
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Timeline of A Leak: How the Discovery of Kody Brown's Divorce and Re-Marriage Was Played Out on Social Media

Here's an outline, with screen pics, detailing the events that eventually led to the public outing on January 31st of Kody Brown's divorce and re-marriage. Two groups played a major part in this saga. The groups were a Pro Polygamy/ Sister Wives group and a group that focused on TLC programming.

The first item in the timeline is this innocuous comment, left on Bonnie Fuller's Hollywood Life gossip website. This comment was found by a member in my Facebook living room who searched using the keywords kody, brown, divorce on January 31st.

Date: 1/21/15

Obviously, someone knew Kody and Meri Brown obtained a divorce. The only question is, why was it placed on an web article that was almost a year old?

Date:     1/31/15
Group: SisterWives Polygamy[...] (a private group)

Time:   8:03AM

Someone I've named "GC" asked a question about Kody having an affair. The post caught my eye because the language was weirdly archaic. Black maid? VD? When was the last time anyone used VD to describe what's commonly referred to as STDs nowadays?

Time: 9:35AM - 10:22AM

Someone I've named "KD" comes on the scene. She supposedly searched the "judicial records" and didn't find an arrest record for Kody.

But I assume for SOME reason she decided to check Family Records and found the divorce filing.

Being curious,  I started my own research to confirm Kathy's findings. I assume other readers of these comments also starting researching to confirm.

Time 10:37AM - 10:38AM

Here, "KD" explains to the group her reasoning for researching Clark County Courts records.

Time 1:35 PM - 2:45PM, 6:56PM

(Apparently a block of comments were deleted by the admin after the 10:38AM comment.)

"KP" (a Brown family friend) comes on the scene and demands "KD" deletes the link to the document and PM her ASAP.

Later that evening, "KD" wonders "if the whole thing is for ratings."

Later that afternoon on the Sister Wives TLC FB fanpage:

Date: 1/31/15
Time 4:56PM

"MP" posted about the divorce and marriage but did not substantiate the claims with documents.

Almost  forty five minutes after the comment was left on the Sister Wives FB fanpage, pictures of the documents were posted on the private TLC programming focal group:

Date: 1/31/15
Group: Get [...] TLC

Time: 5:35PM

Someone I've named "VC" posted the divorce document and...

Time 5:36PM

The marriage certificate document.

Someone named Mandy Robinson commented she worked for the Examiner and asked "VC"s permission to use the pictures posted. Coincidently, she became a member of this group on 1/31/15.

Her request appears to have been deleted.

Time 7:13PM

Mandy Robinson notifies the Get [...] group her article (with copies of the divorce and marriage docs) was published on the internet (time noted on the article was 7:01PM).

Time 7:17PM

I received a PM about this particular tweet.

This tweet was by a friend of "KP"  direct to Robyn and Kody.

Group: SisterWives Polygamy[...] (a private group)

Time 8:10PM - 8:12PM

"KP" reappeared in the SisterWives Polygamy[...] group and had a conversation with the group's admin,  "F".

Makes me wonder if "KP" was blindsided or just trying to cover up for the Browns.

So there we have it. One thing is sure. The leak concerning Kody Brown's divorce and remarriage  was the result of deliberate planning to optimize ratings for Sister Wives during February's ratings sweep.

Someone wanted this information to be found. The first attempt on 1/21/15 was unsuccessful. But the second attempt, by dropping clues to two specific private Facebook groups, utilized the power of social media at it's highest level for maximum effect to insure the successful dissemination of information on a controversial reality show star.

This was not a case of serendipity.

The only question left is, was it enough. Your guess is as good as mine. 


  1. CJ, Fascinating !! Reads like an Law and Order episode.
    Once again, many thanks for just "everything" you do.
    You are unique !! (Should call you Olivia Benson) :)))

    "The only question left is, was it enough"

    We'll see. won't we !!?
    My guess is they will get the desired glut of viewers this week, and depending on how coy they are with teasers for next week, the tide may carry over into next week.

    But I have to believe that even the most ardent, sappy fans will want answers that make sense. Even a little sense, or they will feel gypped and let down.

    Plus, I would bet that a majority of the loyal fans have spent the last two days reluctantly checking other sites/blogs to get a peek at what the snarkers are thinking and saying since even they know that their SW idols *will* be spinning crap about it all. I hope more than a few of them will see your timeline.

    Will the Kody krap be enough of a digestible spin to keep those fans.
    Don't know. *shrug*
    And probably TLC and the Browns are wondering about just that too.

    1. maybe the codpiece has convinced robchin to make more babies and that was the price - legal marriage. Well-that is my guess.

    2. If he supported the babies he's already made, that would be just ducky, wouldn't it? (Agreeing with you, Quilt, just disgusted by the prospect.).

      Hey, dirtbags: it backfired with this viewer. Never watching another minute. This was one scam over the line.

  2. Was it enough? Or will it come back to haunt them? Just because social media is hopping ratings won't necessarily follow. CJ does such a good job with tweets and reviews that her readers could skip viewing the show. Especially if they wish to 'turn their backs in a show of Klingon disgust'. They may have golden ratings or they may have cooked their own goose.

    1. I never watch the show but love to follow pour "jinx" ! Love her comments and show wrap ups.

    2. What's awesome for me about being on West Coast time is that I can read all the spoilers from the East Coast airing three hours before it comes on here and thus save myself the trouble of sitting through the show. Yay!

  3. Confession: I wandered outside of this Living Room for the first time this evening and...OMG!!! Lesson learned!

    CJ you are excellent at what you do and I appreciate your efforts all the more.

    1. Welcome Home, Sister Lies! And Thank You very much!

    2. Yes, CJ - you have done a consistently thorough job covering this, far surpasses any other blog I've seen on this story! :)

  4. They should have followed it with a teaser. Staying quiet I think will backfire. Doing this for "the security of Robyn's kids" makes no sense. Even some of the sycophants are questioning their answers.

    1. My BFF agrees with you Monogamous Apostate. She feels the Browns should have fessed up back in September 2014 what was going on.

    2. It will totally backfire. It is already starting. They need to do an interview with someone right away and address all the craziness or they will lose their show faster than they can say "bankruptcy. "

  5. NEW ITEM for the SW online flea market.......
    A series of Self Help books for Plygs and Wannabe Grifters.
    Written by those *proven* experts, Kody Brown and his Harem, including whomever is Kody's current *legal* wife at the time of your purchase.
    (you may want to ask just to be sure)

    Beginning with their hot off the press, runaway blockbuster.....
    "The Official Grifter's Insiders Guide to Freebies and Scams."

    (not to be confused with "Grifting for Dummies".
    (( which they wrote too, but didn't know then what they know now ))

    A Sampling of Chapters include:
    -How to Use Social Media to throw off the Scent of Bull Sh*t.
    -How to Score All Kinds of Free Stuff, including Trips (RVs included) especially to Disneyland.
    -How to NOT Pay Debts...and *Always* Come Out Ahead.
    -How to Lie and Still Sound Convincing.... (*Hint* is all in the tears !! )
    - How to Play Musical Chairs/ Musical Wives for Fun and Profit.
    - And So Much More......

    *Buy Your Copy NOW to read all the other life changing information you will find inside this exclusive book.*.

    ***Awesome Opportunity ***
    Your book purchase automatically enters you in our "Kodyworld Trip" sweepstakes where you can win a Free Trip !!!!!
    Actually we bring the trip to YOU, and arrive at your home in our RV convoy and spend a thrilling weekend telling you and your friends and neighbors how deliriously happy we are and how everyone should be a Plyg and how that would end Global Plyg Oppression !!!

    **One stipulation with your Free Prize...You need to supply all the meals and lodging **
    *** Plan on at least 25 people, and fyi...Grandma Annie is a vegan ***

    Thanks and Plaural Hugs from All of Us at Kodyworld.
    "Multiplying the Luv and Keeping Sweet for Eternity !!!"

    1. I'm dying over here! Best comment ever! Lol

    2. YAAAASSSSSS! love this Amused, thanks for the chuckle.

    3. This is great. Musical wives for fun and profit. Love it! They should have their faces painted on the outside of the RV (with the wives in different order on each side) and they could sell ad spots to bankruptcy lawyers.

    4. Good job, amused! I think I will skip that exciting tome and wait for the movie. Oh. . . I have Ben watching it for the last couple of years. Yawn.

    5. LOL! MrSpock's landing pad is not large enough to accommodate all of those RVs. Love the idea of the "wives" names on the sides of the vehicles. Perhaps a little statute of Kody could be the hood ornament.

    6. "You need to supply all the meals and lodging...for up to 25 people."


      And practice your expression in the mirror for when Kody thanks you for your hospitality by presenting your family with a very cheap and most likely inappropriate gift.

    7. I'm sorry laurakaye966 BUT you're more likely to get handed an invoice for "guest / event appearance" by Mr Ko-dung Brown and Family than you are a gift!!

    8. Hilarious Amused!!! (High 5 & a big Oh Yeah koolaid smile :)

    9. Priceless, just priceless, Amused... This maybe the best post ever.
      Thank you for deep belly laughs that left my tummy sore.
      C.J. Your blog Rules!!!!

  6. Do we really need an hour on Sunday to recap Robyn’s journey? Here is a summary.

    2009-Talks of a reality show for the Browns were in the works and known throughout the AUB so Robyn drove to her cousin’s house in Lehi to inject herself into their lives. She started with Kody and then sucked in Meri. She weaseled her way into the family and landed herself a TV show.
    Season 1-She becomes wife #4 and moves to Vegas.
    Season 2-She pushes out her baby anchor King Sol.
    Season 3-She gets her dream biznez up and running.
    Season 4-She claims her McMansion.
    Season 5-She becomes wife #1.
    If there is a Season 6-It will be Robyn front and center with the other wives kicked to the curb.
    When the show ends Robyn will move on to the next opportunity.
    End of Story. Quite the journey isn't it?

    1. Wow, when you see it laid out like that...just wow. Well done.

  7. I'm so sick of Robyn and her face. Praying that all of this ridiculous shit culminates in a huge Brown catfight. Please God, it would make my decade. I will light candles at church even.

    1. Now THAT MrSpock would like to see! :-)

  8. I hadn't thought about the possibility that Robyn purposely went to that party to meet up with Kody and Meri. She might be a slyer little fox than I gave her credit for.

    1. That's exactly the impression I got when I read her chapter in Becoming Sister Wives...

  9. Some of these Brown supporters make me sick.
    Obviously the only way Kody could get 'VD' is from a black maid. Couldn't be his bed hopping or any of his coldsore infected wives...gotta be from the help.
    Gosh. Kody must be pretty progressive not only having a black maid-but contracting a disease from her. I mean, we all know how accepting fundamental (and mainstream) Mormons have been to people of color.
    Just recall what Koleene (sp) from the Kingston clan said about being raised to fear brown people, accusing Kody of an interracial affair must be one of the worst slurs they could imagine.
    Has ANYONE seen this rumor anywhere but in that post? It seems unnecessarily detailed.

    1. I agree !!
      That planted story is bizarre to the point of being vicious...and ridiculous.
      If making sure that it stirred up the desired attention was the goal, creating *that* myth is just sick.

    2. If Kody has an STD, he got it from Robyn. Now that's she is the legal wife, it wouldn't surprise me if she started looking around for a replacement starting now.

    3. We've seen their homes--there is no maid!

    4. We've seen their houses. There are no maids, black or otherwise, working in them.

    5. Snarkaholic - exactly! What maid? If you're going to fabricate some BS, at least make it somewhat believable, for goodness' sake.

    6. There were two ads running at the same time by a weight loss product. One had Kody and Janelle separating with Kody being arrested for domestic violence. The second says Kody Brown arrested for rape and shows a photoshopped pic of Kody with a black woman who is in a maid outfit. l forget the wording about a sexually transmitted disease. These ads use a lot of d list celebrities puttig them in unsavory positions to get your attention so you buy their product. Hope that clears it up a little.

    7. This black maid comment sounds to me like it comes from a polyg enemy wanted to stir things up. What friend is going to point out an affair to a maid or otherwise. This comment really angers me . Anyone who wants to allude to me that it would have to be ablack woman who had VD had better shut it. I despise racists.And on that note we know Kody has no rythym and must have a small penis otherwise he wouldn't try to overcompensate. This was probably the true reason they didn't want blacks in polygamy.They don't like the competition.

    8. Karen, I am being serious. You are a google member. When you post on blogger, you have the "luxury" of being able to delete your post. Many people take advantage of the delete link. It does work.

      What doesn't work is when you intentionally post the same comment twice. You are then spamming and disrupting my blog. I've approved the earlier comment. I strongly suggest in the future you use the delete link if you "accidently" double post again.

      This warning is for you, and you alone. This is the last time I want to see intentional double posting of comments from you. Understood?

  10. Okay, I'm concentrating on the tweet labeled "7:17 PM" to Robyn and Kody from a supposed friend of a friend of Robyn: the one that warns Robyn that "everyone is finding out what you and Kody did in December."

    If this was really someone who knew Robyn personally, why would it be posted as a tweet and not a direct message to Robyn? I mean, putting that out there for everyone to see (everyone who follows Robyn or Kody, at least) - this is the exploded grenade, right? BLAM - here it is, and it's not a private message by any means, so either Robyn's friend of friend is really stupid, or it was done this way on purpose.

    Wow, that took a lot out of me. I am actually struggling to figure out what the Browns "accidental on purpose" leak was all about. Congrats to CJ for this awesome timeline. I need a drink just trying to decipher one tweet. Sheesh!

    1. I think I saw that tweet as I was watching this unfold on Twitter. It's the one I'm remembering, the woman's profile description reads like she's auditioning to be Robyn's replacement: plyg friendly, mom of five(?), looking for the right family... Scary.

    2. I was also confused about that tweet from a "friend". It was the "#clarkcountyrecords" where I gave it the squinty eye! I'm sure Robyn knew exactly what the friend was referring to when she said "what you and Kody did in December".

      I didn't understand that at all...What a circus over there.

      CJ - thanks for your work!

  11. I wanted to report these here for inspiration. This are really great suggestions for the MSWC to capitalize on this buzz. Goes well with the brilliant book above.

    Anonymous February 4, 2015 at 9:18 PM
    I hear they're going to come out shortly with a new, inspirational necklace on My Sisterwife's closet that reads "God doesn't give us more than we can restructure".

    Monogamous Charlotte February 5, 2015 at 3:27 PM
    New Necklace Charm Ideas
    Elastic (definitions)
    Flexible (finances)
    Indifferent (relationships)
    Strong (denial)
    Fuzzy (logic)
    Recycled (wives)
    Renewable (purity)
    Run (away kids!)

    MrSpock February 5, 2015 at 4:56 PM
    A pendant for the "Be" collection: Be Stupid
    A man's ring with a large letter "K" and "Infidelis" inscribed across it. This could also be in a pendant form for ladies to wear as a necklace.

    My modest suggestion. TLC gravy boats for those formal occasions. They can't finish the gravy train toy set, the cars keep getting restructured. They really need to open a party section. I hear the Commitment ceremony/restructuring double pack is currently sold out. It's a must have in the plyg world. It's so boring being monogamous, sigh.

    CJ Your work is truly remarkable! I say you should be on one of the Sherlock Holmes reincarnations.

    1. Hi Emma...I think fuzzy logic is my

    2. "God doesn't give us more than we can restructure". haha those are funny! The language definitely sounds like Kody was inspired by their previous bankruptcies. Many companies, on their websites, press releases or e-mails from management, they'll tell their employees and the public 'the company is now restructured or reorged.' Its so impersonal, just gives further proof the women have no status.

  12. Well we know it was "leaked" on purpose...what I'm finding hilarious is the person responsible for executing the "leak" couldn't even figure out how to do it efficiently! Had to be the Browns or one of their inept minions. All they've accomplished with this nonsense is to royally piss off their superfans!

    1. Yup! For all we know, it was one of them & that's why the 1st attempt

  13. Strangely intimate dynamic between Meri and Sobbin, wouldn't you say??

    Thinking back to Sobbin's blubbering offer to Meri "I'll let you use my uterus" just minutes after she had established her status as an official Kody baby-mama.

    Looks like it was perhaps Meri's time and turn to comply (or be expected to) with a similarly very personal offer. of.... ..".I'll let you use my legal wife status."

    This is the stuff of professionally written Soap Operas.

    1. Oh, snap - Amused, that sounds about right. Disturbing and twisted, but right!

    2. There you go, Amused. Giving the Brown Krew yet another winning idea they will totally ignore. A plyg soap opera!

  14. Meri has left the family.

    1. Why do you say that? what have I missed?

    2. I have a feeling Meri is still in the cul-de-sac, Snarkaholic. She's still a spiritual wife, if not legal wife.

    3. And along with being a spiritual wife, Meri has spent 20 plus years propping Kody, and has enjoyed the spoils of the last 5 years of TLC money, trips, McMansion, notoriety, celeb contacts, adoring fans....and anything else that has come their (her) way via the show.

      I doubt Meri is willing to chuck all that just because the show needs a ratings boost, or their finances need a Plyg reshuffle, or Sobbin wants exclusive rights to the Idiot...or a combo of all three.
      I doubt Meri is going anywhere as long as there are goodies to be had, and there are bills and debts to be re-structured plyg-style.

    4. Meri might go and live in Utah while Mariah is there, but she ain't leaving the family.
      They share a lot of financial connections right now. They share children all with the same father. It's not so simple to un-weave that fabric.
      What a tragically difficult emotional journey lies in wait for the polygamist woman.

  15. Fascinating when you see it all laid out like this. I assume the Kody Brown Entertainment Company has some sort of PR person? I would think they were the ones who planted all of this.

    It will probably work to raise the ratings, although I think we are all going to be disappointed when they don't mention any of it, and never do, other than the statement Kody already put out.

  16. I've been stewing on the SW restructuring explanation for a couple days and figured I would explore what legal restructuring meant in the real world.

    This from Wikipedia: Restructuring is the corporate management term for the act of reorganizing the legal, ownership, operational, or other structures of a company for the purpose of making it more profitable, or better organized for its present needs. Other reasons for restructuring include a change of ownership or ownership structure, demerger, or a response to a crisis or major change in the business such as bankruptcy, repositioning, or buyout. Restructuring may also be described as corporate restructuring, debt restructuring and financial restructuring.

    What jumps out at you? Yup Profitable...Debt restructuring......BANKRUPTCY....all pointing to finances

    I call hockey pukey on the "benefits" bullcrap for Robins 3 kids and this is why:

    As the single mother of a sick kid I was able to work a REAL JOB to provide health care and health insurance benefits to my child WITHOUT any help from her bio dad. When I was laid off I was able to get medicaid for her for a couple months (government insurance) until I could find and afford a private policy that would cover the prexisting conditions. Once I was again employed where insurance was offered I was able to get that. When I married my husband and we tried to cover my child as his step child legal documention showing that she was eligible to be covered by step dad and not already covered by another policy had to be provided along with a notarized document stating that bio dad wasn't providing coverage. It was way harder to get benefits coverage by her step dad than it was for me to get them as a single mom!! Again I call BS on this whole explanation from Koduche and Krew.

    I am so sickened by their apparant cavalier attitude to the laws and legal requirements of this country. I honestly believe this nonsense is ALL ABOUT MONEY and nothing about "protection" (that's something the older kids should teach the adults - birth control / protection but I digress)

    Sit back and watch them for the next couple years. I bet that at least 2 wives will walk away and the 3rd will find her ample backside put out like Dino from the Flinstones and Kody and Robin will laugh all the way to a new habitat and start over. I am also ALL IN on the bet that there is a house refi and bankruptcy pending for the legal Mrs Brown.

    Who wants to meet my bet or raise me a family flash mob dance?

    1. Sandy, you are spot on. I believe your version more than what Kody has said. It's all about the money. I guess they had better hope their super fans can save them. Of course, it will not be addressed on the show nor will they talk about it in public. Those poor kids must be horrified. Too bad Kody does not have to go to school everyday and hear what other kids are saying about your family. Kids can be cruel. The older kids have to know the truth and if they are going along with this BS, more power to them. I don't like to snark on the kids but surely the older kids are aware of the true situation.

    2. ha! Sandy H. - I just posted something similar upthread, totally reminded me of wording with company bankruptcies too! You'd think they'd hire a PR person to help come up with something better than that! Or did they pay someone for that? ha yikes...

  17. Ever notice in Robyn's house how the picture she has of Jesus is always stratigically placed in camera shot? Over her and Kody's bed when giving birth, in her dining room when Kody was designing necklaces, in her entryway when looking at her phone saying they are calling you a mysongonist pig, and so on. Seems to follow her around like a camera crew.

    1. Jesus is on her side? Is that the subtle message we are supposed to get?

    2. Well then Jesus take the wheel cause these people are about to crash and burn!

    3. I thought it was an in your face ,I am religious woman and not a home wrecker, husband stealing kind a girl. Who puts a picture of Jesus Christ over your bed when you are a newlywed? and Kody rubbing on her thigh with Jesus looking on..just yuk..Robyn is just so pure...

    4. Haha poor Jesus! I never noticed that Milo, good eye! That is sooooo Robyn though, trying hard to create the illusion that she is pious.

  18. KP is just like Robyn. She draws B list celebrities in by "sticking up for them." I doubt she knew Robyn before this show started. I see her stalking other reality show stars and people on up and coming shows. She's not as slick as Robyn. Robyn saw her value and used her as a pawn in her game.

  19. The ridiculous giant chairs seen in Robyn's dining room on her house tour video take on a new meaning now.

    1. They looks like weird thrones & I'll bet he sits on it wearing that foolish crown & robe from the King Kody party. Can't remember what Robyn's costume was...Queen of Hearts??

    2. "Queen of Hearts??"

      Wicked Witch of the West?

  20. This has to be about money. The price of Meri's power card has to be high. Bankruptcy? Maybe bankruptcy for MSWC?

    1. Good one anon 2:15. Storyline: With the collapse of MSWC imminent, Kody, in an act of 21st century chivalry, marries Robyn so she wouldn't have to face bankruptcy court alone.


  21. CJ did you see Brady and wives were cancelled?

    1. One down, One to go.

      This divorce thing must be why Meri has been on so many "road trips" and searching for herself MOL.

    2. Yep, I sure did! If TLC is cleaning house of "controversial" families - like polygamists, and that horrid Honey Boo Boo, Kody and Krew© might have reason to worry. The show is their main gig, without it they won't last another summer in the cul-de-sac.

    3. Brady is married to Robyns cousin. Maybe TLC is making the move to let go of the Browns now with Brady and Clan out of the picture.

  22. Someone up thread mentioned the kids, I agree, I feel especially bad for Christine's tween girls who have to navigate a middle school social media mine field... does anyone remember the Valentine's dance when Gwennie asked Logan to take her, because she didn't want to share "Dad"? Now the poor kid probably has to answer if it's true her Dad is adopting Robyn's kids... (by the way, I think its a financial scam and has nothing to do with the kids) regardless, those kids are going to be asked....I really wonder how the parents are telling them to handle it...

  23. Am I wrong....wasn't the "Next time on Sister Wives" suppose to be about Maddie wanting to convert to the Mormon religion????? Not this "Tribute" to Robin.

    I can only hope that the ratings on this particular show will be sooooooooooooooo low that TLC or whoever will realize that she is not a well like character in this "Desperate Sister Wives of Las Vegas" show.

    So for those who want to indulge this prepared, I'm sure they are going to really push the "Surrogacy/birthing" episode, so that we can all get that "warm fuzzy feeling" (gag) about Robin and know how important of a person she is to this........oh nevermind, I can't even continue. UGH

    I'm personally skipping it....will wait for blog.

    1. The problem with robyns ex was supposed to last week too. I had hoped they developed class and decided against it.

    2. Tribute shows or Recap type shows are cheap ways to re-use footage without creating anything new. NEXT....

  24. Great timeline CJ. Thank you.

    Now that the Brady's are gone, Kody and Krew must be shaking in their boots. Their cushy little gig is really about to end. Their story has been told. Pile on this "family restructuring" and manipulative "leak" of the story, surely to be followed by a gloss over and spin of the situation, and I think that's about it. The audience's patience has reached it's limit. I know mine has.
    Now that the genie is out of the bottle.. there's no way to pretend that they are not as creepy as any other plyg family. This puts it all out there for the world to know. There is NO spin they can use that makes this okay to anyone outside of their cult like world. It is unthinkable and not something that can just be brushed off with an "oh big deal..that's plyg life for ya" Not buying that the wives really feel that way either.

    Kody has used the words vulgar and salacious, well I think these words describe him pretty well. I'll add:deceitful,narcissistic, juvenile and delusional. Any others?
    This show has afforded them some positive things,that they wouldn't have ever had otherwise. But it has destroyed their family. It changed them all in a negative way and influenced decisions that ultimately tore them apart. Hope it was worth it.
    Thanks CJ for providing a place to vent..I wouldn't have survived watching this mess without your Living Room. What are we going to discuss when we are finally put out of our misery? Gotta keep it going.

    BTW..that goblin is over yonder under her bridge spouting that there is going to be a 5th wife..and Robyn's demand before she'd allow it was to become the legal wife. ?? Is she speaking in tongues? I don't know what's real anymore.

    1. You're welcome, Kimbagirl! And it looks like we think alike on the TLC cleaning house - oops, restructuring their polygamist talent. As far as additional words, maybe self-indulgent. I hope he has a nest egg to fall back on! And with so many new reality shows, and old standbys to fall back on, I think we won't run out of subject matter anytime soon to discuss!

      PSA about rumors from "goblins".
      A rule of thumb I always use is - if a url is provided to backup the claim, and it's from a reputable source...for example, the Clark County website, AND you can find the information and it looks legit...proceed. Otherwise consider the source and don't waste your time.

    2. "restructuring their polygamist talent" it! Oh Browns, thank you for giving us that fun phrase! The likelihood that the Kodester has managed his money wisely and planned for the future is just too hard to believe. Maybe Janelle? Betcha she's not sharing this time!
      Very true about there being plenty left to discuss, and of course this Krew will try very hard to stay relevant on Twitter,or some other social media, which will be fun to witness. :D
      Your PSA is appreciated and makes perfect sense! I knew you'd help me sort through that moment of confusion. No backup was provided therefore no proof.

  25. Cj why did you remove my comment?

    1. Because you entered it twice. Now I have to see if it was just a mistake or your attempt to spam. Next time Karen, if you enter a comment twice by accident, click on the delete button next to reply and delete one.

      Your comments made at 3:59 and 3:59 will be deleted in at 4:30 to save space for legitimate comments. Continued spamming of my blog will result in your comments being banned. Thanks.

  26. This wiil work out for them. Have you forgotten, Everything King Kody touches turns to gold.

  27. And don't forget that Christine never knew that men could be such bastards!
    She knows it now.

  28. Sorry this is so long: While we've all focused most of our attention on Robin, Kody and Meri and their side(s) of the equation I think we've all failed to think of another scenario: What if this is all geared towards getting Christine out of her padded cell and into the real world work force for once? Think about if for a minute. The woman who used to earn her keep in Lehi UT by raising the kids, home schooling and feeding them day after day while Kody, Meri and Janelle went to work now only has 1 kid not in school and basically no useful role left in the family. She said herself that she doesn't take care of anyone's kids any more. Robin got a live in nanny instead of asking Christine for help, Mariah is gone and Janelle's kids are old enough to not need her.

    Also I think Christine proved how lazy she is over the whole real estate thing and not wanting to work weekends. Then didn't she state to the shark tank people that there may be days when they don't feel like working too much? Did I remember all that wrong? You know Robin has to be stewing on it all or why else would we see her whining so strongly to Kody about working soooo hard and not having time for more babies (or sexy time) ?? Seriously what if this is all a passive, aggressive, strategic plan to force Christine into working?

    Meri and Janelle don't need to be forced to work. They love to work. Kody has his sludge / juice / green slime he "sells" so I guess that is technically working and Robin has the foolery business. That leaves Christine with 24 hours a day to sit at home and be stressed out about the dangers of leaving her mcmansion. That brings in exactly how many $ a month? Yup $0

    Then again let's assume there is really nothing underhanded going on at all. What if MSWC is actually making money and is more successful than we've been led to believe and is in fact NOT about to fold? What if this is all about shifting how the profits and family money is divided? Changing how their finances look on paper and so taking away the income from those moms with kids going off to college (Christine and Janelle) and helping them get better school financing? I am not sure but wouldn't the kids of low income single parents have access to more financial resources for funding school than those of 2 parent 2 income houses?

    On paper lets show that MSWC only has Robin working / drawing a salary from it. Janelle may show the realty income (does she really work for the real estate company?) and Christine will have what income? IF all of the TLC money is put directly into the Kody Brown Entertainment Co account and they don't get individual checks from TLC then she may only show a very small portion of that money as income making her eligible for government assistance again? Uncle Sam could wind up paying for her 4 remaining kids at home again. How much is that worth in food stamps and obamacare? WOW!

    Considering where they live and the marketable skills each of them appears to have I don't understand why Meri hasn't been sewing and selling her items. She makes the family pajamas every year and seems to be good at making things. Why not make custom pieces for show girls and sell them? I'd have been marketing my skills and making gowns and dresses and costumes for people. Now that's the business they should be in. I think Meri should go to Boston and spend some time with Sondra Celli learning how to have a lucrative special couture business. I applaud her for going back to school and getting out of the house but she should make some money too!!

    1. Excellent points, Sandy H. but the Brown Krew (with the exception of Janelle) are not well know for their work ethic. Or business sense. Just ask Kody about his pricing theory (MSWC jewelry is ICONIC and therefore should be expensive!).

    2. CJ I agree but the inner paranoid neurotic dreamer in me just hopes that all their invisible moves and stupid press release is actually more innocent and mundane than I / we think it is. I watch too many spy / mystery shows!! lol

    3. Sandy H., in regards to your question about Christine and her ability to government assistance, this may have been why she did not protest too much not becoming the new "legal wife," (assuming she didn't protest it). If Christine and Kody, he would become "step-father" to his own children (which he would technically be unless he's on their birth certificates which he's probably not). This could raise red flags about all the years Christine received food benefits, most likely without reporting Kody's income. Federal policy says two adults cannot be separate household for SNAP (food stamps) if they live under the same roof and share children. Most likely, Christine claimed to be a tenant of Meri and Kody and received those benefits as a single mother with zero income. A legal marriage between Christine and Kody would scream fraud (because of the shared children without a father on their birth certificate meanwhile claiming separate household to obtain maximum benefits). Of course the fraud would be obvious if her previous social worker were to see the show.

      I do want to point out though, just for the record, there is a difference between "Obamacare" and Medicaid. Were she to lose her income she would most likely to be able to get medicaid for her children (which is free to income eligible children, pregnant mothers, and people who are aged, blind, or disabled) but would probably have to purchase a plan through the Federal Healthcare exchange (Obamacare). Medicaid is state based and Obamacare is federal healthcare exchange program that offers affordable plans but is not free.

    4. Respectfully, Sandy - I must interject and state that while Meri might be able to thread a needle and sew some jammies for the family, that's quite a bit different from doing it for a living.

      The commitment ceremony dress brouhaha was ample proof that Meri (along with the rest of the wives) has absolutely no sense of fashion or style. Remember the naugahyde upholstery fabric she selected for her dress? And then when it was all too apparent that it was a fiasco, she frantically went dress shopping with her friend and picked out the very worst dress??

      Also in the book, Janelle states that Meri would leave a job at the drop of a hat to go off for a vacation with Kody. The whole "at risk youth" story was, I think, just that - a story. Maybe she worked part time, and we don't know what she was really doing.

      To be able to have a "couture business" one must actually have a sense of fashion. Clearly, Meri does not.

      Kody isn't really doing anything about LIV (the "Green goo" MLM). It looks like it's all Meri right now. and she's doing a pretty crappy job of it if you ask me. I think CJ said that in December when she went to her "meet and greet" in Arizona (at the same time that Robyn and Kody were in Hawaii on what turned out to be their wedding/honeymoon) it appears that only one person showed up. I think that Meri is doing the LIV thing to just take up time and get away from the culdesac.

      Robyn has mentioned on the show and on Twitter that Christine "works the same hours" as she does. translation: Work = filming the show. That's their job. That's their bread and butter.

      The primary reason for the reorganization or whatever they want to call it is for ratings, period. To keep the show coagulating along for at least another year or two. That's Kody's main deal, and who gives a crap about how it affects Meri or Christine or anyone else as long as he doesn't lose his cushy gig!

    5. A man who child support obligation with other children can certainly be on the BC and the mom with several kids unmarried still qualify for snap. They lost all chance of any benefits once they started actually collecting a pay check for the show and their income for a period of time was enough to push them out of the threshold.

      Robyn is either paying support or getting support. Add to that her income from the show. Add to that her income from working so many hours she needed a live in. Robyn is in way better financial shape that christine. I'm completely confused as to how they might think she is the struggling person here and unable to provide for her kids that they need Kody, who does just the show and drive her thrift stores to drop off merchandise could possibly offer. There is no worry about fraud. It's clear he slept there a few times a week, fathered kids and lived polygamy. No one thinks if he were remarry anyone it should have been christine. He should have divorce Meri the moment he brought janelle in and not been a married man at all. Or he should have married janelle. We know their reality and the real world are different with their desperate escape from utah. Maybe they were drinking that bad centenial park water that is contaminated? I'm sure the reasons they give will be logical only in a different reality. Or just plain wrong.

    6. Anon: I agree with the whole Christine / Kody and prior benefits claims. However didn't she have benefits in UT and not in NV as they were already receiving TLC money when they moved to NV? States don't typically share that information so I'm not sure that NV would know what happened in UT or care about that. Yes medicaid is free for those who qualify and Obamacare is a subsidized / lower fee insurance through the federal govt with tax incentives / refunds via the IRS. ( Then there's claiming head of household and earned income credit but that's another issue)

      In NV there is a free health plan for eligible kids:

      Nevada Check Up (SCHIP) Managing Agency Nevada

      Program Description
      Nevada Check Up is the state of Nevada's Children's Health Insurance Program. It provides low-cost, comprehensive health care coverage to low income, uninsured children 0-19 years of age who are not covered by private insurance or Medicaid. The Nevada Check Up program does not require the participants to pay co-payments for any services provided. The program does, however, charge quarterly premiums to the family. The premium is determined by family size and income.

      General Program Requirements

      In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a resident of Nevada, under 19 years of age, not covered by health insurance within the past six months (including Medicaid), and a U.S. national, citizen, legal alien, or permanent resident.
      Depending on your income level, you may have to pay a premium for coverage. Please see this state's program information for details.

      Short version: Family of 5 people (Christine +4 eligible kids) Gross annual income must be less than $55,820 / year or $4651.66 / month

      Your Next Steps
      The following information will lead you to the next steps to apply for this benefit.

      Application Process
      You may apply for this program online at the following website:

      Program Contact Information For information about low cost medical insurance for children, call the toll-free number: 1-800-360-6044

      Going back to the food stamps - let's be honest here Kody doesn't actually have a full time home. He has a rotation of nights between 4 houses so there's no way that anyone could really point and say he "lives" with Christine for food stamp purposes. Up until the divorce and remarriage his assumed legal residence would have been the empty house with Meri. You know what, how many times has one of the "wives' stated on camera that any time they pack for a trip they have to gather all of Kody's clothes and stuff together from all of the homes because he doesn't keep his stuff in 1 place he has stuff scattered throughout all the homes??? Do you think that was more plyg training coming out to stress that the man was technically "homeless" or not living with there in case they ever had to pass a benefits audit?? The more we delve the shadier they look

    7. I meant that Christine would most likely not qualify for Medicaid for herself but could get it for her kids. States can share information when requested,.especially if fraud is suspected. Kody would not be considered homeless in Nevada because his name is on the title of the house he owns with Meri. This would have been true for the Lego house too. What made that situation sketchy was Christine obtaining SNAP by claiming she was a tenant of Meri and Kody and therefore could be considered a separate household from Kody and would not have to put his income on the SNAP case. This would have been fraud because per federal SNAP guidelines, you cannot live in the same house with someone you share children with and be a separate household.

    8. Kinda off topic...
      I noticed a poster referenced Meri's sewing skill in making quilts and pj's for the kids, and offered it as a possible career choice.
      I'm reminded of the upholstery fabric Meri chose for her commitment gown and am wondering why someone experienced in sewing (even if not design) would chose that fabric.
      Now, I'm terrible at any major sewing, much to my chagrin (and shame of my dearly departed mother and grandmother) but even I know which fabrics to chose for a dress as opposed to a satchel or seat cover.
      I thought (at the time) when Meri was 'forced' to buy a dress last minute that she seemed awfully chill for someone as 'organized and exacting' as she claims to I realize she had no intention of wearing a 'homemade' dress like the other wives.
      The Brown's (Meri and Kody in particular) are the kind of people who assume store bought is better than anything. My husband grew up pretty poor and many members of his family turn their nose and well crafted handmade goods and spend what little money they do have on mass produced junk. No even decent quality mass production items.
      Little do the Meri and Kody realize truly wealthy people pay hand over fist for handmade (one of a kind) products. There is a huge disconnect between who the Browns are, how they act, and what they believe they are portraying to the public.
      And none of it is pretty.

    9. I think the only materiel that Meri was ever familiar working with was cotton. She made flannel and fleece jammies. It was all very sweet and humble. She wouldn't be able to identify the proper fine fabrics that are required to sew gowns or fancy clothes.(Neither would I)
      I agree that she knew all along that she wasn't wearing that hot mess of a gown. She was going shopping,"last minute" and buying. Too bad what she bought highlighted everything you don't want highlighted. On that note..Stealthy Robyn pulls off a miracle by having just the right dress from her closet. Yeah, that wasn't what you had planned all along.
      The other two stuck to the Home-Ec project dresses because they sunk a lot of money into them. While the mean girls snickered.
      After several eps focused on "the dresses" including a road trip to San Fran..It was mind boggling that's how it ended.
      Now wonder Janelle finds them all exhausting..they really are. Janelle included.

    10. This thread of responses should be poison to their supposed "wholesome family values" superfans. If you cannot claim your 12 biological children so they can be fed on a daily basis, then your "lifestyle" is not sustainable, moral, ethical or admirable. I just don't get the dopes who defend them.

    11. Yes, I know he has 13. But Mariah is "legal." He HAS to claim her. ;)

    12. If Utah wanted to, Christine could still be investigated for fraud for the time she received benefits under false pretenses (living as a tennant of Kody while being a single mom raising kids of "no relation" to be. An overpayment for all the years of SNAP and Medicaid could be sought. I'd imagine that was pretty the only thing they had to worry about with the state of Utah: not that they are polygamists but that they deliberating gave false information to qualify for and receive benefits.

    13. "Meri and Janelle don't need to be forced to work. They love to work. "

      You're kidding, right? Janelle may be the worker, relative to the other members of the family, but that is probably because she didn't want to have to put up with all those darn kids. When she stopped working, she seemed depressed. She could not function with having to actually raise her own kids. But, anyways, I'll give you that one. At least she will work.

      Meri does NOT love to work. What show have you been watching? LOL. She is just as lazy as the rest of them. Her kid was in school (a private school, no less), and she only worked part time when she did work. I don't call that someone who loves to work.

      I'm sorry, but the Browns all just come off as lazy in my book. When you have that many kids, you need to be able to provide for them. For the vast majority of people, that means everyone works real jobs with real benefits.

    14. Meri does NOT love to work. What show have you been watching?
      Meri's lack of work ethic was mentioned by Janelle in their book, Becoming Sister Wives. Not everyone has read their book.

      You're kidding, right?
      Oh dear. Sandy H. was expressing their opinion. It's one thing to question an opinion, but quite another to preface it by using "You're kidding, right?" If the OP were kidding, they would say so. If you want your opinion to have impact, don't use insults.

      Thank you.

    15. Lazy, entitled, stupid. Frauds.

    16. Also the private school was an AUB church school. I doubt I had tuition or much tuition anyway. I saw an old newspaper article a few days ago on the politicsrprinciple tumbler about the school. Looks Meri's mom was the principle there many years back.

    17. There's so much floating around in this thread it's hard to keep track of it.

      Sandy H., I do agree that at least some of the shit that goes down in Brownland is genuinely just bad decisionmaking. Kody gets a bee in his bonnet and the others have to either keep up or tune out. Or turn into angry Christine.

      Meri could probably put together a successful Etsy business, sewing pajamas, quilts, and other straightforward craft items, but she doesn't have the skills to create highly-involved clothing. Either way, with a thriving craft business OR a high-end custom clothing outfit, she probably wouldn't be raking in all that much. "Success" is such a relative term when it comes to selling your stuff online. The Closet is pretty much proof positive that just because you put it out there, it doesn't mean people are going to buy it.

      One of my friends has a pretty high-profile crafted accessories business that takes up every bit of her time and has made her very little in the way of profit. She hasn't divulged any numbers, but she did say that all of the work she put in making, marketing, and showing wasn't worth the payback.

      Another friend/client had a HUGELY successful online business making couture wedding gowns and really intricate custom film costume reproductions, and I think her best year pre-recession was maybe 30k net. Not bad for home work, but it was her whole life and she was the best at what she did. She had celebrity clients wearing her work and everything.

      Oh and the ceremony dress thing. I wouldn't read too much sabotage into that. A friend was trying to help them out, so I can see why all of them would be reluctant to bail "in public" once they were committed to the storyline. At the same time, I doubt any of them were incredibly surprised that the dresses didn't work out. I think Kody No-Filter was the only one to really come out and say it in the confessional, but custom clothing can be pretty unreliable, especially when the maker is inexperienced, time is limited, and the clients pick fabrics and designs that don't suit the project or their bodies. Everybody had the option to pick their plan b if they wanted it.

      As a person with lots of high-end bespoke, I would *never* be without some sort of backup, no matter how many successful collaborations I've had with a seamstress or company in the past.

  29. Its so much fun coming to this blog. Cj you rock! Its better than the show that's for sure. They are honestly following the big love script and its sad. So sad. They all need to get out and fast. I hate to say this But they have all really let themselves go. I mean season 1 meri was thin and now. They are eating their feelings of hate for their loser husband. Im almost sad Brady and wives were cancelled at least occasionally you could really see their true dynamics with each other.

  30. Since no one has posted this I think we should show our support and at least say "Run Meri Run!"

    1. #RunMeriRun #SisterWives on twitter during the Live tweet party Sunday...Yes, that would be most excellent!

  31. Haven't read other comments but me thinks this is why Meri got the big house with no kids...? Payoff?

  32. Meri missed a golden opportunity in the divorce! She could've easily gotten 1/2 of everything & maybe even alimony & been well on her way to a new life.

    1. CB, I hope Meri was smart and secured exactly that and more!!!

    2. I hope so to CJ. Meri would be a fool not to get alimony and property she and Kody had. As far as Meri's friendship with Robyn, Meri has to see now that it was just an act. From the beginning Kody and Robyn have been manipulative, Robyn using the other wives for her own gain with Kody. Remember that little behind Meri's Back Robyn had with Kody at Meri's kids graduation when Meri pitched a fit because she wanted to be closer to the stage to see her daughter graduate and take photos. Remember how Robyn was saying to Kody away from Meri that he knows how emotional Meri gets or something similar. That was one stab in the back to Meri that showed Robyns true colors. I just hope Meri got her just rewards from Kody for giving up her position as first wife. How much do you want to make a bet Robyn manipulated that divorce.

    3. How much do you want to make a bet Robyn manipulated that divorce.
      That divorce has Robyn written all over it. You can't tell me divorcing one wife and marrying another was the appropriate answer to whatever problem the Browns faced. Hey, how about SAVING money by cutting down on the non essentials, like Disneyland, road trips to California, driving back and forth to Utah for the heck of it (or VLL concerts). How about buying 4 reasonable houses instead of those huge McMansions that are mainly empty. How about Kody and Robyn getting real jobs instead of sinking funds into that losing proposition known as MSWC.

      The Dargers had it right when they tweeted "Making permanent decisions for your family based upon temporary feelings is seldom wise."

      Whatever the problem was, I believe there had to be a much better solution than what Kody chose. His actions, in my opinion, has singlehandedly set back any gains in the public opinion of polygamists.

      A legal wife is not a "thing" or "object" that can be interchanged at will, on a whim by her husband with another woman who happens to be a "member" of the same household. This type of chicanery is what made polygamy illegal over 100 years ago!

      It stinks, and no modern woman should have to suffer this kind of humiliation, either public or in private.

  33. I've said this in the other living room, but I wanted to post here too! I can't & won't feel sorry for Meri! Why? Because even after the divorce she is CHOOSING to stay in this eff'ed up chaotic lifestyle. Esp when she has nothing really holding her back. Her only child is away @college & she dislikes her sisterwives. So Nope, not gonna feel sorry for her one bit!

    1. CB, she's staying because she luuuuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvs that hunk of man Kody! And when Robyn divorces his sorry a$$ and takes every dime he has, Meri will be waiting in the wings to bring him home and take care of him. And he will immediately start looking for another wife to show his appreciation...

    2. Caramel Brownie, I agree! It just makes each of them better! Yeah, right ...

    3. I still weep for the Meris of the world.
      She can't help her love of Kody, she just can't let it go. Even Kody equated Meri with "fidelis".
      She stated that her mother loves Kody and sees him as he who can do no wrong. To have even one's mother not see that the emperor has no clothes.
      She was raised in the culture, and was top dog for awhile. She wants to believe.

    4. My sentiments were a little sappy there--sorry--I was just watching some Styx videos on youtube...

  34. If it's about the house why can't he buy the house, own it and she still live there with it not in her name?

    I doubt the all agreed to it. Remember the houses, Janelle didn't want to put down earnest money. Kody/ rest did. I doubt Janelle or Christine were consulted and it probably was a leave it to the head of the family to decide situation anyway. Remember Janelle upset that Kody didn't want the kids in the other church's youth group and amazed he put a halt into for all of them and in the middle of discussing it? It's all about him.

    1. If it's about the house why can't he buy the house, own it and she still live there with it not in her name? [...] It's all about him.

      I think that's is what makes this situation with Meri so painful to us monogamists. The fact that an idiot with fecal matter for brains can arbitrarily decide "I'm restructuring this family. You're either with me or without me. And if you're without me, you can leave right now!" Aren't those close to the same words Robyn and Kody spewed when confronted with teens who were not on the same wavelength about the commitment statement? My way or the highway kind of thinking.

      I don't believe the entire family decided on this restructuring. If anything, they all sat there silent while Kody bloviated his half-a$$ reason for divorcing Meri in order to marry Robyn, with Janelle and Christine wondering what horrors will happen next once Robyn becomes the official Mrs. Kody Brown.

      I hope Meri had friends who counseled her NOT to give up her half of that McMansion. And I hope as part of her divorce agreement Kody had to pay his half of the mortgage in full, so Meri could easily qualify for a conventional mortgage in her own name, only.

      But we all know that won't happen, and someday soon we will read about Kody marrying his 5th wife, installing her in what use to be Meri's McMansion in the cul-de-sac with Meri shipped off to live in the old homestead in Lehi.

    2. I'd be half-assedly checking public records for quit claims if there was a reason for either Meri or Kody to file one, but I don't think there is. Meri's never going to leave, even if she does "check out." And even though Kody may not legally be married to her anymore, it's not like he views it as a real divorce.

      Even with a quit claim, the remaining party wouldn't have to refinance - as long as Meri isn't relying on Kody to help her make the payments, I don't think it ultimately matters if he's still on the mortgage or not.

  35. Well the SW F B page has not only blown up this week the commediens are out in force. If you want a late night chuckle go check out some of the postings and musings. Please don't eat or drink while reading or you'll be cleaning your computer screen off!! lol

    1. Business as usual from what I see. TLC really should invest in a better intern to moderate that mess.

    2. I've been flipping over there and I must say that the SW fan base is, well, interesting(?). Which really shouldn't be a surprise, I guess, but it's still shocking. One fan actually asked them to contact her LOL. It is entertaining.

    3. There are a bunch of them that think they are talking directly to them. Funny stuff. They don't even get the names right.
      As my Auntie used to say: "poor thing."

    4. Ha...kimbagirl, in my neck of the woods its, "Bless her heart..."

  36. If they really are going to just carry on business as usual and not reference it at all... like kids saying, "Huh, honest, I didn't eat any" as the chocolate is smeared all over their smug faces.....then so be it.

    Calling them out for this ridiculous BS is futile....if it was nothing more than a planned PR scam to start with. Even they had to know that eventually it *would* come out, so why not be preemptive and kill both birds and use it as a much needed prop to get the ratings and chatter up for this season.

    In all of the 5 years worth of KodyIdiot's long-winded, verbose sermons about Plylife, particularly *their* designer version of it, never once did he ever hint that a "restructuring" of the harem line-up was a possibility or a routine part of their plyggy plan. . *Adding* to the line-up, yes, that was always a wink-wink possibility once Sobbin was given a new stall in the stable.
    But shame on them all for this sham.
    Shame on him since a surprise like this, although delicious fodder for snark, may be more than a bit troubling for those coveted fans they have worked so hard to solicit and seduce. Those people are being asked to continue to support what is now too obvious to ignore....Kodyworld is NOT real at all !!
    Kodyworld is a now just a myth...a TV sound stage inhabited by scammers and bad actors.

    Nagging question....If this all was in the works for awhile, and it really had to be for some time...
    How the hell did they get the older kids to go along with this BS.
    How did they keep them quiet and still willing to perform for the cameras knowing how phony it all was??
    That is troubling !!

    1. The older kids have left as soon as they could, so there's the answer to that question.

    2. Yes, of course, it is obvious that they have left asap.

      My thoughts are about the TH's several of them were commissioned to do for this current season being aired. Scenes that were filmed last summer and early fall.

      It's highly unlikely that they did *not know* about the divorce of last fall. There had to have been time spent leading up to it when it must have been known at least by the older kids.
      Yet, still those kids were expected to be involved with presenting the illusion of "normalcy" on the home front for the cameras. Not fair to those kids, not fair at all !!

  37. You have to be sealed to have a spouse in the next life. A forty something isn't going to remarry. And who would cancel the sealing to Kody? Their AUB is probably nicer than some of the FLDS groups. Surely christine doesn't want to lose Mariah or janelles kids in the afterlife. I think they put up with it cause they are more worried about the next life. They let Kody have too much control, because they are taught to do so. I hope the kids don't think they have to copy their parents to defend them. I hope they just live their life. I fully expect them to marry off a kid or two soon to make the new focus. Especially after this nuptial blew up in their faces according to the public. If maddie is talking conversion to LDS she met and is thinking of marrying a LDS man. Which is good since in their polygamist church the guy goes to Kody. Just like a Duggar. Five of them are over 18.

    1. Meri is the proverbial piece of used gum from the Mormon sex sessions. Unless you get reassigned then it is okey dokey.

    2. KMS, I was thinking similarly. Meri would remained sealed with Kody. But, why would Meri have any confidence that Kody would call her to his planet now? (Is that the theology?)

      I don't believe that this family agreed to this restructuring, or that is temporary. It should have shattered Meri's entire world, in this life and the next. For that reason alone, they never should have done it, if they were a true family. It shows how much they worship money and what grifters they are. Again, they sold their souls for those houses.

    3. Since it's the "spiritual marriages" that count in this religion, not the ones performed by the state, Meri still has eternal wife status. Lucky her!

    4. Technically Kody gets four planets. He is the sun and the wives are the planets around him. each wife populates a planet. Kody isn't a planet. He is a solar system. The single planet notion came about once they decided you can only be sealed to a woman at a time. The children are sealed to the dad the mom is sealed to at the time of death. This is the problem for women in the LDS church. What man married a woman with kids who lost a spouse who was already sealed. She would need to cancel the sealing. It all seems unfair. Not some great thing. So if she remarried for time and didn't get the cancellation of sealing her kids with the new hubby go to the old hubby in the next life. Of course in theory the kids will marry and be sealed to partners and also have kids. It's too complicated. What sounds great turns out to be awful for someone. Of course if they don't die under the best standing of grace they won't go to the highest level. All these extra answers just leads to more questions.

    5. kms, respectfully, this explanation (and thank you for it, BTW) only makes the whole belief system sound...well, I won't say how it sounds, because I'm not trying to dis someone else's heartfelt faith. But when an idea requires this much brain-bending to explain/understand, I just glaze over. I've read simpler explanations for how to use exhaustive software programs! The natural world and its systems are so elegant compared to the ideas human beings cook up for themselves. The older I get, the more comfort I take in my own belief that when this body dies "I" simply return to the field of energy found everywhere in the known universe. I don't wanna be a planet. :)

    6. Anon 1:41PM, I've even read faithful Mormons don't fully understand how the afterlife works out. They are told to "put it on the shelf" to understand later. Which means....

    7. All faith requires a little admittance of not understanding something. It just makes no sense how all the latter day sects believe they have the complete and trueness that everyone is lacking when their completeness seems to have more mystery than the churches they are trying to convert members from. Even science has its mind stretches. Suddenly everything just started happening! Bang!

  38. “It's not a hard-and-fast rule, but I believe that one of the key factors in being a good sister wife is having the ability to see the needs of another sister wife and considering her needs more important than your own.”
    ― Meri Brown, Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage

    So...her words have come back to haunt her.

  39. And then there's this:

    "We chose to be married," he (Kody) said. "Nobody forced us to do this, and we choose to stay in it out of love and commitment. Just like any marriage. I hate to say it, because I don't like divorce -- nobody likes that -- but my wives are free to leave, if they make that choice."

    A Jan. 2, 2013 quote by Kody Brown from an article on the TODAY website by Ree Hines

  40. FYI about the Blogger Double Posting Problem

    There is a problem with double posting when using certain devices to post comments. Some members are aware and if they see a double post they either notify me OR if they are using their Google account to post, will simply delete the 2nd comment. I also try to clear out the double postings if I see them.

    If no action is taken, Blogger will sweep the double comment into what's called the "spam folder".

    My annoyance with the poster Karen was real. She was posting using her Google account and when she didn't "delete" her double comment, both comments were swept by blogger into the "spam folder". She would then post questions like "Why did you remove my comment" or "Did you delete my comment" etc, also doubled, thus disrupting the conversation with off topic comments, while taking up valuable comment space.

    So here's my solution. There is an email address for the blog on the right. If you're having problems posting, or if a comment is not appearing, please use it to notify me.


  41. Do we really think that the Brown's need a bunch of college kids to "study" them. All of us have studied them and shared our observations and have arrived at the conclusion: This crap just doesn't fly!

    But here's something no one seems to have thought out: Icky-boy Kody "marries" all of these women to have babies to populate his celestial planet. But if these children all grow up to either marry multiple wives to populate their own planets, or in the case of the females, to live on their plyg hubby's planet, doesn't that mean for Kody he'll be stuck in eternity with only his 4 (or 5 or however many) wives and any unmarried kids they might have????? Ladies and gents, if that's their idea of paradise, count me out!

    I refuse to watch this show and have just recently found CJ's site! Thank you CJ for single-handedly keeping the viewership down! Your recaps and this blog are far, far better than the "reality" of the show!

    1. In the Brown's situation, Janelle was married to Adam Barber and Robyn was married to David Jessop, so they were sealed to them first. Unless Janelle was unsealed by the LDS and Robyn was unsealed by the AUB, they will go their first husband's planets. Only Meri and Christine (plus unmarried children) will be on Kody's planet. I think. It's all so confusing.

    2. Was janelle sealed and would an LDS temple sealing be valid once she entered polygamy. She would excommunicated into outer darkness. Janelle would have been sealed to kody in the aub. In fact all of them would have been or it would have been made public the service. Robyn was sealed to the bunch of them. Someone cancelled the sealing. That meant david was good with that. Or maybe he was no longer aub and they would have cancelled it so Robyn could reveal to Kody.

    3. When AUB sanctioned the fake marriages of Janelle and Robyn to Kody, in AUB leaders' eyes this was done by the true power of God and swept way any other "sealings" or marriages performed by other authority. I don't think Robyn had a marriage in the AUB endowment house to David Preston Jessop, probably because of hanky panky before marriage ( a big no-no). Even if she had been "sealed" to David, that marriage could be easily "unsealed" in the right circumstances. Happens all the time in AUB -- musical "marriages."

    4. But here's something no one seems to have thought out: Icky-boy Kody "marries" all of these women to have babies to populate his celestial planet. But if these children all grow up to either marry multiple wives to populate their own planets, or in the case of the females, to live on their plyg hubby's planet, doesn't that mean for Kody he'll be stuck in eternity with only his 4 (or 5 or however many) wives
      Actually, my understanding is that in order for Kody to reach the HIGHEST level of the Celestial Kingdom (Heaven if you will) he will need at least 3 wives. Those three wives will then be perpetually pregnant, thus populating his "planet" FOREVER.

      So yes, Kody and whichever wives are still sealed to him, will spend eternity together in the afterlife. Which would mean in this life, you don't necessarily marry for love or lust (as explained in Polygamy, USA). Kody on the other hand must have skipped that part of the polygamy for dummies handbook.

      Do we really think that the Brown's need a bunch of college kids to "study" them
      I saw a picture of the anthropology professor who sponsored this study. He is the same professor who led that famous "debate" at UNLV with the Browns and Kristyn Decker et al. He also has published several studies about American polygamists.

    5. oops, that should read "His sealed wives will then be perpetually pregnant, thus populating his "planet" FOREVER.

      My bad for the confusion!

    6. I started watching this show because I foolishly thought they would explain polygamy & their religion. It's amazing how in all these years they avoid saying much about it...except the persecution they've endured of course!

  42. MrSpock does not understand why some fellow bloggers here no longer want to watch SW...MrSpock thinks this "iconic" turn of events makes for even better viewing! Of course Kody and Krewe will spin this faster than an Oxo salad spinner, but that gives endless fodder for CJ's Living Room. Compare all the present chatter versus the nothing-to-talk-about episodes from 5Wives...oh,yes, MrSpock's eyebrow is raised and MrSpock cannot wait for more episodes, internet musings and/or info "leaks" !

    1. MrSpock,I'm with you as I rub my hands together in anticipation of the beginning Robyn spin....I cannot wait. OoooLaLa. The idea that Robyn, Kody, and crew think we are going to swallow this hook line and sinker, well, they have not been paying close attention to their antagonists fans.Of course, giving Robyn, the least popular wife, an hour long episode all by herself is really good marketing. Critics and fans alike will tune in to watch the train wreck slowly move towards the giant wall. While I see the end of this program in the very near future, I will hate to see it fade into the last good night. However, with every end of one show, there's the beginning of tell-all interviews and books with every intent to keep the spot light for just a little bit longer. Kate is a good example and Jon too...they break their hateful little necks to get back on TV and in the spot light. I foresee the Browns doing the same thing...and even when the horrible tell alls start, Kody will be lined up for the interview couch to say, no, no, it wasn't like that...we restructured...we did what was best for the entire family....she was a loon...I was the best thing ever. LOL. I cannot wait.

    2. For me, morbid curiosity is outweighed by the desire to not reward them and their famewhorishness. Nothing would delight me more than being part of the mass exodus that leads to their cancellation.

    3. My hesitation to continue to tune in stems from the frustration that this latest turn of events will NOT be addressed at all. If it is, it will be as you stated, spun and then dismissed quickly. On the "Tell All" it will be "Next question!!" just like we have seen in the past. The real drama happens off screen and is never revealed.
      The "Robyn has an announcement" was really the WTF moment for me. I don't think I can get past another fake out.
      Any detail of substance has only been shared in their book, not on their fictional TV show. Even then, it's just the tip of the iceberg. This blog keeps me invested in watching..if not for it..I would have dropped it long ago. This week has been fun and interesting, and got our attention.
      But I don't like feeding their famewhorishness either, (thanks Anon 2:01). This is an opportunity for them to get real about plyg life. And therein lies the problem, they don't get real. Because their real is ugly to the audience that they are targeting.Remember Meri's: "We don't go weird"..Um,yeah ya do. This is weird.
      They want to continue to push their "Plygs, they're just like us" BS. While at the same time maintaining that "Monogamists could never understand."
      That sentiment is the truest thing they have ever expressed. Monogamists are your audience..and you are correct,we don't understand.
      The fun of watching the trainwreck and snarking on them is being outweighed by the tedious nature of this family and show. We'll see how it plays out. I bet we're all left disappointed once again.

  43. I should also mention that in AUB, if a woman is "sealed" for eternity to a man, the doctrine is that children from previous relationships also become that man's for eternity.

    1. Sounds like a quick and handy way to bump up your planet's inhabitants. A package deal for Kody. Wife #5 should come with kids too.

    2. But that already happened in their minds when he had their very special private ceremony five years ago.

      Course this even only works in theory if they all reach the highest level of Heaven.

  44. If any of you happen over to the Previously TV forum, they started a new thread titled - "The Great Wife Swap of 2014: The Dark Wife Rises." Great title. And no Kody Kool-Aid drinkers there.

    To MrSpock and others. I probably will view as well as bask in the snark goodness here. Now that I understand twitter a bit better and our internet speed is improved, I kinda like to see what spikes in the twitter before viewing the recording. But after this "leak" I did find it hard to view this season's episodes. The disconnect between what they are trying to sell and what is actually going on is huge! That takes a tremendous psychological toll. The sister wife life already has denial and suppression of all but "sweet" emotions as a basic way of life. This amps it up. No way any of us can really understand how we might think in that distorted reality IMHO.

    Saw a clip from the student anthro observers. If the students end up with this "surprise their family does work" I think they and their professor should be sent packing from academia period! No cred for them if they do.

    I'm interested to see live tweets from the cuddlesac tomorrow. Will it be all OZ, "pay no attention to the grifters behind the curtain?"

    1. "pay no attention to the grifters behind the curtain"

      Thank you for that bit of hilariousness Emma Christian :)

    2. If these "students" are serious about observing a polygamous family, why in the world would they choose the Browns? This reality TV show is anything but reality, making the Brown family invalid subjects for qualitative research. Any conclusions these students make are bogus and would never be accepted.

    3. Will it be all OZ, "pay no attention to the grifters behind the curtain?"
      You betcha! And the Browns will be blocking a lot of people tomorrow I have a feeling. It'll seem like the old days!

      Any conclusions these students make are bogus and would never be accepted.
      Well, Rev Danielle's students (from season 3 was it?) were real...however one that commented on SWB was a film student it turned out. So I would think if we looked at the majors of these anthropology observers, don't be surprised to see something in the "entertainment" field of study.

    4. Wonder if these students are connected with that professor who had the panel discussion between the Browns and anti-polygamists? I thought his field was anthropology but I could be wrong. Either way I hope these kids are getting extra credit for their bizarre journey into the cult-de-sac

    5. I'm sure the students will provide the obligatory talking heads for this week's episode, "I never met a polygamous family. I have no problems with plural marriage. They're just like us!"

      We may even see a co-ed say that she would consider polygamy. And we''ll probably see Kody ogle a few more. But, we won't hear Grandma Annie tell them her experience, unless it is to contrast Kody's "polygamy done right."

      Meanwhile, three of their children now go to that school, and Meri may be on their way. The family has no regard for their boundaries or the possible impact on them socially.

    6. It's the same professor, Boston Corgi...

    7. That professor needs to get a life.

    8. That professor needs to get a life.

      Looks like he has one already...

      William Jankowiak
      Department of Anthropology


      William Jankowiak is an internationally recognized authority on urban Chinese society, urban Mongols, Mormon fundamentalist polygyny, and love around the world. Jankowiak is often invited to present the results of his research as well called on by media to provide background information on various topics. His research has been features in numerous media outlets, including The New York Times, Time magazine, NPR, History Channel, TLC, ABC Primetime, and NBC.

    9. I looked at some of his scholarly work and it appears that he has written and studied some aspect of polygamy for the last 15 years. I can only imagine that he was delighted to see such a rich target of study arrive in LV. He seems to focus on sex and attractiveness in many of his papers in all cultures. So, maybe his questions about love wife/sex wife were a common thing in his classes. Will he be objective? I hope so. Will they edit it without a brown leaning, that is the question. Remember how the editing of the panel turned out?

    10. I was sucked Into reading one of the professors articles on polygamy and co wives in African society and it reads like the insiders guide to the real sister wives. Fascinating.

  45. I will be watching too. More expedient for commenting.

    Plus, having watched it all along, it would be like observing all the signs and rumblings of an unstable volcano and then driving away before it erupts.
    But then, I am easily amused.

  46. If it was just financial "restructuring," then why Hawaiian honeymoon? Call me cynical too, but I think that as soon as the show is cancelled, Wives 1, 2, and 3 will be kicked to the curb while Kody and Robyn disappear into the twilight.

    1. Yes. Especially when financial issues and marriage protections are the why of the arrangement. Shame on them.

    2. Agreed. If the divorce/marriage was a "technicality," as Kody would like everyone to believe, the honeymoon tells a very different story. Actions speak so much louder than words. Not watching tomorrow's show because I refuse to support these people in any way but will always come here for recaps and snark!

  47. Have all of the Brown offspring who have graduated from high school left the cult de sac? Wow! That's telling.

    1. Let's see...

      Logan: Last seen living in a house with roommates while attending UNLV.
      Aspyn: Lives in an apartment with Mykelti while attending UNLV.
      Mykelti: Lives in an apartment with Aspyn while attending UNLV.
      Meri: Wait, how did she get in this list? Attending UNLV still lives in McMansion, until Kody restructures that living arrangement, too.
      Maddie: Lives in college apartment in Logan Utah, however, she left home almost immediately after graduating high school for Utah.
      Mariah: Now lives in an apartment with roommates. Jury is out on whether she actually has moved away from home, though. We should know for sure when spring semester ends (unless she's going to attend summer school.) I have a feeling she will be changing schools to the U of UT to finish her undergrad degree.

      I think that's everybody...

    2. Do you know anyone past high school age who seriously wants to live with their parents tho?

    3. I agree that most post high school students don't want to live with their parents, but at least 1 in 5 do and 60% receive some type of financial support. Summers between college, commute instead of living on campus, saving up to get a place of their own etc. It's all about having the money to move out. Today's economy and the difficulty in finding good paying jobs with benefits dictate young adults living arrangements. The fact that all the Brown children are running...

  48. " So I would think if we looked at the majors of these anthropology observers, don't be surprised to see something in the "entertainment" field of study. "

    You betcha !!
    Sometimes you have to wonder just how desperate were/ are they for fillers to round out the allotted episode time. I guess we can also count on the usual annoyingly redundant upcoming clips before every commercial break too.

    1. The calendar for the upcoming episode is interesting. Mykelti graduated from high school (and went to Disney World) and moved into the apartment. So, this episode could be no earlier than July. UNLV has three 6-week sessions during the summer - the 2nd ends in early July and the 3rd starts in mid-July. I can't believe that they'd waste at least one class in an already-compressed schedule on the Clowns (in-class introduction, then field observation).

      Worse, if it's in the fall semester, Meri and Kody would have been on their way to the Clark County courthouse. Yet, we'll see them pontificating about the benefits of polygamy or their history of persecution. They're carnies.

    2. I forgot to add to the calendar: By the time of this episode, Maddie is contemplating a conversion to mainstream Mormonism. So,either she literally fell in love (at first sight) with the first boy who paid attention to her, as Janelle feared, or the episode was filmed around the divorce filing.

    3. I don't think the "research" is connected to any particular class/term. Not saying it's bogus, just a combination of "sure, we can help you with storylines" and "my research assistants/senior thesis writers/independent study students/whatever could use a summer project and this will be fun."

      Also, anthropology of film/other media is a thing, so I'm not seeing any oddness in a film or mass comm student doing an anthropological study of a plyg family with a tv show (or a tv show about a plyg family, if you prefer). In fact, it seems like a much richer opportunity than just "oh, polygamists." Ya know?

      Re: Madison and LDS...wasn't she talking about mainstream Mormonism years ago? I can't remember. It doesn't seem like such a stretch for her to decide to look into it on her own terms, given her mother's family affiliation and her own disinterest in polygamy. If you like Mormonism but don't want to share a husband, it seems like a lateral move to LDS makes sense.

    4. She would not have moved to Utah without considering the LDS population. She already said no to polygamy.

    5. US Magazine has a preview clip on the students:

      It's two students - not a full class. And, because the Browns are a bastion of intellectualism and openness in their pursuit to legitimize polygamy, they play a prank (which reminds me of the Missouri polygamists).

      Despite the family restructuring, the very few comments are just typical disgust for the family.

    6. Re: Madison and LDS...wasn't she talking about mainstream Mormonism years ago? I can't remember. It doesn't seem like such a stretch for her to decide to look into it on her own terms, given her mother's family affiliation and her own disinterest in polygamy. If you like Mormonism but don't want to share a husband, it seems like a lateral move to LDS makes sense.

      Supposedly(I say supposedly because I have no personal knowledge) but according to Kody, The LDS is against the Fundamentalist groups, more so than people outside of Mormonism.This is due to their continued practice of polygamy. They are careful to distance themselves from any of these groups,so as not to cause any confusion between the religions. People hear Mormon..they think it's all the same, that kind of thing.
      Kody has spoken out quite passionately against any of the kids associating with the LDS. I think he fears them getting pressures into having to choose between "us" and "them.' Very cult like thinking.

      Although, this was several years ago and it seems like his priorities are now less about religion,or his kids and more about greed and fame. And family re-structuring.

  49. Do fundamentalist Mormons who drink, swear, and hang out on the Vegas strip get to the highest level of heaven?

    1. They will find out, eventually...

    2. I love it when Janelle says "hell."

    3. She always says, "Holy Hell." Which really makes no sense at all.

  50. Jinx and crew...
    I feel silly asking this, but after reading several books, blogs, and articles about polygamy (not to mention Mr PetiteTerror's shaky connection) I cannot seem to find an answer as to why ANY plyg marriage is made legal?
    At first I thought it was for children, but we all know there's no stigma for our definition of illegitimate. Then I wondered about property transference/inheritance but from what I've read about Kingston, AUB, UEP, and FLDS that is handled by the prophet or primary priesthood holder anyway (and not spouse or heirs).
    It can't be for benefits or medical care because an unwed mother has better eligibility.
    So why? If spiritual is the way to go and the only one that matters where did this practice come from and why does it persist?
    I don't know if we have ever discussed this particular issue here, because I feel like I'd remember...why bother legalizing any of the wives? As far as I can tell there is always a first legal wife.
    This is driving me nuts and I'm already in an Internet rabbit hole.

    1. I'm sure your answers will vary depending on the families you ask. Just as with religious monogamists, valuing your church's recognition over the state's doesn't necessarily mean that you don't value the state's validation at all. Additionally, I think all the talk about "not asking for legalization of all plural marriages" has less to do with polygamists hating the government than it does with accepting the reality of public policy.

      There are probably some plyg families that don't involve a legal marriage, but my guess is that the positives of having *a* legal relationship are worth it for most. The "single mother" benefits aren't always "better" than those offered in a legal spouse situation - they're just the next best thing/only option if your husband is already legally married. And, it's really important to have *someone* in the family with automatic power of attorney, the ability to collect spousal benefits, visitation rights, standing to sue if a husband is killed, &c.

      I can see it not making much of a practical difference to an established plural family which wife gets that default responsibility as they "make decisions as a group" and theoretically divvy up benefits equitably, but given that the first wife is the only wife for at least a period of time (unless you're the Dargers...didn't they have first and second marriage at the same ceremony?), she would get it by default just because she was the only option available at the family's founding. Even if you did have a situation where marriage happened in quick succession, it makes sense to go by seniority...unless there's some other really compelling reason to justify going out of order, like the first wife doesn't want the responsibility of being the spouse of record.

    2. I've been wondering the same thing myself!

    3. Maybe it has to do with the facade they needed to portray to others outside of their plyg circle. Something to hide behind,to help "fly under the radar". A legal marriage with acknowledged children is the shield needed to "blend in" with neighbors, co-workers,schools(if their kids attended regular school) etc.
      This really wouldn't account for groups that live on compounds. So this theory is full of holes..but it's just a theory. Great question.

    4. You have several people you list as pay on death on your life insurance. There is more than one incomer and money earned to pay for insurance for those without work plans. You name mutiple people to have the right to make medical decisions on your behalf. Being legally married to one makes no sense when you can leave things to people as you like and own properties as a group.

    5. History would support legal marriage to the first wife for polygamists and may provide part of the answer. Joseph Smith had a legal marriage himself to Emma Smith. Also, there were and are laws against cohabitation, so a legal marriage would protect at least the husband and first wife.

    6. Emma Smith and their children swear any coupling in theory or reality didn't happen. Further their continuing the latter day movement back in the east after Joseph was killed never saw polygamy in that flavor Mormon. The only Mormons who claim he took wives are the Brigham Young group and their offshoots who went west after Joseph's death. So of course they are going to claim it happened.

      Protect a wife from what? Women may hold property. Women may inherit. Women may vote. It's isnt the mid nineteenth century.

    7. Yes women can vote and hold property etc., but from what I've read about the fundamental groups those things are typically handled through the church itself. Negating the need of a 'head wife'.
      Obviously in Big Love they showed first wife Barb as being more in charge than the other wives-manager of wives I guess. That makes sense if that's how your family is structured, whereas the Browns 'everyone is the same' theory doesn't seem to require one legal spouse. Especially if at the end of his life the insurances (if any) would be split 4 ways.
      As for legitimizing marriage for under the radar purposes I've never once had my claim of marriage questioned even though Mr PetiteTerror and I do not share a last name.
      I had assumed (at some point at least) that I would need to provide a marriage certificate or something, but most of our major purchases and filings don't/haven't required it.
      I guess it's different times.

    8. Don't forget they were living monogamous LDS marriage in Utah which is were the business is and where folks actually care. For him to be divorced to Barb would have hurt the business. Remember when he did the gaming thing and ran into old friends. They needed the LDS wife. Margene would have made questions pop up. Not that all the shows reasoning made sense. I doubt when kody and Meri married they really thought there wouldn't be any more wives. His family had embraced it and hers lived it for years before they met. We sold to an unmarried couple. They both were on the house. If I'm trying to get on my husbands work plan I need the certificate. To adopt because I'm adopting as a married person. But again what employment of Kody is unique to Kody, they all film and you can only get insurance through him? The compound groups that live common order are what you are talking of. What about the wives life insurances. Why is it we think a man is the only one with assets? Is Meri and all the other wives on her life insurance as well as Kody assuming she has it? Or is just kody and her kids? Then they all aren't married as it's supposed to be.

    9. In the world of same sex unions and marriage robyn could have married janelle and they could have been a married couple with 10 kids in an insurance plan. Didn't have to divorce Meri.

  51. From the clips I've seen, my guess is the anthropology students will be complementary. One clip shows them buttering up the Browns about the special treatment they give guests. The Brown don't have guests that we've seen other than family. And what we saw of the mother in laws, they were put to work. The Brown ARE the guests. The nightmare guests who roll up in RVS with a camera crew and patronize you while praising themselves.

    On FB some with sense are trying to get thru that the special Robyn special will not address this, was probably done before the "leak." I'm still not seeing much love and support that Kody spoke of over there. Quite a lot of them say they used to be fans but now.......

    Look forward to the tweets tonight. At Colony Cuddlesac they will have their reality blocking shields at maximum and their BS phasers set to destroy logic and common sense. MrSpock keep our BS sensors sweeping the area and the snark torpedos armed and set to go. Not much chance of finding intelligent life on TLC tonite and it's not likely to be "something we've never seen before." Live long and snark!

    1. Will do, Emma Christian! MrSpock is armed and ready!

  52. Just noticed Mindy's last name is Jessop.

    So how is she related yo the family again?!

    Also, read on the tumbler page about Karlie from my five wives and her hubby. It's all so gross.

    1. Mindy Jessop is Robyn’s stepniece according to The Principle tumblr.

      Info is listed under Robyn's mother entry:Wife 4: Robyn Alyce Fullmer Marck Sullivan Jessop.
