
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Dargers Love Times Three: What Does It All Mean and Will We Do Another TV Show?

It's been several months since the last time I ventured over to the Dargers website,

Holy cow!

The Dargers apparently have been going through a ridiculous amount of change and stress this month!
Young Papa Joe with hair...and less stress

Papa Joe writes in his blog entry for May 7th, 2013 that he had a breakdown of sorts. In probably the most honest blog entry  from a now public polygamist, we find out the Browns aren't the only plygs with finite resources.

The story he tells may be humbling, but my radar went up when he wrote about how he initially blamed wife Vicki for what happened. What was even more telling, was the fact Vicki had to call Papa Joe to fix the problem instead of trying to work something out with legal wife #1 first.

OK. Show of hands. Who was surprised Papa Joe hurt his wife's feelings with harsh words? I'm not surprised, but he did apologize later. Not that it makes his actions less egregious, if you know what I mean.

I also found it hard to believe the gas company didn't leave a 48 hour final  "love note" on their door, but it is Utah so who knows what utilities do in that state.

You can read whole sordid story, and Papa Joe's new outlook on failure here: What does it all mean?

The blog entry for May 9th 2013 is, for want of a better word, sad.

Sad that in the competition for TV time, the face of polygamy Joe Darger has lost out to its hind side known as Kody Brown. Or as Papa Joe puts it "... our motives for what we do have little to do with money...[but]...we think the reality TV market will certainly seek out and flourish with such programing that frankly does not meet our values and standards."


Say it ain't so, Papa Joe!! (Makes me wonder what Papa Joe thinks about NatGeo's Polygamy, USA show, YIKES!!). 

Of course, Papa Joe  most likely was talking about those OTHER reality shows, like TLCs Breaking Amish (yeah, right).

You can read Papa Joe's entire blog entry here: Will We Do Another TV Show?


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