
Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Scour the Internet for September 26, 2013

Goodness gracious, what a lot of changes since the last time we had a chance to talk. Lucky for you, I haven't lost my touch scouring the internet for your entertainment!

For instance...

TLC is still riding the wave of Polygamy chic. Not to be outdone by the academic Polygamy, USA series on the even more academic National Geographic channel, TLC recently announced two more "seriously" minded shows focusing mainly on those big bad boys of Fundamentalist Mormon polygamy...yes, I'm referring to the FLDS!!

Now, the one that is probably slated to be a weekly series is called "Breaking the Faith" and premieres on November 24th. According to TLC, this show will follow "...the journey of eight young men and women trying to escape their FLDS lives and build new roots outside the church."

Wait a minute, doesn't that sound suspiciously like another TLC series called "Breaking Amish"?

Makes me wonder just how "real" this new show will be. I can see it all now... After the finale is shown, it will be disclosed that the eight young people are really middle aged actors whose only connection to the FLDS was having lunch at the Merry Wives Café in Hildale/Colorado City...Hmmm

And then there's a show called "Escaping the Prophet" that will follow activist Flora Jessop "...on her mission to expose and destroy the dangerous polygamist cults in America." It's set to premiere sometime in December.

One would think that a prominent public polygamist reality star (you know, Kody Brown) would be quaking in his well-worn buffalo hide sandals at the thought of even more competition in the polygamist arena, but apparently, that's not the case.

I found the following retweet from the Kodster in my Twitter timeline:
Mind you, Kody didn't write a response, but the fact he acknowledged the tweet by retweeting it shows maybe he's not as dense as he appears. After all, he can still continue to shout to everyone willing to listen how HIS form of fundamentalism is different from THEIR form of fundamentalism. Needless to say, it will be interesting how this will all play out in the next few months, for sure!

Not to be outdone in the fundamentalist religion category, TLC also recently posted a blog called "4 Dating Tips from Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar."

Now, call me silly, but who would want to follow the dating tips from Jim Bob and Michelle? I guess we can be thankful it's not tips on contraception techniques.

If you're interested, here are the links to these exciting stories:

One Church Leader and Pastel Prairie Dresses

 4 Dating Tips From Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar

So what's been happening with the rest of the Browns on Twitter this week?

Finally, Robyn answers the question that has been on the minds of their fans for centuries...OK, maybe not centuries, maybe just a couple of seasons (it just seems like centuries):

Who the hell takes care of all those damn kids while the adults are traveling hither and yon to exotic places for their show?

There. Satisfied? I know I am.

And Robyn, what about Kody. Does he wear a different wedding band for each wife, or does he walk on the wild side by allowing his ring finger to go au naturel?

On the subject of four diamonds for four wives, specifically concerning etiquette...Meri, would it ever be proper for a woman to walk up to Kody and ask to be his 5th wife?

Oh dear. Sounds like Meri is still smarting over how Robyn became wife #4.

But at least it seems Meri is still involved in the green koolaid business...

On the topic of the Brown's green koolaid, looks like Janelle likes the color pink instead. C'mon Janelle! Show some solidarity with your hubby and sisterwives marketing biz (unless of course you are making more money shilling the pink exercise stuff)

And the following tweets shows everyone just how far you can push the edge of the envelope with Janelle...and it doesn't look like it's very far, either.

And I bet you thought Robyn was quick to go off on someone. Sheesh, lighten up, Janelle!

Finally, leave it to Christine to maintain her reality (and sanity) her own way, thank you very much...

That's all for now! And remember, I scour the internet, so you don't have to!


  1. So happy I found you and your new blog. Things are getting way too serious over at the old place - if you know what I mean

    1. LOL! I'm glad you found me! Feel free to visit whenever you need a snark or chuckle break!!!!

  2. Happy to find the new blog, too! Will we still get some reviews of the plyg shows?

    1. Welcome!

      Absolutely there will be reviews on the plyg reality shows! My snark has had almost a month of rest and I'm feeling the need to release those 'inner tensions' with some reviews!

  3. CJ - how did you feel about the latest Sister Wives season? Personally I was glad they wrapped up the Meri Baby storyline. Now that they have their houses and have made the baby decision, I wonder what will be up for next season. I absolutely think the phrase "sitting on the no" from Kody is right up there with one of my favorite new ways to say NO. It sounds so much more collaborative to say "let's sit on the no" than "hey I am no longer going to be held hostage by you over this baby thing"

    1. Hey CPA Carol! Welcome!

      Good question. I think Sister Wives is definitely in transition. I'm hoping that next season, the focus will be less on Kody and more on the sisterwives.

      TLC has done a good job setting that up I think. We now have the story arcs of Janelle's weight loss journey, Meri discovering her new purpose in life now that her baby making days are officially over. Christine's arc is still kind of up there...maybe that she will grow up and stop acting so childish. I see Robyn's story arc continuing with her hobby business MSWC - perhaps complicating her rise to business success by her getting pregnant (something Margene on Big Love was afraid of happening because it would prevent her expanding her jewelry business). Anyway, I think TLC wants Kody to know the show is called Sister Wives, not My Four Wives or Kody and his Sister Wives!

      Not to mention TLC has thrown the gauntlet down by showcasing yet another polygamous family (the Williams)!

    2. The Williams wives seem just as unhappy as the Brown wives. We got plenty of tears and baby drama. I enjoy it - makes my mundane life seem pretty good after all. At least I don't spend every minute I have with my husband crying or asking for validation. I think Brady and Kody must both be emotionally exhausted. Seriously.

  4. Okay I know that this an older review from like a month ago...But I was over at the "old place" checking it out for some newer posts, read a new blog about the Sister Wives meet and greet at the Guilt shop where they sell there jewelry and realized...I really miss CJ! No disrespect to the other blog. I still have much love for it! But in all honesty the blog, to me anyway, seems to have gone a little quiet since you left. Not a lot of updated posts. Or uber serious as the poster above mentioned. Your reviews were so eye opening, fun, enlightening, quirky as well as snarky and articulate and I was always super excited for new ones to read. I wanted to find out if you were out blogging somewhere and stumbled on your new blog!
    Good for you for venturing out on your own. If this makes you happy than you have fans of your work that are fully supportive. I, as well as others I'm sure, miss your reviews and blog posts back over there. I don't think its the same without them. I will definitely be a regular of your future plyg posts and others!

    Thank you for opening up your living room once again!

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by, I appreciate it!

  5. Well, now it's December, and I have just discovered this blog after looking longingly for CJ over at the "other place" which I love too, but it is sure is not the same. I feel exactly the same as you do First and Last wife. So glad that I found this blog just today.


    1. I'm glad you found my blog, too! Thank you for dropping by and come back often!
