
Sunday, March 1, 2015

SEASON FINALE!! Sister Wives: L I V E T W E E T P A R T Y for 3/1/15

It's the SEASON FINALE OF Sister Wives !!  
L I V E   T W E E T   P A R T Y   T I M E   !!!!

THE D.I.V.O.R.C.E. ????


Prepare yourself for MORE Mr. Robyn Brown  BLOVIATING!!

While the new Mrs. Kody Brown indiscriminately BLOCKS TWITTERS !!

Are YOU on her list tonight???

It's Sunday Night and Sister Wives is on the snark menu in My Living Room!!!


Once the comments reach 200 or more, to see ALL the comments, Please scroll all the way down til you see a link that says "Load More" or "Loading..." Keep clicking on this link until it disappears - that indicates you've loaded ALL the comments!


  1. "Our reality is REAL." Tune in tonight to see if your predictions are true" Wth. No thank you, Meri! I'd much rather be in the company of my own reality, a much better world than your sideshow.

    1. Oh my gosh, Meri really did tweet that!

    2. The denizens of Flatland "knew" reality was two dimensions and imprisoned a sphere for the heresy of stating there were three. Meri's Reality Tea is just two lumps of sugar away from that.
      Can you see her trying to accept the fact her mental prison really has no roof? Run Meri Run.

  2. Oh lawdy did y'all see the pic of the puppy that Meri tweeted to Mariah? Saying she's found the one that she wants. Good lord, not another sad Drake moment in the future when Meri tires of it...smh Wonder why she's decided to get another dog now? Probably b/c Janelle has Sasha.

    1. She doesn't want a puppy thank goodness. Just a joke about the dress color question going around. White and gold or blue and black :)

  3. *OMG* is right !!

    What?....She *REALLY* has the GALL to bait viewers like that??
    Wow......that arrogance is over the top !!

    Read in the Living Room much, Meri ??
    Is the *truth* that people SEE making you feel snarky?

    If there was ANY credibility left to these cretins, she just killed it.
    This faux show needs to go !!

    1. I think Robyn's bait may be worse: "So many rumors. So many judgement calls. So many assumptions. So LITTLE information. Patience is a virtue. Have faith in us! "

  4. Replies
    1. What *worked* was a deluge of folks now dedicated to see the show's end.

      TLC may have renewed SW for strategic reasons, just like they renewed the Gosselins for their final season, knowing it was already a dead show.

    2. TLC may have renewed SW for strategic reasons, just like they renewed the Gosselins for their final season, knowing it was already a dead show.
      And don't forget HBO did exactly the same thing with Big Love, too. HBO pulled the plug and told the creators they had to re-edit the next season to be the series last season. And the outcome was an unholy mess.

    3. Yep, you're right, HBO did just that with Big Love,
      Watching that last desperate, jumbled season was an affront to any pleasure the previous seasons had generated.
      *It left a sadly bad taste when all was said and done.*

      Take heed, Browns !!!!
      Thanks to you all, this is already in the works for what the post-show memory will be of SisterWives, the show.

  5. Whatever. Not watching. I'll just scroll through here later. MUCH more entertaining!

    1. I watched the first episode and you missed nothing. I got a few minutes into the tell all but nope, too boring. They hype up the show but it never delivers. Yawn.

    2. Boycotting them I'll read cynicals blog.. Much more entertaining.

  6. My, what a lovely picture of Janelle !
    The tongue effect is quite fetching !

    CJ, you are a master !!

  7. My big question tonight is...who will have the longest eyelashes? Will Robyn finally get the hang of DIY individuals, or will Christine chose a lighter more fitting and natural lash to fake bat at Kody?

  8. I think it's the makeup bothering their eyes. Maybe that is why robyn looks. To make sure there is no eye makeup on her hand after wiping them. Their make up on the couches for the tell all is usually a bit off.

    1. What *should* bother their eyes is looking in the mirror after applying the layers of makeup.
      These women have had *5* years of couch makeup. Are they that dense and incapable?

      It's just down to bad camera etiquette.

  9. There's a phenomenon in psychology and political science where people who have strongly held opinions and deep emotional investments about something, when they are confronted with evidence that undermines their belief, they become MORE of a believer instead of more of a skeptic. These women will never leave because they don't have the ego strength to see and admit that they've been living a lie and by doing so, they have squandered their youth on idiot Kody, depriving their children of a 100% father.

    1. Anonymous , I think. you are on the mark there. Especially for Christine,what else has she got as a claim to fame. She came from a long line of men who slept around,Settled for Kody who slept around.Bred 6 kids. Yep that is about it. No education. No risktaking. No adventures. Just sharing a penis and breeding.


  10. I have a serious question. I don't mean this offensively but wonder about the Browns belief that they're "sealed" to each other for all eternity. What about when their kids grow up, marry and are "sealed" to their spouses? Do they no longer spend eternity with their kids because the kids have been sealed to their spouses? (Otherwise, they'd spend eternity with their children, children's spouses,grandkids (and THAT spouses parents, sibling etc) grandkids etc??)

  11. You know, for these women and women like them, it's all about the man. I've known women like this where it was all for the man. Even Christine said it best when she said that when Kody comes to spend the night with her, she rushes around to feed and bathe the kids and get them to for her and others like her, Kody isn't a part of the family in which he spends time with the kids, but rather, he is there for her. I cannot imagine how that works. Even at my age, when my grandkids come to visit, it's all about the kids and that comes from both of us not just me. We put the kids first. Now that's not to say that we spoil them or deprive ourselves, because we don't...well we spoil them but that's what grandparents do, but there has never been a man in this world that has value over my kids/ seeing these women put that man before their kids really sickens me. It's all about him...Kody is the center of their world. Now that's sad.

  12. Family is a multigenerational thing.

    1. Then Robyn's ex husband still be with Robyn, Kody and crew for all eternity, since he's the kids father? ...... sounds like cruel and unusual punishment! !! Yikes!

    2. No. A woman can only be sealed to one man. But they also may have parents and children. A man may be sealed to more than one woman. The kids in eternity are with kody. In the eyes of their leadership. David may not consider that valid.

    3. Thks for clearing it up!

  13. I just watched the rerun of the sycophant anthropology professor and "students." There is not a favorite wife? Are these students blind? ACK!!! I think I'm going to need a barf bucket for this "divorce" episode too. Tamron Hall has become one of the Brown sycophants.

  14. That goes the kids...adopted by Kody, right. The dad is giving up his parental rights.

    1. Meri just said "there's not guarantee, they still have a father," or something like that."

  15. Oh geez! The reason is so Kody can adopt her kids.

  16. BS! Calling BS! To protect Robyn's kids!!!

  17. Doesn't their dad have to give up parental rights in order for this to happen?

    1. The very official lawyer never bothered to ask or delve. He was only focused on the divorce. And, he didn't question why Meri decided this unilaterally or advise her of any legal consequences, division of assets, etc..

    2. Definitely scripted---any lawyer worth his/her salt asks, asks, asks---MrSpock is surprised Mr. Reynolds would agree to be filmed like this, i.e., without asking Meri some very pointed questions about hers and Kody's assets.

    3. My lawyer told me (in a different state, many years ago) that my kid's step father could adopt them without their bio dad terminating rights if the court could establish he had not been acting as a father for an extended length of time (he had been completely absent for over a decade, no child support, didn't know where he lived). I think Robyn's kids still have visitation with their father. And he could still use EVERYTHING we have seen on the show as evidence why his rights should not be terminated (Robyn having a baby with a married man, for example). It is possible they are going to try and bribe/blackmail him with the prospect of waiving any past due child support if he terminates his rights.

    4. That would be the court deciding to terminate the rights. With all the parental allienation we have been seeing shame on them. I hope no court would do so.

      I think this is completely unforgivable.

    5. This lawyer may have asked all the right questions and they were edited out because they didn't fit the BS narrative we're being sold.

  18. Holy Toledo, so Kody can adopt Robyn's three kids---where is David Jessop in all of this? No dividing of property or debts, just the joint petition. Meri, "Polygamy is really looked down upon." DUh!!!

    1. And if Robyn and Kody have a "legal marriage," no one will every know about the polygamy! Not like they have a show and a book and Twitter and stuff.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. So, she is saying that Kody is adopting those kids. I don't think so....the biological dad has to give up rights.

  21. Oh, the sad, sad music.....give us a break!

    1. IKR? I rolled my eyes hard when the music started!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I was surprised that it wasn't VLL or Danny whatever...

  22. Meri has gotten so big...not that there's anything wrong with that. Meri, you cannot force a man to give up his kids....what a farce.

  23. So, Kody and Robyn just happened to be in a car together when Meri called and they could be there in 10 minutes. *rolls eyes" And, Robyn and Kody are going to pretend to be surprised! *ha Ha HA!!!!!!*

  24. Kody, you say you don't know what's going on...foul....the camera followed her to the attorney and she was all about what is best for the kids...someone has been saying that to her because you know, she ain't alturistic by any means.

  25. Meri just said that their dad is still in their lives. And they don't know if the adoption is gonna even take place. But yet she chose to go ahead with the divorce anyways! Makes no damn sense. They're definitely doing it for tax write off reasons... But lying to viewers anyways Smh

  26. Right. Meri did this will no talk w/ Kody first? Hahaha The realist really real family!

  27. They would not be yammering about this unless David Jessop was on board----that is MrSpock's take on this thus far.

  28. Why didn't Cody go to the lawyer with Meri? BS!

  29. Liars again...two seasons ago, or one season ago, Robyn was loading the kids up to take to their father's house and Kody had to make the decision to go with her or stay with his sick I right about that?

  30. Just sheer BS !!!
    All of it !!!

    Nothing else to say........this is ridiculous, scripted Bull Shit !!!
    No snide Meri and Sobbin, there are no answers to any of your fictional dramas.
    It is all BS !!

  31. Robyn is really trying to cry...I call foul....she is really trying to cry....she isn't an actor. Now she cries. the kids are saying they want to be his...way to alienate their love.

    1. There were a couple of times when Robin was "crying" - not!

  32. Gee, Robyn and Kody are really putting up a "fight" about this idea---NOT!!!!!

  33. Kody doesn't even resist the idea of divorcing Meri. He accepts her conclusion that she's divorcing him. They don't pray about it, like they did for Christine's PMS. They never discussed it beforehand. Kody just accepts Meri's unilateral decision - which she hasn't even initiated yet. At this point, according to the script, she just talked to the lawyer and asked that he e-mail her some forms.

    1. . They don't pray about it, like they did for Christine's PMS" lmao

  34. Is Kody serious? Well I don't want anything to change between us

  35. Seriously, I can't watch this in real time tonite.
    Can't justify the time and energy to support such a sham.

    I will read here tonite, just can't watch.
    It's like giving blood to a leech.

  36. Wow, Robyn is really dissing Jessop on national TV---either he is going along with this or he'll be revving up for a lawsuit in family court.

  37. Robyn says that their dad isn't paying any child support or sees or calls them on a regular basis.

    1. She also blamed him for losing her viriginity, her getting pregnant, her debt, her having three names worth of debt. She has called kody dad and not kody and the show has been labeling them brown for years. Parental allienation. They older kids may not always want to do the visitation. Also notice how Truely can go to the ER without him but they can't travel to dad without him in the car with robyn? Tell me what that exchange is like? In the world of technology he could be emailing them without mom deciding to know it.

  38. Robyn "never wanted the state in her marriage again." Hmmm. I guess she doesn't realize that with children and custody, the state will always be involved.

  39. Oh stop the crying with no tears already Robyn geez! And Kody says to Merit, all I can say is thanks.

  40. Robyn slams her children's father: He doesn't call regularly any more; he doesn't pay child support. She declares that Kody is their father. Earlier, she says that they express that they wish he would adopt them. As she speaks, there are old pictures of Kody and her kids.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. And, if Jessop is going along with this, then why wasn't it just done quietly---why would he allow himself to be put in such a bad light with absolutely no defense----at least we haven't seen any yet. This is truly amazing legally-speaking----the amount of bad-mouthing of the kids' bio dad for all the world to hear. Did Robyn seek any legal advice herself before agreeing to say such things on television???? WOW!!!!

  43. They are most likely going to buy him out... I hope he says NO!!!
    Robyn, you are so fake along with your brand new husband!
    The FAKERS


    1. Even if that is so (a buy-out), why would he EVER agree to be labeled a bad dad on national TV?--no amount of money would make up for that.

    2. True... it's just all fake!!! They truly believe we the viewers are stupid!!!! What the HE**


    3. I bet Robyn did not seek legal counsel on this and all the bad mouthing could come back to bite her. Unless her ex has some SERIOUS skeletons in his closet. Or they are blackmailing him.

    4. Let's see how the court sees kody support the kids he has already fathered. Ha ha ha....I am so mad. They convinced me polygamy should be illegal and prosecuted more than it is.

    5. Chances are Kody's name isn't on the birth certificate of most of his biological kids. I think it's interesting that if he is able to adopt Robyn's kids, they will have his name on their birth certificates while most of the others won't. How weird it must be to be a child in that family.

    6. I think they are. After all what if christine died and the state takes the kids cause they have no daddy. Takes a while to do DNA and prove it. I doubt they have stuff in writing when the kids were little.

  44. Kody is sure a glutton. First he robs three men of wives needing four at the same time now he is trying to take the kids away from their dad. If he is so absent why are they feeling threatened? BS

    Can't wait for robyn to do the same to kody with Sol in 10 years. He calls himself a man? They are parenting boys? And they treat men that way?
    You can adopt an adult.

    Mariah needs to get the doctor and see if she has a condition that explains sudden weight gain. It's only going to get worse as she gets older.

    All about family? What about their family? Home wreckers.

  45. Mariah learns before janelle and christine. Yeah. Of course.

    1. does affect Mariah in a way that it does not affect the other "wives." These are her parents who have always been married. I would want to know if my parents were getting divorced for any reason. If the other members of the family knew first, I would be livid. That said, I claim bull... on this whole situation. I see it as a desperate bid for another season.

    2. Apparently, Mariah knew that Meri was planning the divorce. Meri said that she and Mariah had spoken about it. This conversation was a follow-up. And, Kody must have known beforehand, because he wanted to make sure that she was alright with it.

      Mariah's significant weight gain was obvious when she walked to the chair. Then, when she sat, she place a pillow over her stomach. She's gained so much weight that it's shocking.

    3. No. They are plural marriage. It doesn't effect her in some special way. Further she is a grownup. I could agree she is the first child that needs to know she shouldn't know before the 2nd and 3rd wife and they should not know the night before. It should not be decided without them part of the process. They are cruel. They are unforgivable. Christine and Janelle were not asked. They were not included. She might as well have told them she was changing her hair color.

    4. In a typical marriage, yes - the kid would want to know / need to know. This family is so atypical it ain't even funny. She has no more right to know sooner than any of the other kids. After all, the legal marriage doesn't really matter (right Browns). It's the spiritual that counts (gag).

      Only Twitter, Kody's still reminding the world that Meri is first wife. What's the big deal, Browns? Why does it matter. And if it doesn't, why keep stressing it?

    5. He should marry two and then three and then four. A wife is a bigger person than an adult child who doesn't even live at home.

    6. I was shocked by Mariah, also. We haven't seen her from the waist down in awhile.

  46. Why isn't Kody joining in the discussion with Meri, Robyn, Christine and Janelle???? What a WIMP!!!!!

  47. The last question I had before I turned them off was "why" do it all in front of all the cameras.....
    Why indeed.......!!!
    Such scripting, such soap opera drama, such utter, blatant....viewer-insulting CRAP !!!

    1. Exactly!!! They knew damn good & well Meri was getting a divorce.

  48. Merit says the kids really just need to have the last name Brown. IMO, in reality, the Browns just don't want to be associated with the name Jessop.

    1. Exactly! And if the dad is not involved like Robyn says, then just change the kid's last name, like Robyn did. Easier than a divorce and remarriage and adoption process.

    2. That cannot be done without bio dad's ok at this point---i.e., the name change. Absolutely not!!!

    3. Children's names can be changed by a court (even tho bio dad still in the picture who has not lost his parental rights)---MrSpock knows this for a fact, just having done one---but the reasons have to be VERY compelling.

  49. It takes more than not calling regularly and not paying child support to relinquish parental rights. I am not buying this...either Robyn's ex husband agreed to this and said he would sign the kids over or they paid him. Whatever happened, they are doing some major slamming of the children's father on national tv and on a program that these kids watch...way to destroy and alienate feelings for their father and screw up their own self esteem.

  50. OMG meri says she needs to talk to Christine & Janelle about it. Says they really shouldn't be upset or don't know why they should be?
    Ummm, ok Meri. That was just dumb & cold hearted to say. Hell yeah they're gonna be upset. Being passed over after being with the family for 20+ yrs.

    1. And of course, C & J will act like they don't care. Anything to keep the TLC money rolling in, including suffering silently inside (I'm looking at you, Christine.)

    2. Yeah Christine's response & actions was definitely a front for the cameras.

    3. I thought Janelle's reaction was much more authentic and less of a TV acting job.

  51. I knew it. Kody wants to adopt the kids. It's the only thing that made sense to me, besides my secret hope that Meri was going to pack up and leave the cul de sac and Kody for good. Too bad there's no guarantee that it'll work. Just because K&R are legally married doesn't mean much if the bio dad is in the picture. Especially if he puts up a fight about it. Do these people even think before they jump into these situations? stupid!

  52. Meri said the kids haven't seen their dad in two years. They probably paid him off.

  53. Janelle tells the producer she's not gonna comment on it. All she's thinking about right now is the taxes.

    1. I didn't mind that. Go, Janelle, you have the right to say no comment!

      Yep it is a reality show, but if you don't know what to say... Then maybe saying nothing is best!

  54. Man, they just sort of slaughtered Janelle

  55. Janelle looks better from the back. She has changed shape. She still carries weight in the front, but I can see a difference.

    1. Noticed that too. She's wearing a more tailored style of jeans and it's more figure flattering on her.

  56. Meri wanted out 5 years ago when Robyn came into the picture. She has been smirking all this time and seems soooooo happy. Kody cannot adopt those kids unless their father gives up parental rights legally. Janelle and Meri seem to be at odds with each as usual.

  57. I'll be so glad when this show finally gets cancelled. Without TLC $$ they won't stay afloat. Time for them to be accountable & responsible for past welfare & bankruptcy frauds.

    1. I agree. As soon as the money runs out, some of them are headin' for the heels (i.e., Robyn, Meri, possibly Janelle ...)

    2. My bad - I meant *hills*

    3. "Heels" would sound like "hills" for Robyn! ("I fill" = "I feel.")

  58. This is a passive aggressive attempt by Meri to make Janelle look bad, again. In the book, she came out looking bad, so this is to make her look selfless and then bam, make Janelle look like a selfish heifer. And, whether this is scripted or not, she is enjoying throwing Janelle under the bus.

  59. Why is anyone shocked that Janelle had nothing to contribute to the conversation? How many times have we seen her vacant stare in the talking heads?

    As for her comments on taxes? This is supposedly happening before the year end, and nobody's discussed any timeframe for the divorce and marriage to Robyn. Of course, they'd want it done by the end of the year for the tax benefits.

    I thin that Janelle slipped up and showed that this was filmed in February, in the midst of their having their 2014 taxes prepared. (I don't think CFO Janelle is doing their taxes.)

    1. Grifter- that makes sense. Marrying Robyn gives him (her, being that she is CEO and all) 5 dependants

    2. Why would janelle have a comment to make? She was told they were doing it and that they were doing it tomorrow. Why all of a sudden?

  60. Just watching the tweets while watching Leonard Nimoy on Columbo. The tweets alone are making me sick. Robyn never wanted a legal marriage. David Sr. hasn't seen kids in 2 yrs? Someone go out in the middle of the nowhere he is and show him this video. I'm recording but I don't know I will watch until I have snark to make the BS go down. Are her children watching this???!!!!

  61. So, for Kody, the "legal" world only matters when it benefits him---otherwise, to heck with anything that is "legal!"

  62. Janelle you are entitled to your feelings!!!!

  63. Kody says to Janelle that this is all procedural and changes nothing. Again - Why the drama then? Why wouldn't this have been an agenda item in one of their 2-mnute business meetings before they jump in an RV?

    I know that I can't expect this show to be coherent or real. But, they are not even pretending to try, and it's insulting. This show is slapped together, around the fakest premise.

  64. This show makes me curse worse than rush hour traffic in DC!!!

  65. Meri: She has dizzy spells and doesn't know why. One is happening as she prints and executes the divorce papers. She staggers from her office to her downstairs.

    Robyn: She must change course and now be Meri's very best friend.

    Lawyer: (to Kody) "Nice to see you again..."

    1. A Grody a Little PonytailMarch 1, 2015 at 7:14 PM

      Ha!!!! This entire summary made me laugh so hard. Thank you for the quotes, I'm not watching so I love the updates.

  66. I would not trust Robyn to divvie up the estate or lack thereof.

    And Robyn you should have ran back across the street to change your jacket.

    1. Very good point as to why even logistically janelle and christine should have been part of the decision. Heck Mariah has multiple conversations over a period of time about it.

      And what does Logan and Aspyn think? He just allienation 12 kids.

  67. So, they were concerned about giving up property rights but aren't asking the attorney about that?

  68. Why is Robyn there???

    1. To sign as witness.

    2. Robyn says she's there as Meri's BFF and to serve as a witness. I guess the lawyer only had a notary on staff, and nobody else around to serve as witness...

      In reality, Robyn is probably there to make sure that those forms do get signed - for her own self-interest.

    3. The witness thing is crazy. I guess they think none of their viewers have ever been divorced, ever.

    4. Robyn's presence was definitely not required in any legal sense. *rolls eyes for the millionth time tonight*

  69. OMG, he is not doing the persecution thing again...crap

    1. Too bad the state making them get divorced. Good thing Kody isn't "angry" with the state.

    2. Yes, immediately after he consulted with the secular lawyer about the validity of his spiritual marriage to Meri. And, immediately after the lawyer said that their religion is irrelevant As long as there is only one legal marriage license, they're entitled to divorce like any other married couple. Yet, somehow, Kody became angry and persecuted.

  70. This is kinda sad here at the end. I gotta admit.

  71. No, stupid Robyn, we don't have to experience watching our husband leave us for other women....crap.

    1. Isn't that the truth! They make me beyond thankful that I'm not in a polygamous marriage! It looks like a torturous way to exist.

  72. Robyn said, "We just won the first battle" what the he** - she is evil and should not be trusted!


    1. She just declared war on her ex-husband. That cannot be kosher with the courts.

    2. How is it a battle if he is so unattached. The reality in their minds are not the reality of life.

    3. It's her and Kody against the husband just said they are full of sxxt....LOL.

  73. Merit has a dizzy spell right in front of Kody. And of course he's being a goofy oaf about it. Then meri says there's a dark cloud hanging around on the divorce day. No Meri, that's ur gut feeling & u just ignored it. She will definitely regret this in the future.

    1. Yes---Kody was a big "help" when Meri felt dizzy.

  74. Not watching....not watching....but thanks for the updates!

  75. What's with Christine's eyelashes?

  76. David Jessop had to be payed off well to let that female(wanted to use a different word, but I'm showing her a little respect) to put him on blast on national television. No matter what he is doing or not doing that doesn't give her any right to talk about that man. She so worried about being holy and righteous, but she just showing her ugly side that her kids can easily see through. I can't speak for her kids, but later on in the future there could be resentment towards Robyn and the fake trying to play daddy for their actions.

  77. Oh, crap, Kody, Antoinette wasn't thinking you were going to hit on her!! What an EGO!!!!!!!

  78. Kody. You have no boundaries. Of course any woman near you would be on her guard.

  79. My ex is pretty horrible. And truly is never there for his kids. Hasn't seen them in years and years, owes tens of thousands in child support. But I am not permitted to bash him publicly. Nor is my current husband (who is my kids "dad") allowed to adopt them just because we're married. You can't have rights terminated because you want it. I have a friend who's ex-husband was sexually abusing her daughter and he is still allowed supervised visitation with their young children.

    The level of Robyn's hubris--to think that she can say what she wants when she wants without consequence (both potentially legal but also psychologically to her children) is staggering. Even if her ex-husband is terrible, what she is doing on a national stage is shameful, and could prove potentially damaging to her and Kody's chances of adoption. You can't declare war on your ex-husband on television and think the courts will think you're awesome.

  80. Mr. Spock,
    With your expertise, I would be curious to hear your educated interpretation of this whole thing.

    Also a question:
    Have you or any colleagues known to you ever allowed a 3rd rate (or any other rate) Reality show camera into your office while conducting *legitimate* business dealings?
    I am guessing not !
    If a colleague did do that, would it flavor your opinion of that colleague?
    Thanks for any feedback.

    (Not watching and actually feel *cleaner.*)

    1. Amused, MrSpock would not meet with clients on TV, however, MrSpock also did not see anything untoward in Mr. Reynolds' interactions with the Browns. MrSpock cannot imagine that we even saw and nth amount of the time Meri and/or Kody discussed this with Mr. Reynolds or other lawyers---MrSpock believes we only saw snippets---which is unfortunate. In MrSpock's state, a married couple can get a joint petition form off a website, fill it out, get it notarized and bim, bam , boom, get their divorce. However, the judges do actually read through them to make sure something isn't so one-sided that it raises questions. But, this is the era of no-fault divorce---so there you go!

    2. The lawyer's name is Reynolds? Interesting, he shares a last name with the male "student anthropologist"...

  81. What kind of woman lets her husband's floozy witness her divorce and invites the nation along to see her humiliation on TV? I understand repressed rage can wreck havoc with blood pressure -- those dizzy spells may be due to seeing red and swallowing bile as she tries to keep sweet. Something's going to break and not just the reputation of David!

  82. Nothing changes nothing changes
    If it never mattered why does it matter?
    Makes my head hurt

  83. Robyn is sitting thigh to thigh with Kody during the tell all. She looks like someone on her honeymoon.

  84. So Tamron asks Kody & them what changed their minds when they were ready to throw in the towel about quitting the show. They responded bc they still have a mission.
    Huh? And what mission is that? F*cking BS!!! Y'all know damn good & well that y'all need TLC $ to maintain ur LV lifestyle.

    1. It sounds like their mission is to end Polygamy.

    2. LOL! Mock Purity. Good one!

  85. I'm blocked from Robyn's Twitter what the heck I don't even follow her, never have!

    1. Thats what happened to me with Janelle and Christine

    2. Ha! Yep, I only follow Janelle so yeah... What the heck!

    3. That's why i was asking, i am not tech savy at all. and i was blocked by all of them.

  86. Meri was "babysitting" while CHRISTINE worked? When did Christine work outside the home? Have they read that book they wrote?

  87. Christine gets a segment on "PMS/Ken-Gate," and her lashing out at Kody regarding the courtship - making her look completely erratic. Then, Kody seeks sympathy for himself, for always being confused by her behavior.

    His saying that he wanted to quit the show after Ken-Gate is just another example of their revisionist history. The show was probably about to be canceled. But, Kody, of course, said that he was ready to quit.

    They didn't quit the show because they have a mission, according to Robyn. Then, Christine chimes in that their mission is to make people understand their family. Kody must have forgotten about that mission if he wanted to quit. And, I suspect the real mission is to pay off the McMansions or thrive on the Celebrity Z-List.

  88. Robyn is "busier than she has been her whole life." That, I believe. She's never been an 8-5 girl.

  89. What? A moment of truth? They admit they don't hang out together!!!

  90. Wow!! When Tamron asks them when was the last time they had a girls night out w/o Kody or kids! Nothing but awkward silence & fidgeting before they finally answered... Lol Janelle said they don't do it & then said not very often. Meti says its been about 2 yrs since they've all had a girls night out.
    But yet they claim to have a sisterhood among the SW. U, yeah like we really believe that crap...haha

  91. Who else thinks Merit & others evaded Tamrons question about not being able to have a relationship with the younger kids esp since they're all right there in the cul de sac?
    They danced all around it!

    1. With the exception of Truly and The King, the kids are not home all day. They're in school and have after school activities. Meri's not going to get to know them the way she knew the older kids. More BS.

  92. The whole "divorce for adoption" is a SCAM! The father does NOT have to give up his rights. At all!! They are trying to abuse the system again. Whatever tax/insurance benefits they are trying to scam - its obvious! They even asked question at lawyer "is there any fraud". They did that intentionally to deflect that what these scammers are doing IS FRAUD. Abusing sanctity of marriage, the tax system, etc. No respect for these nutgalls. Can't stand them!

    1. Yes esp abusing the sanctity of marriage. Esp since they like to make fun of monogamists. So over these grifters!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Agree on both points.

    Christine and Kody have never been married. Her chances just got worse, now that he's Mr. Robyn Brown.

  94. Why are we wasting all this Tell All time talking about everything except "the divorce"?

  95. Kudos ,anonymous you get it. womens shelters are filled with women who just realized they deserve more.

  96. I really think this whole divorce thing is about Meri making her exit, she has been thinking about divorce for 5 years, so she says. With this divorce she escapes any further financial responsibilities and passes the torch to her own 'handpicked' Robyn...Yep Meri is planning her escape. She will hang in there until the show is cancelled and then will be gone with the wind...wait and see.

  97. Even if Robyn and Kody are now legally married, they are still in a polygamous marriage with three other women. That may still be a BIG hurdle for them in family court (along with David Jessop giving up his parental rights).

  98. The last girls time out together was probably that joke of a shopping trip for dresses when only "skinny" Robyn could try the clothes on.

  99. Wow, Tamron just threw Jessop under the bus---saying that Kody had "stepped" in for the three kids, and being the "dad' and so forth----how could she, as a journalist, take their side that way!!!! That was really, really, really, uncalled for.

    1. She is not functioning as a journalist! No Who What Where When Why questions. She is acting like a compensated spokesperson like they have on half hour infomercials. I keep waiting for the discounted price to roll out of her mouth.

  100. If it was so important for the kids to be adopted by Kody, why wasn't Robyn working on this for the past five years herself? Why wasn't she working with her attorney to get het husband to sign over his parental rights and have Kody adopt? Why does MERI have to do this, behind Robyn and Kody's back first, then approach her ex? Idiots. And it's all lies.

  101. Kody wants to adopt the kids so they can be "safe, at home without worrying about someone taking them where they don't want to go." "Someone" is their father.

    1. If Robyn thinks David Jessop owes child support, then she goes to court to get him to pay...apparently she hasn't made any efforts in that regard. His wages can be garnished, etc, and any tax refunds can be recaptured.

    2. My ex owes tons and tons in child support and that hasn't been able to be collected in five years. I think he inherited money--which the court can't go after--and hasn't worked since. So far, only his license has been suspended, and that was only after he owed over $20,000. He also hasn't seen his children in five years. But that doesn't mean his parental rights can just be terminated because I want that to happen. And, if we are to believe what we have seen on the show, the kids were spending the holidays with their father as recently as when they moved into the McMansions.

  102. I absolutely do not believe this was Meri's idea. She was bullied into this by Kody.

  103. Looks like this BS "adoption story" has succeeded in improving Meri and Robyn's image amongst some fans. That, or they have blocked everyone else.

    The adoption storyline sucked on Big Love. It was contrived and annoying on My Five Wives. And look where those shows ended up.

  104. Did y'all see the Twit pic of Kody& his harem. Look at us, we're all big "happy" family. I think they're smiling bc they know that TLC $$ will be deposited in their bank account by morning, since tonight is the finale.
    They'll return in the Fall. God I hope by some miracle, their show gets pulled before the Fall season. They really don't deserve a show anymore!

  105. Robyn, "I don't think any other woman would be able to experience...this." Yeah, most women do not have their husband's mistress in the room when they are divorcing their husbands. Poor us.

  106. Mr. Spock,
    Thank you for clarifying a few points to my question further upthread. Appreciate it!
    If Nevada is a no-fault state, and not sure it is, then Kody and Meri could have downloaded the forms and done the deal quietly, privately.....but of course, why do it no one knew it had happened?? No dramas, no talking head spots, no weeping on cue, no dizzy spells, no longing looks, no awkward beefed up ratings !!

    As can easily be surmised now, the "show" needed a whooping B-12 shot. '
    "The show" had run out of gas and any semblance of credibility and likeability.
    It desperately needed a blockbuster.of a new storyline.
    And so, the "Sobbin's kids *must* be adopted" caper was created.

    Question is......Will it, Can it work?" My guess is no.
    Sobbin is transparently phony...she is boring, predictable.
    Kody is just unwatchable.

    On to their "final" season.

  107. If ex-husband doesn't allow the adoption will Robyn divorce Kody so he can remarry Meri?


  108. Amazing Kody doesn't have whiplash from jerking his hair side to side. Robyn did not disappoint...she's choking on her words about the divorce and throws the attention back on herself about her own divorce. I wonder what the real reason is for the divorce. I still think Meri just wants to move on and once this show is over I bet Meri and Janelle hit the road.

  109. Facebook doesn't look full of happy fans after this story.

  110. These last 15 minutes look to be a rehash of the divorce episode that we just saw. It is truly a tell-nothing, and stonewall if it gets dangerous. At least we didn't have to relive the All-About-Robyn specials. But, there is too many attempts to redeem the Browns via Facebook faithfuls.

  111. Helen VanPatterson PattonMarch 1, 2015 at 7:03 PM

    Did anyone get the feeling that Meri hesitated during the signing because she was waiting on Kody to declare his love for her and tell her the divorce was not necessary? I just got the feeling she was upset because he was letting her do this and not trying to stop it. I still think Meri is getting this divorce to help her get financial aid for Mariah and herself- Mariah has at least 5 more years of this expensive school and Meri is supposedly just beginning. Neither of them can qualify for Pell Grants if she is married and Kody is honest about his money. However, I just got the feeling that Meri sat there in that lawyers office and thought, "I can't believe you both (Kody, and her good friend Robyn) just let me end my 20+ year marriage". I felt she really wanted him to be her knight in shining armor and say he can't go through with it. But of course he won't because he is getting the wife he truly wants, which is Robyn. She is the "love wife". She is the "sex wife". Even Janelle was trying to say she was afraid Kody was going to leave them all and ride off into the sunset with Robyn because they all see she is the favorite. Meri is not the unselfish type, she is getting more out of this than just 3 extra kids that don't belong to Kody. They can say what they want but the truth shows all over their faces and actions. Kody wasn't concerned with Meri's dizzy spell, he wanted to rush her out of the house and to the lawyer before she changed her mind. Also, when they were in the lawyer's office, it was Kody who tried to rush things along by saying, "So, all we need to do is sign, right?". In other words, lets get this going so I can start my honeymoon with my new bride. And Robyn can pretend to cry while signing the divorce papers, but it did not cover her cat that ate the canary grin under those pretend tears. They are all in for a rude awakening. Robyn already dictates and runs the family because Kody gives her that power. Just wait until it all sinks in that she IS the only legal wife. Those three women are in for pure hell.

  112. Haha I'm glad I haven't watched this show since the "Purity" episode, it's all such bullpucky. I secretly hope David Jessop sues the crap out of the Brown family if what Robyn says isn't true about him not seeing his kids (assuming it was was HIS choice, and not her lying and manipulating and keeping her kids from him.) And I hope the real truth about why they legally restructured comes out too. We'll all know sooner or later in any case, the truth has a way of popping up and embarrassing the Browns at the most inopportune times.

    It's nice to know though so many on this blog called it. And called out the annoying detail of parental rights, too. Details, details, that's usually what snags the Brown lies.

    So the big question is, who is Robyn's next target? My guess is Christine. Meri doesn't like her, Janelle doesn't like her, and Christine sure as heck doesn't like Robyn. She'll convince Christine to move out, to preserve her mental health (such a kind and noble thing to do, Robyn is just trying to HELP.) Christine will live with her mom back in Utah, and maybe, finally, become convinced that not only can men be bastards, so can sisterwives. And Kody. And she'll leave polygamy, find herself a real husband, and live happily, once and forever, after.

    1. Didn't Christine's uncle murder her grandfather? Pretty sure she's known men can be bastards for awhile now. But how terrible Meri was to her tonight, saying "well stop doing things that make people mad." What a horrible, victim-blaming thing to say. Imagine if someone had said that to her when she was blubbering about wanting the biggest house and the most expensive wet bar, but that she didn't want everyone to think she was selfish.

  113. Long lost family is on after this. Ironic. After the death of the family via divorce and the plan to separate children from their father so they can posses/own them instead. Now we are watching a show of reunions. Ironic.

  114. Next season will be ALL ABOUT ADOPTING ROBYN'S KIDS. ... ARRRRGH

  115. CJ, I love reading your blog and all the comments. This is my first time posting so please bear with me (thank you):
    1) I hope that Meri, Janelle, and Christine get out. I really want this divorce to be Meri's first step even if she didn't choose it. There's no way she did but maybe just maybe this will be her wake up call. I see how actions have affected viewer's perception of her but I can't help but think that her upbringing in this polygamous culture and her infertility have led to these actions in order to validate herself. Both Janelle and Christine have the look of abused women and I pray that someday they will leave.
    2) This reason for the divorce is definitely bs. I do have a certain amount of respect for Robyn's ex for staying out of the media. As horrible as it is to watch her spew venom without consequences his absence may actually be better for the kids as they don't hear both parents bashing each other. And yes her words will haunt her. My friend went through a similar situation when her parent's divorced and 2 years after changing her name to her mother's maiden name she choose to give her father a chance. Now they talk frequently and are on good terms. I hope this same situation happens for these kids when they grow up. Although their parents don't seem to be teaching them critical thinking skills so we will see.
    3) Maybe this is conspiracy theorist of me but is it possible that the AUB is telling the family to adopt Robyn's children? If her husband has left the faith (I think I read that somewhere) perhaps the leaders are orchestrating this?
    4) Finally, as an archaeologist (my degree is in anthropology) I am incredibly disappointed by the anthro episode. Our discipline is already poorly understood in this country and the students and editing did not work to improve that. Instead, it showed anthropology as a hack. Further, their words showed a complete lack of professionalism. I don't know if their advisor/supervisor properly prepared them for this show (his fault). But either way this show will severely affect their ability to be hired in the future. Only a low percentage of Ph.D. graduates receive tenured positions. Any employer will be able to find this episode and after seeing their comments (even if they were edited) will not want to employ them.
