
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

SHOCKING! Member of Sister Wives Krew Goes Full Tilt Nutso On Twitter

This must be sooo embarrassing for the Sister Wives.

Yeppers, we are talking an all out thermo-nuclear twitter war was waged by the new legal bride of Kody.

Here are a sample of her tweets. Please note. The names and faces were blotted out to protect the rest of the Brown Krew from being totally embarrassed by this sad attempt for attention by the new missus.

Sometimes one should  put the damn phone down and just go to bed, alone. THAT's the secret, eh? Don't insult you. Wait, let me write that down....Hmmm....I suppose I insulted you by NEVER TWEETING TO YOU, EVER!!!????

Boy, you sure showed me! And about 10,000 other followers you summarily blocked for no reason. But at least we don't have your twitter war nonsense cluttering our timeline, so Thank you...Thank you very much!!

Say whut??? They must not watch the show, have read Becoming Sister Wives or followed you on Twitter. One hashtag: #blockingspree .

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

Yeah!! That's the way to handle those "haters", right? When most sensible people will ignore, you jump in with both feet...finger on the ready to block no doubt...

True. I don't think you possess the talent to cry on demand. So that explains the dry eyes we see when you are supposedly crying...

Yeah that's real smart to hand a loaded question like that to a stranger.

This was nice of someone to help the poor misunderstood missus out. Too bad she didn't heed the good advice! Hon, you are in WAY over your head...

Missus Brown, go to bed, please, just go to bed! You have to work tomorrow!

Oh hell. She's not done yet AND she's making sure everybody knows Sister Wives has been renewed...

Your fans are tired of the BS! Starting with you running for the phone on the previous season finale which was never adequately explained (don't EVEN mention that lame excuse of everybody asking if you were pregnant), to the excuses for legally restructuring a family through divorce and remarriage  that benefits one parental unit in particular.

Was that straight forward enough for you?

Hey, that's YOUR problem. Most people already know to never feed a troll. You not only fed them, you asked them back for Sunday Dinner!

Missus, you should have excused yourself a couple of hours ago. Aren't you getting tired? Don't you have to go to WORK in a couple of hours? And then proved she wasn't hacked by posting not one but two selfies. Hell, why blame a hacker for your twitter war, right? I think she's proud of it...

 And undoubtedly she is STILL going at it...

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  1. Oh My God! What was that?? She has gone off the rails. If the PMS fallout almost made Kody quit..what is this shitshow gonna do?
    CJ..your compilation here is SO appreciated. This was something else!

  2. LOLOLOL!!!!!! the picture of the bomb is great..Robyn has failed LEGAL WIFE 101..not only keep sweet but keep quiet! Kody is getting his karma for marrying her. He was not thinking at all if she was up for the promotion. He had relied on Meri too long and comfortably to remain steady. I am surprised he has not jogged over to her house and confiscated her phone.

    1. I think that's what she wants him to do! She wants Kody to come to her rescue.

    2. "Robyn has failed LEGAL WIFE 101"

      LOL !!
      No kidding ! Major fail !!

  3. She also stated that her children didn't know who she was talking about during the purity sermon because, she never referenced herself or the man looool.

    1. That right there is insane!! She talked about being pregnant herself... Does she think her kids are stupid??

    2. Typical Brown BS. Just lie and try to reinvent reality then get outraged when someone calls you on it.

    3. Are you serious? She must think her kids are really stupid. The more I read the more I need to sign up for Twitter and read all these crazy posts for myself.

  4. OMG !!! Sobbin has rounded the bend of logic and sanity.

    I wish I could feel sympathy for her meltdown, but this chick is her own worst enemy.
    She is so obviously obsessed with her own importance and her new Brown omnipotence that she just can't stop announcing and promoting herself.

    If she has read this blog, and it is quite apparent that she has and does, she has seen the many posts that simply say "Robin, just SHUT UP!"
    Apparently that advice not only fell on deaf ears, it has served as an invitation and battle cry for her continuing need to be heard. No matter how incoherent and duplicitous she comes off.
    Really pitiful !!

    Sobbin, .shut off the phone, fire up the lavender incense and just shut up !!
    You are making a colossal fool of yourself.

    *As always, great job, CJ. Many thanks.

  5. Does she think her children are stupid? Don't know about the girls but David, Jr. certainly isn't. He is fully aware of what is going on.

  6. Umm haven't the Browns tweeted multiple times in the past that they all get together to watch the show? So either Robyn was lying then or she's lying now about not letting the kids watch. Or both. I'm gonna go with both.

    Side note: my phone tried to autocorrect "together" to "tortured" I think that may have actually been more fitting lol

    1. I thought the same thing, sister coldsore! they often show pics of the whole family gathered 'round the tv watching the show and tweeting.

    2. Make that three people thinking that. Almost makes me want to go look through old pics THEY post of them all watching the show. Almost. Honestly though I don't have the energy to give a hoot. I know once again she is lying to suit her purpose. Good gravy. *eyeroll*

    3. Exactly, liar liar pants on fire Sobyn! Also, we have proof they were in the room when she gave her pathetic "purity" speech.

  7. "I am surprised [Kody] has not jogged over to her house and confiscated her phone."

    "I think that's what she wants him to do! She wants Kody to come to her rescue."

    I wonder if Kody is what set her off. After Sunday's episode, there were multiple comments and up-votes about Robyn's manipulative nature on the Sister Wives FB page. We know how much that angers and upsets Robyn.

    What do you want to bet that she wanted to vent to her husband and possibly seek some reassurance from him?

    Kody doesn't want to listen to that. I doubt he even put on a good show of reassuring her. Kody likes to have fun. He doesn't like to reassure crying women. I'm sure he skipped down the road with another wife who would be more enjoyable, leaving Robyn to stew.

    Why hasn't Kody confiscated her phone? I'm betting that Kody doesn't really care about Robyn's public image as long as the show continues. Heck, he might even be excited about her twitter rant and "homewrecker" reputation if he thinks it translates to better ratings. I wonder if Robyn knows that on some level.

    I would feel sorry for Robyn, but I'm still too mad at her for manipulating behind Janelle and Christine's back. I still haven't decided whether her monologue about inheritance responsibilities wasn't a passive aggressive threat. To be fair, I haven't seen the show. I didn't want to contribute to the ratings. I plan to watch it tonight or tomorrow.

    1. Not to mention Kody would have to actually DO something then to show her the folly in her arguing with people on Twitter. And we know Kody doesn't do anything but lounge on couches in his former first sadsack lady's house.

      Plus you hit it on the head he said it himself their troubles are not his concern. What a douche nozzle.

    2. Hey, now that she's the legal wife she's not new and exciting anymore, he may be looking for number 5 soon. Can you imagine how she'd explode then?

    3. Not that I want any more children to get involved in this mess, but I would SO love to watch Robyn deal with a number 5 coming in. Younger, cuter.

  8. Sociopaths always think they are smarter than everyone else. She thought their ending "storyline" this season would convince people that she HAD to marry Kody for her children. She never expected the backlash which is very threatening to her BECAUSE when there is backlash, Robyn can't keep everyone in their places. (Janelle, Christine, and Meri are pawns that need to be kept in their places.) In true sociopath form she thought she could engage and manipulate the Twitter folks into getting on board with her story. Stories about kids, divorce, and custody often strike a nerve with people which gets them sidetracked and talking about their own stories. Her tactics worked with some people but there were many that stuck to the issue at hand and she got so frustrated at not being able to manipulate that she blew herself up.

    Kody did the same type of thing after the emotional abuse of Christine. The PMS episode was horrible to the viewer but he was so arrogant and surrounded by the other mean girl wives that he thought the public would have sympathy FOR HIM!!! He started live Tweeting expecting the sycophants to cheer him on and was very surprised at the backlash. He recruited his concubines to fight his Twitter war thinking he could manipulate the public's reaction. When that didn't work he started getting frustrated the same way Robyn did. He blocked everyone as he already has his pawns under control. A couple of days later he had to write about a half-ass apology to Christine which I'm sure never took place, He also arrogantly tried to manipulate Tamron by pretending he thought about quitting the show so Tamron would just leave the issue alone.

    Sociopaths do get extremely frustrated when not able to manipulate but it doesn't last long, They always come back with a new angle so we can expect Robyn and Kody to come back next season with some new form of manipulation.

    1. Excellent post, MA. It is true that both Kody and Robyn look for sympathy and evade culpability. I think that may be one of the hallmarks of a sociopath. I'm not as well-versed on sociopaths as you.

      Robyn sounds intrusive and controlling in her book.

      She writes. "When I first started courting Kody, my viewpoint gave him a new perspective on his family and some of his relationships. At first, I think it was hard for my sister wives to hear my voice coming through when Kody spoke, but I think as time passed, my pinion was respected more and more." (P. 163)

      Those sentences stood out to me because I was stunned at the presumptions.

      She presumed to know more about her sister wives' marriages than either they or Kody did . . . even though she barely knew Kody and her sister wives and even though those marriages were 15+ years long.

      She presumed to advise Kody, despite her lack of knowledge of the people and situations at issue. She wasn't even a member of the family. They were only courting.

    2. Wow! That is unreal. I read the book a long time ago,most of which I have forgotten.
      No wonder they hate her.

    3. Eeeeewwwww! You are right!!! That paragraph is deeply disturbing. "At first, I think it was hard for my sister wives to hear my voice coming through when Kody spoke.." It's just more proof that she was manipulating from the beginning. She found everyone's weaknesses and vulnerabilities by getting Kody, the wives, and the older children to confide in her. She used that knowledge and that's how she so easily got Kody to do her bidding.

      Isn't this fascinating? It's sad and scary. It brings those Lifetime movie Vixen characters to life!

    4. It must be killing Kody and Sobyn that everyone is seeing through them now. Overwhelmingly the comments online are negative. People ain't buying their b.s. anymore. Normally people believe stories of abuse and child neglect (most of the time they're true) but it doesn't ring true with Sobyn.

      Great post by the way!

  9. 1st time poster, long time lurker. I have to say, cj, you are brilliant. Thank you!

    I couldn't sleep last night and read this entire thing at about 4am this morning. It looked like she was tweeting all night long. My thought is that she has absolutely no control. It's either block people or this happens. Nutso, indeed!!

  10. I love your thoughts, Monogamous Apostate! They are spot on!

  11. In her effort to self-promote and escape responsibility, Robyn is torpedoing her sister wives directly and through implication.

    Why did she blindside Janelle and Christine with the news of the divorce, instead of consulting them on a significant family change? That was Meri's decision.

    Why hasn't Christine vacationed with Kody? Christine has the opportunity to save her grocery money, the implication being that Christine just isn't disciplined enough to save.

    While the fans aren't impressed, I'm sure the sister wives are seething. Again, I would feel bad for Robyn if I was convinced that she isn't a sociopath. I can't rule that out yet.

    1. Christine who has more kids at home until recently and is often seen feeding bonus kids like Mariah even in the Levi house. I could buy several months worth of groceries.

      She needs to step away. It's too much for her. I am actually worried about her a little. Whether she brought this on herself she needs to step away for her own mental health.

    2. In all seriousness, I think Christine needs to get out while she is still in tact now too. This marriage is not healthy for her.

  12. Some of her tweets are quite funny- especially the ones about needing to rack up Victoria's Secret debt because they are the only purveyor of clothes for someone of her height. I'm female and 6' tall I've gotten along quite nicely my entire life without needing to run to VS for pants. Wrap yourself up in that lie Robyn like a warm blanket.

    1. Whaaat? I missed that one. I wonder if she really believes her lies?

    2. Some one responded by telling her there are long jeans available at Wal-Mart. So Robyn said she lived in a town without a Wal-Mart? Where is this town, that has no Wal-Mart but was swimming in Victoria's Secret?

    3. Uh, there are TWENTY (20) Wal-Marts in Las Vegas! You can't drive a block without running into one. When did VS start carrying anything other than lingerie?

    4. She lived in Pinesdale Montana when she was married to Jessp. When I check the map on google the closest walmart may be Missoula, which is pretty far from her location. Victoria Secret has a catalog so she could have been using mail or phone ordering.

    5. Isn't there a But that isn't really the point, is it. The point is that every time someone opens their mouth in the culdesac, another lie or deception falls out. I was trying to find the truth but now I know that it is all fabricated. Why can't she just say, I bought some lingerie? Sheesh, it's not a crime. Because lying is second nature. They have been lying to themselves for a long time now.

    6. If she was ordering VS online, she could have also ordered from and had it delivered to her home too. If she was ordering from catalogs, there are other, cheaper options than VS.

    7. Also, if you live in Montana you expect to drive to go shopping...Pinesdale really isn't that far to Missoula...people commute everyday from further away than Pinesdale. I grew up with friends in high school that drove 42 miles one way just to get to school. I currently drive 45 miles one way to go grocery shopping or to get prescriptions. Just a way of life in Montana.

    8. ...but she didn't have a Walmart credit card so she had to order from Victoria Secret.

    9. Ding Ding Ding!!! Absolutely right MA, she had a credit card at VS, grifter logic is often short sited, yes there are cheaper stores that she can order from, but for grifters, it is all about figuring out how to get what you want right this minute consequences be dammed

    10. Walmart had a major crack down on credit card approvals when the economy went down because they lost a lot of money on that. It's very possible, and likely, that she couldn't get approved for a walmart card. VS will give a credit card to anyone with a pulse.

  13. It is clear that she lacks logic. It is also clear that she is not a quick thinker. Finally, it is clear that she stills sees herself as the victim. The tweet where she said she didn't get to go to Mexico...ouch!!! Yes, she is quite the little victim in all of this mess.

    1. Meri got to go to Mexico after 20 flipping years. This harpy has gotten an 11 day honeymoon to Mexico, a mansion, the favorite child, a nanny, the legal marriage, and has managed to break up a family. She is a sociopath.

  14. Meri, Janelle, Christine are you reading this? You better get Kody to write up a will that protects you and your children. Don't leave it up to the crazy sociopath new Mrs. Brown to have your best interests at heart when Kody leaves this earth.

  15. How much "grocery money" is needed to buy 2 plane tickets plus room, food etc to Hawaii? You'd think she'd be losing weight by the day at that rate. ... we're talking thousands of dollars in unpurchased groceries so she can pay for Hawaii! !!!@

    1. That could be their new business venture! Seminars on turning "grocery money" into a Hawaiian vacation

    2. MrSpock and family went to Hawaii last summer----not cheap---and we were staying military at a great discount. Airfare, food, tours---mojitos on the beach!!! It all added up, but it was wonderful----we didn't use any grocery money, though. ;-)

    3. Totally ridiculous that Sobyn and Grody got the 11 day honeymoon, the legal marriage, the nanny, and the vacay to Hawaii? Come on, how do the other wives cope with this nonsense?

    4. In response to being asked about why she got this awesome trip to Hawaii in addition to the long honeymoon, Robyn said that obviously things weren't completely fair as she and her kids have never been to Mexico with Kody. SMH.

    5. I don't remember any of the kids going to Mexico, just Kody and Meri. She is such a piece of work. The other wives must hate her, right?

  16. Robyn claims her kids don't watch the show so aren't exposed to her bashing their dad & they aren't aware the mystery woman who's purity cookie got stolen was her? Sure stop tweeting and go have a relaxing glass of green kool-aid.

    1. No more kool-aid for Robyn bc that my fuel her rant a couple more days on Twitter.... Lol

    2. Don't the Browns always make a point of showing twitter pictures of the whole family watching the show together? More b.s. from the Clown Crew.

  17. Kody's name is still on Meri's House deed. Hmmm.

    1. If Kody were to be Quit claimed to Robyn's house he would loose money. Robyn still has a lien, It is a sizable amount. Even if Kody were to quit claim off Meri;s house he is on the note and deed of trust. She would have to refinance to get Kody off the docs.

    2. Any smart woman would have asked for the house in the divorce :)

      I got mine for $1.00 and I didn't have to refinance. Not saying I'm smart. I just didn't have to refinance.

    3. If Kody dies and robyn gets his assets, will she also own half of Meri's house?

    4. To get Kody's name off of the note and deed of trust, and have no financial obligation to make payments it would have to be refinanced into Meri's name alone. Like i said i doubt he wants to be on Robyn's title. They did not share details of their settlement of the divorce, but i was just responding to Kody still being on the title.

    5. Of course MrSpock does not know the ins and outs of the Kody financial picture, but, generally speaking, Kody's assets will go to his legal wife when he kicks this mortal coil. In MrSpock's state, a spouse cannot disinherit the other spouse---at the least, 1/2 the assets must go to the surviving spouse. MrSpock isn't up on inheritance laws in Nevada. But, if Meri is smart, she will get Kody off the deed to her house because, yes, Robyn could very well become the new joint owner. This should all have been discussed with the lawyer prior to entering into the divorce.

    6. Whether or not Robyn got Kodys hall of the house would depend on the deed. You can have 'rights of survivorship' where the property passes to the other person on the deed.

    7. That is a possibility, too, mythoughtis. MrSpock is certainly curious whether any of this was hashed out with the attorney as Meri was talking about the property issues when they were on their way out the door to sign the papers. Doubt if we will ever know.

    8. I am not he biggest Meri fan, but I would hate to see Robyn get half of her house if something were to happen. I sure hope she figured that one right, she seems smart enough and when it comes to Mariah's interests she is always on it.

      Interesting that Robyn's house still has a sizable lien on it. Would it be mean to say I think it would be ironic if they took it and she got kicked off the cult-duh-sac?

    9. I'm not an attorney, but based on my own experience in another state, there are two issues with the house. One is the deed, and the second is the mortgage, Kodouche can probably sign a quit-claim deed giving the house to Meri, but will still be responsible for the mortgage unless she refinances. I would advise her to investigate that.

    10. If all 4 homes eventually gets foreclosed upon then no one gets anything. I don't know the Browns financial situation either, but I just don't see them paying for those homes w/o TLC $$.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Does anyone know how n much the lien is for? Less than a hawaiian vacation for two?

    13. If Robyn files for bankruptcy while married to Kody & Kody has this house in joint ownership with Meri....Is it part of the bankruptcy?

  18. Robyn's "it's all about me" attitude reminds me of poor Christine's apology tour in one of the early seasons, when Christine was bullied by her loving "family" into expressing remorse for failing to welcome Robyn to the family. (Of course, none of them felt the need to apologize to Christine for failing to give her the love and attention that she needed having just given birth to Truely, but that's another story.)

    I just remember seeing Robyn playing the misunderstood victim while she accepted Christine's groveling. At the time I remember being rather shocked by Robyn's self serving behavior. Not any more. That was only the beginning.

  19. Ah, I love it when reality stars lose it on Twitter.

    Seriously though, it is KILLING her that the general public thinks that she is a homewrecker, troublemaker, whatever.

    I like Janelle's tweet about starting her day with meditation, talking about dogs, la la la.

    1. It bugged Sobyn back when they wrote their book that the public hates her and now they hate her even more. If she took a look at the TLC Facebook page before they cleaned it up, fans were screaming for her blood.

  20. Janelle, you are lookin' pretty damn cool and collected in comparison.

    I loved it when Janelle told the producers "That's all I'm gonna say right now". Nice move. I can see the 'WTF' cogs moving around behind the curtain of her eyes as she smartly covers her true feelings.

    1. Standing by my opinion that Janelle was pissed and still is.

    2. I think some of Janelle's true feelings did come out when she mentioned the taxes. She said something to the effect of only being able to wrap her brain around the logical at that point (meaning the taxes). This was before the producer asked her how she was feeling and she said "that's all I'm gonna say right now." I wish I could remember exactly what she said, but that made me perk up. She was definitely pissed. Also, this is another example of how Meri and Robyn don't care about anyone but themselves. How hard would it have been to wait a few months until the new year so that things would have been easier for Janelle and those taxes.

    3. And what does this even mean?? TAXES? I think she was irked because maybe as the family accountant she had already prepared everyone's taxes and now she would have to redo? Why else would she care? If he married Robyn and according to Robyn her ex doesn't pay any support than surely Robyn deducts all her kids as her dependents - so being married to Kody would mean that Kody could deduct all 4 kids instead of just Mariah - so I don't get why should Janelle care about the taxes. Wouldn't this be a better tax situation for their grifter ways? This makes me wonder if they really did keep the marriage a secret and didn't tell Janelle before January? If they told her as it was all playing out in Sept. then why would she care about the taxes? Taxes wouldn't even have been an issue last fall. Someone help explain why she was irked about "Taxes?"

  21. Makes me wonder about the blurb that was mentioned in her divorce papers about no alcohol

    1. Exactly what I was thinking too.....

    2. Whaaa? I missed something there!

  22. Ha, do you think she was drunk texting. Never a good idea! That reminds me...does anyone remember the TV show Cheers? Frasier was a very successful spin off. I think Janelle could do a spin off from Sister Wives.

  23. Wow, she has gone batpoop crazy! I always tell my kids that if someone says something mean to them on the playground they need to ignore them. Maybe she should take a lesson. Stooping to selfies to prove that it is her? She's nuts!

  24. Am I completely stupid? When/what was the explanation for not having the parental rights terminated before filing for divorce?

    1. There wasn't one. She says she can't discuss that right now.

    2. No, they are completely stupid for going through a divorce and re-marriage before even knowing if David Jessop's parental rights will be terminated. No termination, no adoption, period. Ya think that would be the first step!

    3. I think it's a pretty fair comment that if the bio dad doesn't willingly give up his parental rights to the children, it won't happen. Unless there is absolute proof that he is an unfit parent, the courts (especially in Nevada and I live here), will not terminate his rights for the only reasons of not paying his child support or visiting his children. Nevada's track record for collecting child support is poor and with the bio dad living in another state? Meh, not gonna happen easily. I don't know what Meri was thinking (but she "is" sly like a fox) other than ratings for the show, but she was a fool to divorce Kody and give up the majority of her rights without first ascertaining the termination of parental rights for those children. Honestly, I'll be laughing if we ever find out the adoption doesn't/can't happen. But then, she deserves what she gets. I'm just sorry for Janelle and Christine...Robyn has played them all for fools.

    4. For any of the attorneys here, would Robyn have to go to Montana to fight the parental rights termination battle, since that is where her divorce and custody agreement occurred? Or would she be able to that in the Nevada courts, based on her residency? There hasn't been any Twitter chatter about trips to Montana, so if she has to do anything in the courts there, she hasn't done anything in person yet.

    5. Robyn (more likely her attorney) could petition the MT court to have the case removed to a NV court either electronically or through the mail...the intense in person appearances wild be further down line...just a side note here, courts are so reticent to terminate parental rights that they frequently won't even terminate the parental rights of incarcerated parents particularly if there was any type of relationship prior to being jailed. Think about that for a minute, Mom could have a ten year old kid, be given a 20 year sentence, Mom could even AGREE to give up her rights so the child can be adopted, and the court may STILL refuse to terminate if there is an established relationship... There are very real legal reasons for why Kody adopting Robyn's kids HAS to be a completely fictional story line...ill post more of the "legal" reasons it won't happen below....

  25. Bahahahahaha, brilliant compilation CJ!

  26. Here it is. The public meltdown. The first step to being a washed up reality wannabe - celeb is to have a social media meltdown. I'm almost excited to see how this turns out. I hope David Jessop steps up and fights for his kids (assuming he is actually a decent father). I'd love to hear David Jr. tell us more about his dad in a real, uninfluenced light. Also, eh is Aurora so touchy feely? I've noticed she's that way with everyone in the family. It seems bizarre to me.

  27. If this is what Robin says about her children's father on television. I wonder what she says when the camera aren't around. Her children know she is talking about their father. I would love to know what they think.

  28. Okay, MrSpock isn't sure what all the hullabaloo is about re. these tweets. How are they different from any past tweets from Kody and Gang?

    1. I think b/c Robyn has been tweeting nonstop since last night. When the divorce/marriage leak happened it was nothing but crickets from the Brown camp. Which I'm sure part of it was due to being under contract with TLC. But now that its been shown on national TV, Robyn has unleashed She-ra on to Twitter world.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Crickets ... as in it was so quiet you could hear crickets.

    4. Must not be many crickets in Las Vegas as opposed to where MrSpock resides.

  29. You know, I can't help but wonder if the TLC producers told her to stop blocking people on twitter because it was bad for business... and this is how reacts instead. Idiot.

    1. She would have been better off if she kept hiding behind her #BlockingSpree. I can't imagine the odd ramblings & selfies to prove her identity are doing much to improve her popularity.

  30. As of yet, neither Christine nor Janelle have defended Robyn on Twitter or lent her any support after her meltdown. They totally could but they totally won't.

    1. Even the former legal wife is silent and only tweeted about a LIV event she's attending tonight! So much for that sisterhood they keep talking about.

    2. Sobyn Robyn is crazy and is going to be the downfall of this family, the other wives know this now too I bet.

    3. Well if it's any consolation, the Dargers did retweet 1 tweet each from Robyn & Meri...

  31. Thank you for putting that together. Hilarious. Confirms that Kody was not at her house that night. Sounded like the guilt was coming through as she was mega defensive. She knows darn well what she has done was manipulative. To demand people give her hard evidence in a format that only allows for 140 characters is a riot. To say she doesn't let her kids watch the show, I bet group photos of them all watching can easily be found to toss back in her face on that thread. If anyone can retweet a photo of them watching the show with any of her kids in the shot, please do. She's blocked me so I can't. Thanks again CJ for posting because I would have missed all that being one of those blocked lost souls.

    Hey Robyn: careful what you ask for.

  32. Robyn, Sweetie, get out your sketch book and design a Legal Wife Lie Tracker whiteboard that you can hock on MSWC. You desperately need one as witnessed by your Twitter breakdown. While you're at it, design a coffee mug with Kodpiece and his four concubine's portraits. As the temperature cools, all but Kodpiece and the legal wife remain visible. It's sorta like my Henry VIII and wives mug. Bonus! It'd be yet another way to stick it to Janelle and Christine.

    I hope this blatant, irreversible assassination of your children's father's character on national tv comes back to bite you where it will sting the most - your "grocery" money. You did this for fame, money and ratings which will be gone in five tears max. The effects will haunt your children for life. I imagine the Brown's believe they'll succeed in this farce because of the Jessop family's desire to stay under the radar. I hope he fights you tooth and nail. I can roll my eyes at their stupid lies and shenanigans but when it comes to long term serious damage between a parent and his children, it's time to do whatever legally can be done to stop these narcissistic greedy assholes. Please take a stand and stop them Mr. Jessop.

  33. Better watch out C.J. crazy Sobyn might be coming here next to wreck some havoc! She's obviously reading all the hate for her on social media lately.

    At least she admitted that she and Kody really did go to Hawaii, I doubt they'll ever mention that little story line on the show. I am starting to believe that the only marriage is now between Kody and Sobyn. I don't see how they thought it was okay to have Kody legally divorce Meri for marry Sobyn and then go off to Hawaii? I wonder if she was so kind to take all of her "bonus" kids along? She has taken so much time away from Kody's other 13 kids, it makes me sick. I don't know many parents of 14 who can just take off for a little vacation whenever the feel like it. I bet the other wives are seething, if this doesn't make them leave I don't know what will.

    Thanks C.J., you outdid yourself this time!

  34. If this had already made it to the Living Room, ignore it. :)

    "My tears are not scripted. They are absolutely real. That would take a lot of talent I think to cry on command."

    This interests me because of Robyn's IMDB page ( Says she has prior acting credits. If she does, it explains the length of her career - she's clearly a terrible actress - but if not, she's still a terrible actress because she's never acted. Everyone sees through the sociopathic crocodile tears, sweetie. If Robbin' was born sometime around September/October 1979 (she's a Libra, I think) she would've been:

    -18 at the time of her first acting credit, in 1997
    -20 when she married David Jessop, in 1999
    -21 when her last acting credit was released and when Dayton was born, in 2000

    ...but I don't know enough about The Life and Times of Robbin' to know if it's legit or an IMDB credit mix up or something. The timeline *could* work, but it seems iffy...but I'm kind of curious, too. So I'll leave it here for the experts (and if this is already a known thing or has been covered, move along) :D

    1. It has been covered a few times. You're reading the IMDB of an actual actress who is not Robyn Sullivan Brown, polygamist and mistress turned wife.

    2. So did they merge her name with another Robyn Brown? It says it's the same Robyn Sullivan Brown that is on Sister Wives but we all know mistakes are out there. Did she fill in her own Bio? I'm tempted to watch the episode of Just Shoot Me to see if it is her.

    3. Apparently any uninformed person can modify those bios on IMDB. Probably one of her fans is responsible.

    4. Thanks for the heads-up!

      I almost tracked down the JSM episode myself. lol.

      Why would they do that? Doesn't that make her look even more shifty? Granted, these are rabid fans, so Bob's your uncle, I suppose.

  35. I really dont understand why ppl hate Robyn so much. She is dishonest but so are the others. She is accused of taking Kody away fr his children but he was a lousy father before he married her. Why is she the most hated when it should be Kody? Is it because she is a women?

    1. I'm not sure she is the 'most hated' or is 'more hated' than Kody. People are on fire about her right now because of tweetgate.
      If the Brown family had any sense of what is good for them and the family, they would get off of tv and out of the spotlight. There is so much negative energy directed their way at this point.
      They are selling their souls for money.

    2. "If the Brown family had any sense of what is good for them and the family, they would get off of tv and out of the spotlight. There is so much negative energy directed their way at this point"

      Exactly right !!
      Clearly, this is where the greed and self promoting has overtaken any semblance of common sense and legitimate family (parental) values.
      Kody has always come off as immune to awareness of "right and wrong" where others are concerned, namely his 14 birth kids and Sobbin's other three. And now it is evident that Sobbin herself is as loyal to a "self agenda" as Kody.

      Can't really spare that observation of the other three either. It is over 6 months since the divorce papers and over 2 months since the wedding, yet they too tweet as if Kodyworld is just the same Plyg Paradise they were selling 5 years ago.

    3. I wouldn't call it "most hated" either. I think Robyn and Kody are the most manipulative which stirs up the most comments. Kody treats his wives and kids terrible and uses the plural marriage aspect to avoid work, responsibility, and fatherhood. What gets people about Robyn is that she is equally manipulative. She and Kody are in control and cause much sadness among the other wives and all the children. The wives are pathetic to put up with both Kody and Robyn but the kids have no choice. Hence the many online discussions.

    4. Robyn just makes it so easy to not like her. I was on the fence with liking her during the first season, but my gut feeling told me she was trouble. Sure enough, she has shown time and time again that she is manipulative. She blames her bad credit and poor work history on her ex, even though her credit card bills were to Victoria's Secret and Target and she has a credit history in 3 different last names. She constantly interrupts everyone. She cries over anything to get her way and bring attention to herself. She pushed everyone to go into a jewelry business that has cost the family money even though no one else wanted to do it. The list goes on and on.

      There isn't much love for Kody on here or for the other wives for that matter, but they don't make it so transparent how sketchy they really are. Take Janelle for example, she has made a ton of poor choices and was married to Meri's brother, originally chose to marry Kody on Meri's birthday, her mother is married to Kody's father, chose this lifestyle even though she was from the mainstream church, and was the one in charge of the Brown's shady finances. Snark material if I ever heard it, but Janelle keeps it low key, doesn't cry through every interview, says reasonable comments, we've never heard her bash her ex husband, keeps an open mind, attempts to work, it is obvious she has the family's best interests at heart, and her kids are pretty awesome. Robyn should learn less is more, she also needs to stop interrupting and act like a grown woman, not a victim who needs Kody to solve every problem.

  36. I can't see the tweets, she must have deleted them??

    1. Yah I can't either because I want to reply to that Hawaii tweet and ask her why she didn't pay for Meri and Kody to go to Hawaii instead-since Meri "sacrificed" for her.

    2. Are you clicking on the "tweets & replies" tab?

  37. I can see it now:
    Robyn wiping eye boogers on her pants: Meri, I really, really, really need to take a trip with Kody. Remember when you went to Mexico and me and those other two and all the kids stayed home? Well, I have been saving my grocery money (that's why I am so fat now, I am eating out of Christine's kitchen), and I have enough to take Kody to Hawaii...It has always been my dream.
    Meri wiping tears from her eyes: you can't use your saved money to like, you know, help me with Mariah's tuition. Every one thinks that I am taking from the family and I have one kid and you guys have so much and now have Kody and he is at your house every night and I don't come over there and hang out like you do on those rare occasions when he visits more...the lines have been drawn.
    Robyn, trying to wipe the smirk off of her face as she begins to make Meri's day: you know, the other two are going to be really pissed. I think I am going to wait until Kody wakes up from his man nap and make him go with me.
    Meri, slightly smiling: I could go with you to tell them, especially Janelle. Let me go put some more orange glow on.
    Robyn: this is going to be so sweet...we should make Kody go too incase Christine freaks out and maybe tries to hit me.

  38. You know, in a conventional marriage, this would happen:

    "Honey, why did you go outside in your pajamas?"
    "Because Twitter people think I've hacked my own account. They think I'm mean witch because of the show!"
    "Sweetie, don't listen to them, let's go to bed."

    Good thing Robyn gets to experience what most women don't. Good gravy! I'm actually disappointed one of the other women didn't trek over there and knock on the door and just talk to her, or hell, phone her up. Fakity fake fake.

  39. No one, especially the other wives and grown kids, give a crap about her or they would have gone over and said, don't, let's have coffee. When one of my not so close but sort of close friends got into a social media battle with her ex husband's new wife and her family, I saw the pain it was causing her and I called her and said, girl, stop. Don't respond, block them, get them off your friends list, whatever but stop this because you are feeding the frenzy. I picked her up and we went for coffee and I told her how we did it in the days before social networking and how face-to-face that ex wife would never say those things to her. That's how someone who cares responds when their friend is running on, with all that sisterwife support, where are they?

    1. I totally agree. I have stopped friends from battles on the internet, FB, emails, twitter, whatever. And they have done the same for me, as I would expect real friends to do.

    2. The fact this went on for hours and none of her SW's intervened is pretty telling...they could care less. I get the feeling they love it when another wife screws up or has a breakdown because it makes them look better. It reminds me of when Christine retreated to her RV crying after the fight with Kody but her "sisters" stayed outside to console him instead! Where's this amazing sisterhood they keep talking about?

    3. It's just a Day in the Life for the other wives. They can't shut Robyn up during the couch sessions, during the Tell-Alls...even while Meri had a nervous breakdown while signing away her marriage in the lawyer's office, it was Robyn who couldn't shut her piehole. Why would social media be any different?

      She is completely narcissistic. This is Robyn's World, and the rest of us get to live in it.

    4. I assume the sister wives were asleep in bed, like normal people would be. Why was Robyn tweeting so late at night? I wouldn't expect Kody or the other wives to be on social media at that time of night.

    5. That's what I was thinking too, no one has come to her defense. A few of the wives have made the obligatory post about how great the Jessop kids are, but no one is coming out and saying how great Robyn is and none of it seems genuine. The look on Janelle's face during the episode was pure anger. Even more telling is that none of Robyn's "bonus kids" have tried to defend her, even the ones who are not shy on social media. If Maddie, Mykelti, Aspyn, or even Logan had ever come out and defended Sobyn or said hey, she's a good mom and stepmom, leave her alone, I might believe it, but they sure haven't.

      I won't be surprised if one of the kids comes out in the near future and spills the beans on what really is going down in the Brown family.

      As it is now, Robyn might go crying to Kody about no one defending her and he might make some of them defend her, but the damage has been done. I hope Kody is realizing his mistake in legally marrying the least stable of his harem. Meri would NEVER have pulled a stunt like this, nor would Janelle and even Christine wouldn't.

    6. Recall what Meri 'said' to Christine after the blow up about Kody's anti-plyg budd..."If you don't want people to be mad at you, don't do things that make them mad"

      Robin could use some of Meri's grasshopper 'wisdom'

      I think Janelle and Christine are loving this. (at least, I hope they are...)

    7. Since Janelle & Meri often tweet about having insomnia, I believe they were awake & just chose not to participate in Robyn's twitter war.
      Just b/c people don't post on FB or tweet doesn't necessarily mean they're not scrolling & trolling social media or blogs.

  40. Another way of looking at Sobbin's tweet meltdown: Everyone sure is talking about it, and in the word of D list celebs, any publicity is good

  41. WTH is a Fullmer trait that explains her crying? I googled it and all I could find (granted did not check many options) was about some old boxer named Gene Fullmer. Is she trying to act like there is some medical reason that she can't squeeze out real liquid tears in her fake crying? She could use the old actor's trick of sneaking something in a hanky that makes your eyes water. Come on Sobbin, put on those big girl panties and take the social media on the chin, after all, you have plenty of room on that chin.

    I think being on reality TV takes poor character traits & psychological problems and ramps them up to new levels. And since it makes for more drama, production is ot motivated to go, "sweetie" we think you need to take a break from filming and get some help. Tori Spelling is the most noTorious example. Want some fun, read the recaps of her show. If you have problems in relationships, being on camera is only going to make that worse. And as to children, little stories about "remember when... pooped their pants" are recorded and out there for the world to see. If Maddie does go for the supreme court, can you see some tabloids trotting out this freak show footage?

    1. I just assumed the "Fullmer trait" was a family thing. Meaning, lots of people in Robyn's family are like that. Just a guess.

    2. Is there Fullmer in her family wreath? Those genealogy charts for plygs are too much for me to decipher.

    3. She posted a picture of she & her mom a couple of weeks ago and mentioned she inherited the frequent tears from her. Typical Robyn...she won't even take responsibility for her own profuse crying problem!

    4. The Fullmers are Robyn's mother's family:
      See here (scroll all.the.way. down to "Wife 4 Robyn Alyce Fullmer Marck Sullivan")

      I have a question about the situation as someone who has only ever seen something like 6 episodes in total (of all seasons) ... and ffw'ed most of that (yet another reason to be grateful for Cynical Jinx' reviews!) : What exactly has Robyn Sullivan claimed about David Preston Jessop in the past? And what is the "purity story" that everyone keeps referring to? Thanks in advance for any explanations. :)

    5. The Principle Tumblr
      the Purity Story was when all the kids were made to sit through "church" and Robyn gave her testimony. She talked about a young woman who was pressured into have premarital sex and her purity was taken from her and she ended up marrying that purity snatcher....she switched from third person pov to first person when she said that she got pregnant and had to stay with the abusive man and stayed for two more babies but she knew when she met the producer oh I mean Kody that she and he were meant to be together forever.....blah blah...her kids were listening to this. She has accused David of financial abuse (leaving her in debt, not buying the babies cribs, not providing) emotional abuse and even come short of saying sexual and physical abuse as well. She talks about how he doesn't see the kids or call them or pay child support....there are implicit charges on the show and also explicit ones. Her poor kids.

    6. Robyn stated that she was abused during a couch scene. She said something like "I was in an abusive marriage...I was abused." It was either during the episode when the older kids went to Utah to volunteer with that organization that helped families fleeing polygamy or during the episode with the polygamy panel and Kristen Decker. She also stated that her ex "kinda stole" her purity by "begging for it," which has a coercion/rape undertone and that she met him during a "rebellious phase" when she was questioning her faith. Interesting choice in boyfriends and town if she was questioning the principle.

    7. The birth certificate mystery also raises the question, what would happen to Christine or Janelle's kids if they passed away? If Kody is not on their birth certificates what legal rights would he have to the children? It seems like Kody could have taken turns marrying and "adopting" his kids and then divorcing their mothers so they could be "protected" like he wants Robyn's kids to be.

    8. In reference to the birth certificates of all the children, in today's age, if the biological father agrees that he is the father, he can willingly sign the birth certificate and it will be recorded with the state. The birth mother cannot put the father's name on the certificate without his knowledge and consent. I believe it is also notarized. Therefore, all the biological children of Kodouche would go to him is Janelle and/or Christine died.

    9. I was just reviewing policy (I looked at Nevada, but I think it can vary from state to state, and I'm not sure where all the Brown kids were born) and it looks like a rather lengthy process to add a father to a birth certificate involving both parents consent. I looks like if Janelle or Christine died, Kody would have to file an affidavit of paternity. It would be in their best interest to take care of this now as it is much easier to do when all parents are alive. Even in the best case scenario it looks like it takes about a year to add a father to a birth certificate.

  42. I had a thought while reading these comments...Maybe this is Meri's way out when the show is taken off air. While the show is running she'll stick around and make money and as soon as the show is canceled she'll make a run for it. Clean break.

    1. I'm starting to think that too.

      This way, she can stay and do the spiritual marriage thing if she wants. But she can also sock away her TLC money for herself (and she will, if we know Meri!). And then she is always free to leave without the encumberments of Kody.

      Actually, not a bad idea really. Keep her options open. She's still young enough, has a long work life ahead of her. Why let Kody soak up all her earnings.

  43. I think you can pick out the tune for this little ditty. Feel free to add your own verses.

    Every sister wife in the cuddle sac
    Knows Sobbin Robyn stabbed them in the back
    We know not to believe our ears
    When she tries to squeeze out fake tears

    Sobbin Robyn, tweet, tweet, tweet
    Sobbin Robyn, tweet, tweet, tweet
    Go Sobbin Robyn cause you've really gone nuts tonight!

  44. Applause ,Emma Christian

  45. Wonder why Robyn didn't take care of the lien on her house instead of using the money to go to Hawaii???

    1. Maybe that lien is (in Robyn's mind, anyway) her ex-husband's responsibility? (Medical bills he is supposed to pay.) Or maybe she thinks if there's a lien on the house, it can't be foreclosed on if she can't make the payments? Or maybe because she WANTED a trip to Hawaii more than being lien-free? Or maybe it's because the trip was put on a credit card which can (maybe) be discharged in bankruptcy court someday. I vote for the last reason.

    2. A lien isn't a fun thing. A lien just means before she or the bank can not get at the equity they need to get paid. If she pays a bill she thinks he is responsible for she should go after him for the amount. I'm sure she wanted a trip more than to be out of debt.

    3. The lien prevents transfer of title thru sale of the house or any refinance. When the house eventually sells it will be cured with proceeds, after first lender position. Robyn is titled as Robyn A Sullivan as a single woman. That is how a lien with Jessops name was able to be slapped on her house, an asset of hers after her divorce. If she were titled with Kody as married with joint tenants it would not have a lien as Kody had no responsibility for the debt.

  46. Well, that whole Tweetfest was special. I think TLC must have told her to unblock people.

    I do question her judgment, however. And I'm just BAFFLED at her inability to accept responsibility for, it seems, anything. Weird. And her definition of bashing must be very different from mine. I've always heard that divorced parents really shouldn't say anything negative at all about their ex (even if it's true,) because kids pick up on it, and it affects not only them, but how they perceive the other parent. And it looks bad if you ever need to go to court for any reason. I find it interesting she wouldn't comment on the parental rights of the ex thing though. Methinks that's because it's part of the upcoming storyline, where they spend the entire season fighting for custody/dissolution of parental rights with her ex, only to lose in the end, because dag-nabbit, they forgot about that whole parental rights thing. And I'm sure they'll blame it on persecution of their lifestyle, not because they're clueless. (Does anyone really believe a court would award the right to adopt to a guy who has 14 kids from FOUR different women, a TV show that makes him look like a lousy parent, and an ex of the kids he wants to adopt who hasn't relinquished parental rights? Oh, and how will he support them? Will the family have to reveal their financials in court? That would be "interesting.")

    1. I know- I couldn't believe when Robyn said she didn't "bash" her ex but just "told the truth kindly"...what?! Calling him out as a dead beat dad, abusive husband and absentee father on national tv was not necessary (or kind). I totally get that she has animosity towards him but this isn't the way to go when young children are involved.

  47. Brown is the Color of you-know-whatMarch 4, 2015 at 11:25 AM

    I would just LOVE to see a family court judge interact with Kody:

    Judge: How many children do you have, Mr. Brown?
    Kody: I have 14 kids with 4 different wives. I'm a polygamist.
    J: Really? And how do you support these 14 kids?
    K: Well, we sell joolrey and green goo, but our main source of moola is from TLC.
    J: Ah, yes. And how did you support these children prior to TLC?
    K: Well, the smart wife wasn't so smart, she basically floated all of us. I made some, but I was persecuted, you know, for being a plyg. Oh, and we got welfare and food stamps. And then the wives filed for bankruptcy, wipes out all of our debt. It's really neat-o.
    J: So are you listed on the birth certificates of all of your 14 kids?
    K: Nope, just on 1 of them, because if I was on the birth certificate, the wives couldn't Bleed the Beast.
    J: I see. Mr. Brown, not only am I not hearing one more word about you adopting three more children, but I am turning you and your "wives" over for fraud.
    K: Everyone's against us because we're plygamists. This isn't the America I learned about in school.
    Judge: Too freakin' bad!

    1. Do we know officially that Kody is only on Mariah's birth certificate? If so, I will never watch this show or give these people a wink of my attention ever again.

    2. This is where I part ways with some. Is it offensive what you said Brown is the colour..or is it offensive that they really did this.I am of the latter opinion. So often the messenger who bears the bad news is beheaded or in this day and age blocked. Cults falling back on lies and deniability is not new but dumb shmucks buying everything hook line and sinker despite evidence is concerning me. You are so right . they are outing themselves on T.V. as flouting the law previous to the court decision. Nice values Kody.

    3. I don’t think we know for sure if his name is on the birth certificates for anyone but Mariah. I suspect it is not, at least for all the kids before Truly. Here is why (I’ve posted this before but it bugs me). I am a social worker and part of what I do is certify SNAP (food stamp cases). I’m not in Utah, but SNAP policy is Federal. I am 100% sure Christine obtained food stamps fraudulently. I think Christine must have told her worker she was a single mother with five children and no income. She also probably said that she was renting from Kody and Meri (probably said they were not charging rent or utilities because states tend to require a bunch follow up questions when there is a shelter cost but no income coming in). All she would have needed was verification from Meri or Kody that this was the case, which she would have needed anyway to keep them off the SNAP benefit. Now, here's where it gets tricky. Adults can claim separate households for SNAP purposes when they live at the same address if three conditions are met: 1)they buy, prepare, and store food separately, 2)they are not married, and 3)they do not have children in common. IF Christine was honest when she applied, she would have said that Kody was her children's father and his income would have to be considered in the SNAP benefit. But, since the policy says that adults cannot be separate households if they have children in common, Meri AND Janelle and their children would be on the benefit also. So ALL the adult’s income would have to be considered. There is almost now way that they would have qualified for SNAP with all three adults income on the case, even with 12 kids. Even if it was under, it would not have been by much, so their benefit would have been SMALL, smaller than the amount Christine claimed on the bankruptcy paperwork. And, more to the point, I doubt that Christine would have felt "safe," applying for SNAP in a legitimate fashion as reporting a household that has four adults and 12 shared children SCREAMS polygamy. AND, if Kody’s name was on the birth certificates, she probably would have been scared to apply as well.
      Now, if Christine applied as a single mother of five and claimed a separate household from the other adults (which she most likely did for the reasons stated above), then she committed fraud. She also proudly showed off her "communal" food storage during season one, and about shopping for the whole family, which is also against the "buys, prepares, and stores food separately" SNAP policy. I would not be surprised if the state of Utah reported them to the Office of the Inspector can take years for an investigation to take place sometimes. I think this was always more of a threat than the "police investigation" that made them run to Nevada

    4. What also bugs me about all of this is that if Kody is not on most of his bio kids birth certificates (and again, I doubt he is!), if he is able to adopt Robyn's kids then they will have his name on their birth certificates. Talk about psychologically damaging to all of his other kids!

    5. The Brown's have lived the culture of polygamists and tried to convert it on national TV to a lifestyle palpable to the public. I think you are right on LabbieLover and this is why Janelle was so upset when they moved to LasVegas in the dead of night on bad tires.

    6. Can you buy bulk whole wheat on snap? I doubt it. That was the stuff they had in common. Snap is supplimental. It's not the entire food budget. They basically had jobs off and on. One mom was home and the rotated childcare duty. We first saw them with Christine very preggers. And with show money coming soon besides the baby she just happened to be home. She did list some income so I think she was part time or support from Kody. These are not women cut off on a compound with too many wives and kids. It's not Colorado city.

    7. Yes, you can buy whole wheat with SNAP. Wheat, sugar, produce, any food EXCEPT prepared hot food. Grocery store rotisserie chickens are out, but the cold fried chicken is in. A lot of farmer's markets also accept SNAP. You can't buy non-food items or nutritional supplements. Here's the official list But what they were sharing is irrelevant when it comes to eligibility. If you buy, store and prepare food together (Christine's food pantry and family dinners) you cannot claim separate households. You cannot claim separate household when you share children. Christine was received $600 a month in food stamps. That was near maximum benefit in 2009-2010. This means that she did not include Kody or any of the other adults or children (except her own) on the benefit because with their income the benefit would be small or non-existent (no deductions apply to gross income unless you are already in the income guidelines). Like I said before, this was fraud. She lived in the same house as Kody with whom she shared children, who also shared children with Janelle and who was legally married to Meri. It is 100% fraud. The sharing food was also fraud as it violated a different part of SNAP policy. So, Christine was fraudulent in at least two ways when she received SNAP.

    8. That post was mine (Labbie Lover), but I posted as anonymous by accident. Here's a link to the SNAP policy that defines a household:

    9. I can agree that the multiple kids thing makes it plausible, but having family dinner once a week and letting everyone take sugar from the same place is hardly preparing and storing food together.

    10. Anonymous 4:34am ....if u go back & watch season 1, there's episodes of Christine showing off her pantry & saying how they do share if her bonus kids gets hungry. Also, there's an episode showing Christine making burgers & homemade buns for her kids & some of the younger bonus kids she was babysitting at the time. Since season 1 was most likely filmed in 2009, she was watching some of Janelle's younger kids at the time. Then u see multiple older bonus kids coming over & grabbing an after school snack.

    11. Christine and Janelle said on the couch that they worked together when building the grocery list for the two families. That Meri did her own thing, but her and Christine decided for their families, how many cases of tuna to buy, how to buy in bulk. So it was more than borrowing a cup of sugar. When Robyn and Meri went back to Lehi to get furniture and pets after moving to Vegas, they were standing in the pantry smelling old containers of pudding. I believe they shared out of the pantry and it was all on film.

  48. Brown is the color of you know that is reality..the Brown's will never see it that way because they are persecuted and family means everything to them and that is all that is needed is good intentions..good bad or evil

  49. @Fleagh66: @LuvgvsUwngs @Jenniebear81 have you made efforts towards Janelle to allay her worries about you&Kody running off?She seemed genuinely afraid
    @LuvgvsUwngs: @Fleagh66 @Jenniebear81 Yes I have. I was so upset when I saw that moment. I told her that if he ever asked me to leave together I would..

    Did anyone else catch this???

    1. There are two tweets involved. Reading one tweet only gives you half of what she was trying to say. Her complete comment was:

      "@Fleagh66 @Jenniebear 81 Yes I have. I was so upset when I saw that moment. I told her that if he ever asked me to leave together I would [...] tell him to jump in a lake! But...he wouldn't ask that. "

      Robyn likes to continue her comment thought beyond the 140 characters limitation. That's why she used an ellipsis [...] at the end of one tweet and at the beginning of the next. You have to read both tweets to see her complete thought.

      Hope this clarifies that particular tweet...

    2. Sorry I disagree. I know that's what she wants us to think but I think she did that on purpose to either stir us up or as a wink to Kody.

    3. I agree with Amy. A normal person would see how that one tweet could be completely taken out of context and rearrange the wording to fit into the 140 characters. I think she typed that tweet with a big smile on her face and an argument all ready in her mind for when someone called her on it. She is provocative, she likes a fight, and she likes to think she has the capability to sway her followers to see her side.

    4. A normal person would see how that one tweet could be completely taken out of context and rearrange the wording to fit into the 140 characters.

      Well, that settles it. Robyn is decidedly NOT normal!

    5. Robyn's whole message was 129 characters (give or take a few). She could have easily fit it into 1 tweet. I have to agree with Amy.

    6. And if her SWs called her out on that sly tweet she would say "just kidding". She's just fanning the flames by doing something like that.

    7. That split tweet indicated that either Robin is clueless or manipulative.
      THAT is a difficult judgement call, since it is logical to surmise BOTH in her case.

  50. Robyn thinks people don't know who she really is and is lashing out to prove she is a good person. Thing is, she is being shown for who she really is and people don't like it. Sooner she realizes this and accepts responsibility for her actions, the sooner she will be off twitter.

  51. Lipstick on a plygMarch 4, 2015 at 1:56 PM

    Well, I guess it finally happened. I must have lost my damn mind! I actually feel very sorry for Robyn. A public meltdown is sad. She is a mother of 4 children and they are most likely privy to this madness. I don't think she is completely crazy. I think she is cunning and calculated, but I can't help but ache for her. Like I said, I have lost my damn mind!

    1. Ugh me too. I think there's some serious mental health issues going on with all of these women. They need help, and they need to leave Kody. What kind of adult woman takes selfies at all hours of the morning to prove to a bunch of people she doesn't know that she's real? She really needs people to hear her. She's the type of person who talks louder than everyone else to make sure she's heard. It's sad, really.

    2. Her meltdown could have been much worse. At least she didn't shave her head and menacingly brandish an umbrella at her smartphone. I really wish I'd taken the time to learn photoshop ;-) Seriously though, I have little pity for her. She's grown up in the cult and has lived it on a reality tv show for what, five years now? Robyn's problem is she's been made to see that she is not the master lying manipulator that she's always believed herself to be. Or to quote President Lincoln " You can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time". A lesson Kody and his three girlfriends need to learn as well.

  52. This is what happens when you build a comfortable life (when you lacked one so desperately in the past)
    on a pack of lies, lead by a billboard salesman with a penchant for the the need to "close a deal today".
    Everything depends on the fans buying their BS to keep it going. She said in a couch interview, she wanted to do something big, make big money to hand to the family, and say here i am worth something.
    Please appreciate my contribution, she wants to be worth all of the trouble she has put this family thru. All wrapped in religion for cover.

  53. For the old timers on this blog (not in age, but time spent here) who have often posted about the Browns' flagrant use of welfare bennies....
    Poster "Labbie Lover," in her capacity as a social worker charged with okaying SNAP benefits for applicants, has a very interesting post up thread about the ins and outs of applying and receiving those SNAP benefits. Her reporting of what is involved and required is *very* interesting reading.
    (Thanks, LL)

    No question...Sobbin Sullivan Jessup Brown has certainly snagged the spotlight in these last few days with her unfortunate and rash performance on Twitter. However, there are so many other disturbing pieces of their world than just how dysfunctional the newly crowned Mrs.Kody Brown is proving to be.

    These Browns have been and are still scammers, who have defrauded the government, including we the taxpayers, for years. All of them...including Janelle !! They have lived in their little world of *taking* with no remorse and lie after lie.
    Janelle had a job, true! She also started that she was happier being out of the house, as opposed to being home raising her six kids. That job, if her words have any truth, fell to Christine.
    If Janelle has been the family's *accountant* all along, then she knew of the scams that they were running. Knew it and helped it.
    Not targeting Janelle as worse than any of them, except to say that she most definitely IS one of them.

    At what point does their history and MO matter in terms of fan devotion?

    1. You're so right, Amused. Janelle was the most frightened when the Browns fled Utah. I have always assumed that she knew the welfare fraud that could be uncovered in close investigation. She-ra has been tapped to keep the public eye on the Brown family to get another season, thus her twitter activity.

      It would be so satisfying for me, as part if the viewing public, if the Browns truly get hung with their manipulations and scams. I do feel for their children and do hope they won't be part of scam culture prevalent in the polygamist sects. If their college expenses have been put on credit cards to be written off in the next bankruptcy, they may be another generation of scammers. I do hope that isn't the case! bgee

    2. I find it interesting that fans hone in on Robyn's VS credit card bill (which I get, it's funny) but tend to overlook all the debt that was discharged from Christine, Janelle, and Kody and Meri's bankruptcy. Janelle had a store card with Lane Bryant and a debt of over $1,000 to a company called Living Scriptures ( homeschool material, maybe?) Kody and Meri had store cards with Best Buy, Catherine’s, Dillards, Home Depot, Lowes, and, despite Meri's "expensive taste," only claimed $2,671 in household effects (furniture, appliances, linens, etc.). Meri and Kody only had $1,179.50 in medical debt which is small considering their unsecured debt total was $13,599.66 (that means they had almost $12,000 of debt from buying things).

    3. One more thing. If Christine did commit fraud (which I believe she did for all the reasons I stated above), Meri, Kody, and Janelle did, as well. When there are adults living at the same resident of the person applying for SNAP benefits, in order to separate household to be established, all the adults in the household need to give a statement (either in person or written) that they ARE a separate household (meaning they do not share children and that they do not buy, store, and prepare food together). This means that Kody, Meri, and Janelle all had to provide this type of statement…which would have been fraud.

    4. I sern LL's post up thread & also found it very interesting and informative.I remember us discussing the Browns welfare fraud from the beginning of the old SWB. I too wish the Browns would get investigated for welfare & possible bankruptcy fraud. Time for them esp Kody to man up, be accountable & held responsible for their actions.

    5. Anonymous when Tom Green came out on T.V. as a polygamist the government came after him for welfare fraud so it would not be inconceivable for that to happen to Kody.

    6. it happens all the time; a case worker catches wind of something not on the up and up and files a report with the Office of the Inspector General. Usually, the client will give themselves away, or their friends or family will when a third party statement is needed (people can be their own worst enemies) but I would imagine, having a reality show that shows the world (rather proudly) exactly how benefits were obtained fraudulently (including saying "we don't commit welfare fraud" on camera, like Kody did) would cause the state to request and OIG referral.This may still be going on. And since SNAP is federal, it's not like moving to NV means nothing can be done.

      I wonder if Kody thinks it's true about not committing Welfare fraud because Christine never received TANF, which I suspect she didn't. TANF requires cooperation with child support and does not take "father unknown".as an answer. The state retains child support to help repay the TANF grants so they don't play about it. Deprivation is also required to be eligible, so if Kody was named to be her children's father, she would have not been eligibIle as her children would not have been deprived through absence of a parent or financially (per bankruptcy paperwork, Kody made way, way too much to be eligible for TANF). And, none of that withstanding, Christine would have had to be participating in a work activity for.20-35 hours a week which we know she didn't do. Homeschooling doesn't count.

    7. LL, didn't she baby sit the other children while their mother's worked? If so, she would have been able to count that as work. And, if single women work, sometimes they are given benefits to pay for their child care. If there is an angle to work the system, I would be willing to bet they worked the system.

  54. Let me get this straight - Last season, Robyn insisted Kody accompany her as THEY DELIVERED her children to their dad for a holiday visit. They drove all the way from Nevada to Montana to enable this visit and leave the children with a man Robyn has called abusive. The season before that she wailed on camera that if the "Brown Children" were not nicer to her kids, her children would choose to go live with their dad. Does she really expect intelligent people to make these crazy leaps with her?! She wants us to believe their dad is neglectful even abusive, however, she not only allows the children to visit him - she enables the visit by going the extra length of delivering them to his doorstep! With regards to her divorce - how many abusive husbands file for divorce? In her case if she was being abused by him, you would expect that she was the one who filed. HE was the one who filed. So somehow we are to make this leap that in the last few years the kids were visiting their dad and possibly even considering living with him but now they want nothing to do with him?! Robyn does not comprehend how ridiculous she has made herself look over this pretend adoption drama.

    1. Bingo. None if it adds up. It's all totally their private business but if they're gonna put it all out on television, they should try to keep their facts straight. The audience isn't that dumb.

  55. LOL Logic and the Brown family are not even kissing cousins. Their strength is gaming the system. They can't keep track of their lies and misrepresentations. It's mostly smoke, mirrors and sidetracking the viewers. We, as viewers, like to respond to shows but that is rarely the real story. bgee

    1. It has to be exhausting to wake up every morning and know you have several scams to complete before you even have your first cup of coffee. But again, this family does it all under the cloak of religion, and if anyone dare question them, they are automatically being "persecuted."

      As the Brown children become legal adults, and if the Browns are ever prosecuted, would the adult children also be in trouble with the law? I sincerely hope not, and hope each child flies the nest completely and doesn't look back.

  56. We did learn something from these tweets. Robyn (unwittingly) confirmed that they had (at least everyone but Janelle) discussed the adoption process and decided that the adoption could not start until Robyn was legally married to Kody.... at least that is my take reading between the lines of these tweets. I still think the adoption will never happen (Jessup won't sign off, I think), and if he does, the courts will not look favorably on the Browns. I think the show will be over by then, and the Browns won't be able to show financial or any other stability. Robyn will still have one because she is the one with the legal marriage now.

    Meri will have the last laugh as she no longer feels legally trapped. She said in the tell-nothing that life with Kody was better this way. Janelle may leave (at least in outward appearance) once more of her children disavow this religion.... but she will always offer Kody friends with benefits status.

    1. "She said in the tell-nothing that life with Kody was better this way."

      I refuse to watch them manipulate their fans, so this is a first that Im hearing this statement. What do you think Meri meant by it? How sad if she was referring to the fact that Kody was finally happy to be legally wed to his true love.

    2. I meant 'won' not one in my comment about the legal marriage

  57. So, now Robyn is stating that Janelle and Christine have done romantic stuff with Kody too. That it's just simply not shown on the show. That for their anniversary, Kody took Janelle on a very special romantic date and gave her a braclet. That it wasn't really shown on tv.
    Ok Robyn. That's still no Hawaii.

    1. Let's see....crappy bracelet or a trip to Hawaii...tough choice! Unless that was a diamond bracelet with some big stones, I'm pretty sure Hawaii blows it away.

  58. She just doesn't know when to quit does she? She seems to have kept track of every morsel that Kody has thrown the other wives way. "I work so hard on my relationship with my sisterwives - BS." As someone pointed out, the first 3 have been there a long time, during lean times. I still remember when I was sporadically watching the show and she had just moved to Lehi. I hadn't pegged her yet, wasn't paying close attention. But I remember when she said how much she hoped the others would see the value she brought. Even back then I thought, what value is that? 4 more mouths to feed, an extra rent to pay, and bills of her own.

    Finally finished the Meri special. Why bother with anyone on the couch but her? She's going to do all the talking anyway. And these continual pleas to not hold Kody accountable for what he says and does really grates. You take a narcissist and support the mindset that the narcissist is never to blame, is just misunderstood or set up by someone else. Now you have 2 legally bound to each other, fun, fun, fun. The difference? The other SW's aren't going to cover for the Queen Bee like for the Kodster.

  59. Why do they legally marry the first wife if it doesn't matter? Why not have all spiritual marriages? Just curious

    1. Bleeding the beast. If polygamy was legal each one would have a legal marriage to Kody.

    2. Exactly! And if the legal marriage doesn't matter because it is their "eternal spiritual marriages" that matter, then why all the tears? It should be no big deal, right? Uh huh.

  60. The bracelet was the leather cuff tree of life bracelet from the commitment ceremony. There was a picture of it on Janelle's twitter on their anniversary.

    1. OMG!!! Ya that's just as good as a trip to Hawaii!!!

  61. Oh sure, Kody does romantic stuff with Christine and Janelle. Remember the big hideous watch he gave Christine to shut her up? I'm sure Robyn remembers very well since she was the only wife who knew about it before hand. She was able to fake smile through the whole thing while Meri could set the room on fire with her orange fury-face.

    As for Janelle, are we forgetting the bed the bought together? Wasn't Robyn nice enough to step aside and allow them to test it out at the store? Sure is nice to have the newcomer give you the OK to be alone with your shared husband.

    Romance is still alive, kids!

  62. CJ,

    First of all, thank you for this blog! You do an amazing job. It is time consuming and I appreciate your efforts as I know the others do as well.

    Secondly, have you thought about writing an open letter to Robyn? Specifically, calling her out on some of these tweets and some of the points that have been brought up her and inviting her to answer in a format twitter would not allow?

    I am being serious. I would expect your questions would be worded respectfully and hopefully would draw her in. (a hope)

    Those of us with twitter who have not been blocked could tweet her the link. A Q and A right here. She seems adamant about improving her public perception so let's give her the opportunity.

    I would also like to see an open invitation to all the wives, a real Q and A. If they have nothing to hide...

    Hopefully some of the tabloids, Doris Hansen, Kristen etc...would pick this up and help spread the invitation.

    We all unequivocally know the Brown's are frauds, and this divorce/marriage is just another piece of that.

    Thank you again.

