
Saturday, April 13, 2013

TLC Sister Wives - Blogs Robyn Brown: Open Letter to a Monogamous Beautician

Robyn with her sister Taralyce               (TLC)
Funny, just a couple of days ago, a friend asked me what I thought about Janelle's blog...I pooh-poohed her, saying that it was the ONE thing the Browns did right - by only having Janelle with a blog writing about topics that most women could relate to and understand.

Then it happened. TLC posted a blog from of all people Robyn, who is clueless, CLUELESS on what concerns women may have in their daily life. In fact, just to show how self-centered she still is (after almost 3 years of marriage) her first blog entry focused on Robyn and how a beautician mistreated her.

Remember Robyn's rant about Hunter not so long ago? Well, now she has turned her wrath on an unknown beautician. I imagine Christine and the older Brown children are breathing a sigh of relief that Robyn has set her sights on someone OUTSIDE of the family cul-de-sac this time.

I find her story to be unbelievable. This is how she described what happened:

"I had this experience with a beautician that really threw me off and set me back. I sat down in her chair to get my hair done and immediately I could tell she was bothered. Her face was hard and after a few moments of awkward small talk she looked me straight in the eye and said, 'You must be crazy and stupid to ever think being married to a man with more than one wife was a smart choice.' "

Trust me, if I thought a beautician was that upset about my sitting in her chair, I would get my fat behind up off that chair and ask for another stylist. Or complain to the manager. Or look at my watch and say "Oops, I've got to go. Thanks, I'll leave your tip with the cashier." I would not just sit there and allow a woman with a scowl on her face (and a pair of deadly weapon scissors in her hand) anywhere near the juggler veins in my throat, let alone the hairs on my head.

Nope, that was pure fantasy on Ms Sullivan's part.

In a way, her Letter to a Monogamous Beautician was so indicative of what makes Robyn tick.

When Robyn says "Please allow me to enlighten you" she's actually saying How DARE you talk to me that way. I am better than you, and don't you ever, EVER forget it !

And can Robyn be so simpleminded to think that her 'belief system', which apparently allows single women to fantasize about married men as potential husbands, would sit well with the married women in the world? No wonder her 'belief system' doesn't actively proselytize. What married woman would want to join a 'belief system' where every "belief system' get together becomes a supermarket where single women can shop for a husband. Based, of course, on that man's track record with his current wife (or wives), his ability to parent, and surprise surprise, his wealth. Wealth that the original wife worked hard to obtain and now some single female wants to share. Let's be real, forget about how the man treats his wives or his ability to parent, it boils down to this: Easy money, and with Kody Brown, 15 minutes of fame on the side.

So this is how I picture Robyn meeting Kody that first time. While Robyn was husband shopping, a check out girl announced "Clean up on aisle 3", Robyn hurried over and saw Kody standing there with camera crew in tow.

Robyn may not be the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, but she's not a total idiot. The rest is history.

When Robyn says "I KNEW my husband was going to be a good husband and father before I even started to consider marrying him..." I laughed out loud. Robyn honey, like you said in that book you co-wrote, you saw the convertibles, you were offered a free wedding and honeymoon. Woman, you saw DOLLAR SIGNS and a TV SHOW - that's what motivated you to get married again.

Short of Kody falling off of Mount Everest, this was a done deal. And to support this, you even said of your first marriage you were married to the son of a very prominent polygamist family. Well, now you are married to a polygamist man on a reality show on national TV. So please, spare me the "I am lucky and blessed" simplistic view of your 'belief system'. You married up, and most likely you will be onto your next polygamist hubby once the Sister Wives train pulls into the depot for the last time and the McMansions go on the auction block.

You can read the entire article here: Robyn Brown: Open Letter to a Monogamous Beautician

1 comment:

  1. I cannot argue with you! I think you hit the nail on the head here!
