
Friday, November 8, 2013

I Scour the Internet for November 8, 2013

All right, Okay, I admit it...

I was slumming over at the Official (and blue check verified) TLC Sister Wives Facebook page when I noticed, front and center, a blurb (is that a word?) advertising TLC's newest reality show about Polygamy - Breaking the Faith (premiering November 24th).

First of all, I'm still amazed how TLC treats Sister Wives like it was some third rate reality show. I mean, really TLC, you couldn't just set up a separate fan page for Breaking the Faith (did I mention it was premiering November 24? That's in 16 days you know).

Oh darn it. Sister Wives IS a third rate reality bad!

Anyway, here's the "Official" TLC Sneak Preview video for your viewing enjoyment.

Now, is it just me, or do those escapees from the bad old FLDS seem...somewhat worldly? The women's hair doesn't look high enough. And that "getaway" from the God Squad scene looked absolutely phony.

I'm getting vibes that this show will be a hybrid mix of Breaking Amish, Amish Mafia, and the mother of all re-enactment reality shows - America's Most Wanted.

And if this is any indication of the reception this new show will receive, a few comments asked TLC to bring back Sister Wives saying they do not want to watch Breaking the Faith.


We will find out very soon how the new show fares. To those asking when will Sister Wives be returning, hey, your guess is as good as mine, and TLC is ignoring all usual.

On the subject of Sister Wives, I saw this tweet Robyn made just before Halloween:

Why would you want show off that much of your body, indeed.

It seems Robyn's got some memory lost - maybe these pictures from previous seasons will help to refresh her dormant memory brain cells.

Remember, Modest is Hottest!!!

And finally, looks like the Browns are selling some new snuff, I mean stuff that gives you energy!

Funny, it looks just like that snuff tin my great-grandmother used.

So the question you sniff it off the back of your hand, or do you eat it?

Thanks but no thanks. I'll get my energy jolt the old fashion way...anybody want some Starbucks?

Till next time, remember I Scour the Internet, so you won't have to!!


  1. Wow!! I totally must have missed the "snuff" tweet! Funny, at first I thought they were branching into the cosmetics biz because at first glance it looked like eye shadow to me. Until I finished reading. Its sad that they're lots of fans that would buy this crap just because of who they are...And once again all I can say is wow to Robyn. That's about all that comes to mind anymore when I see or read anything about her.

    I'm glad you're still posting about the shows. I love learning more and more about the FLDS and other truths that the old place is sharing. But there's not a lot of hype about either of the new series going on over there. I'm particularly excited for Flora Jessop's show coming in December. I hope its a little more raw than this set up of a show seems to be. I watched a few trailers of Breaking the Faith and I'm with you and everyone else who feels this will end up being another sham show like Breaking Amish. I mean, even the names are the same!! With all the camera's and dangers that seem to be lurking around those compounds to keep outsiders out, I find it hard to believe that any of this is going to be anything other than scripted re-enactments. I'm already disappointed. But of course my curiosity will force me to watch :) Looking forward to the reviews!!

  2. Hey Cynical Jinx! SO glad that you're still around.
    Here what I posted on the real bios (not what TLC wrote) of two of the Breaking Faith folks (more to come):

    1. OMG...I was just on your blog earlier! Excellent information and pictures. I'm thinking this show will be exactly in the same mold as Breaking Amish and Amish Mafia. All three shows share the same production company...Hot Snakes Media.

      And I so agree with you they could have had a more believable show by just straight up telling their story without all the theatrics.

      Thank you for the links and for stopping by!
