa Parks of Polygamy…they HAD to move to Las Vegas for the lawsuit…one of the causes of action required tangible interference with their daily life; there is nothing like “having” to move and uproot 17 children to prove that! I think they were legitimately nervous, not of being arrested, but of the impending lawsuit (it was an ambitious suit with significant implications)…I honestly believe Kody has convinced himself that THIS is his life mission, to socially legitimize and decriminalize polygamy…

    5. Kody Brown “King of Vegas”: They never dreamed their lives could be so good, and now they will do whatever it takes to hold onto it…

    1. Isn't it fascinating how in the first season(s), the show was ALL ABOUT Polygamy, being examples/faces of plygamy and COMING OUT/Going public.... Then that went out the window and other then Kody going up to random people telling everyone he has FOUR wives, really the show isn't about polygamy/going public/plyg poster children anymore at all....
      Now it's all about Kody running around the houses, the bisnis, and some random s%^$t of the wives... But all that plyg amabassador stuff is long gone

  52. FAKE, FAKE, FAKE. These are really horrible people. That King Kody thing was just gross. Who does that. He ripped his children's lives apart and reinvented history. OMG, the whole moving to Vegas BS is on Netflix. Now.

    They have no shame. I understand they wanted to live a lifestyle, but why should anyone else pay for it. They make really bad choices and are oh well. We live in Vegas and should do all the things we deserve to do.

    I live in Vegas and count my pennies. It's expensive to live here. Count your blessings, Browns, instead of bitching about what you deserve.

    The cost of Disneyland tickets are out of this world. I'm saving for my vacation. I have a JOB and live in a modest home that I can afford. WTH? And if you reading any of this TLC, I turned my TV off when the King Kody part was on. You went way, way too far.

    1. Oh I know, I have been wanting to go to Disney for a year, but cannot justify the cost. And I live close enough that it could be a day trip. These people are shameless. It won't be long until they are back on welfare and food stamps.

  53. I forgot to say that CJ you are a ROCKSTAR. I admire your patience to go through this show and give us a better review and recap than watching the show itself.....

  54. If the VCs are fake then TLC is giving the loan? This is going a bit too far away from reality if hiring actors and lying about the storyline.

  55. One thing I have always pondered....Robyn could not yank her kids out of Utah on a whim. I married a man with two young children, your custody specifically calls out where you can live. You can't move the kids out of state without going back to court and the father certainly didn't have to agree. Take off with those kids and move them out of state the way it was shown on the show and you have parental kidnapping, violation of the custody order, etc.

    The next thing is changing her son's name. You can't do that either. The dad could've gone back to court and thrown a fit. (I actually know someone who pulled that crap, the judge went ballistic) Add in the fact that the child is considered "special needs" and you have a recipe for Robyn losing custody.

    Then there was Robyn publicly trashing the dad. You aren't allowed to bad mouth your ex in front of the kids. That's normally unenforceable, but this guy had it taped from national tv!

    So what is the deal? Is she paying him child support? Something is just very, very off.

    1. You don't need to go to court to move out of the state; you only need to have the other parent's consent. (I hope this comment gets through; still having trouble commenting here)

    2. The father lives in Idaho, so Robyn was already in a different state from the father before the Browns left for LV. Also, if Robyn has sole legal and physical custody, she may have sole discretion about moving with the children--individual judges can make the call, and all parties are frighteningly at their mercy as to "the rules" handed down to divorcing parents. As for her son's name, there is no legal prohibition for calling a child any "nickname" you choose, whether the other parent likes it or not. Don't get me wrong: If she arbitrarily started calling him "Dayton" for the purposes of television or even just because she hates the child's father, that's sick and twisted--but not illegal or actionable.

    3. In my state you need permission from the non custodial parent just to move over 50 miles away. You can, however, move due to an unforeseen circumstance or emergency and then notify the other parent within two weeks (I think) along with a revised plan for visitation. The non-custodial parent can contest it within a month. I think since Robyn's ex lives in Montana not Utah, he wouldn't have the ground to contest a move as long as there was a reasonable plan for visitation (probably why she has to drive them to visit him.) I'm pretty sure public ally trashing the dad is not allowed --I had to sign some kind of contract that I wouldn't do certain things (such as bash my kids' father, let men spend the night at my house, live with a single man, etc) and so did he.

      I'm not a Robyn apologist but I think that the Dayton v. David issue may be a non-issue. Dayton could be a nickname--an amalgamation between Dayton and Preston. My son is named after his father (Jesus) but has ALWAYS gone by Jack, which sounds nothing like Jesus. My son is the fourth and all of the Jesus' have gone by nicknames from birth, so it was never a slam on his biodad. I don't think going by a nickname or middle name is that uncommon. As for child support, since she has primary physical custody, he would be required to pay child support to her. According to Twitter, he has not been doing this. Also according to Twitter, she would share it with the other wives, which was probably not a smart thing to put on Twitter.

    4. "You don't need to go to court to move out of the state; you only need to have the other parent's consent."

      In the state of CA moving the kid out of state without the proper order is parental kidnapping. If the other parent agrees, you still have to do the paperwork which takes at least 30 days. Maybe the state they live in is radically different, but we have divorced friends in several states and they all need court orders to take their kids across state lines, even if it's to go on a trip. One set of our friends had an amicable divorce and the custody agreement was written with a statement saying if the other parent was in agreement then it was OK. He traveled with a signed letter from the mother giving her permission.

    5. "if Robyn has sole legal and physical custody, she may have sole discretion about moving with the children"

      If she had sole custody as opposed to shared, she wouldn't be driving the kids to another state. She isn't the type to do something out of the goodness of her heart for her children's father. There has to be joint custody or those kids wouldn't see their father again--that man is a purity thief!

    6. "The next thing is changing her son's name"

      I read somewhere that "Dayton" is known by his real name David in school.

    7. If Robyn does get child support it is to only be used for the benefit of those children---it cannot go into the shared family pool---it is for the three children she had with her former spouse...them, and them alone.

    8. Sole physical custody does not mean her ex wouldn't get visitation, it jut means her kids would live with her full time.

    9. I wish her ex would step up and put an end to her public bashing of him, but he must not want anything to do with this. More likely, he has a deal where he doesn't have to pay child support to her or something. Imagine the stories he could share?

    10. "Montana law no longer uses the words "custody" and "visitation." Instead, it uses "parenting" to promote the idea that both parents should be involved in the children's lives"

      So we are all wrong. No custody terms are used. Just parenting....and a parenting plan that is submitted by the parents (together or separately) and then the judge decides what the final arrangement will be.

      "In Montana, the law presumes that "frequent and continuing contact" with both parents is best for the children unless it is proven to the court that this is not true (M.C.A. § 40-4-212). If you want to restrict or limit contact with the other parent, you will need to tell the court why it is in the children's best interests to do so."

      My gosh, just send the judge tapes of SW and he/she will see if the child's best interests are being met! At 14 the kids can petition the court to change the "parenting plan".

  56. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to have access to all your friend's closets? My Sisterwife's Closet is a store that will feature the very different styles and tastes of us four sisterwives.

    I copied and pasted this from their MSWC site, so the misspelling of "Sisterwife's" is NOT me :) I just found this interesting. Why would I want access to their closet, I'm not their friend. I do not want more than one husband, so why would I want jewelry about polygamy?

    Target your customers.... just a thought!


    1. Forget about whether or not you'd like to go through your friends' or the sister wives' closet....

      This web store in no way, shape or form represents Robyn's, Janelle's, Christine's and Meri's closets!!! All they carry is joory, dollar store prizes, watches and some other random stuff.

    2. They still don't know who their target audience is, they must think if they sell it, their fans will buy it. Wrong.

  57. Responding to Hager's Harem and Lobotomized on Kody/ Rosa Parks....

    You both absolutely nailed the chronology and motivation of Kody Brown's life mission.
    He is a career opportunist who found (or created) his own niche for the best possible return for his narcissistic psyche.

    Ego aside, his arrogance insulates him from any awareness or concern about having gone too far in any instance. In this respect, he is clueless to advice or constructive criticism.
    And his "wives" and horde of children are the means he uses to achieve his goals.

    Kody, without his stable for all the world to see, would be just another loud-mouthed, scruple-less wannabee and wanna-have.

  58. A few observations:

    1) I remember Robyn stating a while back on twitter, and perhaps even on the show/an interview, that they don't wear earrings b/c its against their religion. On My FIVE Wives, they briefly talked about that too. How the leaders told Brady to tell his wives to take out their earrings. They were all AUB.
    So, I believe it was/Is frowned upon in their faith.
    However, these last couple of seasons, we have seen Robyn and Janelle wear earrings from My Sister Wives Closet. I don't know if Meri and Christine have. They obviously have pierced ears now. Stepping away from their faith in some ways huh? Wonder how the AUB treats them/sees them now.

    2) Remember a couple seasons back, they had designed TShirts for MSWC? Whatever happened to those? They are certainly not on the site yet.

    1. Oh those were just on Cafe Press. Anyone can do that. The Tshirts (and whatever else they want to sell their designs on) I mean. Unless you're referring to the shirts that Robyn "designed" for Janelle's 5k.

    2. I saw that too!! Maybe they made it into a clip-on to wear for the show?

    3. Robyn made the T-shirts for the 5K, but mentioned wanting to put them on the website.
      The religion says no earring, including clip-ons. Also, on the website there are no clip on options. Not to mention the pair Robyn had on were clearly not clip ons.

    4. Robyn came with pierced ears. If you watch the first few episodes, she wore earrings (clearly not clip ons) as well as short sleeve shirts with no long sleeve whatever underneath. Shortly after that, she took up the Brown way of dressing (fugly) and gave up the earrings....but it appears the earrings are now okay, as I too have noticed that. Guess they decided that rule doesn't count anymore...or doesn't apply to them now. Or, who the hell knows. Kody probably had a vision that the wives could now wear earrings...

    5. I remember someone from their church posted on here or another forum and they said the church was very disappointed in how the Browns were acting. They went on to say that they could tell they were drifting away from the church once Meri cut her long beautiful hair (that must be frowned upon too?) and that if they saw the wives wearing earrings they would know the Browns were lost. Well, it looks like they are now lost! Maybe Kody's rift with the church played a big role in them leaving Utah? I can't imagine any of them wanted to tithe their money now that they are making more money.

      Was that the Browns doing the shirts on Cafe Press or someone else? The shirts and cups had a better chance of selling than the jewelry.

  59. I keep forgetting to mention, CJ, that the capture photo of Robyn at the head of this post is painfully perfect. I want to throw her a roll of t.p. and leave her in peace.

  60. Just a guess. TLC isn't giving the loan, because there IS no loan. It's all faux. And TLC isn't a loan company. They're a broadcasting company. It's the producers (F8F) who are thinking up these story lines in cahoots with the Browns. It wouldn't be the first time TLC has had "fictional reality" shows on. Myrtle Manor is the first one that comes to mind. It's becoming more and more obvious with every Google search that this Stephanie K is SO not a VC. And if there WAS money involved, we'd see it in the website by now, and we're just not.

  61. I can tell you exactly what is wrong with mswc
    They are not selling art, they are selling themselves in every piece. It represents them, not me the buyer.
    Robyn is said to have designed most or all the pieces and it is quite evident that she has no artistic ability. I would not wear an earring with a wrapped present dangling from my ear. Nor would i wear a dangling shooting star or a heart with wings attached.
    Their jewelry is very 80s to me.
    There is nothing modern or stylish about it. It will never be successful just based on that!

    What Robyn should have done:
    If (and thats a big IF) Robyn had designer talent she should have launched a website called..(idk) designs by Robyn or something more diverse. A vision based around a religion that their core audience isn't part of is a big problem. I also strongly believe this should have been a solo mission instead of adding SW's who have no interest or passion for it.
    "designs by Robyn" could have been modern accent pieces to accessorize everyday outfits that all women like to buy and have without paying a fortune for.
    Robyn sabotaged the idea right out of the gate by forcing everyone to take part. I think she did this so if it failed then SHE didn't fail, they all did! She has no individual identity outside of just being one of the sister wives.
    With that being said I don't believe Robyn has the knowledge, talent, drive or the discipline that it takes to design a line of anything.

    1. Agree with all of the above. Also, I can't understand why Robyn wants people working with/for her who clearly don't want to be working there. That's a terrible idea. On that note, I would have fired Mariah after she wrote her condescending bit on Twitter dis-respecting their customers. IF I were ever considering buying a piece from MSWC, I would have changed my mind after reading Mariah's snark towards the customers.

  62. @ Bored_now... Do you mean the guy in the "next best bartender" video from January 10th?? I'm pretty disgusted that TLC thinks it's viewers are that dumb that we won't catch them in this lie. There is no way that these buffoons got this loan and these reality actors claiming to be VCs just proves it to me!

  63. CJ mentioned, the real VCs refused to appear on camera so f8 brought in local actors to play the parts. But like DJ mentioned I think perhaps f8 decided to spice up a really dull season with this fictional story line. this whole mess could have been avoided if Stevie K hadn't put her appearance on SW publicly on her FB. You know, she could still be a VC. Maybe she inherited money. Who knows?

  64. anon 10:46, yep that's the one. but as anon 11:10 said, just because they're actors or in related professions doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't also investors. they might have made enough money to want to invest some of it in a startup. not likely, but possible. i have no idea what things are like in vegas.

  65. i just came back from my first workout of my 'couch to 5k' journey. god willing, i should reach that previously unattainable goal within the next three months. my husband, who runs faster, further and better than me and who once ran over 70k in a single day (mountain marathon) stayed with me during my 30-minute workout and never once complained about the fact that i was going very slowly. on the contrary, he told me to make sure i didn't overexert myself. he certainly didn't 'establish his pace' and ditch me.
    why am i telling you this? because i hate running and it is a form of exercise i never thought i'd choose. up until now, i have always said that i was only running if i was being chased, like that one occasion on which i was pursued by a duck with a criminal record and its posse of chickens. true story.
    then, i saw janelle brown taking part in a 5k run and thought, 'if she can try this, i can do it', and decided to test that theory. so here i am, hoping to prove myself right. as my husband just said, finally something good comes from reality TV.

    1. Well, good luck b0red_n0w! I abhor running. In fact, most exercise bores me silly. But, I do it. I do fast walking for 30 minutes some days, weights other days, swimming laps other days (by far my favorite exercise). With all of that you'd think I'd be svelte and amazing---I'm not. But, I always figure I'm better off than if I do nothing.

    2. Great job b0red_n0w! I have suffered from exercise-induced asthma since childhood and had always used that as an excuse to avoid uncomfortable aerobic exercise. A friend encouraged me to try the couch to 5K program, and it really works. I did my first 5K in week 9 and have been running ever since. I doubt I'll ever finish first, but I am finishing. Just remember, the first two weeks are humbling and sometimes painful, but it does get easier!

      Your husband sounds terrific. His supportive behavior is what you would expect from a fit person helping their partner achieve the same. When Kody blew past Janelle to "establish his pace", I thought - this guy really has no idea what marriage means. He really is a narcissistic jerk. No wonder his family copes by eating straight from the mayo jar.

    3. Hi Bored Now...good for you! I know it isn't easy, but keep at it, little by little everyday....the hardest part is starting...

    4. That's awesome! Keep up the good work and let us know how your program progresses!

    5. Congrats Bored! Sending you a virtual high five! :)

    6. Go Bored ... you can do it! All you gotta do is just keep putting one foot in front of the other until you are there.

  66. More public information of the so called "VC" that doesn't mention a single thing about being a VC: She's also making rude replies on her FB page as well. SUCH a professional. LOL

  67. I'm not sure TLC funding the MSWC loan is that far out. Remember "The Real World" on MTV? Sometimes the house mates would be given projects to work on, and I'm pretty sure MTV funded them. It made for interesting TV.

  68. OK, so I'm stepping in now.

    I read her comments on her Stevie K FB page. I don't think they were rude, considering she was responding to rather rude comments which she has apparently now hidden.

    Just because someone is a talk show exec producer DOES NOT automatically mean they could not be a venture capitalist or the member of a venture capitalist group. Like we used to say back in the day: If you dig, you'll find dirt.

    She appeared on a TLC reality show as a venture capitalist. It's now time to stop digging and move on...

    Thank you!

  69. CJ: Do you work for TLC? I'm asking b/c I wouldn't watch a moment of Sister Wives if not for your blog. The show itself is a yawn (although I feel sorry for the kids), but your blog--now that's entertainment! PS. I've hit the web site many times, just for kicks and jiggles.

    1. Oh no! Say it ain't so! What if cj is really Janelle and has been running this amazing blog just to keep us watching the show? Nah, no one on sister wives is as clever as cj and her pals.

  70. Has anyone else noticed Cody and Janelle swearing in the past few episodes? Their faith does seem to be waning in all regards. Interesting...

    1. Yep, I sure did. Their religion seems to be long gone....

    2. I heard Christine say "crap". Which isn't that bad, but after she threw such a fit about Logan saying swear words I thought it was ironic.

  71. Well if CJ is really Janelle...then Janelle is a much better actress on the show that anyone could fathom.

    Actually, I think CJ is really a former classmate of King Kody !!!

  72. Amused, maybe you are right! Or cj is one of the Dargers. . . Lol!


  73. Come to think of it, I haven't seen cj and Janelle in the same room. Or cj and Elvis.


    1. All right, I confess. You guys have found me out. I am Kody's secret wife, the one that "can not be named". We met on a stormy summer's night. He was barely out of seminary. I was...well...I was old. You see, my name is really Harpo...spelled backwards. I am the secret VC that has been bankrolling their website since the beginning. Here's a mugshot...I mean photo of our love child. He takes after my side of the family (the good looking side)...

      Our Baby Boy

      PS...everything above is fiction except for one thing...I am African-American...

  74. Has anyone thrown out the idea that TLC hold all the mortgages, just so they could carry on this charade, then they will take back the homes when the show ends.
