
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sister Wives: Finale for June 26th, 2016 LIVE TWEET PARTY!!!

Season finale? Mid-Season finale? SERIES FINALE????

Who knows...and frankly I don't think a lot of us even care any more.

It's just seems so weird how this season started just six scant weeks ago, and it's already over.

And it's no secret how disappointing this season has been.

First of all, two hours of Sister Wives is about 1.5 hours longer than the episode needs to be, especially when you factor in those interminable recaps which eventually started recapping the recaps I tell ya, it was hard - extremely hard - not to fall asleep.

It's makes me wonder if TLC , realizing what a snoozefest this season would be, deliberately chose not to extend out this season any long than necessary. So we the audience were stuck with overly long episodes that basically didn't tell us anything more than we already knew just from reading the online rags.

Let's face the facts here. The show morphed into the Kody and Robyn Hour, and it stunk to high celestial heaven. And Meri, no matter how hard she tried to make herself out to be a victim,  came across as a very lonely sister wife who had to watch her former legal husband legalized his fourth wife, who then legitimized her status as a legal wife by promptly pushing out Kody's spirit baby through her Lincoln Tunnel a year later.

You don't need to be a genius to figure out if Meri's catfisher had been a real person, she would have left the cul-de-sac and Kody's not so funny business in a New York minute.

So let's enjoy the final episode(s), and hope, if there is another season, Kody brings in a 5th wife to keep this faltering franchise from slipping into obscurity.

And please, not Mindy. Make it a vacuous, ex-Vegas showgirl. Pulleeeeze????

Hey everybody, you know what time it is...

It's L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   !!!!

Will Kody add wife #5 to his Harem?

I'm waiting for ya, Kody!

Is the Honeymoon Experience finally over for these two love birds?

Robyn: Cynical Jink was right, this season stinks!

Prepare yourself for MORE Kody BLOVIATING!!

Kody proving that doing nothing all day can be hard work!
While Robyn plays the sweet and innocent Queen of the Cul-de-Sac!! Just call her Mrs. Brown, thank you very much!
I DO need an experienced nanny. Ok Kody, you can marry Mindy if you want!
Will Robyn actually tweet tonight?
Well, that depends if the episode has a segment about her, and ONLY about her. Gotta keep up the appearance of being totally self-centered, right?

It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


  1. Erica (Erika?) Hill is the moderator.

  2. Christine and false eyelashes just do not go well together...Christine, you look much prettier without them.

    1. They look so does she even manage to blink?

    2. I tried to wear fake glitter lashes at Halloween & it didn't go well. They made my eyes all red, irritated & watery. I ended up taking them off early.

    3. Their make-up and outfits were really off tonight. Christine was made up, with the Michelle-Duggar hair, full make-up and false eyelashes, while Robyn had just the false eyelashes, and Janelle was nearly bare-faced. Meri could have been orange or not...

      Meri and Janelle were in their faded, tight jeans, while Christine was in some printed leggings (but at least she didn't wear her boots), and Kody wore his sharkskin jacket. Janelle and Meri were in khaki jackets - Janelle's been wearing that same jacket for the last 3-4 shows.

      They didn't look like they were dressed for the same event - before, during or after the tell-nothing. I think that TLC must have cut the wardrobe & make-up budgets, too.

  3. No live tweeting from the Browns again? Probably would've been a good idea considering it's the finale!

  4. Christine 'when your raised in fear'... Kody 'in fear of breaking the law'. Well, here's a bit of advice.... don't break the law, don't worship in a religion that requires you to live in fear. The rest of us pick a religion that respects the law.

  5. It's unwatchable. But, Kody gets persecuted for being a man.

  6. Looks like Kody dressed up for the Tell-All...he's sporting super fluffy hair and his favorite shiny suit jacket.

    1. Grody's outfit reminded me of that Seinfeld episode where George accidentally buys a women's suit. Totally looks like he raided Sobbin's closet.

  7. Kody's angry, beady eyes came out at the beginning of the tell all. He doesn't even hide them anymore. I bet the family paycheck has been cut.

  8. I'm living vicariously through you all. I had my cable reduced and I only get 12 channels now ... none of which are TLC. I wasn't even able to stay awake to watch last week's episode. It was so boring within a few minutes I had to turn it

    1. Every time I try to watch an episode I fall asleep. which isn't a good thing when you're holding a Kindle.

    2. Don't lay down flat and read with a kindle. I drifted off and dropped it on my nose! I thought I broke it for sure lol.

    3. So I'm reading Meri's Twitter and I can't find any bad comments from anyone. She must be blocking people like crazy or, and this is a possibility, I still have no clue how Twitter works LOL.

      And I just have to say if a man had done what Meri did those women praising her on Twitter would have had the total opposite reaction. They'd have hung him out to dry mo doubt. I think she's getting sympathy because she's a woman.

    4. Your nose or the kindle? ;-)

    5. My nose! Lol! The Kindle survived.

    6. I think this is the end and they are bitter.

    7. I don't know why,but everytime I try to reply comment on another posts my reply here! Strange.

  9. Kody is so arrogant. Flipping off the "haters". What a gentleman. Mykelti is very immature. I think it is amazing that all the kids speak like their bio moms and have the same mannerisms. I love Paedon. He is such a teddy bear. Logan is a lot like his dad.

  10. Why is she asking the younger children if they're interested in plural marriage? They're not even allowed to exchange hormones. Also, why is Dayton with this group? He's usually with his half-brothers.

    1. I think the kids have to say they are open to it or ELSE! Remember when Ysabel said no way to polygamy and took Logan to the father daughter dance at the beginning of the show? I think these kids don't want the backlash at home.

  11. Dayton---the wisest of the lot. "There's a whole world to see [before settling down]""

    1. That was the most intelligent comment from all the kids and he didn't follow it up by saying his dad was "amazing." Love Dayton (David)

    2. Dayton keeps it real. I like him.

    3. I absolutely adore Dayton. He has handled a lot of upheaval and craziness with more class and wisdom than any of them. I wish only the best for all the kids, but I've had a soft spot for that sweet young man for a long time.

  12. I noticed a second Brown child saying they have too many kids in the family. Is Robyn going to go all evil Queen on her now?

    1. lipstick on a plygJune 27, 2016 at 9:06 AM

      It was Janelle's youngest girl. I think the other vocal one was Hunter. They are both Janelle's, which make me think there must be some discussion about this topic in her house, and I assume it is lead by Janelle herself.

    2. Oh to be a fly in Janelle's house! It's pretty clear none of Janelle's kids are going to choose polygamy. Not sure if it's because they saw their mom get ignored continuously, because they were ignored by Kody, or if they just happen to have more common sense but you can tell Janelle's kids see right through the disaster that is polygamy.

  13. Isn't it interesting how only Meri and Janelle consistently tweeted this season? Note to Producers (including Amy Doyle): It doesn't look "good" when a majority of your reality "talent" refuses to tweet to their fans, or gives the finger to "haters". Haters watch your friggin' show too, Kody should be more grateful.

    1. I kind of wonder if TLC is happier not having Sobyn or Kody tweet because they only alienate people? It is weird that the rest of the family hasn't been tweeting, I've always thought the Browns should have hired a better manager to help keep them in line and self-promote.

    2. Dear Anon. 12:59; I don't think we can assume they've hired a manager!! Maybe a good first start would be to hire someone to manage their P.R./damage control?? If they do have someone hired, they should be fired. I think they rely on TLC giving them advice whenever it crosses TLC's mind to do so. It certainly doesn't appear to be any clear, coherent strategy - they need more of a fixer at this point - bring on Olivia Pope!

    3. @Big Sky, that's a good question if they even have a manager or not. I seem to remember that they had someone in their family representing them in the beginning but I could be making that up in my head!

      Anyway, they need someone to help manage them and work on their image who isn't TLC. The adults all should have had someone help them figure out how to do their hair and makeup, what clothes flatter them, and how to move on gracefully from things they don't wish to discuss. They definitely needed someone smarter than them to tell them "No, My Sister Wives Closet is a terrible idea, but if you must do it start by changing the name and finding products someone might actually want to wear".

    4. Kody looked like a jackass giving the camera the finger. Kody, you are supposed to be the head of a family created with a spiritual intention. What kind of example are you providing? Shame, shame, shame (I've been into this Game of Thrones reference; there was a zealous religious group who used 'shaming' techniques to keep certain blasphemers in check, like a 'walk of shame' (naked) through the city streets while epithets and shit are hurled toward the un-pious).
      Speaking of Game of Thrones, any of you fans, of course, know "Arya" who is one of the coolest young survivors of her family's demise. It is pronounced quite like Kody's version of 'Ariella'--"Aria".
      Kody, if you had any sense of honor you would NOT be giving the finger to America.

    5. I also felt the finger was horrible, but if you have such a limited vocabulary what else can you do? This entire family has communication problems

  14. Cold Sores MultipliedJune 26, 2016 at 6:12 PM

    I won't be able to catch tonight's episode for a day or two. Last week's episode had me wondering if the producers think they can keep interest in the show alive by revealing more of Kody's outrageous and even despicable side, which has always been there but was maybe played down.

    I was surprised to learn in last week's episode that the Boss-General-President can't tolerate being in the presence of pork, given his love of porkin' options and the fact he has pork-reated 15 times.

  15. Wasn't Christine 19 when she married Kody? didn't they date like 3 weeks? Why wouldn't she realize her children would think it was ok to do the same thing?

    1. Right?!?!?!?! I was screaming at the t.v. that at least Mykelti is dating a guy who actually liked her and wants to be with only her, unlike Kody who made it clear that he was repulsed by Christine and didn't want to marry her, but dim Christine chose him for marriage anyway. Ridiculous.

    2. I understand Christine's fear of Mykelti getting married. But, that's all the Browns talk about! Marriage and babies!!! Marriage & babies!!!! Now they feel like as adults, that is their next step. Forget being in a long term relationship, or waiting til they're older and more stable. It's get married and have babies! I really hope Logan does not feel pressure just because Maddie got married, and now Mykelti. He seems to have a stable loving relationship with Michelle. He seems to be even keel like Janelle. I really hope he takes his time. They are all so young. I loved Dayton's reply to the host: There's so much to see in the world. He is a smart well balanced kid.

  16. Pork-reated. I love you!

  17. An actual question about Kody and Meri's marriage being weak before the catfish, and maybe that is why the catfish happened. You go, Erica! She is asking a few more actual questions than the other hostesses have.

    1. I thought she did a great job! She kept the questions flowing, asked follow-up questions, and didn't mince words - she was direct and asked some touch questions. It's a shame the Brown clowns danced and refused to be honest about the real issues as always. At least she asked the questions though.

    2. I enjoyed her questions much more than the other interviewers, some of the Browns looked genuinely uncomfortable.

  18. Late to the party.

    Just tuned in to see Kody give the finger and watch Meri "lie" her denin-squeezed butt off about her plans with Sam the Sham.
    How DO these people sleep at night???
    Meri says she never intended to cross any boundaries. Uhh, Meri.......sending selfies with the ol' banana is a bit crossing the boundary, don't you think.
    And Kody......No, no "haters" messed with your marriages.......YOU encouraged people to watch, observe and form opinions with your assine, phony show.

    And I see Christine is sporting her Daisy Duck, foot long lashes again.

  19. I think Kevin Frazier should host SW Tell nothings b/c he would be asking good questions & not letting them skirt around uncomfortable questions plus he doesn't play favorites. He hosted the Little Women: LA reunion & he did a great job.

    1. He hosts Marriage at First Sight reunions and he is tough. Very good suggestion!

    2. Yeap, banana crossed the line. so did the bathtub pic. So did the pleading voice messages...oh yea, she was just looking for friendship. The rest of the world isn't as goofy as the cult o sac, if they even believe it. But only her family matters she says. Got news for her, Mariah isn't buying it

  20. Meri is taking a lot of heat from viewers via Twitter tonight too bad it wasn't a more honest recollection of what actually happened. That was the most interesting thing about this show in years.

  21. Dear Mariah... I am so glad you are perfect, and that your Mother has never had to forgive you for any of your actions.

  22. What is Christine wearing and her makeup WTF? You can tell TLC is not paying for makeup and wardrobe anymore. Geez these women need serious makeovers. Meri refuses to be honest about the catfish thing. She deserves to be miserable.

    1. I think she'll be miserable for a very long time unless, or until, she owns up to the truth. I wonder if she can look herself in the mirror after telling the whopper lies like she has done. She has to have really done a lot of fast talking to get the group to believe her side of the story - and how stupid or incredibly gullible and naive they are to believe her nonsense in the first place. It's like we're watching 5 adults with their heads in the sand refusing to hear or see what is taking place in front of them and refusing to listen to soooo many people who have told them what actually happened.

    2. I think they all listened to the voicemails and read all of what that crazy woman wrote. They want us to think they feel this way So we can some how ne convinced that meri was not responsible in her part of the catfishing. It amazes me how their are still people out there that believe this mess. Saying poor meri and kody is such a strong man. Oh please they are nothing but fools that can't tell the truth for nothing. I am insulted that they think we would fall for the bull crap. I live in Las Vegas now and hope I never run into them.

    3. Meri is going to be miserable until she finally admits polygamy isn't for her and leaves.

  23. Is it possible that Mariah is really angry with her mother because of the divorce? Meri gave up (in her version, willingly) the one thing that made Mariah special. It would be very like the young lady she has portrayed on this series to resent that. I am glad that Mariah got a chance to get an education. I hope she continues to mature. I do hope she learns to really figure out her motivations. I think she is being partially honest in her talking head. She is angry. She does have a point, but I do not believe she is fully admitting the reasons for her anger.

    1. She is supposed to be an adult. She should be in a relationship herself not effected by the parents. She doesn't live at home.

    2. Mariah sure seemed on board with the divorce as it was going down. Feelings can change, but I really think the whole catfish infidelity thing is enough to justify Mariah's anger. I'd feel betrayed, too.

    3. Not really. She said I don't really care with a pouty look, little less tantrumy than when they were last to move into the news house. Her parents relationship legally divorced is none of her business. She doesn't live there. It's really no different than the world knowing her dad actually sleeps with several people. She is an adult living away at school and old enough to be married. If she is still in her parents business she hasn't been raised to be an adult. Kody doesn't get all people on board when he marries an extra person. I'm sure some fake it until they leave home or get to know the person more. No way 20 people are going to know and love adding a new mom/sister wife in the tiny anount of time that is their courtship period.adults come and go. Adult relationships in their family change all the time.

    4. Mariah knows more than she's letting on. Meri has probably confided in her that she wanted to leave Kody regardless of the catfisher and rocked Mariah's world. Knowing mom and dad are getting a divorce is hard at any age.

      I also imagine Kody's reaction to this situation was much, much uglier than what was shown on t.v. He's admitted to treating the kids badly when he's mad at their moms, that probably took Mariah by surprise too since she's been used to being the golden child.

      I predict Mariah is going to go in a totally different direction than we all thought a year or two ago, I think it will be a good thing in the end.

    5. Agree. If his reaction to parking, noise, being ignored and other trivial crap is over the top anger..I can't imagine he was calm about this.

    6. Yea , it's very possible! That's the one thing that Mariah had the rest of the kids didn't . Her mom and dad were legally married. She never got anymore full siblings, and she watched her mom put her foot down and demand the exact same amount of the pie for her and Mariah that other wives had to distribute amongs many siblings . Somewhere along the years, Mariah and her mom became extremely snug, confident in the fact that they were the only legal mother daughter in the whole klan!

  24. What can one say...another SW season is over !!?? (thank you, God)

    The interviewer was better than expected with questions, not great at getting lucid answers.
    But, if nothing else, the Browns are skilled at side-stepping truthful answers. Sooo many lies.
    There was little to no "new" news/revelations other than the "NOT"-believable declaration that Meri has never seen or heard the vm's/ texts/ pics from her to Sham that the catfifh has released. She knows nothing about any of them and consequently has no idea if they are authentic !! And neither does Kody. SUCH BS !!!
    So with nothing to to go on as far as content for this 2 hour BS-fest, only thing left to note is their fetching attire and hair/makeup.
    Kody has apparently adopted more than just Sobbin's kids. He now has decided to wear jackets that are too small and too tight. He looks like he shopped for that faux sharkskin-like sport coat at Walmart's pre-teen dept. Sobbin has always been partial to too small, too short jackets too.
    So it's cute that they match now.

    Christine's choice of a black and white paisly/gypsy long skirt, coupled with the long sleeved bright pink top and topped with a too small denin vest.....all she needed was a tie-dye headband and PEACE sign. And, of course....there were the eyelashes !!! Oh and ugly sandals.

    Jangle was quite subdued both in makeup and in her dark jeans, dark blue top and olive drab something or other with long sleeves. Dark socks and dark shoes completed her ensemble. She was dressed to quietly blend into the couch. And it worked. Good job, Jangle.

    Meri was...what else.... poured into her signature jeans, with a reddish top and a olive green denin-style utility jacket. She came to the couch ready to do business, Meri style. It was the "Meri" show tonight.
    Hair was fluffed out with waves, mascara and liner in place. Lip shrugs were flying freely as she watched Kody squirm through his BS answers.

    Sobbin chose a different look. She was all pasty and pale in faded pink and neutrals. She had little to no makeup on...just a big round blob of blush and that was it. Surprising to say the least.
    Even with Jangle's "I am not really here look".... Sobbin looked the plainest and dare I say "oldest" of them all. The look on Sobbin's face is "Umm, does being the Idiot's legal wife have a return clause??"

    And what was with the flat, greasy hair on Janelle, Sobbin and Kody??? All three of them looked like they forget to wash their hair. Obviously, very obviously....TLC has quit paying for primping.

    1. Sobyn sure has aged in the past few years, that's for sure. she doesn't seem very happy. Not sure if it's because she's not the center of attention this season or if there is something wrong in the cult duh sac. Either way, she's already left one marriage, she won't hesitate to leave another so Kody should be ready.

    2. Robyn looks like Momma Robyn now. She has that motherly look to her now, compared to before Sol was born. When they first showed her and Kody courting, she looked really youthful, & somewhat carefree. But now, she just looks saddled with responsibility. The difference between her having 3 kids and 5 is pretty different. She's not as thin as before, which is to be expected, but she does look different from when she was first introduced to us.

  25. They included Caleb on the couch, and he even spoke. They showed Michelle (?) off-stage, when Logan said that proposals/marriages will come in packs. But, they never showed or mentioned Mindy. Maybe they can't decide if she should be on the older kids' couch or the wives' couch.

  26. I'm so tired of Christine saying that they have a fear of hospitals for birthing their babies because there is a question on filling out the birth certificate . She says they aren't very trusting.... Stop insulting us, we all know the real fear is from being caught executing welfare fraud . If they're single moms, they're eligible for government benefits. When meri was "catfished" Christine was the first to say polygamists are very trusting.... That's why meri was an easy target... But than she goes on to sat polygamists are secluded and they trust no one... That's why they dont use hospitals.... Which us it??!!!!

    1. I think after those Q&A about hospital births, at least for me, it was clear that Kody is not listed on the kids' birth certificates.

      She said they were raised in a culture of fear (but only Christine really grew up in polygamy) and that's why they didn't want the father's name on the birth cert., but unless I've missed something, I've never heard of anyone being arrested, investigated, prosecuted, etc., because a father's name appeared on too many birth certificates. Unless the women delivered their babies one right after the other and the certificates were processed in very quick succession, I doubt anyone would notice the same name on multiple certificates anyway.

      Who filled Christine's head full of these stories? Kody, her mother, her own bonus mothers?

    2. The adoption of Robyn's kids had to hurt the bio kids. Christine made it obvious that Kody is not listed on most of the bio kid's birth certificates. Yet Kody went on air pontificating about how important it was for him to be on the birth certificates of the "new kids."

    3. Christine has all the plyg lies down pat, too bad everyone can tell that she's lying. I can only imagine the hurt that Christine and Janelle's kids feel that Kody isn't on their birth certificates but their dad moved mountains to get on Robyn's first 3 kids' birth certificates. It will come out eventually.

    4. Exactly Piper, Nurses do not ask if you are married to the Dad . There are lots of single parents giving birth.They do not use a marriage certificate as a pass.

    5. Nurses who work in the Maternity ward call the birthing mothers "mommy" and the men with them "daddy". It's most likely just easier that way, then they don't have to worry about messing up people's names. You are just a job to be done, pop that baby out...clean up...paperwork...and onto the next.

      The fear is all from within the cults. They have to keep the fear real with every part of life to keep the control over the members of the cults. The best way to do this is to begin as children. Control them all, fear of everything. Christine is obviously the most indoctrinated.

  27. Every time I hear Kody speak, I think of the words of Abraham Lincoln: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

  28. The rehashing of Meri and Janelle's relationship. Really? If they are going to talk about it at least talk about your problems now, and not the ones you had twenty years ago.

    As for the whole wreath shopping, I always roll my eyes when Meri states I don't know what the problem is you like it you buy it. Easy for the woman who lives alone to say but gets an abundant amount of money, and buys anything she wants with no thought. When you got six children, you gotta pause a second before making purchases. Since they got rich, Meri lives in this bubble. She doesn't work, doesn't watch the other children, and spends her time and money on herself.
    And with Mariah anyone notice the expensive as hell apple watch she was wearing? Meri spends some serious bank on her gifts to Mariah.

    Mariah and Meri are soooo alike.Mariah is really trying to milk this for all its worth. Both Meri and Mariah play victims and are often concerned with their own feelings.

    1. Excellent comments and observations.

    2. Meri's lying bugs me. Janelle being only a thinker explains her corpulence.The couch scenes are perfect for her. I am guessing sitting on her azz is her hobby. I worked and made my kids breakfast. Logan covers for Kody but then you see him look away a lot when Kody is outed as a fool. Speaking of which that boy who said Kody has no talent reminds me of Kody. When he was asked the polygamy question he said about opportunities coming his way or something to that effect. He may be a little mini-me of Kody.

  29. Geez this tell all as usual sucks. I have been watching maybe 10 min and have forwarded so much I am on 48 min. I think Ill be done within the next 5 minutes. Robyns daughter irritates me like
    Mariah does. Has to be center of attention constantly.

  30. If only they would honestly tell us which birth certificates have Kody listed on them. I'm sure Mariah was the only one until Robyn came along. I do wonder if he is on Sol's since the other legal birth is you will is really the newest one.

    1. Birth records are public. If anyone who really wants to know lives close to the area the Browns lived in when the kids were born, they could find out easily.

  31. Did anyone catch the note on Robyn's fridge? I had to re-wind and pause to read it... something along the lines of "Please talk to Robyn or Mindy before taking any food from this refrigerator!" Poor Koduche doesn't even have a say in his own house. XD

    I can't help but wonder if this loving notice is intended for the whole family (including Robchin's bio kids) or if it's just for her "bonus" family.

    Boy, it sure is great to share with such a big family, ain't it? I'm feelin the love!!

    1. I hate to do this a mom who has meals planned out it is very helpful to know what is being consumed in order to keep track of what is available for dinner or what needs to be replaced. It hurts me to support Robin on anything but I have to. When you go to cook a meal and half your planned items are gone then it's frustrating. I do have a magnetic grocery list sheet on my fridge for people to write on there what they ate or needs to be bought versus a yoi need permission sign.

    2. Sandy - Agreed. I too meal plan, so if something goes missing from the fridge that might be a crucial ingredient to dinner, we might end up having to raid the freezer for dinner. So it is in everyone's best interest to ask in my home. With that said, I do have certain snacks and foods both in fridge and pantry that are fair game snacks - like trail mix, yogurt, granola, fruit, etc. So no one is starving! I also don't have twenty 20+ bonus family members who can walk into my home at any moment. So theres that...

    3. Teenagers will eat anything not nailed down. You come in at 6pm to make dinner, open the fridge and it looks like it's been ransacked lol. I totally get the note. ;)

    4. I distinctly remember Robyn proudly saying how ALL the teens loved to come to her house and eat her leftovers. Looks like that little scene from the show with the teens chowing down was all fake apparently. This just reminds me of what really happens with SisterWives in that to gain favorite status they must feed their part time husband all his favorite foods to keep him coming back. Robyn apparently can't do that if bonus kids raid her fridge!

    5. I always told my kids what NOT to eat because it was planned for supper, everything else was fair game, but again I didn't have nearly 20 kids. I can see how that would change the grand scheme of things. I expected them to want a snack after school & had a son that would get up and eat in the middle of the night. No big deal as long as you didn't eat the roast I had out for supper. KIDS EAT. especially teenagers

  32. So something has happened that I have never seen before. I hopped over to the Sister Wives Facebook page and those women are tearing Meri apart. They feel like they have been duped, and they are saying she and Kody are liars (duh...).

    Usually nobody is allowed to say anything because the other women on that page will call you a troll. Today I have seen very little support of Meri. I definitely think this show is over.

  33. I have forgotten what the topic was, but when Kody got really upset his true colors came out. He didn't appreciate all the wives banding together and laughing at him. "At ME!" His eyes were beady and his brow shifted forward about six inches. What were they talking about?

    1. It was about Robyn being mouthy. He was about to seriously lose it until they switched topics

  34. I really wish one of us could host the tell all episodes, because then it would be a "tell all" and not "what we have scripted all."

    Kody: Yep, the guy who basically blamed all of us online for he and Meri's marriage problems. We influenced Meri to being in such a vulnerable state, that WE caused their marriage problems, and allowed Meri to be catfished. He wants us to watch his show,giving them ratings, so he can continue to get paid by TLC. He wants us to go to Sister Wives Closet, and buy their crap. Just don't say anything negative about him online!!
    Sorry Kody we are not your wives. We are educated, empowered women. And if telling Meri she deserves better than you, and she started to actually believe it, well sorry...not.

    Meri: Okay you got catfished. You thought you had an out, it turned it out, it was a lie. But you got to OWN it. You left voicemail messages saying you love him, to call you, I mean come on, don't say you felt threatned to leave those messages. You fell in love with someone that didn't exist. You felt no connection to your sister wives, to your husband. With Mariah gone, you felt no connection to the family. You fell in love, left these messages, pictures, you wanted to leave Kody, but then found out you got catfished, and now are choosing to stay. OWN it.

    Janelle: The "pink elephant" in the room. Janelle's weight loss was such a big story. You got kudos on the last tell all. You gained it back. Now we just drop and not talk about it again. Talk about the struggles. Cause if you are not talking about weight loss, all you talk about is your problems with Meri, that happened twenty years ago. I know it's safer to talk about twenty year old problems, but why not talk about why you don't get along now. That you were upset that Meri who lives alone, or has one child, gets the same food budget, and money budget as a mother who has six children.

    Christine: At least they didn't show the rock tower clip for the 50th time. But since they didn't you really didn't have much to say. This show was taped in April, (since Kody said he had a 4 month old baby), and we know in June Mykelti announced her engagement. Guess that 6 weeks between the taping, and the announcement, really changed your views. Guess you got to know the fiance and his family much much better in those 6 weeks.

    Robyn: Can TLC please send a makeup artist next time? Can we ask about why she has her niece helping her with the children, instead of her sister wives? Can we ask about Sister Wives closet that has been hacked and has porn on it for months now, and no one even cares? If you are so dependent on this money from this business and this is the business you are work on, why does no one care?

    1. Can TLC please to a makeover for all of the Brown parents? Pleeeease?

  35. Where was Maddie's wedding? WTF? I have a feeling something has gone seriously sideways between the Brown's and their producers. The whole season (if you can call it that) was particularly bad, even for them. It was odd and disjointed through out... I just don't get it... Even the Roloff's caught a wave with their kids' weddings, and like the Browns, that was a series that had nothing new. I'm just dying to know what is really going on between the Brown's and TLC. I have a feeling Kody has probably become unbearable. His arrogance and sense of entitlement just ooze out of him...

    1. They ended the season before the wedding took place. Caleb and Maddie were not married when the tell-all was taped. I'm guessing that if the wedding was taped, it'll be the opening show on the new season - if there is one.

  36. I think Janelle has aged the best over the course of the series. The years have not been kind to the rest of them. Are any of the others even pretending to work? Are they still selling stuff online?

    1. A warning message still pops up that states that mysisterwifescloset will download malicious software. This has been going on for months with no resolution. If I had an online business that had been hacked or spoofed or in any way compromised, I would be on the phone with my webmaster in a hot second. Clearly, this business exists solely as a tax write-off for the family. It's not even a "hobby" business at this point. Perhaps Robyn doesn't understand that maternity leave isn't a thing when you own and operate a business. (and work from home??)

      I did notice that the website wasn't plugged 1x during the current season, and the ladies weren't sporting their Kody originals in the tell-all.

    2. Agreed, the rest have aged about ten years in the past 3. To think they say fat don't crack, guess not in the Brown's case.

  37. I have to think we haven't seen the end yet. TLC loves weddings more than birthing babies and I am thinking they will try a big reboot with Maddie's wedding as the bait.

    Tamron Hall you took a hiatus from tv refusing to show up for MSNBC or the Today show after the unexpected death of your "best friend" Prince and have been capitalizing on talking about him ever since. You may have been easier on the eye than our new interviewer Erica Hill - but I think we all can agree we will take the Hill to the Hall for asking more coherent questions and at least attempting follow-ups.
    Meri & Kody - brilliant strategy to claim you haven't listened to any of the voice mails or read the texts, therefore you cannot be drawn into a discussion of them. I give you credit for coming up with this. And since this was not a presidential debate run by Fox or CNN the producers of this show didn't have any clips spun up and ready to play for you to hear of the voicemails to force a comment. Wouldn't that have been great tv?? Instead of watching those horrid re-re-re-caps, they could have played the voicemail recorded by the catfish where Meri proclaims Sam Sham to be taller, stronger, better looking, hell - basically better at everything including life than Kody.
    Robyn; I love how more of the catfish story dribbles out of you. At first you knew nothing until you tearily proclaimed on the last tell-nothing that you were the one to force the truth out of Meri when you hounded her to divulge to you what was wrong. Now, not to be out done by Meri, you claim you were also being catfished in tandem with Meri. And now you claim you knew all along and asked Meri several times what was going on.
    Christine; I only have one thing to say - at least you were honest that you were not happy about Mykelti's engagement.
    Janelle; Take charge of your life and get back to losing weight!! You were making progress. We know you are never going to leave Kody, but at least find solace in something other than food.

    1. I wonder if Tamron Hall was a JW Prince . That would explain her pushing a sexist show like Sisterwives. TLC could have played the audios.People or Us could have outed Meri. These people get paid as promoters instead of reporters.

    2. I'm not sure what is meant by "JW Prince". Anybody?

    3. Oh, I think it indicates "Jehovah's Witness" like Prince. Sorry for the Patrick Starfish brain.

  38. I was a bit floored how a family could make a storyline, fraught with such drama and dysfunction, so boring.

    1. Ha, no kidding. It seems like everyone was sedated and coached for the reunion. I can just hear TLC telling Kody that he needs to come across as more sensitive, .....and Janelle she needs to smoothe everything over and keep the peace,..... Christine keep smiling and tell everyone how great polygamy is,..... and Meri, you need to be the victim and cry a lot ,, and Robyn, for goodness sakes! Just keep quiet because the fans don't like you.

    2. Yes! If they aren't going to be at least a little honest and real, I cannot watch anymore even if I can find the episodes for free on Youtub. This show is the only reason I pay for cable and I can't even sit thru the episodes anymore.

      When Kody says he doesn't see how what Meri did could be emotional cheating he's only saying what he thinks he is "supposed" to say. Just be honest or get off tv!!! We can see right through it all after all these years buddy! It's so selfish and self serving to say it was just a friendship. It releases him and Robyn of the guilt from the pain they inflicted on Meri!! Ugh!!!!!

  39. Starting with something positive, I am glad that it looks like none of the Brown kids are going to choose polygamy. Even Sobyn's daughters were side-stepping the question. The kids all looked great and everyone was genuinely happy about the new baby. Now...

    Christine is a total idiot for going on t.v. to rant about how Mykelti is making a mistake getting married too young. Okay, it probably is a really bad idea, but don't say that publicly, ever. There's going to be resentment for years over these comments. At least Mykelti managed to find a guy who actually likes her, wants to be with only her, isn't related to the family, isn't way older, and has actually dated her. Christine chose a man who clearly wasn't in to her and said he was repulsed by her. I don't think Christine even got to date Kody, she just chose him because she thought he was hot and she thought she'd get to be the last, youngest wife, ha. I wouldn't listen to her advice either if I was her child. I doubt Mykelti is going to visit much once the show is over. I think it's ridiculous how over the moon the family was about Maddie (who is only a few months older) marrying a much older man just because they knew his family. Mykelti didn't give up a scholarship or drop out of college for this guy either, unlike Maddie.

    The younger group of kids looked happy and healthy during their couch interviews. I hope they manage to keep their weight down and keep positive because they have a great chance of making it out before their parents lose everything.

    Meri still refused to admit she wanted out of her marriage and blamed the catfisher for putting in her thoughts. Guess I can't blame her, she's got to keep the paychecks coming. It would be nice if the adults could accept responsibility for their actions and just apologize and move on. Once the show is over she'll be out. Mariah is a very angry young woman and she knows more than she's telling. It would do Mariah well to stay away from home for a while.

    Kody's rage behind the scenes over Meri's affair must have been epic. Everyone seems way more subdued. I think they're all playing sweet for the cameras to keep the show going. They are all probably mad at Meri for being so stupid. Christine and Robyn were smart enough not to bite when the catfisher went after them and I always thought Meri was the smarter wife.

    Janelle's gained most of her weight back ): But she's still the best looking wife.

    Robyn looked unhappy last night. Hard to say if it is because she isn't the center of attention or if it's something else. She is also so done having babies but you know Kody is going to push her until she gives him at least one more. Whatever went down between Meri and Robyn over Sham, Robyn looks like she knows she lost Meri as her only ally in the family.

    1. Robyn must not be keeping it a secret that she is done having babies - one of the younger girls on the couch (I think one of Christine's) said the pregnancy had been "so hard" on Robyn that this will be it for babies. I wondered to myself what was so "hard." Having a nanny for my two younger kids? Having two older kids and an older bonus kid to also help around the house. Having an easy enough pregnancy that you can give birth at home and make little noise or distress while in labor? What is so "hard??!!"

    2. Lol Big Sky, what is so hard for Robyn indeed! I think it's a combination of she doesn't want to keep gaining weight and she sees the show ending soon.

    3. Chancellor's weight gain is indicative the cul-de-sac environment must be EXTREMELY stressful. I don't see Maddie's wedding being the cause. Older kids leaving to get away? I WISH I was a fly on the wall in those McMansions!

    4. Chancellor's = Jangle (Damn spell checker!!)

    5. Now Jangle's other name is "The Chancellor".
      This gave me a good chuckle.

  40. My apologies for not being able to contribute to season critique (didn't watch anything), but I wanted to point this out:

  41. Isn't Robyn's eldest son fixing to graduate soon? Wonder how that will turn out. Hope he ventures out as well.

  42. A lot of comments about Meri not admitting that she wanted out of the marriage so that she can keep the TLC paychecks coming in. I'm thinking that if she wants to make more money she could either start her own spin off show (kate plus eight) or write a tell all book. She could be the Unsinkable Meri Brown and let the Kodouche ship sink.

  43. So after the ashes of "nothingness" have begun to it possible that we learned *anything* from the latest Tell All ????.

    So silly to call it "tell all" because we all know how TLC crafts these inane SW season wrap ups. They are designed to tell nothing yet keep promising "something" commercial to commercial to satisfy those sponsors.
    Instead, these "tell All" epps are simply low-budget episodes minus any TLC funded trips, no house stalking with full crews, no waiting for the current brood mare to start labor or adult kids to come home to be wowed with a repeat of strung lights. These season finales only require a script of questions handed to the hostess/MC and the Kodyworld performers.
    SO... what did we possibly learn:
    1- Kody, beyond all odds or reason, is a bigger ass and loser than even the past seven seasons have showcased. He is not just a Class A Idiot on all levels, he is also a very nasty, duplicitous, indifferent, self-absorbed cretin. He only plays "loving daddy" to the children that garner him camera time.
    Kody is despicable. Consequently, Sobbin is his perfect mate !!
    They deserve each other !!!!

    2- Meri (and Kody) had the brass ones to pitch that ridiculous story that they hadn't viewed or heard any of Meri's adolescent and horny ramblings to her lover.
    Kody and Co have insulted viewers *many* times with outrageous lies and distortions through the years, but this one.. this one is "epic" in its deliberate and arrogant assumption that viewers are THAT stupid and gullible.

    3- Mariah needs to get a therapist ...STAT.....and not to Nancy.

    4- Sobbin has realized just "what bed" she has made for herself.
    Choices, Sobbin...all about choices. Sleep well.

  44. It's not shocking because of what we know about the Browns and I'm not convinced we should be sad about their states of marriages/affairs/lives, so... I'll just say isn't it interesting (but that's not the right word or sentiment either. lol) how all the wives seem to be scared of Kody and afraid of voicing their true feelings. Why is that? What a wonderful way to live. NOT

    It is obvious all the wives feel the "legal" marriage means something, but they seem to be afraid of voicing that opinion. Are they saving face in front of the cameras or are they so deluded that they actually believe it. For all of their arguments otherwise, including identifying certain wives to be blunt and not afraid of speaking their minds, none will stand up for themselves and admit their feelings about anything to do with each other, their marriages, Kody, etc.

    I thought it was interesting how Meri shielded herself against further anger or punishment from Kody during the catfish discussions by saying she never thought about really leaving; she stayed because of the kids, you know, those bonus children that she has no relationships with. Yeah, those kids.

    Kody talking like he's smarter than the host and the viewers and using words he doesn't know the meanings of. He's such a fool. Do you think someone has told him yet what an avatar really is or are they having too much fun watching him make a fool of himself? Nah, I wouldn't tell him either. lol

    The wives all seem to be following along behind Kody like mindless and spineless women, afraid to voice their hurt, anger, joy, opinions, needs and appear to be content to bury their heads in the sand just as Kody told them they would do.

    1. This fear really showed in a repeat this season. When Janelle was repeating over and over again, "I didn't know Kody, I didn't know.". This occurred after the television hanging fiasco. It made me think of trying to calm down an abusive husband. It had comedic value, but ... I wouldn't want to spend my life keeping this clod from boiling over.

    2. I have noticed this as well. I dont think he hits the women, or anything like that, but he sure seems to carry a long term grudge. I can see him being upset with Meri, Janelle, and Christine, and not wanting to visit them. Instead of "rotating" from one to the other, I can see him skipping to see a specific wife if they had a disagreement or argument. Which, really isnt fair. They only get him every 4 days, then to skip a rotation because he's upset and hasnt gotten over it?? I cant see him doing that to Robyn at this point tho. I do think he was such a grouch because he seems to be having issues with half of his wives. Him and Meri are in crisis, him and Robyn seemed to be "off" during her pregnancy, and he seems to always be grouchy in the presence of Christine. I think the only person who he is even keel with is Janelle. I dont think she ever lets her anger get to her, and she doesnt allow Kody to see her sweat. I think he is so insecure regarding social media. All the comments that people were saying on social media about telling the women to flee. He is a narcissit and it probably angers him to see that women arent buying what he's trying to sell to these women.

    3. He doesn't have to work on any of the relationships. It's the same with the kids. They all have to adjust to him and he doesn't have to grow with any of them. Who he meshes with he meshes with. He can dismiss Christine's feelings cause he has other spouses. Who does she have? They also probably hold stuff in knowing it doesn't matter. They only have to suffer him once or twice a week. I think the only reason he did Madison's weddings besides the LDS church didn't want her was so she could feel he did something just for her. This was the last chance unless she does a Robbin and has his at the foot of the bed for delivery like the step dad. He dropped her off at college and you could just tell he didn't even know her. How could he know her? No wonder Christine's mom left. Meri and Kody had they not decided to add on to the family would be happily empty nesting, free of bancrupcy and debt and traveling looking forward to grandkids. Maybe they would have had another kid or too not only having two nights a week to try to get pregnant for their entire marriage. Let's hope mykelty returned missionary fiance doesn't pull a kody and convert to this after his mission. What a wild story about kodys conversion. Like he really didn't know anything about it before coming back home?

  45. I like that Erica Hill pursued her interview questions without blowing as much proverbial smoke up everyone's posteriors as previous interviewers. She was pretty good.
    Like most of you, I definitely call bovine excrement on the "We haven't watched, listened to, or read any of the information put out by the 'catfisherman'". Yes they have. I wonder who told them to go with the "Deny, deny, deny" excuse? (reminds me of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules", as this is the advice form the older brother to the younger). Pathetic to watch Meri reiterate how strong her boundries are, etc. Puh-leeze. That kind of secret can fester deep down in the bowels--did she not have a sister die of colon c.a.? Do yourself a favor Meri, and unburden your soul--you will feel better than if you don't.
    Anyone notice Christine admit that Mykelti was NOT ALLOWED to move home? That is some off-kilter thinking. A 18-19 year old that is not exhibiting maturity should be WELCOMED home and given support. I have a 19 y.o. who attends college in our county, lives off-campus with some buds, holds a job, and we still let him know that he can come back home to live if he ever needs to NO MATTER WHAT. Absolutely ridiculous thinking, along with Kody saying that at 18 they need to move along. Because Kody does NOT WANT TO SUPPORT THEM FINANCIALLY because he has bit off way more than a man of his circumstance can chew.
    A line from "The Waltons"..."Home is for growing up in, moving away from, and coming home to" (Pa Walton). Shame, shame, shame, Kody and Christine. Time will tell what your neglectful behavior toward Mykelti will bring...
    I think the Ysabel is so lovely to look at. Savannah looked quite pretty as well. I love that each seems to speak her mind easily--all of Janelle's kids seem pretty forthright that way, which is something I respect about Janelle. Funny how the young girls expressed concern over the difficulty of Robyn's pregnancy and that there will likely be no more babies. WITH AN EGO AS BIG AS KODY'S she will have at least one more so that she has birhted as many of HIS bio kids as Jessop's. Mark my word.
    Gabriel is looking pretty cute. Funny how Janelle's boys are often quick to poke fun of their father. Clearly the older three are seeking structure in their lives.
    Could those thick, glumpy spikes coming off of Robyn's eyes have really been false eyelashes? Looked especially terrible--did she not look in the mirror?

    1. I have a strong feeling someone is pregnant and it is not Maddie or Robyn! First grandchild for Kody!

    2. I have a feeling someone is too.

    3. I totally agree. I really wish Christine would get pregnant just so she could pull the...I need him here all the time....

    4. Perhaps if they spent less time warning their kids about the dangers of kissing hormones, they could have explained the dangers of not using condoms.

    5. hide the childrenJuly 1, 2016 at 6:20 PM


  46. It's odd how Janelle won't speak her mind but her kids will. Maybe they saw their mom getting dumped on or maybe it's all an act.

    Another thing, I don't see Meri as particularly assertive/aggressive. I think she's as much a doormat as any of them. She just seems that way compared to the rest. Kinda like Janelle being the smart one, Christjne being the pretty one, Robyn being the skinny one. All things are relative.

  47. Nice Botox Kody, also looks like he had a facelift. Telltale scars behind the ears.

    1. Well, his is a television star you know. Just think, when they were moving to Las jobs, no money..., no anything...They were after all running for their lives...he had to get hair extensions because the barber took too much off the top. I just cannot fathom the self serving love he shows.

    2. don't forget "finite" resources !!!

    3. Whoa....I thought that too. He looks so stretched and shiny, wouldn't put it past him.
      They seemed hostile during the tell all. Contemptuous actually. It all mades me very sad for them.

  48. LOL ! At Robyn rolling her eyes at Kody behind his back during the TLC life hacks interview.

  49. So I watched the first couple episodes again today,needed something mindless. It is amazing how different their lives are. At the beginning they were extremely likeable family that I could semi relate to, now fast forward 5 years and it truly is like they are different people. I mean Kody used to wake up early just to tell Janelle to have a good day!! I can't picture the man he has become EVER doing that. Robyn was semi pretty in the old episodes, nothing like the haggard looking blob she has become. I miss the old Browns and had the seasons continued like the first the show would be much more bearable.

    1. Yes, the early seasons are so very different. Just watching how Kody looks at each wife and doesn't just greet them upon his arrival, but embraces them and kisses them. There is real love there. He also interacted with the children much differently before he became a TV star.

      However I think those same cameras were also the beginning of the downfall of the wives emotional stability. They could easily keep the PDA away from each other when it was just them. After the cameras came then each wife got to see a window into how Kody interacts with each wife. Especially telling was how he looked, embraced and treated Robyn...especially their obvious sexual connection in their Honeymoon special. Up until then you could play the head game with yourself that Kody treats you special and he loves you and has eyes for you...until you see it all on film and get those images in your head. Probably a major contributor in the jealousies of Meri and Christine.

    2. I believe that the other 3 still hasn't watched Robyn's & Kody honeymoon special. It had to just hurt them that the new wife gets a fancy wedding & honeymoon courtesy of TLC, when they were in the marriage longer & didn't get all the bells & whistles. It may have been easier to not watch! Out of sight out of mind kind of thinking?!

  50. Prayers for all in West Virginia !!
    Just heard from a friend in W.Va......she said the devastation is indescribable !!

    1. I grew up in WV. My parents were camping in their RV in Greenbrier County WV last week, and got out just as the flooding began. The road out of the camp ground had over a foot of water in it...and it was just starting to flood at that point.

  51. Helen VanPatterson PattonJune 28, 2016 at 7:39 AM

    So, has anyone actually read the book "Almost Meri'd"? I read the reviews on the book and the Browns and their supporters are bashing the Jackie lady and claiming every word is a total lie. I am curious to see if any of you all have read the "lies" and if anything seems to shed light on what all really happened. I am also wondering if it is worth my time to read it.

    1. Sorry, I don't waste my time reading badly written fiction.

    2. Helen VanPatterson PattonJune 28, 2016 at 8:13 AM

      So do you think "Jackie" (if that is even her name or personality she is going by" made up some of the interactions she had with Meri? See, watching the show Sunday, it was obvious Meri was lying, and down playing everything she did in this affair, while claiming "Jackie" was lying. So who is lying the most? Meri, or Jackie, or is the truth somewhere in the middle of both of their tales? It's all confusing. I just wondered if anything written in that book would shed a little light on the "real" Meri. But, I probably won't waste my money and time, just curious I guess.

    3. The Browns love to litigate.They did in with Utah on polygamy. They did it to take Jessops kids. They would be all over this. How would a person who heard it know if it was spliced or if Meri really said that? How does something sound spliced ? What a lie.Is it a revelation that they lie? Do they have credibility at this point?I would not add to the insanity by over thinking this.

    4. I didn't read the book, but did read the review at The reviewer, Kate, goes chapter by chapter reviewing Sam's claims, and it was an enjoyable read.

      Both Meri and Jackie are liars. I think the truth lies in between and that Meri absolutely planned to leave her family for Sam. The book discussed how Meri still wanted to be there for the kids, but was done with Kody. It also showed how Meri originally told Sam she didn't want to cross a line, and he psychologically manipulated her. I think Jackie thought Meri had money, and was planning on blackmailing her. That's why I believe that "Sam" would get huffy about something Meri said and hang up on her, and "Lindsay" would call her and tell her she needed to leave him a message telling "Sam" how great he is. I don't believe Meri was told to leave a message or some harm would befall her family, and the fact that she wants me to believe that is insulting.

      Jackie is a psycho and the mind games she played on Meri were cruel. Meri has my sympathy for that. However, her continuous lies about the psycho seeking her out to rip their family apart because they are polygamous cancels out much of that sympathy. She was acting like a junior high school girl, and I realize that it is in part based on the fact that she only ever had one boyfriend who she had to share but if she would admit it, she would have much more support.

  52. Why do they keep making Gwendolyn (sp?) do the tell alls? The last two she's looked as surly and miserable as can be and said one to two sarcastic things. (Reminds me of her dad's behavior this time around...) Just let the child stay home!
    Also, Kody's little petulant outburst about Robyn being "mouthy" to him said a lot to me about how things are going with the two of them...long ways from the twitterpated days of them smooching while Christine was in labor. I also thought mouthy was an odd word to use. I'd use that word to describe my four year old, not my husband.

    1. That word mouthy did denote someone of a lower position speaking out of turn . I do not even like Robyn but I never considered she was talking harshly.I have really argued to my spouse about heated topics and would never call it mouthy.Then again I am equal in my relationship.

  53. Ratings are in. 1.170 M viewers and a .33 rating. They have pretty much gone steadily down the entire season. It will be interesting to see if they get renewed with these numbers.

  54. Considering that their ratings are down, and TLC has chosen to show less than complimentary clips of Kody, one wonders if this could "really" be the final season?
    God knows, we have all speculated about the impending shelf life of SW for the last three seasons.

    The content is overly stale, the plots are recycled nonsense about vintage problems. such as the storm clouds between Jangle and Meri. Does any one really care about their plyg sister wife troubles ?
    They "both" knew what the deal was going to be with Jangle acting on her hots for the Idiot and maneuvering her way into being wife #2. Meri was born to plygdom, Jangle was apparently enthralled with the concept after being a mono-wife to Meri's brother. Twenty years of problems just doesn't equate to a compelling plot "now."
    Did they both get a brain implant to want to tackle it now...or did TLC see a plot point in the making??

    How many fans/viewers have, or have had, kids entering adulthood with college dilemmas and then possible love/marriage connections?
    Nothing new or startling about any of that. The only potential interest could have been how these Plyg adults handle it. And that point has already been established in last night's epp. They handle it like the dysfunctional plyggies they are !! Nothing new here at all since we have seen their parenting style for seven years. Thankfully, most of the older kids have somehow managed to transition into adulthood despite their wacky, plyg parenting.

    Christine did herself, her daughter and the show's image no favors by doing the solo TH about Mykelti and her desire to marry.
    ** TALK to your DAUGHTER, Christine....not to the camera for ratings !! **
    And consider "why" your daughter is maybe pushing for a quick date to marry???????

    As for Meri and the catfish....ENOUGH !!
    If Kody and the Kodettes have all circled the wagons with this ridiculous denial of Meri's culpability in having an online be it !! But they all should expect those ratings' numbers to tank as a result.
    Beginning last season, TLC showed the progression of Meri being rendered obsolete, and in the finale, Meri and Idiot "said" there were problems even before the divorcee/adoption farce, so just stop the BS. Viewers are not THAT stupid. Nor are they willing to swallow more seasons of insulting, scripted BS.

    Kodyworld has had seven seasons of TLC cash, houses, freebies and whatever else they have grifted from all their notoriety.
    Save some dignity, Browns!!. Unless you all are willing to continue this farce with yet another "wife," you are no longer interesting, relevant or worthy.

    1. The reason I first tuned in to Sister Wives was to see how the women made the relationship work for the 20 plus years. I know people in real life who have tried polygamy, and ever single one of those relationships failed. However, it became apparent in the first season that the 3 wives didn't have a relationship, and the show was about Kody.

      I only watched season 2 and 3 because of the Sister Wives Blog, but at that point, decided it was too frustrating to be lied to each week. If they had discussed, honestly, the Meri/Janelle feud in the beginning, I probably would have been interested. But instead, it became the Robyn and Kody show, and any wife not bowing to Robyn and showing discord with the introduction of the new wife was treated crappy by the douchebag, and I didn't enjoy watching that. Christine's hurt and feeling of betrayal at Kody abandoning her after she had another one of his children, possibly so that they could get the show, was real. Only it make Kody look like the ass he is, and so she had to be punished.

      I'll probably have to have a talk with myself about showing glee when the Brown's meet the misfortune of cancellation, because I will enjoy every minute of it. I really hope that the family is sat down and it is recorded when they are told they are being cancelled. I'll watch that episode and laugh, and then have to remind myself that it isn't nice to laugh at someone's misfortune. I really want to see Kody and Robyn's heads explode. Bad me. Bad, bad me.

  55. This show is suppose to be reality tv. What is the real in this tell-all? They are real liars. If their show isn't real, then its just scripted television drama, and they aren't good enough actors to have a tv drama. What I'm saying TLC is make them be real,or just air made for tv movies. I'm tired of the fake real.

  56. Enough already! I haven't watched one minute of this show this year. I've just followed along here and other places and haven't missed a thing. Recaps!

    Why would anyone want to watch that? And why would TLC think anyone would want to watch that? Not me! I refuse to give TLC a minute of my time or rating for that garbage. I'll just read the snarks for my entertainment pleasure.

    That's much more amusing than actually watching the show.

  57. I have watched this show from the beginning. Clearly, Kody's mission was to bring greater awareness and acceptance for polygamy. None of them will ever be honest about how terrible it is because they are trying to make the point that it's so great and wonderful. I think this year the producers tried to go for more honesty and you can see how pleased Kody was with that. If TLC wants ratings gold, interview the wives without Kody (after he and Robyn ride off into the sunset). And then do an *honest* documentary style show where they explain how it really was. All the viewers know now, these people just aren't being honest. I want them to explain the rationale (being the king of a planet in the afterlife) for polygamy. Not just "I believe in living this lifestyle." They should understand that even when they were trying to sugarcoat their lives, it came through loud and clear, this is not good for women. So, knock off the lies and really tell us about it.

    1. For some reason, I felt this season was the fakest of them all . Christine is clearly on her meds..., Janelle has been appointed head cheerleader, Meri is pretending she was a huge victim of someone who's a "hater" and Robyn has been instructed to remain pretty silent . All things that TLC thinks the viewers want . There was rarely a moment that I felt was genuine ..., except for maybe Kody flipping off the viewers and showing his disdain for us .

    2. Piper 7 you are so right. I have not watched this show for several seasons. I like other viewers come her for the snark. It's much more entertaining. I was on the SW FB page and they are some delusional fans who think that this was the Brown's more honest season. Are they mad. What the heck are they thinking. This show is so fake. Why does TLC continue with this train wreck. Maybe TLC has more invested in this group and have not made a profit on their investment. Who is going to sponsor this show? Do their advertising departments not do their homework. Any decent company would pull their ads and close their doors to TLC. The Brown's are not entertainment. Unless you get off to oppressed women and children. It drives me nuts when these crazy fans think Kody is the best husband and that these are strong women. They need to be given the definition of what a strong woman is. None of these women are strong.

    3. "Why does TLC continue with this train wreck"

      Because generally, with a train wreck, viewers can't look away. In the Brown's case, I think it's going to be more of a ratings tipping point. As long as they continue to be boring, their ratings will slide. If TLC actually dives head first into train wreck-ery, people will find it harder to look away. But that's not the story the Browns, or the production company, want to tell.

  58. I had to laugh when Kody flipped the "universal symbol of disapproval" and tried to claim that the "haters" were the ones that caused his family to have trouble. I am pretty sure that it is the fact that he treats the first three wives like poop that causes the problem. Meri felt discarded and unloved and that is why she turned to the internet and had the emotional affair with the catfisher. If this person had really been who he/she said he was, Meri would have disappeared into the sunset with him. That is all on Kody for treating her so horribly and has nothing to do with haters. If he was a real man and husband, she would never have gone looking elsewhere.

    1. And all the ladies giggling because their knight in shining armour was going to battle for them . I'm convinced that the reason Kody has been ampung it up in front of Caleb is because there's another make around that isn't blood related and his ego cannot handle that . Weren't they already teasing Christi e for having a mini crush on him ?

  59. Has anyone seen the scripted TV series "Unreal" on Lifetime?? It gives you an idea of the behind the scenes view of what is possibly / most likely happening when "reality TV" shows are being filmed.

  60. Did anyone notice the looks that all the other kids were giving Robyn's oldest daughter on the couch ? They are definitely sick of her attention seeking ways... I have a feeling there's resentment because she probably gets way more time and attention from Kody than any of them have their whole lives !

    1. Yes! She definitely is taking after queen Sobbin! SO Sad, really.

  61. Ok, Gabriel cracked me up when they were talking about Kody's dancing.
    "My dad has all the confidence in the world, but none of the skill for it" Bwahahaha

  62. You know, it would be so interesting to see a polygamous family with a husband that follows "good polygamist husband" rules. What would those rules be?
    1. Rotate every night or every two nights with each wife and stick to the rotation no matter what.
    2. Make a plan to support a wife after childbirth, whether it's stay for a week, bring in a mother-in-law, whatever and make it the same for each new baby.
    3. Wives and husband make a budget and divide money fairly based on need.
    4. Wives and husband decide who will do what (jobs, childcare, meals) and then do it.
    5. No favoritism overt or otherwise (picking wedding gown)

    What else? Could polygamy ever work?

    1. Polygamy is inherently abusive (emotionally at the very least) and in my personal experience as an ex member of AUB, the Browns are probably as good as it gets. At least their children currently don't have to experience the poverty that is so often integral to the practice. However, even though their dad doesn't have a real job apart from being a reality "star," they know what it is to be deprived of his time and attention. In polygamy, men are juggling multiple relationships with women while often looking for new females to add, so the children often don't get much of a look in. And even if time and resources are shared fairly, seeing your "husband" with other women is excruciatingly painful (if you actually are in love with him). Most polygamy is religiously mandated, and even Meri said once that she would never have lived that way if it hadn't been expected by her religion.

    2. I like your reply, Anon 740. "Excruciatingly painful" like Edvard Munch's "The Scream". Christine's Aunt Krystin (Decker) described feeling like that when her husband and his new wife were together and she could hear them.

    3. Thanks for your comment Anon 7:40. It's good to hear from a first hand perspective. I wish the Browns would acknowledge the painful side and the poverty instead of the propaganda they sling season after season. If they truly are more "high functioning" than the norm, shouldn't that be addressed by the producers?

    4. I think this is why Janelle is drama free. She doesn't love Kody. I have never noticed any real chemistry between them, they are more like friends. I think she did her job by having her brood and now is just along for the ride. I would be willing to bet they do not have sex now that she filled her kid quota. Some people just aren't interested in intimacy or love I guess. I think Janelle's big relationship in life is with food. Not saying that to be mean, I just really see that as being the case.

      Reading Decker's book was heart breaking. Especially the description of the new wife closing her out and overhearing their sex. It left me ill. That is hell of Earth. I would HATE my husband for doing that to me. No wonder she left him. Good for her!

    5. "I think this is why Janelle is drama free. She doesn't love Kody"

      The problem with Janelle loving or not loving Kody is that she actively pursued Kody.
      She obviously was infatuated with him despite the fact that he had been her former brother-in-law by marriage. Also, the fact that Kody was married to her ex-husband's sister, Meri, a woman she knew before and after Meri had married Kody. Apparently that fact was not a consideration. Janelle wanted him and wanted to be in his life.

      Was it just to have kids? If so, that is pretty cold, plus at that early point, she would have had no reason to sure that he would be a prolific sperm donor.
      Besides, Janelle herself has stated that raising kids and being a hands-on mom was not her thing. She preferred and *chose* to work outside of the home. She has stated that she liked it that way.
      Jangle-Janelle *could* be naturally "drama-free," or she is somewhat pathologically devoid of normal reactions/ motivations as the camera seems to have captured.
      However, at the beginning when Kody was assembling his harem, she was front and center, actively presenting herself for membership. That mission would have surely required some "drama" both from her, and for her. She was certainly an enthused player back then and continued to be to have six of his kids.
      So why......
      Was it obsessive love for the Idiot? Was it envy for what she perceived Meri had in life?
      Was it just some bizarre adventure that captivated her thoughts?
      Who knows..!!!

    6. I agree and thank you for your reply anon 740. For women, it is a life of excruciating pain. No wonder they have to check out. Self protection. I think Jangles checked out and took solace in food. Meri in putting up a front of "I don't give a damn anyway" and Christine can't or won't check out. I really hope their daughters (and sons) don't drink the polygamy koolaid.

    7. Janelle spoke about her mother showing emotion when first seeing the wedding dress. She stated something to the effect that she and her mother were much alike and were usually quite able to hide all emotion easily "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." If Janelle is really able to hide emotions without much effort, it could mean that she is very emotionally connected to Kody...thus the overeating is a substitution for her feelings.

  63. One thing that I approved of this season. Truely did not have a couch scene where the family tried to buy approval by offering up her sweet little sayings. She is getting older. The couch scenes should not interrupt her life. At least we were spared the family using a small child for ratings.


  64. Saw this in Twitter: Michelle and Logan are going to England and other parts of Europe during their winter break, spending New Year's Eve in Ireland, they are going with 3 other girls and Mariah.

  65. Little miss Mariah Lynn needs a reality check. She's angry at her mother - who did not have an affair, yet has no problem with her father who has been cheating on her mother for decades with 3 other women! Grow up sweetheart and get a reality check! Support your mother!!

    Thank you for all of the recaps, CJ! Since cutting cable, I didn't get to watch (er, fall asleep during...) any episodes until I had access to cable this weekend and & to episodes when unlocked, on the Discovery app. Took 3 times to see all of the tell nothing!

  66. also, did anyone else notice the side eye Meri gave when Kody said it was not up to him whether Robyn (or anyone else, presumably) had another baby?!!! Um, we haven't forgotten the "lets sit on No for now")! Hypocrite! But we knew that :-/

    1. Yes, meri should have reached across the sofa and slapped him silly.

  67. Thinking about how the Browns love to sing the praises and benefits of kids having many mother-figures, there could be one very clear "down" side to their multi-parenting lifestyle.
    They live and endorse shared parenting, right? According to them it is yet another golden star above the nasty, blighted, two parent monogamous family, right?

    And we have seen evidence of that sharing when a kid is making a big decision and the interrogation includes everyone: like Maddie switching church affiliation or announcing her engagement. All four "mothers" and the Idiot were present and expected to react and comment. I guess it is just assumed that all present are psychologically (or ethically) fit to render opinions.

    Burt what if someone isn't fit to be included on decisions about someone's else's child??
    Or what if the care-giving mom is fighting post-partum blahs while she cares for her kids and maybe other bonus kids. (vintage Christine ??)
    What if one or more of the bonus moms has a grudge, resentment or dislike for the mother of a child and that consciously or unconsciously is projected to her child ?
    What if a bonus mom has a less than "sharing" agenda? Or an agenda for power?

    I have friends with whom I would have trusted my kids' lives. I also have friends, while I love them across the board, I am aware of their "quirks" and wouldn't have trusted my kids to them.
    It just seems that it is a lucky or unlucky crap shoot for plyg children about just who and what can become their bonus moms.

    1. Amused, the "shared parenting" concept in polygamy is a joke. Most women in polygamy have very large families. As hard as it may be to believe, 18 kids among 4 women is a small family. The norm would be closer to 30 or more in most cases. This means that women are pretty much overburdened with their own kids, so taking care of other children means that mostly they are not taken care of and just run wild or are assigned to older children to watch over. Dads are not around much, so many children are basically living in single parent families. That isn't always bad of course as many mothers or single dads do a wonderful job, but it is hypocritical for polygamists to claim so much for what is actually so little. Jealousies do come into play, and children can bear the brunt of that. As for decision making it can be really frustrating to have so many fingers in the pie. "Shared parenting" in polygamy mostly means children being forced into parenting, just as Logan was.

    2. Thanks, Anon !!:07
      True, true........all of your comments !!

    3. Too many caregivers can actually put children at a disadvantage and they can have attachment problems. Perhaps this is why the practice continues? Thousands of people who never were properly able to form positive attachments to people.

      Not only do the kids in theory have 5 parents they also have one grandma and several adult siblings involved. And some of them have a nanny. No telling how many more extended relatives come over from time to time to live there. When too many people are watching the kids no one is. Robyn's kids have her, Kody, Aspen, Nanny, bonus moms, bonus grandma, and several older siblings. The older ones seemed to have each other and the parents took turns watching them. Now they are always home and there are so many extra people involved.

    4. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I think a huge part of their "shared parenting " act, was for the cameras. I think the ,moms make most of the decisions for their own brood and unless it effects Robyn and Cody in any way shape or form, Cody is ok with it! I mean, they wouldn't want him losing any unnecessary hairs on his head, would they?

  68. Is Mariah gay? Just wondering

    1. I was wondering the same thing! A while back in one of the "tell alls" the adult Browns were asked what would they think if one of their children were gay and they said they would be supportive. Kody said he would be upset because it would be a hard life for them, but Janelle said with as many children as they had it was reasonable to assume that one or more may be gay. I don't believe for a moment they would support a gay child. Just my thoughts.

    2. Yes, Janelle with her PC answers. I don't believe they'd be ok with that, and I also think that Kody would be unhappy if one of his daughters married a black man. Look how mad he got in Hawaii when the locals dared to show him a part of their culture. TLC did him big favor by giving him a script to follow about respecting cultural differences after his little tantrum .

  69. I've thought the same thing about Mariah. Or she is just completely rebelling against her upbringing. I'm going mainly off the content of her twitter feed.

  70. Going back to the Hawaii vacation that looked super low rent for the Brown family, I was intrigued to see how high end the Roloff family hotel resort was on their new episode this week. They also went to Hawaii and it was Matt, Amy and the 2 sons and their wives. They did lots of fun looking activities and seemed genuinely grateful and appreciative of their beautiful surroundings and each other. I have to say that I find it interesting to see people over come physical, medical, mental and emotional issues to succeed in life no matter how hard it may be for them. I guess that's why I wind up rooting for the underdog most times. Silently willing them on towards their goals and praying they achieve their dreams. Then to see a group of people who have done nothing but whine, complain and act like petulant children that everyone is out to get makes me sick. I haven't watched any of this season or much of last season of Sister Wives. I haven't had to. Between the tabloids and this awesome snark fest I don't feel like anything has improved or been missed. Thanks y'all for the company and to CJ for stomaching the undigestible for us!!

    1. The Roloffs were a party of 6, plus camera crew. The Browns were a party of 23+?, plus a camera crew. It's harder to find accommodations for that many on what was probably short notice. Especially if you want a full kitchen and living space on top of just hotel rooms. I did not see what inside of the rooms that the Roloffs had (only watched a few minutes - the Matt an Amy arguments get on my nerves), but they usually go for normal hotel rooms.

      I'm going to guess that the cost of housing and entertaining 23+ people in better accommodations in Hawaii is more expensive than TLC was willing to front. Plus having a retreat center made it easier to film in.

    Kendra is at it again. This article claims Kody is leaving all 4 wives and getting two new ones!

    1. kody isn't going anywhere. Christine and Janelle might not care,but robyn has his testicles, purity cookie neckless, and other "joolry" from the junk store sealed tight in a box. remember, he'd be on the hook for child support for 5 kids from robyn alone. nicely played robyn

    2. And the winner is...........

      "he'd be on the hook for child support for 5 kids from robyn alone. nicely played robyn. " !!!

    3. The older three only need support for a few years. The youngest two regardless of marriage he would be on the hook for for eons, or until her next husband adopts them when they don't see Kody after she moves them two states away.

  72. Definitely nicely played robyn, she has orchestrated and manipulated everything to suit. Someone above mentions in the first season how there was actual affection between kody and the wives but mommie dearest put a stop to all that big time. Havent watched much but doesn't seem much lovey dovey between anyone these days, not only has robyn manipulated to be the legal wife I don't think she allows kody to even put his arm round the other wives let alone sleep with them and her kids get all the attention too. But really she's shot herself in the foot cos the boring results of all this will probably end the show. PS have seen some of the tell nothing and oh does Aurora sound like her mommie dearest....annoying !

    1. Uggggh Aurora is such an attention hog. I noticed that the other kids were so over her in the tell all. She's learned from the best, how to manipulate and get what she wants. It's pretty scary watching her closely on camera.

  73. From the beginning, Robyn was painted as bringing cool to the family. Even Christine said in one of the couch scenes that Robyn brings cool to their family. In another scene, the heavy wives talked about how they were not jealous of Robyn because Kody likes big women and he sat there with his beady eyes and not long after he talked about how disgusted it was with Christine's stuffing those fritoes down her fat face. I really believe those comments in the book and on the show were motivated by Robyn...the idea that he liked heavy women didn't set well with her so she had to humiliate Christine, especially Christine. I can see her influencing Kody's chapter in the book by forcing him to mention how disgusting Christine was...After all, it was Christine who is the voice of the wives; remember, Meri blames Christine because Christine isn't afraid to voice her complaints. I imagine in the family, when the cameras aren't rolling, Christine does a lot of complaining, spurred on by Janell and Meri. Because it is Christine doing the complaining about Robyn, Robyn sought and still seeks to humiliate her. The Galveston scene where Kody says that he will love her if she loves all the family...words from Robyn's mouth....Robyn saying she paid for the trip to Hawaii by saving money, a royal slap to the other wives who cannot save money because they spend money on their kids...; I wonder if Meri still gets the same amount of budget money as the other wives. I cannot imagine Robyn allowing that to happen.

    1. And what was evident, and what TLC chose to include since they had it on tape, was Sobbin acting all exasperated with Kody's idiotic ways. At the Tell All, after they were filmed watching those clips, the non-wives tried to suggest that Sobbin's bitchiness was due to being pregnant...a lame attempt at best. None of the fossil wives were willing (allowed?) to simply leave visible evidence of Sobbin's true shrew nature on the public's table.

      Agree that the ultimate farce/lie that TLC/Browns perpetuated was that Sobbin-Robyn brought peace and tranquility to the harem. There may have been the usual plyg DNA of discord/ resentment/ envy, etc already present and submerged between the original three before her arrival. But during the very beginning of that first year of the show, the viewers did not see it as much as just surmised that it *had* to be there because they were women living as plygs.

      But then, with Kody's manipulations making Sobbin's entrance the deal-maker for TLC to hire them, the dynamic changed. She was not of the same ilk of the three wives, she was not of their collective, seasoned conditioning. She really did not fit in from the get-go. She definitely came off as the "other woman" with all that can imply. She was arm candy for Kody and she worked that role. No question, she was insidiously controlling while she covertly insulted and mocked the other wives. Kody, being the idiot that he IS, let it all happen...too cowardly and/or indifferent to intervene. Obviously TLC saw it, though, didn't they?

      Small satisfaction is seeing how miserable Sobbin now looks.
      She still doesn't fit in, but now she looks faded, old news.
      And now, not only does she know that in the mirror, she sealed her fate to have to stay with the rest of them for the money as long as the show runs.

    2. Yes, Amused, I commented earlier that Robyn is that type of women who thrived off of the competition . She saw Kody as the "prize" and secretly loved making the other wives jealous. Now that she's "won", she is no longer having fun. The other wives are clearly ok with having their own space now that their children are getting older. And they are getting a taste of freedom. Robyn is home saddled with a new born, Solomon, and Kody probably nagging her every night to have another baby. It's sweet, sweet justice indeed.

    3. Regarding Robyn at home saddled with a new born and Solomon - did anyone else catch during the tell-nothing when Christine commented that it was nice "baby sister" was an easy baby because Solomon was at the extreme end of difficulty? Christine didn't make it sound like he had just been a difficult baby, she made it sound like he was still a demanding handful. I also got that sense from some things Kody said during a couple of episodes while he was responsible for Solomon (but I ignored them because Kody either over dramatizes or caring for any child is difficult for him - as evidenced by Truely and her necessary hospitalization after being cared for by Kody) but when Christine made the comments about Solomon, Robyn did not look too happy - but yet, she didn't contradict them....

    4. I caught that too Big Sky and you're right, Robyn looked a bit heated at the comment but didn't contradict it. How could she, when she probably uses that as an excuse for needing a nanny, or being too busy to help her sister wives, or give Kody another kid right away. Poor Sobbin' she can dish it out but she can't take it.

    5. The hypocrisy, the utter *BS* of it all, and yet, TLC and the Browns continue to present it all as a show worthy of viewers.
      How many normal, run of the mill, monogamous women/wives/ mothers have infants, toddlers, young kids, teens at home who soldier on *without* nannies and/or in-house relatives who cook, clean and manage childcare for the "over-whelmed mothers??
      Damn few, unless they are of the Kardashian ilk!!

      If Sobbin is sooo fragile, so incompetent (stupid) to care for the children she chose to have.....why is that presented for ratings??
      And on that subject...If Christine's daughter, Aspyn, was tired of "being Mom" to her mother's children, why the storyline now that she is willing to live with Sobbin and pitch in to be another surrogate mom there. ?????
      Uhh...such nonsense, such BS !!!

  74. I was curious and wandered over to the dark side and looked at the notbatmanyet blog and the voicemails. I have never listened to them but notbatmanyet has transcribed (some) of them.

    This is the most disturbing thing I have ever read. All I could think of was psychopath and passive aggressive disorder since I could only read Meri's side.

    She is just immature. But I just kept reading where there was a disconnect and she was pleading to be heard or to be connected and it just went on and on and on. I would have given up after the first time or two that someone treated me like that but Meri just kept coming back like a whipped dog.

    I can't even imagine why notbatmanyet is proud of putting these voicemails transcripts up on the website. I guess it's ownership. Because of how badly she was treated and she took it in stride over and over and thought it was "normal" to her.

    Any sane person could read through these and realize that this is not "normal". You shouldn't have to beg in any relationship to connect with your loved one. But she did. And notbatmanyet dribbled out enough to keep her coming back evidently. That is the psychopath and passive aggressive part. But we all knew that.

    I’m just surprised that it hasn’t been shut down yet. That special with Nev Schulman “Catching the Catfisher” and they didn’t go after this person for whatever reason? I find that hard to believe. I expected more from that and never mind the lawyers that notbatmanyet claimed to have on hand for Nev and his show. That was just weak.

    Johnny I hardly Knew Ye

    1. It is very sad. Meri married young, and then almost immediately had to share her husband with other women. Hence, the pathetic, love-starved voice mails and cries for the attention she never got. I don't believe there really is one woman in polygamy who wouldn't leave for the complete and singular love of a man.

  75. Upthread I stated that TLC would use Maddie's wedding (and possibly Mykeltie's engagement drama-- how will Kody react to the news??) as bait for another season. In retrospect, the tell-nothing sure did seem like their swan song. Why else would Kody flip the bird?! I think they all know the show is canceled, including Erica Hill the host. She ended the tell nothing with, "Seems like a beautiful place to end" which could be a metaphor for the series as well. There was absolutely no mention of a further season. Which is WEIRD (using Meri and Mariah's favorite word!).
