
Saturday, January 16, 2016

I Scour The Internet: The Pre-MLK Holiday Edition for January 16th, 2016

Hey, it's a new year and the first 2016 edition of I Scour the Internet!

And unless you've been hiding under the same rock Kody and his Kodettes tend to use, Robyn "Fertile Myrtle" "Mommie Dearest" "The NEW Legal Mrs Kody Brown" pushed out baby girl Brownie from her nether regions to meet the waiting world.

The only question I have is, if the baby was born on January 10th, why did the Browns (that's Kody and Robyn y'all) wait 72 hours before announcing her birth?

Was it because the photographer had to be flown in special from People Magazine?

Did the film crew and producers demand the attention seeking super duo of Kody and his lovely wifey Robyn keep their traps shut and not go blabbing the brownies birth to their fans?

Or were they afraid that catfishing person might pop on over to the cul-de-sac to make a surprise visit to the McMansions (avoiding Meri's of course)?

Who knows for sure. But what's certain is when the adult Browns twitter activity suddenly disappeared or slowed down to a crawl with a retweet here and there, we the audience were savvy enough to realize something was up.

And think about it. How do we know that baby wasn't born 2 weeks earlier? A month earlier?

I want to see a birth certificate!

So while we wait (and wait and wait) for Kody and his Kween to fulfill my request, let's check out the latest tweets from those nutty Las Vegas polygamists...

First off, we have Robyn (that sly minx) fanning the flames surrounding the question of the Century, did baby Brown pop out yet?....

I mean, come on Mommie Dearest, do you really think baby girl Brown was ready to crawl into that Brown mess stinking up the cul-de-sac? She probably took a quick peep out, and said "Hell no! I'm staying in here!" dug in her tiny heels and refused to budge any further...

But sometimes Mother Nature (not to mention Mommie Dearest Robyn) takes over, and the rest becomes history...

Let's check out some tweets from the Original Three Sister Wives, shall we?

Almost Runaway Wife (and former legal wife) Meri tweeted this sweet picture to her followers:

No doubt SuperNanny Mindy was standing nearby to snatch little baby girl Brown from the clutches of that "Jezebel" Meri before she could contaminate the poor child with her not so awesome inability to distinguish between a real millionaire and a fake one.

A day later, Meri tweeted this delightful picture of a concoction King Sol created. Yep, King Sol's middle name isn't Kody for nothing!

And this just in, baby girl Brown's name is Areola Mae Brown!! OOPSY, my bad! Ariella Mae Brown!

Here's a link to the "exclusive" People Magazine article...

Sister Wives' Robyn Brown Reveals the Name of Her New Baby Daughter

I wonder how much Kody and his Kween got for that "exclusive" announcement? I'm sure the announcement of the baby's first poop and spit up can't be far behind...

Let's just skip over Kody's embarrassing pseudo-intellectual political retweetings. We get it. You're dumb, you like guns and you're ultra-conservative. Thank you.

You know all those embarrassing bad "gossip" sites that popped up recently on Google News? One of them had a glaring error. Janelle Brown was called Jangle Brown, and not corrected.

Well, Jangle Brown seems to fit Janelle so well, I've decided that Janelle will be known as "Jangle" Brown in both Living Rooms.

Yeah, I know it's petty, but that's just how I like to roll, know what I mean?

Jangle got hooked into Powerball fever this week...

I mean, do you blame her wanting to pick up a ticket or two (hundred)? Especially when you've got a deadbeat spiritual husband named Kody, who passed you over in order to make his 4th "wife" legal, and then promptly impregnated her with his eighteenth child.

A woman's got to do what she's got to do to remain financially stable during these...troubling times...right?

Last but certainly not least, Christine raised herself from her "fainting couch" long enough to tweet this acknowledgement to the photographer of Robyn's post delivery People Magazine article.

Isn't it amazing how good the Original Three Wives look? And Christine is looking especially happy in the photo.

Robyn, on the other hand looks oddly, less than enthused. Could it be Mommie Dearest wanted a photoshoot all to herself, and not include that pesty group of sisterwives?

Chin up, Robyn! Your sisterwives are looking good. Let them enjoy this moment, OK??

Well, that's all for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet so YOU can enjoy your three-day weekend!


  1. " Areola Mae Brown!! OOPSY, my bad! Ariella Mae Brown! "

    CJ, still laughing at your *OOPSY*....LOL
    Talk about a visual.....!!!!!

    And "Jangle" is just perfect !!! Jangle, it shall be !!!!

    Yes, I agree, the non-legal Kody-babes look good. Well, better than Sobbin.
    But geez, getting tired of their canned, herded-up pics where you know the photographer has just given the directive to 1) moisten the teeth, 2) turn slightly sideways if possible, 3) dip the chin down and tilt head a bit and hold!!
    Same pose, same ol, same ol.

    Sobbin does look done in. But hey, duty ($$$) calls.

    Wonder if she is offering her uterus post-partum again?
    No denying it, that bit after Sol's birth was a creative touch.

    1. I thought the same thing, that she looks tired, because she is tired, but now she has to make the bucks while she can. Certainly Kody isn't out there trying to make any!

    2. I don't like slamming other women's looks (usually) because I think far too much value and interest is placed on a woman's appearance in regard to her worth in society...that being said, Robyn has steadily looked more haggard and harsh each year.
      I think Christine, Janelle, and even Madame Tans a Lot (Meri) have somewhat improved their appearances throughout the series, even though none of the women are great looking or even above average in the beauty department.
      I make note of it only because they have consistently referred to and treated Robyn as though she were a prize and is a 'trophy wife'. Most definitions of trophy wife would not show a picture of Robyn, but considering the man claiming the prize I guess it is fitting.
      I have never understood the trophy aspect of Robyn and Kody's relationship, not in the sense that she was hot stuff or in the sense that he 'deserved' a hot young bride. None of it really makes sense.
      All snark aside I think Robyn has been the best example of how draining and unappealing this lifestyle is. She gets more paunchy and hard edged each year, and it seems as though the wives set aside by Kody are flourishing without his frequent attentions.
      Maybe not emotionally as we learned from Meri's wild summer, but at least physically. I know Robyn just gave birth, but no one looks as drained or hard as she does. Even before her labor she never 'glowed' or took on the vibrancy most pregnant women seem to give off.
      I'm pretty sure Robyn is the evidence of polygamist stress and Kody's parasitic need for her attention and energy.

  2. Not with a bang but a whimperJanuary 16, 2016 at 2:09 PM

    As always your critique hits it out of the ball field. The only thing is it left me feeling like saying "Sing a little jingle jangle" as I look at her determined to be happy face.

  3. For peters sake it's a baby. People on their FB act like Robyn did something unique or special. For heavens sake, babies are born every minute. This is her fifth child. I guess it's cheaper to have a home birth than deliver in a hospital. It's odd that her step dad was again in her room for the birth. Does he get some kind of thrill watching Robyn give birth. I am so sick of the lies and the games the Browns keep on playing with their adoring fans. I bet the baby was not born on the 10th. They are getting paid for every little thing they can think of. They need to stay relevant. Can't wait for the day TLC wakes up and cancels this crap. They have had their 15 minutes of fame. Kody needs to get a real job. Having a reality show is easy money to Kody. As long as he can control the 4 stooges all is good in Kodyland. This blog is the only place that I get updates on this family. This blog is more entertaining than watching these ingrates. I feel that they have lied about a lot of stuff on the show. I don't understand how these women can live with Kody and be treated bad and yet they still smile for the cameras. It's like they are trained seals. They want to make people believe that Meri is so happy about the birth of this baby and that Christine is so excited as well. Think back Christine, did you get all the fanfare when Truely was born. No, I don't think so. I am glad that the baby was born safe and healthy but I won't congratulate them. I want to see them banned off TLC. I wish there was a petition to end the show. The arrogance of Kody and Robyn makes my skin crawl. They went on TLC to show how polygamy works and how the women go about their day to day lives. This show is so far off the mark. They have taught me not a damn thing. If anything it has taught me that money is the root of all evil and that people will lie to their advantage. It has also showed how abusive polygamy is to women and children. There is no way in hell Kody can spend enough time with all of these women and all these kids. He is not a God. He is no one to worship. I can't understand why these fools stay. What keeps them in that cult-de- sac. I would love for one of the kids to go rogue and dish on what actually goes on behind closed doors. And I wish that their fans would take off their rose colored glasses and realize that they have been duped.

    1. they showed exactly how polygamy works. sister wives hating sister wives, no support of each other no matter what they say, the "husband" only having 1 favorite at a time. kids emotionally abandoned and physically separated from the father, everyone competing for attention to the detriment of the rest of the family. yep, they showed us exactly what polygamy is

  4. Not with a bang but a whimperJanuary 16, 2016 at 2:15 PM

    Just realised she is indeed another Disney princess! Ariella is a feminine form of the gender neutral name Ariel. Wonder if she was a water tub birth?

  5. I find it interesting that the name was revealed on Meri's birthday. Holy spotlight stealing...batman.

  6. Can't imagine shoving out a baby over 9 lbs naturally and the baby not have a cone head. The baby has a perfect shaped head in the photo. Must have has a lot of room for passage!

    1. Her brother King Sol also popped out with a perfect head...hmmmm....

    2. "...hmmmm..."....
      You could be right.

      Having had all 9+ lb-ers, I can attest to the fact that natural born babies that large *usually* do have a bit of misshapen heads for the first few weeks. Luckily, eventually the skull shape does settle down.
      Yep, sure makes me think she is a bit older than what those "just born" pics are reporting.

      And wasn't it lucky that all the adoring bonus moms had time to go glam with full makeup and hair for the pics. Meanwhile, all poor Sobbin had were her jammies and a comb out.

    3. IDK, I had 3 9-10 lb babies. All had beautiful heads. Gave birth to one 7 She had a mishaped head and her nose cartilage did not attach to the nasal bridge. She was so ugly I cried! My doctor always said my babies were the prettiest babies he had delivered. Until my 7 lb girl. He just looked at her. I was crying and said "You can say it....SHE IS UGLYYYYYY!!!!". HORMONES! lol. She straightened out and is a beautiful 25 year old now. Lol

    4. 2 of my babies were over 10 lbs. The first two, I might add.
      Both had perfect heads.
      The next three were still of decent size and came out just as perfect.
      One push with my last and her head was out. Another half push and she was here.
      Ya just never know.

      Another thought about why Robyn may look less than stellar in the group photo: I'm, she just had a baby!
      I'm sure she was miserable and in pain and probably really wanting a nap.
      And maybe a bit miffed because her the other ladies had time to do hair and makeup. :)

    5. Glad to hear that other big babies are spared the "cone-head" syndrome at birth. LOL
      Mine were all like that. Maybe my anatomy was part of the problem ????
      Thank God, they all straightened out in a few week's time.

  7. Ariella, a comination of Ariell and Cinderella. Better chang e Briana'S name to Belle or Rapunzel!

  8. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but can you buy Powerball tickets in Nevada? I thought that you couldn't. Did Jangle have to drive away from the sacred birth, to California, to get her losing tickets? Dang, it looks like she lost again. First marrying Kody--fail. Now , didn't win "historic" lottery. Jangle just can't win, can she?

    1. You are right nevada doesn't sell lotto tickets.

    2. I think Jangle, the smart one, invested their finite resources into lottery tickets (and travel costs), because she realized the odds of her winning were better than Kody's ever earning and sharing income from productive work. Besides, winning the lottery would be more legitimate than their usual grifting and must not be considered gambling in the Church of Kody.

      Well, at least King Sol and Meri did their part to earn money this week. I'm sure their downline for the green goo grew with that delicious recipe of socks and chips.

    3. Grifter Lives, , I hear you on the Kody earning potential. He is a sloth.
      But assuming Jangle is the "smart one" stretches it for me.
      But true, she may be the only one who was willing to drive to buy PowerBall tickets.
      I *will* give her that !!!

    4. I apologize. I should have put "smart one" in quotes. I may have lost too many brain cells watching Sister Wives to have punctuated properly.

    5. Grifter, just kidding with you. :-))

  9. Exactly Cynical J!

  10. Areola.....LOL!

    Christine looks amazing!

  11. Remind me - why do we think Robyn's due date is a lie?

    1. Ditto... And where did we get the idea that her debts are all Victoria's Secret purchases? I know it has been a "thing" on here for a while, but I would like to know the source of that info. Thanks! :)

    2. Her divorce decree. She owed VS thousands and was ordered to pay the debt. Ex-husband got the trailer.

  12. The ridge line of the mountains in Jangle's lotto line pic reminds me very much of Colorado Springs and Pike's Peak. Maybe she was taking Hunter back to school? Although, if I'm correct, I'm not sure why 1) she's so far south compared to the Academy, and 2) what's up with the palm tree-looking things on the right side.

    Now I feel sufficiently creepy about my analysis so I'll stop there.

    1. She only needed to travel from Vegas to the California border on I-15. I just checked Google Maps and there is a Lotto Store next to the Outlet Mall in Primm. Here a link to a news article that a $1 million winning ticket for the Powerball was purchased last week at this store. And yes, there are a lot of palm trees there! It's on google maps street view.

    2. I thought their religion did not partake in gambling, for that matter drinking coffee. Where is there integrity to their life style --- oh yeah were are talking about the Browns

    3. Anything goes at the Church of Kody Brown! He's no longer following the rules of the AUB, only following the dollar signs of TLC & well dollar signs in general!!

  13. Soloman is making his mess in the BATHROOM SINK! Really? Why the bathroom sink? That's weird. The food parts, and whisk had to be taken from the kitchen to the bathroom, then to the bedroom to get the sock. Its like Meri is teaching him to take all that stuff to the bathroom. I'm all for letting kids have fun and be able to do stuff they want to, but I'm pretty sure this little endeavor started off in the kitchen and somehow (Meri?) ended up in the bathroom. Just odd.

    1. Looks like Meri is hoping to tweet anything that will distract from all the smut about her Sam infatuation and catfish evidence that is forever on the web.
      And really, Sol's sink concoction is a replay of the "cuteness" she tweeted of a mess he made in her office last year or so. And that one, too, looked staged.

      Also appears that despite all the damning, self-indulged pics she sent "Sam," Meri still has an infatuation with posting "self" pics. Neither Christine nor Jangle felt the need to tweet a giant-sized close-up of themselves with the baby.

    2. When Garrison said the adults were creating a narcissistic monster, I'd put Meri on the top of the enablers list. My brothers liked to play, but my mother drew the line when it involved food and a lot of clean-up. She also would have nipped in the bud any taking of kitchen utensils into the bathroom. I loved playing "house" as a child but I would use my little kitchen toys in my bedroom or the kitchen, not a bathroom sink. Even as a child I knew no food in the bathroom, ever. YUCK!!

      So I have to agree this is yet another "isn't King Sol cute" staged moment for Twitter followers, and it's STUPID!

    3. OMG! I didn't realize that was the actual sink! I thought it was a bowl sitting in the sink. Yuck!

    4. I see Meri did some free advertising by mentioning "Liv green" was 1 of Sol's ingredients!

  14. I think it's another passive-aggressive King Sol moment, as in "isn't this little monster adorable as he wreaks havoc in my home in his usual brat-tastic way? It's sooooo cute how no one ever disciplines him nor monitors his behavior!"

  15. My thought on why they waited a few days to announce the birth - Robyn wanted a "nice" picture to go with the announcement and it took two days to assemble her passive aggressive sister wives for the group photo. Notice the sister wives were in full make-up; that didn't just happen by accident. They made a minute long video announcing the birth for TLC which took coordination. It had the usual staged feel. Jangle sounded unenthusiastic, Christine was overenthusiastic and Meri's lines were delivered in her usual bad actress style. I loved the ridiculousness of it being obviously two days later and Robyn reclined on the top of the bed in her VS pajamas. The bed was fully made - looked so silly to see her laying stretched out on top of it! If she was going to insist on playing Hugh Hefner in her pajamas it would have looked more natural for her to be under the just smacked to me of their usual contrived nonsense that misses the mark. "I want it to look like I just gave birth at home in my bedroom so I will put my best pair of VS pajamas on for the picture." But I will go ahead and make the bed and stage it with all my throw pillows so it looks nice....

    1. "If she was going to insist on playing Hugh Hefner in her pajamas it would have looked more natural for her to be under the covers...."

      LOL !!!!!

    2. Or someone at TLC got wind of the Joker's "e-book" release date and said enough is enough. We will delay the name announcement to distract from the book. The cash cow must be fed!

  16. And the colours of Meri and Jangles top g with the baby's sleeper. How coincidental.

  17. I do not know who referred to Kody as having a fat dutch boy haircut but everytime I see him it comes to mind.Kody is like Lord Farquaad from the Shrek Movie. He is all talk and bravado and when he steps off the horse he is small in stature .A real life disappointment.I wonder if Christine finds him -physically attractive now.For a man who has a lot of potential to burn calories horizontally he sure is tubby.He looks like he is expecting.And as for Robyn she may be his trophy wife but that would be a third place trophy.

    1. "...that would be a third place trophy." BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Love it!!

  18. Wonder if photo of Sol's creation was really way to advertise LIV product and nothing about his adorableness. As controlling as they all say she is and she admits, I just can't see how she would be happy having to clean up this mess or that mess before with the white out all over another room. I guarantee after these two instances Robyn didn't go over there to clean up after her kid & neither would kody be that considerate.

  19. I don't mind Ariella. I wouldn't choose it for my child, but it doesn't strike me as odd or over the top. She looks exactly like Sol did when he was born, big lips and fuzzy blonde hair.

    I am leaning towards Sol's "creation" being at one of the other houses. Nice plug for green goo, Meri. I have a toddler and she'd be in timeout for that. I guess I'm just a mean mom. We tend to eat our food, not dump it in the bathroom sink. But I also don't buy crap chips and crackers, and it's a lot less fun putting whole fruits and veggies into the sink.

    1. But its hard to eat away those pesky human emotions with fresh fruit and veggies

  20. Notbatmanyet ebook. OK. So the website says it has been released - right? I didn't get my copy that I paid for. I emailed Sam and and they responded that they were only about 1/3 through the list of sending out the book.


    I replied that I attempted to contact him through PayPal and it would not let me do so. It wanted me to escalate it to a claim.

    "Your seller is currently unable to respond to this dispute." Sam took offense to this and said he would have "his girls" refund my money through PayPal. In ALL my time dealing with PayPal I've never seen this message before.

    1. yeah, because such an accomplished and successful businessman couldn't figure out how to send to a bunch of people at once...

    2. Not with a bang but a whimperJanuary 18, 2016 at 11:51 AM

      I've seen that message before when PayPal banned a seller for non-compliance. They apparently did not fulfill orders and PayPal stops accounts that have too many complaints. I did get a refund on that one though. This was a few years ago as a point of reference.

  21. MrSpock is not dissing the baby's name but does comment that the names Ariella and Aurora are not names that roll smoothly off the tongue...say, such as, e.g., Truely or Logan.

    1. They sure don't Mr. Spock! And when the names are all said together quickly as Robyn likes to do, it is going to present something of a tongue twister for her!

    2. Agree!
      Once that problem presents itself as it no doubt will, maybe they will just call her "Mae"...??

    3. MrSpock, I agree and Robyn isn't that talented when it comes to sounding out all the syllabus I can imagine there will be a lot of Aroaroars and Arellas ...

    4. I suspect Robyn was also looking for matchy-matchy names for her girls. All ending in "a" while her sons end with "on" based on her changing the first one to Dayton.

  22. I wish people would hold the baby's head up better for photos. I know newborns are floppy but I always tried to give mine neck support. Especially for pictures so you can see her face

  23. Sol is how old now? He's tossing fuzzy socks in with food in a bathroom sink> Which one of Kody's older boys keep pointing out how spoiled Sol is?

    1. Sol turned 4 in October. A little old to be mixing food and a sock together?? And in the bathroom. All kinds of wrong. Bleh.

    2. Oh, I imagine King Sol will find many creative ways to remind people that he's there. Being overshadowed by the "new kid" probably won't go down well. That's his parents' fault.

    3. Garrison (Janelle) was the one who pointed out they were raising a future narcissist (aka a future Kody). Janelle's boys have always called Kody out on his BS. Solomon is way too old to be doing that and it's NOT cute!

    4. I teach Preschool,4 year olds. None of my students would engage in this type of behavior. Its more like toddler behavior. Developmentally delayed? And not one of my 15 students would dump food in the bathroom sink, they know better.

  24. Wonder if that sweet, Croatian artist has been contacted to update "the Portrait"???

  25. I know this may seem harsh, but it is in my opinion none of these women are attractive. I have always thought that since day one. Again it is my opinion.

    1. Yeah, but then Kody certainly is no prize either. He's not attractive or handsome, but more whimsical in the way that a grown-up Cabbage Patch doll is.

    2. I try not to comment on their looks because beauty and attractiveness are completely subjective, and I really think it's mean to talk about how pretty people are (especially since there is way better snark material on these clowns). But I will say that they have many years of not taking care of themselves catching up with them. Poor diet, lack of exercise, multiple pregnancies in a small time frame, anxiety, depression. I'm also willing to bet that they didn't always have routine wellness checks, dental care, eye exams, etc. that takes a toll on your body. Also, having sex with a man who has multiple partners for many many years. I'm honestly surprised that they are in as decent shape as they are, all things considered.

  26. I don't know why I get such a cheap thrill for catching batman Sam in a screw up, but she wrote on her blog that she was hungry, and waiting for the girls to get ready( on their ski trip) to go to breakfast, and that the bacon from the buffet smelled good and considers that a good sign that the food would be good. Isn't "Sam" a vegan? I wish someone would put us out of our misery and shut this loser down once and for all. Christine looks constipated in the photo.

    1. Since, I, too, am a vegan, smelling animal protein cook makes me ill. Yesterday, we went to the grocery store and the deli was cooking something that just turned my stomach. I read its comment too and thought there would be no way a vegan or a life long vegan would say that the smell of bacon is a good sign the food will be fact, most of us look for very vegetarian/vegan restaurants....Going to a buffet is not one of those options. LOL

    2. Now today on Batman's blog "Sam" is saying the smell of bacon almost made him throw up. You see this is what happens when tell lie after lie after lie...eventually you can't keep them straight.'re slipping up girlfriend...your sick delusional little world is starting to crack.

  27. I wonder if Meri's punishment for straying is to be the new nanny for Robyn's kids. LOL...can you just see it now....she running after the kids while Kody and Robyn lounge by the big screen tv. LOL

  28. Robyn has posted on twitter the correct pronunciation of "baby sister's" name; She is claiming the name is HEBREW. Well of course it is. It is not a Disney princess name. This makes perfect sense. In true Brown fashion, she can have her Disney Princess name but claim to the rest of the world that it is a Hebrew name. So we are not to pronounce the beginning of the name like the word "air." We are to sound out the "A" like in the word "star." Because again, it's Hebrew. Right. And for those of us wondering how she will pronounce all those vowels and syllables she has already explained that she will just be calling her "Ari." (rhyming with starry.)

    1. A Grody Little PonytailJanuary 19, 2016 at 6:12 PM

      I actually believe it is Hebrew and it can be pronounced as Robyn is describing. There has to be someone here more in the know with Hebrew than me, so correct me if I'm wrong. I had a lot of Jewish friends growing up, but Ariel(s) not Ariella(s). :) :)

    2. True. I'll speak for the "tribe." Ariel ("ahh-reee-L") is the way to go and has been used for both boys and girls but calling a person Ari is really more for guys. Just not getting their Hebrew or Jewish references. They/Christine were so wrong about Passover and Chanukah I screamed at the TV.

    3. I'm sorry I was not very articulate in my above post! Ariel is definitely Hebrew - I just don't think that Robyn chose the name Ariella for any biblical or Hebrew significance. I think she likes Disney Princess names as evidenced by her other daughter's name - Aurora. I think Robyn put Ariel and Cinderella together and came up with Ariella, but in her pretentious manner she declared the name was chosen because it was "Hebrew." To me, it's like having her cake and eating it too. She gets the Disney princess name she wants, but she makes it appear that the name was based on some divine or spiritual inspiration.

    4. I just think Robyn wants her name, Ariella, to sound more fancy when pronounced. So she prefers how Sebastian the crab in the Little Mermaid says Ariel as opposed to how Kevin Bacon in Footloose says Ariel... Lol

    5. That's how Sebastian the crab pronounced Ariel's name. R-E-L

      Was the crab Hebrew? I say she got it from the crab.

  29. Then why not name her "Ari" if that is what they are going to call her? This is one of MrSpock's pet peeves---giving a name, but then knowing, from the offset, that the child will have a nickname of that name----so just name the child THAT name already!

    1. I agree, MrSpock, why go to all the trouble to find the perfect name only to shorten it to something else? Many times, I find the shortened name doesn't sound as nice the full one.

    2. Maybe she is already struggling to say the full name and had to cut it in half!

    3. i don't have kids, but if i ever have a daughter, i plan on calling her elizabeth, partly because then she can be 'lily', which is think is cute, but there are a multitude of other short forms, so she can decide on what she wants to be called. (fun fact, 'buffy' is short for 'elizabeth'.) then again, mormons in particular seem to give the weirdest names and just make them up. where i live, there is actually a law against that, though we're not as strict as iceland, with their list of about 200 names. also, catholic churches in my country will usually not baptise a child unless you can provide a saint you're naming them after. it's become less strict, but i've still heard quite a few stories of people having to jump through all sort of hoops to get a particular name approved. i'm afraid that unlike the US, we're not that concerned with personal liberty.

    4. Ella is a pretty and melodious name. Much nicer than Ari, IMHO.

  30. Doomed that poor child forever to first day of school horrors. Having to correct the teacher every time.

    In the other news Headlines: Day 2 or is it 3? Do I count the holiday? Still no sign of a book from #notbatmanyet. Goodness! Sam! I am so surprised that "your girls" are falling down on the job! Maybe you're not paying them enough.

    1. Air vs, my...such drama as usual from Sobbin.

      "Mae".... on its own would be a cute name.
      But then again, maybe that too has a Sobbin-special pronunciation ???

    2. So basically it's pronounced how Sebastian the crab from The Little Mermaid says it?! Lol
      Maybe Mae is pronounced like Mai, you know like Mai Tai ;)

    3. @Amused - Just talk with marbles in your mouth for Robyn's "special pronunciations" LOL

    4. Well. I just filed a complaint with PayPal against SJC Investments #notbatmanyet saying that it was a fraudulent seller.

      Immediately they responded that the book was being shipped and they would provide a tracking number any minute. hahahahahahaha I'm still laughing! I know how that goes - you can provide all the fake tracking numbers you want and never ship anything.

      I just continued the dispute and said they needed to shut down this FAKE PayPal account as this Seller was a Fraud and a Liar. Supposedly the "book" goes live again on the website tomorrow and I hope PayPal shuts the account down before tomorrow.

    5. Not with a bang but a whimperJanuary 20, 2016 at 2:07 PM

      E books have no tracking number.

    6. Those of us who bought the ebook would supposedly get a (cough cough) copy of the paperback book for free. That's what I assumed the fake tracking number was for.

      The only problem with all of this is Catfish never ever had my mailing address. There was no way a package could be sent to me - hence no tracking number. Unless you want to add psychic to the list. Or maybe Lindsay tracked me down or something from my IP address.

    7. Thanks for sacrificing your time and your $6 on this scavenger hunt, LBL. Looking forward to any updates. I'd love to know if there's going to be more pictures of the two of them together or any sort of proof.

  31. This name reminds me of the gal in Love Actually that Colin Firth fell in love with. The one that jumped into the freezing water to save the pages of his book.

  32. QUESITON? The "People" site (and other sites) said the name is "Ariella" but on the Sister Wives Facebook page, the brown and pink announcement says "Arielle"---seems that would trump what "People" says. Anyone?

    1. Isn't that just typical Mr. Spock?? It was a very elaborate looking birth announcement on their official TLC FB page and it was spelled Arielle. Many posters asked them to clarify since it was initially announced as "Ariella." There has been no official clarification on their FB page. When you go to the TLC link on the FB page to watch the video - it lists the name as Ariella. Most posters believe it is Ariella because that is how Janelle has it posted on twitter. Also, on Robyn's twitter, someone asked her how to pronounce the name and they spelled it as "Ariella" and Robyn did not correct them--but who knows?! It is the Brown's after all.

    2. So "Ariella" it must be---why they do not correct the Facebook page is anyone's guess. MrSpock assumes (but probably shouldn't) that the Facebook announcement was done in the background color of brown---for the Browns (yes, we get it)---and pink for a girl. Too bad the spelling wasn't checked first.

  33. When you have three hundred first cousins and five hundred second cousins you end up having to go to disney and use creative spellings to name kids.

    1. I guess that is why one little girl in the FLDS had a name like Velvet Caress,I saw it online somewhere in a picture.

  34. CF is obviously reading this blog. is now responding to the bacon smell protein thing mentioned here. She is calling out remarks made here. Newest blog is called "do you want to get punched in the face" with a bogus boxing story. This thing may escalate because of the pressure it has put itself in with taking money for something that cannot be delivered. the blog posts are increasingly bizarre..for as much is has supplied snark i hope it dosnt raise the risk for anyone involved.

    1. She definitely is reading this blog. A while back someone here commented about the grammatical errors and such related to the E book pages she posted on her batman blog and the very next day she (Jackie/Sam) addressed it in her delusional ramblings and now today the bacon thing. I just wonder how long she can keep this bat crap going. As stated above she is slipping up. What a tangled Web she weaves...

    2. Maybe we'll see catfish on an episode of Web of Lies on the Investigation Discovery channel. They're linked to TLC too. This shit show just needs to be shut down b/c she is beyond delusional.

  35. I read on another website that prior to targeting Meri, the CF was actually trying to prey on Janelle and that evidence of this is still on Twitter dating back to March and Feb 2015. Obviously, Janelle was not receptive. I don't follow anyone on Twitter and rarely go on it, so I'm just wondering if there is any truth to this.

    1. There was a previous poster on our blog who had followed and dissected this whole catfish debacle right to its very beginning - maybe they will see your post and let us know if there is any truth to Jangle being the original target!

  36. "Sam" claims he is donating all the proceeds of his book to a worthy charity- anyone want to bet said charity is a down on her luck and money woman in Oklahoma ? ! Named Jackie Overton?! There is no way there are $31,000 of profit from a book no one seems to have read or received.

    1. "Sam" appears to be pedaling its wee little tricycle hard that this whole con job is legit. Ain't buying it, literally...

    2. Disturbing that a catfish as disturbed as JO, and others like her, walk among us.

  37. Holy Catfish Batman! The joker is disturbingly crazy. I recently went to the blog site and are we supposed to believe that this millionaire business owner has all this time to blog about nonsense? He/She rambles on and on. Wow. Also, are does anyone think these people commenting are real? I would guess maybe 1 out of 10 comments might not be the joker. Mari must have been in a horrible emotional state at the time to fall for this. She was NOT getting any love on the cul-de-sac.

    1. Excuse my typo Meri*

      And btw CJ, I heard The Joker (song, not CF) today and all I could think of was your living room!

  38. Meanwhile, Meri is posting "Disneyland - it's all about magic and fantasy!" Seriously. I guess that's where the magic happened; she met and spent the day there with batfish. I'm glad that her love of all things Disney wasn't tarnished by J.O.
    If I were Meri, I might refrain from posting about Disney. She is just inviting someone to tweet back a picture of her there with batfish.

    1. Meri doesn't seem able to learn from past mistakes.
      Seriously, she seems to go out of her way to invite snark.

      Is she naive to a serious fault? Or just plain stupid?
      Or does she just crave/love the attention, no matter how snarky or critical?

    2. Ha ha! Batfish! I like it! Very clever! LOL

  39. I am just upset that this "book" is supposed" to go again "live" Saturday on the #notbatmanyet @notbatmanyet website and again enticing more $6.00 orders to the people who don't know any better.

    That was my whole point in coming forward in my PayPal disclosure. I can afford to lose the $6.00 or whatever. It's disgusting, sure. But I don't want to add more $$ to that bank account if I can help it.

    I had already had an email exchange with Sam about the ebook and the release date. So I was surprised when I read online to find out that it had been released already. I emailed Sam back and simply said that I was surprised to read about it online when I didn't have a copy since I'd paid for mine in advance. Sam was quick to respond that he (she) would have his "girls" issue me a refund. I was shocked by that reply but I guess if there is no actual book that would be the best possible response. I waited 2 days but received no book and no refund.

    That's when I started getting worried for everyone ELSE! I don't want this to happen to them.

    Sam had a Twitter account but blocked it (and me) today when I called the book and him scam and a fraud and posted the PayPal link of my chargeback. I read (ha!) that there was glowing reviews of the book but all I see is one review and a blank page under book reviews. So you tell me.....if there was a book released or not? I don't think so.

    That Twitter account should be removed for violating TOS. I have no idea why the FBI is not all over this.

    I wanted to think there was an ebook. Now I know there wasn't. Simple as that. I guess we nay never know what happened.

  40. Of course what I couldn't figure out (but that's just me) when I emailed Sam and oh so innocently said "I didn't get my ebook and you said on your website it's been released already....

    Now this is just me but I would think Sam would HAVE A COPY OF IT on their computer. And it wouldn't take but a second or two to attach to an email and hit reply. Good customer service and all. I'd be anxious for a good book review or something. At least good customer satisfaction.

    Pssssh. No. Refund. His girls would take care of that. It didn't matter what I thought about it or how I felt.

    Guess Sam never read the Pete Blackshaw book.
    Satisfied Customers Tell Three Friends, Angry Customers Tell 3,000

  41. Showtime had a free weekend and one of the things I caught was a documentary called "Prophet's Prey" about Warren Jeffs. Wow. Did any of you see it? Real fascinating. Interviewed various siblings, a nephew, wives and even a juror. What tripped me out as well was how much money they have from investments and companies basically not paying folks anything but working them practically nonstop. The film reported Jeffs having over $110million... If only they would have talked about how much money was coming in from bleeding the government.

    It's worth watching.

    1. Yes I stumbled onto it also during the free weekend. It was really good and to put faces with all the notorious things I've heard. Warren Jeffs is beyond creepy. Everything he predicted that did not come true was blamed on the people, that they were not worthy of this terrible prediction. Not just mind control but mind f**k. Truely a sociopath.
      The AUB is just one step away from this crap. We non believers (Gentiles) are to be used, lied too and manipulated to meet the needs of the church. This is exactly what the Browns have done for their entire life. Get tax payers and consumers absorb their purchases through bankruptcy, welfare and social services. Just because they are now suburban and dress better doesn't hide where they started. When we first met the Browns they where one step above FLDS. Their "modest " clothes looked as though they came from charities. Christine was on food stamps ( listed on 2010 bankruptcy). They presented their shared home as 3 separate apartments to collect welfare in seperate households. All this "bleeding the beast" which is their code words for abusing government programs is exactly what the FLDS cult has done for generations.
      All this abuse under the umbrella of "religion" makes me sick.

  42. Has there been NOT ONE PERSON who received this 'book'?? WOW. I figured there'd be SOMETHING to show for all the bluster about it.

    Thanks for the updates!

  43. AOL: Browns being represented for FREE in a Utah legal case regarding the ban on Polygamy.

    1. Are you sure Jonathan Turley is still representing them during the appeal?

    2. Yahoo News, 2 days ago mentioned that he is (still) working for free.

  44. Catfish says "All of the books have been sent out but one"

    I guess that would be me ;)

    1. The gal at the Bullshit Bookclub didn't get hers either. She's probably the only reason I was hoping there was a book. Her reviews were so funny.

  45. HeyPal where's your BatBookJanuary 22, 2016 at 11:32 AM

    Why would people ever believe that this con artist is 'sending out' ebooks.
    Don't people know what ebooks are? Electronic! There's nothing to send.
    If she says she is sending them out, that's your clue there is no ebook and there certainly won't be a paperback book in the future as she is now claiming.
    Get real folks. You buy an ebook, YOU download it.

    "My publisher, my editor, my TV movie"... it's all just hysterical.

    What we have here folks is a woman who fell madly in love with the person she duped, and is still madly in love with that person. That unrequited love is getting stalker-ish. I hope all the rumors about an FBI investigation and restraining orders are true. It is a pretty slam dunk case of harrassment.

  46. One year ago, if we were to play a game of "match the tweets to the wife" I think we would have really missed the mark guessing which wife sent which birthday sentiment this year to Kody.

    Kody's birthday was on Jan. 19th and if you had asked us a year ago which of the 4 wives would neglect to send a birthday tweet --would we have guessed Robyn? Robyn was able to rally herself on the 16th to tweet a lovely "Happy Birthday" message to Meri, but on the occasion of her husband's birthday a few days later - nothing. Doesn't really match with the wife who said she would keep the honeymoon going forever.

    Then we have Janelle's tweet; "Happy B-Day 2 the love of my life" who would have thought? Sounds romantic and like something Meri might have tweeted a year ago. However Meri's tweet this year was; "Wishing you peace, happiness & love in abundance." Pretty lukewarm for someone who liked to refer to Kody openly as her "lover." Rounding it out was Christine's tweet; "I love being married to you and sharing our life story with you." I guess she's learning because she didn't refer to it as "my life story," she made it about the family and called it "our."

    How things change in one short year....Robyn ignores him, Jangle is the most openly romantic, and Meri's birthday wish is impersonal.

    1. Robyn did not tweet happy birthday because they spent the day together

    2. Yes, MTGal, you don't have to tweet, text or FB the one you live with everyday. Clearly the other 3 wives have been relegated to social media contact on the Kings birthday. For it is now K+R forever.

  47. I don't understand the fascination with the supposed catfish book. As stated by HeyPal above, it's got to be a farce.

  48. Poor Christine. Too bad she is sharing a life story instead of a love story with Kody.

  49. To All Mid-Atlantic East Coasters:

    Stay warm and safe !!! This too shall pass!!!

  50. There is obviously NO book. The Brown's are the only ones that could really shut JO down at this point. They are conspirators in the actual fraud committed against one of their own. It sickens me that they choose to allow this sleaze to scam money out of their own fan. They deserve the ultimate downfall they will eventually get. Fame and money whores.

    1. " allow this sleaze to scam money out of their own fan."

      Not to mention, benefit from insuring that the social media chatter and blogs keep the interest ripe in their contrived show for next season.

    2. My guess is the Browns are being guided by TLC in how to act/react re the catfish. My guess is that TLC is the biggest fame and money whore of the bunch. --Sister Kolobster

  51. TLC may very well be advising the Brown's to lap up all the free attention they get from this. However, it isn't their name ( Meri) that is the impetus for interested fans to get cheated out of their money. TLC is a corporation- an entertainment business. The Brown family may consider the show their work, but at the end of the day, they are people in a family, and should draw a firm line in the sand when their fan base is being subjected to a conniving grifter like JO- all because of them.

  52. For your reading pleasure:

    1. HOLY BATFISH. Thank you so much for sharing it. Only part way through - but now we have an explanation for why Jangle's boys are so physical with one another. Jangle physically beats up her sister wives. The description of Jangle grabbing Meri by the shoulders and then kneeing her right in her pregnant stomach was laugh out loud funny (Yes, I could laugh because the image was so silly and fantastical) more spoilers from me.

    2. Anon, thank you for posting the link to "the book". I've started reading it (wading through all of it's 'self-centeredness', is more like it. lol) but I hope it isn't a complete waste of my time.

    3. I don't know if Jangle would go so far as to kneeing Meri in her pregnant belly. That is pretty brutal. I can believe she grabbed her by the shoulders and shook Meri. Batfish used Meri's stories shared during their conversations and embellished a few. It was really hard for me to read through the "book" due to the grammar and spelling. I mostly skimmed it.

      By the way, I brought the link over from Dakota Justice's post at PTV (giving credit where credit is due!). We are having loads of fun tearing the "book" to shreds over there.

    4. Thanks Anon for the link. I skimmed it mostly stopping when I saw the name Meri. Reading every juvenile sentence would cause angina I think. There are some good laughs though, like as someone previously stated, "the world's most interesting man's" devotion to the Hobby Lobby. JO, the Hobby Lobby in my town doesn't sell Christmas lights. But why should the truth get in the way of sticking it to Meri, by liking everything that she likes.

      As far as the alleged assault by Janelle, I totally agree with you. Coke Zero girl is the last creature whose word I'd take. She must have thrown this thing together in 2 days. The few people who actually paid for this should get partial refunds. JO is about 75 pages short. Still smiling about the "pictures and proof" that was promised. Oh well, I shouldn't be so critical. I never thought there would be a book. But it's debatable if that's what this mess of mental vomit is.

    5. There is a theory over at PTV that the 12 people who did buy the book (according to PayPal) and who filed for refunds kind of pushed JO to crank out a book in a few days to satisfy PayPal. That is why the book is a piece of crap and too short. Of course, it would have been a piece of crap even if it would have been a real book. It also explains why she didn't address the sex tape and other big details from the blog; she was rushed and just plain forgot about them while making stuff up on the run.

    6. "I brought the link over from Dakota Justice's post at PTV (giving credit where credit is due!). We are having loads of fun tearing the "book" to shreds over there."

      My brain isn't firing on all cylinders today (too much snow shoveling and cold weather, I think) and although I've tried, I can't figure this out -- so could someone explain what PTV is and where I might find said discussion? Thanks!

    7. Previously TV forums:

      When Television without Pity shut down, the original creators of TWoP fired up PTV and we all returned to the mothership. Between PTV and CJ's blog, plenty of SW discussion!

    8. Anon @ 4:28pm

      Thank you for the info. I used to read at w/o Pity, but had never heard of the new site. I'll be checking it out!

  53. It was a chore for me too to wade through the catfish book. I will have to reread it several times as I was losing concentration-and I love to read.There is a saying about every lie having some grain of truth to it. I believe Janelle did attack Meri. I believe she did that whole apology episode because she knew Meri had the goods on her and one foot out the door.I remember one episode when they were on the couch and one of the wives said Janelle was no one to mess with and they all nodded.I knew Janelle was seething under her calm front.Her calm is really contempt.There they sit maintaining polygamy is not emotionally abusive while one woman is so agitated she attacks another pregnant wife? Shame on Kody for turning a blind eye to the tone Janelle set. And what was this about the Catfish and Meri having similar childhoods with abuse in them?

  54. The CF's book was one of the most disturbing things I've ever read, and I've read the Isla Vista shooter and Unibomber manifestos.

  55. Luckily, this "book" is easy to skim/speed read - unless you see the word "Meri" just let your eye keep on scanning as the batfish has included lots of "background" filler you can skip (batfish is used to people commenting on his looks because he is always the most handsome person in the room) Some of the passages are just laugh out loud funny, the description of their mutual love for Hobby Lobby comes to mind.
    For those who do not have the time or stomach to deal with sifting through the nonsense, at the very least you will want to page down to the end of the book for the pictures included. Meri does love taking a good selfie. I cannot imagine any grown adult, other than the Kardashian's, taking that many photos. It is like an adolescent teen's behavior. I am wondering now if that is what Meri was referring to in the "tell-nothing" when she kept referring to she was being forced to take and send pictures. I thought she was referencing the banana photo as a way to explain that away. I think now she was trying to get out ahead of all the other pictures she knew batfish had. She knew the sheer volume of how many selfies she sent was going to make her look crazy/guilty.

  56. For those of you actually reading it, could you give us a bulleted list of the highlights? I started skimming it and didn't see anything interesting at all. But I still want to know the good gossip about the Browns. Thank you!!!

    1. I didn't read anything noteworthy. There no revelations at all, imo. It was a rehash of Batfish's blog and it felt like they were trying to refute a lot of the speculation that had been discussed here many months ago like Meri being closer to Robyn than the other 2, that she basically had nothing to do with Kody months before the AK trip, etc. For all of the hype and mystery - I didn't find that it answered any questions AT ALL, nor did it divulge any new info. For all of the self-promotion he did, IMO, it did nothing but give BF a boner for "himself".

    2. it felt like they were trying to refute a lot of the speculation that had been discussed here

      Scratch that part of the comment. I should have said - it felt like they were trying to confirm or address a lot of the speculation that was discussed here.

    3. "Sam" has a tattoo of Meri's name on his back. The met March 1, 2015 yet they have known each other much longer than that. "He" bought a house and car for Meri in LV and she was supposed to move into the house after the Alaska trip. "He" was all set to fly out to her with a new suit, new haircut and an engagement ring, but Meri turned cold in their texting. The end. Oh, and "he" is still in love with Meri.

    4. Thanks for the information. Clearly, this whole thing was such a big scam. The only thing that ever made it credible in my mind was the happy, glowing pictures of Meri. In all the Sister Wives years, I have never seen her looking like that.

    5. After skimming through the book I am trying to figure out how someone who broke their ankle and had open heart surgery has time to run 6 businesses while flying to LV each week to have wild sex 3 times a night in just a few months.

      My wife was wondering if Meri has read the book yet.... I may have to set up Twitter just to Tweet it to a Brownie. I bet Jangle has already devoured it.

    6. HeyPal where's your BatBookJanuary 25, 2016 at 11:50 AM

      Did it address the two times that 'you know who' has gone on Twitter and stated that her 'boss' was giving interviews that nobody has ever seen?
      Remember that? She tweeted a pic of a camera and some chairs, and then the day after the tell all she tweeted again that 'he' was giving an interview 'as we speak'.

      Hilarious how many times you can poke holes right in this story and see all the batpoop run out.

    7. @HeyPal, it did not address this at all. @Anon 3:15 - I am with you on your assessment; didn't answer anything, didn't divulge anything, it was just pages of nothing. I have a feeling all their communication was just adolescent garbage. The texts, voicemails are just silly nonsense with no substance.

    8. They're reviewing it at the bullshit booksclub but it's not a short list of summary. They're pretty long but they're funny probably better than reading the actual book!

  57. it really does leave you with a yuk feeling. Meri really exposed herself to physical harm and harm to her family all for a chance to leave on someone elses dime. she thought. Meri fell hook line a sinker for a scam. It also show JYD for the nosey busy body on Robyn;s behalf. What a mess. I think CF could have devulged more

  58. To Anon who posted the book link and who was kind to also credit Dakota Justice.....thank you.

    I did take a look. OMG, what drive! !l. What a load of redundant crap!!
    Agree, it was easy and absolutely necessary to just hurriedly skim and scroll through this pile of self-delusion. Even skimming the damn thing was an affront to one's dignity. When reading something makes you feel *stupid* for reading it, it is time to skim and bale.

    However, the one thing that screamed out was HOW the HELL did Meri Brown ever BELIEVE that Sam was a man??!!
    No way in hell does that book read like a man's perspective. It just scream's the ramblings of an obsessed, mentally disturbed female. A female who has insane, manic tendencies.
    A female with pathological problems and wayyy too much time on her hands.
    And ditto on those text exchanges with Meri !!!!! She comes off like a love-sick 15 yr, old !!

    Also agree that Meri in *her* disturbing mindset most likely did give away some private info about the inner dynamics of Kodyworld to the catfisher, and JO used them freely to weave her fiction.

    But come on, labeling Kody as a mean, petulant, passive-aggressive bully is hardly breaking news !!
    Really, Jackie thought THAT bit would validate your story??!!!

    And do agree with Big Sky that Meri has an adolescent love-affair with pics of herself.
    Her glut of selfies to the phantom she-lover was pathetic...over the top self-indulgent.
    But Meri has been prolific with selfies all along, way before the catfishing debacle.

    And yes, Meri was no doubt trying to to do desperate CYA for her ridiculous teen pic selfies to Sam by saying she was coerced into sending them. Sorry, Meri, but that BS just does not hold water.
    NOT sending them would have been the mature, intelligent way to go if you felt threatened.
    Especially if, as you claim, it was strictly an online thing?!

    Ugh !! These people, the Browns and the Brown-hanger-ons, are just not worth the energy or credibility.

    1. Nobody coerced Meri into taking the banana pic

    2. My wife read a few pages and declared that the author is definitely a woman.

    3. "even skimming the damn thing was an affront to one's dignity." Amused, you took the words right out of my mouth. Even by just skimming it, I felt soiled by the whole process!

      It is beyond the beyond to think Meri imagined this person to be a man. The voicemails, texts, were so juvenile it was embarrassing and I think my face was frozen in a cringe from start to finish.

  59. The cover of one of the tabloids suggested that all wives leave K this season.
    Any thoughts on that?

    1. It doesn't matter. They are done having kids. He can get new wives.

      But I doubt the story. I would love from them to leave and his kids with that wife or wives be sealed and a few legally adopted by the new part time shared daddy. Still feeling a bit miffed about Robyn's kids. They made two seasons out of house buying. I think Kody should decide to build a custom house for all with shared kitchen. They copied Big Love up to now, why not continue? Big new house and a run for office? Move back to Utah to continue to prove they have standing in their court cases?

    2. I doubt anyone is leaving that compound as long as living there together secures them all an income.
      They have tossed out tantalizing teasers of "what if" and "maybe" and "OMG" before, as PR foreplay to an impending season. Teasers which then go nowhere.

    3. I saw the cover of that tabloid too. After thinking about it, what would leaving him consist of? He isn't legally married to them, they all live separately, and he spends all of his time with Robyn. Honestly, he probably wouldn't even notice if they left him. They just go on living their separate lives like they always do.

  60. I can't tell if the news of a split is genuine or merely a ploy to drum up viewers for next season.

  61. Is Jackie's Mama still in jail? Her supposed cousin tweeted multiple times that she was going to tell J's Mama what she has been doing- and that she wouldn't approve. (Didn't Della con her own dying father out of money)? I'm not saying the cousin's identidy isn't true- but maybe she has no idea what the two of them have been up to?! I bet Kody loves watching Meri squirm through all of this!

  62. I'm confused .... I skimmed the "book" (if you can even call it that) .... So are the stories about Meri & Sam spending so much time together & having s#x totally made up? There was no man, so it has to be made up, right? If so, can't Meri sue for slander or whatever? Again, I'm so confused!

    1. Or is Kody so bad in bed that Meri didn't even realize she was having sex with a woman????

    2. Snark^^ ...Kody seems like he's a "wham bam thank you ma'am," type of guy with the original 3. He's probably a little more romantic or I should say, he puts more effort in with Robyn. Lol

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Um, Batfish is claiming that Janelle kicked Meri in the stomach when she was preganant!! That is a TERRIBLE lie to tell.

  64. So I skimmed through the "book." It read like a 12 year olds attempt at a creative writing project. This is a bunch of bizarre BS. It is so clear that Meri fell for this persona. She was miserable and found a little of what she thought was happiness and a way out. And as far as the catfish goes, I think Jackie did fall in love with Meri and is now completely obsessed. And poor Meri, I cant help but feel sorry for her. In those pictures she looked happy and very in love. I'm sorry it wasn't real. And I don't believe Janelle kicked Meri in her pregnant belly. That is a vicious lie and I do feel like the Browns (all of them) would be foolish not to take some action to stop the slander.

    1. Being on the 'rough side' and intentionally trying to terminate a pregnancy via kicking are two vastly different things.
      There is no way in hell I believe Meri (who suffered through years of infertility and reproductive hardship) would allow someone to live (let alone walk around kissing her husband) if they tried to harm her baby.
      Say what you will about Meri (I'm no fan of her myself) but the only thing she truly seems to care for and be willing to go outside of her comfort zone for is her daughter. I don't think Meri would have allowed anyone to walk away after kicking her pregnant belly.

  65. OK, I read it. Well, really I skimmed it like I skimmed the Scarlet Letter in high school English.

    The best part is the disclaimer in the beginning "This is a work of non-fiction any resemblance to real people or places is strictly coincidence". WTH??? I laughed pretty hard at that one.

    The interesting thing is the facts are woven in. He/she/it does nail some situations pretty accurately and gives some details that could definitely be true.

    Let's face it, we heard Meri's voice talking about them being intimate. Meri can't deny that and batfish gives some details. I wonder if anyone on the cult-de-sac has read it and thought back to the timeline given to see if the stories of them hooking up match up with reality.

    I always wondered about Meri saying she wanted to have "his" baby when she can't have kids and her age is so advanced. The book does explain that pretty well.

    I don't know, it was AWFUL (who can't spell neck??) but there is enough truth in it to really make you think it could be true. SMH..what did Meri Meri quite contrary do? This is a mess and she has to be dying over this book.

    1. I'm confused if the CF is female, why is Meri admiting they had sex? Please explain what I am missing. Thank You.

    2. Meri said she never met the person that it was an online relationship only. The only person saying there was sex is the CF.

  66. If Meri was so adamant on camera that she was being threatened with exposure/ blackmail, and consequently was being forced to send those selfies or else....then wouldn't Meri have proof of that coercion via emails/ voicemails??
    Proof that she was targeted, victimized and threatened?

    Since the catfish was airing all the dirty laundry via the texts, the vm's and Meri's selfies to the social media world, why wouldn't Meri provide the evidence of threats and harassment?? Or at least put JO on notice to cease and desist, or she would post that info. Or her lawyer would??
    Wouldn't a counter threat of exposure to the world "with proof" have shut down the catfish?

    Meri's story of being coerced to send those pics under pain of what (?) just rings hollow. Unless, the Browns and TLC saw more merit in letting it play out, keeping SisterWives in print, FB, on blogs and forums at any cost.

    Thinking though, they could have cornered just as much media attention and PR for the show if they had gone after JO and exposed her for the sick fake she is.
    That is, IF there isn't even more to the story that the Browns want to stay buried. Who knows????

  67. I know I'm completely off topic now, but I just saw the birth announcement on the TLC Facebook page...does anyone else find it odd that the baby was born at 10:10 p.m. on January 10th and weighed 9 lbs 9 oz? That just seems...tidy.

    1. Yes, it seems a bit too tidy. Trite even! I'm sure Robyn "adjusted" the exact time and weight so it appeared more interesting. That is the problem with them. The truth is never good enough and they pass that message on to their kids - that it is okay to exaggerate or bend the truth.

  68. In order to blackmail you someone has to have something on you.I think Meri did some blabbing besides the affair.The catfish person was mentioning things about taping before episodes were shown.Meri came out and partially ceded the relationship because there was info out there.As for Meri not telling the difference between male and female ,one could speculate that is why Kody overcompensates by having four women.Another reason not to have sex before sealing.In addition when men get heavy like him I read you lose some inches.This reminds me off the old where is the beef cartoons.I am amazed no comedian has picked up this story and run with it.It would make a great Saturday night Live spoof.

    1. A Grody Little PonytailJanuary 25, 2016 at 4:15 PM

      Nonsharer, ITA! It would make a great SNL spoof. My sister and I have been saying that for years.

  69. I found this after reading some things on Nick's website.
    Interesting how the SJC Investments is the exact same but the profile pic doesn't match.


    I'm just over it. I finally just to had to say "no more". I said that before the online copy came out.

    I hope everyone who spent $6.00 on this drivel files a PayPal refund according to notbatmanyet.

    "I’m using Paypal as the payment processing for 2 reasons. You get to feel secure about ordering my ebook. And you also have the option to get a refund if you either don’t like or don’t feel it’s worth the price."

    There you go. That won't fit in Twitter, but it should.

    There is a not to be missed book review here.

    I have no idea if "Sam" is Jackie and all of the names or not. Whatever. I'm sure Meri or TLC knows and that's the sad part, that they just let this go on so long and get to this part.

    It's no longer fun or funny by now. Or interesting.

    1. Loved the book review link you suggested! Thanks for sharing it. And I agree, this isn't funny or entertaining anymore and I don't understand why no one on the Brown front is doing anything about it. I can't imagine how Mariah feels.

  71. There is also a Media blackout about the release of this "book" which I find interesting. I know from Twitter that Jessica Finn from In Touch Magazine received a copy of the book which she deleted her tweets after that. The screen shots still exist.

    I can't help but think that all the media ordered a copy of this eBook, just to see what it had to say. And yet, not one of them has reported on it. I find that...odd.

  72. Several people have asked this but I haven't seen an answer and I'm wondering the same thing.....
    If the catfisher is female, how did she and Meri have sex and Meri not realize she was being duped? I'm confused. What am I missing? Someone please explain. Thanks.

    1. They either had girl on girl or never had any sex at all. This catfish is beyond shady. Not only does she pretend to be a man. She pretends to have had sex. She pretends to be a high payed business owner. She pretends to now have come from a polygamous family as a whole new catfish persona ... She is a liar and a fraud and enjoys a great fantasy life. She draws in innocent people into her web of lies to legitimize her fantasies. If you saw the photos from Disneyland when "Lindsay" was sent by "Sam " all made up by the catfish JO, to meet with Meri, you can see that the person that showed up did not look like a man. It's all crap and as craptastic as it is, it isn't anything close to The load of crap, lies and betrayal this religion forces on women. Only a women that lives so desperate, so lonely and depressed would turn to an imaginary friend hiding in the computer. Meri needs a friend. She never had a husband that was her best friend, she never befriended wife #2 or #3 and the soul mate friendship she thought she had found with Robyn backfired. Robyn was a single wife in a polygamous marriage that never added wives. And she is not good at sharing. She is the ruin of the Brown Klan.

    2. Phone sex and sexy testing is probably the truth of the "intimacy" that Meri alludes to. The real in physical sex as described quite loosly by Batfish....that is lies. If you read VERY CAREFULLY the interaction during the famous Banana photo episodes Meri does mention about "you said you were big". If real life sex were....well, real...then she would have no reason to question the size of "Sam's" manhood. She would already have known. Of course, this fact was quickly caught by the Batfish at the time of the blog post and was written about ha ha ha, they were just comparing the size of their bananas....

      I've read so much...I don't think that Batfish has ever had anything meaningful with a man in any way shape or form. She's never had mind blowing sex, she's never had a connection on a spiritual level, she's never physically experienced anything and her naivete is coming out in her sloppy, elementary style writing.

      The first rule of writing. Write what you know. I think the "Lindsay" character is to Batfish what "Michael Scarn" was to Michael Scott. A messed up version of who a person thinks they strive to be when they have zero creativity.

  73. Meri? Is that you?

  74. Anyone else think maybe JO has never had sex with a man? Could explain some things Sam has written. She definitely has not known any successful men of substance. JO must be privy to some juicy details spilled by Meri- that's why they are giving her a wide berth for all this garbage. The media choose not to comment because it is a legal minefield- better to avoid than tiptoe through the muck.

  75. How did Meri finally figure out that she had been catfished?

    1. Unless Meri actually steps up to the plate and gets real with herself and her audience, we may never know that. I have a feeling that she is forced to follow Kody & Producers direction to spin this to try to gloss over the truth of it all. Afterall, he thinks that all he needs to do is to have it filmed and then all the fans will just magickally believe! He really is no better that the Batfish who thinks that all she needs to do is keep posting as the "Sam" charade and it somehow becomes truth. What a messed up world they all live in.

  76. The question of "how" Meri finally bought a clue about the catfish may never be answered to protect the innocent....and/or the guilty. Or perhaps that exposing clue was bought by someone else in near vicinity to Meri in the cuddle-sec ??
    1- Meri finally added up all the things that did not add up, and had a much overdue epiphany of logic and common sense. (Unlikely)
    2- the obvious culprit other than Meri herself could have been JYD aka Sobbin's BFF, but who also was an acquired friend of the catfish.. Which would suggest that maybe Sobbin had insider info and could have been an accessory to the final exposure.
    3- Jangle or anyone else was doing some sleuthing on Meri's phone/computer?

    Anyone else have any ideas?

    1. Maybe Mariah finally figured it out & told her mom to 'wake up & smell the coffee' .... Mariah is someone that Meri would probably actually listen to & believe.

    2. Yes, I thought of her too.
      She may have noticed how distracted Meri was and did some sleuthing. If motivated out of concern, she may have sought access to Meri's phone/computer and then did confront her mother.
      Whomever and whatever it was that ultimately blew the whistle, It does appear to be something the Brown compound wants to stay unknown.
      For all the filmed drama TLC and the Browns were willing to put forth about it on last season's epps, exactly "how" it unraveled was a glaring omission.

    3. I think that somehow the producers found out Meri was leaving the family and program for another man during the filming of the Alaska trip. They did a little research and figured out Meri had been catfished. They told her about JO and that is when Meri "went cold" to Sam in the texts. The Alaska trip was in August; the catfish story came out in September. The producers were at least able to add another episode onto the lackluster season and Meri spun the situation, not knowing how JO was going to drag this whole mess out.

    4. Your theory makes sense too. The producers may have been tipped off that something was up by the production/film crew.

  77. I think they ALL would have noticed how shady Meri was acting, I mean we viewers saw it all in the filming after we found out. The constant phone checking. The constantly on the computer secretive behavior. The even more detached interest than normal. But I think the other family members didn't care to reach out to her.
    But I do think Amused has a point...Robyn may have spied on her computer and phone. But I'm not sure after all the divorce crap that she would trust Robyn around at all. I think Robyn had something to do with reaching out to the catfish (Sam) via her "sirget" her best friend. That's why catfish always sings high praise about friend and Robyn. I can see how them contacting JO would yet again validate and enhance her fake world. I can also see them being very suspicious about JO and encouraging the fraud to continue on to ruin Meri.
    The filming in Alaska where Meri says, "don't be surprised if I just am gone one of these days"....wasn't Robyn so quick to say ," oh well let's us know where you are " in so many words basically said ... Don't let the screen door hit you on the way out.
    She didn't even fake her usual sappy concern or compassion. She seemed to be "in the know" somehow while the original 2 sisterwives seemed boggled and confused about what Mari was saying and doing. Robyn just kept on eating and didn't even waste her breath to care about the conversation. Her body language was very guilty in nature as she just looked down at her plate and kept eating as if nothing was wrong. Me thinks she is involved somehow. Probably by egging on the catfish because I truly don't think she is smart enough to plan any of this.

  78. Just wondering if anyone else scanned through that so called book to see if JO ever broke character and referred to herself with female pronouns? Or just out right mix up all the characters in her tiny mind and make a mistake.
    My kids in middle school wrote better essays than that crap. It was all one and two syllable words, horrible grammar and she even admitted that everyone would think it was poorly written but "he " didn't care. Right

  79. CF/JO has been on another blog spilling the tea. She is frustrated that the book is being panned for not including enough Brown gossip. She argues with posters and says more in her posts than the stupid book. She still has it out for Meri
