
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Off Topic Thursday: Another Brown Family Road Trip for September 18, 2014

I don't know about you, but I almost miss watching Sister Wives. But then I look through their tweets and discover, maybe I don't miss them that much after all.

So what have our favorite polygamists been up to, so far this week?

Robyn sounds like she's been channeling a lovesick teenage girl...

Then again, maybe she's thinking about her first husband. At any rate, I find it a strange tweet for a supposedly happily married polygamist woman.

And TLC tweets about spending a week the Browns...I don't know, I think I would spend a week as long as that buzzkiller Robyn isn't around!

And if they take another vacay to Disneyland I'd go with them - but they have to pay for my hotel suite and my Disneyland admission!

Now let's see what Meri's been doing...First she tweets this...

then she tweets this...

Hmmm....I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Robyn tweets about love being a rose with thorns and now Meri has dizzy spells. If this was the 19th century I'd say these ladies were suffering from the "vapors". Or, maybe Kody is courting his 5th!!

Guess going back to college was just a pipe dream (ie producter inspired scripted moment) after all.

And then there's the annoying college teen tweet...
Yes Annoying One, you're right. Nothing slow about you! (insert gigantic eyeroll here)

But there's good news in Kappa Delta land. Looks like another Brown has gone Greek...

Sounds like even Mykelti is going Greek, too...

Mykelti may be tired, but she can still take the time to tweet texting rules to her followers...

Kody is way too busy retweeting, but how nice that he retweets this tweet of Janelle's. I guess he enjoys "working" vicariously through her. Wait, if you listen real close you can hear Kody telling Janelle the ABC's of selling  real estate. Always Be Closing...Always Be Closing...

Where's Alec Baldwin when you need him?

Looks like Hunter's got something on his mind, or in his stomach...That is a seriously big burger...

Another road trip...Don't these people EVER stay at home?

Ha ha, for a second I thought James Dean went on the trip, too. But that would be impossible, wouldn't it?  (Nothing is impossible in KodyBrownLand©)

I wonder what those new experiences have been? We want the details, Janelle!

Look who's getting Lasik surgery...but you should have more enthusiasm when you are shilling, Janelle! Like when you talked about putting butter and coconut oil in your coffee!

Apparently Christine stayed behind in the cul-de-sac. Looks like the Browns haven't splurge on a swimming pool yet. Why spend money when you can impose on your neighbor Bill for free? Right Christine?
Must be a slow news day in the cul-de-sac...I'm surprised Christine didn't tweet a picture.

And on the TLC Sister Wives Facebook fanpage, looks like a mystery Brown child is on display...I wonder who it is (I think from the eyes it's Hunter)

On the Darger's Facebook page, they are talking about something called "Man Camp." Is it just me or are those guys intentionally trying to look like thugs?

And Brady Williams and Bunch celebrated a birthday party recently. Let's hope they don't become obsessed with throwing ridiculous parties for Brady like what happens with the Kody Brown Krew©.

Outside the world of reality, looks like Julie Chen has a polygamist or two in her family closet. Much thanks to HockeyMom for this tasty tidbit!

The Talk's Julie Chen: 'My Grandfather was a Polygamist'

And that's all for now!


  1. Things to ponder:

    Did Joe give the boys laminated man cards after their weekend of learning how to be men? Is it a requirment of plural marriage that all birthday celebrations must involve grown ups wearing costumes?
    Does occasionally tweeting about a supposed profession really mean you are working and making income (yes, Janelle, I am talking about you!)? Do the Brown women really think Kody reads their tweets and understands the underlying 'message' they are trying to send him? Would any sane person seriously agree to spend a week with the Browns in an RV?

    Just sayin.

    1. Aw, come on, CPA Carol,
      You are not suggesting that our Mensa maven, Janelle, would be be puffing up her tweets with less than the truth. Say it ain't so !! Ha !!!

    2. Love is not an EquationSeptember 18, 2014 at 3:43 PM

      "Would any sane person seriously agree to spend a week with the Browns in an RV?"

      When I read TLC's tweet about spending a week with the Browns, I was actually hoping it was a teaser of a 'Wife Swap' type scenario that they are considering for the show. I don't know who would agree to do it, but with the right person, it could be hilarious to watch.

  2. Spend a week living with the Browns or road tripping in RV's with them?

    Door #3! I choose door #3! It's a llama with raging diarrhea? OK, still better than spending a week with the Browns. I'll keep the runny llama!

    Rules for texting a girl: 1) Don't take 40 minutes to reply. 2) Use good grammar. 3) Ask Questions. 4) Always use the smiley face.

    Well, there will be no more texts from Janelle or Mariah! U no wht i mean rite?

    LASIK. So ready 4 this. Met with @lasikofnv -really impressed w/ them.

    Plyggie translation of "I'm really impressed with them": They are going to do it for free if we film it for the show.

    Paedon had an ingrown toe nail. And the doctor just ripped off the whole nail!

    So Truely almost dies of dehydration and neglect but you take your son to the doctor for an ingrown toenail? A. TOE. NAIL. Well that just makes perfect Plyggie sense.....

    How can so much love and so much pain exist in one single moment?

    Put away the Celine Dion cd and stop watching Lifetime movies. You are too old for this junior high crap. You chose to enter into a sexual relationship with a married man. That just never goes well. Or was she just talking about picking at her eye scum?

    1. Snark, thank you for the funniest image in my head as I turn in early tonight. (For the record, I just might pick the llama, too. So funny!)

  3. Looking at the above picture of Meri holding her Mother' Day gift...all I see is the sign reading: "True Love Story Never"! Too funny for words and that sums it up for me. I love his blog!

  4. Robyn and Meri with "the vapors"...that is so funny (and true!).
    Also, I know the Browns love doing PR for free or discounted things but laser eye surgery?! That doctor must be sorely in need of clients if he thinks having the the Browns do his a good thing. Doesn't he realize they'll promote anything & everything as long they get something free?

  5. For me; that Robyn tweet is about death. My 95 yo grandmother passed away this week, and that moment was just like that: so much love and so much pain.
    - FreeChristine

    1. I might agree with you on that but Robyn is always so passive agressive to Kody and the other women that for her, she want's them to know her pain...I am hurting....I am frail...I cannot eat....I am up at all hours alone.

  6. A very quick comment to Robyn.
    Dear Robyn:
    Love doesn't hurt. If you are being hurt by the man you love or the women he sleeps with, then you are in an abusive relationship. Even though he may not hit you, he is hurting you emotionally or mentally by leaving you and spending time with the other women...this time away leaves you bruised and jealous...this is not love. You think that love is like a rose but all roses come with thorns, remember, comparing love to a rose is a metaphor and the metaphor you made is that love is nice and I like the idea of love because it is beautiful but it hurts...if I touch it, I bleed. I do believe it is time for you to evaluate your own mental condition and decide what it is that allows you and your boyfriend's wife and his other girlfriends to stay in the unstable and very painful relationship.

  7. Another thing that has crossed my mind is the similarity between all the wives...well some of the wives. Christine and Janelle for instance, Aspyn is Christine's daughter but in the selfie with Janelle, she looks a lot like Janelle. Then, Kody and Meri look a lot a like. Robyn and Meri both have that resting bitch face thing going on. In fact, Meri and Mariah look like Kody in drag. I know that is mean. Janelle and Christine's kids have such soft features. Anyway, my point is the roots of the family trees may be a little mingled up in there. I am also happy that Janelle and Christine's girls are immersing themselves into college life. If there's one thing I have learned being an educator at a university is that students who become involved in various clubs etc. usually stay put for the duration.

    1. It appears that the Resting Bitch Face gene is pretty strong in Kody (he-bitch?), Meri and Mariah. All three of them look pissed unless smiling.
      Sobbin's RBF is more of an unfortunate combination of a down-turned mouth and a prominent, long, Jay Leno-like chin, coupled with down-turned eyes and an overall displeased look. And worse yet, her whole mental/emotional outlook seems to match her facial expression.

    2. "Meri and Mariah look like Kody in drag"

      Ow! Ow! Coffee out my nose!!!! LMAO!!!!

      I never realized it before! You are so right!!!

    3. Amused--"he-bitch"--perfect! That describes Kodouche to a T!!!

    4. It looks to me like Kody's daughters, minus Yisabel(Christine's), maybe Savannah and Madison(Janelle's) all look like Kody in drag. Kody genes are really strong in Aspyn, Truly, Mykelti and Mariah. They look just like him. Gwendolyn inherited his need for attention.

    5. Yes, indeed, Meri really does often come off as Kody in drag.
      Even down to the haystack hairdo.

      Now why would anyone want to do that??
      Hmmm... guess it is all down to the things you do for love!!

    6. Perhaps they all have similar features because they all seem to be related from several generations back.

    7. anonymous 2:27 what proof do you have that they are all related ?

  8. Wonder if Robyn has entered the 'Mom of a Teenage Girl' phase? Their hormones are much worse than the 'testosterone monster' that Kody labeled Hunter. She might be at the 'love them, but don't like them much phase'. Or, yes, she might be at the 'honeymoon has worn off phase' with Kody, or vice-versa.... or just polygamy in general since her first marriage was monogamous.

  9. meri's tweet about the grass being greener when it's watered was a good one. i think she is waiting for the sow to end to leave

    1. I think she's waiting to leave too. Maybe she'll stay married to Kody, but she won't stay in Vegas.

  10. Note to Joe Darger: You know very little about being a "man" or a "father." If you did, you would not be sleeping with 3 women and pretending you are married to all of them. My father had more integrity in his little toenail than you will ever have...and even the toenail is giving you and all the other plyg men out there too much credit.

  11. Thank you for the laughs everyone! They were very needed today.

  12. Roses and Thorns=Love and Pain--Maybe Meri didn't pursue her college "dream" just so Robyn could have her boutique dream. She gave up everything for Robyn (as Kody expected) and suddenly she can't help out with the "bizness" because she's allergic to the product and having dizzy spells. Robyn spent so much time manipulating Meri and Kody. She thought she had Meri right where she wanted her; doing all her work while she spends time doodling and baby making. Robyn might have to do some work herself. Work=thorns and pain

  13. I love it Mr Spock! "My father had more integrity in his little toenail......" Did you see that Papa Joe took his daughter to Seaworld on a Dad and Daughter date? and the comment that was made re the adverse publicity that Seaworld has had? Joe only knows what is happening in his insular plyg world....

  14. MrSpock, I agree with you. My husband has more "man", "father", and now "grandfather" in his little toe nail tip than Kody has in his entire body and definitely in his entire mind. He is such a simpleton. Every time I see him strut around before claiming to some merchant or others that he has wives...and then he says they see this cool surfer looking dude...(in his mind)...and then they think or give me that look like "your the man." That shows his simpleton ideas. He and the women are so locked in that adolescent mentality of how gender and sexuality are in reality and how they are in a PLYGS mind. Their ideas of "how does he handle all of us" compared to our ideas of "how can he afford to support all those kids or spend time with all those kids." Their idea is sex and the bedroom while ours is the parenting and the relationship building. When others ask how he balances his time between wives, Meri says, hey, we don't do kink or Kody sternly will look at the camera and say we don't let the cameras in our bedroom...they think we are consumed with his sex with the wives when we are screaming at the TV, dude, you have not picked up that baby one time since the filming don't even talk to your kids...your wives are hurting...damn fool.

    1. Meri (and Kody sometimes) says "we don't go weird," not we don't do kink. I think it's an important distinction because it implies that homosexual behavior is weird.

  15. Why do 'men' need to go to the woods to learn how to 'be a man and father'? Stay home, establish a good work ethic through housework, yard work, and workforce work. Geez! They didn't learn how to be a man at camp! They maybe learned to start a fire and pitch a tent....anyone can do that with a match and directions! I am not impressed Joe Darger...but I guess your wives have to compete for your divine attention so they brag on sad. They could have stated that he spent some quality time with his sons 'being a good father' instead of inflating his already large ego.

  16. Does anyone know the identity/connection of the lady in the red dress in the VanLadyLove pix? Just wondering.

    1. I don't know, but she'd better watch out for Meri!

    2. That ideology present in the polygamous' lives where there is special date night for one wife with the husband then another special date night.....; then there's the special night with Christine's adult children or special day with the pixies, well, it's not like Kody is so busy earning a living or contributing to the sick, afflicted, or poor. He is dividing his time between four women and the children of the women so how can they see this as being an ideal situation. Christine's kids see him every fourth night unless Robyn's having a baby and, of course, she gets more time. Then, once the new baby arrives, then Robyn gets more time cause there's a new baby. So, ideally, every four nights but reality is contingent upon his love for her at any given moment, the state of the other women, his need for down and quiet time, etc. Once he said that at each of his wives' homes there was something unique: Food in Christine's kitchen; grown up talk with Janelle; X with Robyn; and peace and quiet and organization at Meri's. Here is what I believe happens: Christine sees him only after she hounds the crap out of him or makes some terrible faux food that he comes to eat and then leaves; Janelle gets him when they are palling around; Robyn when he wants to stretch his heterosexual activity; Meri for all the other time...peace, quiet, organization. I think that is why they all say they don't get to see him enough because he hides out. If any of you have ever been a single parent, you may know what it's like when the children's father comes over to pick them up for the weekend or when the grandparents come by. They all want to be front and center. My son use to run and get all of his cars so he could show his dad and my daughter kept saying, daddy, daddy, daddy. Of course, my children's father only came around every blue moon and my parents were dead so the only grandparents were his parents and they, like him, only came to visit every great once in a while. I sort of visualize a similar situation when Kody visits his wives. In fact, we've seen it when he was at Janelle's and his boys were fighting. That was for attention. He comes to visit, the wives run the kids to the bedroom, the kids scream and act out, he gets pissed and leaves. Or he says, look, I'm going to Meri's until they go to sleep. Kody doesn't strike me as a hands on father. So, for him and probably other plygs, their time with the kids is well planned and it involves some lesson such as Imma gonna show you how to be a man....Imma gonna tell you about kissing. You know, how do they take these men serious. Really. My daughter said to me years after she was grown, "Mom, I loved it when Dad came to visit but I never felt like he saw me or that he knew me." She was right. Same with Kody's kids.

    3. @RunKody, spot on with your post. You can just see that the kids are all so starved from attention from Kody, particularly Christine's younger kids and Robyn's. Then you see the older kids who are over it like Maddie, Mykelti, Aspyn, and Logan. It is all so sad.

    4. I think the woman in red was the award presenter.

  17. I would love to have a sit down with Mr. Bill to get his true insight/opinion into the Browns. He looks like he's ready for all these dang kids to get out of his pool.

    1. Is it just me or does that water looking a bit yellowish?

    2. I feel really bad for the neighbors. I have a hard time saying no and could just imagine how awful it would be if a dozen neighbor kids were always begging to use my pool.

      I really don't get why the Browns didn't put a pool at one of the houses, it would have gotten a lot more use than Meri's wet bar.

    3. Hot tubs are dangerous for children and especially dangerous for children under 5. So, of course, Christine tweets this picture with at least 3 very young children in a hot tub.

    4. Grifter, I was thinking the same thing. Plus, I don't know about you guys and maybe it's just me, but isn't it creepy to have all those kids in a hot tube with an old man. He probably is just as cool and sweet as can be but really?

    5. When I see Mr. Bill in the pool/hottub/whatever I don't think of him as creepy. I just see him as the only adult supervising. Once again all the moms can't be bothered to participate and supervise their own hoard of children and pass the responsibility off to someone else. He probably feels like he can't say no to all these kids who get very little adult attention. He also probably doesn't want to be held responsible in case someone gets hurt. You know the Browns have no problem with the court system.

    6. I thought that pic was creepy too, especially since the Brown kids aren't even related to Mr. Bill. I'm sure he's a great guy, but there's no way I'd let my kids be in a hot tub with my elderly neighbor - no freaking way.

    7. I'm not sure Mr. Bill is the best babysitter. I would not allow babies to be in my hot tub. Very dangerous.

    8. It looks like Mr. Bill has some of his grandkids or kids in the Jacuzzi too? Mr, Bill is most likely in the jacuzzi to keep the kids safe. It is probably not creepy but I would have to meet him to know for sure. I have a pool/jacuzzi and have a rule that whenever there are a lot of people over the kids 4 and under must wear a life jacket. I don't care if parents say their kid can swim or they will watch them. It only takes a few seconds to sink to the bottom. Little kids don't usually stay in the hot tub long so they are probably fine. I can imagine that the Browns don't bring food, towels, drinks etc. over there. I know what that is like. It also costs a lot to replenish chlorine/saline needed to clean the pool after a group like that comes over.

  18. I get the feeling the "going back to college" was a made-up storyline. If Meri were going to UNLV, there would be tweets about it. Instead she is following VLL around Utah and tweeting morose messages.

    Was anything from these past few seasons real?

    1. Yes, it is well-past time for TLC/Meri/Robyn/Kody to come clean (perhaps they could use poor Mr. Bill's hot tub) about 1) Is Meri going to college? If not, why not? If so, where ?, 2) What was Robyn's "big" announcement? , and 3) Kody, how do YOU earn money for your family---specifically?

    2. Meri is 45 years old, what is she waiting for?

    3. Sadly, I think the only real element on the show for ages (maybe since the second episode!) is the kids. I think most of them are refreshingly genuine. For the most part, they also seem to have a pretty good read on the poor relationships between the adults.

      Oh, and Robyn's eye boogies. Cause why on earth would you make that up? Blech.

    4. classes have started at unlv. meri is tweeting about dizzy spells. i dont think she is going back to school

    5. If Meri is not going back to school, then I truly feel bad for her, for I felt that school would be a great way for Meir to grow as a person, and get away from that stifling, ingrown environment.

    6. Ya if Meri was going to school, she would definitely be tweeting about late night reading, writing, studying, researching & homework assignments. And how its challenging since she hasn't been in school for a long time.

    7. But remember.....
      we heard NOTHING about the status of Janelle's "real estate career" via tweets or on the show for the last year or so..*until*.... there were comments about the lack of on the blogs.
      And then, right on laughably predictable cue....Janelle has started dropping her "I am so busy doing my realtor thing" tweets. Janelle, you aren't fooling anyone.

      So about Meri....
      Now that it is noted that the fall semester has begun, and all we currently know about Meri is that she is still doing road trips, still getting her kicks fantasizing about VLL picking her as their #1 go-to groupie, AND she is having dizzy spells. (vapors) But not a peep or tweet about *school !*
      So can we now expect a sudden flurry of tweets from Meri about the rigors and joy of being in the adult continuing education college program.
      Should we have a lottery on just how quickly Meri's school tweets will now start...?
      Will she be as prompt and predicable as Janelle was in the tweeting of cya?

    8. Amused, I believe we'll either get the flurry of tweets you describe OR we'll get some vague, nebulous comments about life making decisions for you and having to roll with it even if it means forgoing your dreams. Maybe she'll even imply that these changes are the result of some exciting new Brown family news that never materializes.

    9. Regina,

      Yes indeed...... it will be either be 'Yeah for me and school," or "Poor, poor me, another missed dream" ...sniff, sniff!!
      They all are sooooo predictable !!

  19. Of, course, to respond to myself, none of those things will happen---unless accompanied by either 1) tears or 2) stonewalling.

    1. You're so right, Spock.
      At this point and several years into this gig. TLC along with the Kody and Co, have no reason or motivation to change up from the recipe of tears, stonewalling and pure BS.
      Obviously, this faux agenda and scripting has worked well enough to keep the ratings numbers flush enough to attract and maintain sponsors.

      That really is the bottom line for the producers and for the Kodyworld players.
      Forget credibility and scruples, it is, and always has been, all about the $$$$.

  20. Cynical Jinx,
    I love the comment that Christine runs the boy to the doctor for an ingrown toenail but lets her baby girl almost die from dehydration. It's nice to know that for the Browns, it's what they see and the noise the kids make that gets the attention.

    1. Agreed, runKodyrun. Mariah has certainly learned to make noise to get attention! Maybe when you combine that many kids with clueless parents, only the really obvious things get noticed.

  21. I watched the episode today from season 4 where the adults are at the mexican food place (all eating high calorie deserts) discussing THE HOMES. Should they put money down? They take a vote (like a jury as per Kody) Meri has a long sullen face before they even start talking about it. Boy does she turn on the tears. She talks about not getting as many perks because she has one child..but her perks were the kids essentials in those days. I wish that if they come back that they would discuss their real relationships. Seems that topic could fill a year round show.

  22. Anon 7:04, I remember that episode and all the others in which Meri cries about some thinking she shouldn't get the nicer things because she only has the one kid and she also has said, and I buy nice things because I take care of my things....which is a passive aggressive way of saying you guys tear your shit up and I take care of mine so I should buy the more expensive this or that. During the building of the houses, she kept justifying that it wasn't her choice to have only one child ergo she should not be penalized by getting a smaller less than house. So, her budget is the same as the other wives' budget and her house as big etc. That is one of the examples of how polygamy didn't make her a better her jealousy over what her sister wives have been given biologically--all those kids--she demands to have equal or better or the same size or bigger. Any other female living in a communal setting would not really see it that way, I don't think so anyway. I think most women and probably men too decide their living space not based on what others need but what they need for their family. So, it's surprising that Meri needs all those rooms. I do realize that there is that whole thing about resale and so forth but there is some more pressing and that is the money paid for the house and the strain on the communal budget. Instead of thinking long term, she is thinking like a child...if they get it then so will I. Every time they say polygamy makes them better people, I want to hurl.

    1. I also think Meri's huge, waste of money and space house was just as much Kody's doing as hers. It's the only house Kody "owns" legally and he sure wouldn't want his "wives" to have nicer homes than him!

    2. 100%. I would bet that Kody let Meri take the fall for that one, but I'm sure he was pulling the strings in the background. If he hadn't wanted those features in the house, Meri quite simply wouldn't have been able to get them.

    3. NotMakingSenseB4MyButterCoffeeSeptember 21, 2014 at 6:12 AM

      It's sad that in the polygamy community, her worth in life is tied directly to the number of children she has. She knows this. Her sister wives know this. Kody knows this. This is something that is unspoken in front of her but spoken loudly by the number of children prancing around and by Robyn's comment about when she was preggers that the pregnancy was a manifestation of their love or some BS like that. Would Meri really want 5 or 6 children? She will never know because that was never an option for her. However, she gets to at least protest her situation because she didn't have a choice on the number of children she could have "naturally". No one could say out loud that Meri shouldn't have as large of a house because she doesn't have the need or children. And again, this ties into a women's self worth which they all try to deny and act like they are progressive.

    4. NotMakingSenseB4MyButterCoffee

      It is very sad. She knows that she is held in lower esteem than the women her husband has fathered many children with. I've always thought that was the source of her bitter unhappiness.

      The irony is that she's the only one who could actually afford to support herself and her one child. The rest of them can have them but can't support them.

      Polygamy is completely dysfunctional.

  23. Why would a famous television star tweet "ew people are annoying" when she aspires to become a doctor -- where there's sure to be a ton of annoying and very ill people and their families that will be depending on her to make them well? I can just see it -- "Doctor, it hurts really bad when I breathe!" Says Dr. Brown, "Well then don't breathe!!!"

    1. If it's not Mariah complaining about annoying people or someone turning up the heat, it's her mother complaining about jewelry allergies and dizzy spells. They need to stop.

    2. Mariah has lived an extremely sheltered life, which in my opinion, has resulted in a pretty immature adult. Her reactions are juvenile, and her selfish tantrums seem more at the level of a junior high school student than a 20-something college student. Of all the Brown children, she seems to have had the hardest time coping with the culture outside of the AUB.

      As I'm typing this, it has occurred to me that Mariah is not that unlike three of her mothers, all of which have lived pretty sheltered lives inside the protective walls of their church. Mary, Christine and Robyn are all exceptionally immature and self-centered. Their world view is opening up a little bit since they moved to LV, but not much. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess.

  24. CJ, I hope you got a screen cap of the tweet that Kody posted of himself, swigging down some kind of coconut drink, in front of a large poster of a body-builder type woman. When I looked just now, he had taken it down, and left the comment: "Oops! Ya know...that pic was just too tacky. Sorry :-/" I'm surprised he even realized that it was tacky, considering all the other tacky stuff we've seen from this family.
