
Friday, November 29, 2013

I Scour the Internet: The Black Friday Edition 11/28/13

Now that Thanksgiving Day has come and gone and the Christmas season is now upon us, I bet you all are wondering how the Brown's spent their Thanksgiving week, aren't you?

Well, let me tell you, you won't be disappointed.

I must say, though, that the Browns buying those four McMansions, each with it's own cavernous great room, makes seating a collective family of 21 family members (well 22 if you count the youthful Master Solomon) and assorted other family members and guests that much easier.

For goodness sakes, it looks like you could land a 747 on that table. But I'm left wondering why they chose to hold their first cul-de-sac Thanksgiving inside, instead of outside?

Enough wondering! Let's get to it, shall we?

Looks like Janelle knows how to spend Thanksgiving with her family unit, just like the rest of us!

Even Christine describes for us what makes for a happy Thanksgiving for her:

Yeah, I can understand Christine's enthusiasm for the male cloggers. Can you just imagine Kody klogging his way from one McMansion to the next,  with his Kodettes, klogging in place, waiting patiently for their turn at him?

You know, once the TLC gig ends, Kody and his Klogging Kodettes could work as klogging greeters at a Vegas hotel. But to be truthful, if I saw that motley krew klogging away in front of a hotel, I'd ask my driver to just keep driving, while I take candid photos of the finally working Brown klan. That should be worth something on Ebay, right?

But I digress...

I suppose to prove that a) he spends quality time with Hunter and b) he even grocery shops like every other husband on Thanksgiving Eve, Kody tweeted this:

Now am I the only one out in the real world that wonders why he didn't use the plural 'lists' so that cynics like me wouldn't think the list only came from one of his wives?

But it appears that at least 2 other of Kody's Kodettes prepared part of their Thanksgiving feast.

Meri tweeted:
And the wonderful and pure Robyn had to one up her sisterwives that her recipes were not only secret, they were smelly, too:

Of course, Robyn has to show off her recently found business acumen. Which might explain why she's often a day late and a dollar short when it comes to her holiday offerings in that "retail business" that she owns:
Well, you got to hand it to old Robyn;  it didn't take long for her to drive home the fact that the online store was her idea and belongs to her. I would think, however, she would have been smart enough not to alienate her "sister wives".

At least not on twitter...

So what did that long table look like?

From Janelle, we get a glimpse of how long the table was, and how BIG the Great Room of one of the McMansions is:
Of course, Kody provided a pic of mostly everyone seated at his table:
I was impressed...but I'm sure other reality show families (well, maybe not that Baby Hoo Haw family) could give the Browns a run for their reality show money.

Wait a minute, something is missing from this table (besides a couple of kids). WHERE'S THE GREEN COOLAID DRINK???? Or has it been replaced by the more 'natural' color orange drink?

And why does Logan look like he's channeling Zoolander?

And finally, let's not forget that Kody is a 'salesman'. See how he implores the customers of his mother's caramels to buy more and more!

That's all for now, and remember...

I Scour the Internet, so YOU don't Have to !!!


  1. I thought the same thing about the grocery list. I'd just bet ole Robin was at the top of the to do wait, that was a honey-do list wasn't it? oh, either way you can bet she was on the top of the list.

  2. Makes me nervous to think about what Robyn's house smelled like considering the clan admitted to her being a horrible cook. I wonder if we'll get to see the first mcmansion Thanksgiving in a future episode? At least I think its the first....hmmm...

    1. With their track record of not paying their debts, this could be the first as well as the last.

    2. This is true. Boy do I wish we could see that tax day episode! Although they've seemed to have made it through a full year as homeowners so far.

  3. Anyone else feeling conned about the caramel episode now that the Browns are selling them via MSWC? It was clearly a show-driven suggestion by Kody about the caramels....I feel kind of foolish to have believed that was a real idea and a real 'competition'. Hmph. I hope they had the caramels properly inspected and verified by whatever governmental agency regulates things like this. Anyone else notice that the Browns' tweets are asking for people's responses...."how does your family celebrate?...."where can I find gluten free scone recipes"??? I think they are trying to reach out to the 'fans' and not lose them. And finally, who is that next to Logan? Taralyce?

    1. I noticed the real plates and silverware instead of the usual paper plates and plastic.

    2. I think the girl sitting next to Logan is one of Robyn's step father's daughters. Her name escapes me but I think maybe Mindy perhaps?

      And those caramels are professionally made...check out the packaging. I wonder how much that little venture is costing them.

    3. Change out professionally made to factory made!

    4. If that is one of Robyns family members, I wonder if she's living with her? Because I've seen her in a lot of the family pics lately. At least I think that's the same woman.

    5. Looks like they will be back on Dec 29. I hope they show us something besides the same old worn out,made up drama.

    6. I'm thinking we may be in for the same old worn out, made up drama. I read an article this morning, can't remember what the site was called but it was something I found on Google. Anyways, it talked about the second half of this season and how the Browns were finally in the homes but still dealing with marriage strains and the wives not being as close to each as they want to be and all that same ol, same ol. Looks like the only difference is that huge party they threw which the article basically confirmed as the commitment ceremony. And of course more of Meri's empty nest syndrome. *sigh* we'll see. I'm mostly looking forward to the reviews! Those are the best part.

    7. Well, I just saw a tweet on Mykelti's twitter from a Mindy J who mentions she loves to be surprised with Starbucks (at least I think it's a Starbuck coffee) when she's "cleaning the bathroom or bathing sol". Bathing Sol??? hmmmm....

      If it's true that Robyn has got yet another relative living with her as a live in maid, I just don't get it when she claims sister wives help each other out. I know of many monogamist women who juggle being a business professional, having children and a husband without any outside help. That faux business of MSWC just doesn't warrant her needing additional help.

    8. I think maybe I need to have a talk with Robin. I'd love for her to tell me how she went from not having a pot to pee in, or a window to throw it out of, to having a live in maid & nanny. I know that with hard work & determination you can turn things around, but I think Robin is proof enough that you can by-pass all that tough stuff and still live the rock star life!

  4. I think Robyn must have some emotional issues which aren't disclosed to us. Taralyce lived with her for awhile as well. There was also the She Rah alter ego thing. In theory sister wives would all pitch in a help her (especially empty-nester Meri) but clearly that is not the relationship they have with each other.

    They only put out tweets and displays of a big, fun family when its about time for a season to start up. Which is why we are seeing all these random tweets again.

    1. I have to agree with you. Too many times, either on Twitter (when twitted a rambling response to her "haters" almost three years ago or more recently that ridiculous outburst about a department store ladies room), her "blog" on the TLC site (where she chastised a monogamist hair stylist), or even the show (the "Hunter doesn't show me respect" when Sol was born) it just seems she is trying to set herself up as the "Lady of the Manor"...which is kind of a ridiculous thing to do when you're supposedly the poster child for polygamy.

      Something just doesn't seem right, and yes I'm beginning to think she some issues that she tries to keep hidden but they creep out nevertheless.

      I'm thinking her need for attention has basically sucked the other wives (and older children) dry and that's why she has to rely on her own relatives to help her out.

  5. I don't think she likes housework and raising children. She loves being Kody's favorite and that's why she's allowed to get away with so much. If anyone needed help, it was Christine when she had to take care of her 5 children and Janelles youngest children while she was pregnant and after she delivered. When has Robyn ever taken care of little ones outside of Sol? And now it appears she's not even doing that!

  6. After reading Robin's rant about the bathrooms at big box stores, I can only imagine what that poor girl has to go through living with her, if that is indeed what she is doing.Robin strikes me as the type that wouldn't lift a finger, but would expect someone else to kill themselves working to make life perfect for her. In my opinion being Robin's maid would be hell. I can only imagine what the girl's life was like where she came from, otherwise I wouldn't think she would hang around this long.

    1. Yep, Taralyce certainly didn't last long, did she?

    2. No she didn't. I couldn't help but think of Cinderella when I read the tweet from Mindy about the cleaning of the bathrooms.

  7. I'm glad to have found your posts again! I was an avid reader of the other blog, and I missed your posts.

  8. I wonder if any of thoose kids ever get to sit with their father on hollidays - so sad, how the number of wives really not only steals husband-wife time from each of the four, but even more so from the child-father time....

    Also - that's Christine's house! Looks like Meri wasn't into playing hostess for all the family get togethers after all ;)
