
Sunday, September 20, 2015


It's Sister Wives  L I V E  T W E E T  P A R T Y  T I M E   FOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH!!!!

Will the new Mrs. Kody Brown indiscriminately BLOCK TWITTERS while pondering why no one likes her??

(Are YOU on her list tonight???)

It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!



  1. Ah, let the games begin.
    SO glad that Janelle has her dinner menu in hand for tonight's entertainment !!!
    Apparently there is no one else but her in the cuddle-sac who can be relied upon to provide lucid tweets.

    CJ, there IS a crown in heaven for you !! A non-plyg one !

    1. Thanks Amused! According to the recently resurrected Twitter account @sisterwives01, who mysteriously disappeared a red from the scene about 2 years ago, all of the adult Browns will be tweeting to night. I'll believe it when I see far only Janelle and Christine have tweeted with Kody retweeting as usual.

  2. For the Lord's sake, how few of the tweets are about the #sisterwives tweets are about the show. Not a Twitter person but the repeated "I've got a new YouTube show" and "hey, Sue how are you" stuff is annoying. Meri's really doing the "pay no attention to the bits of real emotion that peek thru or the total obvious BS, here's what we want you to believe." Head Koolaid dispenser. Can anyone tweet her that since it is a YEAR since the divorce, how is the adoption progressing? Any surrender in parental rights? Make that repeat like some of the annoying ones.

    1. Emma Christian..........Bravo !!!

    2. That's just the nature of the Twitter beast....but I did notice Christine is tweeting....that should be interesting tonight!

    3. Christine tweeting......oh, yeah, this should be fun !!

  3. I didn't get to watch the Robyn special before and now I'm realizing I didn't miss anything.

  4. If Janelle is seeing Nancy the therapist, and if Meri has seen her, why didn't their reconciliation take place in her office or with her as a mediator?

    In the all-about-Robyn episode, Robyn mentions that she and Meri sought family counseling, too, when Robyn joined the family. That's not a resounding endorsement of sister wives.

    Also, Meri said that she had made numerous overtures to Janelle over the years, but gave up. Yet, when Janelle reciprocates, Meri rejects it. I'd expect Meri to jump on the opportunity.

    1. Nor is it a resounding endorsement of Nancy, the SW therapist.

  5. Meri doesn't need to come to the wedding according to Kody. He wants to simplify, the wedding will just be Kody and Robyn.

    Sorry, Mer, we don't need you on our team anymore. We got our team of 2. buh bye!

    1. The way the whole scene was set up was just weird. Could Kody repeat "it's just paperwork" any more times? Jeez.

  6. My God !!!
    Kody, Meri and especially Sobbin are just Asses !! Ignorant, opportunists !!
    Dayton/David has "Aspergers"......He is not even comfortable with the damn cameras neing there on a bland day, yet they put that poor kid on the spot and expect him to throw himself on Kody and Meri and emote like his precocious sister.
    These people are so dense, so desperate to get those ratings. Nauseating !!!
    All staged, all BS. They should be ashamed !!

    1. I get anxious when I see Dayton. I have two on the autism spectrum, and I've been in a step-family situation where mom was forcing me to call new hubby "dad". I just relate to that kid so much. I hope he goes to MIT or whatever his interests are, and leaves this crap behind.

    2. Anon,
      I hear you !! How could these adults....these *parents* that to that boy???!!!

      I am with you !!!
      Hope he has a special talent that eclipses everyone, and that he manages to get the hell out of there and be in a setting where he can shine.

  7. Kody steals Hunter's state wrestling match by wearing Hunter's high school hoodie and have talking heads, with Kody's photos, about his HS wrestling career. It's so pathetic.

    And, Christine never knew wrestling before meeting Kody.

    1. In subsequent talking heads, Kody brags that he pinned an undefeated wrestler at his state championships. Earlier, he said that winning at the state level is how Hunter will get noticed by coaches. Kody never went to college - what happened? Christine was the other wrestling expert in that segment.

  8. Sobbin, please try to start a sentence with something other than "like"...........
    Sooo annoying !!
    And could the family as a unit refrain from "awesome" overkill.......!!!

  9. This epp is bad to the point of insulting.
    Really, it is.

    1. The Browns have become a joke at this point...I really hope their ratings are as bad as their acting.

  10. I think forcing the kids on camera to say that they wanted to be adopted AFTER being told about the great sacrifice all the adults did (and knowing it would be shown on television) would be a good example of parental alienation were Mr. Jessop to show it in court.

    1. That was so completely inappropriate...completely ludicrous behavior.
      Meri would not be 'perfect' and/or crying if the legal marriage dissolution meant 'nothing', unless she's just so taken with her personal sacrifice that it brings her to tears--so there would be meaning in it for her after all nevertheless.
      Also, how could Gwnedolyn NOT KNOW the difference between the AUB and LDS. Are these folks not DEFINED by their religion to a great extent?!

  11. Interesting that the second half of this episode is about what a lousy dad Kody is to his daughters, especially when he's trying to steal a couple more.

  12. Janelle just said Kody is already a better day because just recently he makes sure he talks to his kids at least once a day. Father of the Year!

  13. Time for the polygamist victimization segment. Christine, of course, is the first to speak. And, Kody says, "The LDS church doesn't respect the authority of my church at all." Of course, it doesn't - they're separate churches.

    Amused is right - it's bad to the point of insulting.

  14. Well, well..........looks like the game plan no doubt finalized A YEAR AGO. was to devote this segment to what a struggle but *good* dad Kody is. Read the blog much, TLC??? Damage control??

    Kody is on doing a Talking Head spot almost every freakin 3 minutes.......
    Enough......enough of Kody blowing his horn, shaking his newly cut and Christine-hot-ironed curls and rambling on and on.........enough !!!
    ARRGHHH !!!

  15. We just learned what a great dad Kody is - allegedly. Now we see what a great priestholder he is. His children don't even understand their religion.

  16. I think it's interesting that none of the younger kids know the difference between LDS and FLDS when religion is SO important to them.

    1. l don't have the show on; what happened when this question must have been raised? Is TLC slowly throwing them under the bus?

    2. Ark of Snark- the parents were trying to explain to the younger kids that Maddie is converting to the LDS church and would be baptized in their church. The kids were asking questions about how her conversion would change things and Kody was struggling to answer. He came to the realization that maybe having his kids outside the FLDS would be a big deal after all.

    3. The Browns belong to the AUB which is a sect of fundamentalist Mormonism and not the FLDS.

  17. And now a commercial with the teaser "see janelle as you have never seen her before"........

    Oh joy......the Janelle show is about to begin....hope she remembers her lines.

  18. How long have we heard about how Robyn was the martyr in her divorce? Yet, she uses the same lawyer for the adoption...

    1. she also claimed that that was the lawyer she used to file. Wasn't she the respondent on the case?

    2. Can anyone check if this lawyer is real? remember those graduate students were not legit.

    3. The graduate students were legitimate. Their reason for studying the Browns was fake.

    4. I seem to remember Richard the Anthropologist has the same last name as the lawyer. I can't check because I deleted the videos. Seems like Richard is the right age to be the lawyer's son too.

    5. Anonymous 2:12, as an anthropologist, using your status as a student of the subject for a tv show and not actually doing the work means they will always be looked at with caution and with the question of whether they are anthropologists or not. They tossed themselves into a professional gray zone they may never be able to leave.

  19. Why is Kody tweeting about the "surprise" announcement of Maddie's engagement? Guess he didn't read People last week...yup, he's a REAL involved father.

  20. What kind of reputable lawyer would give legal advice to a client on a speaker phone with a camera and sound crew recording it?? Pure usual !!!

    Kody, take off that damn wrestling shirt. YOU didn't earn it, your son did!!

    1. TLC might as well go ahead and change the show's title to its original name:

      "All About Kody."

  21. Meri's probably regretting that she gave up her legal-wife status, listening to the conversation about the challenges of the adoption.

  22. I can not believe what I am hearing on this show. Putting this all out there about the kids father. They are just idiots. I realize this has already happened, but good grief. Any good attorney would tell them to keep their mouth shut. Just wow!

    1. I can't believe this guy is letting them drag his name thru the mud like this. My guess is it's just a story line and they either paid him or forgave debt to get him to play along.

  23. Re: the adoption. All of the sister wives and Kody agree that marriage is just a piece of paper and it doesn't really matter to them because it's in their hearts. They all claim to feel married in every sense of the word except as recognized by the government (Robyn aside). So if Robyn's kids feel loved, secure, happy and accepted as true Browns, in the end, isn't that good enough, what really matters? Adoption is just a piece of paper and while it would be nice to have it legalized, isn't the love and acceptance and good intentions what really counts? They don't need marriage licenses or adoption papers to be a true family.

    1. Amazing point. I hope people live tweeted that question to all of them or will next week. blast them with that hypocrisy.

      And how will Kody react when he becomes a grandfather while pretending he is still a high schooler wearing his son's h.s. wrestling jersey. sounds like his mid life crisis is soon here if not already.

    2. Not that I want to defend Kody, I don't, but with wearing the wrestling clothes...I live in Ohio and had a son wrestle. More than 80% of the team parents attended matches wearing team apparel. It was sold as a fund raiser. It was worn as a tribute to the team and to identify yourself as a supporter of a specific team. It would have been considered rude, not to wear the clothes. The 20% who didn't wear this was predominantly those who could not afford to participate lin the fundraising of the team.

    3. Oh my polygamous truth! Kody just stated that he really understands wrestling. I would expect that to be true...but Kody was absolutely wrong when he explained how to win in wrestling. He stated that a technical win was when you pinned another wrestler's shoulders to the mat for a certain period of time. Wrong! A technical pin is when you outscore your opponent by a specific number of points "In Ohio it was 15 points." How could Kody, a state winner, mess this up.

    4. The kids could legally change their name to Brown when they're grown.

    5. Per the wrestling clothes topic...We, too, wear our high school children's colors, but at games or school events. NOT on television. That just shows how Kody's immaturity. I would never wear a high school sweatshirt/jacket in an interview on television. And that sick ponytail...I have no words...just retching sounds.

      I wonder if they got the bio dad's word he would let Kody adopt his children and if they looked into the process and marital conditions of adoption before Meri signed over her marriage. I have the impression that these adults act before they listen and research. Unless they want the viewers to think they are this irresponsible and stupid. SMH

  24. In reall time, haven't the kids been adopted by now?

    1. Not unless their bio father chooses to give up his parental rights.

    2. Since a clip for an upcoming episode shows the whole family entering a courtroom and sitting down, I'd say the adoptions have definitely already taken place.

  25. Janelle: "I just naturally gravitated towards Meri's family...they were like family to me." Yes, since they were her in-laws.

    1. Applause for that one.Just like Janelle to understate the obvious.

    2. Isn't it amazing how they re-write history? Like we don't know Janelle is divorced from Meri's brother? Sheesh!

      My favorite thing they say is "For us,marriage is eternal!" Really? Last time I checked Janelle and Robyn were both previously married to other men in an "eternal marriage". So is eternal like a sliding scale? Maybe the plyg definition isn't the same as the boring monogamist definition?

    3. Janelle is my favorite, sad as it is to think I still have a favorite. However, why won't she give up this big ole on camera lie. She was married to Meri's brother before she married Kody. The lie just becomes a little more elaborate as she tells it at least once a season. Last night she added the comment that she was a little older than most Mormon girls when she married, so she really understood the religion she was entering. Janelle said she came to realize this life is what she wanted by talking with Meri's mom. Yes, Janelle, and then you married Meri's brother. Just tell it like it was. You're on a reality show. smdh

  26. Janelle tells the story about how she came to polygamy and how she had close conversations with Meri's mother. She never, ever says that she was Meri's sister-in-law.

    1. She said "I was in my early twenties and single"...I guess she forgot about her first husband?

    2. Wow, how bizarre that she never mentions she was married to Meri's brother! She just kept saying they were all 'friends' OMG, so so so deceptive.

    3. So did Janelle have a chat with Meri's mother about divorcing her son to go spiritually marry her daughter's husband? Awkward.

    4. wow, this exchange her just confirms TLC & the Browns think we are idiots as they continue to admit the previous marriage connection. like when Janelle said before how she "happened" to be at Kody and Meri's wedding, not mentioning she was there as a sister-in-law. good grief. Give us SOME credit TLC!!

  27. aack. Been lurking a long time, love the blog CJ. Have been content to read until now but yikes this stupid adoption plot is putting me over the edge. As a retired family law lawyer I cannot believe how idiotic the show is. The case should be in the children's home state, normally where they have lived for the last 6 months. Unless for some reason Montana has retained jurisdiction? If that is where the divorce even was? They are clearly jurisdiction shopping thinking they can get a favorable judge in Montana but sounds like a Montana judge has already ruled against them. This makes no seense

    1. Interesting how on two occasions Robyn has appeared emotionally unreasonable and Kody has taken the reins of reason, first when Robyn wanted 'guests' at her legal marriage and second when she insisted to Kody that she and her mother knew best in regard to where the custody case should be argued.
      So much crazy spin this season.

  28. We just saw these same flashback clips on the earlier episode - the Robyn hour. Janelle really is a tabula rasa, which is how she looks like genius among these grifters.

  29. Nevada court records are public and searchable online. I don't think you can search Montana court records online. I suspect this has everything to do with why they want to do this in Montana.

  30. I am going to try to hang in there for the Janelle show. It is no secret that I don't see Janelle as any more credible, authentic or ethical than the rest of them. In fact, I find her even more covert.
    However, TLC must have realized that she has been under the radar for the last 2 years (except for smashing a scale with Sean the trainer) ....AND.... TLC needs to get fresh faux stories on tap.

    Watching Janelle giggly and animated right now is comical.....sorry but it is.
    Did she get a mega dose of B-12, glass of vino, wacky weed?? Something... for sure!
    This is just not our gal, Janelle.....the 5 year SW champ of looking off in the distance or studying her shoes for all the couch chats and TH's
    And of course, Kody is center stage on her epp too.
    His face needs some serious down-time from the camera !!

  31. How many times must we see the scene where Janelle doesn't want dance???
    Really, how many scenes across the board must we see AGAIN and AGAIN.!!
    This season is taking redundancy to cosmic heights.

    OH my......soap opera stuff now......tear time!!

    1. And Kody was such an asss when he admitted he realized that Janelle was upset, yet he continues to smile and joke with the other wives.

  32. I wonder if it bother's the children that their accomplishments are exaggerated? Hunter is not in the Air Force Academy and Mariah is not pre-med.

    1. I also wonder why they show the clips from the children's lowest points. After we see an episode in which Hunter's praised as a wrestling superstar, we get flashbacks of his crying about leaving Utah and struggling to acclimate to Nevada. It's cruel.

    2. Well Mariah bills herself as a "television star" so I don't think the she has any issue with absurd exaggeration of her accomplishments.

      Being raised with blow-hard loud mouth look at me look at me Kody, they probably consider it the norm.

    3. So true, Snark.
      These kids have only seen self-promotion at any cost or embellishment from the Sperm King.
      How would they know what is normal?

  33. "Mona".. Magic Mona has been resurrected as part of the rehashing scenes........!!!
    Wow they are bringing back everyone for the Janelle Nostalgia Tour.
    Sean, where are you?

  34. Of course.....
    How could we forget the mattress-buying adventure with Kody and Janelle, including an unwanted look at Janelle's filthy feet.

  35. Lol at them putting paper on their license plates to cover them up this episode.

  36. Had their been a drinking game for the The Janelle Hour, it would have been based on what is without a doubt, her favorite word.......Ahhhhk- ward !!

  37. Going to try and stick to the rules :) But does Kody keep mentioning another little girl, besides truly, when he talks about the building the play set for the "little" kids

    1. Maya... it sounds like he says Maya. Possibly a friend or neighbor?

  38. Of course Robyn is suddenly super interested in Kody having a relationship with the next 5 girls in the family since 2 of those are hers. Why just those 5? Why not Truly too?

  39. been visiting here a long time but havent commented, but has any one ever seen Meri look any more miserable than she does in show about Janelle. I say shes ready to volt as soon as the show is cancelled\

    1. I absolutely noticed this. She repeatedly keeps saying how fine she is with everything but if you really really really look at each of them, it is so clear to see that they are not fine. Especially Meri. I think she hurts inside A LOT of the time.

    2. My honest opinion is that they have an arrangement so to speak that all the wives are going to stick around until the show is cancelled. Meri hasn't even been trying this season to pretend she cares, she probably sits in the chair and thinks of Mariah's education and her wet bar to get through it all. I think she's gonna bolt as soon as the show is cancelled too.

  40. My favourite tweet was the one where someone said Robyn must have been hiding in their basement because she answered questions from before she was "married".I predict there is going to be a lot more discussion about the FLDs as the Prophet's prey Movie comes out. Ya well,we are FLDS but not FLDs. We are AUB but we are Allred united brethren.Not calling themselves Apostilic United Brethren. Just to muddy the waters. This is what every cult needs, various aliases to confuse people. I am not watching the show so your recaps are great. Could you post a picture of the new hairstyle? PLeease!

    1. I thought the reason they never mention the name of their religion was because the AUB forbid it.

  41. These past two weeks of shows reflect a real change in the spin of the show. Kody, especially, has been shown thoughtfully considering his emotional responsibilities to his kids and his wives; his ego is no longer being flaunted like a show stopper.
    Honestly, I prefer this to the flagrant, silly, and at times flippant attitude he has been portrayed as having. Whether or not this is an honest refection on him or not, it's definitely more respectable.
    Maybe things actually are better in their lives right now. They have settled into Vegas. Janelle and Christine might feel a bit healed and even-stevened out in relation to Meri now that she's had a bit of come-uppance with the 'divorce'.
    So it's Robyn's turn to have Kody more focused on her right now; she is the youngest at this point and still bearing children. Maybe Janelle and Christine are actually better with that than Meri, who actually seemed to have had Kody's attention a lot more in the 'old days'.
    This 'divorce' and turn of events seems to be the worst situation for Meri, but perhaps feels lighter for Janelle and Christine. When Robyn tells Meri that she wants her at the legal marriage, and that they are a 'team', it truly seems incredulous that Meri buys that hunk of baloney. For her pare, Robyn seems to be trying so hard to not only do and say the right and "proper" thing in accordance with "their" rules of polygamous life, but also convince herself that this is how she herself feels in the process.
    Wow. What a long, strange trip it's been.

    1. Well if it only took Meri being publicly demoted from legal wife to make Christine and Janelle feel even steven what kind of endorsement is that of polygamy? Nothing like some good emotional abuse to put a woman in her place,right? It is easy enough for Robyn to magnanimous to Meri , she has it all ,except favourable public opinion.That is her next goal. dream on Robyn.

    2. I love your comment 11:59...

  42. You know, I was really looking forward to the Janelle episode because apparently I'm an idiot who just never learns. This episode is making me freakin' irate! "Look! We're finally going to spotlight Janelle, the fan favorite! Oh, but it still has to be about Meri and Robyn so we're going to spend half the hour talking about them." Seriously?! ONE question about Janelle and the second one is "what did you think about Robyn coming into the family?" Yeah, because they didn't spend like, the entire first season covering the wives' opinions on the matter. THANK YOU TLC for covering new ground!

    No one likes clip shows and for them to use scenes that aired LAST WEEK for about half the footage is just insane to me. They told us absolutely nothing new and left out all of the things the viewers want to know about!! I mean they can't let the woman have her own story arc for more than maybe 2 consecutive episodes, at least tell us what's going on in her life besides "kids, weight loss, real estate." That's all we're entitled to know. What are her personal goals? How are her kids adjusting to having their older siblings move out? (Has that even been discussed on the show at all??? Probably not since it doesn't concern Meri or Robyn's kids. SMH) How is her mom doing since Winn passed away?

    There were SO many missed opportunities in this episode. :-/ ....Sorry for the rant. *Steps off soapbox*

  43. Is "olive branch" a new family buzz phrase?

  44. A few take-aways from last night....

    * SW has been reduced to playing catch up to popular opinions this season by using re-fried clip after clip to attempt to redirect what was clearly shown in those clips through the years.
    Crazy strategy? Desperate strategy?

    *Apparently blog chatter IS read and digested. Problem is they still think viewers (snarkers included) are so malleable that they only need to put on an endless bunch of talking head spots to dispel or refute past "filmed" actions and words. Deluded (arrogant) thinking on their part??

    *A final rebuttal to all the "Run Janelle Run" or "Run whomever Run" pleas from the pundits. These kody-gals aren't going anywhere. As Janelle stated, she is looking forward to "30" more years.
    Who are we to try to dissuade such anticipated bliss ?!

    *The sham of Divorce for Adoption....
    Which when you think of it was in of itself, a clever switch-up of Sobbin loaning her uterus to Meri, since now Meri has given (loaned) her legal marriage license to Sobbin..
    All for adopting kids who *supposedly* were asked if they wanted that ONLY after the divorce and remarriage.
    Yet, still they soldier on...talking head after talking head, old clip after old clip,sham after sham, indignant defense after defense.
    Kind of reminds one of the band that still played as the Titanic slipped under the waves.

    *They should know that when the time comes that a viewer is focused on when the episode is finally ending and/or has been FF'ing sufficiently in order to quickly get to the end......
    Then the show has reached a serious end stage of survival.

    1. I agree with you on the FFing . I also know for myself when I hope the main character in a show will die or go into a coma I am just not that into it.

    2. Their strategy makes me laugh, because I (and I assume others like me) watched the original garbage and decided not to watch any longer. So, I'll never have to see their wasted attempts to rewrite history. Ha ha ha! I do enjoy reading about it here, though!

    3. I totally agree with you about none of the wives leaving. They will stay until the bitter (and man are they ever bitter) end fully expecting to ascend to the planet that Kody rules. Sad sad sad.

      Run viewers run!

    4. "Run viewers run!"

      Ha !!! Perfect !!!

  45. So this "show" was all a bunch of clips off the cutting room floor AGAIN? I guess that's what happens when they all moved into 4 separate houses and they can't get everyone together enough to film an entire episode unless they're off on a vacacation somewhere. Or they're so tired of spending time in each other's company that there's no longer a facade of togetherness.

  46. We have heard about Kody's parents and the moms of Kody's harum, but nothing about the women's dads. Did they have dad's around growing up? Janelle, Robyn and Christine all had moms and dads who divorced,I believe. Could this be why they all have issues in their marriages? Anybody have info on the wives' dads?

    1. Robyn's mother divorced her bio dad. At some point she took her step dad's last name (Sullivan) and calls him dad. Christine grew up with her dad and continued to live with him (at least part of the time) after her mother left him and the AUB. I'm not sure, but I though Janelle's father died? If it's true, all of her "Kody is so much more present than my dad was," is even more ridiculous.

    2. I was under the impression Janelle's father passed in her adult years. I think she got an inheritance and that's how they bought the Lehi house, if I remember correctly.

    3. If Robyn took her step dads last name Sullivan, I wonder if he legally adopted her?? Or does she just use his last name for other purposes?

    4. CB, remember how that credit repair guy mentioned how many aliases were associated with Robyn? I doubt very seriously she was legally adopted by Paul Sullivan.

    5. Neer thought of this before except in Janelles case excellent question.

    6. Her birth name was Alice Marck. It shows up when you do a search on her along with the other names.

    7. Robyn's birth name is Alice? Interesting... has this ever been addressed on the show or in the book?

    8. No sorry it was Robyn Alice Marck! Typo

    9. @ anonymous: No, Janelle's father died when she was 3 years old. Her stepfather died in 1995, but at that point there was no relationship there anymore. His obituary mentions neither Janelle nor his marriage to Sheryl.

      @ monogamous apostate: Robyn's birth name was Robyn Alice Marck, after her mother Reva Alice Fullmer (grandmother: Reva Evans).
      Which reminds me that I still don't know what the maiden name of Robyn's mother's sisterwife Carol is.

    10. @ The principle tumbler, do you know if David Jessop has remarried. On JYD's Facebook group, JYD was sticking up for him, saying his silence was put of respect for his children and that he has a wife.

    11. So, it was her step father that wasn't as involved as Kody. Must be, since it would be ridiculous to say Kody was more involved than a dead person.

    12. JYD = Junk Yard Dog. JYD is Robyn's main protector, BFF, supposed business partner and all around mean girl to anyone that says anything negative about Robyn on social media. It is believed saying or writing her real name will invoke the Kraken to destroy all that dared to speak her real name. She usually lives on the Sister Wives fan page on Facebook run by TLC.

    13. "No, Janelle's father died when she was 3 years old"

      Well that's about the only way she could honestly claim that Kody was more involved than her monogamous dad...

    14. JYD has her own FB group now. It's a crazy place and she is super mean to anyone who does not praise the name of Robyn.

  47. I fell asleep early last night so I didn't even watch SW. From reading the blog & other FB pages, it sounds like I didn't miss much. Same old BS! I was looking at some of the Browns tweets & since when did they start PDA?? I thought that was a huge NO-NO in the Brown family?! I'm curious to see what the ratings will be this week. I'm hoping ratings will continue to decline weekly.

    1. Let's hope it stays a no-no. I so do NOT ever need to see Grody making out with one of his faux wives! Ugh!!!

    2. Right!!! Me either!! Ewwww!! Their PDA would be forced & awkward anyways... well except K& R....blahh

  48. This episode showed more than ever how Robyn only looks out for her kids.

    1) Her sudden interest in Kody spending more time with "the next batch" of girls.

    Notice she never encouraged Kody to spend more time with Truly. Even when she was on death's door. No, because heaven forbid he spend less time with Solomon. She never encouraged Kody to spend less time at her place and more time at Christine's or Janelle's, since he had such little time left with his eldest daughters/kids before they left home. Nope. Now, suddenly its super important that he focus more on the "next batch" where all her oldest kids are.

    2) We know the boys are in extra-curricular, at least some are. However, are any of the girls in anything other than Aurora? According to Robyn, Aurora is in orchestra and Basketball. Do only Robyn's kids get to pick whatever they want?

    3) Despite her expecting the other wives to babysit/help with her kids quite often, Robyn was none to thrilled to have Gwendolyn stay over with her.

    4) She sure was trying to upset all the other kids regarding Maddie switching to the LDS. She kept repeating it and had this look on her face. Bet she wouldn't have done that if it had been one of her kids.

    1. Robyn just keeps proving over and over that she is out for herself number one, and then her own bio kids. Honestly though, I feel the worst for her kids. She's gone on national t.v. to denounce their real dad, she's probably done her best to alienate them from the other Brown kids, and frankly I can't imagine how she is as a mother. I bet the nights Kody isn't with her are just awful and like we've seen from her Twitter rants her temper tantrums aren't pretty.

    2. I think there's a new sheriff in Dodge. I predict that the "meaningless" legal marriage will affect Robyn's behavior in interesting ways...

    3. I wouldn't be surprised if Robyn has that meaningless piece of paper prominently displayed in an expensive frame in her McMansion...most likely on the wall next to her bed. She will NEVER give up "meaningless" piece of paper....unless Sister Wives is cancelled and the McMansions go back to the bank. Until then the Original Three are in for an extremely bumpy ride!

    4. Cynical, this run since the beginning of the new season has been so much fun and such a pleasant diversion. Thanks so much!
      Yours Truly,

  49. I have not read the comments yet, so I'm sure this has already been mentioned, but it's been making me crazy since the show last night, and it was just me, yelling at the t.v. all alone, so I have to get this off my chest. 1) I cannot believe there are many children who would be asked, "do you want me to adopt you and be your new daddy?" and they would just jump in his lap with joy. Not one of them even asked about their real dad, or showed any kind of hesitation; you know, like "what about my other daddy? Will I ever see him again? Will he be mad at me?, etc. etc. Having been a kid from a broken home myself once upon a time, I'm not buying it. 2) Did Janelle really try to sell her line of bull about being friends with Meri and Kody without ever mentioning "oh yeah, I was standing next to Meri at her wedding because I was her SISTER-IN-LAW!" She even responded to one of those tweets saying "yes, I'm standing next to Meri at her wedding, isn't life strange?" or some such BS. I kind of liked her in the past, but I was absolutely blown away by this. There, I said it. Whew, that felt good.

    1. Since Janelle has been upfront about her marriage to Meri's brother in the past - especially in their book Becoming Sister Wives,perhaps the reason he wasn't mention was simply because he doesn't want the notoriety. He recently got maybe he simply wants to leave that particular chapter of his life off the reality show and out of public scrutiny.

    2. Nope I think it is because it cheapens her. I think it was mentioned on the book cause it would come out later.

    3. CJ, I have to disagree too. If Meri's brother has stated that he wants no mention, then the script didn't need to go there at all. The Janelle saga could have started after she married Kody. The fact that she skipped over that glaring fact, knowing it is public, was a deliberate omission..and like waving the red cape at the snark bull.

      I also agree that by the time the book was being hastily thrown together to spike ratings and interest in the show, it had to be also known that the sleuths *would* find out the truth about Janelle being Meri's former sister-in-law. They had no choice but to get it out there first in the book.

    4. Ooooo I like CJ's theory! Otherwise it makes no sense why the truth would be in the book but she sidesteps it now.

    5. Remember Kody's comment about the "ick factor" of Robyn being divorced? I think that's a large part of the reason Janelle doesn't want her previous marriage ever mentioned. You want to talk ick factor? Being married to Meri's brother and then to Meri's husband is a serious ick factor.

      Robyn is so desperate for Grody to adopt her kids to erase her past. She is trying to escape the ick factor.

    6. Nice entry, 3:28.
      For the love of God, Janelle should consider just telling the TRUTH (as the genie would say) and BEE herself.
      Otherwise, it smacks of a certain desperation, like an animal covering it's own sh*t.
      (sorry if that felt offensive, I did a lot of yardwork today and am having a fine Merlot).

  50. Well, one thing was clarified for me in last nite's episode - Robyn's ex-husband didn't want to give up his rights to his kids. Of course we'll never know the full story, but imo the Browns kind of extorted him. I think they told him they'd take him to court for back child-support (why he had to pay it makes no sense to me because Robyn's income was most likely much more than his - unless it's from before they did the tv show) and medical bills (again, why he'd be responsible when the incomes were most likely completely lopsided - idk).

    It doesn't sound like he had the resources to fight the Browns and they used that to their advantage which is SICK. This wasn't about the children at all. The adoptions were for the adult Browns and their feeling they had a legal RIGHT to another man's children. IDK why they're so hung up on "legally" being a parent when they reject so many of "our" other laws (just pieces of paper as far as they're concerned).

    I have a secret for Robyn, which won't be a secret for long because kids are smart and I think she's underestimated hers! No matter how she tries to hide the truth about what happened during the whole adoption scheming and processes, her kids, especially David, will find out the truth and there will be nothing she can do to heal the hurt they feel for and with their father nor will she ever be able to remove the resentment they'll feel towards her for what was done to them and the way the adults went about accomplishing it. And, she and the other Brown adults will deserve every ounce of backlash from the kids that they receive.

  51. Man, I have to tell you that I watched the show last night and it became apparent that the production company is trying so hard to work with what they have...I'm sure getting Kody and his harem to try to appease the fans in the least is beyond their marketing IQ so the footage they get probably gets pieced together with all the old stuff. The scene where Kody and that other Polygamous man were going on and on about their grouchy PMS women was enough to sicken Janelle but you notice the other wives just kept on laughing and flirting....when looking back and after the truth comes out that most people have evolved into more respect for women, then Kody tries to back pedal and act like he isn't a misogynistic ass. Everything they had me do and say last night is an effort to clean up his image from a middle aged angry misogynists to someone reaching for enlightenment but, as you all know, it is a little too late. I have to say that I think Robyn's hesitancy of getting the kids adopted is starting to rattle Meri; after all, she did give up her legal status for the plan to get the kids adopted. I cannot tell you how much I hated using those children in that scene where the kids had to run and hug Kody with excitement that they are going to leave their father behind and want to be adopted by Kody. If you watch the face of the girls, their smile isn't ambitious but seems rehearsed and the boy is reluctant at best. Robyn even sees what she is doing as wrong. Finally, Kody cannot tell me he has no skills for connecting with his girls. He is trying to excuse his lack of interest by saying he has man interests and is just to manly to connect with the female child. I call foul. He is an idiot and even connecting to his sons is difficult. I don't see any place on last night's shows that shows him as anything but a misogynistic creep who enjoys seeing his wives fight over him.

    1. Bravo to your entire post!

      Kids need TIME with their parents. Kody is so damned scattered and flea-brained all the time, running aimlessly from house to house, it's no wonder he can't give his children any time. If you're going to father that many kids and then whine that you can't spend enough time with them, then quit flitting around, man up, and DO IT.

      Of course, if spending time with your children takes away from hair-fluffing and camera time...sorry, girls. Daddy's busy.

    2. I was so disgusted when Janelle commented about how much better it is now that Kody stops by and sees Savannah every day. Really? Really? He has to be told to see his own kids every day? They are such delusional lying crappy parents. When they make the comments about how Kody sees his kids and is more involved than monogamous fathers I want to puke. Who the hell doesn't see their kids everyday in an intact monogamous family?

      They are four separate families that live on the same street. Baby daddy stops by occasionally when he's not too busy with his new wife and family.

    3. runKodyrun--GREAT post, and spot on!!!
      When Kody tells Robyn's kids that he thinks that Meri deserves a hug, that is a completely disturbing moment. Not comfortable at all. Not for the kids, not for Janelle--you can see a quick clip of her totally checked out emotionally. Even Christine remains silent.
      Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, what were they thinking?!
      It makes me feel better about myself in consideration of how I spoke to my child in light of a divorce from his first dad.
      Aww, the show has made me feel better about myself...isn't that a good thing?!

  52. Did anyone catch when Robyn interrupted Kody when he was talking about Logan leaving the nest (this was after all, supposed to be about jannelle). Kody was taking about how he is going to have to get used to his kids leaving and Robyn interrupted and said "that's not what was going on with you..." And then she went on about solemn as a new baby and Kody looking in his eyes crying .... Blah blah
    And was going on with Meri? It's As IF she wants feedback from snarkers.

    1. Yes!!! That was so awful. She had to go anD make it all about Solomon. Weird.

  53. As they say in the movies: there's something about Meri. I don't mean this in a catty way, but she is not looking good. I feel like she is just a tight bundle of hurt, and aligning herself with Robyn is a huge part of the problem. It is like some kind of sick sado-masochist relationship. It is not enough that she, I believe, was coerced into divorcing Kody, but then Robyn forces her to feel obligated to witness her ex-husband and her begin this new chapter in their lives because she's "part of their team." I was yelling at the t.v., "what next? does she have to sit at the side of your bed as you and Kody consummate your new marriage because she's part of your team?!" Meri could tell us another hundred times how this divorce is meaningless and she is still as married as ever to Kody, but I will never believe it and she doesn't either. I feel that Robyn doesn't consider Christine or Janelle much of a threat, but Meri was another story, and she had to take care to put her in her place. She is toxic for Meri, and it's hurtful to watch.

    1. Meri looked sedated. I don't blame her. The hell Robyn and Kody put her through was beyond cruel. Meri isn't my favorite but she didn't deserve to be treated like that. No woman deserves what she endured. Your description of Robyn being toxic is spot on!

    2. So true. I was kind of shocked at the flashbacks of Meri. When the show first started, she looked completely different than she does now, and not just age and weight. She looks sad and defeated, and like she has absolutely no clue how to fix it.

    3. I think Meri does is it to please Grody and try to stay in his good graces. He has zero interest in Janelle or Christine. Meri cozies up to his favorite wife to gain his approval so she doesn't get 100% ignored like tweedle dee and tweedle dum. I guess she's grateful for whatever crumbs of affection he can spare her.

  54. I am referencing runKodyrun and Anon further up thread about the scene with Dayton/David and the "do you want to be adopted by me?" debacle.

    That boy is on the Autism spectrum....Aspergers to be exact.
    The blatant, appalling ignorance of Kody and Robyn/Alice is beyond excusing!!!
    When Kody mocks Dayton's response of "Yes, Sir" and then feigns exasperation and says, 'Dayton is so literal" made me sick. Literally !!
    Because for anyone who has someone on the Autism spectrum (Aspergers)....they KNOW (or damn well SHOULD know) that these people process thoughts *and responses* differently. And yes, they process things they hear and are expected to respond to....literally!!

    That bit was the worst example of bad parenting. For Kody to say that, and have the child's mother right there, offering no intervention, no explanation was just despicable !!! On TV, for millions to see!!!
    Disgusting !!!!

  55. Would someone please use a can of WD-40 and spray all of the front doors! These fabulous McMansions all have squeaky lean-to doors. I think TLC is slyly showing what trash this bunch really is. The constant rehash clips reveal their lies and deceptions. The last Tell-All Raw had three different times they would repeat a certain word. Honestly was the word all the children used over and over, validate was one of the words the adults used. I can't remember the other word. I thought it made them look ridiculous. Maybe it's me because I don't like them, I just watch so I can come here and know what's being talked about. Janelle is one of the biggest dummies out of the crew. The producers had to have one of them seem semi-intelligent so they built up the "working woman" angle. I think she's a lazy slob that isn't that interested in home duties. I feel sorry for Meri even though I'm not a fan of hers. The divorce storyline was a big fail for the show and I think she really regrets it. Sorry, done spewing venom.

    1. I think Janelle is lazy too.I think her daughter inherited that. She does not appear to stick to it and have convictions. Janelle was LDS then AUB. Maddie at 1 has been AUB,LDS to undetermined.

    2. Janele was "focused" on moving..eating...and cleaning yesterday. Nice to know.

    3. It must be awesome to be one of Janelle's kids and hear her say on national television that she preferred working 60 hours a week to being home with them. Let Christine take care of my kids, I prefer work. Lovely lovely woman.

  56. I just saw on Twitter that Maddie posted last night that the LDS church rejected her because of public association with her family was to much controversy for the morman church. She says after 2 years het and Caleb could finally date and that he is a devout Christian and they ate not and will not be a part of the morman church.


    1. This doesn't make sense!!! Brady Williams son is on his mission for the Mormon Church. Granted his parents are no longer members of the AUB, but Brady (and his dad Rod) are still in plural marriages. Same goes for Papa Joe Darger. One of his sons just finished his Mormon mission in Taiwan!!! Is the double standard because Maddie is female?

    2. If Caleb was Mormon then Maddie would be too. Maddie is blaming them for her lack of follow through. They said that all her friends in Utah were mormon and it filled a void in her life, well now she has a fiance to do that. I think its a cheap shot to blame the church for her not getting baptized. I'm an exmormon and have very little love for the church, but damn, i have to defend them in this case. There is no way they would reject a potential new member like this.

    3. Actually, it depends on the bishop. It would not shock me if my former ward did something like that. The church might have "postponed" her baptism until she went on a mission or tithed (I doubt she paid tithes). Yes, being publicly associated with a polygamist family may have led her bishop to put in place bogus safeguards.

    4. Maybe 10 years ago but not now and definitely not in Utah. The church knows how good it would look for them to accept a plyg kid into their fold. They are losing members left and right, they are desperate for fresh blood. I say this as someone who was raised mormon in both utah and british columbia, canada.

    5. I think the LDS church grills new members who have polygamist families to make sure they really are converted and don't believe the stuff their families believe. I think they even have to meet with an apostle of the LDS church. Quite a few polygamists have infiltrated the LDS pretending to be converts, to make their own conversions - especially young men looking for a wife or "wives." Maybe Maddie didn't give the right answers to their questions.

    6. Maddie says "Caleb is a devout Christian and we are not a part, nor will we be, of the LDS (Mormon) church." Wasn't Caleb LDS before? If so, the inference is he's left the fold. Let hope his "devout Christianity" isn't fundamentalist in nature, since he was dining with the polygamist Colliers the other day. (This was on one of the Colliers' Face Book pages.)

    7. This tweet from Maddie may give a hint of why the problem with the LDS Church. "After being rejected from the LDS church because the public association with my family was too much controversy for the Mormon."

      Maybe the problem was the "public association" part? Could it be that Maddie wanted the "fame" of still appearing on the reality show, and the LDS church felt this was inappropriately helping to promote the Brown's cult beliefs?

    8. Hopefully "devout Christian" isn't a code word for another type of religious cult like the Duggars belong to.

  57. I agree with you about Janelle. I've never thought she was this smart business women, I think she just worked to get out of the house so Christine could watch the kids. And yes, this repetitive theme of them all saying the same things... It's for the kids....blah blah blah is all so s ripped and insulting to the viewers.

  58. MrSpock can only continue to wonder how any woman willingly puts up with polygamy. It is not logical.

  59. when Robyn was saying that it would work out good for her ex because he owed back child support and medical bills, i thought, is that the only criteria for taking away parental rights? there may be more to this but many fathers are behind on child support and dont loose custody. I believe the courts see this as two differnt issues.

    1. the courts separate financial obligations completely from custody. Something about this doesn't pass the smell test. IMO, the Browns threatened Robyn's ex with pursuing him financially and for whatever reasons he felt he had to waive his rights. Was he able to hire an attorney for himself? IDK, but I'm leaning towards 'no'. This all just doesn't make sense. But, so much of their lives doesn't.

      All I know is that they've played with the fragile emotions of innocent minor children all to satisfy their feelings of righteousness and to justify to themselves that they are superior beings. Their egos and attitudes frighten me and the messages they're sending the kids caught in this are troubling. I wonder what the adult children really feel about the adoptions, especially those who've decided to not be polygamous.

  60. Since we all know Robyn lies habitually, the truth behind her statements that he doesn't pay medical bills and child support could easily be what has been said here before: she makes more than him and they probably get insurance through TLC or their "entertainment" company.

    When will "In Touch" blow the lid on them like they did with the Dugger son? or any magazine!

    I agree with all of you 1,000%: if a legal marriage is "just a piece of paper" about someone else's laws, then the same goes for these "adoption papers" they are going to harp on for a season. snore.

    just because she probably wished her stepdad had adopted her, she wants the same for her kids even if it means throwing the bio dad under the bus and her kids losing a relationship with him or trusting her. sigh...

  61. Okay, what was up with the preview for next week's riveting episode, where Robyn leaps from the interview couch, pulls off her microphone while gasping "I can't breathe," while Kody and the other Kodettes sit there NOTHING?!

    I'm sorry, I totally laughed at that.

    1. And the dead eyed looks they had when she did it. No reaction, nothing. Just "what's her problem? Can we move on?" I expected Kody to shrug and say, "Well anyway, back to me"

  62. Did anyone catch the comment at RT and someone said they thought maybe the marriage to Robyn was so she & Kody could secretly divorce and they could quietly divorced once the wife is pregnant so she can get free medical care and collect welfare?

    I thought that was interesting.

    1. Why would the legal marriage be needed? Couldn't she get welfare by being single? (I know nothing about how welfare works.)

    2. To qualify for cash assistance (welfare, TANF) there needs to be deprivation for a child. The most common deprivation is a single parent household. There can be two parent households with deprivation, such as disabled parents, or unemployed or underemployed parents. Whether Robyn and Kody were married or divorced and "spiritually married," there would be no true deprivation as they put themselves out there as an intact family that lives together (at least some of the time) and shares food and children. If Kody dropped out of the picture there would still be no deprivation since Robyn is employed. The income standard for welfare is extremely Utah, a family can make up to $1,974, and receive $1 in TANF. To receive the full grant ($573) there needs to be zero income. I doubt that Robyn would want to go through the trouble of a divorce and then quit her lucrative TV job for $573 a month in TANF. Plus, there is a work requirement, so she'd have to work 20-35 hours a week to make that $573.

    3. As for Food Stamps and Medicaid, adults that live together and share minor children are cannot be separated for eligibility for benefits, regardless of marital status. Robyn would have to include Kody's income (and Janelle's and Christine's) as long as they have their current living situation (Meri can be excluded now, since Mariah is grown). This is why I suspect Christine obtained food stamps fraudulently prior to being on the show, which I have addressed in the past. Unless Robyn stops receiving a paycheck from TLC--Kody or no Kody--she will not be eligible for any government assistance. What she did do, however, is limit her children's ability to receive financial aid for college. A step-parents income counts on a FAFSA and her household income has effectively doubled with this paperwork shuffle.

  63. Does anyone know the ratings for this week yet?? I'm having trouble finding it.

    1. CB, Zap2it shows the 1st hour ratings as 1.45 million viewers with a .5 share. The Janelle recap was 1.13 million with a .3 share.

    2. Ok thanks CJ! They're getting closer to dipping below 1 million viewers.

    3. CJ, how does these rating look to you. I don't know much about how the ratings work, so is this good or bad news for the Browns. I like this blog far more than the show. I stopped watching several seasons ago. I don't like using the word "hate" but I can't stand how TLC used these kids for ratings. Robyn and Kody should be ashamed of themselves for allowing TLC to film the kids asking if they wanted Kody to adopt them. There is no way in hell that Robyn should use her kids like this. She is using parental alienation against her ex. I don't care what he has done or not done. It's not fair to bash him on TV. This is wrong. Child custody issues should be done in private and not broadcast for the whole world to see and comment on. This is going to affect these kids sooner than later. Plus, these stupid ass fans of the show are so dumb. I really don't like to comment to their fans but I can't for the life of me understand why these fans think that Kody is a hero and Meri is a martyr. These fans think that Kody is such a good person by wanting to adopt Robyn's kids. Hell, he spends less time with his own biological kids. What's wrong with this picture. I detest this man. I don't feel sorry for anyone but the kids. I also don't think that Janelle is the smart one. When you only have the other 3 to compare her with, then I guess she would be the smartest of the bunch. These women are the stupidest women on TV. I wish there was a forum where they could be face to face with their fans and haters. Remember when they went to that college. I think that this was their last time in front of an audience. What are they afraid of. I would have so much to say to them. It's just unreal that they see nothing wrong with polygamy, yet they are all unhappy. They need to be off TV now. There are too many of their crazy fans thinking that this is how all relationships should be. SMH.

    4. I'm not that well versed interpreting ratings, but I do remember one of the Brady wives mentioning that they were told by TLC the reason for cancellation was their viewers had dropped below the 1 million mark. Sister Wives share rating is still OK apparently...if I'm reading it correctly, the show is still garnering a sizable chunk of the 18-49 yr old demographic.

    5. There's the argument that the "haters" and the "trolls" and the "snarkers" help the Browns by keeping them relevant.

      In terms of ratings and viewers, I avidly camp out in CJ's living rooms, but I have no interaction with TLC. I don't watch "Sister Wives" and I don't go to the Official TLC Sister Wives Facebook page and I don't go to TLC's website. Not on purpose or in protest, I just like the snark and the posters here - to some extent the subject matter is immaterial.

      How many times do we see posts that say, "I don't even watch the show anymore." If TLC does monitor this blog as a barometer for what the viewers think, I bet they have far fewer viewers than they think they do.

  64. Kody Brown is retweeting Rand Paul's "who is going to pay for all of this?" so now Kody is in the position to worry about paying taes and maybe paying for someone else needing help from the government? boy is that cynical

    1. Wow what a dunce!! Someone should tweet & ask him who is gonna pay those medical liens that's on Christine's & Robyn's house!?!

    2. Aw, come on.......go easy on the Idiot.
      He is trying to be relevant. * blink, blink *

      He's trying to show that he is much more than just an "awesome" Dad and an "awesome" harem master. He is paying close attention to current events and to the economy.
      Of course he is.

    3. I bet if someone were to ask Mr. Robyn Brown the name of the current US President, he'd stare blankly and then start to reply George Bush but Robyn would interrupt and say Donald Trump.

    4. As a social worker, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Food stamps, medicaid, and bankruptcies are good options when it's YOUR family (a family that continued to grow despite limited means) but everyone else is a leech. Hypocrite.

    5. My first year in social work I had dozens of clients on every form of public assistance possible proudly announce they voted for Bush and complain about 'welfare queens'. I almost bit through my tongue to keep from shouting 'what do you think they're calling you?!!?'.
      It was incredibly jarring and almost painful to watch.

  65. I finally got around to watching the BS episodes & well that's just wasted time that I'll never get back!! **Sigh**
    And yup, Sour puss Meri was being all fidgety & not really interested at all. It's a good thing she didn't have her phone on her during the couch interviews, or she most likely would've been on That woman is oozing lots of bitterness & resentment. So please Meri, tell us again how Polygamy makes each of you better?!

    1. Until they leave the airwaves for good. having a DVR, and most definitely the FF option, is a must for even snark watching.
      Two hours of watching the Browns is 1 hour and 55 minutes TOO long.

    2. Meri knew the fans blamed her mostly for the bad relationship with Janele and that Janele was a favorite. Meri cynically threw the blame back on to Janele for the story line. Meri is a pro at manipulating.

    3. "Two hours of watching the Browns is 1 hour and 55 minutes TOO long."

      OMG tried to watch the Janelle episode yesterday and FF and FF and FF and was still pissed at myself for wasting so much time with that pile of nothing! There wasn't even much new snark material, it was all old boring stuff.

  66. Janelle and Christine are still my favorites. I don't think Kody appreciates either one of those women. Meri and Robyn are just manipulative, scheming byatches in my book. Kody is still, and always will be an ignoramus. Polygamy sucks. That is all.

  67. I don't feel sorry for anynof them. Especially meri. She has been the mean girl for years. Now she is the one being played by robyn and sorry a$$ kody. Notice the lower caps in the names, because I have no respect for them. Moving on I noticed in the tell all they were asked the gay question. I would love to finally hear someone asked them would they accept rhe children bringing home a black person as a partner/spouse. Now that I would pay to see lol

    1. "Notice the lower caps in the names, because I have no respect for them."

      Burn!! Haha!

  68. Okay, I bit. Someone mentioned a twitter thingy by Kody about politics . I checked it out ,further down is read this message from Janelle. "I'm glad we can give them a life in which they can own their own truth" HUH. It should have read I am glad TLC,welfare and creditors could give our kids a life in which they can script their own lies and then justify them later( if caught out) by blaming others of persecution and prejudice.

    1. What the heck does that mean,Janelle? You are the most truthless personon that show by omission of facts. The world according to Janelle....

  69. Wow there is a lot of hate out there for Robyn? Over the seasons I have only stuck to this blog and have not looked at what else is around the Internet. Recently I started looking at comment sections on different websites and was really blown away at how many more people dislike her and see through her phoniness. This adoption thing really does have a lot of people calling BS on all of it. Kind of makes you wonder if she's the most hated woman in America right now.

    1. She won't be winning any awards for Mother of the Year, that's for sure!!

    2. "She won't be winning any awards for Mother of the Year, that's for sure!!"

      Frankly, none of them will.
      Easy to see that Christine is thoroughly indoctrinated in the plyg life. It is all she knows
      As much as their show has shown how dysfunctional the plyg life really is, Christine gets a pass for her lacks, since she knows nothing else. But unfortunately, that still doesn't relay into a wholesome upbringing for her kids. Granted, she is a loving mother, but hardly a wise or grounded one.
      Janelle may have had a productive uterus, but she was certainly not a hands-on, nurturing mother....and by choice. Not every mother who has to work enjoys leaving her kids in the care of someone else. In fact, most women hate it. But Janelle had no problem admitting that 24/7 childcare was not her thing. So why then have 6 children if that was not her thing?
      Also, why subject her kids to insanity like Kody's bizarre "swapping mouth hormones BS" !!! On camera for the world to see!!??
      She couldn't have had cogent mother/daughter/son talks with her children?.
      Or was that ridiculous Kody hormone BS just for the show, for the ratings.
      And if so, then if Janelle allowed that.....She sucks as a mother.
      Meri, same thing....she allowed such stupid, inane BS scenes with her Mariah's meltdown sitting in a car while Mommy pleaded with her to understand that they to had to wait another day to move into their 5 bedroom house. Meri, too, is clueless.
      The list goes on
      All three of them allowed their kids to be used for TV plot devices. need to even comment on HER cloying, self-centered mothering.
      She is now the reigning Queen of lousy mothers.

    3. The swapping hormones weirdness was with Christine's daughter, Mykelti. Christine was right next to Kody hanging in his every word as he spewed this b.s.

    4. Ok, this was bothering me, Janelle kept refering to Kody and Meri as plys she knew( in the early days). I didn't think they were actually plygs until she married Kody, am I missing something?

    5. Ha ha, agreed. At some point she has to start getting press like Kate Gosselin did as their first show imploded with their marriage. This family has easily fallen into the trap of the Gosselin parents of feeling entitled to free surgeries, trips and bigger homes.

      I do advocate for weight loss surgery for very obese people who need this tool so I am surprised Janelle hasn't tried to get a free one for herself. But maybe that's another story.

    6. Don't give them any ideas! I'm convinced they read this sight and adjust their behavior accordingly.

    7. Meri plànned on living as a pig her whole life. Her whole family r pigs. She taught Kody how to be a pig. From the looks of him he was already a pig. Janelle married into family & maybe expected her husband to b a plig. I believe that's what Janelle wanted. Janelle became good friends with Kody, eventually he told her he'd love her in his family. She said no. But eventually changed her mind with the T-Pee. Which was silly b7t she was young.vthats what I remember in the book.

    8. "The swapping hormones weirdness was with Christine's daughter, Mykelti."
      Thanks, Anon 5:31 !!
      I definitely had the wrong wife !!!
      Had several in my mind, and chose that one, and you're right, it was Christine and Mykelti.
      Janelle was the one with her sons being chastised on camera two different times.

  70. Janelle's history is the weirdest to me. She was not raised in polygamy so the normal excuse of "this is all she knows" does not apply. The way she came into the family is totally bizarre especially if your name is Meri Brown. First, Janelle marries Meri's brother. Then, she divorces him and marries her husband!! As if that weren't enough, her mother marries Kody's dad. Meri must think she has a screw loose.

  71. Kody said in a preview that Christine said " i dont want to live the principle anymore, i hate it" Then i heard Kody say that when a relationship with a wife is strained it affects the relationship with the kids of that mother. That to me was a big thing to say considering Kody and Christine have been on the outs since Robyn came along. Also, Kody and Christine talking about the Meri and Janele issues said the kids would like it if the two could have a better relationship. When a husband and wife dont get along it affects the kids, i cant imagime having to deal with "Two Moms" having such a stressful relationship around so many kids. No wonder they no longer lived together after they had the money to live apart.

    1. I haven't paid close enough attention but what are any of your observations of Mariah towards Janelle and Janelle's kids towards Meri. Thanks.

    2. Ark of Snark,
      In one of the earlier episodes, Mariah was having a meltdown during cooking the mom's breakfast on mother's day and Christine's girls looked at her with mouths open but Maddie gave Mariah major shade and even smirked at her as she had her meltdown. Likewise, when she had the meltdown over she and her mom being the last to move into their mcmansion, Maddie seemed to throw her shade that night too. Plus, it looked like on occasion, during some of the shows, the other kids messed with her. I didn't notice Janelle interacting with any of the kids but her own. It seemed to me that Christine was the one close to Meri's daughter and Janelle's kids. I don't think she is as close to Robyn's kids and that is me judging from just watching the show. For all their talk about their kids having four moms and Kody, it's a lie. They have their own moms and the other women are really tolerate of them at best. Robyn was sure trying to get out of Christine's daughter hanging with her daughter during the wrestling thing. I don't think Robyn really wants any of the other kids around because she then has to quite scheming...she can ignore her kids and they are used to it but when the other wives' kids are around her, she has to respond and that seems to bother her. Remember when she was swatting Truley's hands away? Not one of her finest moments.

    3. christines daughter Gwendolyn is the one that kicked robyns daughter auroura in the head during a couch session on camera, made her cry..then apologized. I think the kids are all aggressive and physical and robyns kids were not used to the free for all bullying they received from Janelles boys and Christines kids.

  72. Christine has five girls and one boy. Explains why Cody would not have much to do with those kids.
