
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I Scour The Internet: The Happy New Year Edition for December 30, 2014 UPDATED!!!

Yes, the new season of Sister Wives begins Sunday, January 4th, 2015!

Where has the year 2014 gone? Why, it seems like yesterday we were watching the Brown Krew Kavorting with venture capitalists who proved to be less than anxious to give up their hard-earned cash, while heading on down the highway to Route 66 and meeting those Christian Polygamists in Missouri who know other polygamists that believe in sharing their marital bed, if you know what I mean.

And who can forget the sight of Kody getting Brown goo all over his favorite pair of shoes when SOMEONE failed to properly close the black water valve on the RV?

Or that cliff-hanging last scene of Robyn running frantically to answer her ringing phone. I mean, come on. As if Robyn even KNOWS how to run!!??!! And who the heck would be calling her so late? Her Ob/Gyn???

I seriously doubt that.

Ah, those were certainly the days. We can only hope that this new Winter Season of Sister Wives can be just as much fun. Well, actually I was hoping for more fun but we have to go with what we have, right?

So let me repeat this....
The new season of Sister Wives begins on Sunday, January 4th, 2015.

Be there or be square.

And what have the Browns and their other polygamist friends been up to since we last talked?

Well, not much, I'm afraid...

Of course we have this obligatory reminder of the start of the new season, being retweeted by Kody and his Kodettes.

But couldn't TLC have used a more recent picture of Kody and Krew? I mean, just look at it. Meri and Christine are both wearing outfits they wore about a million times on the show at least 3 seasons ago. And Janelle looks like she's still holding onto some of those gosh awful blouses she supposedly did away with when she moved into her McMansion.

And Robyn...Holy Toledo, what the H.E. double hockey sticks was she thinking when she pulled that outfit together?? Let's just say her outfit has not improved with age!

Let's hope for the announcement of the Summer season (if there is one) TLC springs for some new photos. Please????

Okay, so it's Christmas time right? Obviously a major tradition for the Browns is to travel to Disneyland. This time it was Meri and her acorn that didn't fall far from the tree.

I'm beginning to wonder what Kody and Krew would do if Disneyland were to close down. But we all know that won't happen - not with what those people must spend each year for the privilege of standing in long lines while posing as Reality TV Stars.

For some odd reason, Meri continues to tweet these rather odd memes. Is this wishful thinking on her part?

I'd rather not watch Meri twirl her way on the dance floor. Something tells me it just wouldn't be...modest. And her twirling could stop the Earth's rotation with disastrous results for mankind.

And on the subject of wishful thinking, I'm sure Mariah will make Meri and Kody proud when she finally ties the celestial knot. Let's just hope Karma makes her a 2nd wife and she's treated the same way her mother treated Janelle when she joined the family as a 2nd!

On the subject of Janelle, she posted a picture of her three eldest children.. Funny how on the Sister Wives Official FB page, the fans there didn't recognize Maddie. I mean, really, did they really not see the difference? Hello in there! Janelle has bleached blonde hair!!!

Funny but Janelle was the only Brown Sister Wife to actually wish her fans Happy Holidays! Sorry Meri but sending a picture of a Disneyland street decoration just doesn't compare, know what I mean?

And here's Janelle explaining why Meri and Mariah went to Disneyland. It's a Brown family tradition, don't you know!

Fans, did you see where Sister Wives is back with a two hour premiere on January 4th?


Of course, the Brown's friends in polygamy the Dargers also showed their fans how they celebrated the holidays.

And just check out the TOTALLY EXCITED FACES on these young Darger faces. Makes me wonder if Papa Joe was standing on the side hissing "You Will Have Fun, DAMN IT!!"

At least the Williams Family is a little more laid back...Face it, you have to be with 24 kids and five wives (with one wife preggers). But at least they remembered to thank all their fans for watching their show...unlike another polygamist family who shall be unnamed...

Finally, we have a picture of a very pregnant Nonie showing off her latest baby bump.


This just in...

Here's a video featuring Mykelti Brown that was shared in my other living room on Facebook.

All I can say this as a cautionary tale of what happens when Kody Brown is in charge of the religious upbringing of children. Just like him, it gets all screwed up!

No wonder Christine was worried about this poor child. I'd be worried too.

This poor child is proof that Kody Brown is worthless as the religious leader of his family. I can't believe this child actually said that if she fell in love with a married man she would approach the man's wife to become her sister wife...

Mykelti honey, here's some advice from a monogamist. You best leave the married man's wife alone because in most cases she will attempt to rearrange your features in ways that the end results will not be flattering and will hurt like hell for a very long time.

Stay AWAY from married men. ... PERIOD!

She needs to understand this is real life and not some damn fairy tale where a woman can pick off married men like apples at the supermarket.

She's in for a very rude awakening, that's for sure!

And in case you missed the earlier showing, Escaping Polygamy will replay New Year's Day!

That's all for now, and remember, I Scoured the Internet so YOU didn't have to waste your time on this trivial stuff, right? And stay tuned for Sunday's Live Tweet Party Right Here!

H A P P Y   N E W   Y E A R !!!!


  1. Thanks CJ! Why are the group photos TLC uses look so strange? The one for Christmas, Meri's and Christine's heads looks like they were photoshopped on model's bodies!

  2. K'mon CJ..... you said "Meri's acorn doesn't fall far from the tree......" Did you mean " aKorn"....?

  3. Just seeing the pics from Kodyworld is quickly raising snark levels.
    Yes, CJ, couldn't agree more about Sobbin's shiny, glitter blue ensemble.
    WTH was that....?!!
    It looks like she rummaged through a 60's Height Asbury grab bag !! does set the stage for a fun season in your Living Room !!!
    Let the games....Let the snark begin !!

    Post Bradyville snark........
    Nonie, just go away !! You are so annoying !!
    You are *pregnant*.....yes, everyone gets it......
    Now, just go away !!

    1. Some things just aren't meant to be worn with a t-shirt underneath. If you can't wear it as intended, you probably shouldn't wear it at all - like in Robyn's case above. That looks so frumpy. Also looks like the fabrics don't complement each other. She should've tried a shrug of some sort. They need to learn how to layer without being so frumptastic. No fashion sense at all and no business trying to sell "fashion" in their store.

  4. Poor Darger Kids! One of those kids being made to paint looked mad. He looked like a young Charles Manson with his scowl.

  5. I just watched last season on Amazon of the Brown Clowns. I wasn't going to, but guilty pleasure won.

    The whole season was one giant WTF for me. The storylines were everywhere and it appeared the Krew had trouble keeping track of what they were supposed to be acting out.

    1. The consensus on the board was that the last season was so weird and chaotic that it was probably going to be one of the last seasons.

      I can't imagine what this next season will be about. The Browns should be thankful to Mama June for giving them more job security.

  6. I just watched the Mother in Law invasion episode and during the couch sessions they are all wearing the same clothes as the above picture, including Robyn's crazy attire!

  7. There is a show on Lifetime right now called Escaping Polygamy about three sisters from the Kingston Group who have left. They are discussing helping a girl trying to leave the AUB because they are trying to marry her to an older man.

    I'm trying to figure out if this is the same show that was on TLC. I never watched it, because the reviews were so bad. I don't know if I should bother with this one.

    1. Apparently, this is a two-hour special and, although I think there were a few production set-ups, it seems pretty legit. I have only made it through the first hour, but it is definitely worth checking out.

    2. Apparently the show is semi-scripted. There's some really good info at The Principle on Tumblr. Here's the url (copy and paste)

    3. I'm catching the end part of the show, but I just noticed Kollene Snow was there. Luckily, it's on again at midnight so I'll just DVR all of it then. Looks like an interesting show. So far, it appears to have slightly better production values than the Escaping the Prophet and Breaking the Faith shows from TLC.

    4. I couldn't figure out why she looked familiar until you just said her name.

      It was obvious that they were asked specific questions, and I felt that some parts were re-enacted, but when they spoke to the camera felt real. You could see the pain in their eyes and the torment they felt about leaving. If this makes it to a series, I would watch.

    5. I actually really enjoyed the show, even though it did seem really staged. Kudos to all the women and men who are brave enough to get out.

      I took special note when the blonde (whose little sister was the one who got married) said her husband wanted to get a second wife and she said no he packed her stuff and kicked her out. Think how much happier Meri would have been if she would have been kicked out by Kody if she'd said no to a second wife?

    6. CJ, I am so glad you verified that it was Kollene Snow. I saw her first name on the Kingston 'family tree' that one of the girls was making earlier in the episode. I then kept an eye out to see if she'd be shown. She was the platinum blonde at the wedding. I was saying..'It's Kollene" to my daughter who just wasn't as interested as I was..LOL.
      Also I thought the therapist(who worked with the "at risk youth" lost boy) looked like Meri. Sister,bonus sister,cousin? I'm probably just projecting that one,but who knows right?

      I kept hoping that the Browns would see this and be furious how their "not like the other groups" AUB was portrayed /exposed when they rescued(re-enactment?) that girl Leah from the church.. To this day they do not name their church on or off the show. I wonder if they even still belong. The church was not so happy about them going public. Probably the real reason for leaving the house so hastily. They really try to put lipstick on a pig with their insistence that all is well in that group. I remember that Kollene was pissed that they wouldn't just admit that their family was the exception, not the rule.
      But now, Mykelti is suddenly open to the idea of plural marriage. Must be constant pressure on these girls. But probably not Janelle's daughters.
      Sorry for the rambling rant..Looking forward to the premiere just for the snark!!

    7. I read the info at The Principal and the link she posts to support her conclusion that it is scripted actually makes it sound more like a real documentary to me. I have no doubts that production sets up scenes, asks specific questions to get specific answers, and probably re-enacts scenes, unlike a true documentary, but I don't think they are nearly as bad as Sister Wives, My Five Wives, and 90-Day Fiance.

      From the link at

      "Anyone who agrees to participate will be provided with free support, including transportation to a safe place, temporary housing, professional and/or group counseling and up to $1,000 for basic provisions."

      I kind of wish I hadn't read the links, because I hate a lot of people I have never met. I'm really glad I didn't read it last night, or I would have had nightmares. My heart breaks for these children.

    8. @Kollene, thank you for continuing to tell your story.

      What was really great about this show is that no one was wasting the viewer's time trying to pretend that some polygamous men are great and some women are happy. They were all straight up admitting that every woman and child in the community suffered abuse. There was no lame clip of a woman saying she "never knew men could be such bastards". Great job.

  8. Whoa !! Mykelti, you best heed CJ's words !!!
    Setting your sights on another woman's husband is not a cool idea.
    Now granted, bonus mom, Janelle, and your own mom apparently did just that, but you had better be sure that your chosen married man is indeed already a polygamist before you make such a move. Could get very ugly !
    If this isn't a prime example of how myopic the world is for these plyg-raised kids, nothing is!!

    And have to past seasons, Mykelti was dubbed the family fashionista and budding fashion designer. But looking at the video, that Minnie Mouse head band may do better on a more petite girl.

    Nice to see that Kody is still the Village Idiot.

    1. Anyone notice in that clip where her ex John was walking up to them, that Robyn's oldest girl was looking at him all starry-eyed?! Girl lights up anytime a man is around.

    2. Anyone else get the feeling that Mykelti is just saying these things for a story line on the show? She seems totally devoid of any emotion or feelings in her clips. Not to mention this is the total opposite of everything she's said in the past.

      And no, never hit on a married man!!!!!

    3. Compared to her mom, dad's girlfriends and sisters, Mykelti's a fashionista. Just like she's a rebel compared to them. Compared to the rest of America, not so much.

      All things are relative. In the Brown family, you only have to wear heels to be deemed a fashionista. To her credit though, I love her read hair and she is an excellent fashion illustrator, but I don't think she dresses any more fashionably than the rest of the Browns.

      Also, ditto what someone said above. She's another one who says what sounds good on camera.

  9. Nonie, could you not show off your fabulous fertility somewhere other than in front of the toilet?

  10. I assume that in Mykelti's little fantasy about falling in love with a married man she is thinking in terms of a guy who's already part of a polygamous culture. This little video demonstrates what a twisted set of expectations a young woman in her faith system has to look forward to: I can barge in on someone else's marriage and other women can barge in on mine. No wonder the Brown adults twist themselves into such contortions about the supposed sanctity of marriage. Lip-service is all they have; they can't rest in the knowledge that the marriage is inviolate, so they pretend that filming the bedroom is the invasion of privacy. What a twisted mess.

    1. I hope you're right redwood curtain because she's really in for a rude awakening otherwise. Fundamentalists are usually very careful in how they "package" how marriages are formed...usually opting to show women choosing men rather than old decrepit men choosing nubile girls. They also tend to stress that a woman who lives the Principle is better than a monogamist woman (who are nothing more than common harlots walking the streets). That's why I find Mykelti's simplistic solution to falling in love with a married man so...distasteful. Basically she's saying it's OK to commit adultery - which has been one of the arguments against polygamy. To quote Robyn Brown, I fear Mykelti's frontal lobes aren't fully developed yet to grasp monogamists will not readily understand what she's meaning to say or convey.

    2. ":falling in love with a married man "

      Yep, that's the plyg-girls dream. And what a dream it is !!

      Falling in love with a man who will insert you into his harem, and appoint you a numbered rank, depending on how many women are already onboard, and schedule your place in the sex rotation and times.
      Can't get any more romantic, more personal and more fulfilling than that !

  11. This is totally off topic but did anyone watch 90 day fiance on Sunday?

    1. I sure did! So what do you think about the Tell All? I couldn't believe it when Danielle practically buried her head in Mo's armpit!

    2. Yes! Mo and Danielle are something else. I can't imagine how they'll pass the green card interview. He's certainly very sincere.... I mean, I'm pretty sure he's a total scammer, but he does do a good job of looking clueless and charming while still not giving an inch.
      BTW Happy New Year!

  12. I did too! Overall, I was very disappointed by the "Tell All". It was as revealing as a Sister Wives Tell All, and we all know that isn't saying much.

    I couldn't believe Danielle's armpit burrowing either. How immature can you be? I actually got a little frustrated about it, because everyone else on that stage sat up and looked the moderator in the eye and answered her questions - no matter how uncomfortable. But then we get to Danielle, and she literally burrows her face into Mo's arm? A 40-something year old woman? Ridiculous. But, I think I was even more surprised by Mo's behavior and answers. He acted as though since he's gone through with the wedding that he's locked down his citizenship. I don't think he realizes that there's more to the green card that just saying "I do". For a minute there I was actually siding with Mo - because Danielle is clearly messed up - but he has been acting like a total jerk the last few episodes. I need a follow up special just on Dani & Mo. Pronto.

    I really wish they had delved more into the whole friend propositioning Mo thing. There is soooo much more going on with those two that we need to know!!

    On another note, I am almost ashamed how excited I am for Sister Wives to come back! The Brady bunch was so. incredibly. bland.

    1. It was also quite clear that each of those couples knew exactly why Mo married Danielle.

  13. Watch Danielle and Mo get their own reality show...someone has to replace June and crew and these people have the perfect dysfunction to entertain us, this would be great snarkworthy material.

  14. Wow maddie is looking more and more like Janelle these days!

  15. I think that the production company and to some extent TLC read the various blogs and probably pay attention to the comments on Facebook and maybe twitter and they have seen in the past that we want to see more of the kids and that we seem to lean toward Christine and Janelle's kids because they seemed to have the least entitlement issues. So, it seems as if they chose to put Mykelti out there as a hook....yeah, we were together but now we aren't...blah blah blah...and yeah, I might marry one man and we might be practice polygamy...I might fall in love with a married man....she is just not convincing. It feels like the family and maybe the production company approached her and she was like, well....okay...I guess. But, the sad truth about all of the Browns is that they are not actors nor are they able to fake emotions, hide their real emotions, or create personalty where personalty doesn't exist. I teach at a major university and I teach freshmen students as well as graduate students and we see how the freshmen come in and we watch them grow over the semesters that we have them in our classes. When they go home for the holidays, they go home with new ideas and beliefs that don't necessarily match their parents and these beliefs and ideas are striking at the dinner table...I remember my own conversations with my family and the eagerness to which I wanted to share these new ideas...none of the Brown kids do that or seem to do that. That's what would make good know some feminists ideas that you know those in the public universities are hearing. Instead...we keep hearing the same crap...I might marry a man and be know, they are still bearing the souls of their mothers...and not the pain or the shame that we all know they have. We know they have seen their moms cry and seen the disparity in treatment. I am not buying the crap that they are trying to sell. You know as well as I that Logan has some interesting ideas but Kody will not allow those ideas to be shown and because of that, their show is sinking. Again, the Browns are on a self destructive path to bankruptcy and food stamps...if only they would let the truth be shown...remember Kody...the truth will set you us what Robyn and Meri really are like when they are together.

    1. What's is most offsetting with this newest Mykelti revelation is that last season she was featured in an episode dedicated to the teens of the family - Aspyn, Maddie, Logan and Mykelti. Mykelti came out with wanting to have a lot of children - without needing to get married. In San Francisco no less. Fine, great she's the feminist in the family. But then this new film clip...showing she's no feminist, in fact she wants to be plural wife and if she falls in love with Susie Homemaker's husband, she'll be sure to ask Susie if she wants to be her sisterwife so they can share. It's like this ugly Frankenstein monster created from parts of polygamy with bits and pieces of monogamy randomly thrown in - that's this "thing" she's trying to sell the audience.

      On the Escaping Polygamy program, one of the girls described what was expected of her as a Kingston. I wager if one asked Mykelti to explain her role as a plural wife in the AUB, you'd get a blank stare. She has no clue. And if they focus on her, it will be the end of the show. Monogamist women are not willing to share their men, period.

  16. Must be nice to able to go to Disneyland at the drop of a hat. I guess you can do that if you don't have a J O B.

  17. If, as is already suggested by the teaser/trailers, this SW season will be yet another tossed salad of scripted and prompted scenes and plots, it will be an exercise of DVRing and FFing....just like Bradyville quickly became.

    Perhaps the producers are now reduced to depending on snark fans to at least produce the viewing numbers to satisfy the sponsors. Can't imagine even the most diehard fans have any real interest left in the show or the characters. Now it is just a matter of seeing what new improbable or ridiculously phony premises the producers have dreamed up to fill the time slot.
    Mykelti's "married man" announcement may be the opening volley of scripted BS for this season's Kodyworld.

  18. They are suggesting the kids will be featured more. Maybe romance for them?

    How can you fall in love with a married man? Falling in love requires time and attention. A married man giving you time and attention is not giving time and attention to his wife. Why would you want such a man? And married men are older.

    1. Weeeell, not *all* married men are that much older... 22 year old Jessa Duggar just married a 19 year old teenager a few months ago...
      Maybe Mykelti wants her very own teenage, (polygamous) husband.

      Now where is that eye rolling emoticon when I need it?

    2. In the lifestyle they don't let the men marry young. At least a second wife.

  19. I can't believe that Mykelti would actually believe that a married man is a good idea. The damage that Robyn did to her mother by inserting herself into their so called marriage was life changing for her and her siblings. They have to be doing this for a storyline. Prop up polygamy at all costs.

  20. WIshing everyone in CJ's Living Room a Healthy and Contented New Year !!
    May 2015 be a Good Year for all !!

    Looking forward to all the observations and snark !!

  21. In case anyone missed it (I did), the Escaping Polygamy special comes on again tomorrow (Jan 1) at 10pm EST. Lifetime Movie Network.

  22. 2014 ending but not before Janelle can tweet that workout=sanity. I swear she reads here and knows it drives me nuts!! Happy New Year to all in CJ's living room!

  23. Depending on when Mykelti broke up with her boyfriend, her comments about polygamy might not be genuine. If she recently went through the breakup, she might be feeling kind of lost or alone or scared that she will never find someone else. Those feelings could prompt her to feel like she can't close any doors when it comes to marriage. Breakups suck, and it was (maybe) her first boyfriend, so if this interview was during a period when the split was still fresh--and depending on why things ended--she might feel like she wants to conform with her family's wishes.

  24. Now that the countdown has begun for the new season of SW's, maybe it would be interesting to see what the pre-debut Living Room consensus is for just what will be TLC choices have been for compelling, manufactured plots, A season that is already in the proverbial "can" and ready to be aired.

    I am thinking...based on the current trailers... and from four years of watching how this show has been scripted:..
    1-Peri-menopausal angst on the part of one or more of the Kody babes about their future in "life in the cuddle-sac" !!!.
    2- One or more of "college kids gone wild"...with a few surprise relationships for ratings sparkle.
    3- Sobbin hits her wall for coping with it all !!! Complete with the usual blubbering !!
    4-Kody has a mid-life crisis...a physical one (ala Brady). Or just being his stupid self.
    With possibly hair plugs and subtle hints of trolling for fertile #5 thrown in for extra dazzle.
    5- MSWC has reached the end of life support. (tissue time, again)
    6-Even more continuing money woes for a myriad of bogus reasons.

    Any other ideas??

    1. Let me think....

      5- MSWC has reached the end of life support.
      Something happened with MSWC management last year right after the end of the season. For one thing, they expanded their inventory to include a lot of junky junk that even teens won't buy (Bonus daughter Aspyn working for that jewelry company for example). And their level of customer service on the FB MSWC page, with a new twitter account (that's rarely used for some reason) improved tremendously. I think they did get money from an investor - I'm putting my money on Robyns old mentor Gina who tweeted at the beginning of the last season basically hinting that she stepped in and saved MSWC. Whoever it was, I think they knocked Kody off the CEO pedestal and took complete control of the company. Thus, 3rd party handling of customer service/direct customer contact via FB. New inventory including the stuff like t-shirts that Kody had said were too frumpy. Making MSWC a business entity to make money rather than a vehicle to stroke Kody Brown's ego.

      2- One or more of "college kids gone wild"...
      Oh yeah, definitely...and it ain't Mariah! Actually, I'm hoping that they focus on Aspyn and Maddie as sorority girls. I don't think Mykelti is happy with Greek life probably because she can't be a "free spirit" and basically must "conform."

      4-Kody has a mid-life crisis
      Oh pretty please with sugar on it? A mini mental breakdown with him "courting" a former Vegas Showgirl!

  25. I just popped onto's been a long time. Holy crap. They're still using the god-awful super-fast flash elements that zip in and out like it was designed by an out-of-work cartoonist. And yes, they have three t-shirts now. $50 t-shirts. Fifty. Dollars. I'm sitting here laughing; these dorks may be the least suited to sell stuff on the internet than anyone on the planet.

    1. Fifty dollar T Shirts! Ha, I do wear $50 T-shirts but 1) they're James Perse and 2) I don't pay retail for them ever. And that Macklemore song "Thrift Shop" just went through my mind when I read Redwood Curtain's comment:

      "They be like, "Oh, that Gucci - that's hella tight."
      I'm like, "Yo - that's fifty dollars for a T-shirt."
      Limited edition, let's do some simple addition
      Fifty dollars for a T-shirt - that's just some ignorant b**ch
      I call that getting swindled and pimped
      I call that getting tricked by a business..."

      Fitting, wouldn't you say? My Sister Wife's Thrift Shop.

    2. Are they still running that silly online shop? I wonder if it is a tax write off for them at this point? There is no way they're making money off of it.

    3. I'm laughing at their new "beauty products"... $8 hunks of handmade soap and $11 lotion bars. It says they're handcrafted in Mt. Pleasant Utah...isn't that where the AUB is based? Wonder if their church is involved in the production/sales of these nifty bars of soap.

    4. That website is so scattered. You can tell who has influenced what. I don't even know where you would find this crap.There are no words for it. I wear Jame Perse also. Never pay retail for them. Fifty bucks for a tshirt? These people have learned nothing. Kody's voice in the promo's is creepy.

  26. Off topic from Sister Wives: For those who might like/hate watching 19 Kids & Counting, the Bates family - (who occasionally showed up in a Duggars episode) - has their own show on a network other than TLC. It premiered tonight on UP TV. If you do a search for "Bringing up Bates", you might be able to tell if it is available on your service. I think it will be shown regularly on Thursday nights at 9 EST. One BIG improvement over TLC, there is no time wasted on "Coming Up", (showing things that we will see in one of the upcoming segments of that hour).

    1. I watched it, it was interesting. The Bates seem more forthcoming with their religious views. I felt really bad for the daughter who had the miscarriage, it must be doubly heartbreaking to have fertility issues in a family where having babies is a woman's number one job.

  27. I am angry on her behalf. She is the first child not to go to the school of her choice.

    1. Yes. She took college classes in high school. She wanted to go to some fashion school in NY. Just like Mariah wanted to go to a private school in utah, which adds on room and board, and be a doctor which is more money than a home purchase.

  28. The story line seemed very repetitive in last night's episode of Bringing up Bates. One of the daughters was sad that she had a miscarriage, while two others were pregnant. Then they talked about it over and over again!

  29. Another clip is floating around. It's about Janelle this time. Wow!

    1. Here it is...copy and paste into your browser

    2. There was a brief, almost side view of Meri and it sort of looked like she was pregnant. Probably just some belly fat, but man, I hadn't seen her look like that before.

  30. Hi Cj Living Room Friends! I'm getting excited for the two hour premiere of Sister Wives tonight (really about 45 minutes of actual watchable television with the terrible editing work by TLC). I wanted to chime in on the Janelle clip. I have gone back and forth about being Team get the Heck out of there Janelle and thinking that you just can't help people who won't help themselves. This clip (IMO) speaks to how Janelle is more comfortable with the TLC people (being so willing to admit that) and gives us a peek into the real relationships of the family. Did you see how Meri, Christine and Kody were bullying her? When she says she won't do it, Christine gets louder, Kody shouts at her and rolls his eyes at Christine and Meri stands behind her with the "see, Janelle is a pain" look on her face. What I learned:

    1. Janelle is the odd one out and no one in that family seems to appreciate her unique personality (RUN Janelle)
    2. Meri is still bullying and has her ally in Christine(the Queen Bully and Manipulator)
    3. Janelle is embarrassed by the family. What could be embarrassing about them? (remember them shouting in the streets in Winslow? the restaurant after Truley's birthday? Kody's hair?The RV trip? oh, just fill in the blank here_____________________________________
    4. When Janelle said that she left because she wasn't going to cry in front of them-- I learned that she isn't happy and doesn't feel loved there after all of this time. So Sad! (Run Janelle)
    5 . Kody is Klueless! What was up with his look and his SHOUTING? Don't talk to your wife(mistress) like that and then look at your other mistress to bully/shame her into doing something she doesn't want to do. Idiot.
    6. Polygamy isn't making them better, they are just worse versions of their meaner selves.
    7. Run Janelle! TLC, Make a show about Janelle getting out. Not about her weight loss journey! She can drop two hundred pounds easily by dumping Kody! Let's see her find her way and away from this Circus of Klowns.

    Thanks CJ!

    1. I don't know......this just seems like a contrived bit to freahen up the "run, Janlle, run" storyline of a few seasons ago.
      Not your opinions, Missy, but the clip/ scenario itself.

      The show has exhausted just about every drama plot with each of them.
      Yeah, Meri is a known bully, Christine is the chronic ditz who just "me too-s" whoever is talking the loudest.and Sobbin must be hiding out from her poor showing last season.
      Meanwhile, Kody is still the camera-loving, obnoxious idiot.
      So looks like the TLC heads needed to shine the light on one of them for fan support and interest.
      Janelle may be embarrassed by the attention.......or she may be just unwilling to put out the faux energy that TLC requires "of all of them" to justify their salaries.
      Sorry Janelle, but you signed on for this circus show and you now have the McMansion as part of the deal.
      Choices, Janelle, choices...we all are responsible for our choices.!

    2. I just watched both clips (of Janelle and of the daughter). I agree with Anonymous that the video reveals a lot of their family dynamics - Kody's condescending browbeating, Christine's echoing in a fake voice, Meri's smirking at Janelle's whining. And, the resolution is for Janelle to run off and cry while everyone stays behind and reacts to her overreaction.

      I also agree with Amused. This video is so fake and incoherent. How is Janelle still ashamed of her family, when she's been on the show for years? She could have been like Grandpa Yoda's other wives and just not be seen or have left. She could have not returned decades ago or stayed in a monogamous marriage with Meri's brother. None of those alternatives would have caused her the embarrassment and pain she is trying to sell in this video.

      After the move to Las Vegas, we saw even more talking heads of random strangers and neighbors, saying, "We never met polygamists, but we don't care how they live their lives. They're so happy and a model family." Kody or the camera crew (kamera krew?) confronted each of them to get those responses and then proudly declared how right and persecuted they are. Even their King Kody backyard celebration was to thank him for liberating them by moving to the promised land of Summerlin, NV.

      The video should also make TV Trainer Sean scream. We suffered through seasons of having to watch Janelle climb a hill, a wall, etc. and TV Trainer's deep, philosophical interpretations of their significance. And, she is always tweeting about her workouts. Her coordination should have improved after working out as much as she claims. Yet, in this video she is crying that she can't move her body like the others (while Kristine is thrusting her pelvis as close to Kody's face as she can get), she won't get up and do it for the first time on TV, and dancing would be the most mortifying thing for her. He really missed his mark; a Zumba class would have solved all her problems.

      Janelle blames the rest of the family for being loud to hide her discomfort with her own body. And, of course, the cause of all these bad feelings stem from society's persecuting them for being polygamists.

      Finally - I wonder if this clip is the basis of the Janelle "Should I forgive them?" preview. Janelle asks, "Should I forgive them for making me cry? Or for not running after me, like they would for Meri or Robyn?" They're still dysfunctional and have no self-awareness (or shame).

    3. Well, Janelle is right, they look bad and are embarrassing themselves whenever they try to dance or do things like this in front of others. Of course Christine and Kody are oblivious to how bad they really look. Robyn is going along with for who knows what reason. I think Meri knows they're going to look stupid and secretly agrees with Janelle.

      Good for Janelle for just walking away. If she'd had this self-esteem before maybe she would have really left for good. Somehow I think Janelle is happy with Kody, but would rather not have to see her sister wives ever.

      Christine's ideas are generally lame. Remember the big party they threw in the back yard when everyone dressed up? Yeah, that was silly too.

  31. On a completely unrelated note...Who knew that Michael Cawley of "Polgamy USA" was such a visionary. Apparently the city of Detroit is giving shipping container homes a whirl. This link shows the news article I just found.

  32. Using containers isn't new from that guy.

    Detroit has become a ghost town. Plenty of housing.

  33. I watched the first couple of seasons but I will not watch anymore of this scripted show. It's like 2 hours that I will never get back. I only come to this blog for the updates. Can't wait for the day this show is cancelled. I don't believe anything these people say. Yes, they read this blog. They need to keep their so called fans. I can't believe all the stupid things their fans say on FB. Wow, their fans are nuts just like they are. These fans think that Kody and his family are just the happiest bunch on TV. They think that this family is the role model for polygamist. IMHO, I feel that the Browns will do anything to stay on TV. If they come back crying that they need money, then someone should tell them to stop going to Disneyland so much and always taking trips. This show is so scripted. They are making money off TLC. I still don't believe that these women qualified for a brand new home on their own. Give me a break. I also feel that none of these women have any experience in fashion. Why would I buy anything from them. They don't strike me as fashion queens. They dress so tacky. Their jewelry is crap. Their fans would do better shopping at Avon. $50 for a t-shirt. LMAO. Who the hell do they think they are. I wonder how many of their fans can afford shopping in their store. Geez, can you tell that I don't like Sister Girls. I don't consider them wives, well maybe Meri.

  34. I don't think these people get together at all unless they are filming so it is contrived. First impression is they are living complete and separate lives. Watching the maraton today and Meri saying she loved loved love working with at risk youth, does that include VLL? are they at risk youth?

  35. So, I am half way watching the reruns of last season and did I hear Kody right when he said that Maddie,Aspyn, and Mykelty usually make sure everything runs smoothly with the kids? What, Princess Mariah doesn't help with the little kids?

  36. So Janelle is ready to face her demons and thinks she needs to ask Meri to join her in a few counseling sessions....this could be good...

  37. I don't understand why kody is so relieved they broke up. He after all shared his hornones multiple times still expecting a perfectly celestial relationship with three other women he shared hormones with later. No one thinks high school dating leads to marriage 90% of the time in this generation. And the people who do meet in school and eventually marry, they do so after years of knowing each other.

    I loved Madison's apartment. Much better than a dorm.

  38. what's with the new motorcycle in the garage? That is not Kody's old bike that has been in older episodes.
