
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Off Topic Saturday: Assorted Tweets and Other Odds for July 12, 2014

Truely before she took scissors to her hair...

Let's take a look at what's been happening with the Brown's this week via Twitter...

Strangely enough, Robyn doesn't tweet in between shows anymore. I suppose she's way too busy with MSWC...wink wink nudge nudge!

So what has Meri been tweeting this week?

Really? People are being jerks to Kody? No way, I say. Why, he is the personification of human husbandry and fine parenting. Not to mention he's so adept at emptying an RV waste tank.

Sometimes I wonder about Meri. For example, which tweets does she keep private and which does she broadcast to her followers. And even more important, why?

And why do the wives tweet about having insomnia all the time? I'm thinking it's code that it wasn't Kody's night at their house. I wonder if Meri was scoping the cul-de-sac with binoculars? Hmmmm....

It seems Maddie is still getting use to being on her own at college.

Oh yeah, my roommate and I had to make those same hard decisions. We'd just  pick up the phone and order pizza. Saturday night in the dorm was always pizza night (the cafeteria was closed on the weekend). The leftovers we had for brunch the next day. But if your goal is to look good, going to bed hungry sometimes work. Oh to hell with looking good...ORDER PIZZA MADDIE!

I think I'm reliving my first weeks away from home when I went to college. She's so refreshing to read...

You will soon get over this. Trust me.

Nothing new from Kody except for retweets. Maybe he's working hard at being CEO of MSWC...or maybe he's taking a nap...Amazing how he never complains about insomnia...

Ah yes. Janelle making personal endorsements, this time for a line of sports bras and Spanx...

Good deal, Janelle. But we kind of assumed you showered regularly. Kody, on the other hand...

But how long do we have to wait? Let's hope it will be soon, because most women lose more than 25 pounds in 2 years and may not need plus size by the time your line of clothes finally appears on MSWC...just keepin' it real.

Oh dear, Janelle stop listening to the refrigerator! It's the devil I tell you! Next thing you know, you'll be eating all the leftovers. GET OUT OF THERE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!

See what I mean? What's the deal with the insomnia tweets?

Now "in charge" of marketing for MSWC, Christine is taking her job seriously.

(I remember seeing a scarf like that in my Great Grandmother's closet!!!)

Oh, oh...Somebody left a four year old alone with the paper scissors. Imagine if Truely had chopped off Kody's hair instead!!!!!!

Well, if it's any consolation Christine, I did cut off my eyebrows when I was 4...

Checking out for other polygamists in the news lately...

Poor Brady Williams and families have been very quiet on social media since the announcement of their filing for bankruptcy.

There's nothing recent on their Twitter account, but there is an interesting read on their blog, Brady Speaks.

Do I Love?

And if you needed confirmation of Season 2 of  'My Five Wives', here's a picture of their producer from their Facebook page...

And then there's this posting, which in the old days would automatically get you banned for life on AOL forums (now defunct)  if you included age and sex...

While Brady is keeping very quiet about the bankruptcy on social media,  if you want to read more, here's a link to yet another article...

'My Five Wives’: Brady Williams reveals bankruptcy

And while we are on the subject of Bankruptcy, under the subtab Crime Does Not Pay, it looks like the Teresa and Juicy Joe Giudice's (Real Housewives of NJ reality stars) sentencing for bankruptcy fraud etc has been delayed until September due to the passing of Joe's father a few months ago.

Read more about it here: Teresa Giudice dodges questions about her upcoming prison sentencing and legal woes in new interview


  1. Thank you Iphant. I appreciate it!

  2. Truly has the right idea. My sister had wispy hair like that and my mother cut it very short and in no time at all she had much thicker, healthier hair.

  3. One of our daughters once did a hatchet job on her hair too. She cut her bangs and sides right down to the hairline and looked like a newly hatched bird for many weeks.

  4. People in public? on facebook? what is Meri talking about? Their numbers are down for viewership. Is this the start of explaining away (it's some anti pygs fault) their show has failed and people no longer love the Brown's? Kody has been center stage in the story lines and this season seems more so the Kody show. Fans don't like what they see in too much Kody? O poor them.

  5. I understand the insomnia thing- now that I'm in my mid-40's, I seem to have "hormonal insomnia" sometimes. It seems to be right around my time of the month- drives me crazy and is exhausting!

  6. Thanks, CJ, for the link about Teresa and Joe Giudice.
    Such a shame for those kids.

    It will be surprising if Teresa gets actual prison time. I'm thinking extended house arrest and then long probation with extensive future fines for both.
    Joe probably *will* do time. At one point the prosecution was talking deportation for Joe, but that may now be off the table. The parents did these crimes, but those poor kids will pay a heavy price too.

  7. Kody with 3 pre menopausal women....that will be big fun

  8. About that scarf pictured.....
    There is a small Lawn and Garden Center nearby with the usual stuff.....fertilizer, seed, lawn tools, etc. In the back of the store, there are a couple of racks displaying gardening gloves, hats...and lo and behold, there is a rack with these scarves.
    These *EXACT* scarves !! All hanging there with the lawn stuff.
    Several colors, *including the one* shown in the Tweet !!
    There is a basket beside the rack with a pile of the scarves all packaged in cheap flat plastic envelopes. Price.... $8.50..!!!
    And just think, no S&H and no waiting time from MSWC.
    There must have been a nationwide wholesale clearance on those scarves !!

    1. Made in China, no doubt.

    2. $21.99 on their site, not including shipping, for the silver lace scarf.

    3. Yep.....and no doubt there are diehard fans who will buy them at that bloated price for two reasons.
      1- Delusional fans will spend their money for this cheap junk in order to "help" the Browns in their never-ending hour of need. If only these fans realized they (and the rest of us) have already "helped" the Browns through the years when they scammed the system and the bankruptcy process. We all have already *given* to the Browns !!

      But true to form, the Browns remain quite good at working in the "poor me, poor us, and now our poor college-bound kids" aspect. Janelle finally quit whimpering her pitiful "we have finite resources" line once they all gleefully moved into their McMansions. However, they all continue to find ways to poor-mouth left and right.
      Now their "alms for the poor" is for yet another business.They "need help" again to survive. Now the Browns are begging that "somebody" needs to cough up thousands, if not a couple of million bucks, because they "need" it.
      Hey wait, Kody, listen up.....
      Maybe a few of the TLC execs themselves would consider investing in SUCH a cutting edge, dynamite business opportunity ??
      Come on, TLC !!!!...Bail out your stars !!!!
      They "need" help beyond the show's continuing checks.

      2- On a lighter and head-shaking note, some of the SW sycophants probably will buy that dime a dozen scarf because Sobbin has taken to wearing scarves this season. How anyone would want to mimic her style as if she is has any fashion savvy at all is beyond puzzling.
      Could there really be folks out there who would want to dress like Sobbin ??

    4. My Sister Wife's Rummage Sale.

    5. Oh, Dakota. You read me like a poem. I suggest...
      My Sister Wife's Sore: Your one stop shop for when you need a gift that never stops giving.
      Tag line: haven't you ever wanted to look through the woman who shares your husband's bed medical records? Borrow a scarf or lipstick to cover all the unique communal diseases and lesions that each wife shares?
      Now you can!

    6. Maybe Sobbin is doing the scarf thing lately to cover up Sperm King's passionate neck bites. You know.....good ol' "hickeys." !!

    7. I own a clothing boutique and just ordered Fall scarves this morning. There are SO many wholesale websites with beautiful scarves, why they picked the ugliest scarves known to man is beyond me.... I won't even go into the watches. They are so out of touch with what in in style and on trend it's unbelievable. They could make a killing if they actually ordered stuff people wanted.

  9. Is there a way to find out how much Brady and his family were paid for their past season? They deleted a bunch of facebook posts about the bankruptcy but when someone called them out for it, they stopped. There are a few posts there now but no one from the family has responded to them.

    1. It is very difficult to find out what these people make, as they are to keep it confidential. But I do know that the cast of Breaking Amish season 1 made 5000 per episode, so they get 30000 for 6 episodes. This was confirmed by Melissa Westover who is the mother of Kym who was on the first season. TLC is cheap, I do not for a minute believe that SisterWives are making huge amounts of money either, once it is divided up. Brady and Wives are only in the second season as of this fall, so they would get more than they did in season 1. I would be very interested to see what CJ thinks that they are making. John and Kate did well I believe, but they also had ratings close to 10 million on at least one episode. Sisterwives were down from 2million to only 1.2 million after last episode, at least that is what I read. At any rate they all seem to blow the money except for Mama June!!!

    2. Will that income have to be listed in the bancruptcy papers?

    3. Pollyanna I'm guessing that Melissa Westover wasn't telling the truth, because TLC would be on her like a ton of bricks. Just like they were with Jon Gosselin. The pay for reality TV show participants is more secret than Col. Sanders' 17 herbs and spices.

    4. I think 5k for the entire season is more likely.

  10. I feel so embarrassed for that girl on My Five Wives named Tailee. Why would they name her this? So strange.

    1. When you have a few hundred first cousins the grandparents like all their grandchildren to have a different name. Mormons LDS or fundamentalist have a unique way of coming up with names for kids. Perhaps they wanted to honor a relative with a T name so they changed Kailee to Tailee? There is a lot of merging and combining and unique spellings.

  11. Maybe the insomnia is a side effect of the green stuff they all drink. Get lots of exercise, avoid napping during the day and eat healthy and insomnia should be reduced. As for Maddie, I remember going to bed hungry when I lived in the dorm and those first months living on my own. A rite of passage. I hope we see more of her in upcoming episodes.

    1. ya know what? I hope we DON'T see more of Maddie, Logan, Aspyn, Mykelti, Mariah or any of the other kids who've gone to college. I want them to have a NORMAL college life, not in front of the camera, not play acting for their parents. That seems to be what Logan wants anyway.

      Let them have a normal college life. Please.

    2. I totally agree, DJ !!
      There has been enough exploiting and invading of their privacy.
      Let them just have a life !!

    3. Maddie should be careful about mentioning she lives alone. There are a lot of weirdos out there. I hope her apartment or dorm has security.

    4. My university had a small food bank for students who had no food. Pasta, bread, peanut butter and jelly, cereal, stuff like that. Just something for them to get by until they got a job or long-awaited funds came in. I don't know how many took advantage of it, but it seemed to be a great idea.

    5. maddie has a job, so i think she was just being lazy. i know that before i got married, going shopping frequently seemed like too much work (guess who does the shopping now) and i just ordered chinese on many a night.
      i didn't have a job when i was an undergraduate, but i had generous parents and when a friend was in dire straits financially, i sometimes bought them food for a few days. i wasn't the only one either. i don't think we had a foodbank, though. let's face it, eating well can be a challenge when you're 18, strapped for cash and away from home for the first time.

  12. Surprise, surprise. If you do a Google image search for the gray scarf, you can see it was bought from the wholesaler They recently had a trade show in Las Vegas!
    They will not give you prices unless you are a verified wholesaler. "This website is for authorized wholesaler customers only. We will contact you shortly. Once you are verified you will be able to see our prices and place orders."

    1. why does that not surprise me? Scarves - don't take up much room, probably cheap, easy and cheap to ship (although I'm sure they're still charging up the ying yang for the shipping too).

      I bet they got those oh-so-hard to find "plus size workout clothes" at the same trade show.

    2. I just signed up to be a vendor. Some of their scarves are actually pretty cute. I can't believe they ordered the most dowdy scarves they could find.......

  13. That name is dreadful, shame on Nonie for naming her that, and Brady for allowing it.

    1. Shame on Nonie's mother for naming her Nonie. Makes her sound like a grandmother-several of my friends are Nona to their grands.

  14. Now, this Meri complaining thing, she may be tired of people coming down on Kody, but that is part of being in the public eye! Just because she and the other wives think he is sooo special and "kewl", doesn't mean the viewers do! This is part of putting yourself out there. Deal with it. We comment on what we SEE and HEAR. I just don't like her much.

  15. I'm with you Amused.The Browns just take and take and steal yet they have gall to cry poor mouth whilst making very good money for reading lines and exploiting their family. They're too lazy to think for themselves. And if I have to hear one more time about all the college tuition they have ahead of them, I'll hang out at The Magic Kingdom for a couple of days and cut Charlie Manson juniors pony tail off myself. I would probably attempt the forehead swastika as well if Meri didn't sit on me in time. Why doesn't anyone ask these fiscal maestros how they were planning on funding college tuition before their faux reality show? That's because they had absolutely no intention of paying it and the younger children will be on their own by the time they graduate highschool as these selfish dullards have no intention of saving for the future.

    And since the perpetually childish Browns can afford to visit Disney every other week it seems, why don't they " sacrifice" and gift a few of those Disney trips to some needy families in Utah. Probably the same families who were responsible, held steady jobs, lived within their means and didn't screw creditors and the taxpayers over. I guess paying it forward is not part of their religion. I don't think I've ever seen more selfish "religious" people in my life. I'm just amazed at how charlatans like the Browns & Williams come out on top. The Williams should be charged with theft and made to pay back their debts. This is so incredibly blatant, dishonest & in your face fraud that it's shocking. If they get away with this bankruptcy, I'll lose it. Theft is theft & that's what they're attempting.

    1. You can repossess stuff but you can't repossess the memory of a Disney trip.

    2. Or the the Brown's case, 50 trips. You can't reposses a college degree either and the money for the former certainly could have helped pay for the latter.

    3. Kelly, I hear you.

      The Browns have exhausted their storyline of need. If they really were that concerned with providing for their children, they would show some evidence of future planning for those children's education. Instead, they candidly show that they are people (by belief) who have and will engage in entitlement programs. Christine's crass statement about "liking to get things for free" may have been a slip of the tongue, but only in the fact that she actually said out loud, with camera rolling, what definitely IS their life MO.

      If college was/is desired for their kids, without TLC, likely they would have expected to get full aid. The TLC money probably shut the door on that possibility for now.
      But when the show ride is over, no doubt they will easily return to their former methods.
      I wonder if it ever has occurred to them that there are many parents who would have wanted to have more children IF they could have personally afforded to properly care for them ???
      As for the Williams....their deal is really infuriating.
      We had to watch pure BS during their first season of "Please, please -pretty please...can I have another baby. And can I have one too !!! Oh, and can I adopt a baby while we are at it".....WTH !!
      And then watching poor, moody Brady spending his precious free time taking philosophy courses while the wives take turns being depressed because they didn't get their anniversary get-away trip, or their special anniversary ring, or birthday celebration. Meanwhile... he/ they were going under...towards bankruptcy !!! HUH !!??

      Brady, If you are/ were in that much of a hole financially and are now telling the tabloids that you can't afford to feed your 24 kids (minus the one married) and five wives and yourself... and have next to nothing in savings or checking.....then why all the baby talk and special celebrations??!!
      The Browns and the Williams should just join forces, form their own compound and share their woes and frebbies.

    4. Amused... I wish there were a way to send this comment to the bankruptcy court in whatever county they have filed! Wouldn't the judge have some food for thought if all of the 5 "wives" show content were pointed out to him/her! Totally agree with you about the Williams fraud and how infuriating that it is.

      Weren't they billed as a responsible family who had their shit together? WTH.

    5. I believe that Christine's statement which went something like "We're polygamysts, of course we like to get things for free." is really the true Brown family mission statement.

      They spent so much time and energy creating the statement they celebrated at the end of the last filming. Christine was the one who wanted it. She has come up with a few winners herself. My other top choice for Brown Mission Statement. "We shouldn't get too much (money) because we could get lazy and complacent."

      Christine is either being fed really good mission statement lines bly the writers, or she is telling it like it is.

    6. The Williams always seemed to be eating soup. The kid's favorite meal at another moms house, they all said soup. They also said thy spent 4 grand on groceries.

    7. Amused - To all of the above YES! Apparently neither of these families have any sort of self awareness, which baffles me to both their popularity and chutzpah. So instead of saving and sacrificing like all the other sharks, the future of the Brown children is all on the shoulders of the viewers of their scripted reality show. Get out your credit cards and buy til it hurts and in the mean time Kody and The Gang will have the time of their lives..all the time..right in front of their faces. That's greed being displayed by the not so savvy. They should get together with the Williams' and write a book about that. How many of us (and their disillusioned fans) would have LOVED to take the kids in our lives to Disney once a year, but we had bills to pay, food to put on the table, extra curricular school programs to fund, orthodontists and on and on? Or to sweep our significant other off on special anniversary trips, out to dinner at great restaurants and broadway shows or cross country vacations? But we couldn't do it at the drop of a hat because we were responsible enough to not quit jobs on a whim and our priorities were where they should be - providing for our family. Yet they seem (the Browns for the present time, although I'm sure Brady & Co will soon follow) to feel entitled to all of these ridiculously expensive perks all whilst having more children than they could afford just a few years ago. The cherry on top of this shit sundae is everyone is supposed to fund their life and it's even worse now as they've got a teevee show and are still expecting the public to fund them. And just to be clear this is not jealousy on my part, or probably anyone else who questions their money management. We saved and took a couple of nice family vacations. My kids got to go to Disney with their high school band and they earned it. That's another thing these leeches are teaching their children: money for nothing or how to screw the taxpayer and creditors so you can always have the things you want when you want them. I know the kids are not doing anything wrong, but they're certainly being shown the ropes if they should find themselves with 500 children in the future. Populating those celestial planets isn't cheap ya know..but if that's what your religion calls for, you should do it honorably and teach future generations the same. Oh and the Browns should start to give back. If the producers are reading here, script a show about THAT because otherwise they're being shown now just as they are - vampires parading around in daylight in front of cameras.

      I am beyond sick of what passes for entertainment and reality television these days. My Directv dish is leaving my property next week for good.

    8. kms - I was going to respond to your comment but didn't know if you were being sarcastic. I hope you were.

    9. Kelly we got rid of Mr Directv four months ago and have not missed it one bit. Best decision ever! The little we watch we catch on Hulu or Netflix.

      Be prepared when you call to cancel to get a ton of offers and pleading to not disconnect. Hubby told the guy exactly why we were leaving. Too much crap programming. There is never anything decent to watch besides old reruns of good shows. We don't need to pay $100+ a month for that. The directv guy's response was priceless..."We have been hearing that a LOT lately for cancellations." When will these companies wakeup and realize not all of us want this garbage being called entertainment these days?! Well until they do we voted with the only thing that means anything to

      Good luck to you in turning off your dish! :)

    10. Kelly, I agree with you. Hope the kids' medical needs like doctor and dental checkups/teethcleanings, etc. are not forgotten in this whirlwind-all-about-the adults self indulgent polygamists lifestyle. And teaching a little "give back" would be nice to see for not just this family but many of the reality show successes. That doesn't mean a 5K run. I remember the Roloffs went to New Orleans and volunteered some time with Habitat for Humanity. It was part of one of their TLC sponsored trips, but I thought it was a great thing to do and inspiring for the TV audience.

    11. "....these leeches are teaching their children: money for nothing or how to screw the taxpayer and creditors so you can always have the things you want when you want them."
      Absolutely!! Every word !!

      All those kids see from their parents, and are now learning to do themselves, is to tweet about all the fab events, concerts, trips and show biz folk connections, rather than the value of earning and saving..and perhaps even giving back.

      It would be one thing if these people were employed, and were very successful and legitimately financially sound, then their kids would be expected to have a better than average life.
      But these adults are, as you said, Kelly, leeches on society
      Chronic takers who live and breath for the loopholes, the easy scams, the twisting and altering of truth to fit the occasion or the "application" life by just "getting and taking."
      This is what their kids have witnessed as a life example.

    12. HA! The Browns VOLUNTEER?!?! Bwahahahaha hahahaha

      Ya, no.

    13. Amused, I think the answer to why Brady and Wives went through the façade of having another baby and adopting a baby was simply that was the storyline decided by their production company.

      To me it was obvious that financially, Brady was stretched to the max. You could see it in his face and how they lived. The families did not seem to live above their means - the only real luxury I saw was the electronic piano Rosemary played in one of the clips. Otherwise, I thought they were living just above poverty level.

      Brady did not drive a $60K sports car. We didn't see a lot of extravagant trips. I'm just wondering if possibly something drastic happened which caused the necessity of filing bankruptcy. They did live off credit cards apparently and that can be a problem if just one account goes delinquent. As one account goes to collection, that entire balance becomes due - that means no more making payments. When you've got 10 creditors wanting their money, and you don't have the means to pay up in full, you have no other choice. Especially when you've got food costs of $4K each month.

      Do we even know what Bankruptcy chapter they filed?

    14. I agree with you, CJ. Their lifestyle was initially the most glaring difference between them and the high-living Browns.
      The baby talk with three of the wives, and then the actual acting on it with Nonie was odd, at least to me, given that they did seem to live just above poverty level.
      I am not referring to any religious or personal convictions here that they may have. What was clearly apparent to me was that the wives had to ask Brady if they could have more babies. He was the decision maker on that. So if that is their process and he was already stretched that thin, why agree to it?
      Yes, it all may have been for the camera and producer mandates. But damn, if so, that is just milking your audience with false nonsense.

      You're right, Brady did come off as beleaguered most of the time. But it also could be said that he came off as detached, as if not really on point to their reality. A little of both, maybe??
      However, another difference from the Kodys was not only did some of the wives actually work, but the wives for the most part seemed more clued to what it takes to run and to pay for a household of kids.

      "I'm just wondering if possibly something drastic happened which caused the necessity of filing bankruptcy."

      That could well be, but wouldn't it be more fan friendly (and wise) to state that, rather than leave viewers scratching their heads and feeling duped yet again by a TV Plyg family?

    15. That could well be, but wouldn't it be more fan friendly (and wise) to state that, rather than leave viewers scratching their heads and feeling duped yet again by a TV Plyg family?

      In view of what happened when Teresa G. first denied, claimed ignorance, and then finally confirmed the bankruptcy (while forgetting being filmed peeling off the benjamins paying for her overpriced furniture, and forgetting to mention her income from her website and book sales including advances) I wouldn't be surprised if their attorney has told them to keep quiet.

      You know, when the Dargers were being considered for a TLC show, and the show didn't materialize, Papa Joe said something I thought was interesting. He said "... our motives for what we do have little to do with money...[but]...we think the reality TV market will certainly seek out and flourish with such programing that frankly does not meet our values and standards."

      And in stepped Brady and Wives. Now they have a reality show, my question for them is...was it worth it?

    16. So it seems like TLC is seeking out the desperate (or greedy, or both) to film... big surprise.

      Unless it's all part of the storyline hook -- get viewers as emotional as possible in either a positive or negative way just so that they tune in. Lie lie lie your pants off, people will watch, and you plygs will make money for it?

      Kody and Brady said, yes... we'll do whatever it takes to make money and be on tv, even if it's unethical and disusting.

      But Papa Joe said, no thanks... we're not selling our souls to tlc.

      Makes sense. Even if it's just my own supposition, I can see it.

    17. I remember Joe Darger's rather careful response on that. Good to see it again in black and white, since Joe seemed to know who he was and how he wanted to craft his world. He would not have done well being at the mercy and script whims of the check writers. And he obviously knew that.

      Thinking about the Guidices, you are right. A good lawyer would want to keep the Williams silent on any details, especially if some pieces are a bit dicey regarding their creditors.

      "Now they have a reality show, my question for them is...was it worth it? "

      Very good question!! And it could make for a future tell-all book !!

    18. Good point. I don't recall the Browns' doing much in the form of giving back to the community, unlike Mama June and Co, who hold their annual Christmas fete. I may have missed it, though, and perhaps they have.

  16. My husband will not watch SW with me - so I am glad this site is available. Thanks for the entertaining recaps and remarks this season! I found this review of MSWC jewelry I found interesting:

    1. That review is spot on. These people have zero business sense or intentionally want mswc to fail. Who the heck wants a $200 silver necklace that says sisterwife?

    2. that freaking cracked me up! thanks Rebecca!!!

    3. But it's ICONIC jewelry according to Kody! ICONIC jewelry demands a high price, right? The consumers are saying HELL NO! Kody should be made to read, and then write that review on a whiteboard 500 times!

      Robyn should never have handed over her "business" over to Kody. (Although I think he has always made the business decisions, that's why it sucks so badly.) Even fictional Margene from Big Love knew better than to allow that.

    4. KodyKantKeepKollectedJuly 14, 2014 at 10:48 AM

      Rebecca - SPOT ON!!! Bc it's rose gold... ooooooooooooooooooooooo... I'll just HAVE to buy it!!! Oh my gosh that is too funny!

  17. Thanks for the link, Rebecca. I agree with the jewelry review. I would never buy any of that crap, probably laden with lead. My husband won't watch this show either!

    1. The review nailed it. They wonder why they aren't selling the stuff. Look at it. I mean really... tacky doesn't begin to describe it. Even if they made pewter knock-offs of the "sterling silver" stuff they'd be too expensive. Who (other than themselves) would want to wear those designs? I'm betting some viewers bought the junky trinkets because they felt sorry for the Browns and don't actually wear it. When there is so much attractive jewelry in all price ranges out there in stores, at craft faires and on-line - what would the appeal of this stuff be unless you were whack-a-doodle and wanted something "touched" by one of the Browns themselves. Notice Meri talks a lot about personally packaging the orders....

  18. I posted this on another forum, but it summarizes a bit of what many of us have been voicing here. Thought I would post here prior to climbing down from my soapbox.
    You're right, this set up isn't financially realistic/sustainable for average people with average incomes. It's just way too many children to support - and that's just the financial aspect. Not even touching on the emotional aspect of how little attention these kids must get considering each wife spends a large portion of her time pining for her 1/5 husband. It's absurd. Why continue to have more kids when you cannot support the ones you have? It is just so irresponsible, and yet these yahoos don't understand that this is what bugs many of us more than the other absurd parts of their "belief" system.

    Edited to add: I would love to be a part of the end of season interview with Taryn and ask them to explain how they justify not only the bankruptcy, but also using public dollars (foodstamps, welfare) to sustain this lifestyle. This is the public's main issue, not how many women are willing to share you - dumbass. If you cannot afford more than one wife, or more than 2 or 3 kids, don't have them!! Very simple, people. It's called common sense, and there seems to be a lack of it in both this family and the Brown family.

    1. Having a lot of children is at the center of many many religious belief systems not just fundamental mormonism. There's an excellent documentary called "Go Forth and Multiply" which looks at a sect of Hasidic Judaism which requires a wife to have as many children as possible in her lifetime, sometimes up to 20 to 25!! Don't forget the Duggers and the catholics.

      And it isn't very openminded to call another person's belief system absurd. Absurd as compared to what?

    2. Although I appreciate your opinions Anon and tabloidlover, I must say this is the reason I would prefer this topic not to be part of my living room conversation.

      Unfortunately discussions like this are polarizing and negative since many religions DO require their followers to "Go Forth and Multiply" (which I have also watched on Epix and it is excellent) so which religion is right?

      Thank you for your time and opinions, but this discussion is now closed.

    3. FYI Anon 1018,

      I just checked my Epix queue and the correct name of the documentary is "Be Fruitful and Multiply" (2005). It is an excellent film especially if you're into Women Studies. Here's the description from Epix:

      How does it feel to have been pregnant or breastfeeding for 25 of 26 years of your married life? This and other questions are posed openly and directly for the first time in this film, and they expose the consequences of the commandment "Be fruitful and multiply" – the mother of all Mitzvot – upon the ultra-orthodox Jewish woman. The center of her life is pregnancy, childbirth and constant nursing. She doesn't have the freedom to determine the course of her life; she serves God via the womb. BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY follows the stories of four ultra-Orthodox women. Yentel from Mea Shearim, Jerusalem is the key figure in the film, and the personal stories of three other women are interwoven into her story. She is the dramatic figure in the film who turns from the obedient wife who internalizes the strict social code into an independent woman who rebels against social conventions. This is a story about oppression in ultra-Orthodox society, which ignores women's spirituality, emotional needs and inner world, and proscribes their behavior both socially and ideologically.

  19. In re to Janelle's tweet as though she's the first person ever to advocate health and fitness for everyone (NOT JUST WOMEN) regardless of size (or ability, or disability, or...)

    Enell sports bras are all well and good, but I'd recommend Moving Comfort over them ANY day. Specifically, the Maia or the Juno. the straps can be adjusted from the front, and you can wear them under regular day clothes like a regular bra without the Uniboob look. I dunno, I know Oprah digs Enell, but i just find them really ugly.

  20. I was just looking at some old SW videos on TLC (why? I don't know). I came across a real gem of Mariah rolling her eyes at Maddie as she is talking about how "she is not a polygamist, just her parents are."(paraphrasing) Maddie seemed unaware of the eyerolling at the time.

    If a thought or opinion isn't shared by her, it must be wrong.

  21. The MSWC now has glitzy ball caps for women..could any of this be considered frumpy?

    1. Kody described MSWC as having "fashion forward" merchandise to the investors...guess he think scarves & baseball caps are fashion forward!!

  22. Wow. Trust me, I agree with my jinx friends. But it seems like we are all fed up with paying for this lifestyle. We didn't have a more children than we could afford and it sounds like we all shared the same struggles to pay our bills at times. My daughter went to an out of state college and still paying back her loans. A family with so many children to feed and educate has hard choices to make. Why do we take our responsibility seriously, but the Brown's and the other family whine about rings and other stupid carp and take the easy way out? Where did I go wrong?

    1. Where did I go wrong?

      You didn't go wrong. As my BFF would say "Those are questions that have boggled men's minds for centuries." The way I look at it, I prefer to deal with problems that are within my locus of control. I'm going to leave it at that and change the subject.

      Boy, it was HOT today! I wish it would rain!

    2. It was hot and humid here too.
      But the full moon should be pretty tonight !!! Big and yellow-orangey !!

    3. Yay for the full moon! Oh oh...that means...

    4. LOL !!! Yeah, it *does* mean that.....!!!

  23. I watched a documentary a long time ago about a family with 18 children. It was filmed in the early '60s. The mother's vacuum cord unplugged from the wall and five or six really small kids grabbed and hung on to whatever small part of their mother they could hwhile she plugged it back in? What kind of a life is that for a child? Grab whatever small bit of attention you can? How selfish is that?

    1. What kind of a life is that for a child? Grab whatever small bit of attention you can?
      Funny you should say that. In the documentary I wrote about earlier "Go Forth and Multiply", one of the mothers told a story about her youngest baby boy. She had like 14 kids and the youngest one hadn't started to talk yet. She was getting really worried. One day, she was dealing with her other young children when all of a sudden, this baby screamed at her, "Mommy! Put them down and pick me up!"

      The women in the film actually felt they would be selfish by NOT having baby after baby, because they believe that is what their body was created for....and cooking meals, cleaning and taking care of the children.

    2. oops, the correct name is Be Fruitful and Multiply.

  24. I couldn't agree more, Anon 2:58. I deeply, dearly wanted more kids, but chose not to because we could not afford it. Believe me, it was a hard decision. The Browns want it all--big houses, lots of kids, college, trips, toys, parties--the works. Their list is endless and they seem to think that everyone else should fund it for them. No adult in that family wants to work full-time at a real job or give something up. The Entitlement Mindset--Arrgh!

  25. They are trying to bring the souls waiting to come to mortality. They believe they arranged in the preexistence to be family on earth and birth control would prevent them from being able to come down to them. So they don't contracept. It is not about desire for a number or selfishness or selflessness.

    1. Would the pre-existence have shown what poor relationship and compromise skills they would have? Would it have shown all the financial problems? Doesn't the fact that they knew what to expect from the pre-existence and STILL had all of those kids make them selfish?

      I'm asking seriously... it really doesn't make any sense to me.

    2. AndreaF I appreciate your question, but I doubt this is the forum to find the answers you seek.

    3. Mortality is supposed to be hard and an opportunity for growth for the next path, celestial kingdom or another level of heaven. They feel it honors God to bring many souls to earth. They also believe they will be with those same souls in the next life. Maybe there is no rush to get along since they are sealed together for eternity, should they all make it into heaven.

  26. Oh my gosh. Thank goodness for this forum to vent! I just went to their "closet" to look at their new baseball caps for women, if that's what you call them, and I just cannot understand why they bought those. They are tacky and cheap looking, and they almost look like a knock off of an Ed Hardy design, which I despise, but it almost looks like that! They are in different colors and say Braveheart. I wear caps all the time, when I'm in a hurry, or just when I think it would look cute to accessorize with a beaded, pretty cap, but I would NEVER buy one of these tacky things. EVER. They need some serious help in purchasing new items. I could start my own "closet" right now on the web if I wanted, and buy up some items from local craft fairs, or flee markets, or wholesale places, whatever, and I would have a better sense of what people want to wear and buy over the Browns. And I am no expert on fashion, but I know what I am looking for and the stuff in their closet is not it. The new contemporary watches they are pushing, ugly. Just cheap plastic and ugly. For 19.99. No way. They look like something we would wear in the 80s. Same with the floral watches. Now, my mom may wear something like that, but it is not something that most hip, mainstream women would. They need more of a variety of closet items. Get some bohemian chic purses, or edgy, long necklaces, a closet is made up of a variety of fashions, not just jewelry!!!!! The scarves are too cheap looking, sorry Browns, but they just look too cheap. I am a scarf wearer, and I would not buy any of these. Too much money for one. They just need help in the buying dept. Robin is not a good fit to purchase for that business. She has no fashion sense of her own. They may think she does, but America does not. And I really really hate the little earrings shaped as Christmas packages. No adult would wear those. Children, yes, adults, no. I don't think so anyway. Same with the high heel shoes. I love and wear heels every day. Would not wear those earrings. Ok, I'm done now. I did not enjoy that shopping experience over there at all!

    1. Those hats are only like 8.50 so I'm not expecting anything more than a cheap mesh cap like what they give away at ball games and breast cancer walks and things like that. (OK I must be channeling Seinfeld this week, because I just remembered the ep when Jerry pretends to be a bomber and demands Fitted Cap Day at a Yankees

      I can picture it now:
      some "business partner" of Robyn's suggests the Browns go to a trade show to find cool shit for their MSWC site.

      First they find the vendor with the shitload of scarves.
      then they ran into this Braveheart dude or whomever and Kody says OH THAT IS SO COOL because he has that jacket or whatever he wears when he's being The Koolest Guy in Vegas since Liberace. so he says lets buy like a truckload of them at 50 cents apiece!

      Who knows? we might see an episode on it, Polygamist Trade Show or whatever you want to call it. You know how TLC is always jonesin' to throw "polygamy" in the episode title. Just in case we forgot there are MULTIPLE WIVES involved. woot.

    2. Yep... pretty soon... Sister Wife's... SWAP MEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know it!!!!!!

    3. My Sister Wife's Flea Market.

  27. Oh! dear - just went to MSWC and it seems to be hanging up already - wanted to see that ball cap. The show isn't even on yet and the server is crashing ...

    1. I just visited My Sister Wife's Closet's website--wanted to see what everyone else was raving about (sarcasm). I have to agree with the majority here! Overpriced, not fashionable, and not even particularly attractive items. It looks like the Browns bought a bunch of overstocked, unsaleable items from somewhere in the hope of filling up their own inventory. Huge mistake--they're not going to pay those mortgages with sales of the stuff I saw on the website.

  28. live tweeting tonight?

  29. Kody loves the word icon and iconic but he uses it so incorrectly. Like, his iconic jewelry.

    1. well hold on Anon 5:23, it IS iconic jewelry, just shows the Brown's complete lack of taste or design talent...

    2. Has anyone else noticed the OVERUSE of the word 'iconic'. It has become a buzzword to describe just about anything these days in popular culture. Ackkk!!
