
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cynical Jinx' Review Sister Wives S06Ep04: Odd Wife Out

Okay, let's ponder something for a minute. Most of the footage for this season was filmed over nine months ago.

We already know the Browns got approved for their mortgage loans, despite Kody's plaintive claims of "We aren't 100% sure we are getting these houses" or Christine saying "...Until you get those keys in your hand, it is still nebulous..."

They MOVED into the houses already. People saw the U-hauls, SWB received pictures showing Meri was the last wife to move.

The only people who were in the dark as to what was going on appears to be those loyal uber fans who friended the now deserted, family friend run "Official" Brown Family fan pages on Facebook. And it's in public records!! Note to Kody: Next time perhaps set up a trust that doesn't have Kody, Brown,  Family, Entertainment in its name to purchase any future real estate if you want to keep it secret.

Like the real celebrities do.


There. I feel so much better.

Due to the excessive use of flashbacks, confusing editing, ridiculous will they or won't they move in storyline, Meri's crying and Kody's constant presence in practically ALL the scenes, I'm giving this episode 25 Uncle Art Raspies.

This episode was all over the place. The only way I could keep track was by seeing what hat Mona was wearing. Nobody gets a Hyrum this time. Enjoy your awards!

My favorite quote of the episode: Janelle: "Oh my gosh! ...This is so tedious!"

Those words definitely summed up this episode for me. But I have to be thankful we didn't have to sit through yet another discussion about Meri giving her answer about another baby, or the problems with that hobby business known as My Sister Wife's Closet.

But boy, oh boy, the rest of the show sucked ostrich eggs. Big, gooey ones.

Here's a moment I wished had happened:

Mona the Real Estate Lady calls the sisterwives Meri, Christine, Janelle and Robyn together to give them some news.

Mona: All right. Now I want those of you who think you are getting the keys to your house before Christmas to look happy...
Mona: Ah...Not so fast, Meri...

That's right. Due to Meri and Kody failure to get their paperwork filed in time, Meri did not  move into her McMansion by Christmas.

Meri is the Odd Wife Out. Karma's a bitch, isn't it?

Funny, but I would bet something else happened that delayed Kody and Meri from getting approved and this storyline about Meri's procrastination and Mariah needing to be in the McMansion like she was being shipped off to live on Mars in 2013 was all a ruse. What's that old saying - If it doesn't jell, it ain't aspic? Well, this ain't jelling.

Some other low lights of this episode:

- Kody "deciding" that he and Janelle would assign the rooms for Janelle's kids in her McMansion.

Funny, he only spends one quarter of his time with her kids but he expects to dictate which rooms they would receive. And what was the deal with his lecture to Gabriel about wars being fought over territory?

Luckily for the kids, Janelle already made the decision  that they  would decide which rooms they would get.

Good job, Janelle, but I still can't give her a Hyrum because... We really didn't need to know that Janelle's and Kody's  bed was worn out. Heck, she's been pregnant 6 times...I'm surprised that bed didn't spontaneously combust years ago.

- Kody's off handed remark when Janelle mentioned her boys were all taller than her, with the exception of Gabriel (her youngest son).

He said "Gabriel will probably never be taller than you". Maybe he was just kidding, but if you ask me (and you didn't) I think from his comments about territory and wars and how his youngest son (besides Solomon) may never be taller than his mother gives a little background to the dynamics going on in Janelle's parental unit. Almost like when he accused Hunter of being a testosterone monster a few years back. Kody is totally clueless. How Kody can call the McMansions "his". For example, when he says "My house with Janelle" or "My house with Christine". But when he talks about his children, it's always Janelle's kids, or Christine's kids. Never "my" kids. And he is not listed on the deeds (except for Meri's).
- Christine's cooking.

How can this woman make celery look unappetizing? And what was that charred stuff in the pan? You know, the one Aspyn "thought" was tiramisu? 

Oh, and what's the deal with celebrating Joseph Smith's birthday again?

 Last Christmas, Christine was denied celebrating her family tradition with Hanukkah being celebrated instead. This year, it's business as usual with not a word about what happened last year.

Which just shows the audience THAT fiasco was all fabricated for the show.  Leave it to the Browns to be willing to sell out their family traditions to make good television (and it really wasn't even that good). Christine once again self flagellating herself for being a bad sister wife. Seriously, if someone has to constantly say how happy they are that they stayed in a relationship, maybe the opposite is true especially when she looks so depressed when saying it. She needs to either leave or shut up and take care of her house and kids.
Turn that frown upside down, Robyn!
-  Robyn telling all the monogamist women in the world they don't know what they are missing by not being a polygamist woman because "...there are blessings that monogamist women will never understand." Well, thanks to Sister Wives, I think the women of the world are relieved to be living in monogamy.

If Kody is an example of the best in polygamist husbands, what do the worse look like?

The episode in pictures:
Those McMansions are HUGE!
Christine working on the Family Mission Statement
Kody telling Robyn (with witnesses) that she's too beautiful to cook
Meri doing what she does best...
Welcome to your McMansion, Janelle!
The Brush Off !!
Truely reading one of her books
Kody's feet are also dirty but he's got socks on...

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