
Monday, November 18, 2013

I Scour the Internet: The Pre-Thanksgiving Edition for 11/19/13

Hey Everybody!

I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving (next Thursday), but it's also only a few more days until the premiere of TLC's newest polygamy centered reality show, Breaking the Faith.

Too bad I'm not feeling this show will be any different from the less than realistic (but apparently very popular) Breaking Amish reality show.

I mean, how can it be different when the show's executive producers AND the production company are responsible for not only foisting the original Breaking Amish show (and it's subsequent sojourns to Los Angeles and Sarasota FL) on cable viewers, but is also responsible for that  Amish Mafia reality show. Why break from tradition?

All right, I do admit I watched both Breaking Amish and a couple of episodes of the Amish Mafia show, but I swear it was only because nothing else was on, really! And besides, what can be more sexy than watching an Amish dude driving a Mercedes acting like he's some kind of benevolent  gangster Robin Hood?

But I digress...

Unfortunately, I don't foresee the FLDS version "breaking" the sad precedents set by Breaking Amish and Amish Mafia.

In fact, I think there will be a lot of recycling of former scripts from the Breaking Amish shows, except I'm gonna cry foul if there's a scene of the newly exited from FLDS cast members marveling at a cell phone, personal computer, or a Wal-Mart store. The FLDS members are fully acquainted with those items. Trust me.

Anyway, the show premieres Sunday, November 24th. The first episode is titled "Keep Sweet" and according to the guide description, the episode will be about the young women making a risky escape from their polygamous community. Funny, but as mentioned by fellow blogger at The Principle - Politics R Us, some of these women left the FLDS ages ago, so what's up with that?

Let's just keep our fingers crossed that next year TLC won't buy into a show called FLDS Mafia...

Okay, let's get back into a happy happy joy joy land with the latest tweets from our favorite polygamists, the Browns!

Now, I don't know what a Big Box Store is or what they sell (hopefully not Big Boxes) but it looks like Robyn is totally incensed.

Actually Robyn, I think for someone whose customers have resorted to leaving plaintive pleas for order assistance on your MSWC Facebook page, you have a lot of nerve questioning Big Box' customer service. Maybe the management at Big Box read the chapter from your book on how to deal with customers?

Ah....but a week earlier, Missy Robyn tweeted this, which can be seen as a foreshadowing of her hissy fit at Big Box...
Maybe you should have discussed this with a Big Box' manager instead of blasting your Twitter followers that the restrooms were a filthy mess. And you could always volunteer to clean the restrooms as a way of giving back to the community...know what I mean?

Next up, seems Meri is learning a new trade: Making edible leaves! YUMMY!!

Looks like there was a reason for Meri making those leaves. Seems the Browns hosted a party in their cul-de-sac...AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN INVITE ME!!!

I am crushed, I tell you. Absolutely, utterly CRUSHED!!!!

Even Aspyn rubbed it in, with this cute tweet picture of her sisters and a photobombing neighbor.

Now this next tweet from Kody was rather interesting...
I'm still trying to figure out what he's saying, but I think it may have been something political. That's a first...

But leave it to Kody to take time to bond with one of his teens...even if it is on the roof.

And on that note...

Everyone have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving! And remember, I Scour the Internet, so YOU don't have to!!!


  1. Will there be a review of Breaking the Faith? I watched Sunday's show and it wasn't too bad. The guys seemed to talk about sex a lot though.

  2. I was hoping for a review as well. I was finally able to watch it last night. You're right, a lot of talk about sex indeed. But mostly from the guys. Seems like all of them were kicked out for some sort of sexual indiscretion except one. The first episode wasn't too bad. But the glimpse of the upcoming season did seem a little too much like Breaking Amish-esk. Hopefully its only the previews that are that dramatic. I will keep watching though.

    1. Welcome everybody!

      I'm thinking since the first episode of Breaking the Faith ended like a know...will the God Squad catch the girls etc etc etc...that I need to see the second episode to get the whole picture.

      So yes, there will be a review AND it will be posted next week!
