
Friday, December 13, 2013

I Scour the Internet: The Friday the Thirteenth Edition 12/13/13

Well, halfway through the month of December (and only 12 days til Christmas...YAY!!) we've seen the announcement of  the new season of Sister Wives, read about another polygamist family welcoming the birth of its newest family member (sorry King Sol but it has been 2 years!), and suffered through the Browns sudden realization that twitter is really good for advertising their online store...over and over and over again, especially when the last day to place an order for Christmas delivery will be 12/15/13.

What can I say? Those McMansions aren't going to pay for themselves once the TLC gravy spaceship docks at the space station for the last time.

So let's get started, shall we?

First up: I just checked out the TLC website...which is an absolute pain to maneuver through...anyway, it appears that there is a date for Flora Jessop's new reality show, Escaping the Prophet.

The show will premiere on January 7th, 2014. That's a Tuesday for those who need to adjust their DVRs to avoid any conflicts. Anyway, according to TLC's short news blurb, Ms Jessop will be accompanied by Brandon (yet another nephew of Warren Jeffs) in her extractions of those trying to flee the FLDS in Short Creek (you know, Hildale/Colorado City). 

Here's a link to TLC if you want to read the short yet sweet article: Escaping the Prophet

So which polygamist family welcomed a bundle of joy this week?

It definitely wasn't the Browns, who have fallen behind in the race for birthing babies.

Nope, it was none other than the Dargers!!! Even Kody Brown took time to tweet congratulations to the proud parents.

Anyway, earlier this week, the tweets sounded as if Vicki was ready for delivery - but her baby wanted to stay just a little longer...

But not to worry, the little one finally arrived safely, hopefully after the midwife came back...

Congrats to the Dargers...I hope Robyn's ready not only to get pregnant in 2014, but to deliver twins - with Kody cutting the umbilical with his teeth (on camera, of course).

But lets not forget this is Christmas, and the Browns are out to maximize their Christmas MSWC profits this year....even if it means hawking autographed copies of a two year old book. Meri even got Mariah in on the act!

I wonder how long it will be before the Browns start selling their autographs for $20?
Anyway, looks like Robyn's got her tree up already, but something is missing...

Poor Robyn, must not have been her night with Kody!

Does anyone else find this tweet from Mariah a little strange?

And here's Janelle making sure everyone knows when the new season starts...
Finally, Christine shares a Brown family tradition with her twitter followers...

So that's all the fun for now. And remember, I Scour the Internet so you don't have to!!

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