
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Review: Sister Wives S09Ep03: Wrestling With Adoption

I have had such a problem writing the reviews this season, and considering we are only into the second episode...that's not good.

My Sister Wives mojo done up and went on vacay without me. Damn!!!

But then I said to myself, "Self...this is Sister Wives we're dealing with; it's a half-assed reality show, not even a real documentary. It's like a 21st century Beverly Hillbillies set in a Las Vegas gated cul-de-sac. A Myrtle Manor without the charm, the double-wides or the humor.For goodness sakes, it's not even good tv!! Snap out of it, girl! It could be worse, ya being forced to watch Law and Order: Special Victims Unit reruns all day."

And just like THAT, my mojo returned home to me. Well, not for long. I saw plane tickets to Fiji in my mojo's back pocket....Oh Well.

Let's start the review, shall we?

Robyn's "We Are Not Amused" look...

It's becoming very clear the current season of Sister Wives will be the Kody and Robyn Show, at the expense of the Original Three Wives.

At the end of last week's episode, while Meri appeared to be totally out of it mentally and emotionally, Kody and Robyn shared a kiss in a parking lot before making their way to the Justice of the Peace to make it legal.

And at the beginning of this episode, at Robyn's McMansion, a weary looking Meri haltingly advised Robyn's children that she and "dad" had dissolved their marriage so that "dad" would be free to legally marry their mother.

Surprisingly, Meri's acorn Mariah was present, as was Christina. Janelle was there, too,  looking like invisible bamboo sticks were being forcibly shoved under her fingernails.

But even though Meri appeared on the verge of breaking down, so much so that Robyn's Breanna even noticed Meri's distress, Kody boldly continued. He completely ignored Meri's angst, asking that question we've seen in the previews, "Would you guys like me to adopt you?" to Robyn's children by another daddy.

An over enthusiastic Aurora immediately made a beeline for Kody's lap - exhibiting behavior that was so weird and out of place, it actually was disturbing to watch. It made me wonder who the heck has been coaching that girl. Then I remembered, she's Robyn's daughter. 'Nuff said.

 At least I could find some humor in this segment. Old Kody was looking a bit thick around the waist. He reminded me of Jabba the Hutt if Jabba was a few pounds lighter and reclined in a strato-lounger.

The rest of this episode left a distinctly foul taste in my mouth. Robyn appeared too self-satisfied...too happy. It's obvious she is loving her new status as the legal Mrs. Kody Brown, and that it is simply VILE!!

Robyn smiled happily while her sister Taralyce put her beauty college education to good use and cut King Sol's hair. I wonder where the Child Development graduate/nanny/housekeeper Mindy was. Has she left the cul-de-sac for good? Hmmm....

And Robyn looked adoringly in Kody's eyes as he asked her "So does that mean we can have another baby once we cut his hair?" "This is so embarrassing!" she says in her talking head interview.

Yeah, I bet it was embarrassing for you Robyn. NOT!

Robyn even showed off her true sister wife selfishness (usually reserved for the legal wife I presume) when she complained about having to "babysit" Christina's daughter Gwynnie. She actually listed off the reasons why she was too busy to take care of someone else's kid. Even when that bonus child was the same age as Robyn's Aurora and best friends.

Smooth move, Ex-Lax.

But let's talk about that mini-road trip to Winnemucca Nevada, where the State Wrestling Championships were being held first.

Kody decided to have about half of his family members travel to Winnemucca to watch Hunter wrestle. Now, if you've ever watch a Kody Brown road trip, you already know it's usually a disaster, and this time Kody did not disappoint.

If Papa Joe Darger had been in charge, he would have rented maybe 2 of those 8 seater vans (so popular with polygamists), loaded up the luggage and been on their way. But nooooo....Kody had to make a huge production about it.

First Kody argued with Janelle about why they are taking cars instead of vans. Then, Kody argued with Christine, who rented what appeared to be a Toyota Corolla for the trip. Then Christine argued with Janelle, who wanted to drive her own car for some dumb reason. And the cherry on the top of this yummy sundae was the sudden decision by Christine's daughter Gwynnie  to stay at home in the cul-de-sac.

I don't blame Gwynnie for not wanting to go on another Brown Family road trip to Hell. But I simply don't understand why Christine made such a big deal that if Gwynnie didn't go on the trip, she had to stay with bonus mom Robyn, who somehow was exempted from the trip and appeared less than enthused about taking care of her. And what exactly did Christine mean when she told Gwynnie that Grandma Annie would not be at the house all the time, therefore Gwynnie  could not be left alone in the house with Paedon?

Totally weird. But not as weird as Robyn slacking off her sister wife's duties by trying to get out of babysitting her own daughter's best friend, and "sister". When Robyn joined the family, she loved to say that taking care of another sister wife's children was one of the reason plural marriage was superior to a monogamist marriage. Christine even tried to communicate that distinction in the couch interview. Unfortunately, there was the footage of Robyn basically saying "I'm too busy and don't want to be bothered."  I pity the Original Three and their children. Polygamy is not what it's hype up to be, at least not in the Kody Brown household.

Back to Winnemucca, it was amazing how Kody made this segment out to be totally about him, instead of Hunter. And it was hilarious watching Christine contradict herself, first by saying in a talking head how she had never seen wrestling until she  married Kody, and then on the couch saying she used to watch wrestling matches when she was in High School.

 I was confused, but you know what? I no longer cared, because that's business as usual on the Kody and Robyn Show. Oh, and Hunter won the state championship for the second year in a row...

Kody also showed how delusional he is to think he is such a wonderful father. Face it Kody. You will never be Father of the Year. So even though Kody said he will pay more attention to his daughters still at home, I doubt very seriously he will follow through on that promise. In fact, Maddie's short talking head illustrated the fickleness of that man-child we know as Kody Brown. Maddie said her dad would take the girls out for ice cream every week. She loved those outings she said, but then, they suddenly stopped. So I'm not holding my breath that Kody has changed his ways. At least not with the daughters of wives Christine and Janelle.

Oh, and then there was that big production showing Kody and Krew building a huge children playground smack dab in the green zone between Meri's and Robyn's McMansions. Looks like Robyn is going to be very busy baking brownies in her oven for the next couple of years, especially when Kody said having children was part of their faith.

Now that's a frightening thought.

Since Maddie has announced she will not be joining the mainstream Mormon Church after all, it wouldn't make sense to talk about that segment of the episode...well...I do have to mention Kody is not very good at teaching his family about their religion. That Gwynnie didn't understand the difference between LDS and fundamentalist mormonism was rather telling just how much Kody has slacked off being Priesthood holder for his families. The AUB must be so proud...NOT!

Finally we get to the part of the episode everyone has been waiting for - Kody's quest to steal...oops, to adopt David Jessop's children to make them real Brownies....I mean Browns.

In five minutes, we learned....

Robyn wanted the adoption to be handled in Montana to make it "easier" for daddy David Jessop, but Kody wants it in Nevada and is willing to go to WAR for Robyn's children.

Robyn's ex has been dodging being served the legal papers in Montana, even when Robyn has offered to get him off the hook for paying child support and past medical bills. Hmmm....I'm left wondering if that offer was even legal.

And if I never hear Robyn mention her "mother's instinct in her gut" again it will be too soon.

Let's hope Kody the Krazy Adoption Warrior can adopt Robyn's kids before they reach legal age in a couple of years.


  1. Smooth Move Ex Lax..LOL i havnt heard that since i was a kid. In the 60' brothers used it all the time. Too funny. Don't have anything to say about the episode that i havnt already said since most of the episodes are flash backs and already discussed.

  2. CJ...As always, thanks for taking one for the team. A couple of quibbles. As a bona fide hillbilly, I respectfully point out the "Beverly Hillbillies" were snark personified, the very essence of subtle satire. And second, that Gwynnie didn't understand the distinction " between LDS and fundamentalist mormonism" makes sense, as fundamentalists think they are true to the teachings of Joseph Smith.

  3. Nevada court records can be searched online; Montana's cannot. I suspect this has more to do with why Robyn wants to do everything in Montana. I think it came as a huge surprise to Kody and Robyn when their "secret" marriage was confirmed, which led to all the hasty, last minute editing last season to make it seem like Meri wanted a divorce so Kody could adopt Robyn's kids (total BS that she'd been thinking about it for so many many years ago their dad was actively involved enough that it was mentioned on the show repeatedly). If we could see the court records, the whole story arc would be ruined.

    1. Curious readers want to know...are Montana records available at the local county level?

    2. Very interesting Labbie Lover! I think you're probably right.

    3. The Montana court website says they are available per request, I believe.

  4. I want to know what Christine meant too. Hopefully it's that Gwyn and Paedon get into sibling squabbles and not something more serious. Just thought it was odd and was surprised it hasn't been mentioned.

    1. This statement struck me as very strange also. I also think it's odd that Kody has a more hugging relationship with Robyn's daughters than he does his own and I come from a very affectionate family.

  5. CJ,
    How you got your thoughts together, never mind the energy, to write a review is worthy of high praise. And gratitude !!

    You run a wonderful blog, both this one and also your tenure on the old SW blog.
    FIVE years of skillfully creating entertaining matter out of what clearly amounts to "nothing" but phony BS, fluff and produced nonsense has to eventually takes its toll on the writer.

    SisterWives/ the Kody Show is now an empty box, a box that isn't even packaged well.
    Nothing makes sense, nothing is real.

    You're right, it IS worse that a marathon of Law and Order. It is more akin to watching (going to date myself here) the old Gong Show. But at least even that ridiculous show was "supposed" to be that bad. Just like Seinfield was written and branded as a show about "nothing." Even Big Love, which the script writers on TLC have clearly ripped off for SW plots, was creatively done with "good" actors.

    Kodyworld is a hollow mess not worth your talent.
    But thanks for doing it anyway.

  6. CJ, I get so excited when i discover you have a new post up. Thank you! Several observations, I think that Robin is completely brainwashing those children into thinking their Dad doesn't want them . That is beyond cruel. I also feel that Kodys ego is so big, he wants to erase all memories of Robyn's ex, and the children's Father. I really wish the Dad would fight back . Last, but not least, Meri is so disgusted and checked out on the couch sessions, I can guarantee this was not her idea, and Christine and Janelle gave looks on their faces that they're pissed also.

    1. Kody does have an ego problem. He can't even let his children shine. I was sick of hearing about Kody's wresting days during his son's match. He couldn't stand not being the center of attention, even for his son. Kody and Robyn deserve each other. I can see them at home together trying to out talk each other like they do on the couch sessions

  7. Hmmmm...Robyn said that she wanted the proceedings in MT because it would be easier for BioDaddy and that it would be a hardship for him to come to NV...yet she whines that BioDaddy never sees the NV...when he lives in MT. Is she suggesting that travelling to NV to see the kids isn't a hardship and he's wrong for not doing it, but travelling to NV to see the kids and keep them is a hardship?

    Sorry - I'm not buying that BioDaddy is a horrible father - Robyn dragged the kids to Brown Town, taking them away from where it would be easy for BioDaddy to see them. Unfortunately, a lot of parents skip out on paying child support so that isn't anything unique - but not being able to see them could be a catalyst as to why he isn't paying. I'm not saying he's an awesome father, but I think there's more to it that doesn't fit into the Robyn in Wonderland story line so we aren't seeing it.

    If he called up and said, "Can the kids come up for a couple of weeks", do you really think Robyn would let them go and possibly miss some sweet sweet camera time with Kody acting all Father of the Year with them?

    She just irks me.

    1. After I heard the term mentioned here I looked up the definition of parental alienation. It should have just been a picture of Robyn's smirking face.

    2. Even if bio dad is horrible, I don't think it should be showcased like it is. It should be a private affair. And let's not forget that Robyn picked him, with all her motherly instincts

  8. Thanks CJ for the great review. I don't have much to say because I just don't care about these bottom feeders anymore. What irks me is the fact that TLC and the Browns used Robyn's kids for ratings. This is so unfair to their bio dad. I hope he comes after Kody and let him have it. I would pay good money to see a smack down between Kody and David. I also find it appalling that the fans on the SW's FB page think that Kody is so wonderful in adopting kids and that he must really love those kids to go to war for them. And I also can't stand how these fans think that Meri is a martyr for divorcing Kody. Are they freaking kidding me. These fans are still nuts and still think that these women love each other so much and that they will do whatever it takes to help her fellow sister. If I had to grade the Brown's on Polygamy 101 they would get a big fat "F". And last but not least, the fans who cheer Janelle on by saying run Janelle run. Hell, she is not going anywhere so stop the cheering. She is where she wants to be. If she was so smart, then why is she staying around. Oh wait, she wants that TLC paycheck. Your blog is the only reason that I know what's going on. I no longer watch this crap. Again, that's for this blog.

    1. As Janelle gets older she really has no where to go. She sold everything she had for this family. Icluding her pension so they could move to Vegas.

  9. For once I really hoped a scene was scripted and rehearsed when I watched them have the talk with Robyn's kids about adopting them. Even a young child is going to know what's expected of them when crying adults sit you down in front of cameras and tell you what an enormous sacrifice they've made so they can adopt you and then ask by the way does that sound like something you'd like? Those kids do not deserve to be emotionally manipulated threat way.

  10. I also want to thank you CJ for your insightful review. You are able to put humor and perspective to a sad situation. I no longer can bear to watch this show, but I do have an interest in what becomes of them - particularly the children. Having said that, I did graze by on the season premier, only to see a screenful of Robyn's face as she was attempting to squeeze some emotion onto that blank canvas. I just could not watch any of her "analysis" of whatever garbage she was trying to analyze, so I turned the channel.

    Several weeks ago, the New York Times had an article about divorcing a narcissist. It talks about how the narcissist is unable to understand or relate to the needs of her (in this case) partner or children, but uses them for her own needs. It says that the narcissist never moves on from the former relationship, constantly blaming the former partner and going after him legally for years on end. A key point also is that the narcissist never takes any responsibility for the negativity in her life. Here we have a woman obsessed with proving her own pristine innocence in the breakdown of the former marriage, how she was an apparently unwilling partner in the creation of her three older children, how she valiantly took on the debt of her former marriage, and now, how her ex neglects his children, all played put for the benefit of the camera, all without the slightest regard for the feelings of her children in the matter. This is all for the aggrandizement of Robyn the martyr who survived the horror of marital abuse and deserves sympathy and praise. The Times article goes on to say that lawyers and social workers who work in the divorce and custody arena should be educated to the weapons used by the narcissist in those settings. I am amazed that TLC allows Robyn to use her children to promote herself as a victim and a caring mother. If the children were really neglected by their father, this would be a very painful and difficult issue for them and should not be paraded on TV to give Robyn more screen time.

  11. CJ, great review. Like you, I was so totally shocked by the exploitation and manipulation of the children. Over the years, we have watched kids cry because they missed their friends, the girls being told not to kiss their boy friends, sibling rivalry handled front and center on camera, and on top of all of that, the parents keep setting these goals of their children becoming doctors and lawyers and such while really, they will be lucky to finish their BA degrees. But, what Robyn allowed to happen with her children is without a doubt one of the worst things they have done. You could see it in the girls' faces as they tried to have that smile of excitement and not depredation and their running over hugging Meri was so over the top. Robyn's hesitancy to have the court held in NV should be a hint that while she is willing to use her children for a story line and to become the legal wife, she isn't quite ready to let her ex completely out of her clutches. All of the talk about him not paying medical bills or child support or coming to visit is, without a doubt, a complaint many women and some men deal with when there is a divorce and when the children live hundreds of miles away. It's not ideal and I would have relocated too so that I could have kept up my relationship with my children but I doubt her ex has those means. None of the polygamists that we have seen on TV of late have been independently wealthy nor have they been educated enough to have marketable skills to sustain a move set up a new life.
    With all the issues that Meri has dealt with from her online relationship, it's now apparent why she looks so stressed on TV and why she seems to be so distracted. Who knows what the others knew and really who knows if she even cared but her lack of engagement is so apparent that I am sure she has already checked out of the family and her line that polygamy makes her better is now just another proven lie...she isn't better and her mental conditions is probably in the danger zone and I hope they are watching her.
    Poor, poor Christine cannot speak without inserting her foot: so why can a brother and sister not be home alone? Are there safeguards in her house to protect her female children and if so, why? Or, is she just putting protection in place based upon her own life...her own experiences with male relatives? Something they might consider talking about when the show ends and they are trying to be relevant, again.

    1. I've never commented on here before so I'll keep it short in case it doesn't work-- but Meri's emotional state is indeed in the danger zone (good call runKodyrun) & I, like you, hope she is being watched and cared for. I also hope Sobbyn's kids are being watched for signs of distress since we all know that unresolved emotional issues end up coming out sideways if not dealt with.

      The scene where they are being asked if they want to forgo their own biological father and be "adopted" by Kody (& I can guarantee you that they don't fully appreciate what that means/entails) did hurt to watch. Very uncomfortable.

      Thank s CJ for awesome reviews of this Department of Social Services worthy show.

    2. Can anyone say D U G G A R S???

  12. I was practically cheering Christine on when she suggested that Gwyn should stay with Robin, in front of everyone, in front of the cameras! Ha! She made it very hard for Robyn to say no,try as she might. Then she just declared that Gwyn was in fact staying with Robyn. Kody is always just so eager to hit the road that he was all for it too!! Priceless! It was the stand out moment of this snore fest for me.
    Christine's reason for not letting Gwyn stay alone with Paedon could be that he's old enough to be on his own but not old enough to keep the hyper, handful little sister Gwyn out of trouble. I truly hope that it's nothing more than that. Most likely it's just that she saw a way to ruin Robyn's stay at home reprieve from all them pesky bonus kids!! And she pulled it off!
    CJ, I can understand your lack of enthusiasm for blogging about this contrived, boring redundant mess of a show. It's hard to watch..let alone write about. I fell asleep a few times while the whole thing just rambled on in the background. Yet I cannot seem to delete it from my DVR.

  13. I just reread my comment above and I want to clarify something. The Times article did not mention Robyn. I put Robyn into that context because she fit the description perfectly. The way I wrote my previous comment may have been misleading. Sorry!

  14. loved how u called the Browns out on all there BS. was fun reading your review. How is Robin going to make brownies, did she get a easy bake oven as a wedding present.

    1. Robin came with her oven attached. "Hi, I'm Robin and my oven is a newer model. Look how many Brownies I can bake!"

    2. LOL Anonymous!!That was funny! But I have to say Robyn is behind in making Brownies. She's been in the family 5+ years, so she should at least have 4 kids + 1 on the way w/ Kodouche by now, according to plyg standards.

    3. True about how many "brownies" Robyn coulda baked by now, but my hunch is she kept Sol in bed with them as an added form of birth control holding out until she either got waaaaay more help or became the legal wife. Remember that threat before about not having more kids until she got more help, yet isn't that what her THREE unemployed sister wives were there for, in addition to her sister living with her and, oh yeh, her unemployed "husband"? Almost comical how they get married and voila, she is almost immediately pregnant. Puh-leez.

  15. I agree with the comment above about Christine suggesting Gwyn stay with Robyn since Robyn's daughter got to stay home too. Loved it! And I don't think there was reason for not letting her stay alone with Paedon other than wanting to have her stay with Robyn. However...

    More and more, I get the feeling that we are watching a surface of lies on the show. I find I'm analyzing hidden meanings in words and facial expressions. I'm dissecting body language, and peering at the background when there are in home shots. I want the Truth! I want a Tell All book from Meri or Janelle, or even better, both, and I want it now! Write it and it will sell!

    1. Oh, HECK yeah - a tell-all book would certainly sell! About the only thing that keeps me going on this show is watching the others' expressions and body language when someone is talking. I think this show is a full teakettle set on simmer, but getting ready to boil over and blow.

    2. IF it actually told all. Big if there!

  16. CJ thank you once again for the review...I don't know how you do it!! I been watching this trainwreck since day one and it's getting almost impossible to follow these crazy, fake storylines now. I swear every season they just look miserable and frazzled.

  17. So Janelle tweeted they will be live tweeting tonight. On another note, I wonder why Robyn hasn't been active in Twitter?!? I have no doubt she's been lurking

    1. Janelle seems to be the designated tweeter this season! I think Robyn & Kody are avoiding twitter like the plague because the tweets are probably 99.9% negative. Time for Kody to put on his big boy panties, locate that missing man card of his & start engaging with his fans while he still has a few.

    2. Janelle has to step up, cause Meri in the dog house. Meri has 1 foot out the door. Soon as we heard about divorce we knew she was leaving. She won't play 2nd banana to anyone. Don't think she loves or respects Kody anymore.

  18. Kody Brown and krew thought this show would make America aware of how great polygamy is and further their quest to be viewed as a legitimate choice that deserves legal status (of course, the money didn't hurt either). Sadly, it has only proven how crappy polygamy is for everyone involved. Wives left unfulfilled and lonely for companionship, financial resources spread too thin and children left ignored by their father. So freakin' sad!

    I hate polygamy and I think it stinks for the individuals involved directly and for the public that has to pick up the pieces for financial support with our tax dollars. I'm ready for this sad family to just go away, but for the kids of this mess I wish the best of everything. They didn't have a choice, sadly.

    1. Well at least they showed us the real polygamy life of a women. they confirmed all we read in th[se sad books. Kody mentally abuses his wives & children. The only thing different they have computers cell phones al) children r going for higher education. Somehow it seems they can't wait to get from under Kodys thumb.

  19. Ehhh...I'll be checking in here & CJs other living room, for tonight's snark! I won't be watching the Browns or setting my DVR. Will catch it some other time.
    Tonight 2 new series premiere on ABC: Quantico and Blood & Oil ! I would much rather watch Don Jonhson than doofus Kody Brown. Lol

  20. Don't quite understand Meri's behavior. If legal marriage is no more than a meaningless piece of paper in comparison to the beauty of their "spiritual unions," then why, oh why, has she been carrying on like a tragic diva for months now. "This changes nothing (sniff, sniff) between us; we are just as married today (boo hoo, boo hoo) as we were yesterday... I will always be Kody's wife (why God, why??)" I can't even comprehend how the older girls, especially Mariah, can even look their father in the face at this point, let alone his new legal (but this means nothing, I tell you, nothing) wife Robyn.

    One other thought. I am utterly cynical about reality t.v. as a whole, and this show in particular. I have an awful feeling that biological daddy has cut some kind of deal with the Browns. I just see no other explanation for a man to allow his name to be maligned in this way. Anyone else would have sued their butts or given an exclusive to People. So he is either an outstanding father who does not want his children to suffer anymore than they already have, hence he will step aside silently, or, he has sold off his rights to fatherhood and a good name in exchange for some sort of payday.

    1. I think he views women and children as property. Giving the kid a up for him means no child support. I don't think Kody cares enough to pay him off.

  21. BUT polygamy makes us all better. That is the joke here. I was very open minded at the beginning, the Browns have convinced me it should be illegal. They got me to looking at other things besides their show, things I never knew was going on. I don't believe they are as innocent as they try to seem, especially Christine acting as if she couldn't believe the injustices that are going on with polygamous families. I will say I am glad their girls have options not given to their cousins, but COME ON, to act like you don't even know...again I just shake my head

    1. Me, too. I was a fan of the Browns and I defended them for about a year online. Watched for another, now I only update via here and links brought here. They just irritate me. And their religion is abusive. Live in misery or burn in hell, some choice.

  22. It's so true about Robyn not wanting to take Christine's daughter. Robyn makes it obvious she doesn't want to deal with any children but her own. Sad really, at least the original 3 seemed to totally share child care duties.

  23. Regarding the "restructuring" of the family, an intelligent person would have commented "We consulted legal experts before we went through with it, to first determine whether it would improve our chances of adopting the kids." Here is what Kody actually commented: "We figured it would make it easier to adopt the kids."

  24. I tried, really tried watching the show Sunday. Watching Meri sit in her corner like a child sulking and Kody's attitude toward Christine especially on their "anniversary" weekend....well...nuff said

    1. I hope someone sends the judge videos of some of the shows. He will see Kody don't take care of children he has. He don't even call them his kids, to him they r Janelle's kids Christian's kids or Robin's kids. I don't believe anything Robin says. if she's talking she's lying. Maybe she's getting cold feet, because she will have to lie under oath. even tho they don't believe in our laws she can still go to jail.

  25. Just an observation here, but I find it interesting that none of the Brown sons have expressed any really positive opinions about their faith or a personal inclination to follow the Principle. The foundation of their religion really exalts men and sets them up on a pedestal. Why wouldn't a man want to have his cake and eat it too...over and over and over and over...ruling over his own planet in the eternal hereafter.

    Not these boys though. They don't speak poorly about their parents' choices, but they don't defend them either, and that gives me a bit of hope.

    To speak on the strange comment about Paedon watching his sister in this episode. I have noticed that the middle sons are not expected to step up and help the way Logan did at their age, and as a consequence, I don't think they share their brother's maturity or sense of responsibility. I think Christine saying "no way" to the thought of Paedon babysitting was simply to protect her home from utter disaster while they were away. Normal teenage stuff actually.
