
Friday, September 6, 2013

Cynical Jinx Review Sister Wives S06Ep07: Polygamy Questions Answered

Kody showing a little more scalp than usual (photo TLC)

First, let's talk about Kody's hair. Well, maybe his lack of hair.  Okay, so we all know Kody's going a "little" thin on top...but...DAMN!

You would think he'd do something about it, like maybe getting hair plugs during the off season, or whatever miracle hair solution men are using nowadays.

Anyway, at the rate he's going, he will soon have the mother of all comb overs, probably even rivaling The Donald's!

 So how does one recap a half hour Q&A session with the Kody Brown Klan? Beats me, but I can guarantee you that some of it will be entertaining...kind of...maybe...

Aspyn just being her perfect self (photo TLC)

My favorite moment? When Kody asked Aspyn to answer the questions: Which mom's the strictest? Which mom's the easier? She flipped her straight golden hair and deadpanned: "I haven't had anyone be strict with me because I'm perfect!"

Alright Aspyn! You get a Hyrum for your perfect answer!

(photo TLC)
Another moment would have been a favorite, if Kody hadn't ruined it. When Kody asked Paedon "Do your kids want more brothers and sisters..." he replied "Honestly, I don't think we need any more. Seventeen is hard to deal with." Big brother Hunter chimed in "I agree with Paedon. I think we have enough kids."

In my opinion, these were wonderful answers that prove SOMEONE in the Brown Krew was capable of rational thought... But of course, Kody, showing a little bit of jealousy with a LOT of insensitivity tells his sons "You know what? Good thing you don't get to decide. I get to have as many as I want!"

I guess that means Robyn is going to be very very busy, unless Kody brings  his 5th fertile Myrtle to the cul-de-sac.  I'm sure Meri can remake Sol's and Truely's room under the stairs into a bedroom for sisterwife #5 to sleep.

I'm giving Paedon and Hunter each a Hyrum for their honesty (even though it might have been scripted.)

Kody get's a Uncle Art raspie for being a first class a$$ (dollar signs intended) to his boys.

(photo TLC)
Leave it to Hunter again to answer the question on modesty (posed by Robyn, the Queen of Modesty, Purity and whatever virtue she can lay her hands on at the moment) " would you want a girl you might like to dress like?" "If it looks good, it looks good!" , he replied. And when Robyn pressed him further by asking " if like her bum's hanging out of her pants..." to which he replied "You know, some times it might look good!"

Aww...from the mouths of babes...

Hunter gets another Hyrum for answering Robyn, the semi virtuous Queen's questions with a smile.
The Semi-Virtuous Queen gets a raspie, for proving even a usurper will have their day in Uncle Art's Raspie court!

So for the next segment, (which made me wonder who in their right mind would pay Kody and his Kodypendents any attention, let alone enough $$$$ to own four McMansions) the adults take over the Q&A.

So long candid answers from the teens, hello scripted responses that you'd have to be crazy to believe they were being truthful in their answers.

Let's delve into the question supposedly from a viewer (but not from Sonia Frompa): What was the most embarrassing or awkward moment for each of you on the show.

Now, I thought about this and as a viewer, I thought in terms of what was the most awkward moment for me. You know, watching something that would make me shake my head while murmuring softly "what the hell?"

Kody about to yank that kid out with just one hand!(photo TLC)
Robyn claimed her most embarrassing moment was giving birth to Solomon and having the process filmed for the show. Somehow, I don't believe she was embarrassed one little bit.

Remember.  Christine also gave birth to Truely on film and showed almost as much thigh skin. The only difference was with Christine, a doctor pulled the baby from Christine's nether regions.  Robyn, however,  had KODY pull the baby out.

In fact, Kody was shown lasciviously coaching a moaning Robyn as Sol made his way down her birth canal. GROSSSSSSS!!!

(photo TLC)

So surprisingly enough, I have to agree with Robyn. Her giving birth was extremely awkward to watch, and Kody being a super a$$ mugging for the camera  multiplied the yuck factor by about a hundred times.

Christine's about to blow her top!

Christine said her most embarrassing moment was when she stormed off the set when Kody announced he had chosen Robyn's wedding dress. Ok, I can see how Christine could feel that way, however, in my opinion she had every right to storm off. If it had been me, I would have punched Kody and his biatch Robyn right in their snot lockers first, and then stormed off the stage, driven home, collected my children and called an attorney. But that's just me.

Christine describing how Presbyterians are sharks!

Anyway, from the viewer point of view, I think the most awkward and extremely embarrassing scene was when Kody and his Krew spoke with the Presbyterian minister about their teen program and Christine went crazy,  talking about protecting her children from sharks. And there wasn't even a toaster in the room! AWKWARD!!
How awful to be weighed in public...     (photo TLC)

So what about Janelle? Her most embarrassing moment was having Trainer Bill (remember him?) blurt out to the world and her sister wives how much she weighed. Yeah, that was pretty awful, so I'm going to give Janelle a break and agree with her from my viewer point of reference.
(photo TLC)
Now, for Meri's most embarrassing moment, I had to laugh. In fact I'm still chuckling. I think if I were to look up delusional in the dictionary, Meri's picture would be right there. Her most awkward moment? It was at Big Bear when she yelled at her bonus kids that they better start accepting Robyn's kids or else. Of course, Robyn thought this was Meri's finest hour. I have to disagree...on both counts.

(photo TLC)

For me, the most awkward moment was watching Meri being hoisted out of a Mexican cave and showing a LOT of cleavage. The words "Coming Up..." were prophetic. Something was coming up all right...I think it was my dinner... Meri, Meri, Meri. What happened to that saying Modest is Hottest? Well, at least she wasn't that  horrid oompa loompa orange color.
(photo TLC)

Last, was Kody's awkward moment, from season one just before he tied the spiritual knot with Robyn. It was his anniversary dinner with Meri. You know, when she asked him how would he feel if she had brother husbands.

I find that Kody thinking this was his most awkward moment kind of ridiculous. I mean, if we were to catalogue every dumb Kody moment on Sister Wives, the weight of the books would stop the rotation of the Earth. Or maybe, if placed end to end the books would reach past the Oort Cloud.

(photo TLC)

For me, the most awkward moment was when he laid a big kiss on Meri, just a few feet from the bedroom where Robyn was laboring away. What is it with this guy. He sucks face with Robyn while Christine is giving birth, and then he sucks face with Meri while Robyn's giving birth.

Something tells me this type of behavior is not religion-based.

Sorry Browns. Even though the Q&As with your kids was fun, the rest of the show with you adults sucked eggs. Or rather, blew raspies. Big juicy ones. So I'm giving this episode one big fat Uncle Art Raspie for being a concocted mess. Like the rest of the episodes this season.

Oh, in case anyone is wondering when this show was taped...

(photo TLC)

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