
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Off Topic Thursday: Maddie's Move to Utah and Other Odd Tweets for June 19, 2014

One of our favorite Brown Kids has graduated, and moved on to an apartment in Utah. Let's follow her journey this week in her tweets!

Has it only been eight days ago?

I just had to put in her tweets explaining why she's going back to Utah...

Yay for you!!!!

And this tweet explains the recent cul-de-sac party was a graduation party...I wonder if it was filmed?

Oh.... :-( .... now I'm remembering when I left for college. Yep, you're happy and sad all at the same time. And a little scared, too!

Hey, we use to say that in high school...It's been real, it's been fun. It's been real fun!
Holy cow, what an overachiever! I waited until my sophomore year to get a job...

Well....I have to raise my hand. Sometimes, cleaning can't wait...and it's a great way to piss off the peeps living in the apartment below you.

And here are some tweets from proud Mama Janelle's perspective...

Even bonus mom Meri tweeted this goodbye for Maddie...

On the subject of Meri, I wonder what she was doing in Atlanta on Wednesday?

Oh dear, looks like Meri isn't feeling well either...

Well, another Brown Kid in college...just 12 more to go!!!


  1. I LOVE that Maddie Brown is leaving home to attend college. She's always been one of my favorites of the older Brown children. What university is she attending? Does anyone know if she's declared her major yet? I wish her and all her siblings well as they begin adult life, and I hope they'll all find fulfillment.

    1. Wikepedia says Utah State U (LDS Church is buying and renaming it BYU-Logan) is in Logan Utah as well as Bridgerland Applied Technology College, Brigham Young College. IDK what she's planning on studying or what the UNLV didn't offer.

      I'm so glad she's going to school away from home. I've always thought she was a sharp young woman!

    2. Sorry anon 10:00, you've been punk'd.

      An newspaper article claiming the LDS Church was buying and renaming Utah State was an April Fool's Joke. Nothing more than that.

      Here's a link:

      LDS Church to purchase Utah State University, rename it BYU-Logan

  2. She really is a beautiful young lady with a personality to boot. I wish only the best for her and all of the Brown kids.

    I hope they don't disclose where she is going to school so she can live in relative quiet, without "fans" bothering her.

    I will give the Browns this: they have raised pretty amazing kids.

  3. Meri is probably traveling. She loves to travel, the more she can be out of town, the happier she is. She misses her wetbar though.

  4. CPA carol, I agree on the privacy issue. However, if Maddie wants privacy, she shouldn't mention the name of her college town because it is pretty small with only one university there. I hope she gets to spread her wings!

    1. Well, she did mentioned being accepted at another school at the opposite end of Utah, so who really knows where she is. I think it would be hilarious if she IS in another state!

  5. Exactly cj, I know a lot of kids who go to the university in that town and they love it, pretty diverse and co-ed dorms. So, kody will need to get his spit speech ready. When I say diverse, I mean for utah. Lol.

    1. As long as she is just having sex, all is good.

      Says Mariah.

  6. I think Meri is menopousal..headaches are big with that..and flushing red skin..emotional...would explain a lot

  7. was during the episode last season titled Kody;s Bromance when his friend from his mormon mission was on with his wife and they were wrestling in Christine garage. I went back to try and find the tweet, but must be too old.

    1. "and they were wrestling in Christine garage"

      I had to fast forward thru that scene. Totally creeped me out. Kody constantly trying to prove he's a man. Barf barf barf

      LOL, can't stop hearing Sobbin's voice saying "he's SUCH an athletic!"

  8. " I just don’t see why this show can’t be filled with catfights and pillowfights and lady-on-lady make-up sex, because that’s really the only way I’d enjoy the whole four wives thing." I larfed. :)

  9. I do like her. She moved right after graduating instead of waiting for school to start. It sounds like she wanted to get settled in and find employment. Good for her! I doubt they will have an episode of tears and a surprise new car for her college going away. She is probably already smart enough to know those items come with strings. Go Maddie...Woman Power!

  10. So Janelle dropped off Madison at her out of state campus? Remember when that idea was suggested to Meri? No way, no how.

    1. I thought Meri took Mariah to her college. Didn't she post photos and whine about how hard it was to say goodbye and have to drive away w/o Mariah?

    2. That's true, but I remember in the episode that all 4 Brown adults were discussing the kids' tuitions, Janelle suggested to Meri that Mariah didn't need a car if she is out of state and staying on campus. Meri shot her an evil glare and said "I'm not sending her to school without a car."

    3. I thought Meri and Mariah drove Mariah's "new" car to Westminster and Meri flew home. We know she did spend a week with Mariah before leaving, while Truely was hospitalized with kidney failure.

      Meri shot her an evil glare and said "I'm not sending her to school without a car."
      Oh yes, I remember that too. Mariah obviously needed that car so she could drive home almost every weekend.

    4. I also remember the scene when Kody was walking into Meri's house and says in his jovial voice "Hey Mariah, want to go get a car?"...thinking he was surprising her with it....except she came back with a snotty reply "Uhhhhh, yeah" (as if she was entitled). Bugged me.

    5. Funny, I bet Kody didn't even consider going with Janelle to drop Maddie off like he did with Meri and Mariah until Truely got sick. Or like how he had to drive with Sobyn to drop her kids off to their dad right when they were moving into their new homes when she darn well could have gone by herself. Maddie probably didn't want him around in reality.

      Wonder why Kody didn't gift Maddie with a sweet convertible Lexus like he did to his oldest boy Logan? Doesn't quite seem fair, does it?

    6. luckily Kody has that go to "don't compare, comparison is death" rule in place so any inequitable treatment can be dismissed and swept under the rug.

  11. Maddie tweeted a month or so ago that she intends to major in business and then go on to law school. Mykelti's goal is also a degree in business and then on to fashion design school. The move to Las Vegas seems to have given the Brown children a real boost to their aspirations. Maddie said she wanted to be a beautician during one of the kid couch sessions while the family was still in Lehi.

    1. She's grown up. I wanted to be a beautician when I was young too. Living in Vegas didn't have anything to do with it.

    2. I am so happy that they moved out of Lehi, the kids really seem to have grown away from their parents religion with the move.

  12. It may very well be true that the Browns did a great job raising their kids so far.

    It may also be true that these kids, who are now budding adults, had to find the inner fortitude and good sense while growing up to accept the life which their parents imposed on them. An acceptance that steered them to focus on reaching toward the day when they could make informed and different decisions about their futures.

    Not questioning the Brown parents' love for their kids, or the kids' love for their parents.
    Not at all !!
    However, what may be in play is that *because* of their upbringing, some of the Brown kids may aspire to personal success which will be quite different than the Plyg philosophy, especially toward women, which they saw all their childhoods.
    And good for them if they do !!!

  13. Amused 8:38, I agree! I don't know if the Browns' church group is the same as the FLDS in this regard, but Carolyn Jessop in her book, "Escape", tells that she was not allowed to go to college unless she was married, and that this was a common ploy in the community to keep the girls from escaping. When Carolyn left home to go to school, she had one of her husband's peer-aged daughters come along as a chaperon. I'm glad Logan, Mariah, Mykelti, Aspyn, and now Maddie are spared that level of vigilance so they can grow up, make their own mistakes, and develop some self-efficacy.

  14. Jenelle has a UCC filing for Castle Credit Corp.

    I remember vaguely that it was decided that Janelle was having something built - like the cement pad she decided she didn't need when her house was being built. Based on the timing of the filing (July 2013) it looks like this could be that extra large Brown Family Pergola that was built for the commitment ceremony which was about 4 months later.

  15. Maybe under the tutelage of their newly appointed CEO with his notorious Midas touch, they now envision themselves as celebs in the category of Wolfgang P, Gordon Ramsey, Rachel Raye and the like...and intend to hawk their own SW empire building cookware line??.

    Hmmmm.....such unique things as Plyggy Pots and Plyggy Pans ???
    ....With four handles, of course !!

  16. Oh dear....Wasn't it Paula Deen's cookware that had to be pulled off the market because the pans would explode apart when heated?

    I can only imagine what Brown & Kompany© cookware would do...most likely dousing the unsuspecting user with molten fool's gold. Or maybe pots that can't stand to be in the same kitchen with pans.

  17. "...Or maybe pots that can't stand to be in the same kitchen with pans."

    LOL !!!
    And would rust easily when exposed to tears !!

  18. I don't know if anyone else has seen the very unflattering pic of Janelle that #tvtrainer Sean posted of her rock climbing and losing it all of five feet up the wall, but if I was her, I'd be soooo firing him.

    1. I saw that! It was awful and she mentioned she was "getting over her greatest fear" or something like that. I was thinking the greatest fear was being out rock climbing and having plumbers crack. I think it is her shirt not skin but they blurred the picture so that is the first thought that comes to mind. Poor Janelle.

  19. I want a MSWC toaster. Alas, I may be in for disappointment...

    1. That's what I was thinking.... a toaster in the shape of a shark

  20. "With four handles..."
    "Or maybe pots that can't stand to be in the same kitchen with pans"

    Lmao! Maybe baking pans that are molded (like muffin tins) that you can lay individual fritos into, and mini peanut butter pipers for that professional, decorative touch! Or individual Mockiopa pots!

  21. Or maybe a toaster that won't kill people?

  22. So I saw in the last thread alot of talk about the wet bar again. I was curious how much more expensive Meri's house was than the other wives, so I looked up each house on the county's property assessor website. I was surprised to see that all 4 homes are the exact same square footage and each have 5 bedrooms and 3 1/2 baths. The purchase prices were all within $3,700 of each other, which is miniscule when spending almost $450,000. Meri's upgrades have probably only increased her mortgage payments by $20/mo. over the other women. Plus, her selling price will be higher. This surprised me because TLC spent so much time and energy playing up the wet bar storyline to create some level of drama where none really existed. And it worked. We're still talking about it 2 years later.

    The true ridiculousness of the situation is that the family found the need to purchase four 5-bedroom homes when half the kids will be moving out on their own within 1-3 years.

    Storyline suggestion for next season, I propose that Meri sell her mansion (before the balloon payment is due) in favor of turning the Brown family pergola into a one-bedroom casita with a wet bar and a cement pad, so that VanLadyLove can perform on her patio.

  23. Oh My God!! These comments are killing me! Too funny!

    Maybe Meri could design a line intended for the enjoyment of Wet Bar users!! Alcohol free of course. That would be a sin.

    "I don't need 6 bedrooms,but I wouldn't mind a wet bar or a deck!".....Go back and watch this anytime for a treat!! She probably hadn't even heard of a wet bar before the McMansions.

  24. Anon 3:20 wrote: "Storyline suggestion for next season, I propose that Meri sell her mansion (before the balloon payment is due) in favor of turning the Brown family pergola into a one-bedroom casita with a wet bar and a cement pad, so that VanLadyLove can perform on her patio."

    Anon 3:20, thank you--that made me laugh out loud, which I desperately needed after a particularly brutal week at work. :-)

  25. Of course, ONE of the pots is just too pretty to cook in...

  26. @Anon 3:20 - I think the big predicament between the wives was that Meri did not need (none of them really NEED) a 5 bedroom/ 3.5 bath with extra hobby room home. She only has one kid. So the big argument was why does she need all that extra space as opposed to the other wives who have multiple kids to fill up that space. Again, none of them need that much space it is just that they at least would fill up the rooms and make use of the space whereas she would not.

    1. And I still don't understand the hoopla they made with that. The whole plot line was getting "back together" as a family and Kody was very adament that they needed 4 houses in that cult-de-sac to achieve that. So of course Meri's house (and the only house Kody's name is on) was going to have to be roughly the same size as all the others - wet bar or no wet bar. They weren't going to be able to build 3 McMansions & then a modest size split level for Meri. If they were building on private land sure - but not in that planned subdivision. So much ado about nothing in this show all the time. Its not even interesting made up drama. Its zzzzzz made up drama. They better get new writers!

  27. And ONE pot keeps threatening not to poach her eggs unless she gets more help...

  28. I know you're working hard on it and the Browns gave you a lot of material, but I am SO looking forward to your synopsis CJ!!!

    1. Thanks DJ! Yep I'm working on it now!

    2. Update on the review...
      Blogger is not being very cooperative with me (extremely slow and a lot of error messages). I'm still working on my review but I will combine with tonight's episodes. Sorry for the inconvenience but I can only stand so many error messages an hour.

  29. And one pot that moves from cabinet to cabinet but never does anything but lay around on the lazy Susan.

  30. Meri has gained so much weight since the first way she is happy. I know when I'm depressed I eat, but she can afford weight watchers.

    1. I wonder what she was like before the first episode of the first season. Is this the heaviest she has ever been or was she ever this big at some point before the show started and she just lost the weight before the first episode ever aired? Maybe she was heavy all along and was just putting up a front in the beginning and just gave up. That or the show REALLY has taken a toll on her health. I know I wouldn't like to be filmed and judged all the time. She might not have thought about the ramifications of being so public.

    2. Meri was so cute in the beginning, she seems like a totally different person in both looks and personality now. Mariah has gained a bit of weight too, I can't even look at a picture of the two of them from the first season and recognize them. Something is very wrong.

    3. In most of the older pictures we see of Meri she is pretty slender. It seems like her weight gain is correlated to depression. I know I eat more when I'm depressed or when I feel undesirable. What I think is strange about her weight is that she cannot seem to wear clothes that are not about 4 sizes too small. She would look much better--and thinner--if she just worse clothes that fit.

  31. I was reading some old stuff on the SWB last night when I saw some pics of the gang from around four years ago. Boy, most of them have had an old-age spurt since then. Robin looked practically like a fresh-faced youth back then, as did Cody. Now, I understand that people age faster at different times in their lives (my old-age spurt came just in the past two years, where my youngish skin finally gave up the ghost and became "middle-aged") but the different in Robyn and Cody is spectacular, and not as much with Christine and Janelle. I can't say about Meri, as I didn't see an old pic of her to compare. It leads one to wonder how much of this drastic change can be blamed on the uh, polygamy "lifestyle", the Vegas lifestyle, or the begging for funds continuously, lifestyle. Cody and Robyn should see about Botox treatments.

    1. I have noticed how badly they've all aged too, particularly Kody and Robyn. I actually think all the adults except Janelle look worse than they did at the beginning. Meri's is just more weight gain, but it is extreme. Meri was so cute on the first episode. I am on the fence with Christine, she's looking better this season, but her personality is nothing like the cute perky lady we saw in the beginning.

  32. there was a picture shown of kody and the four wives where they are all standing together that was shown a couple times in season one. Meri was bigger then and had long hair. It looks like its from when robyn first came into the family, but before they started filming, the chess board picture too?

  33. Anybody know if Kody still has the green goo convertible?

    1. I saw it on last week's episode parked at Janelle's I think...

  34. Hey, is it normal in the U.S,. or in Utah or Vegas, for college-bound children to move out three months before school starts? I thought most kids stayed home and worked for the summer to save up some cash for when they are in school. Why would Maddy opt to pay rent, utilities, food, etc. months before she needs to? Is life on the cul-de-sac that horrible, do you think?

    1. She could be enrolled in summer school or maybe she wanted to be settled with a job before fall semester starts. I think she was happy at home in Las Vegas and she is happy to be on her own like any other college age teenager would. To answer your question my friend sent her daughter to a college out of state so yes, she left just after her high school graduation. Seems there were way more students than available housing so as soon as an apartment was available she rented it and moved in immediately.

    2. IMO, it is not that typical. I am sure there are summer terms and it is easier to get housing and jobs the earlier you go, but I have the feeling Maddie couldn't wait to get out.

    3. Some schools have a "Bridge Program" for incoming freshman, it introduces the students to the school and gets them a few credits under their belt before school starts. That is what my son did during the summer before school actually started.

      Or she just wanted to get the heck out of Dodge :)

  35. Did any one see the tweet from Mariah that said, if you ordered from my parents online business your freaken welcome! With a picture of a few items on a desk.

    1. Missed it. I don't follow Mariah for a reason!

    2. I think she's pulled that tweet. There are about a thousand tweets from Meri about how wonderful Mariah was to pull an "all-nighter" with her and to "not miss understancd sleepy tweets" because her attitude is actually cheerful. There is a tweet from Mariah about how she told Aspyn she was going to punch her in the throat for asking for a hug because she stayed up too late. What a sweetie.

    3. Mariah really doesn't come off as a pleasant person on or off the show. Such a difference from the rest of her siblings who all seem pretty well-adjusted. She got the worst of her mom and dad it seems like.

    4. Meri also tweeted that Mariah was the only other person in the family who understands Meri's job in the family business. For the life of me, I can't understand how popping trinkets and a family picture into an envelope or small box and keeping records of the shipment could be so difficult. Folks have complained about the web site being down for several days so those 100 orders that Meri says they filled must have been for lucky customers.

      Foot in mouth disease is fun to watch when you already know the Browns are liars and grifters!

    5. The bad thing about reading the typed word is that it's impossible to attach an emotion to it... except for the reader's own emotions. She's young and she was raised in a mentally and emotionally draining and potentially damaging environment, so she's bound to mess up once in a while. I think that the Browns (along with Kody's mistresses) are lucky that these kids aren't all acting out all of the time... of course, they wouldn't show it if they were. We only see what TLC wants us to see about these people. I hope Mariah and the others discover their own happiness away from the "adults".

    6. What Mariah should've tweeted is, "Thanks so much for your order, folks! We're working hard to get it out to you ASAP!" ;)

  36. Anon 1032 the school that she is going to, has tuition breaks for coming during the summer and it is easier to get a job then before all of the students come back for the fall. Also, the summer atmosphere is a lot of fun there. She may have friends who are there, too. I think it is a good move to get on with her life and be her own person. #teammaddie

  37. Does anyone know how many people watch sw each week? Meri said that 2 million hits blew her server. I can't imagine that 2 million people watch them and that they all flew to their computers to check out the site. I surely didn't. So, what do you suppose is their viewership?

    1. I thought 2.1 million watched the premiere. I read that somewhere.

    2. I wonder if those 2 million are unique visitors or hits?

      I assume the latter. It wouldn't surprise me that when many people out of curiosity try to check out the website and they can't reach it they spend a little while F5-ing or pressing enter to reload the page. Even though the page might not (properly) load, al those intents to reach the page may be counted as hits....... That would explain those 2 million "hits".....

    3. According to Reality Tea's website, the show got 1.54 million. Just another lie from the Browns. I doubt the server can handle more than 10k people at a time, and that's on the high side.

    4. I wonder if those 2 million are unique visitors or hits?
      Did anyone watch ABC's The Taste earlier this year? They had a food blogger contestant who kept referring to her 8 million fans. Turns out she was counting her page hits as "unique" visitors (it is not!)

      Thanks for the explanation Lobotomized! And I agree anon 11:04, I don't think their server can handle much traffic at all.

    5. a poster at explained how the "hits" work and I found this definition...

      "A request for a file from the web server. Available only in log analysis. The number of hits received by a website is frequently cited to assert its popularity, but this number is extremely misleading and dramatically over-estimates popularity. A single web-page typically consists of multiple (often dozens) of discrete files, each of which is counted as a hit as the page is downloaded, so the number of hits is really an arbitrary number more reflective of the complexity of individual pages on the website than the website's actual popularity. The total number of visitors or page views provides a more realistic and accurate assessment of popularity."

      I take that to mean that every time you open up MSWC, each one of those moving gifs (especially now that they have so MANY of them on the first page of the site) equals one hit. I might be wrong on that, but if I'm right that might be the reason the images load so quickly. I counted 21 individual image changes within 15-20 seconds when I opened the page.

    6. and Kody and Christine definitely said hits. They didn't say visitors.

  38. Tonight's episode looks boring if the promos are any indication...rehashing how they were "different" growing up and had to hide being plygs, etc. etc. Move along, folks, nothing to see here.

    1. According to my tv schedule, it's two half hour episodes. Which makes me wonder if Amazon will be charging me $1.89x2= $3.78 or just $1.89 for both...I'll find out tomorrow.

  39. I just read the tweets, and at first I thought it was admirable that Mariah and Meri stayed up all night to get the shipments out...they must really care about their customers and want to make them happy! Then I read that it was all so that they can go to a friend's wedding. Mariah's snarky "you're welcome" takes on a uglier tone when you realize that all of that work was self-serving anyway.

    1. I agree completely that Mariah has a lot of growing up and soul searching to do. I can imagine that preparing all these orders is similar to bridesmaids being summoned to put together wedding favors. It really does seem arduous if they are getting THAT much business *rolls eyes. I also wonder where Christine, Janelle and Robyn were if there was that much work to be done. Why is the most tedious task left for just Meri? Not defending Meri or Mariah's behavior but where is all that infamous sisterly wife's and bonus kid's help? Honestly, if I were Meri I'd be finding an excuse to get out of this BS too... college! Where is Kody while they are up all night working? Sleeping with one of his mistresses no doubt. It really doesn't seem fair. The whole thing is just sickening.

    2. I'm sure they saved up a weeks worth of orders until the last possible moment to get it done. Shame on them!

      Pesky customers! Quit askin us for stuff. The Browns gotta pack for Disneyland or somethin.

    3. I counted 10 items. Wooooooo! Big night at MSWC HQ for sure. One would think she was shipping out anvils.

  40. Do they draw straws to see who cries each week?

    By the way, my opinion is....the whole financial thing was a complete set up. It was their pathetic attempt to show "tv world" and their viewers the "numbers". Only because on this blog so many people seem to write "they cannot be making any money selling the jewelery"....well there viewers they have made at least $250. lol

  41. why go to all the effort to have a 45 minute television show (which is a gift) to advertise your business and then bitch on twitter about being up all night shipping?

  42. These people.......
    Meri, Ponytail Putz, Sobbin and Mariah seriously need a course in the art of effective customer service. the value of respect for clients !!

    Their lack of class and just plain common sense is shocking.

  43. CJ are you going to put up a comments post for tonight's show? Please say yes :)

    1. Yes! The Party will start in about 45 minutes....remember I love to be spoiler and we find out the decision from the VC meeting last feel free to spoil me!!

    2. We're in the same time zone! I love reading the snarky spoilers too :)

    3. I just checked my DVR so no conflicts BUT tonight is the premiere of the final season of True Blood!!!! Yay!!!

    4. Mariah go back to blonde and start a healthy diet girl! You were gorgeous in season 1.

  44. The wives look like a million bucks these far from the frumpiness of season 1, but then again they were natural and endearing. Now they are rehashing the same ol topics every episode (pity us, give us money, we were run out of Utah, etc) and its getting old already.
